Newspaper Page Text
"■ 1
fi* Weekly Timas-Enterprise.
• TH0MA5VIU.E.U.\..
h Mcrnoriam
The Smifitru )>cu|>lc jcv«-c
• «.] J.fl Da . J'. 11 tj* i vn.ujiis
will bi rdUtcrndio dayiu Richmond.
iebn Triplett, Editor an>l Haaa£cr. U" j*» ««( &.« ««%:«„&
. Saxu:u>ay v Junk 3. 1893.
fPCbolera ha* appcu
M in France.
Bripg* ba* been dowiied. l5«*t will
he stay down ?
Ji-lIerBiin Djvis e*iU li\e>—in the
hearts of hi* countrymen.
cage baa b'
The entt-m
creased 20 per
k Te:
of Ut
( Dr. I’olnrz
hia «.ec ion.
Reports from middle Georg
the peach crop at one fourth
years crop.
The action of Cover
commuting the semcr.c
is gent rally* approved in this
It looks very much like M
would come out cm top in the ling
tiou going on over the Central
Homo rule is having a rough time
of it. Mr. Gladstone
confident of putting
Editor Josiah Cartir, and b's tv o
able lieutenants, I>. ?!. Back bum and
dlen Water?, are making the A lania
flerald hum.
There ha n’t been a new cand da.e
for governor or senator trotted out in
two or three days. Wlui’s the matter
with the boy*?*
oil lor a short
of office seekers,
Mr. Cleveland :
fishing frolic iu
beyond the reach
and is happy.
The 30th was federal decora!
day. In many points contedertfes
joined ftd.rals :n decorating the
graves of the federal dead.
•r L.
funeral train whs uitt at ey«-ry city,
t'»wi aud village, by the
Veil cans of the war, women and
cbiulreu. lined the way/rum tbe Cres
cent City to Richmond. Ai Mobile^
Montgomery, - Atlanta, Charlotte,
Raleigh aud other poiuls, thousands
gathered to honor tbe Souths dead
■'.Mlcrutau. Many ol the scenes att
ained -were very affecting, Strong
men, who lad uufliucbiog'y laced
tfeaili on a hundred battle fields, shed
kears at the sight of loru at d tattered
battle flags. The womeu of the
South, God bless them, brought
offeriag* of fliwere and p'uctd them
lovingly aud tenderly on the casket
containing the dead. Little children
hushed their prattle, and looked with
wonder at the honors so lavishly be
stowed on tbe wan who suffered so
much for his people It was an oh
ject lesson. Those who participated
in the exercises will long remember
the impressive scenes. Next to the
dead chieftain, the people love best
his daughter, Miss Winnie DaviA, the
Daughter of the Confederacy. She
accompanied the remains of her distin
guished father on their journey to their
final resting place. In beauiitul Hol
lywood cemetery, iu the soil of Vir
ginia, the mother of states and state
men, within sight of the capital of
the confederacy, surrounded by a peo
ple who will ever cherish his memory,
tbe remains of Jefferson Davis will
rest uulit the last bugle call.
After v life’s fitful lever he sleeps
Romk, Ga , May -50 —Walt
Beresford, the bngu> L*.rd B-.*i
recently convicted <>t forgery
to-day taken t-» the pcnileutiar;
“On to R chi
time was the sad
train bearing ihe
president of die S
The latest p .nsion
of a sweltering pure
a pension because -
big toe. Next Gof-
From Kate F.eld’s v
beauty ?
Jack—N > u*.i ■
likely «o overbear
A circus train was
sylvania vesuul..
many other win!
the citizens, hix
the wreck.
Dr. Briggs has cn
ment iu his own
Presbyterian general
Washington. It loo
would convict him.
QUARASriNK, L. I.. M.»y 29—Dr.
Nash, representative of Dr. Jcnkens
in Hamburg, reports by cable this
morning one death frtin dhol.ra in
that city yesterday.
The fact that syndicates ol northern
men have recently purchased laree
tracts ol pine lands in die south shows
quite plainly that the pineries of the
northwest are almost exhausted.--Sa
vannah Press*
l*ko they
R. Price o! the Central
Georgia snipp'd from < ir •
Fia„ to day the firs: c.irhv.
melons of the season of :i
consigned to Cn ctnnatt, an
via Albany, Ga , the W<
Atlantic railroad and thj
Bainuridgi:, Ga., May 2
rific wind storm, with hail,
southern portion of this
Saturday afternoon about
On A. Cohen & Co.’s lar
May 30.-15.
I u c
large tobacco ba
Memphis, Tenn., Miv 29—Hie
heaviest rainfall in the reduction of
the old inhabitants occurred through
out Tennessee, Mtssissipi, Arkansas
and Louisiana Saturday n»ght and
yesterday. The whole coun’ry is
* flooded, and incalculable damage h:s
been done to planters.
The Irwinton World, iu aa edito
rial entitled, “Shall Women Vote?”
takes this position
A small movement is n aw on foot
for a petition to go before the next
legislature asking that hotly for an
amendment to the constitution of
Georgia which will give the women
of this state “equal rights before tie
law and full and equal suffrage with
We think this movement on the
part of the ladies of this noble organ
ization is extremely unbecoming and
ridiculous and should meet n hearty
condemnation by the pre.-s and by
the people generally.
When this great institution, which*
was organized to restore tullen human
ity and *s a guardian tor the safety of
the rising generation, dnf;a into tie
politics of to-day, then the purity of
(he institution is destroyed and the
object of its inissiou will rink into cor
ruption. We, therefore, urge the
ladies of this union to continue work
of temperance in jkeace aud harmony,
striving to restore fallen humanity
and preventing the young aud inno
cent from falling into paths of the
wicked, iustead of turning their good
deeds and future intentions into a
a whirlpool of trouble and political
Criminals, hereafter, in many cities,
vill be accurately measured instead ol
the o!d time description. It is a
French idea. Chicago was the fir.t
city to adopt the plan in this country.
At a convention cf police chiefs in
that city the other day the plan was
heartily endorsed. Atlanta aod Savan
nah will put the plan in operation very
Speaking of it the News says
When a criminal is brought ii
fingers of each hand are accurately
measured. The dimensions of tl.c
lead are also ascertained, as well as
he measuments of oihtr portions of
the anatomy. These measurements
re carefully noted and stored
mb a photograph of the subject for
u*.ure reference. If the prisoner
should happen to be wanted in anoth
city these measurements are tele
graphed to that department and com
pared with those on hand. It they
l!y it is pretty certain that the
ian lias been bagged.
Most persons are willing to do away
with vices—of other people.
.Bad luck is the only kind that
comes to people that trust in luck.
A load of sorrow doesn’t wear one
so much as a swarm of annoyances.
The mau who thiuks the world owes
him a living is always iu a hurry to
levy on the debt.
It has been said that a fool may ask
a question that a wise man cannot an
swer; yet both may be better for the
An action may be so clothed as to
Von Polnitz, The Bainbndge Wife
Atlanta, May 30.—To-day. Gov
ernor Nonhen. "commuted the sent- ol Von Polnitz, the Baiobrdge
wife murderer, to imprisonment for
life. A. few weeks, ago the Governor
respited him. for -thirty days. The
scaffold upon which he was to have
hanged had been built.
When the Davis tunera* train reach-
cd Greenville, S- G.,it was .just: two
o'clock in the morning. Two thousand
five hundred people^ many ot them
feeble old men who had worn the
gray, were found standing patiently
and silently waiting, to get a brief
glance at the casket containing the
body of Vr. Davri. Frail; delicate
women aod hundreds ol children had
stood through the silent hours waitirg
lo. the train. What-a tribute to'the
d?ad ch'eitain. Col. Hoy*, who cona-
maiidid the palmetto sharp shooters,
delivered a short address. He said
Greenville aud its visitors, repres
uiing South Carolina on this -occa*
sion, have come to pay homage to the
illustrious dead. Veterans of the
southern confederacy are here with
the last fond tribute to their dtparied
cheftain. Mothers and daughters
have come to lay their offerings upon
the bier of our great leader. All
these join in saying that the people
whose destinies wete directed by him
for four years momentous in history,
hold his services in loving, grateful
remembrance, and as his ashes are
being cartied to their final resting
place, they would emulate his devotion
which shrank lrom no sacrifice and
quailed before no aeril; and even at
this unpropuious hour of night, aged
vcttrai.s and frail, delicate women are
her** to honor the memory of Jeflerson
Davis, the beloved chieftain of the
histone southland.
Discrimination Against Cupid.
The city council of Baltimore has
promulgated a series ot park rules
tba? will probably arcu-e the most
violent rcsemment on the part of yourg
Baltimore of both sexes. At the open
ing o* t^v warm season, the season
when tV young mini’s fancy lightly
tun s lo ihojBghls of love, notice is
served tt kf there roust-be uocourttng
in th - parks.
With , cold blooded disregard for
othtr people's feelings and sentiments,
the rales assert tha’ the packs were
“not established as courting resorts
or as a place for the making of matri
monial alliances," and that “lovoj,
making in them will not be permitted.”
Defining tbe fu’es to a reporter V
member of the park board said '‘bill
ing at>d cooing” was an 1 ffense against
• good morals aod decency,’’ -ai d that
the t couple' who dared to kiss in a
Baltimore park would be promptly
placed iu the cooltr. A man and a
woman might sit together on a bench
as long as they please, but the mo
ment the swain’s arm sought the lass'
waist, or her head touched his shoul
der, that moment a cop would cm
brace them both and march them off
for sentence.
In short Cupid must lake his arrows
and get out. The tramp with .his tin
can may come in. Sentiment must
confine itseit behind closed doors and
swelter, while laziness and leisure may
loll on the park benches. It would
not be surpr sing to hpar of a com
plete change ot h eal gove rnment in
Baltimore afer the next election.-—
Savannah News.
-algg .-H ....
The Iron Hall
The following special v 1 l'i he\of in- 1 }.. . v ., _ .. t .,. , .
trest to the local m.-ra’i r. o /. Iron ^Urshal_ Hurst Exhonerated‘u.uuiy
Hall. . ! . . From_Any Blame.
Indianapolis,' I »d.. Mi. 27 — t'he
Richmond, Va , May 30.—Ojc of
the most notable epochs in the history
of this famous city is at baud. Peo
ple are arriving on every train from
all ever the country to pay the last
sad tribute of respect to the memory
of Jefferson Davis, late president of
the confederate states, who will be
reinterred here to-morrow. There
are many indications that the event
will be a memorable one.
- Gainsvtlle, Ga., May 29.—A ter
rific storm prevailed here this morning
at 1:30 o'clock. E. N* Gower had h:s
• house blown all to pieces. The rool
and weather boarding was blown off
and the chimney blown down. The
house is a total wreck and loss. Several
persons were. iu the house, but all
escaped ubhur», except Miss Susie
Gower, who wa* slightly bruised' on
one side of her cheek, but net
Hoke Smith is cutting off the fraud
ulent pensions. Thai's right. The
country wi.l endorse h^r. Smith's action.
A dispatch from Washington sajs*
The New York Herald, which has
icii exposing the Bussey forays on
e treasury for a year past, says edi>
riu’.ry to day : “The pension decis-
n just approved by Secretary Smith
nkc-'s at oae uf the most flagrant
»uses that flaurished under Commis>
aiier Raurn. Its importance will be
cn iroin the fact that it makes a re
form which will cut down, the fraudu
lent pension ou'-pour from $15,000,-
ooo to $20,000,000 a year. Its sound
ness must be apparent to the inlelli*
gent lay as well as tue legal mind." It
may be of ^interest to the Georgi
tritnds ol the secretary to know that
he wrote this famous decision himself
and without a suggestion from any ooe.
It has generated a great deal of com
ment and if it is made retractive there
is going to be a howl in the ranks of
«he present beneficiaries.
The question of the lumber supply
is attnetirg attention. Referring to
the lumber in the Okecfenokee swamp,
the Atlcuti Journal says :
“This year’s cut of white pine lum
ber in Michigan entirely exhausts the
timber cf that state. Maine is already
exhausted. No lumber ca->t of the
Mississippi river is at hand to take its
place except the cypress of the south
ern rivers and swamps, for which there
is an ever active and increasing de
mand. This is the reason why the
lumber men of the north and north
west are coming south and purchasing
timber lands. There .is scarcely a
week when some one or more does
not interview the owners of the swamp
in reference to the manufacture of tbe
timber to be taken out of the Okeefe-
In this connection it should not be
lost sight of that the pine forests of
southern Georgia will, in a few years,
be a gold mine.
The New Orleans States takes a
gloomy view of the levee system in
the following language
Year alter year the levees break
and the waters of the mighty Missis
sippi sweep over the country, but
neverthefess in tbe face of this terri
ble annual experience the pratiog
about the wonderful success of the
alLlevee system ,qtill goes on, aod the
shouting ia just as lou& as it
when Capt. Eads beguiled the people
with his plan to scour out the bottom
of the river, which however, does not
scour. Every year the levees are
built higher and stronger, but they
fail to stand the immense pressure
We have had occasion to refer
heretofore to the admirable conserva
tism displayed by the Cincinnati Trib
une in its treatment of the south and
southern topics- This conservatism,
which is rendere I the more striking
because of the radical south hating
tendencies of the two e ther morning
papers in Cincinnati, ij illustrated
the following editorial on -The Davis richffl Vere 'mcntiomdl
change its proper effect on peop’ef .against |tkem, and they have never
with most of us a sugar-coated
seems preferable to a pepper coated
Few persons understand the cause
of their own failures. Judging other
affairs as they do their own, they
couldn’t tell why a barrel is empty
when it has a hole in the bottom.—C.
O. Stevens, in Century.
According to a special from Chi
cago to the Constitution, Horry Hill
has been captured. Here is the dis
Chicago, IlL, June 1, 3:45 a- m.—?
News has j net been received at police
headquarters of ihe arrest here to
night of Harry Hill, who is wanted
in Atlanta for forgery. * The identifi
cation is, it is claimed, complete, and
Atlanta officers have been telegraphed
to come on after their man. I'he of
ficers here refuse to give particulars
of tbe arrest.
... W.H.M.
yet given the faintest indication that
they will ever stand it.”
Tbe throngs ot workingmen who
visited the World’s fair on Sunday,
vindicated the necessity and mercy of
throwing open its^ates on that day.
Whilst the idle and the leisurely
have every day in the week, the
workmen have Sunday only for rest
and enjoyment. The good order
which pervaded the fair on Sunday
bore ample witness to the character
of the visitors. They were not friv
olous loungers, but sober citizens and
Bub Mitchell for governor, find
Henry G. Turner Tor the senate with
Capt. w:m. Hammond as congress
man. What-ajeam!—News and Ad.-
That is a strong trio, sure enough.
new officers Supreme Baurg Order
Iron Hall have issued acTra’i. call
ing m to the^hifch vhar .t tr-of
the members whojitve a> titled.the
burden ut o^ain p'acmg'.the older on*
its feet, A depository Has b-:en se
lected fur handling the funds, and
depositories?* will be selected
State for ihe reserve fund
branches. •
Tne word f‘sisterhood” ha-, been
eliminated and hereafter a’.t .vill Tie
known as local branches. Permanent
district* in everv State vrij be estab
fished, conris i: g of ri *t fess than 1,000 •
membtrs »*ch. Untifef' 'he revised
order the Supreme Ju.tice no longer
has absolu’e comr*>', as u dcr“Som-
erby. The circular s Uut tie
order has 6a,*»'»o tnember.'h p, wi.h
assets aggregating $* 50 v'o », at <1
there is ro doubt it wi 1 n>ou be pkicrd
in possession of its own Notice is
given that Assessment N *. 17s is
ordered and that the ^ocal lodges
mast not send money collected to*the
receiver. Further, that the court,
having prevented the order from doing
business f »r one year, all ct riificates
will ma'ut-; that much ’atcr.
' The.Wacoa Telegraph of yesterday
says : ; . -v. •. *. -
Americas. Major, the negro woman
tfho was brought up from* Thomasville
several days ago by Deputy Marshal
Hurst, who was thought to have been
guilty of intentionally passing coumer-
fei*. hioiwy on a merchant ran ed J *r-
. i rc.H, \r^ ^oue on htr way rtjoic.og,
t videbce could be introduced
»ng her in any way with intert
iolattou ul the government’s
ttut the oS.jOct of said assoclatiou U to
ami oiwral* Vulgar luctucy la said u.mnfy
^Tboiaaa: to buy nud .-etltobaccosof all discrip-
t'.oua and t miauur.ciuro the sunetoto cigars,
cigarettes or oUirrUiln^s desirable, aud to aeii
1 be same; to erect wareUoua s ar d do a geuer-
si wat,ebou»e business; to buy nod soil real
esUto; tu build bouses and Icas-rthe same, aa
welt as said real estate and to sell said homes;
to purchase and b-Hd property or any descrip
tion ; whether real or personal, and to manu
facture said personal property into any artl-
dM de-irable, and to Mil the same, to loan
money and to burrow money tpon mortgages,
deeds of trust, or in au jr other manner deslra-
bla, and to exorcise aU tbe powers usually
ferrtd upon corporations of.tbo same eba
ter. Tucy desire to do business In said c.
ty ut Themes and at any and all other places
Stue el Georgia \ To the Superior Couit
Jy ol TboutuB. f . or sail County:
o petition of J. Mo C. TU»rin, M. Corcee
D1 — -< •*--- **— -
MacIntyre, shows , that they bav-
Pageantry,” taken from the Tribune
of Monday:
It ia only in the United State*
that such a scene as that of the Irans
fer of the duat of Jt ffer3on Davis from
New Orleans to Richmond, could
take place in peace. Surely the bit
terness of the war has happily passed
away. It is a aiguificaut fact that at
the one-time capital ot the biuthern
Confederacy, while there was no lack
of Confederate flags aud emblems, the
dead man’s service to the United
States was remembered by the names
‘Monterey’’ ami “Buena Vista,"
placed over the doors. And one of
the orators at New Orleaus referred
with warm approval to the sympathy
showu by Mr. Davis in the growing
prosperity of the reuuited country.
The time has parsed lor a revival of
rebellion or of secession. Our south
ern brethren by this pageantry are
doing honor to American valor, and
the magnanimous nation whot.e great
ness and beneficence they enjoy by
reason of the defeat of their cause
feels no necessity to place any check
upon their demonstrations over their
When it is remembered that these
are the words cf a republican news
paper, printed iu a republican state—
the state of Flannel-Mouth Foraker
—it ia not too much to say that not
only is the war over, but that its ani
mosities are really passed away and
that we are again one people.—At
lanta Journal.
We have received a copy of the
Tampa Daily Tirnep, containing
notice of the clo-ing exercises of the
Tampa High School. A former
Thomasville boy, Louis Kendrick
son of Mr. and Mrs. Tat Kendrick,
was one of the graduates. The ’1 itnea
thus refers to the young inau :
” fhe oration, “Our Country,” by
Louis Kendrick, was an excellent
efiort f sketching our country’s growth
from the thirteen colonies along tho
Atlantic to a vast territory frem ocean
to ocean and lrom the great lakes to
the gulf. Our valued climates, com
mercial facilities, mineral
Mr. Vuu^iui and hri nephew, Mil
ton, and a negro named Lester* all of
whom handle i the money passed at
Juir.-nVi^tore by America* Mij »r came
before ihe comursrioht r y. surday,
butliur.: *va> n_t 1I12 .sligh »st evidence
that they had done an intentional
fef'-ur, ihe uegro, to whom
Milton bo d me chickens and Iron#
* (li-.- maney firs*-Started, so far
a?* if-y 1 ki.u*n- is a negro well kno*n
in s iuauab cuUnly a»' rvlt ibis.and
houesri llesa'.d yrsnuday that he
niighi h^.ve pssMdtf c rnoiuy, but f»at
if he d.d so he had not ihe bhghtesl
idea where ; ; came from
The-case ii a cousidtrable puzzle
but as it is c*r a n that thj money was
coined somewhtre about Thom as vi lie,
the raar.-ha: will soon ferret out Ae
author cf i>. Ihe money,-a silver
dollar pieer* is a good counterfeit, and
0:1c u-.iuspectingly might readily take
it in good frith.
The account of the case, as n ap
peared in Sunday’s paper, to lar as
Deputy Mar.*ha 1 Hur>t is coucerntd,
was iuccrrcct. ai.d was based upon a
clear misundtrs'andiog of the facts.
Mr. Hurst, so far from being guilty of
any wrong doing or official-error, has
ac'cd properly in every particular, and
it ib *1 reply regretted that he bhould
have !>ecn placed before the public in
office Biiaii bo iu tbo
tha.* tlio capital
——isimi a*.l-
_ 1 ‘
until tbo ca;
Mid county ol
- I’oUlioners lartn*-r an
stock ot sold association Is ten thousand dot
l*tra to be divided lntothaiesor one hundred
dollars, with tbo privilege ot lncr. nslng th
Kvj u, (rom tlino to time, until tho eaidttlktoolc.
shull huve reached quo hundred thousand
four lutitioners furtherfduiw t>*ut ten tl
s&l doll jus of said stock has bceu-aetua! 1 /
jmld In.
Aud your petitioners ask that ho ludlvldu-il
liability sh all attach to any stockholder now or
petitionee* pray tlio passing of an
The petition of Georgo Clarke, ^ra Vniigat «,
a“riyGrady. ilirret Jackson’ Mattie Not wood,’
Howard, Lucy Lik e*. Mary Clarke, Bet-
tit Mitchell, Harriet Mai er and such other per
sous as are and may hereafter become assoc
iated with them, desire to be incorporated ust
and may'hereafter .become 1
* ' pe to be IncorporaU
-Aid Rising Generation
Tout petitioners further show that the object
rthelrassoclai‘ ' - *-
dead, and ants
of their'association Is to aid tlio sick, bury
dead, and assist each other in distress,
they desire to lie lnv.sted with
thority to receive donations, make purchases
and effect alienations of realty and personalty.
8uo and be sued, enforce good order, and ob
servance ot such constitution aud by laws an
has been and nay !<e adopt ‘ *
the gov«
the puriMUe ol promoting
Vour poUtionet
censor* be invest
ity alorossiil, aa<
any be suitable
s<c»ty 1
-..Ut, Put
by the said honorable
plication and that they and their sacuesaois
be ir ’ ‘ - -
1, with tbe privilege
Incorporated for
- years, with tl
..irutlon ot the said
poses herein set forth ;nnd
ovc* pray.
Atlanta, Ga., May 29 —A terific
wind storm, amounting almost to a
cyclone, swept across the northern
part of the state last night, approach
ing within ten miles of Atlanta. Two
deaths are reported ; thatoi Mr. Kins
ley, n;ar Harmony Grove, and that
of Mr. Baker, near Butler; while sev
eral persons are fatally injured.
The cyclone pissed within four
miles of Decatur, s x miles from this
city on the Georgia railroad, at mid
night, devastating a strip of country
ten miles in length and about 300
yards in width. Five dwellings and a
number of outhouses were blown down
and demolished by the. wi jd
Impressive scenes were those around
the grave of Mr. Davis in Richmond.
A* ihe veterans poured by, the car
riage in which Miss Winnie sat one
and drum 'corps alter another
aorftly played the dead march. But
when the Maryland men came up
their band gave “Nearer, My God, to
Thee,” and the daughters! the
federacy burst into tears and hid her
face in her handkerchief. May God
guide, bless and protect Winnie
Davis, the daughter of the confedera
cy, is the prayer of thousands and ten
of thousands.
Vicksburg, Miss., May 26.—Ten
thousand people are homeless and
hungry in Louisiana parishes. Forty-
four negroes have just been rescued.
They-are almost insane lrom exposure.
They bad not tasted food for four
days. Two children died and their
bodies were ihroxo into the seething
waters. One old hermit had to kill
his dog for food. When found he was
munching the meal from 4 abone. Gov.
their families who eagerly availed] Foaer has 5Cnt all , he tents he has _
themselves of such an opportunity of
rational enjoyment and instruction.—
Phi’adelphia Record.
Here is pretty sentiment. The
lines were attached to a modest little
boquet of wild flowers placed on the
bier of Mr. Davis by a N< rth Carolina
Dead, Lot lii*?plrit breathe*.
Dead, but bU heart i* oott,
Dead, but hi* wreathe* x
His crown with tears lor flowers.
granting this ai>-
B til
April li&ib, 1892.
IvquL-oJ by law.
▲uq. H. IIakaell.
Judges. C. H. ■
:opjr from charter book April 2
Citation of Dismission.
y-. A. Fleetwood, adminl>itr.-itor,
•WP/estate of John llicks, deceased
pda edfetal&tratkm, thtf. ts t<> cue.
ocrnedti» show cause, If any they ■
p$(odfor on the timt M-..may ”ia Si
1S33. (ilveu under ioy lriul und olii
t?its 15th day ot May, 189.1.
iolaUve of pr
r petitioners
A prill 14th, 18L-3
AgreeaMc t»an
Jourt of ordinary
\)« w>ld iMifore tho
r.s with privilege «
■-iur petitioners
ilrator’s Sale.
inter from iho
Baldwin Dry Air Bifripraiors, S!i Sizes.
government was claimed to ba a
model for the nations -of the eaith.
Well worded reference was also made
to our freedom ot speech and religi ins
belief. It was a sound practical ad
dress, showing patient, intelligent
research and excellent understand
ing, aud evoked loud app'ause.”
Ixmis’ young friends will be gla-1 to
learn that he.took a high, stand in ti c
school. Thomasville bays always get
well up to the front.
Those were eloquent words of CM.
R- W. Pattersou, of Macon, in his
address at Andersonville on decom-
tion day. Among other things fee
Before uac now, framed by lho.-e
same hills, I see again the mirror iu
which a republic is reflected. Then
the picture was of war ; toAlay it is of
peace. Federal and Con fede: ate vet-
erifns are mingled hero to dj honor to
the mighty dead ; and iu this patriotic
purpose there is portrayed that senti
ment which pervades the republic, a
sentiment which, forgetting the bit
terness of sirife, doe3 honor to all the
greatness which it evoko-l. Thirty
years, like thirty messengers from the
god of peace, have whispered alike
through tho npp-ing waters of Lake
Michigan, aud the musical rythm of
the St. John*! ‘ Forget, my children,
and forgive !*'
I speak to-day as the scion of a
deep rooted Southern stock, belong
ing to a generation of men who found
the lullabies of their childhood in the
thunders of the same artl’lery which
sounded the death knell of their sire?,
whose youth was familiar with the
degradation of defeat; a generation
which has been the Curtins of Ameri
can history, sacrified for the lienefit
of the republic in the great gulf which
diyidcs the past from the future; a
generation to whom the flaming s word
of war barred the gates of that Eden
where their fathers dwrit, and iho
sweat of whose brows has watered the
arid earths from which, in poverty
and in humiliation, their daily bread'
has been won; a generation which has
had but little leisure to brood over
the glories of the past or to dream of
the success of the future, but which,
amid all the necessities of the present,
have been so true to the traditions of
the one that they have assured the
greatness of the other.”
The Brunswick Timesl is making
brave fight over the situation in that
city. It says: '“There is no cuch a
word as failure in Brunswick’s lexi
con. AVe may suspend, but there is
no power of man great enough to keep
us down permanently or for aoy
length of time. We have already
wiped the dust raised by tho recent
cyclone out of our eyes and are at
i of Thomas county for
.. ihau ten years, he is a g( ntle-
l cf tl)u highest character, aod the
>!e uf :vs section, by whom he is
t high > esteehstd, and justly so,
be dJighietl to lezrn tnat Mr.
ii lus no blame upon himself, and
e h m,was enure-
: Hiju
Camp t !;oa-i
M pohtiCAi J.
q ; tc clear that
-ined somewhere
. Tne base coin
dropped here
ised by a travel-
>u, coins. Ooe
- <>f tbe parties
.- fiah -
The Baldwin’s are better and ehea
not posted on Kefrigcrators and wish t
You have that privilege. There are a g:
the Baldwin is the only Bi'.frkskratou.
from all others. _ Save ice. Save inont
More Baldwin’s in use than other make:
• !<;
Try -
fokbes’ FureuriTiTisr: eb«
An elegant line now *
i liaml for inspect!
GEO. W. FORBES, Agent for Ludden & Bates' Southern Music liouso.
io.wsi it* love for Mr. l*)av-s.
a;-, do their lighting at loiy
Frcdiu'c Ceminission Mcrdiants
deriving p.oiupt returns
etiory sale?, would do well
e above firm a lew trial
. Established 20 year?.
. Irving National Bank of
.r cards and stencils may
c.-d from AY. M. ltecse,
To Tobacco Growers:
A native Cuban, perfectlyJuarind
n a’.l particulars, referring to the
rcaitucttl of tobacco leaf, from its
mltivation to its packing, offer his
or to any
or a cousidcra-
i on grounds of
-« X. Y. Z.,
vide, Ga.,
ti 1 d&w In
i Ot'Kldi, May 9, 1893.
pllod iu duo form to
luanent lottera of al
ee of llarrlct L. liran-
, deceased, aud I will
lou nt tuy oOico on the
Jos. B. MrjtKKLi.,
minor cblldrczi
v’s Office, April IS,
conumsBloncrs appointed
persons Interested are
‘ •* ’no term, 1893,
county to bboww
i8is, way sma returns snould r
ju-ltfxontof said court, and
Jos. S. MEr.BiLL, Ordinary.
OEDINAUVS OrricR April IS, 1693.
John \V. ClIlTord, administrator on the
Ot James M. Earnest, Jr., into t
first Monday in July next J89X
said county,
“irsof ilia-
and I will
Job. a. Meubill, Ordinary.
:caAs County.
Ordinary’* Office, March 8,
i.J.T, Pittman executor ot tho liiat
trill ana irsiauicoi-
ceased, represents to tho court in his petition,
duly filed that he has fully adminisb—* * *—
O. l’Utxnnn’s estate. This is thereto:
a*l persons concerned. hcir3 and cr _ __
to show cause, if any they can, why said execu
tor should not l*c discharged from his Mini*'
inflation, and receive letters ol dismission
. Jos
A Mrs. Cosby, of Appling county,
shot and killed a' white tramp who
tried to assault her the other day. It
won’t do to fool with Georgia women.
Three cheers lor Mrs, Bosby.
One caaoof cholera at Hamburg.’ 1
Thus reads the dispatch. Is it tbo
beginning of another epidemic ia that
fated city ? .
You can spot the narrow- mindo-I ( ^ii^i-'y'droi a^d, uu applied to mo for
editors at the north by the howl some :
of them will raise over tbe bouurs |
paid to Mr. Davis. — —r—
* -♦"» • . GEOkOIA-Thomas CouXXY.
Ia Connecticut a law has ju-.t li en ,
passed which-makes it ,hc
doctors, upon request^, to wn c out ihe ar .
Jos. 8/MDoitth, ordinary.
prescription in plain Eoglish.'
Forbes’ Furniture House, 175 Broad St.
OoinmissiondVXeie h; 111 is
Soutlioi‘ii b ruits and Vegetables, Ni< lens and
Pears a Specialty
Our Mr. Frank Simons will give bis pcrsanul attontion u> « mi ignments
of his South Georgia and Florida fricmls. Stencil.- funii-N :! by hxpiv^-
Agcnt Grautham.
-~M anufactt: r r: i
Complete, j
The best system for elevating cotton
Many go’il medals have been awarded to u.-
tvhat you want. Wc< an save von monev.
v: so hills,
Co’ion Gii Feeders,
Delivered at our store that have no broken staves
or chimes and perfect buug holes.
Is Sure! Safe! Sensible! It Always Cures!
Inflammation, Laceration of the Cervix.
Congestion and Ulceration and
Falling of the Womb, Tumors,
Profuse, Difficult, Anteverslon, -
Irregular Menstruation, .Retroversion.
Jtnd Leuchorrhcaa. ' Dropsy of tho Worn b.
V Dr. J. C. McGill & 9n.i-3 & 4 Panorama Place. Chicago, Mi.