The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 19, 1903, Image 1
ASVH.LE ENTERPRISE. VOL.47 noted LAND CASE. GOOD WORDS. If possible, the. result of the dot contest will be an nounced in next week’s paper. The contest closes 4t t p. m., December 24th | and the judges, Capt. E. M. j Smith, Dr. J. T. Culpepper | and Judge W. M. Jones will I make the awards as soon | thereafter as they can de- ! termine the winners. Ownership of Colquitt County Land Again in Court at Macon. People Have No Other Kind for the Robinson Amusement Company. There is very general interest dis played in the fall festival and gala week which is to commence next Mot day. The'big half page advertisement in yes terday *s Times-Enterprise started the people to talking about the festival, and heard on the THE DOTS WILE RETIRE Every Correct Count Will Win a Prize Worth at Least Aon thousand acres of valuable South Georgia land is the amount of property- involved in the well known case of Mrs. Caroline O. Kilgore, and others, versus J. B. Norman, Jr., et al. which is again being aired in the United States court at Macon. The litigation ’has been pending in the courts for many years and Jins once many conversations streets yesterday .inregurd to it. The city council has revoked its former ac tion. and the Company will bo allowed The concensus to show free of charge, of opinion is that the council acted wisely. The people iiave every confi dence in Mr. C. T. Stuart, who is look ing after tiie local arrangeiSients, and his guarantee is sufficient to assure dean and amusing shows. The company Is in Valdosta tliis week and citizens of tliat place are well pleased. The press of the state wherev er the .company has appeared is unani mous in its praise. A railroad official who lias been in the business for four teen years, says tliat the Robinson Com pany is the first tliat has beep moved by him in all tliat time, that had no trouble in regard to money matters, 'attach ments and the like. They left Albany last Sunday having paid every claim, and having satisfied every one. Prom all accounts the shows arc strictly al right. ; - The city is beginning to take on a Gala Week air all ready. ; Mi*. M. M. Patch was transacting business in the city Wednesday. Among the throng of Monday shop} pers was MisSlEla Butler, of Ochlockp- neo. DEATH OF MRS. CLEWIS. Miss Bessie Reece of Thomasville is the guest of Mrs. P v B. Walker.—Ma^ con News. Aged Lady Passed Away Tuesday Morning at Her Son’s Home. . Mr. J. J. Bryan, the popular county commissioner, came over from Cairo on business Wednesday. Mrs. S. A. Clewis died at an early Tuesday morning, at the residence of her sou Mr. J. M. Clewis on Reming ton Avenue. Mrs. Clewis was eighty-five years and five months old. She had lived a long and useful life in this community and had reared a splendid family. She was a lady of consistent Christian character and her good works were many. f |ie had been ill about six weeks, and ttyagh her death was not unexpect- t was a sad blow to her relatives and fyionitq, ghe is survived by five chil dren. Among that number are Mr.~ J. M. Clewis and Mrs. J. O. J. Lewis of this city. She was laid to rest in Lai r >1 Hill at ten o’clock Wednesday morning. Rev. T. A, White conducted the last sad rites at the cemetery. Mr. John C. Blalock, who has been in Savannah for some time, has re turned to Thomasville. COMING BACK. Mrs. Helen S, McMurdy of Unadilla N. Y. is a winter tourist who is at' the Masury for the season. Boston Team Will Train Here Again This Spring^ ’.$90.00 90.00 People who take an interest in sports ertUeazn with pleasure that the Boston bafewiill team is coming here again this spring. The Bostonians spent several weeks here iaistspring ahdgot into good shape for their long summer season. They have also been here in training quarters at other times. They will come this year on March 16th. and have al ready engaged rooms at the Mitchell House. They will practice at the Fair Grounds near the city. A number of the old players have been re-engaged, and they will find many friends here. As a role the men are a quiet mid gentlemanly set, and they form desirable additions to the life of the^esort. On Exhibition at Coleman A Adams. Value. Mr.and Mrs. Yatss Entertain In Hon- or of Their Mother. 1 Pair w*"*" Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store. Value. 1 Stetson Hat On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store. Value tained at dinner Wednesday^ honor of their mother, who hiw been spending the past two months with them. She returned to hor home in Missouri last night, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Bl&Le, of Savannah. Those present were Mr. if d Mrs. Fitzpatrick, of Atlanta, Mr. und\^rs. W. H Blake. 1 of Savannah, Mrs. F. M. Slmrpe, of ’ Missouri, Mrs. John G. Sharp, of Iowa, < Mr Mays Yates, of Pavo, Mr. and Mrs. . Infant Dies. The four montlis’old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wilson died about mid night Tuesday at the residence of Mr. C. B. Dixon on Sprit h Avenne. The little fellow had been sick for several weeks and Iris death was not unexpect- 1 Pair Douglas-Mena* Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store. Value. 1 Pair Queen Quality Ladies 81ioes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company's Store. 1 Pair Queen Quality Ladies Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s Store. 1 Jefferson Hat. On exhibition at Thomasyjlle Shoe Company’s Store. Value. 10 Copies of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage’s “Travels in the Holy Land.” 10 prizes having each a value of $2.75. On exhibition at J. E. Robison & Co.- 1......... Miss Grao*. Jenkins left Wednesday:" evening for a visit with Mrs, Russel in Metcalfe. Value. Value. Mr. J. J. Borns, wife and daughter of Defiance, Ohio, bid defiance to win ter’s rigors by coming sontii.« They am at tho Masury, Mr. Wilson purchased property in Thomasville only a few days since and is now engaged in moving his effects here from Iamonia. The family lias the sympathy of a great many friends in their sorrow. The baby was tabeu to Iamonia Wednesday for burial. ‘ 60 Pounds Hickory Chewing Tobacco, 20 prizes. On exhibition at C. W.’Cooper & Company’s 60 Subscriptions to the American Farmer, 60.prizes........ .... Mr. V. M. H©eth, of Kansas City, is in Thomasville, having been called hers by tho death of his father, Mr. N. R. M. Heeth. He will probably remain here for several weeks. is simply a EXPLANATION, The person who sends in the first correct count of the Dots get first choice of the above list of prizes, the second nearest second choice, etc. If 'no correct count is sent, then the count most nearly correct gets 1st choice and sec- and ingenuity' winning. you absolutely nothing. Every for places on tho school noam, oi. pittmau, W. H. Bramlcn im.1 G. W. II. Stanley appear* today. Mr. Pittman had .Oread, been nominated. Bn*- Cruller are members ol the d0!I n't board. The former ia one of the i.iadinc wholesale merchants. The .. <B ,,resident of;the business erltojte L 'noth are men of education, ahil- !tv"andexperience ineehool wort. They 1^*" „edae«pt»l>l.y iu thepast and * ill give faithful service if re-elected. ' f P Taylor, whose term as a mem- Spires in January .wiU be a candidate for re-eleetion. Opens January First. The Piney Woods Hotel will "1«> * , r davseaxlier than usual this season. 1 11'he ready for tho reception of n T1,ePiIie7 . *!” j. one of the most famous resort S3 the south. Advance reserve- I;:!: of rooms indicate a-busy season, ,nd manytour' . Movlnll ‘ Jt.ati A. a Bowmen, f. '■ ■' . broXcrs.e#. : ’ "" f ', c •Pr,.w ° K f nett door to the TimcbEuter- MEL iiavo flif* lumd - T jjome $ Almost Ready. The house which Mr. M. M. Futch is building on Remington avenue for rent ing purposes will be ready for occupan cy on January 1st. It is extraordinarily neat and well arranged, and receives compliments from £very visitor. The plans for the house were drawn by Mrs! Futcli after ideas of her own. Mr’ and Mrs. E. H. Dutcher, who hate been boarding Mr. and Mrs, A N. Turnbull for several months, are now-with Mrs. Barbara Tallis on Madi son street. ,* l ; worth at least $20. FOR SALE;—Four room new houae near Female College: pripe S8Q0,rert ed for S8.00will sell far $200 cash and balance $8.00 per month for ten years. E. M. Mellette. 18d2tw1t« 2. That no one in Thomasville. even. the editor himself, knot's what the count is. 3. Tliat after the contest isover the patentee of the scheme, Mr. J. R. Colburn, New York, will send us a sworn aflida- Christmas Boxes. . The member: of tlieEpworth League are making preparations for their an nual distribution of Christmas boxes to the poor. Their solscitors are ait work this week and will visit every one possible. ,Whether they see yo$ or not you should ve ready to help. vit and'proof of the count. Str. C. T. Stuart has returned from a briif vi it to Valdosta. While there hfef Visited the shows of tho. Robinson; ,Amusement Company which is com ing here next week. The people of Val dosta are attending the sliows_ii T largo urinfoers, aud are xnlit.i leased with them. That way connected with the Timos- , ill be allowed to eater contest. faka cr humbug about thojiuzzlc. It iLThuttLe* 'use. THIS ULANK-iJl' AhL OASES .... DateV... ........ Hour - tpo nothin in these blank?} ' * lasyUle, Ga.- . • » , to apply on my sui • ioa to The .. Funeral Yesterday. (funeral of Mr. N. R. M. Heeth [lace Tuesday eVenirig «t |hreo - L A large number of sorrowing I followed^ thp ^remains to the .“Dot Enirou” Teues-Extcuppose, The Enclosed find .**•/*. which seu^uiitilordered^disT - Mrs; S. A* Clewis wts 1 .Laurel Hfii Wednestr.ym* Walt*® VYillhtrns. O. :'I.- ; Riley, y L RarkeivJ.d H Vanp weje pall pieivis wHips to iin' oil klpt ('ouut the recoriV yof.terd -of.-hie cnrt^.t^jei t(Wri,to name and"tiddress and jnqke'fi l-jpioro