The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 26, 1903, Image 3

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mormug. Dr. B. A. Dan- My wore called to the Kelly fern, sixteen ,mUM from the * *** “**'> of au unfortunate acci- •autwhicli lied occurred thorethe night before. Mr. Wade Kelly g young man who was married a short time ago, was "Otenaded at his homo by a crowd of ‘yooog men, friends of 1,is, in accordance with the time-lionorod custom of giving A.’Charivaria,” Mr. Kelly decided to turn the joke on the Serenaders and going to liis door he •red his pistol, aiming, as he supposed, fcto the air. The bullet took an unex pected course however and to the hor ror of the man who shot, it struck his younger brother Mr. John Kelly, whe ■was in the crowd. The ballet pierced his esophagus, ■ and made a very serious wound, as the called “ellminath But all thinking, wd. draws more . bars the gate to tho kingdom of dreains. Any device, on the other hand, which will make one take deep, long breaths spontaneously, the invariable forerun- ner of sleep, may be counted upon as a genuine remi*dy for insomnia. Even deep breathing which is forced is bet- ter ttyan any purely mental attempt to win sleep, but- if the deep breathing. can be produced- luvoluntarlly one is sure.of a passport to Nodland. After several nights of experiment to this desired end the writer decided to apply the principle adopted by the masseurs, who begin their manipula tions “at the point-farthest from.the seat of difficulty,’' which in the case •f insomnia would be the feet -Lying on the right aide, with the knees to gether and considerably flexed, _ the victim of insomnia should begin to . pedal both his feet slowly up and down, with the 'movement entirely In 'Che ankles. The pedaling should keep time with the natural rhythm of res- , piration and be continued until It la feUoiyed by deep* and spontaneous 1 breathing. . „ ; Several people who have tried this , remedy report that Involuntary deop ’ breathing invariably begins before they have pedaled up and down n Just in from across the water. Just Oxygen, and. German. Iiquozone is simply liquid oxygen—no drugs, no alcohol in is the discovery of Pauli, the great German chemist, who spent 20 years on it.'His object was to get such an excess of oxygen in (staple form into the blood that no germ could live m any membrane or tissue.-x Oxygen is life to ah animal—the very 'source o£ vitality. We would die in three minutes without it. In this liquid form its effects are exhilarating, purifying, vitalizing. But germs are vegetables, and this excess of oxygen is deadly to vege table matter^ ! am going to sell Dinner Sets, odds and ends in Dinner. Ware at a room-making price. Come talk it over with us. Every piece of ware that leaves mv store car- i ies an absolute guarantee against crack- Jnff* V ' • Now is youc golden opportunity. C. B. QUINN. f have rpfpnilv entered the real estate CUT OUT THIS COUPON tive offers to preset. TAYLOR COMPLETE 4 GINNING IN OUTFITS ap tho pedaling taro or three minutes sr even mort. with intermissions. If accessary. The treatment may a tea be varied by mevtng the feet alternately Instead of simultaneously.. though tile latter method has proved, the more speedily efficacious in the cases known t» the writer. The explanation of the remit obtained is probably 1 simple. The Mood is pumped from the bead, and with the removal of brain tension a general relaxation follows, -with a se quent deep respiration and its result ing steep.—Good Housekeeping. . TAYLOH SAW MILLS factory movement of the bowels.” There are people In this community who need just such a medicine. For sale by J. W. Peacock. Every box warranted. dw Newly 'Equipped Boiler Works Machine Shops and Foundry FORM Sanford’s Green House and a Tenant House Go Up in Flames. MILL SUPPLIES ▲ clear moon Indicates at. A dull looking moon means rain. * A single halo around the-moon Indi cates a storm. . If the. moon looks high, cold weathpr may beexpeqted. If the moon looks low down, warm weather is promised. The new moon on her back always denotes wet weather. A double halo around the moon means very boisterous weather. If the moon changes with the wind in the east, tbeu shall we have bad weather. If the moon be bright and clear rheu three days old, line weather is promised. . ’-j - - \ When the moon la visible in the day time. then may we look forward to cool days. - l ,V When the points' of the ^crescent of the new moon are very clearly visible, fpfwt mn» tw Innkixt fnr At a late hour on Thursday night there were two disastrous fires near the •ity. About ten o’clock a tenant house j belonging to Dr. T. M. McIntosh was Aarped down. The house was situated ■tir the forks of the Boston road with ^^bonlevard two milesjeast of the city. V▼rumored that the fire was of ineeu- irfary origin. Tliis theory is carried .put by tho fact tluitii short time later Mr. H. A. Sanford’s green *Iiouse caught fire and was destroyed. It is some 400 yards from the other house, and could scazcoly have caught from the first fire. The tenement house was worth about 9800, and Dr. McIntosh carried mo insurance •n it. Mr. Sanford’s loss was consider ably more than that. There is no clue to the incendiaries, if tive houses were I are the only make In the world with particular and precise yff r.^ejejsior evcrypossiblebuild of figure. By.buyingthe Erect W To: m you cm secure perfect ease-double as much service / and an absolutely exact fit. .There.are over fifty different sr s. The 1 irect Form follows your own contour—it does not k prcr.->-«rora the bust or abdomen, Dut gives a graceful effect* to U the person by keeping the shoulders In a straight line. Erect FnrnvB73 ang 701 For medium figures $1.00 m\\ Erect Form ©74, same as above but made of finecootS 1.90 iH\W Ernct Form OS* Improved, for average figures - 2.00 Yn\\\ Erect Form $73 In batiste. For developed figures, \ \\\\ • _ J.ow bust ' Lone over kips and abdomen - 4.80 - \\\\ , Erect Form Re* For Stoat figures. Longover \ \V Ewt^«^»«a ForfulifiRut«-.k>ng hips I XOO , ‘ rm * t $zr l £?z 3 Fc ‘. m ' dt r ““f- t0 , \\\\ FA* Enel Form f>as a Vtrp longftlp. * V\‘ V * &60ontmprop*rmod*tfortf>s new tight skirts ■\ A\ V Style Til. at S3. Style 719. at $4 At all deafen. Ifrowsn—twgpfr yasnattis MaOamaafldCmriudpdea dlneta, Weingarten Bros., 377-379 Broadway, N.Y.j Koutbeacaneccan take<SapIacsartbsW.a.bactFoaB. Accept no aubrtitute. . 1 HUNTER, PEARCES BATTEY, COTTON FACTORS . «six Bws and Eat Anvthine You Want" KALOLA (OrystalitedJMineral Water.). • . ' Positively Cures Stomach Troubles, Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Liver and Bladder ^roubles, FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES. Correspondence Solicited, and Samples.mailed to any address. KALOLA COMPANY, Manufacturers. “ treat may be looked for. If the new moon appear with Its polute upward, then will the month be dry. b$t should the points be down ward more or less rain'must be ex pected during the next three weeks.— American Queen/ Over Th^rtjy Years Experience. ... Expert Handlers of Sea Islandjas well as Upland Cotton..... 1 f - A , . '• Liberal cash advances against Consignments. Money loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security,. Large dealers in Sea Island and upland Bagging, Sugar kill, 1 nine and Ties. Write For Terms. 26 East Bay Street, Savannah' GaJ 8-1-7111 . “I dunno. Guess mebby it’s one o’ them misprints fer a.sardine.” “There ain’t no twenty foot sardines,” “Well,, there might be the reemoins of one.” “I don’t believe it incut is reqnired. J. W. Feacoex. Reward Offered. Tlie county commissioners have l»ad considerable difficulty with their flat, S bridge on the Oohlookonee. [Down parties hare been in. with the operations of the he commissioners are anxious sr who it is. In order to make ,ple anxious they .have offered for evidence to convict. Their tiou appeals in another oo!- stomach tkodples" causes heart trouble. Heart tronble is almost always caused hv stomach trouble. >e stomach faUs to digest all the food, and the remdue ferments, forming excess of gsatvhidi They digest the food and ^vSi Xfr«n7oS i° gf 2£ lf there is no gad tai yo« »ton>ach Joor hemt wiltnot trouWe you. J. W. -t-t -Do you suppose anybody’d want ter buy a bok of slch ■ardlnes? 1 guess not” . ' “You’re too dern criticaL Ef there la th* reemains o' any twenty- foot sar- dlnes on tb’ Penobscot don’t you sup pose there might also be th’ reemains of men big enuff to buy ’em by the box'? You’re a ntheeist, theta what you are.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. savannah, ga k New scltnlUic Disco lor tbc mm ana ner’ A Venaee to Society. The ColeBcT—Weh, bdys, this is my lost night at the club. “Tve got to be a fearful menace to society, so there’s nothing left for me to do but go away and be a hermit for the rest of my life. . Tlie Chorus-^Why? . The Colonel Because I’ve lived here* so long I know everybody’s family his tory. ~ — * ’ 1 The Chorus—What of that? The Colonel—And, confound it, i*v$ got into the habit of thinking aloud.—' New York TJlmes. * It purifies the blood by eliminr.DgkTi ■ ■-vnsie matter and Other impuriti^R-! ! ; -c-airoying the germs or mic/ Van t^ » ilest the blood. It builds/^ • f restoring and multiplying . .-r i T fc :'T ; .’.soles, making the blooth,,, ^ a . . .restores and^kimulatt* the r. . using a full fra 3 flow bf nerve lw, i >r»>ughout the entire nerjd system. L jetdily cures unstrung ni-rves, riervo- '■= p.oss, nervous prostration and all disease.' «i ihe nervous system. ^ Watte* This is the Ingersol! Pollar Watch, which sells at, the lowest price, carries the strongest guarantee and has a larger sale than all other watches. Perfect in " accuracy, size and style.' other Ingersolls at $1.50, tr.75 and $2.00. Sold by dealers every where or us for $1.00, Booklet Free. TORIQUK Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr, King’s New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to he unequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland Bentorville. Va. serves as example. He writes: *:l had Bronchitis for three years and doctored ail the time without being benefitted. Then I began taking Dr. King’s New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effec tive m curing all Lung and Throat trou- ,r ; this is x tome or ED. PINAUD’S EAU DE QUININE ~ . HAIR TONIC hU4c By the fun6n« French perfumer Ed. • rsa. ffissiisss urn like the reel article ©aljr in p.ckifc. iSL roouafth. kUr ... Iceept them from P.VDALES TONIC h a specific for e arms o! Malaria. It acts on a new pri, q.10.. It kills tho microbes that produ- ' Jariru- ‘ The ca mss being remove^ t! iONtCj'is guaranteed to cure the mu, Niktinate cases of Malarial Fever. CUii tecer. Ague, etc. Wo authorise il a .hrs.handling our remedies to refiu: V'B-luse price for every bottle o ,.Yt>.U.KS TONIC that does nut giv. took place the terrific encounter be tween St Duustsn and the devil. At any rate, the anvil, hammer and tongs which are'alleged to have belonged to the saint are stUI preserved at May- Mlaa Head at Home.. Jlivet Head entertained it , clsy street on Friday night, «of theyonngur sodety *peo- B hor guests. Those present were 3Unc tu» Carroll, Brown, Mabel V„ ...