The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 02, 1893, Image 2

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Tin Weekly Tlmes-Enterprise. TUOUASVILLE. CA-. Jobs Triplett, Editor ami luijff. Satv.idav, Dicuiim a. 1893. Kow wvih B-ut. w!ik tale on 1 ew Ufe. You ci.t'i t* wt-atca*. tire Q***« gia town. And ao Store C»ay will lake ten dare tn decide whether be will run £•« governor. General Matter Workman Powder- )j bu freigned. li »•» a g"od thins for tho order. Now that the fever i* alwui ww. tho Kg .nil I)*r; inmlil. U n*rin *1 Brunswick is -till In !« pitinl. SecreUr, Hute S niih tree** a card In which be announces hi; withdrawal from the practice of law in A lania entirely. The new tariff bill reported by the democrats fat ore llie masaea and mil the c’arare. That’- genuine democ racy. Cowartlico i- it raft- 7 E«|te- diency wit*, is it polite 7 Vanity aaka, is it populai? Bat c-atscieuoH asks, ie it right? Now let the detm-crats in the hurau stand squarely I'Y 'he ways and means committee in their aelion on the lartfi Let there ho no division. Attorney tlencral Olney his do cidcd that the clearing house c. rnfi- cates issued some lime a^o hr banks were not usable 10 (>ei cent. The South Georgia Confercr cc, cl the Methodist Episcopal cLureb, will meet tn D*»son, U.c. 13 Bishop Callaway, of ' isstasipp-, will i-n-side. All Georgia wilt raj -ice to know that the Augtiala Expo,iti -u grand nicota i’at \Yal*b and Sataly Cohen make a fit e pair. 'I hey beat “dtreoa “ There ate w-me mighty tinait politicians in Georgia, anil some of them ore keeping very quiet. Thty are looking to ree which way the eat is going to jump- Pennsylvania !.a* a law taxing dogs. The efiort to tits the wor.liless cuts in thcGeoigia legislature- have- always fatted. The poSmr.ans are, evidently, alratd of the "yalier” Jog. I"" One hu- dittl : tobacco w;.s the slip. nd pud fm a wife by some of -.he eatln st s.t:!.t» 01 Virginia. And inn w-le ibalnlM made her husi utid ",-." It is nut expscte'l that the paper, which bavo been figli'ing Mr. Clevo* laud will Is. satisfied with the It w tariti bill O: course not. They wi I not 1m •alitSe.l 'riih niiylltiug hnving the approve! -d Mr. Ch.-v-.-1-nd amt Mr. Carlisle. Thu Tar.IT Bill ... . • Afu-r long hard w .rs tl.e democrats on the W.ys and Means cntumlttro Imvr reported a lull to lake lb. plane "I 'he'McKinley IdX Every cUtem b deeply, vitally and pammaily lu taunted in the new hit for it win «h»ublh-vv warn beeeiM • law. Thesletnocrala will redeem 1W1 pleilgre to th* ps-’ple. hey have pat mens, v.ry many, a.tic..s prime m crafty, on the f list, while tho -lowest ' ratis are put on the rttas srarlre ol life, ead and tbo btalw.t on tkw luxuries. Thie is rsvsr-ing, rxsctly, the wnsk- ■ngs of im McKinley bill U-r- is a brief nuilino of the new bill: “The bill last completed put* w*V, coal, lumber, salt end Ibid ore on the free list It reduces the larifl on sugar from om half to one quartos of a cent per pound, it also provides for the extermination of the b ...nty by degrecw Aa a rule the tanfl baa been made lowest mem the ehesjer goods of Decow ary use and left highest upon more expensive articles. ’■Ibo w»—>1 -ch-dule will, perhaps, attract m.vt atlentinn. We here lift no duty higher ibau l.trlj -five per cent on manufactures of wool, and that ouly 011 remrfy-mado garments, the aecrsge being leas than forty per Cent The cheaper quality ot blankets aud flannels ere only *sxcd twenty live per cent end tbs lower grad's of carpets ouly twenty. We heve etui applied a grauum r.duuu-n echudulo rn that at the cu-fni fire yuera the big!..-t doty will l-v b.rty per tviiL and the average ov r thirty |-T cent. "Very material tvducttona bavo 1-ten made in the erttrin schedule. We have placed irou ore on tires In a list and made n largo out ad along tho metal schedule. The duty on ste. I raid ie redmad more than 50 pi cent. Free lumber will bo a great ben. lit tn tho people ol the prai ij stales and Ir-e salt wi I gife to U. who next salt b.r their exilic or f r curing tucat the aitne adeanlegee Licit have lieen secured heretotore by mea- s ot rebate to thoae wti* ctmd fish. Agricu'lural implements iiaye been p tuod upon the tre« list in onler l- enable tho farmer b> Iwttcr cuojj-lo iu foreign markets, and because many ol our agricultural implements sro being made cheaper abroad .then at borne. “Among the principal adJuiona to the tree lirt nrethc lollowini,: Bacon, h-ius, heel, mutton, p-.rk. aud mo. la of -II kind- not -pvci-lly provided b<r in this ac:; binding twine, l-irtix, can,pit,ir, bituminous c u! cuke, coj- The Plant System. v-’ 1 . due of the exbiblte st tl-o Augusta Exp-Juan is made by the I'.ar-t sysii-nt. Air Plant formerly lived la Augusta sod he hss ni ver inis rest in that city in Georgia. Mid the wrecking of. railroads and financial disasters all around the Plant iretem haa never wnldslrsl. It kae bed men of iutegrity end ebiliiy In charge «if the vari -is dsqtertnn-ula. m-o who her- aid's! the g> u*r.I mau- agement largely in steering the eysteui through III* rough tree ot the pert Matter. Mr. Plant, e tiwer ol strength himself, e nun of remarkable sagacity and financial alii tty, kae had an able oorpa of tried and 1 rusty .lieu, tenants at hie commend. n-J Plant a> Mem ia one of the solid Inrttiuu-ma ot lb* Mouth. Iu noUeilsg tho stsldliii nu ts- at Augusta Uie Gar.ui.e’s says: “It there should be one lingering ib>ubt hi tbo mind of any man inter, etted ia tho reaoeras ol the south, that doubt woo'd be dispelled when he iw and studied the handsome exhibit made by the Pant system at the Au gusta Exposition. As we base often nd. the intention of ibis Eipotitinn is to present not only the sdvantsg s of Augusta and ibis immediate tioo, bat ot Iks enlirs south, and we take pleasure in exiling Attention to tits disp’ay. “Augustsstill enlrrtsins the Warm est regards for Mr. li. B. 11 a at, sr.d the tire establishes! when be was 1 te’low citizen here will •—ver Ik? dit • Wed lie bat aco-iuphsind x got .1 -.ok, and while hollering Ids owe n.rtnoe La La* reudertd the south rrtviee of incaluu able value " COMMERCIAL FERTILIZ ERS. iclr Fcrc*ut***e of Vdonblu PU«t rood- Wo aro often oakwl by farmers why it ia that so much unnecessary material ia found In tho ordinary fertilisers on the . common composition of goods is about 10 per cent of avail- pbosfhorio acid, about * 1-3 per cent ammonia and about 3 per cent pot- ■■This la a total o( li 14 porcentof avnflabio plant food, or 141-3 pounds in every 100 pounds of fertilizer. This msy appear • aw yet when tbs source of the materials and tbs urgent demand lor low priced fertilisers Is tskre into ooraMeraUon, than are recant reasons for such a There ore certain materials offend upon the market which oontetu plant load, some of them ask aeld at very low I prices which make them available as fertilisers. Bowes, phosphate rock, ret- tonsoedmeal, Uood. tankage, sulphate potash, sulphate ol potash and imarAttUMfi •.’ora of £0 lo n n1m>. 8omo may thluk thoy enn • % quality by the smell, taste or They aro badly wiaUkeo. i tilizei rguning 9 p«r cent availa ble phMfohorid add, 9 per cent of am- *5 and U1-5 per cent of potash jtaTt tnanufacturyr |7.t0 for the phos phoric arid, f 15.00 for tho ami ™ —* ra"t0. SuchgooS can be purchased if YHiere Phoaphato rock It our cheapest and most used source ot phosphoric add; cottonseed meal la one of oar cheap sources of nitrogen, and kolnit is largely need as a source of potash, Now 100 pounds of phosphate 'rock only oontaina about 80 pounds of phos phoric add, and to render this 80 pounds 'of phosphoric add available aa plant food requires tn round numbers about 100 pounds of eolnhurlo add added to it. Then tho 100-peund mixture will con tain the whole of the 80 pounds of tho phosphoric add, or 15 pounds in 100; or, ih other words. It will he a 15 per cent add," Phosphate rock is combination of limo with phosphoric add, aud it ‘’Iso contains some jlmpuri- tics such as sand, c{c. Sulphuric acid when addod to phosphate rock sdzos largo portion of the Ume and tonus sol- phosphoric F3 T*a, N iv. aS —The cx a'ement cau^d l>« g * r.l H* ten Bias*a in'h- Or-gon d atnet, fif v »o:k*s north cf ttef ci»jr,c m*i u *rd » large t’umVr of nnucV' a* d pri'pccion Ir.ft lor mere today,, luta-rtM in the new camp was rMniid- erably lightened t«» day by »hc rc ccip: of a lett- r from an E' P.*ro man wh- i* ted that he had taken up an extension on what U known as the Lis Chance, and had found frrr gold at a depth of three teei. He also atatea that veins of gold b aring rock varying Horn six to eighteen in tbickress can be traced for three miles and are covered with from ihrec to six feet ol drift. E Wc notice that ministration [.ape Cleveland coots of the ex-quci ir.’.t ot the aistiNMil ; tn uj.postug Mr, tcfvt to the morals r« s country la uot sitting as a c» urt of impeachment on the queen’s nvtial*. It is trjiog to arrive at what is j.nt a:-d right in the premises. Among the many bttght ar.d ably edited evening papers tn Georgia, none excel the A.bany Evening Her' aid. Henry McIntosh can get aa much out ol a n-.wspaper as anyone, aaJ put more i»* one thjn most people, Wc hope he w.V u-aliz: a neat f%vrtune out of the spicy Herald. Ttoe Waynesboro Ol xm i* demos era tic through nnd ihr.>ugn. It says; ••We firmly bde-C n democrats suj- porting the democratic administration. Those democrat who aXc helping the republicans fi.»*l the moles m the president s and ca'UQct’* t yes ought t> go straight ova and ba k with '.he rrpjbitcan bowlcri Ivsv. John Jom*, Id. U, cbapLiu of the state senate, is dead. H** s* biru iu Liberty county, «n-i was «»u« of the beat kuowuaa l ohUatt l‘ie«l»y terian uiluiatem i‘s Gcorgi i. 8imuluumm- y with the newa ol the death of Dr J"isW % comes the news ot tho death of Dr. L. W. War ren, of Macon, ouo of the un*t d.*» tiuguiahed divines iu Georgia The populate mole loud bjftsta of what Uwy were g«tug to do in Yir> ginia at tbo Utc diction. Hock lets Jerry and other lights of the third party invaded Virginia arid ttied to lore democrais I rout their party and duty. O'FerraU, dun-, boat bw op poneut for governor . r »0,000. And here is the status of the legislature: Senate—democrats 23; populist^ 2. House ot Delegates—Democrats 39; populists 10, independent* 1, .hich ate named, and win*'. i) metal M'hcdule ot tdil levies Ituost wholly ad Vaiorutu duti*s, U* tit.* pr. Fcut -nw lvri«s rptcifi*? U-a. liuriapH aud c»tton bagging taxed filiceu pot cent, but wbtu |*--rte»l for covering artic cn to be exported duty free. 'The bill covers cu-toros and ad uiiuistrativc fi-Mure* only Iutern»l venue matters «re lelt in obeyauo**.** Jacksonville, Fla., N*»v 28.—J, T IVmden, of the athletic syndicate, leaves to-umrrow for Enterprise to arrange for training quarters for Mitchell, Yesterday lie was in .Sr. Augustiue to are a hut the people w< uld do tn secure Corbett to train p r in ah its crude form.; cotton, tiw, ! there. He will t/wlay that 8t. Au- irou ore, c »tton a«l oil, agricultural I guuiue's merebama. hotel men and imp-eiueuts (ctjttou gins specially J live citiama were a ltd about it. They itaiiteil), «a t, ooap, b'lilding tnaterisli 1 ,1 ofl«rtd free quartern on North or exc-ptiug marble, lumber, timber and South Beaches aud will probably bid wtM-d, iu ad but a l.*w conditionr, J higher. At pn-aent St Augustine, Pablo and May port are all bildiog lively to get that attracdou. Berlin. November 28 —It now ap pear* that Kttprro* Wiliam, on Sunday, was the recipient of an ins feroal machine from Orleans similar one sent Chancellor Yon Caprivi yesterday. The internal machine sent the era- ]>en»r was accompanied by a letter. Bith the machiue ami letter were delivered at the office ot the emperor^ civil cabinet, where aomo employees became auspicious of the eon tents of the btx, sod acchlently discovered iu real nature. They toon managed to render it harmless. phato of lime, leaving tho phoe] add sraflablo t§ plant food. If it poMiblo to aeoore a perfectly ^ure phos phate rock we could only make about a 23 per ftnt "add phosphaU' with it by this process. It is poaaiblo to loach out the phosphoric acid from tbo "add phos phate" end evaporate tho solution down, and thn* produce a remarkably high grade of “add phosphate." This, course, increases the ooet of tho goods very much. It is possiblo now to hoy good* running from 40 to 60 per cent available phosphoric add, but the de mand Vs limited, as everyone wishes cheap fertilizers. Such an article is in trinsically worth threo times as much os a 13 per cent odd phosphate. With 15 yet cent acid phosphate selling at 818 a ton, a 43 per cent one should bring $39. Even at this figure tho higher priced articlo would be tho most eco nomical on account of freight, as it would hp only one-third of of the lower grads goods. Aa cornea, however, into the rtnw, w«m Is the additional cost of producing the more concentrated article. An actual pound M avallablo add soils at a morepuro. pottn«-. ----- w . It noils for $?.f»0 ft pound in a perfectly pufo condition as used by chomlsts. Cottonsoed meal ia one of tho largo of cotton toed meal fisiRBsa fo manage aB far- tflixcrs7 Thsj ooukl not t. kept pare unless scaled alt au4 yratei tight Pure ammonia Is a (as dries or&nxry ooodi- Uous, and. of conrac. sroun U ureblsinsnch a tuna. There SS^r renko owMasd with and thre be handled more ni ?hato of potash can bo mads from ihorio Mt sad potash, and pho. {hr* 1 ~* —“rt and ammonia. Thsto riro whltt sub- rtaoore would look rosy dlsrtmnar from themdiarer "gusnoas"' blackened with lxmpblxS/anfoTonlf there was no In creased cost In ridilln* th* crude msta. rial ot thelt tmpuriUsa, tbs snatkM Talno would bsvoyU^. At tho low ruination of 4 cents a pound for .Tella ble phosphoric add • ton of • —' add would bo wt tash valued at tofSCO. Tbo freight on stub chemicals would ho proportionately low acootdln* to their concentration, bat thoT are, ol ooureo, out of thoqi not at present be m ooaderatde additional ooet per pound lent food. t equal rrioee per poupd for (bod a Ugh grade fertilizer i than a low priced one. aa th# ere. It doe. not taka so much hsntog, and It takes lees work to haadlalOe^ mfn should buy tbrir goqde cat aaalysla, as tho manufacturers do thsits. No rcsson&hle man should expect to buy . ions Monism v ' Tailor, N«<xt. tlooi- to.Post Offit-o, I’.romI Street, A full lino «f tun.l«tj>" p wda al ways res hand iu addition to a com* plots Hue- rtf vampire. Ctaaaing and Repairing I'runiptly and Matty th>ao. All Wurk Ouaranlved tn Giro Sat- isfarlion. swLUdly Monuments. I ropreaeut one of the largest and moat reitlaMo mouinrent houses la ih. oonntrr tad can nuke prices oa monument., head- i atones, eto, lower than any I body. I Artificial Btono Curbing I foi crtneteiqr lota toado tn [order. IRON FENOIHG. any and all style*, sold at tbo mod rcawnable ralo*. Call and MX me and ret estimates. W. U. BUBCU, Thnmasylllo, Ga. 5 0 cUfcw If \}M ii-t : i MUST HAVE ROOM Other I-dines of Groods. Furniture, Mattings,' Window Shades and Wall Pap*T is ofTort-d for cftth, nt lowest prices ever known in the <-ity rare chance. MASURY BUILDING. Agents for Lodden & Botes' Southern Music House. Piano and Organs on exhibition at 175 Br»-id St., Sold on easy payments. OeOi W. Forbes* : crtnisef containing 87 pot coot of plant food at tho same prico as ono containing only 13 per cent. Gtotox F. PaTxx. cxnn> bag w tows. I want to know how to enro coked bag in cows. Will you picas© give me the information 8. B. C. Bub the middle well every night with cod liver oil, and givo the animal 25 grains of iodido of potassium In half a pint of water over morning before fcoding. sauTcina is horses. Bow can I cure my horeo of scratches? W. F. F., Cam Station. Jiix white loud and llnseod oil in such proportion* us will render the applica tion convenient. Two or throe apjilica- tion* should effect a euro. A POSITIVE AND ABSOLUTE CURE roR StricturEI AND PROSTATIC IRRITATION. PAIN OPERATION LOSS OF TIME DANGER - .FAILURE A HOME TREATMENT. raBTicr i.*u» rxxx. uuun. tbo . Itself oontabn a still . before tboromoyalof oil. This partial concen tration of nitrogen ia the cottonseed meal is too expensive to Undertake for fertilizing purposos alone. It is the ex traction of tho toltUblo cottori6eed oil upon which tho industry chiefly depends to moko the business remunerative. It Agriculturists could afford to use the most concentrated ammoniatos which it |s poatibte to produoe. such aznxaoniatea could bo ttlado rat Vhsapcr from other b>**pr0<lt:ct from tho WE HAVB A LARGE Variety of Stationery -FOR FIX*- Correspondence un Hand, n<\ abe’n )t.u art wr can ro you In style, quality ai.d , jiriee. Our lt«»o of Dice Stationery Is Complete at nil rimes. Crivo us it Call. The legislature, by practically unanimous tote, haa pitted the bill to (obmit to tbe people, whether or not they will amend the itate constitution ■o aa to bare fire judges ol the su preme court, instead ot three. The (OTtnor wifi approve Ihe bill, and then netma to be Uttle, il any, doubt about tbe people’s ratilying the action of the legiaUture at the clecnoa t ext .jar when they elect members ol the - risbtnre.—Atlanta Journal. TVe hope tte people w»U enttaae I the mOTcment. It ia in the right di- || rection, <5 - ^ { • The Augusta Cbnmicle pays a beautiful tribute to gallant old Wade Hampton, ot 8-»uth (Carolina,in notic ing hu presence in Augusta on Vets crars Day. Referring to hia tptcc'i the Chronic-e says: '•The Georgia turn whom he bad the honor to lead, he mid, were as brave and loyal as ever drew satire or stoifd by flashing guns. I shall never re ase to remember itmee days and I ihail always !a k ujurn thore tneu ss brothers. It is not inoonsiatcut with one'a duty oa on American citizeo to bold these reunions and pay respect to those who are gone aud while we yield ur allegiance to the grni-ral govern- it let u* tieter forget that we ere Sunt tern men, \Vha*ev« r l«ist<»ry tony ii*c- rd iliere is oue thing that muiii be said acd that i- that no ar my ever fisitglit »• brave!} a* the Oiofnferaie array aud »»ur chi dreo and their childreu to dime need not fear beaeiHn we are calirel r* bel*." Florida has not a more crying need than that ot a state board of equalize** tion. Neither the press nor the people of the state should rest content until the legislature shall enact into law a rn?a>ure which will do justice to the people. The inequality of taxes is a great stumbling block in the way of the progress of the rtate, and that relief has not long since come is a sad reflection upon those who were chosen to represent the people. No man should be elected to the oext legisla ture who is not favorable to the crea# tion of a state boafd c t equalization, —Gainesville Sun. Georgia is in the same category. She wants acd needs, badly needs, an equalization law, but it does not look like the legislature was disposed to remedy the existing evil. Washington, Nov. 28.—SDme of the data collected during the reoeut trial of ihe Columbia ehow that if the a pood of the ship is to be judged by tho EoglUb standard sho made tLe remarkabe speed of 24.34 knots per honr, making bar the iaateat ship in world, not only in tbe naviee, but in the commercial fleet as well. This data was obtained by the patent log, which is the basis of Eoglish speed trials where they extend over more 'ran the measured mile. Teacher—Robert, here ia an examr pie iu aubstraction. Seven boys went down to the creek to bathe, but two of them had been told not to go ia the water. Now osn yon tell roe bow many went in? ' Robert—Yes’m; seven.—Spare Ho* Tbe gmt strike on (be Lehigh Valley road fa over. .andwhilo usually costa less per i it Contains than If cottonseed meal was worth nothing except as a fertilizing material, this might not be the care, but cottonseed Is also a valuable cattle food. NltTato of soda is also a very concen trated form of nitrogen. It can be bongut Containing nitrogen equivalent to over 18 per rent of ammonia. Perfectly i nitrate of soda contains nitrogen [valent to only between 18 and 89 per F. J. WIND, 99 BROAD STREET, COR. FLETCHER. DeiltT in AU Kinds of Wines,. Whiskies. BurliuRton, Vl, Nut 27.—Thi. morning at 11:53 n’elnck a revere wrthqnaka (bank bm'dingi through out th. rity. The duration of the .hock wa. in th. vicinity of filtcen reconda. and it ra accompanied by a low, rumbling noire. Ueportx from Montreal ray that the .hock wan revere, people there rush- log with fear Into the etreete. It waa felt u far amth as Albany. Telegrams and telephone mesraget from surrounding towns are that tha occurred simultaneously throughout Western Vermont Washington, Not. 28—Secretary Hoke Smith, who for the last ten days hu barn confined to hie home by rei- am ol tbe Dlnom of hia eon with scar let fever, was at bis desk in the inter ior department today. The son is wtlrriy out o( danger, and ths secre tary hsa tho rasuranca of the health officer that then can be no possible risk to others in hi. resuming work at ths department. Augusta, Ga, Nor. 28.—The Road congress mat at tha axpcritkm with a full attendance. Jtreoluiioos wars drafted demoralizing the legislature to employ convicts on terms of trace expiree. bubfin. Hot! afi^—Kacltemcat was caused here to-day by the discovery of an ioferaal mac doe at the Broad- Perfectly pure nitrogen and ammonia ro both gases and far fertilizing pc •cs must bs fixed by combination ' same other body. Ammonia gas is now •old In a liquid form compressed by heavy pressure into iron cylinders for ths manufacture of ios. Such liquified ammonia gas if is, of cdurse. irnprac" * to use. Sulphate of ammonia is an txi in lined with sulphurid acid, jolds it Pure sulphate of am monia contains over 23 per cent of act ual Kainit is an impure potash mineral, only containing about 18 per cent of pot- omriato of potash containing 60 cent of actual potash. It can- be t very low figures, w its contents of potash. The sulphate can bo bought at a little higher figures, containing also about 59 per cent of potash. If wo consider “add phosphate" in anSunadnitcrated state * * * cent of available phoa- nitrofen equivalent to 81-8 per -unmonlq. and Kainit aa carry* 18 psr cent of potash. fertiHxe» can not bo mad# to run tcit high from such materials in their crude form. For in stance, 00 pounda of 15 per cent add phosphate oontaina 8 pounda of ovallo- me phosphoric add (that is, it contains 8-10 of 13 pounds), 86 pounds of cotton seed meal cofitiuns 1-4 of tho 81-8 pounds of nitrofeeh equivalent to ammo nia in 100 pounda of cotton seed meal, Which will bo About 818-100 percent 13 pounda of Kainit will oontmn 1 8-l< of potaah—aa lSgoroda ia 15-100 stone rxtlwiy texminns hue. It tamed Ibor detooaters. tho percentages such formal* cannoi tain more than 18 or _ cent of plant food. __ 15 per cent blood ot 10 per cent nitrate of soda is used all the percent ages con be increased if desired. By tbe use of such material aa the high grade add phosphates, which can be * running aa high aa 18 per cent or rivnmhoric add, sulphate of ammonia over 84 per cent of ammosiia nhoto or muriate of potash A) per cent of potash, - — grades of fertilisers a an the oi on tho market. n ceut “add phosphate" would er cent ai ' nds of« . ... l would give 6 per cent of nd 85 pounda of sulphate or ‘ ih containing 50 per cent 1 give 181-8 per. cent of * however, la for CtegtisttofleoSa cx citUcr . E, Robison & Co. 120 BROAD ST. Tobaccos & Cigars C. T. GANDY -DEAI.UIt.IX— ill Mi of M [Mnis. The very cb-iicvtt of (rw-h beef, veal, prrk, mutton ami aaumtat always oa band. Prices it** .ntUle. Udl and »•;« me. Jackson St. nov. 2 dtt 105 Broad St- Tbe Oaly First CIaas Gan Shop in City. Muzzle Loaders Changed lo C ecch Loaders GUN’S CHOKE BOXED, GUNS CYLINDER BORED. GUNS STOCKED GUN STOCKS Bant any droi&dejired. AU -kinds work on guns, revolvers, safes and small machinery promptly ex tea led mod guaran teed.. f"Mail ordets co’.lc ed. T- E- E- BARTLETT. Proprietor. THEO. TITUS A ttornev nt I^»w, Office om Suyvnun’l. It* Brred 8L, Spedrt rttentioo ,{.<• to coUcctrei. ■ UY LABOR STOCK OK s ‘Pine Summit' Smith Avenue UnJ Ilacsell Streets, One of the uiutft dtli^blful pUces in aruund Tb n>««vli!r. Rooms well furuisbed rind of one *'tv. Table Fupplitsl with tbe beat the market Afford*. Rates reaioneb! For U rail and jmi ticulers Apply lo REDD£N SMITH, Proprietor. THOMPSON ron Works, JALkMi.i ivriciiirr, THOMASVILLE, • • - GA 1 am better pivparud than ovor lo _»any tud all kititlo of repair wotk in Iron and braoa. Iii addition to long years of experience, 1 «tn fully equip ped with the latvai iinpruvetl tool* and can guaninlet* all work ontruRted tome Shop* In rear of former rcsi- demv, ou lower Jm'kiou Hrvet. Give moan apportunity to make an eati- mote ou your work. C.B. THOMPSON, Agt. a* CASH! CASH!! -*F0R COTTON.**- Bring y->ur Cotton to our »-art,*Boa--<! .nl g--t the 3ash for it, we will see that you get g-»xl cash prinos every day in the week. Owing to a Proposed Change in Our Business We will sell Wagons. Buggies and Harness lower than they have ever been sold before in Thomasvil’c. They as/dTCTST BE SOLD, So now is your time to get bargains for CASS. And a'l those owing us are notified that wc arc obliged to have a settlement this fall. Please savo us nnd yourself trouble by coining to time promptly. We will buy cotton at a good advance over the cash price in settlement oi all indebtedness. J. F. EVANS & SON. BRICK! BRICK. We Are now prepared to fenbL goo-1 machine mad# brick Id any qeaxtity and reasonable price*. Thumaaville Brick Jo., - V. IL W1LLIAV8. * ooger. Had V. A. HORROCKS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. rhniri Uinta MM t offer iny oenlcM to make coatracia for or superintend all kinds of buildings, public or private, in cither brick or wood. “ of references given. 4-4-iy HERRING & WALKER. UNDERTAKERS. 168 BROAD STRICT. THOMAftTlLl-K UKi'KGlA. Establisfcfvi 1857 JOSEPH JERGER, DEAI.ER IN' Watches, Diamonds. Silver Novcltlc*, And Bric-a-Brac, CMpBanlujulSsindr Pfisenh* Olooleeu' Afisical and Optical Goods. 104 BROAD ST. T1I0MASVILUB, GA. k. W.PALIB& BRO.'S Carriage Shoos. Lower Brood Street, Thomuvillo, Ga mrmmr ancairnos or CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPA1R1NB, irtra.rarett.ikm Ktvte* nently . taradnn.rtUr at trart-rerfaf tooU. refitoTtoftb, Boat Equipped Shops . J*. w. u* ynrwvfi to do rtl kind, of work in our lire with dix itwyi ud nrettw s ORANGE BLOSSOM Is 8ure! Safe! Sensible! It Always Cures! Inflammation, Lac.ration of ths Cervix, Connatlon and Uloaratlon and Falling sf tha Wamb, Turners, ProfuM, Dlfflculr, Ant,version. Irregular Menttruatlon, Rstievarslen, . And Leuohorrhuea. Dropsy of the Womb. 80LD BY ALL DRUGCI8T8. "SSHS^fSfiC" Dr. J. C. McGill A Co., 3 A 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, HI. Famished Hoases to Let. Stranger or Native Wanting Home Should Consult Me. Eight Boom Ucnra on Seward Street, *350. Bix Boom House ia Fearnxide, among tha pinre, *300. Eight Boom House on Crawford Street, *500. Ten Boom Horae near city, elegant bom*, *000. Five Boom Houxe on Madron Street, *250. Seven Boom Horae with ben on Warren Street, *400. Nine Boom Horae with bam on Remington Avenue, $400 Nine Boom Horae on Madison Street, cleee in, *450. Sever Boom Pretty Suburban Place, with barn, *450. Five Biom Horae ia Erat End, Among tb* Pines, (225. Five Boom Horae oa Jaekran Street, (300. AD for tb* srason of 1893 and 1894, extending from now to May 1. 13. M. MaMiBTOE) REAL ESTATE AND STOCK BROKER, —OFFICE UNDER MITCHELL UOUSE.- Pxepaxe “S'o’va.rself fox Cold. ■Wea.tlxex; it is Staxely Conaln-gr- CtiOTHING i A* far as varirty is concerned ours is the store where the toddler in Kilt shirts and the heavy weight ef two hundred and fifty pounds moot on equal footing. Our stock of MEN’S AND BOYS SUITS are just the thing* for style and comfort. Price, too, figures largely. Don’t lose sight of our SAT AXIS 7TJH- MXSEXHG’ DEPARTMENT. Under near in im mense quantity—warm and cjmft rtabie. It is not too early to think of an overcoat We have them in all sizes and at all prioes. Come and inspect our stock. Httjqnrtirc Fir Wlite Visitors ovrewtAbrawe. »* belter VIBE INSURANCE COM- PAMU8lath* WORLDthaa thro*l*m*art*dby ««•. Twenty-flvu cx- cetfoaOj^foiabmod norare for rest, sad tcverel Urge onfornhhed very rC ” 0 "* T. S3. B. LOVE, Real Estate aud Fire Iasurance Agent, Broad Stro^