The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, June 27, 1903, Image 1

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THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1903 THOMASVILLE TIME«, VOL. 80 THOMASVILLE ENTERPRISER ANOTHER NEW BUfLDING. PANE INSTEAD OF BEET. . MAIL BIDS WANTED. >JudgeW, H. Bibb spent the dajiit. Camilla on Tuesday -v-K-= J. P, Canon of Boston was in town' on Monday. , . *p& .. . . •» • Law Breakers Welcome Maydi 1 Cul pepper Back With Lively Affair. Michigan Man Will,Come to Georgia 40 Build Cane Factory. Card Concerning the Industrial '• School Library. How would Harry Lehr do for a ning mat© 1 fdr Teddy, 1 ' 4 H .< • 1 His honor, the mayor, has been absent on a tour of the northwest, for eqyqral weeks, hut .hte old ^iituids,,. thj» di^ptder- iy conduct club, did not forget, hin^i dup- Thomasville had beenenjoying' a good healthy building boom during the last few months. We have made this state ment before and hope that we shall have cause to'make it again. This time the remark refers to the activity displayed on Jackson street near Madison. A force of negroes are busily; engaged in breaking. ground for a new stable •which-trill be built at oboe, by itr-J. ij. Cone, The site is nest tq thq, Mjtapf he now occupies and the new stable will he bbiit of wood. It will- be one sUwbr high and its dimensions will«be70,by m : - When it is finished Mr. Cone will oc- . cupy it in adjunct to the feed and sale. business which he is now carrying on. He| will „ probably Continue tb,.u$e his The recent sngarcanegfbwersconven tion at Macon caused much comment < throughout the entire United States., i The paper read by Mr. W.B. Rodden- 1 bery of Cairo was one of the strongest i of the whole - convention. The reatits : of the contention are already beginning < •• .•'/// < Tlie Savannah Press sayp that Oapt. i ,{TheCRy MissonBoardrecentiymade . m^ntion of the growing need of a ,<nr T culating library. The time is here, when t jhis departmept of ,tbq work mcst : be 1 brought, info jthe scho^ eitlierby perspp^. 1 al gifts or purchasing fupds.o,! ^ i bltm^ansso mnt^totbdifu^b^^ab- 1 Idling of the l <ntyini^oii l s^Q9^i»;that 5 ft** * this kjRd Qft school,befqre/ it. can come f r* .under; foe management; pf , foe general, .* , board of cj*y flodaricnj^.by f which the greatest strength is giveh to this de- * mentipf city mission \frork.; ‘ Already the 1 \ department of: industrial and. manual training is progressing rapidly. : This is * shown ixt the sewing < bjh the girls and . f the raphiaWark- by the little boy*,: the j ■ neatness and thoroughness reflecting * > math'credit to both 1 foeskilli ofthe teacher and the aptitude of the pupils. 1 } "-To see, the'eagemess of these Children ‘ as they grasp the limited opportunities for reading'iifordesll by th^ 1 bbo^, T pa pers and magazines .that-have already bbeu given them; &U the^uconrageiaeut ; ;prompt*(tos. greater-. effort this movement for th^r higher literary : andspiritual attainments. ' : T^ell, yes, Georgia ought to be repre- sentedattheSt. Louis World’sPair. , Dr.'A.P. Taylor went up the roadon professionalbusinessTuesday. j ' Sarah E; Whitehurst of Monticello stopped at the Stuart on Sunday* : —-..r.- .. , ,, t C. Pinckney, the' Pidcockian, was a Sunday visitor visitor to Thomasville "• inghiSjabBenpe. . .. <\i?w*yy -v . -T^e club entertained in Ids honcr at a delightful,rec^ptiqn.^ their^u^rpoms, over, the ftr^ . statin ypst^r^^ifter- noon. All. of^the. xjld jim#, members pf the dub were present^ And .foe i^upi<jp. was a touching one. .In fact sonfte. wej$ touched for ,u much. as. an^.costs. U. : G[ 1 fUiWfis 3 correspondence 4 ^i,lh a Michigan ; beet sugar manufacr. ‘ * -* —- ^ - **- — eandcpn- in recent 1 as the ppetmastergeneralmayprescribe; Prom Tallahassee, by Bradfordyille, Centerville, Mannington (n. o.), Iamo- nia, andBStmnyliill; .APUCjT^TlibihaA- ville, (Georgia) 39 miles and back, three i bn 6 o,,-; ditions bate are' as ieprCse'i pappraread ^the-cane grpweracp^eii- tion in Macon by Dr. Stubbs of Louisi ana and W. B; Bddcfehb4ry,' Of Tlionias county,, in tlxis state, that lie is willing tO CGWChCte and' if TSTc^ arrange to Qpntfact.fp?, at ^eg8| for hve years Will erect a factory cost ing, not less than $500,000. ^ - ' Tlie ijicliigap man, as 6tated, is at t^e present time engaged in the pjatin- facttlre o^beet fengar and is onO of'the most successful' in,thp .state,. The liipit. of tlie beet sugar production is soon reached in any community, and having reached that state in his sectiSbflie now Theptybroopi was decorate^..ip ebony and^ ivory, : Dupng the, pou^e ;v of ,the afternoon fricasepd evidence wass^rved, handsomely embellished (.with and j earnesju^s8.. n ..^f ] nil ^ Tl?e fpllowipg ..^fell, kppwnjppntribp-. , > Mre. A .W. •-Stuart,’ who. hashes© ill: with fever for the past three weeks, is now.ipipmngsteadaly.; : ^ J.-- R/ ! Toriilinsbn lias bjpen called to Valdosta, owihg to the illness of rela- ' tivesin thatCIty/i. ' r Mrs/ Tom Mallard, returned to the city ^Tuesday evening after a visit to friends in North Georgia. jjeave Tall^iassee jTue^d^yr-Thprsday and Saturday at 6 a. m. Arrive at Thomaaville by 6 p. m. . LCave Th’omasvilie Monday, Wednes- day Jahd Friday' at 8 a. ml Arrive t at Tallahassee by 6'p. m. , ' Bond required vtiiih bidi $1200. the c^ty treasury, wejre,present aiid, did pincjt ^ add < to the : pleasure, of^ the irfternpppr^]> f . r *«id 0 T j Sallie Beil, $5 and costs. ^ tf 3^aggfp^3oc?iwin N $2.apd epsljB. lf |Mhttia Peoples, $10 and costs,,,, , r ^ . . ‘Hattie Hill, $4 and costs. , , M ^ ni Jtip M^illen, $10 ^rrd.oosts/, / )if Jim Mitchell, $5 and costs. ,) r . , . «, J( j W ? .^. ftioe^^aii^jcpets^ ■ ? ij 1- FINE OANTELOUPES.’ ^^ «' SUMMER SESSIOI ho Legislature Convened? In Atlen- Wednesday and Heard Able Mes- jf*armers Institute and taelon-CiiL ’ The Times-En^erprise is in receipt’ of aege From Governor Terrell. Hon. Jojhn R. Singletary \was in' Thoinasyille Tuesday en roiiite- to, ,hill. Atlanta. V • an announcement of the 1 Pawners Insti tute for the counties of Dougherty, Lee and Worth, which is to be held at Pou- laU dn July litlfi 1903. ’The Poulan' Poultry Club’ will hold a free exhibition of poultry and pet stock at .which premiums will be awarded and a big, free Melon cut will Be held. Eveiy farmer in Thomas county is in vited’to he present, and if any of them find time to go they will doubtless carry off, their share of poizes and eat their shire of* melons. 1 Atlanta, Ga., June 24.—The first ses sion of the Georgia legislature, under the new law which creates a summer session' of that body, convened in this <rity this morning. Hie annual message of Gov. Joseph M. Terrell' deals priiu^paJly WitS state issues and the equalizaUon of taxation. He recommends that- tlie state care for the graves of the Confederate dead, Ag/yfie separation of tlie inmates of I the insane asylum so as to provide d i ferent departments' for sanes” and “criminal insanes.” C*.. Are also proposed in the management or public institutions and the utilization of certain lands previously set aside by law lor tlie education of the poor. Tlie Governor , makes a strong. plea i ‘for a hoard of tax equalizers, * making , tlie tax system the leading feature of legislative duties, ' T. P. Walton has returned from Val dosta where ,he, lias been ; ^tending the 4 meetings of : the Epworth League Con vention. i ;v 0 i Dr. Harry Ainsworth has been chosen secretary of ThonjasyitLe Lodge No. 638f B. P: O. E, The doctor is an enthusmstie ^lk and will make a good officer. , ■ Looking to this, then, as their next re quirement at onr li^nds, we ast Ml who ‘are interested in this school to send such good boobs or other literature as they can w.^l| spare from their o\yn libraries pr, if nothing in Hand, will, yon kindly dontribute for a book or. paper? Either would be most gratefully received by their teacher at her home at Mr. J. P. Evans on Dawson street^ AU iiterature Mr- Q. W. Davis Brings Load of Early ^ Melons to Town. ^ive|i tjiis^imouQf will be \ alJout^fS; $4 per ton He also wrijes tliat he w tak^ the dius of 5°' Mr. and Mrs. T. E. E. Bartlett, form* erly of. this city, ■ have - left their recenft home in Augusta and are how residents pf Pranmsco. r \ .ru > • * : ' 1 ! The many friends, of Mr/ Smith who has been seriously ill for some, weeks will be glad to learn' thai he is irecovecpig rapidly. . i Melon Business Booming. The melon season has. opened up An earnest and from nowon growers, buyers aiid railroad people will be bugy'hand- n nvAn An T X It is well known that Thomas county i the center of the cane growing indns- •y in Georgia, and every effort should e made tb,locate th8 proposed factory l ng the crop. On Tuesday I., J. Sims Mid P. N. Carter, of Merrillville,. each sold, a carload of melons to the Bay less Fruit Company. One hundred, dollars per car weus the amount paid. . , , ’ .. . Messrs.,E. R. Jerger and Axchi^ Mac Intyre leave tomorrow for. Savannah and sail for New York on June 26th. , ternoon for Savannah; xowjtor New York.:' • Big fire at Moultrie. ’j ' pie large planing mill.of E. E. Mace at'Moultrie, Ga., was burned |ate Mon day night,.. Moifltriehaslieen ^ttremely Tlie Governor congratulates the state upon tli^ satisfactory manner ’in' wliich the various departments.of the govern ment, including the judicial, have beeu- Administered. SUMMER STEALING STARTS. Oiin S. Dean, once a teacher Thomasville school, now a .TOof« Cutbbert is in the city. *, S, ; J. McLeod, „the .proficient ; pencil, pilot, of ,the Pplpifc .and Pew, is in the, city lifter an extended, ^rip iii the in tor?,, est of his publication. T,. . ,, t . .'Miss Bessie Harlej*of Fitzgerald ar rived in the city yesterday afternoon and will he the! guest Of >her grand mother on Jacksbn street for several days'. : " ' '' ’ Mrs: Theodore . jWjlkins ( ppd Miss, Georgia May Baker, who have been the guests of Miss Mamie BqttoPS, returned to their home in Jesup yesterday after* noon. : - a >{n Appe ite Overcomes Virtue and Four Colored Boys Are Jugged. ■ unfortunate of late as the Georgia North ern depot went up ini flames a couple of weeks ago. Tlie loss was partially cov* eredby insurance. * Rev. Clias, c posbrobe, ; reefcoir in clrnrge of tlie Episcopalian clrurch at Iamonia, Fla., was in the. city dn Tues- day. . " ■ ! ’' • . ’ ' ' ' ' . MONTICELLO WIN3. S .me- great * moralist. could easily write a long theme on the subject u De cade ice of Morals in' Sumtnef. 1 **' 1 Cer tain peope hold that virtae is merely a creature, of circumstance anyhow, 4 . Bp that as it. mayfthe luscious watfr- ; melon has always been a, menace tp the thomasville Youthful Ball Tow sera D; feated by Our Floridian Neighbors. I . BroughtBackPrlsoner. ,. ;• SheriffHight went downto the Brook6 county ltyp ypsteniay, morning., The efflejent-sheriff neyer, back empty ; handed, and tfiis time he .brought with him John^ Williams/ a negro who is wanted in Tallaliasse. .;f .>! Miss Rena Brandqn, of Thomasville^ : is the guest qf Mrs. D. S. Brandon, cm, Bellview avenne, ,say£ the Dublin cor respondent ofthe Atlanta Journal, This is > the busy season With some of oyr Thomasville merchants. Stock taking time is at hand and clerks and proprietors we^r a harassed look. : • • - Capt. Dan Dixon took his tChm of .■“never defeated Rangers” to Monticello 1 yesterday to argue with tho ; youth'of that city in regard to the respective base ball merits of the two teams. The never defeated Rangers can no longer flaunt their yrond sobriquet for Monticeild won by a score of 13 to 12, .x , . Dan says the team was crippled by the absence oi four of his best men; however. Raport and-Prospects as Sent Out by _ Weather Bureau. . ■] The week was' warm and, generally dry, very favorable for. crop growth and farm work. ‘ Cotton fields Were rapidly Back From New York. 1 Mr; and Mrs. A. Cooke return- freed from g^ass; plants continue small but are generally healthy and improving; squares are forming and blooms appear ing in a;few sections; labor for/roltiva- tion is scarce. Corn-is undersized but ed yesterday frOmNew York where they have been spending several w^eksi Mr.' Cooke is much improved in health, and reports an enjoyable'trip. likewise foil info the clutches : of the law.and* are now in jail, having tlie dif ference ■*' ' * team incnl- Hon. j, Fondren Mitchell went to At lanta . Tuesday, and. t will represeLt Thomas county .with conscientious care during the coming session of the legisla ture. ; . ' A FREAK OF NATURE. "V7. L. Yeal of Moultrie was a guest of foe Mastiry yesterday. , R Mr. and Mrs. J. B. .J.mison returned •last night from Macon. Watermelon Growing Arcuid Knotcf Wood on Exhibition. " ’ Tiueshiug of wheat and oats is general, yields fair. - Cane and sweet potatoes are doing well; melons are late afld in ferior. The pqpch crop is regarded as a p/actical failure over the northern belt, bat in numerous central and southern sections/ the crop, although *611076, will douh^less bCjOf. good quality. , Showers are needed to mellow the soil. Thomas: Heavy rains at intervals luring the week;, crops continue to im prove; corn about laid by, melons being .-hipped. ..... - ■ Messrs. Cicero Young and John Da vidson went away on the il o’clock train Tuesday. 1 They announced their destination as Wiiighain, Bainbridge and other points. - Editor May of the Quitman Free Press Was a T visitor to Thomasville yesterday/- Jhithe window o! J. W. Peacock’s drugstore mood It is in the shape watermelon which has grown around a knot of wood and bulged otit on the other side. The knot completely en- . !£ujircles the melon and the result is .a queer looking combination. Some one should patent tlie device and call it a knot-melon or a waters - wood. It should have a good sale at all iss Victoria Collier, of Albany,;is attractive guest, of Miss Sue CuJ- Rev. H. C. Jones, wife and children Of Boston, Ga., were in the city Tues day. Mrs. Johes and the cliildren went on to Camilla in the evening, w)nle the. Reverend returned to fts home;. , • "A True Remark ‘ i Referring -to’ the : buildings thnt are j golng np, on Soath Jackson street, a ^ bushie8Sj mail on'flitit' thoroughfare said . wfiferdav: ■' ,l 1 '' : ' ! “ •* S Ga.. ani Miss Eva ib,City,Mi SS .»wiHar i GoyrKii* School of ' Technology .luring the past, two years, will probably not W. D. Mitchell, will 'return with ind will make her home in Mont-