Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, April 11, 1860, Image 2

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• ./^outinTn^iiiiTprisf. / * - - LfCilJg C. EDIT 08. THOMASVILLE, CrA. WCDXESDIY “ APRIL 13. ISSO. Wc nre gratified hi l.’eiii': able to announce that Col. st tl.B.sf'l ‘< i. S.Salidtor Sfgtri •f the Sontlicrn Circnit, has canseatTil to act ns Agent tor the JlOl TJIEBti Ei\TEBPItWE tlu ring hiatten<in:ieci:s)-)ii th'< .-aii;c;><v t the Circuit, ana is f vrhy ;ii:!i:o : oJ to r r . - and receipt for all ttbsrrii>iion to the paper, and to contract far a ircriiseinents ter the same. V’- ■ dstinfetmtt, read .. • ■ subscription find ad- I ’ vertising in the firti colt!ton : the f jyge. Thne ‘ ’ ® m ■- -* - • dr- - —— The fi. weeks from this date, and its read tr< • . • mised that any defi . . matter will b ‘• for b; c\ ■ :-i ! NEW M vriitilA!,. 0 Ws think our readers <t*. Bouncing the new head, s* f our.first page this week, ad • . ernent in the appearance of the Enterprise. •Mu 1 1 the ol Material is still prominent in the paper ; e> • eor two more weeks will suffi •, ~ - Brevier to new .V ... m for i more reading matter. . * ‘ e COIRT ( AU:\BAK W We acknowledge he receipt of a*- ;%N. M Harris’Day arid t' r , & Railroad Guide for ISfifi 1 . The work is well gotten cup and ver • .. . many Tlie author is an Attorn. . af Lav am] So*. licitor in Chancery , locatedal 1 •■■■., e,•<}.. wlieri ho will attend promptly to ai! busjne-s j .ceu in his | 3 hands. ,‘’ “ ® • EARLY strawberries, The lady who placed “upon, (tar sanetum tal le tempting dish of. straw bertionftn .Saturday last, has j our warmest thanks. They were truly a Isxurv i . (gS) • \ and we appreciated flier: as on . g* . -• to^j appreciate such favors. _ It may not be amis? to add. the w? enjoyed the luxury of another dish of this delicious fruit at the | McEain House on Monday. They were of a very tine i quality, and, we learn, <r nv in Uv ; n !en of Major John D. Ed war is, near FI etcher vale. Ti.c w • ® Proprietor of the Mc’Jain House, aided by the dou- i ble diligence and pwswver s excellent wife, spare neither pains nor expense to make their table superior to any in the country, and hence it is sup plied always with the cream of the Market. Me board at the Mcßain House, and when wo want something good to eat, we always go home lo dinner. ® * © YEIV ABVERTISEKEYTS. attention is directed ft the card of Messrs. Havant k Lawton, Factors on Bay street, Savannah. Also, to the new adyertisemait of Messrs?] I.owrv A Swift, eo full of pith and promise. Read, you who luxuriate in an e : v ride. * 0- ‘ q H. Wolff Sc Brother are, almost every week, re- ; ceiving new goods for the market, many of which are of the finest texture and most fashionable si ties. We examined, a few day? ago, s., me of th ir choice articles, and candidly confess that we have seen none to excel them. Their silk grenadines, some thing new to j, and a tare article in this marker, * ® we tuppose, surpasses description. Tattoo apprecia ted they must, be seen. Lady’s bonnets, heuiLdiv.-s ----cs, shawls, mantillas, para?. 1?., funs, embroideries, bareges, See., are the very best, and we think their elegance and beauty unsurpassed. If any one is in ■ doubt let him go and examine. See new advertise ment of H. Wolff & Bro. on third pare. @ |l A. 11. W ilson has just received anew spring stock of goods at Grooverville, and challenges all the neighboring towns to equal Litm See advertisement in another column. ®! © 0 © © 0, R. R. Evans is receiving his new stock of spring : and summer goods, which he offers very cheap.*— Sea advertisement elsewhere. ’ -a © SPEECH or ll>. lETE9S K. LOAE. There, now, it is out at la?'! Sure enough, our immediate representative in Congress has made a speech—a big spe^h —a speech against- Black Re publicanism -a speech for the Souih-®-osi -ecli full | of pluck —a hostile speech —a speech in reply to Mr. I Van wick—in “fact, his ma Yes, iVis out, and his constituents have rot it, thinking about it, I i 6j • pondering it, analyst! - [if n tveasuft i ing it up in their hearts.. They are thinking what a glorious weapon it will be to %ht Black Republi cans with, in tiie opening Presidential campaign.— It is a sockdoliger, a home-thruster, and, hi fact, a complete annihilatoy. ‘Otrraeiglibor lias pul it, and thinks it capHaly we wish we had •room for I it, also. Wo would lay it before our r* uuei> in t*ri umph", and beg for it IhAl • ul consfdir*- . •ation. But. serVu.-lv: the honontblc g :,-,n'g j speech is before the country, and it beebmes “public i property, provided the public desire t<s own sue'u ‘ property.” We, as tin individual number of that public, assort our right and .proceed *to occupy,, though for a brief period only, that we may be able hereafter, to set tips a f&eemption claim.” Things ■ should be called by their right” names, and no nfftn should travel out of hi- way to avoid life truth, or conceal his honest convictions. V.'.ith oft our high respect for tho gentleman, we must say that his speech i? exet, ‘ii.'.j.h'conittt -n, ati 1: u, t 1, tve fallen ; still-born from his lips. The things be sai J proper, enough in lhemseives, have all beeq said j many times before in a little different language, and ! have the appearance, in his • • of havkig-behfi pressed into service to shield the speaker frotu the : possibility of the siispici.>u that his constituents had placed hiai in ‘.‘the wrong f>eW.” We are not dfcu fplloW him through this speech, even if w'e had time and “space, tor we might be", “admonished” by the. y;iv ttiug of .tin; reader, like the honorable gentleman was • by the “eenfutiem” of the .Houses that we abßuld neither “do ourself uor t.he subject justice.” Vv’e will simply sta'te, in conclusion, that the most rfjvar- . kable point in the gentleman's speech is (hat where he is irresiitably driven to the eonCrktsion’ that- Mr. Vanwick's (his opp< • \ ee< hw# - the ! tin **arkal.U speech that bad been delivered in the House’during'th - • Br honorable Repre sentative, thou, replied t u the most . ._. • spnedb. of the sc<-i’ U, and r.uider catinot t >ii feel ihv weight of the responsibility which rested” ~tpon him. CEOROI.V CITIXE V AV!:TISi:R. ® I*r. L. r, W. Andncns, of the Maeoo Clten i? now issuing & new and large aeici and adiertismg sheet entitled Th> Gcetfftd Git m Adctriuer , and in forms'his patrons tpat We will strike ir ."(f in *.ii • ions of 20,000 copies. Tills will be the largest ad . vertising medium in the State, if. the doctor ketp i op eg 1 he’ pr< misea, if | will war ram to iinue dsilv st s** 00 GESRGIA AM) FI.O3IDA BOI'A'BASY. Much dtasstie. n stnl prevails along the Geor -1 gLi and Floriili line tram the result of the Lite survey j ■ ex- _.: ■<! , o sUy t!.e Leg! i <y zetts of ii I £ la who were lopped off into Florida, feeling tl j great injustice has been done them are loth to pass ! uivtor the j ; .trtsd:ction.of oar sister State. Wesytn rouWes, and as much re -7 , *, .. yi? i ‘.. regret to 1 ave tlie -■ t*i | ‘ ywe States . ras arid teuuon of tne Act in;t;o luced ; ■ . • ing the new styvey, to r ’ A.Sn. * ’ intentiou ofihtf Act, unauthorized and iUecal wit- \ • * try; b iettl rs i lauds .t:u-:u'.rial claimed jamdicti n j .® ® | 5 ’ I ■ ■ : ‘ j©3outh of the McNeil line) was, that Seoritwi s • ,& & 8 * ™ )Q f ‘ httU 111 ! ga; ■ so • .?t:Tdi-u* I .'be McNeil line surrender iter jurisdiction over i the temtory between the two. This seemed evident ® rss ‘ 0 i: - m ~’ “’ ‘ J ‘ ‘ •.•..tiling * :1: ” estabiis&mem the for the titles to lauus grafted by Georgia, ; and whh h were cut off Into Florida .hr the Me veil ■0 0 Hi ‘• ■ wore le.i®ut) ‘ tvn fM, and i some appreliensious hivipg arisen in eojageqnpricc of , - KaJ J hands becoming subject so yin ike Style of I ’i, nation those in- IS) l* 1 Ifi fouowing action eta the subject in Con- A its . lo©quiet t^e ® lo by y .le csuib [ Irehment of the boundary lin. . * % U‘'WAamSfc ox, Ma 55. J senak:- r Mr. “lehimn, oL . .i. ‘®” i • ,• * * ed by a of the Senate to inquire ium th * or-*- tiey of t * . • ® 11 •t f tin pul Ireland i fa >m tb ‘ ’ ‘©•’ t.- i,i fall within tno .State bf Georgia, under the adjust meat tff Jjoundarv Lc ” 1 a . “tees -.® ■ ® bay © reported a bill (S. No. ■>;',, to settle tho titles to v st ® was rea 1 Ue first time, e; 1 order, -j ;<> ¥ c :r e dug? -•ie j ■ •. ;*i: -, i;. ,>l®Ai .\ :. 7. —[r i■■■ a rtft.'ter about w’e inhere is ni que.?,i .w!e *• ; 1 1 a <| c> as - I ask that the letter of the becrefary of ‘eo tiiierioi* wi.irii I -end to the Chair, may he read, Tiiere being no objection, the bill Was read the second tunc, an 1 as in committee of®the whole, u autlioriz'es the ©enretary of the Interior. vdt- the dividing Irive Between the States of’ 0 jovgi i a 1 Fh.rida -in”! hav been ( surviv ed, aj'provcd, ratine i, t confirmed as the boun dary between those States, to adjudicate, upon irin cijd'.'s of equ'ty an I ju. i;. e, aii •mims, uteier sales or grant? by the State of Go dr via, to land® which rrfty fall within the State of Fiorina : afti all which may be approved by him are by this bill rati fied at and cot; iirmed ; but the State of Georgia is first to ; t n v , and con firm a’l mil grains nnt ! rt t tfic 1 uited ties of lands in Florida, which full Within the limits of t*„ dime of Geortria, under the fitHtl adjust tne lit of the boundary lino. ’ The Secretary read the following letter fttom the Secretary of the Interior: DEPART.Mr.NT or Tti: I.\r%.!■•>,_ j AV ,'iiiMiifts, Feb. 28, i *. / S’, : I have the i; ..? horovith toiet’An li.e reso lu tiie t.ii!: *. it ■ nate of the lff^tflu mo, directing ‘ o:'ud tec on public land ■ toinqnir? into the expediency of quieting the titles to certain tracts of land which lie near the line of boundary betwei ■ tea ofj£l©orgia and i 1 irifia, anft to by bill or otherwise. 0 Tl|p inclo- ©l of .'flletror of this Depart raent, addressed, i-i.dcr date of tiie kith ultimofyo Hon._R. Toombs, and of awe port of tkc#Cominis sipnt r of tb#Gfn9ral Land Office of the. 17th irist. ■ a. r with tff?documertteirteoid report, will fur nish to you all flic u s ;, ■ the subjc<N. that is deemed important.’ 1 fntcertain the opinion, that some legislation by Congress, to a (lain the end pnopased.gwill be ucces sary ami a Mil wliibh repi.rt of the Cumn.i.-- Stoner o.f the- General Office. Mery fsspectfully, \ our obedient servant® • J. WIOM'PSON, Secretary. V ■•’. R. AY. JOHNSON. ( ©ub lie United States Senate. bill nas retd to the Senate without Ricnt.ftrdcrod to be < rmj-08s.ed for a thirdfteading, rehd the third time and m V! 4 -W ♦ ♦ ■ * % % HOM if ,ti iI.V AI,. © Peraapa no journal in America deservedly stands in the us the literary Vorld ass ® ‘ ® ihe //<”• Jwiimu!, edited •>’. P. Morris and © © N. P AViUis. It, is truly a literary @ paper, in the sense of tbas term, if there bo “mdi in America, and m danot see why the StJfulievil^: ble who patronize .Northern literary journals do nos • * ® substitute it for tiie i.edgor, and otlS r sensation journals, so far behind it in litery merit. Those Vh<> thirst for joniance and fiction or Hory { reading, may lic-re.quonch tlyit. thirst, at fountains of pure and eha-ee w .uers of delineation from authors of acknowledged ability, •fn typogra phimil execution, ’the H'y-c Journal is a model for new.-pajtcr publi^i ers, an f.e have never y*t® in prom•ilg-ne.? in its columns any semiinent derogatory to the rights • (Si and iustiiiuions of ‘the South. The following beau tiful ballad was taken fcom*its culmnn, 9 which wc • * ( ask our re;t\krs to consider, and then tell us wLerti |er they can appreciate it. The words it will be ! noticed, ars-by one of the editors. - ■ J ® @ From the Home Journal. * • TUB SONGS OF HOME * • As SV.NG BY HXDAM 1 AXVA iISIfOY .•. . ® WJrdt bg George I*. Morrit—Music by J. G. Xaeaer, T. ® Oh, ping once more those dear familiar laws, A\ !••'.-!< tnithfid measure ev.efy bosom ttmlls! @ They take my heart hack to the happy days ® © When first.l sans them on my native hiile’ AAV * . 1 ngsof tfie cMen times. I hear them now upon a foreign shore— The auaple timsir mi l t! e artless fliytnoa! )p, smg those dear, familiar lays‘once more! It’.'. b — *• i * • Oh. eing'tliose cheerful !.ays/nce more. * JI * (gjg, ® sing o*ice in u re 111 <>ee* j <jf - p rovok ing straimP ® \\ !.u;h. Tut if forgotten, in my memory dwell! They send the life Mood bounding through my .veins, Ai*d circle round me like an airy spelL , Our niuivi; a . hxlies a thrill impart ® & More deep than notes the fetule VI warblers pour— Fo and Wei.- Os song birth-woven with fh.e heart! - - . Then sing* thfiVoMc-ar, familiar lays once moral® Tho.-e cheerful lays of other days — • Oh, sing those/die*.rful iays mice more! • Notc. —AA’illiam llail ft Son have just published a now and beautiful edition of this popular nudodv. so charm ingly sung by Bishop. • Till! HOME JOURNAI . • * •’ ’ ° h l.u r.R Fair .TJiv’ lIOM r.k&TB •Oar A*. n-'So.ry. —With the present number of the Hcfme. Journal we commence the pubffcafum of a nOw. piquant, and sparkling” novelette, translated expressly for our columns by Mr?. Marian M. pj). i lin. the well known.and igiftsd snthorCS>of man popular woria. Tltis story is from the French of tave t euiflet, whose ** ivciwance ot & Poor Vour.g inan” has not only been read by “all the world, the stage’ an l ‘ s*o ; *>oth iu this country and Europe. 91 Marriage b J Will ’-~-the title of the prest nt narrative—is a re"-* ■.fork ot tins writer, and has n vt r re been I translated in; • 1 ng’.V . h r pujilishi and in this coun- 1 “>'• ltis ‘ :i ; •• tntet. -T, replete with j . . • 1 ’ ‘''C • ‘ here tradition affirms that I mo.-t .if tit ;rytii| ‘ I P*ace. To enable* the many ad: . (Mictum, wc sliaj* print a larger strppfc #f this weeM ■ ‘ ■ I storv trots, me crntiiscnecnle,:!. by sending their or -1 Morn* & VV illfs, St i y m jb . • -* t 1 0. a. & g - • c t jb boos -Stable. ® . :jw • . • ■ . 1 {.his •. cel : Pc ’ V * —see U v m ■ * i')W* tin? • ri ,‘I ?’ . •< . J \ a *’ . % ■ ■ •■ * - ** in 9 # J ’ ’g ft ° 3 *° Sow', rift .■ w for W*M & ■ Sti * ’ [ ; * ‘ • . . X*h , * : ‘ J ’' 1 ‘ * Gr&mfo • . “ ‘4® ■■■■*■ . In ‘‘SI *8 ; OV, ... V .’ 9 •’ • . ! ‘‘ft 1 I- "‘’ • J ® e •’ leans, ents of *>• .nr•® ®- pi so. . • !” ; 1 1et's in the. country regularly ■ j fuyoi aole time to subscribe. ’ 9 j - - * <— Vf,liMK.?iC I:-,. I' !;isr i-irbeni and Black ® avoo.i c** M| yyyyyrti is<o@> ® I r@ • . #Te j-ms! • rer apa, : I' 1 ” a ft tIT- tbvi. AS, - - rOO ior as. iin h:®:; u.. i, ;>• K. vicws - - 7■ ; ® ® and - #S ii‘ F-*r • • -kw • t ® .-mm, ® - - - ; j For ilßckwood and on f -view. - - h® 1 ® ‘ For Blaekwood ®n two ® ® --7 00 ! l ' o1 ’ thret licit w •. 9 Ot ‘ *®. - .urfev-As,® - -•*10 o%j ♦ ‘ a ® • ‘ il ®® | ®. • Cluboiftg. prices allowed to Cnri.s or more *i-‘-it'ics ol ai.y .• - Thu- : : fe wo >J, or •ri 03C Review, w ill 1 e vent to one address¥br sl)mfour oppSes *of the four ! Review -■ tmd®. • * ; TANARUS; :: i ‘. > oil. Now- -a tstvori.hie ti i fb.uii'-cribe. Hnnii.- tanocs M’wu.rl alv ; . ■■ho Ire.-?t ec :to j'uib'.ivhrrs, t. ■ , No. ■ > t<• Hi .r ot, Stw lork. ■g ® A.—-. . - m flfA Jt BCMTS tftßSfT, ® wo small stetmihoaf-, tli?® V , ami wci • fi'tit. at t■■ r wh ;tt i# on Sunday last.. Loss of owners about §-oJl> Mr. I). #. at;;-. 1., <-.f IJI .o l*ond %la., lost pliers bfl ngiag to estates oL which he Was admiiiistralor, worth .-ouit s4o,o(jf). II Co.fvix’Tittr® b:.bc:tiox. ® j New Hat on, April 4. liuckingliOTri’s (black republican) majority, so far as board from, is 11)71.® ‘ # % ®i - # ® • > FI.OBIPA It VS LGit An ISOS'OS o Hie Charleston Courier of the 3rd infant say's t — ® g From ®-a is •, tb* e ‘.■# <1 t.'n r 1 and weekyi voir.ewitat sudden fft.TalinlW see ilailrofHtl Hg/ius? A &■.’ * fyiejiy attracted aftentfonj atid t? tmSrgb* i.’ different or ®ft,()oo n-e-r-.j havjmg been contraeted the spue 1 ■ a consitl ‘gtblo advance. 71. i n; iand r being iff.-ule by tlm- 1:■ .jiil 1; ! m.-fLubt expluios, in p;>rt, the increast and interest in eveiw j thing down that way, including manev seeuri- BAPTIST STAX*. GA. 9 r i ins b* ly, will hr.; 1 its #. , ver.- trrv will? lie ljapl-t ®Ciiureii ai Ma#( n, < u ! Friday before the feuihii t.ov i \y in ‘gTyul, wh. -ti willi-- -. i ;*■ b n.oirh. The* introductory by i Ilev. N. Ai.® Crawfur.i, or i\fv. William Wii * .Haros. s w t lute Rormor®’ n jidueg. ...i; v, Hi be preaohed by flev. Tupper, or A. T. Holmes. ® >’ o t :ts rc si n wa t o jr w il t * The peoplisf a Territory, while in a Terj,; lori ti l condition, inherent and 15 flirongb Legislature, include slavery by positive--enaetiffont.’’— vs Dounlujjj id Uor/j’.r artq * j e u (A'mgrers, by virtue of fiie Constitutionfi has to pass laws excluding y l.g. ery frot. i the ’J’ewitorii • w ‘ — ‘ ;ro(ion o£ H. 1! &ewr-M Y ■■* ar ■ - iJ I <gi PREiIDEAT’SiPROTEsf. . W'a® liiiht'-n correspondent of the N. V. Jfxprets., o! this document: ® “lihe excitemout by tbo nn? 1 pi-eceib -d message- o#p 1 thelT< m *deig*u; .... i u • 11 ilk; igeo of Houje, was intense, ! < th out of ri 1 h -use. • Tim disc *was lively, very often ! bitter and umßaiesmaalike. Tte nadjei® has : cutne to a direct issue, the [Resident ! and’the liepr'See ttfeitiveg*bf the j&ojle. The I tuessagS exhibits alimx-t mental# iinfeecility.— and j temoci oie part , men hero <.y .■ p , |*ly. It*wSs r.nadviscd and unexpected, .ams : serves as excellent fuel Pwiaurflmaiiaino of 0p.... jj. -7® ion to the President. ,What the iJVJ fear v ’ C. birr fVloei . tajt is isu- ** ildo tol-?!. 13 | Some flaembtersAreJn favor, Strongly Os passing re*duti*m- of eeinsure up >u the President, and laying Jiis upon the table, will | probably be the final result.' 7 # ‘® # © l or ou.selvgrs, we are much to the fpintol that the president is•ri?rliL—that fiis i@ pi’otest, instead of displayipg. “ mental imbe ! a manly rcspo"ct both for him •sell’ 1 * 1,1 or dye of; av, hi. a lie In ‘•- fy/dT hrih •Repsb : ® TANARUS: r V!.liEftf3) PIPOSITIOX.® (qji) is explained in a dispatch tothe Augusta pa ; ‘ ® ® * - ® rn New April 3. —Two*of *the sub-* J ordfnare ottieers ot'sthe Kuignts of the Golden* jTircieJmve published a card to day in which* ‘ they denounce Gen. Fickle?, ‘the €ommander- <.’f ther nrs_afl imposter.— i There are about fifteen hundred men enrolled, I and they were in ft herd under the jepresen -1 tatioß that there was an abundance#of money j [oh deposit here thena @ handsomelv fori i their time and service. *They were expected to I assisfthe Juaryz government in Mexico, where i there were afeo flattering promises of land ! grants, Ae , Ac. These*promises induce^many persons to join*Gen. Bickley’s Knights of the Goldfift Circle, but nd evidenee has yet apuifar there is any bona jide moveunfnt interjd t‘d. OF tlint any provision, ba- been made for that ■ ■'"’d • @ New- Engfaud covers- an area of 75,000 square miles, has I,T°.'.> towny, and A population - of 3,00 ff ; 000 *• ■ * ; , A HOAX. The Planter’s Weekly, published at Grecns bov.f, Gnen ee-u y-. tlu., pronomux. < the re ported finding ot fossil remains near Pentield, in that- c< i• y. .a, “uir . 1 h ax.” and says further, in speaking of -i.andii qb case 0v ufciing them is said i t V be : brds is a “Brother.” of the drink abjut the on ly cave he has - ever ox.f lored, has. been s me well that needed I ! cleaning out. We .ne 1 uned, that Id “ and i* may be, at the an lire’ >us use . i !u -d.. 1 -, • v | the person who contributed this Xvouderful in forination to the.lndex—'-G-.-r. RiimL * • THE TACKAAGE COILEGE; © . . - > : - - c* i. •.d v ; 1:1.’ c . .*■ • •. 4 ; r-*: * • :on the 29th u;r, the -cum or •. * •, .. s ® 1 to. rebui . ©g ■. 7 “ : . i .‘g the 1 usuranee having expired but” shorT ago. # £t •'>>’ of tin ; fiees iu the South-=having *eqs%the I ® ‘o* tlj>u gpd The <*’ v keises of#t > have boon resumed an din .*• ■* will Pc tnient.— % j BEKOrBUTf EXECI'TTVE toIwiITTEE #F GEO JIGS i. $ ® i |: A • .;e .no.’ u at. :iveil n appifinteil the sow w *•a a i ’cmecriitie Kxecu ■,o.jmin. t e■. ■ ,g , # Portef Ingraim, f Muscogeo; A® S. Atkiu- Won,)f Camdero; P. ‘lLy. JiiLb f t®Aiur fphy of DeKplbJ D Id-intup,®!* Floyd ;8. ‘4- >loUh, cfl Towns} L ... B x>mpf Buldw ■in ; Henry \ Jfvi-,d;i. S. !im aid, # # @tiu; sum t.wiM: j-a kike. ® • T “ 1 ® hit gj ’“u tnar i •>.: miKers ar> gi ”ag<‘d in th® 9 aid -New , 1 Hampshire, atfd it is suppoted tluitdw-.k ot b ® i fall,as thm-e la * 41 does on Kandftaud | ® 1 1 i I‘* tiicif. 1 f su j j •05..;: ion i uni- e c rrcxtfthe sirik.-gv dl 1 lo * °l“ over A-.(w ; 1 0 iu wages beAdes th.®h ~>i * ! mil hdi , ypo-ti their investments. ® 9 GEOBII-’jtCATIOA OK. BOEGEAA 1 A Savannah* dorresporflc K .f : ‘ tb.ii'U .'l ... . .i il ® 1 org 01, let ol! i! #]'• ov lig jubilation <iV W g ; JMd! §obb by the lit : . Cimwmtdm # and lie han is d.;i j ®.• 1 :■ •]\ i7; h : “Hurrah for Goorg ; a 1 :he p the W? tat.e have fllet in solemn ( g. .ion, and hove, tai. -n theft ins ol* govornmeni out of r,;>e of domagngues and wirepullers. The Pc com j her Convention, its resolutions endorsing | ti-e Hon. Howell Cobb, lias been voted down bv ! a alijority of twelve. So’“tluf;pnUlenian from Georgia \vhc%r joies over the Treas u-y Depart nieiit” is not the choice of his native Btatc ; “rally the®iv,asses ” on the soil where hi was reared } can’t carry a single endorser to 1” harl^sfon; laid on the shelf for another term, of ; J k oov How 11! Poor Uncle ‘Seth!’\ # • \ BirSEOTEBY OF AsftttXT CsTJES. i. : :] ■ ‘V i U' l,;!,: h ■ i: ’ if . m ad ;; .ic a ntiqnn. .-iP “ . []. x , ’ f ; r; . ’ ‘ ‘ f in i • Ore To ■’ ® , j,, r . dan.®?-lr. recenffy toe hut Boc:i*iy. ibutftl, tar tb y,!ie east or th(j©distGct of the Mgrlran, and in a rejpon unvisltea 1< - y any id:* ean travel-* it-:’ t; re ancient r •wn,- all ;w ®, c t -:i : f tl @i * ? M|| * ill. the m • “ive. ®e ®d . v.i.ieh a. a .d.anc i UTo of th cdh'i. - l-o:.# :.IWo itr a lav 9 lid i:;..: uko a y.-jgu?, built on ly v“. Father •• ; ® . era I ’’ ‘ 1 “* ‘• ’ was coy :®d with in- in an unkoowtf t-imroeter, befiriog . >ine nt hkeoe-s iri the f> i'lk ®alrdiaher ‘ i®.oncriy iu use in Soothers Arabia* Gdpies* and linpre.® lons of sov.eraP inscriptions arc j re * >onted§ai:d wiißnf doubt cug u-e tlie attend A; ;of Orientalists. ® • t ® !® iAtbact •Getlfflation after* yene^ation®hav felt as we 1 now feel, atl irjHves “were as f,etivd> as our ; own. The fccavens shajl ho as brigjit over opr *r;ne, rw they are aroimd*our paths. if;. ! iiiio, ami ali to.- 1: .ifehuive hap ; cncido— j The throbbing heart will be sTtlle J, and we. shall* h<S>at regt. Our fuueralwfillvi?nd ft? way, and C prove v will :* ii'ifa>vl we hall be lectin Cue darkness dud s ! ?ieo # us the tomb. •And it, My be for a w sjudl L # > spolaen of L b*t the tbit.. ifi^sha’lkcreep or. al>d out ? I*apes will Bays lyill continue?!© v\oxo <fi, and la tighter a*-? sou ••A ill he ifeard ui the we cKed, and the eyes that mourned tor us will be dried, atnf animated with h j y, a rod ew?n auchihh.-ti uhl cease t# think - remember to Hsp our najntft no I ® • * •_ * * . % IX GEORGIA.* There arc, within the bounds of the Georgi lr„ n . , In ihntSpartXif Georgia attached to the Florida s < ••.iniVvmce* ** % ....> 10,000 ‘%■ that p.iv: of*G -.rgia attached to the II >1- • • (T- ao. t Tli.-afty-ence,.? * *I.OOO Local Prtachers, ¥ * 5,84 Preaehcr? 200 j MegSbera in y,ie itefoi uiui and Congxegaticxial [ Ghurehes, % w * ’ tfj ■%. *— _ Total iiurrbvr®of Methodi?is in Georgia 95 6JO *•k-• -. • @ 9 GREAT HEX. lUnhcr was a beggiy ; Plautus turned a mill; Ter nice war* a slave; Buethius died injaif-® Paid Borghos® bad'foorteontrades*ygl starved with them TassoVas often distressed for a few*shiifings; Ceivantos died Ca moens, the writer®of the ‘Lussaid’, ended his ’ days alhahouse; and Yau r * ft big hody |to the sry-geo%to pay his debts® Iu England, j Bacon lived a life of meanness snd distress • LSir Walter the’scaffold : Bpen-. j eer died in Want ; Milton®soltlhis cdj.vri Jht bl* “ Paradise Lost/ for S7o, and died in obscurity; | Dryden lived in poverty and distress; Ottvny Lperished of died in.the street; * -iteele was in perpetual warfare with his bailiffs; (roldsimiih’s “'Vicgr of Wakefield ” was s dj for a trifle, to save him from*the grasp of ’the*’ Jaw. * # • 8 • J . ® ®A® I, AST -I.OOIi. 1 here is a fueling that resembles death in the dast glance we are ever to bestow on a loved ob ject. The girl you have treasured iu your ! heart, as she passed by on her wedding day, it jnay be and bJiss’luJ, s lifts up her lau di ‘g the symbol of her own light heart and leaves in th-e look, darkness and desolation to you forever ’ ’ • ® I.MOA PARTT iOXVEXTtOX n HOSTO.A- Boston, a hursday, re a 29. The Cemstitutional l n-ion y ( •• uoution was held in this city to-day. Two hundred and il. Hon Nathaniel Silsbee was elected President, j and ad iressesfwere di lh ere 1 by tl j Marshall P. Wilder, Geo. S. Hiliard, L. Everett j Saltonstail and Geo. T. Curtis. Resolutions es 1 . vative ai I . agitation an.l sectional differences,- to :ch ck Go'-ernmeut era-nc .aoce, to protect home industry, and for a thorough change in ’ the political aiiairs of the Rian* were adr ■ !..! The Convent i- m elm. ltd a Rt.f.e Central • ‘ -ni • mittee, and a full list of Pfstriet Deleg . the National C<mvention at B,altjmore, aod ; . ( James W. Reaver, of Bo>- 1 are Joseph Grinnoli, of New j Bedford ; Hon. Increase BuuUn r, of Great Bar ton The names of Edward Everett and 1 John J. Crittenden were pronj,in,ently nienti m ed the’ Convention iu connection with the a • e, ® © ■ j* s SPIKGEOX 0.-V SEA VERY. _ ° As mlijc • i our ivadc s ti. v bo curi ms t• . . ivto’.r vo. •ot t?• I at the south towards the* fame Air, Spurge.on, we copy the following extract ! | irotn a lett< r addressed by hitu to fatiuafy last] lb e 1 tot iof the ’Christian Wulck J &*ttrjh ‘lor He say#: • “Id trteii imuos# * and *® •< J , t 1 , , *>■ j anywirere and every i com- tic ! “i..* ta’-lo wit! men of ill cn.-c.fl, yot with€i no Of any sort or find. henejjft&r9ti has cailcdgip ;on mcfl ha - * r.jiisii/'-g l < m : , </ • /•/ 07</ ... ’ ■■■'■''■'■ ~ ‘ R ■ >J) th ■ ‘ : a Wu 1 /• into nwj church, or inti? cry s<-r!%”/ V . 71, as a ■■ o , ,'o‘\ I|\ jg. ft! ’$ & iii*l.ondo;v nor in Nt , i ... t Live very : St . loin m. . lo- . r.. . :d.,v> ly jin m; 1 ‘Uds vccoii* •i r .the rumoft •Jhat i have left out the atotl-slavery a mi nay i American r o.ion 01 1 . 1., t.- uo^ tru *ui uy ' 9 ■ ihr ; . f"y o iof,-v 1 Cannot remember thgftlhe 0 %- 1 • ‘■lift’ ft live 111 ■ : .) ®’ S ■ : t’ | tin.-re-cow; ■& ■* iuvoive-l Words ; .1 no ••sense. However, it a-’y think *me capable ol dealing, T'tbt i.ot tint t!i*y ijo i* in • ■ 1 0.- i estcmi is i"t d*. oi# regret the lor.-, of it. -ft! avo tills 1 and; to to all ft ■ • 0. \h.• I 1 1 ... i,v. are sms enough iu my own country ; but I%haU hv f ■*, ri o r nv> i*fair.• £■■ r< jpewber Hull my von-,: t.ciou - ad the Atlan ta'• and the , of a man to dirty oioh shall not he gy * :.v /. i did not kn -vr that I i had been so fully adopted a citizen 018 your re public; but finding that i,ow mo to is one : 4|i yooiselves, i\v ll siicak sevrrch i enough, and perhapaftim-rc :• ol;,,ift win with approbation # | loudly, #t Jo in i’r ovn .s #.<rtal jin the memories o£ the X. ■ ffhndin* 1% heart he livs. * • • * 9 I am vour.s, most truTv,® A ® ® ( El’ Sfukgeon^ • ■ 9 “ ” - “ RJE • HQVB y ext. * ®‘ & @ ‘* -v % • k mrn #4 gudceal ■•■■§ / ‘ # , . • 9 & € nj ’■ S; I :'r J ® ” c ,-• • 9 K ‘ n ■■■ ; ®■ ’ . : “C ® :I to-your itw^sin ■ luauds on om- poocTund, owing to their , great, lndqkenoe and dis ipition, ti..;. have filled ,j!ir fri- I £ • tto ;.u ¥ .cnt > The re -uit rt*d a. life cr’s Ferry will result in stringent laws by the South ern nates. v too expulsion ol jn e ti-. uo -,-s from their limits ;*so wginutj|hoi%ly%aye thou c finds of those uni'.irtuuai•>**crc.iture.s : thrown upon us, many of thvgn in tlfe a- of life, or otherwise ‘ineapagitalcd Ur la*,-r.— I The exigency calft ur!hu your honorable body to* adopt soiiH-asyro U>j%ovcot tlicii-*emi ration ’ ®to this State, Would proler a . G • 2 - . /v ■ ! TSSE XE 5 W VlXf/i IIEKVT.D S •PIIX J IOH AB|®lT THE EKESIUEA fIAL® ELECTION. ° (fiti • vi) Jhp ‘ ..-a ii /•<*,• l c-onciode •• a lon-a arti clc on tliti Opposition party and o its candid ’ wiiitlife sent lice: ® ‘Up? result of t ! ds;i “w’d! bo to brefkk ‘up citlief the Bepuh * ■. the DeaiocraGc niake # ttfe m w pturty the Opposition efu- Pg the Presidency * Thus if Hie Demo, ciMtefshoukU.e beaten, they will^e effas .aparty, imd will have t® fall* into the ranks, of titc si nlon oppo&ttion; ot j* -party h<j liveTihrbwn. that wilt he | the hist of tiii.uij, att-.i tlie 9 6eattertg ;|*be absorbed by the Union *partyUwhich I would thus* in yluo time, present a formidable opposition to the triunTphant XtenaoCracy. 3 *7* *— * ‘ f’■) _ lAALt'ABLE Kill: SEX TO It i> vsn:*ij c • Take oi peach leaves one liaiuiiul, pour one pint of boiling water over flietfi- then add erne j tablespoonful i?f Epson? Saks.* Take a ©wine glass fall M-ei-y’two or three hours till ft oper freely; then take the tea witkajit the salts ’ three.!iraes* a day.until cured. r i he* tea must be cold in which the salts k put. . 9 <* <? • * • Hannah Bond, * heiress, uoar-'Mcm phm, Joen . was man k:d*m ‘1 hursda r - Sttttmoos, eloped a few hears'after her.wvd ding with a -dry-goods” eierk named deserted .next morning by him, and-the same d.i) .became reconciled to iiusljADtl number one. Corminl*- Aoridjmfa Bloom my brill <: .--Jinn r' -l. A dvpca iej The quickest, method of taking ihe chair at a po!ni.-al meeting is to insult somebody. H r wdl give it to -you immediately— over the head The King of’ Siam has expressed hisadmira tiuriof Aoierican'c-Ija racter by naming hisyoung-’ est son George ’Washington. ■. ’ 0 • ft ♦ “ There is <1 wealthy buieher in_ Phikfdelpbni \Jn> wears the finest of broadclot-h beneath bis professional apron-. A magnificent dinianiond sparkles on his shirt-bosonif while th'e hand 1 that wields the knife and is adorned with diamond rittgi ’ •. ‘ j CiOV. Hl>l STON’S AG.U9T MEX HO. In a qouinittnication recently addressed to the j fcccretaty at \V ar, Gov. Houston, of’ Texas), . the charge that he designs the in vasion and cm piest cl’ Mexico: ** It may be that the Executive of the United States, regarding the ruin >rs and tin* paragraphs in the newspapers, uiay suppose that t entertain designs of ixico, and >i that lOasoU a it o m,i; -to protect Texas against Indian de redations has caused a inisappro-'i: usioti of’ ni action . “its true that s;.’ i- • i>, i I .v, e bt a TJ lon to from •of the i nited’States, urging me : to invade Mexico, with a vi< w to thp establish ment oi a Protectorate, nod ass me that men. money and arms w >uld b • s ia< ed 1 1 my .disposal if I would engage in the enterprise, i o tin.see overt mv-s , iu no hivn: i ros- ( . :b as an indiyiduaH imglit have co . md jurisdiction of the l m o l St ites ; n ir was ’ 1 witho'ui an acsurat ce a largo portion of ’ the Mexican population v , ve iu . and* ■ ■ ‘ ■o- : . ®. ->1 > :>I:V * ■ 6 ® & i i t rrs _ ;mu 1 una -j,. to .in . i. *po i• i Up- Uovein dSta (fhisWftimate a h must and will be achieved by a dine * Si:; , ill’ lii'i'; :?• iii’ !: .a! 5 r tb.'l J> voly regionare to be ; destroyed by a conflict of rob | here. J trust 1 4111 ode oi ihe 4 men on : e-ijlh w \ n ,-.-h .■! mi official sit p |W. di ; l i> •-uto a comphsoany ackteveruehttpf per@ so# or j o!':ie..l#r.-j ;r.uiu!zement. You, sir, may me I tv-un-nt that I will contiuueor a no ac . wi b to compli i catef.r the sffairs of his Admin* tr.v ® *|ilantathorryn bis I P a *hwayqf U 1•. *I n r j >t will rever, perform* da Official Jicf that is not intended for W w , @ tg> i ‘“y cmuunr s j rosperitv, aside Lfrom .A. 8 * J * • 4tfL'KlE\ >§ iEjKIES*r<P WE fiOCISATY. * F “ f ® L. M. Curry,* i Ajtyf attta* in#lns recent ilunse ; Iv< preadbta btivesfperfcinetfly asks: V I * V* w . feat ia ratio pa:-’y canton* • i’ *• b_ f *■ ; e> & ■ bir ’ ;bi ci] BS? Mi;, til 13 e be :tery, j#trren aud fruitless I an<ji FyP han . Are a S S- 9 © V % <a • ‘ * Z ‘oi no avail n. . u * ecmipanied by practical resui by a friu ;!fof • rineiple. ; i lmflection oi, ® over pure and natriotic, jviflbc as d< , tit, • corresponding elvatiom popular sent;UK ■s.. Kr, .here is uostre gtli in numbt i■.in a 4 ‘tv. p-ms niusi 1 i # Mby a c.t ; •.• on ! a itl;%e Vl by pm. •:? -.•j: iv onj -<gt i -ij - abb trou; ,1!- , m * *~a be merd® i exoeptioimbie maxiuis, politic and convenient • forms, applicable on.y to ten- orary exigencies, an.i to bodutd *- lo a snake slotigl?s off skin.” • • 9 “ — 9 WARD BEECi'jfcll IXTEBEST. How many people inthe countr\Uiave four*i out t •tr Mi % iii< foil wing Ay lie cry Ward jJi#clrer: ® & 0 9 ‘2 No tor dr ssharpet Ot all in- -i;i - e is# © , t : .f ~fG * iu fji r wcatu •• • j;,,,# 1-1 ‘ • “, y ■ £ ‘ j oui iravop ® © j-i ]•■ .. ‘Tt- i- j, in. lix “7 •* 1 mm, as a nj !%ooun<3 upon asprders web. — v v # ling him • s >V- * * es fi \ s a : . I ■ I the vtmaaiaa ifiist . v Inch swaaps ne#plants 9l: ® . me, ; ! . • lUe . w ... . fi mil ■ - bvrp klf is an r.vrl, branch • and every mglo plant like a platoon of b umU fieldefifll of ip3l i g like an jftrme,d bust, jbe tfhole plant is a torment and #‘ vegatdHe nurse? An 1 yet a fanner; bet- Lte^make his Cagadi!u# at-* tempt to lie at ease ui mint 1 - ® STATE oryvi: VjriG.T. „ ® n • Macon Mfereh 16thd8o0 t - Si ite 1 xeeutive Comait ] e < aPa tj 6) argia. held this i r r#C Absenting % ~* 8 ! > the Ei mt.) ®:‘ -■ ;® l < C 6 issue the foUtvini •- Lo. are both to • 0 4-’ • • apery * :-r(jy of the® ” . * ‘ ‘■ of the c . - ■ ‘ <rae section ! 4 * . : ‘ 0: ftr, in t!*■ ■ oran the l’.-rrit.u it v.. i <-i are the cofii* I*® ® j *■ :r> eon * • ‘> -1 fieee enjoyment of i- ‘■ * ’ * ’’ iiytion, L s >! cl w all 9w tional j political parties ae inil . to the lul lie tranquility *• -5-who reverence toe advocate re nd* obedience to all laws sassed in pursuance -• **’ -t( -1 judicial tribu requested to meet in their counties, as . and ap ! tot > ion. to be held in. the oily of Milledggvilk, on the 2ddly 41 * ; 9of t iking such action oed ei lii nt in reference to iiie’ap j preaching Presi Inti 1 elect ®® @ ® ® - - * .s2> • A Card/ * Owingftfl theiafe accident ■>. to i Store : ext Mr, irhere ; n*e now deceiving aver stock of SpVing pGoods, which we will sfell, at present, for New York j co s t a litter srensc.- for c;F h, ns our Store is too small ® • . to o> t • *1 • < ountry Nft.-■ I ants, who do not buy goods* in Ji | we c m; . •- at wholesale as low 4 as they can-buy rh anj.t # M utji<rn city Call soon and 1 examine our stock and prices. . J. .-viTiFf & BROTHER. March U, IW.-’ . V V;_ % 4 • Chills and Fdvcr! Chills and Fever’J— One of tlio greatestTemc'Siea that Tas ever been yaid be fore the public,.for Fever and .Ague, and which has re ceivi-d the highest ‘ ‘the pres? aud the peo-% ole. is Dr. HOSTE'I fEK S CELEBIUTED BITTERS. Who would endure*the torments'isnag from this terrible dieoasj-. when it can be -o easily cured Who would en j dure bl*. • • burning fevers and icy chjlla alter nately, when a remedy can’be obtained for a mere trifle? • 9 . w n any fanylit s linger out a painful existence rtliiad idly bttg t/arid do n • gulp down j quinine, until it becomes as common tht ir *.:tily meals, ilml yet they are not relieved *one but the foolish and would hesitate to procure these valuable Bitterk; anti save theineeiyes- iritense jgp jgold by dniggists an - generally, every ’ ‘ in another column. • - - I* • Practical Advice to Ladies. : The first, syrepfoma of disease should never be disre ’ gdrded. If not removed serious evils will inevitably fol low , aud in seeking as>iManee, all r iredies that will act violently or reduce the strength, should be avoided.— They, instead of assisting nature, weaken and debilitate those organs, fo'r Female ‘Complaints, take McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Flood Purifier. It stands pre eminent in an diseases peculiar to females Trv it. It is n delicious Aromatic Cardial. UP Sold by E Seixas. Thomasvilllti Gn