The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, September 29, 1894, Image 2

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- Democratic Ticket FVrGowruor, W. y. ATKINSON ol Cowet*. For Secretary of Buie, ALLEN D. CANDLER of H*H. For Treaturor, R. U. HARDEMAN of Newtpn. For Comptroller-General, WM. A. WRIGHT of Richmond. For Attorney-General, J. M. TERRELLof Meriwether. For Commiwioner ol AgricuHtire, R. T. NESBIT of Cobb. For Cobgrem, BEN E. RUSSELL o! Decatur. For Senator. 7tb District: J, B. NORMAN, Jit, of Colquitt, For Kepreaeutativee, H. W. HOPKINS. M. R- MALLETTE. Stand by the nominee*. No scratch in*. That’* straight democracy Florida’s *Ute election comes off next Tnesda; ■ Florida is all right. The latest estimate* place tbo loss of life by the cyclone* in the west at one hundred. It i* the pririlege, and it is also the duty, of erery democrat to rote next Wednesday. Democracy is manhaling her hosts for next Wedntsday. Erery demo crat should be in line and armed with a straight ticket. Tom Watson say* the populists hare the democrat* on the ran. Yes, they hare; and they are right alter the “pops,” too The democrats will wipe out the unholy alliance between the third paityites and the republicans and clean out the gang with both hands down. The luscious ted meated watermelon only remain* a* a pleasing memory, but poaums, later* and simmons will soon be ripe. There is consolation in the latter thought. Democratic camp fires are gleaming brightly from Rabun to Tjbee, illu minating the hill tops and lighting up the ra'leys. The grand old party was nerer in better fighting I rim, We rise to make an inquiry, and to make it energeticafiy. pointedly and earnestly '■ What, O. wbat. has be come of Tatnall of Tootle, or Tootle of Tatnall, whichever it be ? The esteemed Congressional Record, haring temporarily suspended, will re sume publication at the same old stand in December. Thrilling narratives incomplete!!, will be resumed. The Japanese victory over the Chi namen does not seem to have affected the prices charged by Chinese laun- drymen in this country. They wsshee all the samee; and at the same prices. Judge Spencer R. Atkinson caned J. B. Osborne, (be populist>gitalor, in Brantwkk on Tuesday. Mayor Dnnwoody forced Osborne to eat his own words also. Brunswick is a bad place for Oiborne. The populists have made a specta cle ot themselves during the cams paign. They have shown more jaw than judgment, more sound ihao sense, and more wind than wisdom But they are passing away. A street c*r was ''held up” in one of the most populous districts of New York city on Thursday night last, and the passenger* robbed after the most approved fsshlon of the western train robber. That bolt of the Loniaiana sugar planters from the democratic patty because the petty opposed a bounty of two cents per pound on sugar, has abmt petered out. We can well spare democrats who are only democrats tor AN ALLEGED EVE WITNESS. A Yeung Woman Who Claims to Han Seen Voting Crowley Killed Allan**, Ga., '• p' *4—Ciiirlet Jones, E B. Drake and j W C<«dry, the three men'wtm h-t-ebem u. dir arrest for several days tunnel d of complicity in ihe Crowle> niuM, were leka • d this alii rnoon at', t a lull ”hvir snsprc'vd conn, ctiou wi'h th- murder by the coronet’s jury. The only new feature develo.ndat the inqurst to-day was the discovery of a w tne«, a country woman, Mr* Fannie Clemroona. rvho live* near Westwood park, wto testtfi d that she had seen the men dnse up to and leave the pi tee of the murder and that th: had heard the pistol shet that had killed Crowley. She was in a neighboring field cutting wt ad. Tnis witness testified that there were three men in the bujgy when it •topped where the killing occurred, and that the saw two men leave the place. L’ttle confidence is placed in the woman’s evidence by the police. She is very ignorant and it is thought that the is being used by Mejert’ lawyers to tupport his story that the alleged Brown Allen d ; d the killing. It has been learned that Meyers took a trip to Cincinnati about the time ol the murder of old Mrs. Lilly, who lived alone near Westwood park three months ago, and the. police are trying to connect him with that mur der, which has remained a mysttry up to date. Meyers was familiar with Mia. Lilly’s habits and knew that she kept a good deal of money in the house. This afternoon when the coto ner sent for Meyers to pm him on the stand, Ihe sheriff refused to deliver him up without an order from Judge Lumpkin. 'The judge dcc ined to grant an order, and the inquest had to be continued until to morrow, when the coroner and sheriff will have it out about the prisoner. The Suprcm- Court \V«- think noiim: - »?»*- x mmd be question in an uuprcjud w.y tan doubt that the proposed amend nicoi IQ >lie court, utior, increasing the Lurnb-i , Isipume ccoi*. judges, otfeht to be ad p < d. We haw «« n h re an argument against tt> adojt- hat deals with the merits hi the- and had lived unll> now, ai d had A L'm q 1 b for Auain j New York Democrats. Ihotbiin i-iiyiies want to ir-ue| u has been said that New Y-Ik d f,i t-r,u,en hi.lious of ,t, 1-| j trancri t s were badly split up. There wav n•> evidence of it at (be state coo- Lh t,i nity up all the rafroade in tLe laud 1< thiao bonds had ban due wbeu Aduiu was,create!, and- Adam hail Ilegau paying them ell in silvtr du-lara on the morning ot ibeereutinn, It Is Owens- The democratic executive commit- of the Ashland district met at Frankiort on Saturday and canvassed the returns from the district. The followiog figures were declared to be the official footings up ; Settle, 3,406; Breckinridge, 7,819, and Okcds, 8,074. The committee unanimously adopt the following resolution: Resolved, That Hon. W. O. O -v- ena having received a plurality of 255 votes of the total number of votes cast at the primary election held on September 15th, 1894, be and he is hereby declared the democratic nom inee for congress in this (the seventh district), and we urge ad democrats give him a hearty support, all ot which shall bs certified to by the of ficer* as required by law.” There were ten men on the execu tive committee, six of whom were supporters of Colonel Breckinridge. Breckinridge has said that be wou'd loyally support the nominee. Inchatus, the famous horse of the Roman Empersr Caligulo, was or dained as a priest and consul, had maogsr of Ivory and was given a gal- Ion of wins from a gold pail every day, but, sajs the Nashville Banner, he couldn’t pace in 2:02). Hines will meet his Pmg-Ytmg next Wednesday. The pops will then order him to aback off Ms royal re galia and wiO [dock from him his few remaining, be draggled peacock feath ers. HU strut win be a fhing ot the past. He should commit hari kari. The weet bad hardly recovered from its dUastrone forest fires when a fear- fal cyclone sweep* over n large section of that country. Scores aud scores lives were lost, and million* of prop erty destroyed in the states of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minueaota by a terri ble cyclone on Saturday. The Valdosta Telescope says that Wtre-ptrlfen Wffl never evia Georgia. Honest men and manly methods are *n4e4. above nlse. Mr. Turner’* fluapefe" WW»- sects the man aud tbs principlea-which will save the party when the lnseoU of (he bqur l-gve been forgotten. . . ' ' ' P - . pnqxi.-r un. Itlcirav to he muwr ll> co IC df«1 >hat the supreme court, as now constituted, cannot deal properly with the enor uous amount of .business coming before i% that the public suffer* because of this inability, aad that the proper icnndr is ihe propo cd increase o* the number of judges. But uh'te this is c •• c* ded— while e-vi rybody admits that the pro posed amendment is meritorious—a certain amount of opposition i> devel oping wh c*i may cau'e m*«»> citizens to refrain from Toting fur «»r again-1 the amendment. This opposition is somewhat peculiar in character. It is based on the csnd’dacy of a certain man—Judge Gober—-lor one of the judgeships not yet created. Against this man certain charges of improper conduct wer.* made two or three years ago, investigated by the legislature acd declared to be ill founded. The report of the legislative committee, however, did not satisfy his enemies, and they hive sirce pursued him relentlessly. The Telegraph has no opinion to ixptcs*, in this connection, ot- the merits ol »he controversy be tween Judge Gober and his enemies, but it seems plain that this quarrel, whatever may be its merits, ought to have no influence on the fate ol the proposed amendment to the coustisu* tion. The i eople in passing upon ibat amendment will not be electing Judge Gober, or any other mao. It is not their business, under the law, to elect judges. That duty rests upon ihe legislature, and if the people cans not trust the legislature to fill the two seats on the bench worthy, then thev ought not to trust it to fill the sea’s already provided for. If fudge Gober is an unworthy man, as his enemies charge and say they can prove, then the people may be sure that he will not be elected. At any rate, the question for them to decide is whether the membership of the court should be increased, in order that it may per form its duties properly. They will be doing a wiong to the state if they refuse to vote on that question under-, take to vote on another of subordinate importance which does not belong within their province, the question of how the office shall be filled.—Tele* graph. couu tei rite money at ibe ol two dollars to tLe minute hr hours • day, without stopping i«e i r««t, ne would not have got nioieumu ont- fourih ot ibe amount paid-up to date. Eevtu billions! Micro i« uot that much money iu the world, and never waa*—Ylouut Vernon Monitor, Borne ot these fellows who are ad vocating such wild financial schemes never herird of Adam. But ihry have heaid of lorn Watson. vention this week at Saratoga. Oo Hie contrary the party showed uniu d 9} d solid front. We take the following from the rcroiiks of the temporary chairman, Senator HU*, as ’ V Oavid B. Hill Scoatt r ll ll has been uuaimuously nominated for governor of New York. He hesitated about accept g i nom nation, bu’U was made uns roous amid gTcat emhu-ias^i. a» d »t nror yicdcd. Mr. C'tvtlanJ in his speech be for» convention. Mr Whiiney, «» t- I A Woman Student Macon, Sept. 24.— For ll e first time i»i it* history a womau has euiered Mo err college aa a student. This new aud uovel thing took plate toil ay iu the admission of ML* Pauliue Gambiell, a daughter of Dr. Gain* brdl, (ho president, to ihe school of H*g°sy- _ Charley McGregor and Ed Ycuog, representing the populists and demo* erftts respectively, are runniug for iho senate in the nineteenth district. This is a strong Watson district. McGregor may win, but ifoung wdl make a goU lant fight.—Savannah Press. Our ducats are up on Ed Young. If any man in the district can down McGregor on his native heath, that man is Captain Ed Young. McGregor Tom Watson's right bower, but Captain Young may have the “joker” np his sleeve. In this care it would ba a goed joke (oo joke intended) on Mac. ; David Bennett Hill presided over the temporary orgauiz ition of the New York state democratic convene at Saratoga on Tuesday. In ad* dressing the convention bo raid : Fellow democrats of this empire state and of the country, the duty of the hour is not harsh criticism of democratic leaders or of democratic measures, nor mutual recrimination?, nor conflicting counsels, but it ia a time for conciliation, for unity of pur poee, for aggressive action.” Good for Mr. Hill. Now et him practice what he preaches* Revolution Ahead Of Us. General Frye, he of Coxey's army, hailiog from the State of Ohio, threat' ens, actually threatens! think of it, to overthrow the government. This is too bad. The new tariff is just going into operation, the base ball season (t over, Mrs. Lease is laid up with ^rheumatiz,'’ the Kolbitcs have been cleaned out in Alabama, persimmons and possums will soon be ripe, the circus is coming and Christmas will soon be herr, and now Frye, blast his picturr, is going to overturn every thing. This is too bad, but we tup- pase ihe country will have to submit to it. For one we wish it distinctly understood, that our solemn protest against ihe proposed revolutionary action of General Frye is hertby placed on file. Matches Not Made in Heaven Edwin Gould's appearance as the president ol a manufacturing establish, ment marks a new departure for the Gould family. Heretofore they have been identified with speculation, and the ownership of railroads and tele* graphs. Young Mr. Gould's venture, by the way, is into a field controlled by a trust. He will make matches. Whether he will be able to bring the match trust into subjection, and form a greater trust, remains to be seen, His company owns the patents for every country on the globe cn a new match machine that turns cut 150,000 matches a minute. The greatest capacity of the machines owned by any other company is 8,000 matches a minute.—News. The Turning of The Tide. There is a lesson a*id boih hope and encouragement for the Southern farmer, in the t Towing from the Montgomery Advertiser: “The gratifying news comes (tom Decatur that “fifty thousand bushels of corn have been bought at Decatur to be shipped to Illinois, at 45 cents per bushel.” This shows a turn in the tide ar.d is a most potent factor corroboration of ihe story that t' smokehouses of the West will be lo cated in the South before a very great while. Our farmer* have learned this year that there is much more money and more certainty in raising bread-stiffs and all the necessaries of life than pinning their faith to cotton to be disappointed with low prices year after year, and are not going to raise so much cotton hereafter. Lowering The Record. Here is the way the last eight -conds have b:en clipped off the trotting record since 188 a, when Rarus made a mile in 2:11 3*4. the same year Rarus reduced his tecoid to it 14, while Maud S. cut it down to 10 3-4, and to xo 1*4 1881. It was not until 1884 that Jay Eye See reduced the record to 10, which was lowered to 9 1 4 the same season by Maud S. and to 8 3 4 the following year by her. In 1891 Suool cut it down to 8 1*47 and in 1892 Nancy Hanks scored 7 1.4. Last year she reduced the record to 4, and now Alix makes it 3 3*4 It has taken fourteen years to lower the rec ord eight seconds, and it is pretty safe to say that the present century is go> iog to make it two minutes flit.—Ex. Only Ink Will Flow. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 24.—C. Maddox will publish a lengthy card to-roorrew in reply to the cird of Solicitor Brown ot the Bine Ridge circuit, which created a big sensation by its appearance last Saturday. Mr. Maddox, whom Solicitor Brown severely denounced, reiterates the original charges against the solicitor, tod returns abuse for abuse. Wbyebould apyoie live on the high priced, lands of the northwat, subject to forest (fires, cyclones aqd blizzards, when the south's dofirs are open and a cordial welcme awaits him ? pertinently asks the Savannah Fras -•! Here's a nut for the third partyites crack. The Macoa Telegraph says: Wuh the per capita of circulation between 1850 and i860 at $14 70 and the per capita of circul .tion in 1893 94 $24 50, . will some of oQT popul st friends pieare «xp'ain what ;hey mean by a contraction of the curreoc) ? ’ And yet it w»ll bo remembered, fact it is a nutlet of history, that the period embraced in the years between 850 and i860 was the most p-osper ous in ihe history of the country. Grows Eloauent. The LaGrange Graphic grows elo quen’, if cot poetic, over the brave fight being made in Georgia for pure democracy. It says: The trumpet blast of democracy sounds to~day from hill top and from valley. From where old Yonah his solemn pride' lifts bis craggy head to brave the tempest's might, to where Uie tropic breezes kiss the silver sur face of the calm St. Mirys, 1 where sleeping rivers flow through fertile valleys, where rugged mountains leap to meet, the morning—all over brave old Georgia to-day ber valiant sons are battling for truth and right, and as God’s sunshine hUls upon them where they stand, around them rally the yeoman manhood of the state— brave hearts which shall sweep democ racy on to a glorious victory at last. the Storm at Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. .25.—A terrific gale is raging alopg the -east and west coasts of Florida, also tenor points. Reports ate meager, as the wires south of Jacksonville either down or are working badly. Vote the straight ticket Here is an item from ao exchange which will interest school teachers, parent and pupila: State School Commwaionei Brad well states that all the schools in Georgia relying entirely on state support will be closed for the first halt ol 18D5 unless there is a special appropriation of $300,000, This was caused by the change in the school year, wh r ch ex hausted the appropriation. Referring to Hoke Smith’s speech in Macon, the Telegraph says : “The speech ot Secretary Hoke Smith in this city Monday night had the ring of true democracy. It was a thought* ful speech and will set the people to thinking. With the truth told to the people as Secretary Smith to'd it, from every stump in Georgia, populism wou'd disappear like the morning mist under the rays of the summer 6un. If people wou'd .talk only on those subjects of which they have positive knowledge, conversation w uld be come a lost art —Albany Argu3 One subject can, under this rule, be discussed by ever) body—silver. It is well known, and generally admits ted, that every man in the country understands the silver question in all of its various ramifications. sliowirg the tendency a» d temper of the panAmong other things Mr Hill said: ’•Fvlluw dtiiMM rats, let u* ,not un- dtrrstimate the dangers which con- front un We shalL encounter the cohm.s of cuttuption in this campaign, led by audacious and unscrupulous Usnrs who are fighting not oolv for the c**trr >1 ot New York bu* for the conitol o» coumrv. W** the jkinni h line of the grr»ai national battle of 1896, and the l >ss of New Yoik may lose our psr'y the presi dency. the whole coun’ry is breath* lessly and hoptfully watching our contest and we must do our fu I du’y4 Sinking every prejudice, ►uhordinat- ing every «elfi-h consider at ion, ac'u aUd only by h>gh a id patriotic mo tives, real z ng how much is at stake, to be won or lost, mindful of the grand tradtiiors which belong to ihe party of Jeff^on, Jackson and Tdden, knowing that a united democracy in this state means an old fashioned demccra'ic triumph, let us buckle on our armor aud march together “like the Macedonian phalanx of old, with locked shields and measured tread,” to the coniest that awai‘8 u<, with courage, with resolution, with cocfi*, believing that our cause is just acd that God and the right surely will give u-» ihe victorj “Inter par y s rife roust now cease and our attacks reserved for the toes who are already forming their lines of battle against us Democrats in national a d state administration rota-, alike, be loyally supported. The American peop’e have not changed ’heir sentiments and the sound and cherished 1 rice pits of true democracy will s’ill receive their approval, because 'he democratic cause is the cause of the people. The administration of Presidmt Cleveland has been clean handed, ecoromical, pain.'takwg and patriotic. The various depart rot nrs of the na tional government have ben couduct; ed w th success, ar.d the dtiiKcratic party, as a whole, is entitled to the coDfldcrce ol the roasres ct the peo ple, whose ioti rests it endeavors faithfully to serve. * The deroocr.t c p rtj iu ;his state stands as it has tvtr st< oJ, for that religious I Inrtv which t.. guirau’etd to all by (-ur consiitunoi; a'-d I ar raign the repub't can paT y fur its covtrt >>mpaly wnh aid ercour agmem of that prose rip'ive spirit wh:ch amtnpts to set up a religious test as a qua! Acaiion fjr official pre ferment io this lard of freedom, and wh : ch is propagated by a certain secret p du cal 5fgan’Zation wh : ch desirves cx.icrati^a at the hands minded roan, bu which the republican state convention last week distu ctly refused, though ear nestly urg d, to c ledemn.” Mr. 11 ill’a a'iu.ioi to Cleveland was received with cheers. United, the democrats of New York will hold their own wi.hout a doubt. the ablest d« mccrat* in ihe state, -a 0 tliyt‘}1r. ll-ll wav ihe man to make the rac«*. "This looks like the Ckve- a»d and llill forces wou'd u> Uotud they will elect Ili 1 govo defcpiie Mr. Moron's ••Dari.” 1 «oks- I k; the democrats havt flopj>ril 4oj.*e her in .New Yotk. And *1 eh them carry the state agaiu. All Aboard for Paraguay. Every Paraguayan geutleruau bourn! to kiss every lady to whom hr* ia introduced. Oa Easter Sunday, in fturtli, kissing all around hi the lash' ion; from tl.e Czir to the lowest peas ant the Euter kiss is ixcbanged throughout the empire.—Ex. Wonder how far it is to Paraguay. Introduce us. p'e^se. Save the Hay Crop. There is no crop more valuable than the hay crop, aud there is no grate grown that makes bet'er hny thau ihe native crab grass 1 f the south. Our farmtrs have never apprecia'ed hs importance, and have never studied the method of saving hay properly, It will pay you to do so. You can not make good hay without good bay machinery, and if you will equip yourself with a good hay rake and tfcoiwer, and give the question a litt'e thought you will be surprised how easily; and cheaply you can make quantities of hay from our crab grass es, which equals if not excels any hay made in the land. You are indepeuds ent with a barn full of nice hay. It is cheap food and none better. You can always sell good hay. Our grass cs come on alter the crops arc laid by, and there is a season of leisure, and can b3 saved with very little cost, plowing machine and hay rake will p|y for itself many times in a season, and they are now made to meet the wants of the southern farmer, are simple, strong and durable and can be had on very leasoosb'e terms. Suppose you try the experiment in saving hay ibis Benson, ihe purchase of'a good in wer anil hay rake is mouey well invested —Quitman Free Pre 8. The At'anta Journal furnishes the following ii f itmutiou, touching the e'eciion i f a United Slates senator : A subscriber writes to know what day the legislature wi'l vote f r Uuited Staus senator. The vote will be taken in each house on No vein ber Gth at 12 o’clock The follow ing day the senate and house wi.l meet to announce the result. If co candidate has received 110 votes, the balloting will proceed from day to day until there is an election. It happens this year that tl e first ballot for a United States genatbr will occur on the game day es does ihe election fir congressman. a; "Nf ' “This Picture and that” For a long timaFir. John Barbee, ot 117 | Main 5t., Durham, N. C. was a victim to Dyspepsia He was advised to take Brown’s Iron Bitters. On July 10, 1804, ho wrote a grateful letter In which lie said: “I have used Brown’s Iron Bitters for two months for Dyspepsia and it hat cured me.'* He does not mind it’s being known perhaps his letter may help YOU to a cure! This remedy has helped thous- ands during the past 20 yrs. Will you try It? It does not constipate and it WON’T INJURE THE TEETH. Brown Chem.Co. Balto. ftd. MOTHERS Tiromas & Dickinscrt - VM» !trv— Dr. Adam’s Bn b .* Powders BABY CORDIAL — F »i: v -ft? — SICK AND TEETHING CHILDRDH, Make > tern lain • os-> ml . ... , Cholei i Tttfuuuim. Take Xalgtsifle for Ilea j-cIi t IN IX k. W.PALiha £>i\u>. Oarriaee Shoos Lowvjr Street. Thoimu- ibt. < «*» CARRIAGE AND WAGOS REPA1IUK6 aoiux:-. SHofclN tCT* . at reasoijHi-ic rn«. - -l-iii.u --wuttr lased a aural-* .»• «-■* lariae the Best Eqiiijijied shoj.s nSouthw«v •*. rt n ^j»t } h- - i« doall kiutli-or *••*-• -- -n.» «•<:, *... bape -*»■< ••*-• --- South Georgia College WILL OPEN Monday, Sept. 3d, A SUFFERING CHILD Head and Scalp Raw with Places Size of Stiver Dollar. Va rious Remedies only caused Fresh Eruptions. Applied CUTICURA. Change In Twenty-four Honrs. Perfect Cure In Two Weeks. troubled with a break! about as large seemed raw am The child rally , aged three, was very much •laces affected were r dollar; the flesh ered with little blisters. uraUy very fi without obta considerably, and v „, u *preadii „ and new places breaking out. I concluded to try the CiTK't'RA REiiF3>iKJ. I washed the affected parts with the Cracrn Soap, tak- • * 1 applied of thei Thee will \,e B Of t vauk-.l .ill he graded, and include other colleges in the Mate. Spelling, speaking, reading English will have cape t.vl aue classes. Rates ol tuition $2, $3 and ^ iccording to the advuDcemcnt i Co-educvtioa of the sexes r&pily in popular favor. O American colleges ; 0,00 ) ar tional colleges. Ki-»l»t> per cei themselves co-iduea*cd, l'avur for their children. The in’**u;um of the present of this college is to make ThomasviiU- beii the occupation i ty. So do not f : the home and ired,leaving the d the scalp’ clean; in fact a perfect in the appearam tirely disappe lifd'onlyVfcv smooth , , - ct cure, any inclications of any d^s 0 !' ' t since. I gave the , I believ. excellent for applying to insect bites, f. ARsfsTRONO, Swift Island, N*. C. Annie Abbott, the Georgia won der, is puzzling New Yorkers. They can't bodge her. Bhe should be en gaged by the democratic campaign committee in that state to stand np against the republicans. Being a Georgian, she is, of course, a demo crat. Senator Gorman evidently does not represent the democratic party of Ma ryland in the United States senate. Convention after convention in that state indorsee President Cleveland and denounces the course of the eenate in regard to tariff legislation.—Macon Telegraph. Look out for a cyclone next Wed nesday. Get to your holes, pops. The mutterings of the coming storm are already heard. Every man for him self and the devil take the hindmost. Connecticut democrats, in state convention assembled, endorses, in the strongest language, the administration and Mr. Cleveland. Connecticut democrats know where they “are at David B* wilt make it nrghty, in Urestiog for Morton, P att & Co, York. Our dust goes up Hill. Who B*y», and how much? Tybee is playing in hard lack, iiifif *** : How the Weather has Affected Crops At'anta, Ga., Sept. 25 —The week ly crop bu’lelin of the weather bureau says: The past week has been good fall weather, with about t^e normal degree ol heat and veryshearly clear. It has favoro 1 the rapid. opening of cotton which still remains in the boll. The otton crop seems likely to be quite the reverse of last year’s as picking. The better part opened early, and the September and later cotton will be little. The same favor ab'e reports of corn and sorghum com tinue. The boll worm continues its ravages in North Georgia ; in the central and southern part of the state the weather has been fine and cotton and other crops are reported in good condition. Similar favorable condis tions have prevailed in South Geor gia, but teporta of damage to cotton by wet weather continue to come from the southeast portion of the state. An average crop may be made in thin section, however, if the fine weather of the past few days continues. Democratic Nuggets- Cleveland’s administration cost the people $700,000 less than Harrison's. Cleveland left $84,000,000 in the treasury. Harrison left 000,000,000. This congress has reduced annual expenses $80,000,000. It took bounty off of sugar $20,000,- 000. It reduced the tariff, taking last yeai's imports as a criterion, $70,000,* 000. ^ It imposed income tax on the rich, $30,000,000. It has reclaimed-15.4,000,000 aerra of public land. I’, has reduced iho pennon 'bur Jen $28.000000 It bai done more for the people .than any congnss which baa convened since the dais of Washington.—Va'dusta Turns. COTTON AT 13} CENTS REM1HDS ONE OF THE OLD TIMES But it takes Music to keep iu the days of good everlaring times. PRICES STEADILY ADVANCE, So does tbc doctrine lliat Homes HAPPY HOMES. i Sell Your Cotton Then—or before then—get our Trices, Styles and Terms, AND BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN. OP PRICES SUIT OHE AID Ml. Stock always on hand. You can see. E thing musical. Late t and Best Special atteut on given to all orders for Tuning or R- ;• iring. Will Corbett fi jht Bob Fitzsim mons? F»tz is just “spilin” for the en& uatir- W. C. Whitney, Cleveland’s lien tenant, frill back Hi’l. Whitney is whole team. IRVINES' Georgia Music House, THOMAS VILLE, GA. Wn.N. IRVINE, Slnnnccr. (Ill 8. Broad 8t., Tuttlo’a Jewory etoie. Manufacturer’s Distributors for Southwe Georgia, Southeast Alabama and North Flor CBOEINOLE The Finest Game of Skill. Everybody Likes It- -W« Have It For Sate- J.E, Robison & Go 114*South Broad St. DR T. E. BLACKSHEAR, Orrics oveb watt supply co , oioa Offers his serrices to the citizens of Thom- •irille and vicinity. Can b* found at his office day and night augso-ty-dhw. d throechout the world. Price,CDTictnu, Soap,25c.; Kesolvkxt.SI. PotterDkuo Cue*. Coup., Sole Pro How to Care Every S u Discaac," free. Guns and pistols repaired. Iveys filled to any leck. Safe combinations changed. Scales made as good as new. Small machinery repaired. Old va’ues made new, etc., etc. T. E. E. Bartlett, Agt. 133 E. JACKSON ST« Tliomasville. - . 2 dly Ml.-S MARY F. i'AUN;:.' MISS MAllY K. LA U it IK. Mu,ie I>cj.:i.-iin Good board near tin* • 'ol><i -S’.i GBOUGIA-T Notice la 1 application t county for .. parcel of city of Savs follows: On the Nor East by lot No. *. ot on the West by Wliii the tmprevemects Douj-herty county_G book of deeds i> Ts. t ofllce of the Supreme Georgia, belonging deceased, tor payme tions, and that said e Hler .103. 8. MERiULL. U Notice to Debtor! and Creditors of the Estate of Isaac Levy, Deceased. ■ All persons having demands against th * os- t\te of Isaac Levy, lato of Thom is county, deceased, are hereby “ r ■■ their demands . law, and all persons ii ■e required to make in:: Sept. 26, 1891, Administrator of ceased. GEOE(iIA—Thomas county. testament ot Xavier Htrt. plied to me for letters of d executorship, and cation at my omce Ycmbor next (185W). my omce on the ttrst Mouc ^jos. ft. Merrill, t THERE! Wfcl ARE LITTLE BUT LOUl), AND OUR PRICES LOWER THAN ANYBODY I EeiH-AJD SEE: Others sell Fruit of the Loom at 7 i-2 cents, wo sell at 7 cents. Otheis sell apron Check Ginghams at 6 cents, wc sell at 5 i-2 cents. Unbleached Shirting, others sell at 3 3-4 cents, wc sell at 3 1-2 cents. And everything at lower prices than anybody. See our good? and prices before you buy. We will save you money. IR,. Xj^'VZIsrE- 1TO EAST JACKSON - STREET, BETWEEN WATTS AND WALTERS. J. E. B. LOVE. Real Estate and Life Insurance, S 18 o .A. 3D ST. . SHEPPARD’S MADE FROM PURE PIG IR0H Kot one pound of Scrap Iron Is ever used In these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT MffECONOMICAL All Modern Improvements to Lighten Housekeeping: Cares. Twenty different rises and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects* Prices not much higher at this time than on commoner kinds of Stores* CaQonoraddrcM For Brio br JAS. WATT * BRO., ThomMTim), G*. ■ 4; C r. ..: