Newspaper Page Text
Mills Coming Serf*
Durinng the next tour yean there 1
win be am a marvelous change n 1
the materia! condition of the son* hern
state*. The sooth is the natural field
lor cotton mills and the da? is net |
distant when the balk of the cottoo pro* j
doced in her fields will be mano&ct* 1
tired within her limits. The number
of cottoo mills io the sooth has been 1
steadily increasing for the last ten
yean, bat her advantage* lor mar.a- •
factoring cottoo goods are only begin
ning to be appreciated.
The Morning Newt has been saying
for years that the time weald come
soon when, the sooth would be the
greatest manufacturing section of this
i country, and the indication« that she
i will be are steadily becoming more
i apparent. She has the raw material
for cotton factorus and iron mill*, and
I there is no roason why her raw mate-
l ncal should no* be con-umrd at home.
The amount of nerhern capital which
has been invested tn the south since
( the war of accession is small in com
parison with the amount that wi 1 be
invested before the end of this cen-
t tury.
e In cotton manufacturing the south
p is gaining rapidly on the north. It
will not be long before Eng'ish spin
e ters will begin to think of erecting
p plants in the touih f>r the uunuMciure
of cotton fcoodt. It* they do not do
so they will find their export rra*ir
^ slipping away from them, because
the advantages in the southern stairs
for manufacturing cotton goo:! * are
greater than anywhere else :n the
e word.—Nevs.
^ Thomisv l'e, in the ernter «f agrea*
cotton growing section, should be
among the fir-t place* to locate m.»-
or more colon mins. They are c-w
A Woman'* Cry.
: Evefc Kansas.
Mr. J, A. Graham, ^editor of the
!ae-p* Oty Tiaies, says: t
"I bo!i.*rc it p^raible that Kansas, i
i t hr nt-r-r fut'irv, wilt he a demo* t
ra**c state. Th* revolt ajgaii st the t
•puhfi K.ns which was suppose! Co lie i
•mporarr, I Micro will bo perma-
i nt. Tfso popul?»ts*inow bare con*
that state, hut the
their violence ia
hl<*. Conservative
> rinch alarmed at
the recent turmoil in Toprkkj and the
jv.»|.u i-fs have lost a large percentage
of the vo»o they polled two years ago.
The party is in fact totally dirorgan-
»z:d and on the edge of disruptioo.
To day the people of Kansas, on the
tariff and other prominent public
questions, are democratic by a large
iniq uity. If this administration iat-
isfirs public opinion on the tariff and
other qu. stions it is safe to say that
Ivai.sns wid l.e a democratic state.”
borne twee ago London Tid-Bits
•feted & two guinea pr*ze fer «he brv: ]:
definition ol a K m. Seven rhoi *»m !
answers srere received. The pr.x- i
definition is hercwitn jj u m ;
‘•An in^|»*d ai d us > k * morsel. ,
which becomes ch !:eous ar.d dc'ecii
ble in proportion as it is flavored with
The foPowirg is a selection from
some of the be t definitions submitted:
The sweetest fruit on the tree ol
love. The oheaer plucked, the more
abundant it grows.
A thing ol no use to one, but much
prized by two.
The baby's ngh*, the lover’s priv
ilege, the parent’s brnison and the
hypocrite’s mask.
A telegram to the heart, in which
the operator uses the "sounding”
Nothing divided between two.
A road in the sea of life, on which
the good ship Bachelor was wrecked.
Hie thunderclap of the lips, which
inevitably follows the lightning glance
of the eyes.
The sounding line used by a woman
to fathom the depths ol man’s weak
An article that is always acerptrd
and imprinted, but not always pub
The only gift a gentrona !«.\er -kis-
to get backiag.iin.
Contraction of the niur.h Cu-.' to
enlargement ol ihc hear.
That in which two head - are belt-, r
than one.
In connection with the - definitions
an exchange men: ora the fell -j
There is a v.-r . .» can gif- tr.Oira' a.
She be: a k'.ss r t r. *U-1: .r i*i. ;
young man d- » II irr-r.r- •. id l-
elected. The y-ur.g \ *.t : * v
lar m tho hiu <’.* A ..
to hold uni.: ... 'z re ». •- , ..
when he wrn: . i mJ to c«.. ! c*. ; <
mean girl to.d »*'•;_ bail r.. -. ru
the ki>* »o •. id. :, who V.w.b
cheerfully pay u • i*:.»e •t:d.
The Dcmasrais B&tisv-?.
The New Y«..k *•«:. k«m* tbs t ■
lowing as a con iiiis.ui-n. rt lho U.r.i
ocratic platf.-r-.*. !>:r;vr-i{.- n nc-d
not km w the nrii cl. !.* f • vir
should paste tl\.- i;i i; ir i.-.t -r
going w iar—bcapuf.
rcticrioii A‘
My bird cage skirt, !■ the* I ka cl,
Crioolioe I
For lift or ftuk, for woo Or wed,
Tby lair proportions wow rtml,
And yir«l those beaatro ttlinbs wilhstee 1 ,
CiUoliaal My Criaotio*!
Tboa wilt not cawer in the dtfst,
Tby |ktkls( Wert shell never rest.
Crinoline t
Bcaeatur, bow, thy enw b jut,
Remember every aberp |mm thrust,
And “do*’ the editor or boat,
Crinoline I My Crinoline I
Deer lluopikht, break the tyrant’s chain,
Crinoline 1
We wouuea ahoutd not call in vain,
Crinol'ne I
We meet our sitters oo the plaln b
Sic temper *tls our proud
That t*a!H«a minions back again,
Crinoline 1 My Criaoline 1
Thou wilt not yield the vandal to'!,
Criaoline I
Thou wilt not bead to his control,
Crinoline I
Better a sawtog oa thee roll.
Better he buried ia a hide.’
Tb n shrink aa inch to save bis soul,
Criuvliae! My Crinoline 1
"Justics” ia Sil-er.
CaiCAUo, March 18.—The largest
silver aiftiue ever known since the
world twgan, waa aucceatulty coat
a UniieefinM DfiMlhl 1
rSiA Cures •SrSBi*-
Cures ‘SKHia
ZEMA, aranr form «
malidaaat SKII
“a” indlcataa train stops, T Indicates train stops on signal
Train leaves Moatcemarjr at four a’clock p. in. dally except»
XHt p. aa. Lsava Luversa six a n. dally except Hanuay, arrlvl
Tralaa ft and tt parry Pullman Vestibule Sleepers between Cl
Tor lavaaaaa~ / CeaIveetoB'. KlchmnM,'Ballim'ere, l*bi!adrli t,l;
an sleeper from Way cross to Naw York without ebauge.
Close connections at Mnatcomery tor all western points.
W. M. • ATID80M, O. P. A. LIlE
Jacksonville, Fla.
- -—- ia. da?*T
. dally excapt Hund;
‘Aeaiaavllie, Waycrosa aad Jacksonville. Train 7S<
Scientifio American
Agency for^.
JLt Parannal
|Ar leaup..
At waycroa*
Ar .. Albany.
'jAr... Jackfcocti
I Mam
|iii>bed fact. Tne co
it is siaied, ia *70.000.
S m* Mure Pmins Fa I.
V\ AStllMSTON, March 20.— !lie
Pr* -iatul rent 0* lit* Senate to day
the foi'owing numinatiuua:
J K Kuan a, ot leiuiaiana, to lie
Minister to France.
ibeo Uunyuo, of New be
Minister to Germany.
Gen. Wade Hampton, of South
OMaat barren far seamm retenu tn America.
Rvary patent taken out by *»U brrvnxht before
Ua pablM by a aouea straw fraa of ebarsa m Ua
Scientific JUncticau
Larveat rlmtlatloa of any sdcotiae paper la tha
world. PfleoUidly illuurmte.1.^ No Intellirent
i»n. Our Alht* v coi*«ri»».
t* dir riglit link. Cenai »
>cr 'he design or intent ot
rcni’.r.g the commission to
vn t; t roads. These roads
[•a! io the prosperity, tom-
onvtnicnc:* of the people
• should l#.: u towed a rate
! pay a t.vr per e nrage on
of the proper y, and io keep
rolling stock in fust class
. Wc arc quite sure that
ile ol Georgia will endorse
Tiatria Xna. 14 and T. bare Fullh ait Plerplttp 4'j.r*
Fort Tauipa No 75 baa NlrriaH brtw* eti Jui b
all i>ynlar atationa tetwren Jackaon\fllc and Bavanbuli \
Trains No». 14. C, 87 and 6 connect at Jenny toi
Train No is connects at Warcnwa for Albany. MuotK-imc
Ciucinnatl and St. Loula. Tbrnueb l*uUinan Siroprr* ir<
■t connect with Alatmiu* Midland railway at lUiabrliltt t
Tlckrta auld to all points and baggage check*-* *J.n>uj
•ocured at poawnpr ntsrUna
R. G. ri.KMlXG. Boperintenrlcr* M. D
sui.11> trains iietwken a
This is the !ime of year when the
editor tells the farmer not to plant so
much cottou and give him other val-
n«blc advice about running his busi
ness, ami the aforesaid farmer goes
right ahead and plants just as much
ot the fleecy siap'e as if there wasn’t
an editor iu existence.—Quitman
Fre* Press.
Tloir.i nssr;
■istacco to ecu
EFFFCT JUKE 12»h. 1092.
.imetthere Aidi the rail*
No Fare
cure inrta:
We believe tho Tim 1:5 ICnthufigsk
was the first paper in the stato to
Miggost that the 2 fiOO office holders
meet in Atlanta and g * to Washing
ton in a body. Now it is suggested
in the Constitution that these office
wantirs ninke a deal with the 11. &
D. people and get up an excursion to
Washington. They should have each
coach labelledWe want Pie, and
Plenty ot It.’* Our piece is at the
di*;x*M!t of pry friend.
Tho speech which Senat >r Ilill is
to deliver nt Tacoma, Wash., next
fall will bo. it i* said, his opening gun
in 1ih campaign for the democratic
pre-ideutial nomination iu 180G. Isn’t
h? beginning rather early ?—News.
Mr. Ili'l made the mistake ot elec
tioneering for this high office last
summer, nod it teems that he is g"ing
to make the name mistake again.
If that crowd of 2,500 office seekers
from Georgia goes to Washington in
n body, Hoke Smith will turn gray
in a few hours. He will have to
barricade the interior department.
Claude Bennett, however, will have
to stand the hrunt.
Proteeti unc
power in the Fed.-r
impost) and collect
cept for revenue 01
1 Atlanta.
Trusts and cotnhi
idly regulated by hr
Quitman .....
Every t me a Georgian "cr lls” the
President * itet him,” but it is not
known whether he will be "raised” or
not.—Albany Herald
The chances are mat he will "go it
a’one,” and get "euchred.”
The Denmark Times is compelled
to make an apology: • The types
made as say last week that ( we are
sorry to learn that Mrs. J. D. Baxter
is slowly improving.’ It should have
read, 'we are glad to learn.”
S ime people are so inquisitive as to
want 10 km-w where Cmker got th«t
$250,000 to buy a half interest in
Inlie Meuiln f inn.
Ar Mtmphi* . 111! WSOs
"TillraiiiWrJ S)lc«n«ri
jMkMOKillc to Cincinnati
and cleranl day coacbca
Jackaonvitl* to CkatU-
nooga without ckangr.
Coinage nf h itb g •!«!
no discrimination against
a); the dollar uoi of both
be of equal and iotcrchai
UPPMAR BROS.. Praprlt’ors,
Drngglsti. Llpposa’s Block. SAVANNi
Loire Colmbma
Arrive Richland
•• Htvsou ..
*• Albany ...
. OBgUyRntalAlvsjs.
)•»- berth 1
ft. w. wnr.N.N.
. lofXY.Dirt. Pasa. Agt/.Sa W«
f P. <k T. A.. Kaoariijc. 1>**. -
Honest Civil Sc
^cma5l n!k*i£u i\
i’i* asurc i
» regrmla
e concert
Trains Xoa 5 nod 11 ran solid between
Albany and McDonoof b, and carry through
coach between ibomasvple ah4 Atlanta, via
{ST4I1 trains ar ire at and depart from
Dnion Pep »»s at Thomasiiilc. A'baoy, Co-
lambua. Gr (Hu and Atlanta.
W. D. MANX, C. A , Albany. Ga.
OT. M. FAUriLEY. C. A , Go'nu,bur, Ga.
CKCIL GABBKTT, Gertral Manager.
Colu'tiLu*. Ga.
Slow But Sure.
Washington, March
Prerldent divappMTitcd th? r
in agsin tn-. ay. ihis '.in:*-
lag In no r.o*.r.ipa:ions M ah.
the Senate ard the ommi:
wailing to receive ib-m. 1
seekers r.rc Vcorrijg more :
with the fact that PihhU-itt <
does eot coi si.Ur tV.M dbtnl
patronsgf- SS the t-rim-.ry
Which be wss elrcu-d, :«.t 1 1
ready to ctt:i»t .-tTUr.««
to-day by :i tn :n s » - *.f i:.-
that, no unniicsti*#:.-* p •: rt:i
ary weu'd lo ?••:.*. i • the f
thre its adjaurun^i. , ~..i b
Cdtntako fl*<- > r Ar.-is
President j :: s .i
ftsnts moiit drh ; >-:r i:»
get \ho Utvti ■ -:•••••
officers and 10 ih-< cr-J tLu.
eics which ho rcprrnnS r:**i
The Pliiladeipl.ia Ilecord
gootl word for tbe pmtessi
nays: "The jiunour.comeci thx
dent Cleveland would jrive
; ewrpa|>erii the go-by in c**c
app iutmcnis to ofiict: has Ihc
tradicte I. This u a mailer ol
The editors iu the Unitr-d fila 1
bvrvc the country Ix-st if they
their desks. They are tby sal
earth, any way.”
' A sewed shoe that v..ii
seamless, smooth :aside, : .
stylish and durable than ..
sold nt the price. livery c i v! •.
made shoes co6tirg frem *4 to
L The follcwiaj: arc cf LI.a t-
L *KS and *s.o« r-.-C . "
VMV lj.00 HanuMcv.. !.
ft-J° «nd a.««? r -
S1.75 lor
it 13 A DUTY
tO RCt ISMS l C .
money. Co
toc-.srcrr fc-
To-tiav it the 56th anniversary of
the birth of Grover Cleveland. He
will celebrate it by putting in a good
day’s work.
The o'ly lliLU'Mt'irn; Ojtc'an* in :h
SM-oth, Atlanta. Ga.
fgrPrdJ!ri are not toppled these
amuut pies*-*. l T-i'-w«:m.
The old reliable Central is getting
there with iu Nancy Hanks train if
the road is in the hands ot a receiver.
j.&t Kso.v vrur.irr,
Bacon fi Birmingham R. R. Connections.
AlOCST 21-I. 1SPJ.
A woman from Kaunas haa applied
to the World’* fair for the privilege
of (‘.owing uu butior:*. Bachelors to
tho trout.
A woman out in Ohio is gone mad.
A dead Imtly whs found in the vicin
ity s«ipjK»scd to Us her mi».v.n;'Jwonh*
lnuband. Alter allowing fur,
feelings to bs harrowed up, laying in
11 good supply ot V.ccdi, and paying
for un expensive funeral, the trilling
husband writes from l’cnnsylvania to
say that he is well and hearty.—Ex.
I am boiler prepared Ilian ever
do any and all kinds of repair froi
in iron and br.iv*. In addition to loi
years of ex? «r*ciiee, 1 am fully eqnl
ped with the latent iniproved 10c
and can gu*mnu*c sll work entriisti
tome ijhop-. in ivnrol*former n*i
deuce, on lower Jackson street. Gi’
me an apiMirtmiily to make an cat
male on your woi k.
The talk of consolidating Biooklyn
and New York is revived. It would
make a magnificent city.
Jules Ferry, the great French
statesman, is to be buried with high
honors by the state.
Clevo'.ajiiFs Summers.
Washington. M*ieh Kt.
dsnt Cleveland h )->.»l.trg u . :::A ! r|
h summer rcsidcnc. ?. i.hin 1y g |
distance from 1 bo white h« u-:*. He
Intends to live up to former rule
of not abBsntiog bims. if fmn: \V: «h -
Ingtou and bis ex«cui’.r • JiitUs f..r a
longer per*Kvl then onr in each
year bo presides ?vcr tho nhiio. house.
Other public servants are granted one
month’s leave f»f absence every year
End he doss Rot propose to go iieyond
that limit. One day lust week he
■rat for a prominent business man
Who is intcres'.ed in suburban real j
l£ftto and discorard reveral sites,
later on ho nnd Mra. Clev.lani] look
■ into and cssuaiiy iospcc.ed two or
throe non or less desirable
The average boot black of the
city must have some supernatural
way of gathering news. They cannot
read, but while giving you a shine they
also give you the latest version of the
current news from tho .Sunday closing
of the World's fair to the Inst slugging
match in New Orleans, or sensation
in Atlanta.
, Contractor and Builder,
I will br glad to make contracts for, or
superintend alt classes ot buildings, public
or private, in either brick or wood. Will
tornlsh plans and specifications if required.
If jon want any building done call on me
aad I will rubrnit estimates, whether con
tract is awarded me or not. I will guaran
tee satisfaction in all my work. I refer to
the many building! erected by me in
Atlanta comes to tbe front again
with another sensational suicide.
Connections with Atlanta A West l*otnt R.
H. BUttNH, A. a KNaIT.
If all the editors get an office who
is to run the newspapers ?
Hchedules from Tlioma-Lvllle l > M
laato, ktontgemvry, AtthovUie, U.»w-i
Leave Thomasville, S.FA W...-13:31 noon
Arrive Waycross, 4:00 p m
Leave Waycross, •' (limited)- 4:35 p m
loavo Tbomasrlllo,
Arrive Albany,
- Macon, ti. R.:
* Allan a. -
Tremont Temple, ot Boston,
destroyed by fire yesterday.
Arrive Jesnp, 8. F. A W.. — C;
Leave Jorap, E. T., Y. Jt G.« 6:
Arrive Macon “ ....^..^.11:
Arrive Atlanta, *• 2:
L-are Atlanta, •• 2:
Arrive Rome, ** 5:
Arrive Dalton, *• m......... &
" Chattanooga, “ 8:1
Leave Chattanooga Q. k C......... fcl
Arrive Cincinnati, •*
Pullman Cars Thomasville to Wa
aad solid trains from Waycross to 1
Mr. Cleveland's selection of an ex-
Confederato Colonel to be Secretary
of tho navy has been accepted by the
republican press io a com mend able
spirit of meekness. Tbe republicans
are beginning to admit that the war
is really over.—Florida Times Union
(Dem )
Thiit would b'j an interesting tri*
angular fi-'hi between Northeo. Ba
con and I);ilh;:n f »n f;r peuator. And
it will probably cumo rfl at the
proper time.
rr 9 Oft* r«m • £cw<i
w-Mdk Xnswrrs Bafetp So
Lift oflloOurand CALX.
MOTHER’S FRIEND brel .tallljn will
mak. the present season at the Kcn-
tacky Stables, st the low price of
Invariably in Advance.
BEVORE U by Kina Bone, La by
Belmont (sire of Nutwood, i ;
and or Wodtewjol, 2:19) he by
rl#T,witer*i Abdallah, f^re or Gold*
smith’s Maid). Beroka's first dam
was Boaewood. by Blackwood, (sin
or To rtinc. 2 ;10.'., second dam by
Paul Murphy, thirl dam by Cock*
spur, foorth dam by Sir Wallace.
tt property.
JuijB Jackson’s Succsssor.
WiSHEtOTOX, March 19 —It is
reported ben to-night, on apparently
good authority, that among the num:.
wiUtema to bo sent to the Ssnate tc.
toorrow will bo that oi Chief Justice
W W LeTton of the supreme court
alThHeate to be judge of the Sixth
JadMal drcab io place of HeweD E.
Jeckioe, promoted to the bench of
-the Cubed States supreme court.
I yteat Ben hog and hominy and
J. C. HA1LU, Con. Pmo Atom.
Barahoah, U
W. P. SPELLMAN, TraCc Mr.narrr.
Har-nnah. Ga.
A—"Hvl!«s old ebsp! Congratn-
laliona! I hear you have married a
lady with an independent fortune?”
B—"No; I married a fortune with
an iudt-p- ndent la1y.”—Vogue.
And now one Josh Jump, of Indi
ana, want* an office. A great many
are jumping for an office. Aa Joohoft
hot taken a running jump, so to
apeak, be may get to the tank first.
Go it, Josh.
Votes io the Kansas legislature
copies high. Oo« senator was oflered
$5,000 for his Tote io the last senatori
al conical, k> he swears before an in
vestigating committee.
RefitliBg Boiler Feels,*
inn ikhii ira hath lucmi.
That oI«J reliable paper, the Augusta
Chron:c’c, continue* to give tho farm
ers good advice oo tbe tubject of cot
ton p!aa:ing. But wid the farmers
heei it? Iluidlv.
Conrr Hindi SL. ui Smith itt.
Bright Sonny Rooms ud
In Stock: Mill supplies and Plumb
ing Goods, Finest grades of Babbctt
Metal. Vahts and Garden Heae.
The office rvekers still linger about
\V f aa!iiogton. But they cannot linger
much longer, their money will give
h0R.(HiLL^ & Fever
L' fvlALARlA J