The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 19, 1903, Image 8

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lECEMBFR It THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, D] Application For Charter. THE j. N. CARTER CO. GEORGIA—'Thomas County. TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY: The petition of Daniel Willis, E. E. : Will be sold o the 1st Tuesday »n January, 1904, be een the legal* of sale, at the eo house 1U , vilie, (k, tl.e fol rtng ..escribed.prop erly J fa-wit: Tw y-flve &)*>«*« land, being part ( elho. 407, intlm 12th district,of T1 nas comity BMUUjgl as follows: So least and North ; bylands of O. T. ipper, west b 5" 1 of George Berry 1 nji tlielandwhcreon .the defendant uov esides. Levied npon . as the property ol csa Wells by nrtne of a justi e court ft, issued from the ' R. Hi A Georgia Product to Have a National Sale. We have arganged with one of the largest distributing agencies, in the West, with offices in Chi cago, San Francisco and Los ‘An geles, for the thorough introduc tion and distribution of at.,Which Things Buy -Corrected Weekly. In which to do your Christmas shopping. LOCAL BUYING PRICES. Thomasville, Ga., Dec. 18, ’03—Eggs per doz. ,85to40c.Best butter, 25c. Medium butter, 20c to 22c. Chickens, fries, 32-1-2 to 35c; hens, SO to 35c. Sweet potatoes, 55c to 60c per bu. Wilkes, J :N. Carter and J. R. Hamble- ton respectfully shows tl tat they desire for themselves and their associates, suc cessors, and assigns to’ be incorporated for th^.term of twenty years with priv ilege of* renewal at the’expiration of that time, under the corporate name of. i‘The J. JN Carter CoMpany. ’ ’ The object oJ^saiacorporation on the Pacific coast. Car load- shipments will be routed via New -York and Cape Horn to San Francisoo. The price will be-higher, but Californians are willing to pay for a good thing. Success Soda retails at five cents a pound in tfib Southerp States. The price is w ithin reach of / ev erybody—get the best. MOREHOUSE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Savannah, - - Georgia Fodder, per 100 lbs, 75 to 80c. Seed oats, per bu., G3c.to75c. Country bay. pei ’00 lbs., 50c. to 75c New Syrup 22 tc’25c. LOCAL SELLING PRICES. Thomasville Ga., Dec. 18, 1993.—Cof- , fee, ArbuckleS 15c. Green Coffee, fair 10c. choice, 12j£c, WTritp granula ted sugars^ cents Brown sugar 5c. SuaSoda per lb. 5c; crackers 10 to 20c. Stick candy - 10 Kcrosine oil 30o—5 gals. 90c. Side meat per lb ' 10 Meal . 76c per bu. Flour $4.50 to $5.50 per bbl. Western hams 151? to 18c. Lard, Compound 9c., Leaf 10c. Breakfast bacon. 17 to 20c. Timothy hay, $1.25 per 100 lbs. Bran $1.25 per 100 lbs. Cotton Seed Meal $1.35 per 100 lbs. Cotton seed hulls 60c per 100 lbs sack. The object o^said corporation is to be pecuniary gain and profit to'its stock holders and to that end thjey propose to engage especially in .the purchase and sale of merchandise of any and every kind, as well as the manufacture there of,' including fertilizers, lumber and naval stores; to invest or engage in any business or enterprise not contrary to law or inconsistent with the before men tioned purpose of the corporation! and which may promote the interest of said corporation or develop the resources of this section of tl»e country. To this end your -petitioners desire that they, their associates and success ors Y>e invested wifcli corporate power and authority to pnrcliase bold, build, improve,, sell and lease or let any and all kinds of property both real and person al. either for themselves or for others, charging for the same; to sue and be sued and have all other powers conferr ed by the. laws of Georgia on such cor porations and all such powers nptmen- are incident to said bus- IT IS DANGEROUS To delay as you may not get wliat you want. Candies! err/ on. Below wilf be found a few suggestions' for Xma: which will be r ' » Appreciated, Useful and Ornamented A beautiful line of..... LOWNEY’S CANDIES, be heard at the k court of ordinary f< held on the first 1904: Witness m signature,, this the % - Wm ; 12-5-4* FOR LAMES. FOR GENTLEMEN. .Smoking Jackets .>$7 50 Howard Hats V. 3 00 Crosetts Shoes 3 50 Undressed Kid Gloves (guaranteed) 1 50 Kid_Gloves f -fi 25To. 1 75 Pajamas, $2 00 to 3 00 Eclipse Shirts....... 100 Suit Cases $1 50 to 6 00 tioned above iness and necessary* to the operating of Old Soldiers Get Their Money tfebruafry Eighteenth. Guaranteed Kid Gloves Ready Made Skirtjji,.$2 60 to.. Fur Collarettes, $2 50 to...... Cushion Tope, 35c to. .V Applique Collarettes $2 00 to. Table Scarfs, all linen* 75e to. Stephyr Shawls, $1 25 to Wrist Bags, 75c to; Jackets, $7 50 to 7.*... Xmas Souvenir Boxes. They further desire that said corpor-^ ation shall have the power to issue and sell its valid bonds to the amount of one hundred per cent, of the- capital stock act aally paid in, to mature in not more than twenty years, whenever said issue is authorized by a majority of the Board of Directors and approved by two-thirds ' - to borrow Pension Commissioner, J. W. Lindsey has completed his list of dates on which payment of pensions for .1904 'will be made, He will begin jfciyiug pensions January 20 and will complete the work Glove and Handker chief Cases, Etc. by March 2, paying within less than in value of the stockholders; and loan money on notes and mortgages bonds, deeds of trust, or other evidence erf indebtedness; to subscribe for and purchase stock in any other corporation; to act as agent for any other corpora tion and make such bonds as may be re quired in such capacity. They desire that the principal office and place of business shall beat Meigs, in said state and county* with the right to establish branch offices and agencies at other places in the stater. The capital stock of said corporation is to be $40,000.00, divided into shares of $100.00 each, all of which has been paid in, with the privilege erf increasing to $100,000.00 with the approval of two- weeks nearly 15,000 pensioners. There are one hundred and five pen sioners in Thomas connty and they will secure thoir money on February eigh teenth. Bilious Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as jhe first indication ol the dis ease appears and a threatened auack may be warded off. Hundreds of peo pie who are ^object to attacks of bilious colic use the remedy im this way with perfect succes. For sale by J. w. Pea cock. dw Mrs. Frank Walker and Miss. Bessie Copeland, two of Metcalfe’s charming residents, were among the shoppers who spent Thursday here. *GLA—Thomas ounty: ce is hereby gi ;n that the un tied has applied o the ordinary of tor leave > sell the east lot of land nun er npin the i8th t of Thomas cot ty Georgia, for rposeof distrittion. Said up on will be beard n the first Mon- January 1904 in he Court of Or- Nothiag has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it . Judge W. M. Jones has moved from his former residence to the Sturdivant cottage on Madison street recently va cated by Rev, Alex W. Bcaler. ' / Louis Steyerman, Agent for Standard Patterns, Corner Broad and Jackson Street, ThomaSviUf, Ga. NSW Discovery STOMACH TROUBLES CAUSES " HEART TROUBLE. Heart trouble is almost always caused by stomach trouble. The stomach fells to digest all the food, and the residue ferments, forming excess of gas which distends the walls of the stomach, caus ing a pressure on the nerves and arteries that lead to the heart. This causes the heart to palpitate or skip a heat' occa sionally, qr both, which is usually very alarming, causing grave apprehensions. Rydales Stomach Tables will prevent this trouble. They digest the food and prevent gas from forming in the - stom ach. If there is no gas in your stomach your heart will not trouble yorf: J. W. GEORGIA—ThomewCounty. I, J. W. Groover* clerk superior court do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of petition this day filed in my office. This Dec. 10,1903 12-12-4 J. W. Groover, C. S. O. o’clock a. m. on the trst Monday January* 1904. Wm. M. JO ES,Ordinary. Executrix Sale. By virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as Exedutrix of the will of Sarah W. Winthrop Smith, ihe under signed will sell at public sale on the first Tuesday in January, 1904, before the court house in Tbotnasville, Ga.. be tween the usual hours of sale. a t-8 un divided interest in the following tracts or parcels of land in the 13th district of Thomas county, Georgia. Being 100 acres in front of th'e house and part of lot No." 10, and in the southwest corner of said lot, bounded on the east by the Groomsford road; O i the south by the land of N. P. Young, formerly owned by William Stegall on the west bv land for- formerly owned by Mrs. C. Dixon, on the north by the boulevard. Also what is known as the honie place, be^ng 80 acres, more or less, of lot No. lo.qn the east side of the Groomsford road bounded on the north by the boule v^rd; on the east bv the Cassady road: on the south by .another portion of the Maynard land, to be hereafter described* bn the westby the Groomsford road. ’ Also 22 acresof lot No. <5 in said dis trict, state and cqunty. the<- same King immediately east of the Groomsford. road and south of the tract last above de scribeo, and beginning at the .intersec tion of the south boundary line 'of lot No. 10 and the . east margin of the Oroojnsfbrd road ns a starting point running thence 10-10 chains southward ly along said roao, thence eastwardly 21.67 chains to the Cncearttr »i . Have six good mules for sale cheap. We are not in the Stock business and wist- to sell. We also hav*' on fresh stock of Notice of Dii oli.t on. Notice is hereby giv > that the .part- nershtp heretofore e i s t i n g be- l . w .' en .. W ; A -T at,erson B. Bush and I ( . MottHpiifG rail nf ... a I. C. Matthews, all of state, under the firm n; The^Cairp Drug Cc., h C. Matthews and* 6. B PECAN TREES AND NUTS and Medline treeo. (I.2*ntf «nd3 yearn old.) THE fi.M. BACON PECAN CO., Inc. DeWltl, been dissolved all parties, J. Bush retiring, tontinuing the of “The Pat h's all the lia- ig Co., and is illect all debts b. -xnt and seals, this vemh r, 1903. '•A ilUrxon, (L. S.) •B S h.(L.S.) c. Pi ihows, (L. S.) CITATION. GEORGIA—Thomas County. ■ To nil whom it may concern: Mrs. S. F. Savage having applied for guardian ship of the person and property of Josephine Mnmford, minor child of Joseph .Mnmford, late of said county, deceased. Notice is given that said ap plication will* be hear J at jny office at ten-o’clock a. m. ©n the the first Mon day in January. 1904. This Dec. 2,1903. [12-5-4t] Wm M Jones,Ordinary by the mutual consent C. M „„d G. Z W. A. Patterson still Mum business under the narr of ters. n .DtugCo.” W. A. Patterson assu ;c : bilities of The Cairo L ig ( hereby — ? ' ‘ owing 1 hat Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used -Dr. King’s New Life-Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved ther matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood $nd build up yourhealth.Only 25 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by J.*W. Peacock Druggist. . Call and see us before buying. EVANS & SON HAVE JUST ABOUT Application "Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Thomas Co^ . Notice is hereby given signed has applied to tl said county for leave toi longing to the estate of; br< for the payment ot 1 plication will be heard term of the court of ore county to be held on the lhat the onder- * ordinary of r sell land be- ■ R F. Dixon Ubts, said ap- R . the regular TWO 'MORE WEEK5 nary for said li'twood, FDisou.Sr January 1904. This,Nor M A FI 12-M AimrJi In wliich to buy the best Shoes for the least money and get keys to the Red Box that has 50 dollars in it. We give this money to the keys that unlock the Box. , There's no ^oubt about it: We sell you the best Shoes in the county—that's our • 7- business. Ask your . v . " ' neighbor. ' -7 ' , We are closing out7>ne lot of Ladies;$f .50 and, $2.00 Shoes air : #;A', 7 i v 7$ ; Qehts. Application for Discharge. —iORCHA—Thomas County from such guardianship, let ,'n 7522? persons court uousotosaidcouiffo^./^ 1904, Whv Knob in.. 4JEORQIA—Thomas County. 7^-ftsacook, Guardian Baring applied to he , from such J! — * * * ft ——Kwamik lOf n concerned show cause before court house iivsaid county Monday in January, i90-sfw ir plication fbf dieoina— slioicL granr^d. Witness mv this^nddayiof Deceml Wn*. D. JON "•" , Citation. GEO R GI A r-Thomas.County. To all whom it mayboncern .. M. A Fleetwood,. Dublin a tor, haViftg; made h^phbnfidh ,|«'"acpoint«d i Application for UEQRGl.WI-homa UiiSSSJf si administra'oi Lacy, lata ol- Sjiat said npj: lUc vegulnr ti fbr s;ud conn 1 Monday in J: 1 Witness hi j tare, this 7th • V 112-12-41