The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, October 07, 1893, Image 1

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, > V t h,~ m. m EH (*ir:tL.isiiRii. Every Saturday. Mi l*■».}•» ii nr Oirnor uack^on Streets SUitSCUtPriON BATES. Six Mouthy Thre? Month?, PAVARf.K IN ADVANCE. THEO. TITUS A .toi-n-v i\t Law, Thomasvilie, - - - - - Qi. OJics uver S; 120 Broad St., S. atVuknsy at i.aiv, g ■ 0. CCLI'KPPKR, Physician and Surgeon, MOULT1UK, • - - GEORGIA. t ffera his to the «itUelif o olq'iiit and a<lj>cwnt counties. G. V. LANEY, 71. Di i HV^JCIA.M AND SU? GEON. «‘»IM.1U1K. COLQUITT ' ).,0A. C'vr- »;ir. -.. rvirva U| the • * !* Colqmi . (In.. 0c». ' Monuments. [ reps'eseut one of the anti most reliable mi.uicat houses in the n.'i-x h»u1 can make •vs «»•> iiionumciits. head in'..*, etc., lower than any ly- ith ial Stone Curbiug meter) lota made to [RON FENCING, THOMPSON Iron Works, .1 M UM»> STREET, THOMASVILLE, - - - GA (0) n\ than ever to i.i all kiml- pair work :»«!:! 1Y)Otl to long u:i fully equip* improved tools work entrusted • >: former real •• n -!r.u‘t. Give »•**«• an cRti- . THOMPSON, Ajrt. WHAT HAS.TAKEN PLACE DURING THE WEEK. Interestng Items Pcked Up All Over the Country and Care fully Prpard and Srv- d tj Djr RiI*3 Lives of senators remind as We can plans of others balk. If we will bat rejolutely Talk and talk and Ulk «i d talk. - —Kansas City Joura -.1, Thu is the season o! the year when tramps come south. Look out for these gentlemen. The South Georgia College now has ninety seven pupils The next week will run the number away up Hog-killing time is drawing near, and soon the farewell squeal of "the porker will be heard in the land. Thomasville'a cigars have a wide and rapidly increasing reputation for superior quality. The demand for them u growing. There will be*a meeting of the \V. D. Mitchell Camp ot Confederate Soldiers held here ou the 23rd of Do cember. The occasion wi'l be made an interesting one. The election ot Hon. Robert G. Mitchell as Commaudex of the Con* federate Camp in this county, was a proper tribute to a brave soldier and popular gentleman. Furni-hed homes were »*ever before lu »uch dem-aml in Thom uville,which indicates a large influx ot northern visitors to the City of the Pines dur ing the cutting m-asju.—Atlanta Juuriral. Tne b owing up i f the negro thieves while dividing |« «d«r ahich »fty had stolen in Metcalfe, «%• tne ta'k ot the town )cstcrday O te ot t*ie negroes blown up )>as not been heard from. It is thought that be lit somewhere in Florida. They say tn Metcalfe that Mr. Bushin keeps “mighty strong powder.*’ There was a good sprinkling ot cx- Confederate soldiers in town y&>ter» day, and their hair was liberally sprinkled with gray. Gallant men three, who responded to call of coun try and braved death on many battle fields. May time deal very gently and kindly by them in their declin ing years. Rev. D. H. Parker opened a letter at the post office yesterday from a big hearted gentlemen at the North who •pends his winters here. Thb letter cintained a check for $100, as a con tribution to the building fuud of the Baptist church And he is a mem ber of another church. The Pullman C;r Line - BET WE EX— That was a roost fitting tribute to tbjt late Col. Wm. D. Mitchell, wbeu the Confederate survivors gave his name to the orgsniztfion in this coun ty. “The W. D. Mitchell Camp” will enshrine the memory of Col. Mitchell and hand it down to the ris ing generation, as a peerless soldier, model citizen and Christian gent'e- man. Louisville, Cinc'unatl Indianapolis: AND ..t CHICAGO AND THE MfyESI. 'Hie Pullman .Vestibuled ' fervioe 09 Night Trains, Parlor Chair " Can* on Day Train. ' Traffic has picked up rapidly dur ing the past few weeks. The rail roads have about as much frieght business now as they can handle, and are forced to run extras Two ex tra freight tcaios left here yesterday for Savannah, and we are informed that this will have to be kept up in order to handle the business. This is quite diflerent from what it was on'y a few weeks ago. The Monun Trains make .he fastest time between the Southern Win- - Cities and Summer Re* sirtn of the North IMiKL, General Manager, Y J. Kt- LI) Gen. P. A..C iica*u. e Bro»<l s-reef Then aarlUe. 1. ®. PALIN S BRO.’ Carriage Shops. Lower Broad Street, Thomasville, Ga EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIA6E AND WAGON REPAIRING _ HORSE SHOEING, ETC, Best Equipped Shops d ...Hi.-,,. we ere preimnd d» -liliiiiit, .n ».irk io oer lie.'With d The old Confeds are patting away. When Secretary Hatuell of the Con. federate Survivors Association read the minutes ol the last meeting yes terday and called the roll, the re sponse to two- names, Rogers and Stewart, when their namea were called was “dead.” They hail joined the silent majority, gone to join Lee and-Stonewmll Jackson, since the last meeting. In : another column will be fuucd the 'professional caid of Mr. TLeo. Titus, one oi.onr brightest and most promising young legal lights. Mr. Titus has been with Messrs. McIntyre & McIntyre for the past.year or two, bat hat recently moved into the office over L. Steyerman & Bro., 129 Broad street. Although a young man, Mr. Titus won lor'himself a prominent place at the bar. AH basine<8 entrusted to him will be ably and conscientiously attended to. cults: For 1.41, >.r M inu.!, I. M«mlniil mm Kutiulti weakness, NlRh* RmlttaloUH, Unduv<*kijw>/1 yiud Inactive OrRiMi*. Hclf Mm-rt. V»utbfin Iadlxcrc- reuniting $«.«». .sent AU cor fen, io icily roulidgntUl .ACHE MEDICINE COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Miss Katharine. B. Djwdy-the ac- comptLhcd prioc pil of the Allen Normal School, who has been taking her summer vacation at the North, returned yesterday and wll open the school on Tuesday, the 3rd* Miss Dowd, by her close appbcx'ien to the duties of btr post 1100, and her bu ti ne is like methods, Jhas made 'the Allen Normal a model school. Three lady teachers accompanied the 1 prin- ctpal and wilt assist io-teachiog during the ensuing year. te welcome' the dread Monarch.. The faded robe of mortality is falling from A Graphic Pen* Picture of A No- his shoulders. One foot, just touches table Painting. the waters of oblivion. Above him stands a beautiful female, personify log New York, 8epL 25,1893. Christian faith. Her arms encircle Editor Times Enterprise: the eld man. She looks to heaven in I spent a part of my summer vacs- hope and trust, saying * Thy will be lion at Interlaken, N. J, a little rail done. * The old man, being sustained road station one mite north ot Aa- by chrisuan faith, has overcome the bury Park and Ooean Grove. As* fear of death, bury Park is the home of two nota- Such is a brief outline description b’es in their line, James Corbett, the of this painting; and does it not pre- champion pugilist of the world, and sent lesions well worthy to learn. Zimmerman, the champion bicyclist of When I owned the original I paid tho world. The latter has purchased $100 for the best poem descriptive of a heme at Asbury Park and filled it it. Mm. Ann 8. Stevens, James with pianos which he has won at his Brooks, and the editor of the Spirit races. of the Times were the judges. I attended the oj»era house and saw* • If life and limb are spared,you will Corbett perform iu t p'sy called see me in ThomasvQle next winter, Gent’eman Jack.” Corbett is a with as many friendsas I|can persuade, gent'e man iu appearance, tall, slender, to come with me. and weighing »b;ut 180. Ladiep G. Q Colton . call him hands >rae. He don't look- like a prizs fighter. At the close of Mrs. Duggan, the pUy a tiug was formed and he Tbi-i name is a familiar one to our had a glove fisticuff encounter with readers and her features, at one time, au opponent which he used up as he were familiar on our streets and did the bully Sa'livan at New Or- especially In the vicinity of the post leaus. The scene was exciting. The office. This latter p'ace she literally h-iuse was packed to the doors, and hauntegj. She was a terror to Poet- by ab fine an audience as one meets muter Rtke and his assistants. But firs. ula&> theatre in New York, she bad an interest iu Uncle Sam's Tne camp meetings were going on mails, for she wm carrying on a at Ooeau Grove, and I went and spirited correspondence through florae heard preaching on three occasions, matrimonial agency with a man in Oae minister, whi'e preaching, told a the far west who said he wanted a good story, Although he could not wife, wanted some one to roothe his vouch for its truth. A clergyman sorrows and darn his socks. The cor had three daughter*, who were rather respondents culminated in Mrs. Dug- '’worldly.” One oi them attended a gan going to Denver a short time b ill, and came home loug alter mid* siuce to meet her unknown and un- night. As she oauie d.j«u ui break- seen admirer. Upon alighting lrom fast the next uuirid.ig, he< father said the train she was met by the man ti her, "G'j«h1 morning, ouiuot the who wanted a wife, but a sudden n* devil ” * Go /d m^rtiu g lather,” was vu'.sion seems to have taken place the re^p -ua**. Tne'« reply was about that time. He didu’t want a jtrrpvmd. iheie was a smile on wile as bad as be thought What every lOjutenauce iu the audience, the emotions of the two were when Tue other day, my iiule grandson they met, is veiled from human vision, of five years, said to in**, ‘‘grandpa, It Joes not appear that there was any you must not look at that picture.” embracing or oscillatory performance, '* Why,” said I. “Because Aunt Bella judging by the following from the says it was made by'morta thought.'” last issue of the Valdosta Times: was his answer. You will understand ‘Mrs. Duggan hM been heard Ir 1m. that “Aunt Bjila” is a * Corisintn She arrived in Denver,and was met Scientist.” * by the man whohi she went to marry, The picture ii a b^uulul copy ot but after viewing her awhile he the great master-piece ot Rsmbrandt mourufuUy told her that the officers Peale, “The Court of Death” At refused to issue him a license because one time I owned* the original, and it they bad beard unfavorable reports cost me fix thousand d . Its. This is about her lrom Valdosta. He gave, a small copy, 51 net b ; 2k, painted her dinner, five dollars and a fare- byoneotMr. P«M:e*s tiaughura. As well. She is wxshiog'for a living the picture conveys iea-ous which it how, and says the “lying thieves” in would be well for every one to leara, Valdosta have ruined her again, by I will give a brief de.cnp ion ot it. destroying her marriage prospec's. The idea of the p >intii g was sug- Poor old creature.” gested to Mr. Peale by the poem on death by Bishop Porteous—death as Ex-Confederates Meet, a King or Mouarch instead ot a ekele- T ... . ° r . • r • 1 • a 1. a l" F ar * aAUC « °f notice quite a ton. The scene u Jaii 10 a dark and . r . .. n , ... e . , , number of old veterans met at tie dismal cavern, a fissure in rocks above m . fX . » , . , offi ie ot.IIanseli & Merrill yesterday lets iu the light which fells ou the . ., , „ i, .. . / - , - moruiog. t ommauder K. G. Mitch- tho tore-gn.uud. » * pr J ded „ d Cpt. C. P. Han .IT IS SPREADING. THE FATAL FEVER GETS BE YOND BRUNSWICK. Twenly-flve Cases Yesterday andon Sun day-Two Deaths Yesterday—Looks . Like the Whole Country Around Bruns wick Was Infeoled—Casea onJekyl and SL Simona (aland. SpiClal to tho TIMES -ZSTEUPRISE. Bruuswick, Ga, Oct 2.—There were thirteen now cases to-day. In- fant of Blcunt Bowen, Mrs. Ward Lang, Mary Lee^L*0ck, Tim Henne pin, J. A. Hill, all white. Minerva Jackson, Miry Ferguson. Eva Green, Alice Monroe, Annie Keed and Em ma Beed, colored. Twelve new case* <-f fever were re ported on Sunday, ten white and two colored. The xpatient are : Miss Laura Esstmeade, Miss Rosa Nisi, P. P. Judge, Mrs. J.E. Poore, Mrs. Fa V. Poore and Miss Carrie Poore. J. F. Mclnarny, Ernest Brock, .Miss Fannie Brock, one unknown man in the extreme northern suburbs. There were two deaths, one at 3 this" p m. -the infetat of Blount Bowt n and one at 8:30 to night, Miss Rosa Nissi, who relapsed. These deaths occurred alter the report oi boxru to day.' There are two casea on St.' Simons Islafad, Mi s OrQla Dart and Eugene Dart^ and four cases on Jeykl Island, two ot which were previously reported, all while and members of the Fulker son family. On both Islands the cases are iso lated and premises disinfected Recapitulation: Cases under treat ment 74; discharged, 38; died, 12; to tal, 122; per tentage of death a frac tion over 8 per cent. Surgeon Murrry has no news from Jesup to-night. He has just returned from Qamp Detention where he or* dered the camp limits extended in accordance with orders from Surgeon General Wyman. Surgeon D.ssassure oi Camp Hos pital liaves tojnorrow to investigate su pic ous case at War.sboro. Dr. Murray w.ll leave to-morrow to tnvei tigate suspicious case at Gardt, on the E T, Y. & G. • road. Surgeon Faget is -at Fancy B uff, S^uth Bruns wick, to*night investigating suspicious laess of John R. Djci finger. Indi cations to-night t**.at the country around Brunswick is generally infected, C. W. Demino. runs Association waa merged into a penioniBeiJ, by a l.rgo figure tn the ^ ^ „ The meeting ot»OU„ty oi Uw tank, ground. Iofl :*- m htrmonioa , „ d di d J .be eternnOM »mth K o untamnee. „ amont o{ baaia< £ The one baud stretched forth iu the act as Q Confederate Vote, gmng out a iqandate or decre*. One foot rest 1 upon the dead body of a youth Stricken dew., in the prime of „ w j, MitchellOump,”" and re« lire. Tea feet and head of the youth - - * ** hang down over a lime Wm.d rock, izlUon of whic hGenerS Gordon “ d 1 t0 “ ch ‘'J 6 of ? b,mon is commander io chief. A full set of whtchfl.w below .ndtcsaog the mys- officeia were electe(J ^ uother tho origin and end meeting M for ^ 23(dof De _ On either side of death are hi. cember ' The “Cump” is well-offi principal - ogenb: war, intemperance Mred M embnice8 - “ ,re » a y* Ltd LJ. At the loft ofTaS f - J* “ a are seven figures represenUng war. ‘ of 61 to 65 w.11 be kept A sol tier with anger and revenge the ' ,,ho brant depicted in the countenance, the ol h* 10 ”' Tbe blood dripping from his sword, the ,nd «Bd_ » victim slain and Wien behind, ho dra, * ned *° "7 ‘", tramples over tho widow , and naked perpetnato comredesh.p, to .ncnlcate infant. In front of war iesps a lory. ‘ broad all sections of onr country—and to aid The Farmer. The-following eulogy is worthy of _jthe great paper from which it emanab cd, the Baltimore Sun: . i “Mankind conld survive the collapse of all qiher industries but this. The one essential man is the firmer. * He is the klog of a’l ao'd at the same time the servant ot all. His reign began with Adam and will last as long as the son shines and the rain falls. He is 4 ope of the few laborers that never goes on a strike and who conld not afford to allow a strike. Hfejrtopping work as bad ar cutting off tbe earth's supply ot air. “The farmer not only gives the* world its bread and meat, he not only sustains its bodily life from year to year, but he forms the vast surplus or reserve capital upon which the cities and nation are constantly drawing for the maintainance of their physical, intellectual health. Country air, coun try light seem to make strong bodies, strong minds and strong souls. The freshness, the breadth and originality which come from close communion with nature are’nceded to give life and blood to the depleted urban system. From the beginning of our history the fanner has contributed great men to American business and politic*, pro- idmg intellectual and moral as well as physical material for the country, and we hive reason to be thankful that we can look to him for this also in the future, as well as for ths pro ducts of the scil.” Thomasville Quarantines •Against Jesup. Upon receipt of information Sunday that a case of yellow fever was repott ed in Jesup, Mayor Hopkins, With 1 is unial alertness, immediately wired Savannah and other places for reliable information. Liter in the day it was learned that Savannah and Alabama bad quarantined against the place and the.S, F. & W. had issued orders that no trains be allowed to stop thtre. Mayor Hopkins immediately declared quarantine by this p'ace and Sunday night and ycsterdiy all trains were inspected. Facts About-Artesian Wells. The ‘ Journal of ih^Franklin Insil lute” for September contains an article oh artesian well* by Oscar S. Garter, Professor of Geology and Mi leralogy in the Central' High School ot ibis' city, which is of general value'fqr the scientific data which it presents on a subject of utmost practical importance. Referring to this tbe Philadelph'a Record saysi “Concerning the superior purity of ar tesian water, there cannot be a ques tion. It would be obvious even to the unscientific mind that water which filters through hundreds of feet of rocky strata must free itself in the process from deleterious organic matter. As Professor . Carter, speak ing with all scientific confidence in'! spired by ample scientific tests, de clares: ‘Disease germs, which sewer age in river water renders so common, are unknown in artesian water, unless the Well be drilled to ajtvdri? popu lated district or the well be improper ly cased.” Thomasville is fortunate iq drawing her artesian water from oce of the deepest wells in the ffoutb, 1985 feet deep. Her water supply, coning as it doer, doubtless, from the P.edmoat regior, is overlaid by hundreds and hundreds oi feet of solid rock. No wonder it is pure. There is a marked absence of the usual summer s ekness in families who use artesian water exclusively. It saves doctors bills. Thomasville never mad* a better investment than when she bored for thispuie aDd ioexiaustable supp’y ot water. Metcalfe Mention, Metcalfe, Ga., Sept. 29 — [Specia 1 —Married, at the Methodist church, in Metcalfe, on Thuraday evening last, Rev W. C. Brewtou and Miss CeUs- tia Chore, Rev. D.\ Branch officiating. The attendants, were Mr 'Vi 1 D>ss wuh Miss Oilte'Horne, Mr. J »hn A* Crenshaw wt h Miss Annie Bottoms and Rev. Mr. Wnlis with Miss Eva Berry, Miss Cqfrie Stringer rendering the march. The numerous friends of the happy couple extend to them, the wish that none ot the joys qf the fu ure be with.- hi Id from'them and that their We may be one unbroken chain of hipp:- The Times Enterprise has always been an advocate of planting out rmd preserving shade trees in Thomasville. Here is a suggestion from the Macon Telegraph which applies with equal force to Thomasville: The Telegraph suggests a tree commission in addition to the other oommissions in the new charter. The shade trees in Macon’s streets are the pride of our ciuzens H and a commission whose duty and pleasure it wou'd be to add to the .beauty cf the streets by a more strict attention to the shade trees could do much to add to the appearance of the streets and {arks. Add a tree commis sion by all meaii-.” Harvey, the infant son ot Mr. and Mri R. E. S.ringer, wa* buried at Springhill Cemetery yesterday at 4 p. m. Litt'c Harvey had been in feeble health tor qui*e a while,'and it was but the work of a few hours. for cocgesiion to still the little heart- - ia death. Toe sympathies of the entire community go out -to - the bereaved parents in this their, first sorrow Jut* trial. # torches, lighting the path of war to , _ .. - t , 4 . kestruction. Clorely following lhe be found m went. It * a moot worthy wavier are gaunt l.mino and dreed Md noble, orguuntion, and we hope pestilence. ' •»«*> ** EC 0 * prosper in the days ^ * and years to comb.- Oa the other side, but near to death, is a beautiful female,^with all - .. . tbe charms that can centre Tn a face , : - - or form. Bho is kneeling and dipping Some lime between Saturday night wine from a vase and enticing a youth Monday morning burglars en- to- indulge. She is caled Pleasure, tered the store of John Stark, corner The youth ‘haa partaken of the /cup' Broad and Fletcher street, but very ana become partially intoxicated. Uttle waa^ taken. The burglars en- His form irresolute and relaxed.' The tered by picking out the brick and second figure in this group is Bernars, removing.\tbff .door -Mil. They also weeping. The third ‘delirium tre* tampered witk the rear window of mens, fallen upon the ground and Fallis* store, rifext door, but did not gntfpiogybis heal in agony/The »*»#•* These burglaries are becom- fourth is Suicide, drawing the dagger altogether too numerous and we from* his heart. They are all near *«>pe the officers will succeed in de* the waters.of oblivion. . Beyond the tecUng them vase of Pleasure there is an urn from _ . _ which the thin cloud of. incense arises ' After Jackson Street Again, which ohjeures the presence of death. Mr Editor:—rSome days ago. from the votaries of Pleasure. ' Paella wrote appealing to the publi^ Near to thesej§ a group represent- for Jackson street to be purified by ihg .the variant diseases by which removing the whiskey shops for tbe youth and manhood are cut tff benefit of the school girls. I think (xost, apoplexy* hypoconana, fever, the boys are as much interested in and consumption. a godriV clean; moral atmosphere as .Between the group Qf war and death the girls, and for theifsake I wish to are two 'figures. An old man, with beg the piwtfs that^ aud are to be, a heavenly expression oi countenance, to set their stakes. to clean out this tottering under &e infirmities of age, place when . the pew'deal is had tjbis approaches death, and opens his arms winter. y ..Puer.' “Are you going to the fair?” asked one young man of another, as tho Close observers qiay see a slight eclipse of the sun on the 9th inat. at about a quarter past three o'clock in the afternoon.. Referring to this the Ne®d*eay*: ' The observer iu Southweit Geor gia and Alabama may notice through a smoked g'a<s only a s’ight* blur ring of the au'u’s southern limb, whi’e farther west a distinct notch will be plainly seen. The central path of the annulus will be far out in the Pacific, and will extend from Bering Sea to Peru in South America.” It snowed in Massachusetts last week. We would be satisfied wfth frost down here. A Card. Our friends who so nobly rendered us assistance in removing our house hold goods during the fire at our house on last Wednesday nigbt, will p’ease accept our most heartfe't thanks for their kindness, particular ly to the ladies for such kindness in my absence. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas. The Djthan Sittings ha* t!»e !o low ing kind words tor Mr. Lee McLen don, of this city, all of which are deserved : ‘ Mr. Lee McLendon, the passenger and freight agent of the Alabama Midland railroad, tpeut a short time in Doihau last Thursday. He had been out oa a trip ovrr tie nei^ailro^l to Abbeville. Mr. Mc Lendon i* a young man aDd is i.ui the e’everest and most agretab’e railroad men that it has e*er been the Siftings' pleasure to know. The Alabama Midland was iud-*?d for tunate, in imr opinion, i-i gdiing such a man as Mr. McLendon fur the important position he bo'ds Not only is he clever, but he i* a nn st t cellqnt official and guard* the tub est of his road from one end of u the o.her with u iiiring vigilance.” EDITORIAL BRIEffFo Paragraphs of Promnent F ithy Things and Peoptf. In the midst of life we are in debt. There was many a slip io the Chero kee strip. The senate doesn't seem to „ know where “It is at.” Plato said that thinking “is the talking of a soul with itself.” Senator Gordon, whose health is not good, has returned home. Forty seven different languages are spoken in the Midway Plaisance. Tbe price of peanuts will advance when the Georgia legislature meets. n't “senatorial courtesy” being strained just a little? It looks that way. Isn't it about time that the demon- crata in the senate were “ffenping together ?” It begins to look like the beginning ot tbe end was in sight in the senato rial deadlock. Three or four revolutions are gyieg in South America. This, however, is nothing new. . The democrats are learning, or should learn, that with power is coupled responsibility. -- . - Another lynching occurred ' in S >uth Carolina a day or two since; Where i* the thing to stop ? It the S.-nate would vote and repeal the Sh-*rma 1 az* t it is the opinio 1 that - in would go up immediately. Tr.e S-M.ate has been giving a fine lius ration ot tbe old adage that: Speech is silver but silence is go'den.” ‘Like the driuks between governors of North ami South Carolina, it is a long time between votes in the Sen- Clear, er sp Or.obrr will bring the ju*cy oyster wtU to the tore, ^nd then ihey wtl d sappear in a downward - direction. Here is a pretty thought left on . ^ record by Heury Ward Beecher: -/J.I “rtm mother’* heart is the child's school room.” A total yield of corn this year in Kaunas will exceed 200,000,000 bush el*. lhe largest in the history of the S:«te except in 1839. Lawre-o* Haufey, ono of lhe most brilliant ac'oisoii ihcbtage, wilt be the next attiaciio:i a: tbe opera house He will be here ou tbe-I0:h. • te of the cur otities at th*: World’s s ttreorgmal pir ra t of Pocahou- pi.nted in 1612 an 1 loaned by lineal de>ccnden‘s'^3f ‘hat far-famed Ld an princess. - , * The io-lowing from the last issue of the Camilla Clarion will . interest' friends and. relatives of the youcg man alluded to in thik county : . “From a private letter we learn that-“Jim Bob” Cochran, it will I-e remembered killed a man out in Ar kansas a few days ago, will probab’y be released .on bond next Monday, ptir stood on the corner^ Board and Col. Sam Bennett,,,*ho wont from Jackson streets ’neath the glare of the electric light the other evening. ‘Yea, I am giang to the fair—to see the fairest, sweetest girl in Geor gia.” and the young n^an walked off iu the direction of —— r ; well, we will not give him \way f but from the temler expression Jn his ayes,'and ^the length and firmness of Lis strides, he meant business.. . The cards will be out later. Accordiug t«> the report of toe com> missioner of agriculture, taking 100 as a bans, the f.Mowing is given as the per centage of the cotton crop in the various counties in this section: “Baker, 70; Berrien, 72; Brookp, 75; Calhoun, 75; Chattahoochee, 75; Clay, 80; Colquitt, 70; Crawford. 76; Decatur, 75; Dooly, 74; Dougherty, 68; Early, Q8; Houston,'75; IrwiD, - 69; 78; Lowndes, 70; Macon, 85; Marion, 83; Miller, 55; Mitchell, 71; Muscogee, 67; Quitman, *67; * Ran dolph, 78; Schley, 72; Stewart, 60; Sumter, 87; Taylor, 77; Terrell, 65; Thomas, 90; Webster. 75; Wilcox. 73, and Wortb, 73£.” It will bs seen that Thomas leads her sisterccuntiea. Five .state democratic conventions in various parts t.f tbe country have recently endorsed Mr. Cleveland and his policy. This is significant. Congressman Lawson of Georgia laid the law down to the republicans in a strong spgech in the house on ' Wednesday, favoring a repeal of the federal election laws. here to represent Mr. Cochran, writes that lhe case is not near as bad as at first -reported and that he is hopeful as to the final resuV And now another man comes to ihe fnpnt *ith »n infallible .remedy for . ^ . cellow fever. Why not send all 7321 disc >verdi to Brunswick ani let-them try their experiments. “ * * , ; -; The mau who doesn’t know what causednhe late panic, and who knows remedy for the financial ills df the country, is dead. He is to be envied.- Peace hi to bis ashes. Young Mr.. Forest, sob of Mr. D. T. Forest, of Bcsion* left yesterday for Atlanta. He is iathe senior class of the -Technogical School, and will r after having t aken a four years coarse, graduate at the next comntencemeitt. Mr. Forest baa been a close student ^ud stands well in his class..; The Gocrgia school of technology is one Of the' beat inatiiutea ia the, state. j-A- Mayor Hopkins, received the fol lowing dispatch yesterday afternoon: Yellow fever at Jreup, the result of bad inspection. Look out fer Waresb »ro, Jesup and Gardi. Am > frying to get.the government to ad ' immediately in sending good men to J* slip.. Go operate with me. v-;..-< - ; W. F. Bruner, . A a • T; jiealUf Officer, Savanna 01 course.-Mayor Hopkins cordially oooprrate with "Dr. Rrpoer. Stxvx axd Bill.— # - As Steve and Bill walked up the HU N To view the chair of state. Said Bill tb Steve, ‘‘You do me grieve I pray you longer wait*’’ .. “Nay, nay,” eaid Clay, “another day. My friend, will suit-your case. Soyou decline and I am ttune, Next time vor make the race.” ? ' , —LaGrange Grgp’.ii battles. * The BT.nt ajstem, nlwaj’s public spirited, and- liberal,. will carry all contiibutwn lor Brunswick free. ThomasVme should do her share in aiding the stricken city. -The next attraction atthe opera house is Lawrence Hadley, one of .the finest .tragedians on the American stage, on next Tuesday night, the 10th. . Thftdeath or C. J. Warren, deputy sbnff of Wayne county, fnirf yeilo fever IO Jet up has startled ihat- town It is slid rhat Warreniad ..been ex posed to the fever several weeks. Some' fimtlies have left Jesup aerf others will doobtlesr follow. A young while man by the name of Hamilton came down last nighLfrom Pelham to have bis eye treated by Dr. Uclntesh. He was out. hunting shot, penetrating the .eye One or latWp others'et U>e party‘were a-spshot, bnt their wonnda were extremely slight. Beal estate is ho drug in and aruund Thomasville. A transaction took] glace' a day, or two einre involt ing sovcral thousand dollars. Mr. E. L. Nee! bought a half interestlift tlw pear, syndicate, which embraces 225 acres,' It .is a very valuable piece, of property. Mr. Bheppcrson. of.-Nev York said to be one of tar best, eoitoo pertt ip the.oo.uotry, places d e > (f<s- cut'crop of ediion at 6,8 j bale; A -great--.r-.rrn d.m ,n''d -Mobile Ala:, yesterday very seriously. Old cilifensssy it i< ihe worst stirn ever seen'in that city. ' - , Fall weddings are now in vegur. Hard times dpes not SftSm to have affected'the matrimonial market The case ot Mys Dart on Si. S.inons Island has been prunounoTl ,«], fev«r, . There is four cares of yello n r fever on Jekyl island.' .iK The presid:zi r i letter has ;attracted very general attention. Like all, the u'teraoces of Mr. Cteveliud jon the financial, and all other issues, it is boldj'oujspoken and to.Ahe point.. . :^l Siewart Juts reached seventeenthlj^.' 1 ^ aad eajs he isn’t half through speak* ing yet. And he may liv^for years. - The ways. of providence are indeed mysterious and past finding out. Five murderers were'awung off at * oae, time at Mt. Vernon, in this State, on Friday. They all went straight .{o heaven—so each one said. This is the U9uai route taken by ’ murderers. ^9 Mr. VL- A. McNeil baa been ap pointed postmaster at WajcrwSv /- Tobo” McNeil will nuke a model , j in. In fact he’s all right aad com- peteuv to 6.1 any poriuon io whjch'he m’i^h't aqiire. ' > • , - . V A crank fired into the brokers while they were buying and selling iu the produce ''exchange in • Chicago, day ; * ' bjfjre yesterday. -He wounded two j ^ or three x bulls an l -bearj. ^The anL , ^f| malaslamiieded. fciouth Georgians whoould not go ^. 1 to the World’s fair, can soon revel in j sugar “bilios.” Lhere isn’t'so much difference in the pleasures to be ex tracted from the two; entertainments, when yon come- to think ab^ut it. It is cheaper to go tou S’>gar “bilin.”