Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, April 04, 1860, Image 1

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Advertising. /t. TE /w; IS '~ AdVEßT,sements will be published at One Dollar per square of twelve lines or less, for the first insertion, and Fifty Centa for each subsequent insertion Those not specified as to the time will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Obituary Notices, not exceeding six lines’ will be published gratis; but Cash, at the rate of One . Dollar for every twelve printed lines exceeding that number, inust accompany all longer notices ®ar Advertisers will please hand in their favors previous to 10 o’clock on Fridays. LAW CARDS. I J. H. It. Stanley, A TTORNEY AT LAW, QUITMAN, BROOKS CO., GA. WILL practice in the counties of the Southern Cir f cuit, and Coffee, Clinch, Ware and Echols of the Brunswick Circuit. dec I7_tf W. 11. Elen net, I ,4 TTORNEY AT LAW, ’ J\ QUITMAN. BROOKS CO., GA. WILL practice in Thomas, Lowndes, Brooks and Berrien couuties. mil 10-ts J. 11. Alexander, \ TTORNEY AT LAW, mh 25-ts THOM ASVILLE, GA. I*. 11. lied ford, A TTORNEY AT LAW, MAKES BOROUGH, GA. WILL practice in the counties of the Brunswick Circuit, and in Lowndes and Berrien of the South ern Circuit. je 19-ts r John M. Dyson, Attorney at law, THOM ASVILLE, GA. j OFFICE next door to Dr. Bruce’s. mh 18 Eugene L. Hines, Attorney at law, je 26-ts THOM ASVILLE, GA. | *.-■! ■ ; L.. C. Hi-yan, A TTORNEY AT LAW. mh 10 THOM ASVILLE, GA. I Jotm 11. Miller, | A TTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN CO., GA. WILL practice in all the counties of the Brunswick Circuit, and Berrien and Lowndes of the Southern Circuit. mli 2G-tf E. 4 . 31 organ, A TTORNEY AT LAW, NASHVILLE, BERRIEN CO., GA. WILL practice in the counties of tlie Southern Cir , . cuit, and the counties of Dooly, Worth and Dough -1 \ erty of the Macon, and Coffee, Clinch and Ware ! of the Brunswick Circuit. Address at Flat Creek 1 Post-office, Ga. mli 18-ts e *l. T. I'reples, u A TTORNEY AT LAW, G XX NASHVILLE, BERRIEN CO., GA. fi j* 12 _w ts c ‘ , Samuel 11. Spencer, - V TTORNEY AT LAW, nk THOMASVILLE, GA. I I®- give his entire attention to the practice of L(*w i Q the counties of the Southern Circuit. Of i. See on the second iioor of Donald McLean’s brick building. m h 18-ts ti. 31. T. Ware, A TTORNEY AT LAW, , NASHVILLE, BERRIEN CQt, GA. w_; -ts V, McCardel, TUSTICE~Oi ; SNTE PEACE —All busine*- entrusted to him will fie attended to prompt 1; and witii dispatch. Office at the Courthouse Thun, asville, Ga. m '’ 25-1 y MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARD. 4 (Medical Notice.) I>r.. R. J. Hruce, -wyr'T'fJM, practice Medicine and Surgery at tlie oio’ W stand, occupied by him for many years. lit has no partner and, therefore, will give Ins persona; attention to all Prescriptions and Patients. ge* He has opened a Hospital for the conven ience of those owning slaves requiring surgical at tention: and poor white persons, not able to pay, will bo treated gratis. Accommodations comfortable. January, 18tiU. feb 4-tt (Physicians Card.) Or. 3l€nald, XN TENDERING his Professional Services to the people of Thomasvilie and vicinity, would inform them that lie lias been practicing medicine in Jeffer son County, Florida,, for five years, during wind timo he has met and treated most oi the diseases which occur in this latitude. - OFFICE, on the side street, near the Law Office of 0. J. Harris. the house formerly occupied by ’ , IS6O . „ p_ ons ,; ® r * E> Oiiveros, * jan i 10n fM of Medicine and Surgery, - J n i Glasgow. Thomas Cos., u a . ly pay- T , H S. ji. Adams, the firl REB\ infoim-. bis friends and the pablic, l>y c. >* vein continue the practWO*’ medicine ■ s i respectfully terriers his services mb IT-3c -*• “;~y‘April 2, 1885. if (Reform Practice.) Dr. I*. S. flower, OFFERS his Professional Services to the citizen - of Thomasville and vicinity. Calls, at all hours, promptly attended. ml, l>r. llrandon, HAS removed to the Oifice formerly occupied by John Miller, Esq., as a Law Office. Calls promptly attended. S&&* Special Attention ■will be given to Surgery and Surgical diseases. Thomasville. Jan. 15, 1860. ts Brs. 11. B. & E. O. Arnold, Resident Dentists, Thomasville, G&. WE HAVE the practical advantage of fifteen 1 years experience in every ni v branch of the profession. MEjBSSBL r ‘ >*"• can refer to many who had the benefit f our operations in this County for the past six years. * , We have every facility for doing the best Plate work new known, whicY, is ‘}Jkted Continuous Gum ‘WwV on Platina plate, whichis impervious to any of the acids, even in a concentrated form. Teeth filled with pure gold in a superior manner. ] Patients favoring us with their confidence may rely upon our utmost exertions to perform every operation in as perfect a manner as possible. ~mh 10 w ts Drugs and Medicines. JUST received*’’ large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals of all kind’ Also, Paints, Oils, Glass Putty, Varnish, Brushes, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Garden Seeds, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Brushes, &c. Kerosinc Oil and Lamps; Camphene, Fuming Fluid nud Lamps. l>.iW. SEIXAS, Druggist. Thomasville, May 21. 1859. ts New Drug Store Bli. P. S. BOWER has opened a Drug Store at the stanA formerly occupied by Falmer & Bro. opposite I*. ‘Remingion’s, and is prepared to furuish Medicines, Perfumery, Inks, “ rn r . FANCY SOAPS, &c-, fair terms to those who may favor him with a j. -/Yl. To his reform friends he would say, that he kajten band a fresh and reliable assortment of f BOTANIC MEDICINES, And to supply them with such articles n> they ntsy ffih iO-tf iiifiiii imipusi, BY L. C. BRYAN. Carriage Trimming, Saddled Harness Manufactory. r | HIE undersigned is still prosecuting his old trade I in Thomasviile ~Z Opposite E. Remington’s, . where he is prepared to execute, ’ iu the best style, Work of every Kind, iin every department of his business. He is well • 1 supplied with a large Stock of Material, and would especially call the attention of the public to his neat! and elegant style of Carriage and Buggy Trimming. Harness and Saddle Manufacturing, etc, etc. aag7% CHARLES MBRTZ. | Economy. Save Time, Save Labor, Save Clothes, Save, Save! \ \ E HAVE purchased the right and are now \ V manufacturing Brown’s Patent Washing Machines In Thomasviile and at Dr y Lake. Me expect sooii to imtnulhciure tlicm ip Decatur, | Lowndes. Baker, Brooks, and in all of Middle and ■ East Florida. The unprecedented popularity of these Machines is the best test of their merits. Twenty-five Shirts can be well washed and thoroughly rinsed in ‘this Machine iu thirty minutes. It is most admirably adapted to washing any an’d all kinds of Clothes. Few persons think how clothes are ruined by violent hard rubbiug and battling. This Machine never makes a rent; never enlarges one; never breaks a button; cannot get out of fix : will last twenty years; is indispensible in every family. It is praised by every housewife not em phatically Parisian. We would sell the right of a few counties in Flori- ! da'on good terms. D. L. LAMON & CO. Dry Lake, Ga, Feb 2d, 1859 ts NEW FIRM.” \TTE WOULD respectfully inform the community | l \ that J. W. LIGITTFOOT has bought out the interest of Mr Lowry Johnson in the late : firm of Liglitfoot & Johnson, and the undersigned j will now carry on the business at the old stand. Wc shall sell mostly for CASH, and will make it to the interest of those who may favor us with their trade, as we intend to sell at a small advance. We have on hand, and will be receiving articles, at different periods, as follows: Salaratus Cream Tartar Saltpeter Thyme Starch Soap Potash Nails Tobacco Sugars Teas . /rsv Bacon Coffee Lard Spices • Flour Ginger ® \ -Q. Candy Pepper \L „**&*L- Onions I Allum ‘i • —-V„ , Syrup Cheese AjY Powder Butter * Lead Pickles Shot Sage ‘ Meal Snuff C. Oil Rice Salt Grackers Candles Sardiues, Vinegar Fish, Potatoes, Dried Apples w Bfe ‘ ‘tvgcuttrr with a variety of other articfr-. -tjjgjg ‘ C. C. BEALL will attend and take chalve r.r the business. jy 23 T. J. & J. W. LIGHT FOOT TISoK & (vOUDON. COTTON ■ ’i CTO IIS m biiial iiiii mmm 96 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. J Refer to Messrs. E’Jt outing ton J N McKinnon &. Cos, Col A T Mel Thompson & Pittman, Major K R it oung, Hayes, Holloway & Cos, Hon Jll Whaley, Thomas G Mitchell, Esq, Dr D S Brandon, Wm C Mitchell, mb 24-ly KINGS & BAKER, Factors* nmmu mmm AND FORWARDING AGENTS, s SAVANNAH, GA. Con\misw<**Pfv Short Staple Cotton, 50 cfc. pier bale. Mei. KING, W. 11. BAKER, E. KING, mh 10 w . ly Schofield’s IT? OUST works, Adjoining the Passenger Depot, M-ooon Georgia, Manufacturers of TEA LI Engines asst! Boilers, k. Mill and Gin Gearing, Cane Mills and Pans, Syrup Boilers, Shafting and Pulley, ill kinds of Machinery made to order at shorinotiec. * . , E. REMINGTON & SON, ! jan 4-ly Agents, Thomasville, Ga. Q l A KKI? CITY Sewing 1 Machine. PEL ADE call At tlie Furniture Store of the sub scribers and witness the performance of a dou | ble thread Sewing Machine, which has just made its adt ent in our place. A large number have heeri sold in the middle counties of Georgia during tlie present year, by the agent of (he State of Georgia, and are giving general satisfaction. The subscrib- have the agency for this place and vicinity. REMINGTON & DEKLE. __ Thomasville, (la. dec 12 ts A Good Bargain IT® NOW BEING OFFERED IN THE LARGE AND X well known ho. and Lot Bjtuated r , in the town ot form eriy occupied by PP. S mi ,„ a, a Boar- H| # ding House and Hot, L There are ten JP4|gK good comfortable r* m 8 and fi i buildings all new, plenty ’ ° nd h Ii f conv^ tnti arran d g and apted to Boarding Hotk* or Hotcl par JKSL’— suit the | ! For further particulars , , ply to w p lIUBERT ; jon the premises or call a, , ie , toro former] V ed by Rev. H. W. Sharpe, nd Bpply to , he y ownei . P ... . „ ,AIEN J. F. HUBERT Thomasville, April 2. 185 f ’ ! “ Tsoy Baptist Fema.3 College. Cuthbert, Gai.gj a The spring term w. l begin the An/A of Ja\ „ y Valuable additions have been ‘ to the Facult ! The number of pupils has doub\ in the last soar e [! 10 M n a - Dy b ? nv Ornamental or j Solid, can be had. It is important , present the first day. For particu P ij . ° ° and„ 21 ,f R. U. MALUi- , A FINE lot of Cheese; nd for Me by jLx oct 8 E. REMIAG son THOM AS \] LEE, GA.. APRIL 4, 1860. FALL TRADE, E. KEY I NCtTON & SON, Dealers in FANCY AND STAPLE GBV-BGODS, tiiomasville, GA., VILE now receiving their magnificent Stock of i FALL AND WINTER DR Y-G-OOBS, Unequalled by any in the place. Especial attention is called to their Dress Goods ! | Department, in which may be found all the novelties ; t of the season,'consisting of Silks, Cashmeres, de l.aines, Merinos, Lombaz;nes, Alpacas, French, English and American Prints, etc. ‘ Embroideries, in endless variety; Hosiery and Gloves of everv ; quality, for Gents. Boys, Ladies, Misses and Chii- j dren; Cloaks, Mantillas and Shawls, of eviav vari- j ety of style, color and quality ; Housekeeping and [ i Plantation (roods ; in this department we have everv [ thing usually kept iu our line for housekeepers and ! | planters. ! -’Give us-a call before purchasing glsewh^re; wc wm take pleasure in showing our goooswhetner you buy or not. oct 8 E. REMINGTON & SON. VFINL and large assortment of Men’s and Bovs’ OTsO'X’IOIXZxTO ot the latest si vies; just received and for sale by . oct s E. REMINGTON & SON. \ \ ’E are now opening a fine assortment of Gents’ \\ FUIiAISHING GOODS, consisting of all kinds of Shirts and Colors, Shirt Bosoms, Under Shirts and Drawers; Ties, Scarfs, Cravats and Handkerchiefs; Silk, Kid and Cotton Gloves and Gauntlets. • oct 8 E. REM IXGTOX & SON. \FINE assortment of Ladies’ Steel Extension SKIRTS, trom Bto 26 hoops; just received and for sale by oct 8 E. REMHiGTON & SON. J T UST received and for sale, a fine assortment of KTew Tewelry, consisting of Diamond, Cameo. Lava, Florentine, Masonic, Coral, and a good many other styles and patterns, and will be sold at prices to suit the times, oct 8 E. REMINGTON & SON. VFIXE assortment of Gentlemen’s and Boys’ ZOlorfciS and C?£X3p;s. Also a fine assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’ Bonnets Hats and Flats of the latest style ; just received and for sale by E. REMIGTON & SON. ■ Groceries. ~ KITS Mess Mackerel f j o kits No 1 Mackerel in barrel and to retail 5 kits Salmond ® 20 drums Dried Figs 20 boxes Layer Raisena 20 barrels Irish Potatoes o barrels Onions 4 kegs fresh Goshen Batter © e Buckwheat and fresh Flour 20 boxes Cheese A barrel Currants, for pies @ # 1 box Macaroni; and various otlier articles in the Grocery line, just received atid 6 for sale by jan 21 _ E. KF MING TON & SON, \fI.NE lot of Mv.’si-', ooncnlMliig all pieces out; just opened and for sale by oct 22 w . & ffif'M i NGTON & SON. raintitisr Palnling. “7* (ON Til ACTS TAKEN— - I FOE : House, Sign, and Ornamental Painting!! i AND WORK WARRANTED. £•;s£* Paints Oils and Glass, kept, constantly on 1 hand, opposite the Postoffiee. and for sale by mb 18 CHAS. H. fcEMLNGTPN C lias. 13. Remington’s X fSTICE OF THE PLACE OFFICE f | orrosiTt: the rosTornek. ollectsons of all kinds taken oh liberal tcigis, ci tben in Justices’ Superior or Inferior Courts. Paper flangings. @ AALARGE assortment of beau- i tiful PAPER & .BORDER, on hAa, and more expected to .QCKIMkCINCSjak. \ to arrh • every day. dtWffl- Booms Papered j lt * 1 neatiK-'g and despatch, and in workmanlike mariner by, j„h TS-tf] C. H REMINGTON. Photographic Gallery. I)EMINGT<uVS PI i. H’OGRAP% GALLERY, v OPPOSITE THE POST OFFIC. © Ambrotypes, @ Melainotypos, © Sp'hert^tvpcs, And any oilier styles of Pictures taken ih a supe rior manner. Stock of material, of all on hand and for sale. t§) ***. Instructions given in the Art. mb ll Alias. IS. Rcuihi^uipi l lIjUfeiSURANCE AGENCY— Fort the Southern Mutual Insurance Company, OF GEORGIA, AM) TILE • South Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Cos. OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Office opposite the .Postoffice. & Inn 18 M'OOUE .& IIOMAN, “Variety Works'..”— Architects. Builders, Manufacturers, and Deal ers in Furniture, Cabinet a'nd work,!) every description. *. x .* Shops located at the sout ( end of .Main st., below Mc"Bain : s Hotel, mb 8-It BYINGTON HOTEL, • Broad Street; Albany, Georgia. X T. 111TTGTOY, Proprietor, t . THE STAGE OFFICE, jsSm j for Stage? running to Thoinasville, Bain- (Hii bridge, Quincy and Tallahassee‘is kept nt - this House. .iy 10 ts IKTUIZ^V Fall & Winter Goals it tiriftisi’s Aliils. - MDEKLE HAVING RECENTLY rURCTAS # ed from .M. S. Griffin, liis l’lantation, dills and Store, lias located himself permanently r this i place. We are now receiving, and shall be constant-,- ad- 1 ding to, our Stock anew and fresh supply of foods ! from New York and New Orleans, and shall eo -.taut ly keep on. hand a good and general assoi’tt ent Oi every thing usually kept in a Country Store Our Stock consists in part, of STAPLE i\D I A\Cl DRY-CMODS, | Ladies’ Dress Goods, Embroideries and Mngcs.; Heavy Plantation Goods, Clothing, Hats art Caps, Boots and .'-'h ies. Saddles and Bridles. St tionery, Crockery and Glass-ware, Wood-ware, Hu-ware, Hard-ware, Nails, Iron and Steel. Also, a good supply of Sugar, Coffee, Ter. Liquors, Candies, Tobacco, Cigars. Bagging, Rope tad Twine, Medicines. Dai at., and Oils, Glass. Putty, ,nd nume rous other artictes, too tedious to name. Come one and all and examine our *t.iods. We will pay the highest prices for Cotton. Bdes, Wool, Leeswax, and Tallow in Barter for Goods. fCi;) “ e will also make Cash Advane-s on Cotton shipped to our triends in Savannah and I. York. “g-jg Thankful for the liberal patronage leretofore ex tended to us, wo hope by a strict, h.norable and faithful attention to business to meri: a cotinuance of the same. M. DECLE k CO. Griffin’s Mills, Berrien Cos., Oct. 30 1858 ts From the Christian Index. Extraordinary Discovery. Pln FIELD, Ga., March 12, 1800. /L r B,'o. Boykin : It is my pleasure to be abk to record one of the most extraordinary dis coveries of the age. A few days a<ro, while some ox 13ro. Ivi; ke Langford’s negroes were employed on his plantation near this place, in re moving some loose stones preparatory to getting ready Lx blast some rock, these loose stones hav ing; prevented free access to the main body of the reck, when suddenly the whole mass fell in, ami exposed to view a cave about nineteen feet in length, seventeen iu breadth, and four or five ;?i Tiqith. Bro. L., on entering found the roof | I amjksides incrusted with stalactites, and a gene- | ; rai -sheet of stalagmite rising irregularly into boss I**, 1 **, lay beneath his feet. This sheet of sta- I lagiLite broken through, a rich brown mud was i< \tm about nine inches in thickness, loamyfor the%pth of two inches, while the interior was ratoer s’tliidy. bn this loam, at. all depths, from the surface-down to the rock, in the midst of the stalagmitic upper crust, were found bonesof the following animals; carnivora, —Hyena, bear, fox and weasel: pachydermota, —rhinoceros and horse, ruminantia, —ox and stag: rodtntia, — rabbit, water rat, and mouse; and birds,— raven, lark, and snipe. The bones and teeth of tlie hyena were plentiful, while the bones of the re mainder were comparatively scarce. • There were three different species of bear, the largest of which was Cuvier’s “nrsus spelaeus.” Bro. L., who is, although a plain, blunt farmer, one of the best versed men in science in the State, explains this natural phenomenon very satisfac torily. He says that bethinks it a den of some ravenous animal; that carcases of large animals vs®:re drifted into it. 1 will not enter into the details of the explanation, as Bro. L., intends to write an article himself on this greatcuriosity,® for which this conTmunieation is designed simp ly to prepare the public ear. These wonders of nature will, I understand, doe presented to the e Mercer University museum. Very respectfully, your obt. servt., 11. 11. T. ® ■ .... ■ - ► „ YouSg America—Elopement of two Chil dren. The New York police on Friday received tele graphic requests from Albany to arrest James Bayliss, aged 12, and Ellen Shurrer, aged 13 years, who had eloped from that city together. The Express says: By diligent exertion they succeeded in dis covering that the very fast young lady had an acquaintance living on the Eight avenue, and supposing that the couple would proceed there, watched the house and caught them entering at about six o’clock in the evening. James and Ellen expressed much surprise at the sudden turn if affairs, .and did not at all relish the Flo* £Toiji ••>’ to V"’**'*—-• * 1 -wliai./. were /alien by the officers. The girl said she had jnojt yet become a wife, though waiting to be one, and supposed that, for the present she would have to give up all hopo,---owing to the “great fuss” her folks had created. Neither she or “ Jimmey ” had been treated well at home, and they hardly knew a better course to pursue than to come on to New York and seek their fortunes together. Obtaining three dol lars. they started on* the boat for New York, hiring a state-room for 31, and having another 81 left. After spending all their money, the ambitious pair sought out the Eighth avenue ac quaintance, wiere, as above stated, they were • arrested. The girl is a bright, intelligent little athiiPg, quite pretty, but father forward in her ! manners. She speaks with great confidence, ’ and does to be alarmed, apparently fear ng moi£ for ‘ Jimmey ” than herself*. On Fri day .he went all over the city looking sos The*boy Cs a fine looking child, and seems to be more girl; did not at all relish the idea of being locked up, and perfectly wil ling to return® Both are poorly dressed, and the probability, tliut not having beenVell treated at home, they took this meansot* redicoßingSt] ie ir grievances. Truly, we are a fast people. a & • n .© ® Methoaisti. % The minutes of the Methodists, whicji are j aimully @ reported with great precision, show ; thy, all the divisions of that church in America, I litre eleven thousand fqu'r hurfdred and fifty | fght traveling preachers, and one million eight ibmdreu and eigffity thousand two hundred and ix ty-ninc communicants j inJtlur&pe,Three thou ! two hundred and thirty-five traveling ■preachers, an 1 seventy-seven thousandhfin dred and twenty-two communicants;, in a1 Ml fur teen thousand eight hundred and eighty-three traveling preachers, and two million five® hun dred and forty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety lay members. Its missionary .organiza tion includes over tlire 9 e thousan"d e laborers; s it& educationaFinstitution i comprise over one bun® <hv i and thirty-eight colleges and academies ; it lias thirty-five thousand,local preachers,flak ing, with its itinerants, a ministerial force of nearly fifty . Burning Last Saturday. we devoted to® the flames a large number of copies of Spurgeon’s Sermons, and th‘e pile was graced at top with a copy of Graves’ Great Iron Wheel, which a Baptist friend presented for the purpose. We trust that the works of the -greasy co.ckney vociferator may receive the same treatment, throughout‘the South. And if tile Pharisaical author should ever show himself in these parts, we trust that a stout cord may speedily find its way around his eloquent throat. He has proven himself a dirty, low-bred slanderer, and ought to be treat-, cd accordingly.— Mont. Mail, Feb. 29. In the five theological seminaries of the Presbyterian churches, —(bid . school.) —viz : Princeton, Alleghany, Union, Columbia", aud Chicago, there is an aggregate of four hundred and fifty-seven students, against four hundred and sixteen last year. The largest number, one hundred and seventy, is at princeton; the smallest* eighteen, is at Chicago. . A debating club in Worcester lately discuss ed the important question, “ Whether a rooster’s knowledge of daybreak is the result of obser vation or instinct.” - *— When a man has bitten off another's nose or ear, is it proper to bind him over to keep the piece ? VOL. 111-NO. 1. One Union Man in Mississippi. The editor of the Brandon (Miss.) Republi | can thus defines his position on the disunion question : “ If all leave this State but us, then we will order an election for all offices, and go and vote for ourself for Governor. Then we will be commander in chief of the army and navy of the State of Mississippi, and also editor and proprietor of the Brandon Republican. If we can’t find anybody in the State to read it, we will regularly every Thursday morning, and sit dowy and read it ourself, believing it the duty of every sensible man to read a good paper. If we should at any time get too cold, we will read our tire gating, blood-and-thunder exchanges on tile. iF%the Democracy should happen to leave any friends in the asylum and Penitentiary amlackson, we would do the best we could with them, and as soon as practicable, send them on to tl em rejoicing.— \Ye could easily escape the debts of* the State by publishing that a vote of the people would be takciqat a given time to see if* they should be paid, and then we would go and vote no.— We would attend to ail the offices in the State and do very, well at it. If a commissioner at any time should pass through the State on his way to ask advice of Old \ irgiuia we would treat him well, and send by him for some tobac co. We would read once every week Washing* ton’s Farewell Address, and Jackson’s Procla mation, Nullification Message, and Farewell Ad dress. We would read and study the Holy Bi ble, and pray for the Democracy six times a day, and spend our days in publishing a Union paper. © . ® Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette. Mysterious Visitor at®the White House. Perhaps he is a friend of one who last winter did so sharp a trick. . At all the leeves for a month, there was a man dressed in the very height of fashion. His coat was faultless, hisP pants unwrinkled, his feet were cased in silk stockings, and upon them were immaculate pumps. Ills shirt bosom was a miracle. So white, so stiff, so beruffled, so curiously plaited. His hands were hidden by •symmetrical kids? whose white was just tinged witti a suspicion of straw color. And when he shook his ambrosial locks, or waved his elaborate mouchoir, it seem-( ed as if gales from Araby the Blest filled the room with their perfume. Great was the mar vel. Many and loud, and earnest the questions. “Who was he? When'ce Was he? What was he ?” Profound and heartfelt the sighs of de spair, as each f'oung lady received from each young gallant the abrupt answer, “Don't know.” Legislators forgot to legislate: three Southern men sat a whole day in their seat*, and never said “disunion,” and one Northern man refraiued for six hours from. v.ayitig Kansas. ‘Fas taken sick; Floyd excluded all visitors, the Postmaster-General so far Forgot himself as to remove a Buchanan man and appoint a friend of Douglas; while J. 8., who is devlish sly, nodded and whispered confidentially to his New York friend, J. G. B—another “ Sir William Gore. Ouseley.” Washington was shaken to the center, and some of the citizens wrote to Gov. Wise for protection. He replied in a letter which has never been published—no ordinary font being equal to the task. For three weeks this went on. On the fourth levee night, a detective, who had been employ ed to find the name of the stranger, rushed breathless into the reception room, and whisper ing “ Fox, New York,” with his living heart, gavg up at once the secret and the ghost. — “Fox, New York,” shouted the President to the bystanders, F<?x,” shouted they to those in the lobby, qFox, New York” cried out de lirious young ladies in the east o room, as gently fainted in the arms of ex.pectant young men. ® ® © Washington slept that nisht. hud not be fore for fouuNveeks. © @ W ashingtorF slept # that flight and woke the next morning to find on every wall® nd in cvefy® paper this announcement. © 11. E. D. Fox, Esq., o & of New York, G © Chief Artist of the LminciA Tuilcrmg Urm @ Blank &®Bland, @ *ls at Willard’s, aiftl will be happy,-etc. q Loafers in a ® ° The composing room of a Printing Office", : says the Printer’s News Letter, is not the place to tell long stories, or argue points in metaphys- i ics— read ye be advised. ® • A printing office isfSke a school; it can hat% no interlopers, hangers on or twaddlers without a serious inconvenience, to say of time,® which is just as good as gold to the printer. should be tfiought of a®man ! who would enter a school and twaddle first with j the teacher and then with scholar—inter -1 rupting the discipline of one and studio: the other! And yet this y the precise effect of the ! loafers with the course of business —distracts g, © <•> .the great attention which is necessary to the good printer. No gentleman ©will enter it and.presiune to act a loafer. lie will feel above it, for ho real matt e v a er sacrifices the interests or interferes *with the duties of others. The loaf er does both. Let.him think, if he never has, that the last place he should ever-insinuate.his.! worthless apd unweleomed presence is the print- I • rr <•> ® • * * ing omce. • ® . —— * “There’s Always Boom up Stairs.” ° A young man who was thinking of studying law; said to Daniel Webster: “ Air. Webster, I understand the profession of law is quite lull, and that there are more lawyers than ed; do you think there is any chance for me?” ; “ Ihere is always room np stairs,” was the re ply—and as true as it was ingenious. Only a few persons reach the high places, and these arc always in great demand —“ there’s room enough | up stairs.” First elass farmers and mechanics, as physicians, lawyers, etc., always find plenty of room, plenty of work, and good pay. Whatever calling you choose, and it matters lit tle, if it be an honest one, resolve to go into an upper story; but don,t try to jump there by a single leap or you may fall disabled. Bather begin at the bottom of the ladder, and patient-1 ly step upon each round. h ♦ ♦ ■ - A gentleman rode up to a public house in the j | country and asked, “Who is the master of this house ?” “ I aru, sir,” replied the landlord, 1 1 “my wife has been dead about three weeks | Subscription. TERMS.—The •• SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE” it published: weekly at Tuo D'llurs per aunnuoi, it” paid in advance. If left to be applied for by the Publisher, or his Agent, Tico Dollars and a Half will be required in everv case, without exception, to cover charges and commissions. jfeir Orders for the “ENTERPRISE” accompanied by the Cash. Those rvishing'the direc tion ot’ their paper changed will notify us from what office it is to be transferred, >wth the name, county and State plainly written. Pauperism. Tlie annual message of his Excellency, the Freo-Soil Governor of New York, informs us j that “while in twenty years, from 1831 to 1851, i the population of the States increased only six -1 ty ‘Mu; per cent., pauperism increased seven hundred and six p r cent. In 1831, there wus | one person roleivcd to every one hundred and t\\ enty inhabitants ; in 1811, One to every thirty nine; in 1851, one to every twenty-four; and ! in 1850, one to every seventeen.” The subject is more fully treated in the Ke port of the Secretary of State, from which it appears that the entire number of paupers re lieved ‘thi mahout the State during the year 1858, was 261,155, constituting upon the State i population of 3,500, a ratio of between 7 and 8 per cent., or one pauper in every 13 of the popu i lation ot the Empire State, was thrown upon public charity during tlie past year. The signi ficance of this f'.ct wiii be better undcrstoo(U from a comparison of it with the statistics of Great Britain. During the same year the num ber of paupers in England and Wales who re ceived public support, wus 885,000—making a ratio ot 4 6 10 per cent, upon the 19,045,000. In Scotland, the number of pau peis was 115,213, or a ratio ot 3 9-10 percent, upon her population of 3,035,U00. In Ireland the number was 50,910 or a ratio of only nine tenths Great IJritiari, and particularly Ire land, were tonncrlvQj'egarded the great hot-beds of pauperism, but now if is officially published to the world that that unenviable distinction is contested by a State which claims to be the fore most in the .Afcnerican Union —the Empire ©State. © j That statistics of pauperism are not collected i n *Ol the States, and that we have consequent > ly no means to measure its extent throughout the Union, is much to be regretted for the pros perity and character of the country, and indeed its safety, are deeply concerned in this matter. L iitil ot late years was the idea of pauperism, as a tact nj State or national consequence, ex clusively associated in the American mind with certain European countries. We used to imag s ine that in a land ours, blessed with insti tutions that leave the wildest scope to individ ual energy and associated enterprise, and with the most bountiful lfatural resources of wealth, there was no danger of the evil taking root and spreadingany considerable extent. But the hireling St.'uWs are teaching us another lesson. crowd? the streets of north ern cities, and the work-shops of northern beggar is rajply seen, and, when seen, is, in nineteen eases out of twenty, an outcast from Europe or the north. Such facts as this, and oW* figures as we have quoted from the official documents referred to aWo to explain, in part, why the South resists so sternly impudent efforts of northern busy-bodies to im pose their social system and industrial institu tions upon her. Her people prefer to enjoy the abundance with which Providence blesses them, and to indulge the ease and repose secured to them by the institutions their fathers establish ed —Richmond Whig. w A New Motive Power Discovered. O A It Ucr irom Paris says that anew motive j power has been discovered, upon experi ment, ha?been found to be entirely successful, j and has created a great sensation. The dis covery made by a young Jacob, a turner in copper, and was the result of an accident. bile seeking to in crease las turnip lathe, a 3 new® means of power was suddenly revealed tc?bim, Q whereby he has been able alone, withouPassis ; tancfe* to construct a n&cliine which increases | two hundred fold the man, and may be increased unlimited extent. The inventor, worked at Escarbotia, has been of (p<Jhrse sent for to Paris, has already nearly completed a machine applicable to species of industry. If success should attendsthe exj^riment—for it is under stood one of tlie great industrial capitalists fur nishes the —tlic will put &Q. end to all steam*powcr and other expensive ac tion and the result is waited for with the great est anxiety i?i the manufacturing world. Al ready h;Re the proprietors of the spinning works ol Shaffnaused besi induced to come to Paris, m order to hear t-he first news of the suc cess or failure of the trial. [ Th% Color of Flowers Promoted by Char ® @ coal. A French amateur, in the Paris Horticultural Rt:>;iev* states: “About a year ago, I made a I bargain for arose bush,.of magnificent growth, and full of buds. I waited for them to bloom, j and X.expected roses worthy of such a noble plant, the praise bestowed upon it by the I vendor. At length, when it bloomed, all my j hopes were blasted. The flowers were of a fa ded color, and I discovered that 1 had only a middling multiflora, stale colored enough. I therefore resolved to sacrifice it to some experi ments which 1 had in view. My attention had l been captivated with the effects of charcoal , ai stated in some English publications. I than .covered the earth (in the pot in which my rose bush was) about half an inch deep with pulver ized charcoal. Some days, after, I was aston ished to see the roses which bloomed, of as fine a lively rose color as 1 could wish. I determin ed to repeat the experiment, and therefore, when the rose-bush had done flowering, I took oft’ the charcoal and put fresh earth on the pot. You may conceive that I waited for the next spring impatiently to see the result of this ex periment. When it bloomed, the roses were, .as at first, pale and discolored ; but by applying the charcoal as before, they soon resumed their rosy-red color. I tried the powdered charcoal likewise in large quantities upon my petunias, : and found that both the white and the violet flowers were equally sensitive to its action. It always gave great vigor to the red or violent 1 colors of the flowers, and the white petunias j became viened with red or violet tints. T e i violets (colors ?) became covered with i rre 6 u ar spots, of a blueish or almost black tint persons who admired them thought tiat iey were new varieties from seed, k ellow are, as 1 have proved, insensible to the .afluenc of the charcoal — Cottage Gardnet ■