The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 19, 1903, Image 5

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SrOvt c/ (Special to Times-Enterprise.) ‘ r;-i ' -Meigs, Ga., Dec. 17th, 18C3. Unde John W. AlligooU, a- prosper ous planter residing a couple* of miles east of here, marketed perhaps the old est bale of cotton in the country, here recently. It was short staple, weighed 510 pounds,' fpd sold at 11 3-4 cents per pound, being bought by J. N. Carter. Uncle John raised this cotton 13 years ago, since which time it has been stored away on his farm.- It was wrapped in the “Farmers* Alliance** bagging, and is in almost atf good condition as the day it was packed/ It will be remem bered that this bagging was adopted by the Farmera’ Alliance for the purpose of downing the jute trust, was used ex clusively by th e members of the Alli ance, and was finally successful in caus ing a great reduction of the price of jute bagging. Thirteen seasons ago this cotton would have sold for about 8 cents. By Calculating 8 per cent interest on the value of the cotton at the time it was ginned, for thirteen years, and deduct ing the difference in its value then and now, it will be readily seen that he has lost something near $25.00 by holding it. lias not needed the money nbr had any other cause to sell the cotton, but thinking of the present tempting prices, he decided to dispose of it. Very few' people in this section knew that Unde John had this bale of. cotton, and when it was hauled, into town the Other morning it proved to be quite a cariosity to the citizens. Catarrhal Diseases are Most „ Prevalent in Winter. IS THERE NO WAY OF Kind Toil Have Always Bought, and -which has hoed j In use for oler 30 years, has home the signature of —^ * and has been made tinder his per- /jP ssonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-i-ood” arc bat Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. escape from them? Pe-ru-na Never’Fails to Cure Catarrh Wherever Located. There are some things which are as ■ore as fate, andean bo relied on to occur *> *t least one-half of the human family •mesa means are taken to prevent. First, the climate of winter is sure to bring colds. Second, colds not promptly cured are ■ure to cause catarrh. Third, catarrh Improperly treated is ■nre to make life short and miserable. Catarrh spares no organ or function of the body. It to capable of destroying right, taste, smell, hearing, digestion, What Is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare- ; goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures'Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. She Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yy Bears the Signature of , , secretion, assimilation and excretion. It pervades every part of the human body, head, throat, stomach, bowels, bronchial tubes, lungs, liver, kidneys, Madder and other pelvic, organs, ®**t Peruna cures catarrh wherever located hr attested by the following tes timonials sent entirely unsolicited to Br. Hartman by grateful men and wo- ■ten who have been cured by Peruna: fl^steaalc Catarrh. Mrs. M. K. Bousch, Richmond, Va., writes: - “I had catarrh all through my system for two years and could get no veUef. I was advisad to try Peruna and I have taken five bottles of it and am well and better now than I have been for years. I cad advise any one who has catarrh of any part of the body to take Peruna. My little girl who is eleven years old had catarrh, but was eared by Peruna. Before I began to take Peruna I was sick all the time, but now I am entirely cured, and ail praise is doe Peruna.**—Mrs. M. K. Bousch. Catarrh of the Voee. Mr. Herman Ehlke, 952 Orchard street, Milwaukee, Wis. f writes: “lam entirely edred of my catarrh of the nose by your Parana. My case was a severe one.*’—Herman Ehlke. Catarrh of the Throat. R, H. Runyan, Salesville, O., writes: “ I suffered with catarrh of the throat for five years. I was Induced to try Peruna. I have used five bottles and am perfectly well.”—B. H. Runyan. Catarrh of The Ear. Mr. Archie Godin, 188 Beech street, Fitchburg, Mass., writes: 1 ■ Peruna has cured me of catarrh of the middle ear. I feel better than 1 have for several years.”-—Archie Godin. ' S Catarrh of The Kidneys. I Peter J. Unger,Hawley. Pa., writes: I “I think that I am perfectly cured of r catarrh of the kidneys by Peruna, as" I have no trouble of any Jdnd.**-r* P. J. Unger. . Catarrh of The Stomach. A. tV. Graves, of Hammond, Inch, writing to Dr. Hartman, says: “I am well of catarrh of the stomach after suffering two years. I have taken five bottles of Peruna and one of Mana- lin and b feci like a new man now.”— A. W, Graves. Pelvio Catanh. Miss Katie Loch man, Lafayette, Ind., Catarrh of The Lunfi. • Mrs. Emilie Kirckhoff, Ada, Minn., writes: \ \ . “Through a violent cold contracted last winter, I became afflicted with ca tarrh of the nose, which in a short time affected my longs. I took Peruna which cured me thoroughly. I mow feel better: than I have, for forty years.**—Mrs. Emilie Kirckhoff. writes: "7 “ I had pelvic catarrh, pain in the ab domen, back, had stomach trouble and headache caused by catarrh. I followed your directions: took Peruna and Mana- lin according to directions, and how happy I feel that I am relieved of such a distressing ailment.**—Miss Katie Lochman. , Catarrh of The Bowels, Mr. Henry Entzion, South Bend, Ind n writes: •< The doctor said I had catarrh of the bowels and I took his medicine, but with no relief. I was getting worse all the time. “ Before' I had taken a MS® bottle of Peruna I felt like a new man.**—Henry Entzion. If you do not receive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a John H. Sparks Old Reliable naeiNU shows, anb WEDDING AT BOSTON. Mr. John Smith, 811 S. Third street. Atchison, Kan., writes: “I was troubled with catarrh of the urethra and bladder for two years. At the time I wrote to you I was under the care of my home doctor, and had been for four months. “I followed your directions but two months, and can say Peruna cured me of that trouble.**—John Smith. Catarrh of The Head. Mr. D. B. Ramsey writes in a recent letter from Pine Bluff, Ark^ the fol lowing: “My son, Leon Ramsey, four years of | age, suffered with catarrh of the head ! I for wig]i teen or t\ve11t3' month*. He took 1 one hottWof yonr IV- unu and eimld ; hoar as <'■* ever.**—T>. It. R i-ist— Two Well Known Young People Mar ried—Other Topice. Worlds Greatest Trained Animal Exposition will Exhibit in Thomasville, for one day only on Tuesday, Drcember 22. ,x Giving' Two Grand Performances at 2 and 8 o’clock, p. m. Rain or Shine. Ask your Druggis for a 1904 Peruna Almanac free. stiu- boiling: AjVo Other News From the BueyYll lage to p\ir North. Lady Well Known Here andatSusine Loses Jewels. Barwick Farmers Not Yet Through Making Syrup. Admission only 25 cents Chil dren under 10 years of age 15 cents. j^usina, Ga., Dec. 15-03. Mr. S. M. Beach has shown us clip pings from Northern papers reporting the robbery of nearly six thousand dol lars worth of diamonds and jewelry be longing to Mrs. - J. C. Shaw, of New York, by U. S. expressmen, who broke open her trunk while in transit between Umontown, Pa. and Findene, N. J. By some smart detective work t he robbers liave been captured, and the whole of the jewtiry recovered. Mrs* Shaw is a sister of Squire-Beach of this place, and she is well known in Thomasville, hav ing made several winter visits to her brother’s home. Dr. Anders and Mr. F.B. VanBrunt passed through here Friday on their way to Thomasville. Mt. H. M. Clapp killed two fine wild turkeys last week. Two cutting scrapes, and. a runaway have relieved the monotony this week. Saturday was a busy day in the Jus tice’s court. Two colored citizens were committed for trial, one for hog steal ing, the other for shooting a cow, J. M. Blackshear, Jr., who is bailiff for this district, goes for his man and gets him. u Jim a future county sher iff in embryo? Mr. Walker from Thomasville is down here initiating Mr. J. B. Talbot into the work of running Mr. A. H.. Mason’s road machine. o - Mr. F. B. Van Brant has bought out Mr. Walter Wilson at Fla., and will continue the business at the SEE ROMEO, the Largest and Heaviest Loin in captivity. SEE MARY, the best Trained Elephant on Earths SEE FLOSSY, the Champion_High Diving Dog of America. SEE BOLIVAR, the Smallest, Cutest and Prettiest little Pbny tile World, only 26 inches high. took place near here Tuesday. The contracting parties were Mr. Dock Smith and Miss Elia Floyd. The der- emony was performed at [ the residence of of Rev. A. O. Stephenson, who offi ciated. Only a few friends witnessed the ceremony. Miss Susie Brooks and little brother and sister wont over to vMnrphy to visit relatives and friends. Mr. Robert Haddock went over to Moultrie Sunday, visiting friends. The party at Mr. Christian’s Tuesday night was a grand snocess. „ Quite a large crowd attended the pound party at Mr. Guy Jolmson’s new residence last Friday night. The party was given in honor of Miss Fannie Ra gans. Mr. W. M. McMillan went over. to Thomasville on business Saturday. Mr. Brook and sdns, James and Glo ver, visited relatives and friends here Sunday. . Mr. T. J. McGahee, who lived near here, has moved to Oooiidge. Friends regret to see Mr. MoGahee move away. Mr. Patterson and family, of Moul trie, have moved here. Our tqwn is still growing. Mias Yassie Jordan, of Prospect set tlement, is spending a while with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Jarrett. Little Miss Janie Lee “Evans and little brother, Duxard, Oooiidge, are visiting relatives and friends for a few . days. Mr. R. A. Whoeless, the lessee LI Boston’s telephone exchange, visited the oounty’s capitol last Tuesday. Mrs. F. O. Ivey who has been absent for several weeks visiting .relatives in Atlanta and South Carolina returned home last Tuesday. Mrs. S‘. J. Kingsley and little son, George, visited Thomasville since our last epistle and while there were the guests of her father, Sheriff T. J. Right. W. B. Moody of Atlanta attended the obsequies of bis brother, Dr. L. G. Moody last Monday—Ahe interment be ing at Grooverville. Dr. Jennings of Valdosta was here last Wednesday interviewing our. busi ness men. Mrs. Allen of Dixie, Brooks county, was visiting her son, W. C. Allen, who occupies a prominent position with the Comfort Trading Co. last Tuesday. Little Bessie' Vann qf the Pibefcect neighborhood has been the guest of Margarette Wade this week. Mr. Palmer, a prominent business man of New York, is spending the winter in Boston, the guest of the Hotel Ruby. W. B. Parish of the firm of Ansley & Parish, has sold out his interest to M. 3. Groover. The firm will be Ansley & Groover. ■ ’ v t ■ i"V?;; The death of Dr; L. 6. Moody which occurred last Monday at his father’s residence in North Boston, while not unexpected, was very sad.. Dr. Moody was just entering into a lucrative ' prao- tioe, he having been well equipped for his chosen profession of dentistry. We Take the Childre^msee our little Baby Lions and Pretty!-little Ponies, Wonderful Perf4Rimg Lions, Bears, Wolves, Camels and Ele phants. Finely Educated Horses, Ponies, Mules, .Dogs, Goats, Mon keys and Birds. 7 r Great Acrobats, Gymnasts, Contortionists, Aerialists, Vaulters, Leapers, Tumblers; Jugglers, Wire-Walkers and Six Funny Clowns. 7 New Grand, Golden, Glittering Street .Parade at noon. Headed by our Challenge Silver Cornet Band of Solo Musicians. Don’t Miss It. lotting K« Yon are perhaps wondering what to get, yon want to get something that wil 1 appreciated and of some nine. Would advise yon when yon come to town to mote from civilization, a famil driven to detention in csseoi resulting in Bums, Outs. Wot cers, stc. Lay in a supply of 1 Arnica Salve. It s the best <