Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 09, 1860, Image 1

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BOOTTIERS IhX'rivHl^Kl.STfr • * •*. u| If‘mintef pr is t % m &p t . . l * §; I lA-< 11 S r. Frop*ietot; * • ■# , * • t ■ . 41 B'CRIPJTIO. .*• * * . TEJIMS. * • : 1 *- 4 M tis •• * * Weetkr UoLLtKsl * * . .paid !n • charged. 8 • • * t • “ * “sktkri * • * Med *V* iW, T m‘T‘ W bia * tbJUireelion <* their paper n<Wify Afrom wh. t • fond, ComUy inui plainly written. * <•'■•* ■ * * * - . • • . ADVI KTKAnVO. , ® # TEltpttS: • . A t:Iy'EMF.sT- will bp mdilithed at One Dollar ] l”' r *qtre of twelve mw < less, for the first insertion, ‘ BBa HFTiUtitTsfcr neh subsequent insertion. Ten>.- t*> tnn tinm, wi® be published until order fedWut&nd chawed •ccorau • • * Obituar? es, not exceeding six liflea, will be* pub* bnt i g Dollait twelve printed **. *-- Vhat uirn>U<r, plpwr all loq|l ! Adyertiser%Wiil please hand in*tneir favors urevi- 1 UfttflO oWlock on Taeidays 8 •• . •* 1 . * •• 4O > TIC u t {tot lit fl"* U llm. , Oar contracts wit'll Advertisers will be governed bfr # t Jtbe Allowing Roles, each,.,square Being composed of4 lid 30nion lint -: . •-* - * . ■ -v® U ——♦ * s- 1 • • i • ■• * . * w. “ J *’ • JZ • 0 —° • • T O ~ • mrn • • * - • ® > . & . .* i it#}’ LIKOTH Or ASTIRf % | g • • •. . i * ° v r . •.• _ * •,~ X I 'O 1 I 4 >ne Sauare *. . . f.l*ho |8 tA *lO C!} D'-i 1 Two KuuarCa *\... v r 8 80014 00 *8 00 20 C 9 Three a *. 10 00 16 00 Ml 00 25 00 Font 8 m 12 o©i 17 00 *s*2 00 26 00 Five Squares.-., AJ4 10020 00 25 " ,e 30 00 SuriSnuarea. .... ? 18,06 24 o©| 30 00 35 06 dine Igilf l’olutnn.. ,i*. : 10• 35 <*'• 10 2*o y'hfi-i- Foimhf Qplumn (35 §p 11 00 52 00 60 00 ! <ltke Column.* •. 50 00J6O Of*. 70 00 80-00 • 5 : . * ‘•f Bi sini ?- C*tins,*fo? tlie4errn of onewear, will be charged in proportion to they ogcatpy, at One 01 \ h per Ltnot solids Sfmi !iV) * • KdWtASj a6v I N. .VM persons having ocemonto advertise Legal Sales, Notices, etc., are coftpefl|d by law to comply with the . . follMving nik* _ • ° . * •’ • c Adauinistrators, pr tinnrdinn**: ° 10 All safes of Lambaud Negroes ® Adwirtistrators* • Executors or Guardian^.are*reuui red by law t.. be Lisl on theWhlt Tuesday’in the ihonthjbetween tla* 1 honrs of ten .'<•!” -k in the forenoon, and thrcfc if tb?- [ • afAiA'on. alibi- CottVthonse ot the coiraty •*• the jwopertv to situate. Notices of these sales mu.-t . be given in wpnblic G irtv Dartsprefiyus to the dav B's sale. „ ° a ° O Nnlr of l'rrstmal jFjrAjaptrty • • ,* A<"ticcs o'r'tln- s;*k- “! IN-rsoiial must be given at least Teh nays pfevgus to tin-day of Sale l.sian IlyblorK mid 4*mlitors: • . Notices to Debtdrs and Creditors of an csuitf? must f TW published Forty Days. s Court ul’ OrJiniiry f.eiive to # Notice taat application will be made to rat Cofict of Ordinary fordeavg to sell Land or Ntyroes, mttsb * be published tweealy for Two Mtditha. # *1 Atlniiiiixtralion tiittl < iiur<liiiithi|>: a Citations for Letters of AihtW|gtrationgntist be . ptSdishcd Thirty I tgy.-; for Oisniission from Adnlin i istrarion, (i<iiitlilv Six Alofiths; for Dismission from Guardianship, Forty Days. , Foreclosure of*Aloi-tgugc: o o 0 Rules for Foreclostree of Mortgage* muri be pub lished nioit{t.ily for Four Mouths. o EntiiUioliiiK Lout Papers: , for Paperif must be pub lished sot the full term of Three Months. 0 (|h} ■yi' ’ l’ublicat'ions will al\i bt eouiinut-d according tdmhe above otherwise ordered. , dr *LAW CARDS. P o 4i ,g J. IS. IS. Manley, ® • A AT LAW, \ 9 QVITM.\>, BROOKS CO., 6A. i M ILL pi-pcticfin flio / >un;Uy yf *he Smthern Cir •cuit, at.J / ‘.n* . <■: n- h. Ivhre iltul Ktj|i"ls ot the Beansw&cfi j&cuit * tlec 1,-tf Mj H . 11. ifennet, ? i • 1 at law, Ql ITM yi. BROOK'S CO .fJA.. WILL practice in Tho!f ( |*.*Lywii.le.s, Brooks and Bmun Muntiegi • *• * mhjft-lf J. ? R. UlexAnder. ° . \ttorny*at LA’W, iid\ 25-ts TlH*MA>\ 1L1.1.. <■ \ I* U. *B*ciror*l, I law/ . Y ‘ .AVAUKSBOUui'GIL LA. Miyi praeAice ia the counties of the Brunswick Giretntui in febwtitles and Berrjpjtof the tjouth- ; ern t'ire uit. 0 je | * * .Jitlin M. Dy*i>n, V * ° *.l •*A* TTORNEY AT LAW, .*• H * At . . trGmasviilb*ttA.. nV® door, to Dr. Bruce’A* * Mfflh ‘** r mi # Etfene I& lMdßb> oa * • 4* tt*6rney at law, /\m je 'hi-ts GA. f J w—‘ir 1 J ® —® -* 1 .. VA .* Bryan, * 4 TTQRNEY AT LAW. * .* L fk *nh in* ..*. • THOI*ASVH4*. 6A. f JL, - E. C. Waggaa* 0 *4* ttorwEy M: law, ’ f , .’ NASHVILLE^ BERRIEN Cp., GA- ° 8 WILL practice in the counties of the Cijr- . cnifand fljg%srati:esW WortA aaH>ough- j ertV Jf the-Macon. nd , offee, Clinch, and Wye*l .. of.the Brepipwick OircQit. AddrtsS sifl*t-Cicei Posboffice, Ga. b • fIA 18-ts .*| * * . •’ * •• ° o . A TTORNEY AT LAW* * • Ap NASIIVIIXi:, BERRIEN Ca^GM. *_ r w 1 r „ JL ; . *. ii. Si€no4-, 8 % A TTOftNEY *AT * A. * 8 . THOMWSVILLfi, GA. I WILIIJpVI his entire* attention to tlfe practice of ! • •l.a*w in llie*cousltias e*f the Sotuhera CirAtit. Os- tjie second floor cb*Donald McLeap s . buildtia: . *’* # e fnh 18*tf • r I. V. >l<*Cardcl, * I ’ ;,TUSTICE OF THE^EACEe- s All businees ‘ entrusted him wiu be attende4to proniptly *oud with diapatA. the Courthouse nsvillt% G. 4. nih 20-ly® .• a , = 5 ; • . 4 Ifcily. 11. .. 8 o * TUSTICE OF *PA 1E OFFICEp— 8 ° . * bl OI>POSITK * fHE rOSTOFFICE. ~0 of all kinds taken on libfral terms, ei *ther in JustitA’ Skperiear W Inferior Courts. ■ _i -n • b SdlAfirid’s •ifeoisr AY.GIIKS, * * * Adjoinkig*the Depot. .*, 1 ; Georgia,; *. • ManuTaeturers ot ■ , * atul oi|ers, H >1 ill and Lin Gearinar. m ,Cltne >1 ills and Panb.* ’. Syrup Boilers,* * , * *• Shafting and Pullty. A . pA Ml kinds oj made to srdeV. at • ffffort ‘ * • •, EbREMINGTON i^ON. • jan 1 l<* ** S ( ’ “ B 14 A> , , m ( Jidilor A Fro|)ri<So4^ MEDICAL AN If DENTAB CA*RE^‘. ■ - -** *— • • • Me*liet*l fcotice. * ,* IJr. R. J ° ° | \1 “ILL prat-tit*- M- ii- ,#e and Surgery at the old f j > and. wcguidt-i b # v iJiu for* my years, fte jhas no partner and,-t{fetefofe, will jsive hi* perjonal irteation to all Prescriptions and Patients. He ha*s opeped a*Hospital fo| the conve*n t ienee ot those owning slaves re*fuirhig surgical ao tenyoii t and poof whi’te t>*rsdtis. yot able to pay. will bft treated gratis. Accoiunualafions eoeifoibable. lSitij. • 4-ts * Phy-ieians • ‘-tvd.)° * ** . • • Dr. ,\. 4*. f| l>ut, aid. tN TkNDEUDfG his* Professional Serjrioes tp*the and : J'h - ind \®--ini: y. w.-uld inf. iai>. j”them thatjje lust bqpn practicing medicine in Jeffer son County, Florida, for live jears, during whiofi 4-ime he has met and.treated uißst of the diseases v. tii<- r ill this lafim-ie. 0 . o OFFICJE,.oh the side *street,<ucar the. Law Offic<? , of C. J.* Harris. ° 8 0 ,• the htwse by E: b'L. Andergon. • a ° o ; ffhtoasvillb* Jaitary 7, iB6O. 0 ts ° ° .* V Dr. E. J. ° I FracUiionei* { of Mediciao anS Surgery,’ f • jan 1 Glasgpw, Thomas so., Ga. *ly o° 0 ° JR. S. S,° idaniri° 0 0 o ediRERA jnfxrms lifriends and public, that lie yvi4! r .ntiiMte tbe j.yictiee -f tm-dicinc •in Die old stand and respectfully feeders his services the public. • 0 April 2, tf ■ • -j ■<>, . ——f’ * mwiri — | ( Reform ice. to Dr. P. S. {per, J "AFFERS his Pr: ffessi inal Services to the cuizens, of Tboftmsvilie and vi.3*nity. Calls, at all hours, ; jiromptlysattftided. o nifi 4,V4f . . Dr. Brandon, * O ° o 4, Has removed to the Office fViryuMly occupied by J'din. Aliflor, Esfq.,.a,s a Lau’ Office. prompt la ft tended. ° 0 ° ° 0 h“i v Special AttentipiV will be given to ; Surgery and Surgical Diseases. * • • • Ja. 15, 1860. ° ts 8 . ° ‘T w* 1 °4>rs. HI. B. .Si E. O. irnold,° Jlevident Dentists, Tliomasviljd, ua, 0 4 HAVE ih prirttt/e^advantage of fifteen y i rears e in every **rti h ’ I:-h ,*uf‘ssiofi. * 6. ‘ We can rcty-r tojnapy who liawe l*ad v ■ M”' 1 ’ Lxf the benefit of uur ojn'fitions iinhis Counta’ lot the past Gxia-ar-. Me have ejery facility for doFng the best lffate work iiuiv'iiiuivn, which is (tenon mated 9 • .1 * f ContinuoiTS Gum c Werk, ° on Putina plate, #hieh is impervious tp afiy*of the acids, pven ib) a concentrated form. 0 ° Teeth filled with pure gold in a superior imriiner. 1* Patjegts fuvotfing t with their confidence may i rely utmost, .exertions so peffoxm every •I eratiori in as perfect a manner as possible. 0 o mb. 10 w ts ° Drs. R.II. A s:. A. Eafon, * * AVTOI LD respectfully inform the citizens of y f Tliomasviile _ —,, vicinity, that they are u \., i; /( ? fitting iiji (heir Medical •and Denial i—.. i'\M? > SM'G OFFICES o -- .. >. . ‘ •y. in neat styl# The Don tal K4IOIII *so arrang- ti ed as Hot l . lie nodestFi A / ~? . by any business of the _ Nledwal Drtice, and will y be kept ■ricrtii priv.-ye tjr Ladies and Gentlemen wishing Dental Opewitinns. • • And vu?- patron* in Medicine may be aswtrej that no •■ ■■ml /.rr.srriptnnt to th< *atn /j ‘iant mil he t >.ttl n l by any other than It. 11. EATON, - lie ha; no t.'ofAUTNKR in Mr.nmxE. and Ida Drag'S aft all fresh and Y 1% DELED. 8 •• OFFICE second door East of the o#e formerly oc cupied by Bruce ,V Eaton. Tnh tt) ts ! .0 New Drug ß Store nil. P. 8. BOWER lias opened a Drug Store rft tin- stahil formerly eecupied bj Palmer ,X Bro. io opposile E. and is prepared to furnish Di’iius. Medicines, IVrf'uinyiy, InSis. o FANCY *ec-, T’pon fair terms to those who may favor fifth wyh a ca 1 ! To his reform •friends lie would say, that lie [ ha? on hand a trash and reliable assortment of | ° m i-r n v'nTV rwF^ • 0 8 v I t>. * j And will be glifd to supply them with such articles i as they may ne B ed. ° Sih 10-ts 0 j | * — - > j o Di-Aas and Medicines. o ° a largo and well selected stock of Drugs, _\?cdicines. Chemicals oi all kinds. • A I*o, Paints, 4pis. (Mass Putty. Varnish, Brushes.: ’ Dye Stuffs,*Pate®t Mediciltßs, Garden Si-.-D. Toilet Artieliw. 4’erfumsry, Brushes, (kc.° Kerpsine Oil ’ amt Lamps: Burning Fljiid and Lamps. . • • ° EDW. SEIXAS, Druggiri. Thom*asville, May 21 8 1859. 0 ts • o v ; ,8 .o \ew TmiloriiiA Esliiblisliment. • V-fERCHAN’S TAILOR, would respectfully in f°t>,n the citizen? of Tfio- ° xgh and the surrounding • i country that lie has wnened it* ° ‘ .sitOP’ . IJopa; Nest to Remington and Dekle s .JkAM J . Furniture Store, ° uMA; Z>\ 0 - where he will've pleaaed ty wait r/ : j of \ | °oh those who mav favog him • 1 •° \ij 1 itb a cn. * , 8 8 ia! ° \°v\ c I* garments ° f|l •* i of *tl4nfldß caff and made up in tha latest and most fashionable J style?. 8 CjotV, Cassimtrs oMI oV o estyi(fs, constantly, on Isand. Patronage solicited. mhM!-3-t£ W o O O o 2- ! ° o ° boi ° J 13.I 3 . q MERCHANT TAILOR, f° still aMiisoltk stand, belwcen th# large brick | shores of Sharpe and Kerning- W/° TJS I ton. whet* he is prepared, as • ° /jgcMrr ° I usual, to do kinds of work H^y£g&&gK| | in lp* line in the W'st flpilJ” l.and latsPfashions. 8 \7'%'&\o r I A o lie hand a good sup- ’ ff\ \ ply of fitje ftptterns for < A• j , A Coats, Pants, Vests, &c., Hi.j \r* “.with all the liece&ary o trim- o .M ff Cf j* j mings, which 0 wdflJje cut® snd s” j < made to ordeib 0 ~ Cutting done at all times in the latest fashions aad 6 at the sjjtftrfest notice. £lUmd se* fgr yourselves. Thomasville. Ga.. Qct. 3Q| 189. ts . Saddle and, ilarness Manufactory.^ i A LAllbiK and complete, assortment,of Harness laped Saddles, • ° - *• dies. Whips. sitt% Spurs j .. liciting. Harness® anu \ ° | Sole- Leather, etc-., kept /xk* • ° constantly on“hand an l ** ~ tor saletu the # 0 • y c Hi|i|^"iVi Mb ‘V- ■. *— ’ . and S*d- ; die Repairing promptly attended to by • j . MeM.ASHAN ft LITTLI. j Thomasvilfe.oJan 21. 1860 m „ <l v ° • o o THOMASVILLE, GEGGiA r WEDNESDAY,.MAY ft, 1860. ®6 From Patbon's life of Andrew Jabkson.'’ • O o e Tiie°fain*us cjuel Jackson ami Dick ,1 inson is sjewerSHy known, bt Paris’s rtA’ent 1 lift of Uie lbpmc-r B givi?s an excellent accoutst yf ■ the affair. Vrith so*ce circumstances that are new. ‘d Dickinson*secndwoff the •koiot’A'f position,. 1 and Jackson’s the. office of giving the word.-*-4 . Tli# fistufij Overton co.nridere3 t]'.c giving; of; the word a -master o4‘ great 4*iid he had already determined how he would.gjve it if the.(ot tell to him. 8 eight paces were j . measured off, and the men placed; both wer* Boilected. °AII the pclitene?? of Buch°) • was strictly and elegant!v performed. Jackson Jwas dressed in*i loose V(*ck, Ijutt-me 1 carelossly over hi? cI)M ang oottßealhig in som% | | degree the Diakinson wa- the younger and handsomest man * of* the two. ° But Jackson’s tall, erect figure, j - *nd the *still intensity o£> i|i% demeanor, 8 it is j °* said, gaxje hiuf a most superior and command-1 * ing air rfr.lyr ito o od under tl*- tall jioplars in this ; bright 3i;'Y morning, silently awaiting the m<s- ! ui%ntsoof doopi. 0 o 0 ”., y Are yjtt ready V said Overton. °° *’• ° V.I am Bea’dy,” said Dickinaot!! 0 *> 0 lam ready,” said Jyeksou. . Tha word* were no%ooner that*, 4)j'@rton, with a sudden shout, eried, using his j ol<J eouj*Uy pranimoantion 8 ‘‘Fetue!” Bickmsoft ltiised his pysto! ;md f?red. Overturn, who was looking with anxiety al°d ,, dread at Jackvpn, saw a puff of iht-4 hv from the l>i’east. yf h?s coat, and o sStx,Jiim raise his | ‘:°ann an* nlaee it tightly across his chest. 4 * He js surely fijt,”'thought Overnt n, “tjtfd in a hat] jilaee, to'o, b\%t° he do?-s i°ot c fall. and griin'as fate® hetood i?ct?i dcttchetl, iait?ing his pistol 0 Overion glai*(?edat Ifickitison. ,Vmazcd at the °unwoutod failure of his aim, and appaUed at the awful iigtwaand taut before hifib,•-yiedjinson -L-yl® ilnconsciously recoiled a® or two. • ° ® 10 “Great God!’*> he® falie4 ? ed, u have I missed 4 him?” ; 0 0 “Back !o the mark, sir!” thundered ijvfcr- 0 j ton, with liis hhnd upon his pisk.*l. 0 piekinsoii recovered o his composure, steftped” tVavrard to the peg* clnd stood with o evefivertal ioi’roty lii.s'antagonist. All this wag hut the wpiY of u moment, though it re<jhi*r,es many wyrdsrio bteH'jl.*.- c 8 o 0 o. ® General fook deliberate “aim and 1 pulled the triggers The pistol nejthev snapped” nor went off. lie looked at “the trigger and*! discovered that* it had stopped at half cock. — ile drew it,back todts place and took aim a ccotfU time, lie fired; Dickinson’s face blancli* ed;° lie reeled; hh, frieiyls rushed forward, caught him in their avjns, and gently laid fiim “i tjie crass, leaning against, a bush. 11 is trow sers reddened. They stripped off his clothes. 4 I The blood was gushing from hie side in a tor- ; rent. And, alas! here is the ball, the uv*hkl, hut abovfi the efjiiiosite hip, just under the skin. The hall had passed through tiiv; i body, below the ribs. Bueh a fcound could not hut he fatal. , 0 . • 8 Overton wynbTorward and learned the eondi- \ tion of the wounded man.” his prin-4 cipal, he said: “ lie won t want anything more ot° you, General* and conducted him fronflthc ground. They had gone a hundred yards, Over tun walking- on one ide of the sur geon on the utberfapd neither speakiifg a word, when the® surgeon observed thatjme of Jack- son’s shoes was full of blood. 0 “Oh! I believe,’* B replied .Jaolcspn. ‘'that he has pinked uie a little. Let’s look at it. Bid *ty nothing about ilo° theye,” pointing to the house. 0 „ o • lie opened ®his coaj. Dickinson’s aim had been perfect-. JTe liad sent the half precisely where he supposed Jackson’s hear| was beaming* But the thinness of liis body amfthe looseness of his coat combined to deceive®! dekinson; the ball only broken a*rih or two, and rakyd the® breast-hone, it was a somewhat painful. I had-lukii)*<- w©utid, hut neither severe or dan? 8 1o o c j gerdus, and.he was able to ride to 4he tavern without much inconvenience. Upon approaching the hou§e he wffnfc iyji to 9 yne (of the negro women who was* churning, and the* butter hath come. She saidit waS just coniins. He linked for some buttcr-nnlk. ° \Jkhile she was getting it for him. she saw ijm furQveigaipen hisjtoaf and look, P within it. She saw'that bis shirt was saturated with'blohd, and stood gaizing in black horror ■at Wie sight, ipp<* in hand, lie caught her ®*ve, and hastily huttuned up h?s c-eat again.— She dipped out a quart measure lull of “butter-.** milk, and’giiveit to’hiin. lie drank at off at\ 8 [, dryught, tfiey htfwent in, took off’ hisaoat and had his wounds carefully examined aifd dress o 0 ** 0 B fS. That ilofie, he dispatched one hisve tinue 4o o 1 r.®Yallet, to inquire respecting the . condition off Dickinson, and to say ihal the suv ge*c*n attending himself. <ft’ould to con tribute his aid toward Air. J>|e kin son’s relief. — Polited'eply Was returned that Air. Drckinson ? case'was beyond sijrgtfry. 0 In the course of the . dajfJJaokson sent fl bottle of- wifle t 8 Dr. Callt^t. •* for the use of ?iis patient. 0 ’ llyt there was one gratffifcatiofi which Jttcfc soy cbuld not, even finder suchocireuuis&mces, A very old friend, of Gen Jack- | son's Write.-* me tilths : *® Although the c General had been Vouyded, he <lid not wish it t& be known unjil li£ had left° tlie neighborhood, and therefore had concealed it at test from friends. 0 Ilil reason “far this was, as he-ortce stated Jo me, that°as Dickinson considered® hirn helf the best shot ift the wttrld, amicus certain of* killing lnm*he first fire, he didhot wayt Jjiui to have the gratification eve# of btKWvinjg that ‘ ’he had fuelled him.” ® ® o o° ® lo o o ! * O o “The Aurora Kxpfnined, A scientific gyntietnan in'Jllinois, thus gives i the <mg?u of “this celestial visitor: ° o j I ° When the ipeJofygistic temperature of the i horizon t< eatoncisc the lmpurSynt ! indentation of the ° hemispheric analogy, the gpjiesiqn of the borax o curhistus ohecomcs sur charged inunitessimals, which ary tlfere- ] fore deprived of their fissftrjil disquisitions. — This effected, a yapid change i“ produced in ■ the fharambumper of the <gj*asticfltispaleriura, : which°e:uises a coriVacular in the hexagonal an- I tipathies “of the terrestrmm acqua ovenjsli. — Tiie cloyds then becomo a mass Ofodeodriimized speculate of cermocular light, ow|iich caty obe seen when it is visible 0 ° o o ° o o o o o o ! 8 The New .US. Bible from JSoimt Siiuui. o’ ■j * l Ass. Bible ddco\,ej'ee? Professor Ji>cljendyrf in the library of the n Amount Sinai is to h& printed in St. Petersburg with great magnificence, under his eare te and at i^ M 1 P er * Government, j •- J isdfifndorf finds strong reasons for fixing ifs 8 Jj l * 3 r 3 le first half*of the fourth century*; ami pi s*iy? tht as a means of determining tfo‘ ‘ text ot the sacred writings,.especially tWose of tl> Apos'o .9; more aven 4 * llie AIS. ot the \ aticiwi. Thy age of® tha new Alsi. has already been the subject of lively con- j * tro\ ersv, a Cnneerted attack having been tyade t | upotf isehendort and deductions naih- 01 i her oLSt.*Pftersburg Aeademicans 0 liisoie ylies were, however,* so’satisfactory that hie 1 ’ opponent? ha>e become converts 60 fiis belief. ThisAjs. is the oddest of/ tit a. Bible j which has .been presejved in the (jliristian* the Vatican AIS., to whfth it is superior rti twidoin completeness; for theoAfs*. vf Uie Vati can lacks fivt® books entirely and one in part. — tions of tlie early T ©tliers, tv iiicli agree it more nearly than witjh anv other ALS. ‘Prof fUiscfiendorf has already o filled *fe fo liy volumes* with Bible ftoeumenls, and may be yt£sunited to know ao mucli* almut the cotrect version so the Jjisseventli ‘ editioif of the New Testament is the sTandanf. Fie will illustrate this edition prefuaelywith philosophic sac similes, o auTl * wlyle tie V-. sure tliat (tie® original ALS. will; as soon as Tt ”be comes known, he esteemed tendomfas a national freiisure f°r Russia, j* lie hopes to uiukc the cditiu pn net pa of it a wor thy monument of Imperii?! munificence, and on© which the fvhole shall re- i ceive®wifh •ratefuf tfianks. 000 o o ® 8 . V” 0 ‘'Fiiiin! Home. 0 J •• Tm'S be*:ifr;iid id’ a littfe fid tv at home, ; people ! 4dy t°shuPup your hoiiie lesfethe syif should fade®your oaVpets; afid Vour hearts, lest | a heariy laugh'shoufd “shake.down tonic I musty old cfoi-wefo there! 1 f you want to ruin®’ your Coifs', Jet them 8 think that aU Jnifth ®aivd I eifjtiyhient be le*H.*on tlie threshold with- ! out, when they conic home at* night. \Y°ft“h 011440 a lfome is regarded a*flhly a y>lace to eat, drink.and sleep in, the'work is begun t! lat ends in gamjding houses and rock less degradation? Young “people uuis? have fiyi and relaxation, somewhere; and if the}’ do not find it at their own “hearth-stonesv it ivill he sought in other, j and .perhaps lesh qu ofitalTle places. Therfo’ere, | ht the fire burn brightly at night, ;md make ! the home most delightful with all those little arts that .parents so perfectly understand.— ‘ J-b>n t repress the buoyint spirits of your child ren ; half an hour of merriinent around the lamp and foirelight of hoipe blots out the re mcuibrance of a care and annoyance du ring tin® day, and 4he.l;est safeguard they can taka wi*L oLoin into tin: vjoilii i? tlie un?eeu In fluence of a bright* little domestic sanctum. — oLiftiMluslmtcrl. 8 ‘ O O _ *- . a Sli:iltt(p<aiT ? * Manqsrripta t'Uiint. The Cleveland Herald of A1 arch (it h stfys : By a private letter from a friend iis Loifdcn, thoroughly eonv.ersait with lite.rary antiqui ties, we lean? that an important discovery.of i Shakspcare * manuscript-> hts just been ufffoe. j* ‘I he ‘‘ Ahisier of the. Rolls,” Sir J. Romilly, in 8 * exanniwrtg some old lia?*>cks bejortging to the Chapter House, fiuind a collection.of* maim- ‘ Script documents relatfidj. to Shakapearo. Jt b would appear from them that certain impjirtant papers, traced to the custody of a Puritan de scendant of the “immortal hard,” were not de stroyed, as has been’ supposed, but still remain in existence. They.had become the property o£ Lady Elizabeth Barnard, graiftlehild ’ and heir of the great*dramatist. . ® 8 The literary world.are reported to he greatly.] .excited by cliscovery, thoufoi some doubt- 1 ers am not yet disposed to believe in this piece . of good luck. 8 The sweeping and “tinjust charges of iiaud made against Air. J. P ; (Jollier* iif regard °to his®“ I’erkins fylio,” have made*’ many reruns hesitate wbout trusting to o any lucky “finjs.” • 8 o Dnndir*. . • • ‘ c °° o Tiicy atefofere avalkiifg stfolcs. for female flirt*, Ornamented with Draft header and barely touched \fith tiff- varni?h of etiquette? Bra ? foads did*! B say°? siay their caputus are oily half ripe? linjostrous thick rinds, f “alMifolow insidt;, the .%rtvl of fiiofrilii B tifl.®s, swimming aboftt wfth a vaff cyiantity of sap. o Theft fnoral government arc and th*ub“le ; breasted coat of'vanity, paded o wjth silk ©f self complaceiK-y; their apparel is ato in kfiep iqg, and is imported* fresh from the devil’s wholesale anfo retail clothing establishment.—• Tinkered up hrftad cloth, finger riftgs safety-chains, sofVsedder* vanity and impudence they are no more gentleman than a plated spi) silver, o ° 0 2 0 n I detect a dafody ?i%a cat dogs “a wet floor. — There are some fofils iai this world who alier a long incubation, jvij.l hatch out from the hot bed*<pf pride sickly brood of"fuzzy idea*, and tlitrgo along in the path u3 pßmj(>slty*with all tlin self-impcyrtanee of a speckeled .lien witli : < hJnck chicken. 1 have aft antipathy to such people. . 0 . o. °° B ’ 0 a <© BB -* ; 0 o The Jnpanes^ BEmbassj-, 8 Embassj - , 0 8 ° The Japanese Amhassadose. itfos sfatedcai;- a an immftnse* adnount of baggage, including . many boxes of presents to the Uoiited fiiovemment. .They bring 000 to defray?their person al efpens.esi, although the Jgpibassy is invited at thft sole exptt'nse m 1 the L nited .Siat<js. ollie chief o dignitariesoare magnificently dressed in “embroidered silkrobfil. each .wearing a sword of beautiful workmanship. con difeted themselves with great dignity mid yro ‘“priety. TKey.visited fsan Francisco on the dlst were the honored gi*est.\4>t the city for* several days' 0 tlioftsand dollars was ap propriated” t’tiun the. city* treasury to for them suitable entettainmevfo. AH the corpora-® tion oflfoifts, the im mbcrsooi the Legislature, the Gear ern or and thVcitizons generally, paM their person, and on the ‘4*l instant a grandqpublic recej'tiqji was given Hie strang frs f largest bait in the, city,“where the, United SpatesmfficerW, both civil tmd military, with the foreign consuls and State authority, ‘ (participated in tfie reception e^emonie?.* o The ;icn test Ontfon ItcrorU. *•* *. ‘ An old'Bfissisiippiin furnishes the following j to tin® \\ oSSvilio (Hiss.) ivepqljlican : * * Hie famous duel in which lbi*y n-1 tlemen were engggtfd, in fs still reu!!ni. bSretf in Natchez. o Col. Jiift Bopje, tine famous .fighter4nd.i itgiAr of the knife wliijh bears'] <o °li'A tq spend s groat deal of *jfi_s time . Lin N|t<%ez. Hg was. challangei Jjy a gentk* 4 man ot Alexandria. La., whoso friends, to the munl'ov ot twenty or more, accympaiedhun to -Natchez t$ sec fair play, knowing Bowie was a ’ desperate arrt! fin'd hts own ffinds afoiit | „ lm. AH .parties *h4 field! • The ccufibatantstook their places in the center. ®epa |.rated poiy their friends in*the far cnotfgh nut to endanger them.with tlicir balls. Behold the battle array tjius :*• ° 0 ® I armed Lwiisanians lift* yards"b ■ bind their ebampioiio and hjs seeuiids and tfEkjr geonfand opposft| them, as fhr behind Bowfe | u,, d bis sai?onds and surgeod, .twenty armed Hississippiaijs. “BclkiUl the hcightsoi’ Natchez p thronged .with spectators, and a steam, r in the riverjoundcS to, its deckJMack w qh passenger#** watching with a deep interest the scene. 0 The } !an ol fight.was to exchange shots twicqwitfc*! pistdls, and to ckis o e # wij,li Jtnivcs, •Bowie Iming j armed witlf his own terrible weapon. 0 At the .first li to both parties ei*ejpe. At the sic-mfl fho Loiisronrtian was too cjuit*k and took advan tage of Boxyie. whiff waifNl the \f°rd. Ad this JViivfe a second cried “foul play ¥’ aqd sh>t the 1. 1 i|s:auFan dead. ’J he the latter in; stautly killed the sbiyer'of bis principal. Bbwie drove bis knife into The silicons . |*now crossed fried cs, while, wftli loud battle Plies, tame on tip’ two parties of triemls the ‘ light ot'battle in their eyes. , In a iudtne%t the ‘tibohe. number werfe engaged in a fearful con-, flio*- .Bilks, pistols, and knives tverP us d'wql^ 1 fatal effect, until one party drove the offer from I the fields i do were” kill ed ami founded in aiffbuf it was a dYoadful.j “slaughter. fought Hkuti lion, but fell j covered \jith wounds, por*iiionths he lingered at tiie Mansion House before he fully recover- erf 00 . o°°o 0 - o o , fiST” What a tine thiiFgit is each frioth- , er thinks so weliof lun- baby. We eaittiot help smiling at this over admiration, which softs n deflect in little .soft bundle flesh and white Cambric. We listen as the lu k p duly ’arrayed in an elegant dishabille. re counts the peculiar excelfencies of her new treasure; and we can nothfng more beayti- ‘ fid and interesting tlwin a happy smile of per fect content with xi’hich, as the nurse hands out the baby, the convalescent turns back the blanket and he little face aikl arms. 0 What if the mother’s eyes were notfso (yicliun ted ; what would become of all the unlovely ba bies? what would be the fate of thus# tfhsightly . little monsters Hi at arc born in this troublesome .<44 i ° | It is a delightful “weakness, this inordinate affection, we will nut degrade it by the name of instinct,but allow it the of affection ate judgment. The‘generality of mankind •tnay take comfort at. tin; thought that, hoVeGr unloved and unappreciated thev may been, each one was, for a’time, at legist, and to oue person, the most attractive, the most :ing° and the most important ol the human ‘race? Beautiful 0 manifestation of a glorious nature is* this instinct of maternal affection!— ‘l;roui th<? Jiighesfc to the lowest order of ere - : * lion, fervtmtly may we bless God for such a transcendent gift. No elevation of rank, no degradation of sin, can extinguish the spark; and though it bd perverted or exagerated, -Mil therejs ever in*ts partinlit.y fc .patiyfiee, self-de nial and self-forgetfulness, a holy beauty that must compel respect. „ ° . O_o * a . • ® —— n — ® ° a o TheFnthcrof Watci. °o i 9 A writer referring to tl* tastucss of tl*c Mississippi Jiver®says: ° 0 It extends two thousand one Hundred “miles from the frozen regions of thft North to the sunny kotiji, sitl with the Missouri river istbur* thousand five hundred jniles *sn h>*!gth.* It would reach from New York across the Atlantic i.ofecSn, or froiu l;rance to Turkey and the < ‘as- ’ ]*ian Sea? • Its average debth is fifty fret and il l. ° width half a mile. The* floods.arc more ° • . * ft than a HKyith traveling from its* source to it’ delta. The trappers can i the furs of iftiimals cftusfht by them on tbe upper Mississip pi for theftrupfcal fruits gathered oii°the banks below.. The total value of # stcax.eis afloat* on tho*river ambits tributaiies is more than sixty million doljars, thousand six hundred boats, wittt m<ti*e than**t\vice flu#stc;fih boiit tonago of Kagiand- *lt drains an’c.ea of one inillion two hundred thousand Myjiare miles, and washes tITe # shores of twelve powerful Stages. In onq*sing?e tesewoir at Lake Pepin, between Wisconsin an*d MinnessQta, two thou-. sand five hundred miles from the sea, na viesfof the wurid mfght 0 safely vide at anchor*.” i 8 O °° .’ _ 0 A Substitute’'for PreserT©*. 0 . 9 A lady writer in Sn exchange communicates the following bit of information ohtaiuetl where .she u touk tea last?” o O * A dish off *vfeat I tocA fr be preserve. pa*?sed me, which, <tipon*tesfig, I Svas surj)ris s *cd to learn contained, fruit... The rase with 1 whk-h it was prepared, and °the cost of its materials, are not its chief recommendations, for unless my tastnig ;*pparaUi> deceived me, as B it is not usiwljy kont to°do 4 it is emphatically a tip top substitute for apple sauce, apple butter, “ tomato preservcs.apd all that *.rt f thing.— e ltfe J reparation fejis follows : Moderatefy boil a pftit of from five to twenty minutes, accordingto its consistency, tlign add. three eggs thoroughly beaten 0 , °liastily stirring fliem iir, aiftl continue to Ifuifa few lmnutes longer. ■ then se%#on with a nutflseg or Jcniom >j • ♦ ® © o o llufiiboßlt, in liiso“ Aspect of Nature,*’ states: tWt°tlie highest pea*k <4” this earth’s surface is * the Bwalagiri.® It is ftighft tine huif (lted and .eighty-seven motors above tbe level 0 of tne.sej. a A higher has since been discm erj ed accttfdifig ft) the “tAnnhnire’* for lb GO. — is I\emchinj>inga 6 on the Western range of the Aimalayaa. It has reached °tlu t lorinqiis* altitude of‘ eight diousiwid five hundred snd eighty-eight meters —about twenty-eight thou ai sand Jwo hsmdred feet 0 • 0 • ° . o • V i TgJRTIS, THO DOI.L UWn'i* ,f. * In Adrnnrc. • *j p ’ w f * ** e <*■••••>>* of Vapolni ilf allow n Cougmny wai Sared! # ► We hate been an officer ftf’tho l nited states Anfiy, of almost teiuiavkable in- r stance *o# and presence of mijid, in a sc yean t of tlfe army, which occurred a* few . weeks ago, Ij* which Me saved hlstjwjj fife and pi hi* paityt. A sergeant wi*h about 1 twenty-five soldiers, had beeit sent out some* lnibif I'ropi F#j t Defiance, N ew Mexicoto guard LsgtAe stock sefiMto graze, jyhen un expeefeiHy, fifuad that the party*was sur •rounded*by* about four hundred hostile Navajo Indians. • The brave id skillful StrgeantJ,ook position Vn air eminence, and a volley from ; the Jamj-shootlngTrifle# l of Iris party, ft first drov'e oIT the sava*cs, who, however, soon ral- * | hed, and werejireparjpg to stormVha little par .ty on all sides. The gergeant, in Jaxinghis* brain for an oxj'odignt by .which t*> <J6nvey*in inti-d’mdnce <■£ tb desperate p> vil imwhich his party was placc<k*took a <fog\\}fieh diad e aceompainci the party* fosterling to his collar a* note written with a pencil, informing the com-* ’ majidor ?it rhe fort of situation, took a.tin * tll l “ hjch i** put some pqbblqe, T’contipu if with it pii*e •!’ cloth* over the top, fastened it with a a stria r to tfie dog’, started the dog loose'knowing that he woultkin diiS all right, run to (lie tort He dashed with* his greStest speed to Fort Defiance; the note* jvas^discovered read a party ** wa< sept to the nr-eu<k and*ariV'ed just lVtune yj save tfie lives of tins whole party, “Tlits ser- • gpant. justly merits a commission,* which wo. , hope will be awarded hinrl>y the President.— ” Pluy. ® • * ■ ° t”insr#f n Slaviw-Trrriblf I?ruli. ° An Ayiericail vessel,.of w r diased on the 14(Ti of Febffrary, ofb the coast ot.Atrffca, by a British vessel and a Portuguese * sieamcr The piaster of the sfave*, seeing #o chance tor escape, leaded her for the rocks. *A letter s*ays o : * 3 . 3 * * o dust before sundwn, * th*e Portugese* gave him , fie content.- of sFverat thirtjptwo pounders, * .whiptj*brouglii.ijif foretdpeftast dawn, and, as it Was blowing almost a “gale of.wincl, his j&Moon# followed difectly/afteiv Ilqwever,]tl# feflow * nothing, and, jus*t alight setpgg drov# lrtir’higji on the Vi®ks off Cape Lopez, the. Portuguese steamer by #hat time being in cl os i/fange, but thedGloucester was far behind. Those on board the other stean#r, however,* describe the scene as truly heart rending • .As the brjg fstrifek, apd was overwhelmed by the “breakers, the poor miserable creatures on board, , probably to tha ndmßer of dive humU'dd, set up a howhof despair that,.c mid Me heard even above th°e roaring °ot the®hungry sell.* Bof it •was too dark, by that time, to see much, and beyond or power to aid the drown- • rng so that they soon® m us? have met .their doom; bar on the next morning inside of the rocks was strewn with corpses oil Ui<fefru^nicntaof the wreck. Nothing waß found, Uowsvi.r, to .reveal the ninie of the slaver, or’atiy other inforfiiati m ccncernintrhini. save that to/he practised seaman she proved of Baltimore build, ‘i lie monsters who manned the vessel are supposed to have-escaped in then* boats before she struck, and must hare gaiped i the shore, as a boat, .somewhat stove* was dis- * covered on tjie beach, with thq oars near by.— j A good prize yas thus lost,'ail’d, what is Worse, * probably five hhndred human weje launched into .eternity. 0 \ <4 . o Strnm Fir-r Fngiur. • sles3rs. foimeron & To., at the Pliopnislron Works, maik’ a fticeessful trial of theiriiewfire engine on 4he afternoon of the 20th April.— * The distance of a solid b idy of water* was* one 1 yin a red and eighty feet. Steam was pro’dueted in. fifteen laintjaes alt’ tiring thd fuel, and the engine began t play with twenty * 1 pounds of steame° The suction pipe used was rather small for*o much power, with*;* seven-eight inch nozzle the lending hose liurst. °The best°work was done with h on® and < eighth inch nozzle,® when a steady stream \\as . thr iwn. Tlie engine weigßs afioyt. thfee and a hai4 tons, but was litoved but little diffi- • cutty. r J lie experiment of yesterday*was fully satisfactory to the projectors ancl guilders*, and Hie firjt Carolina steam tire engine wa% Imnd soinely and cnqpUHigingly .launched upon the ficean of lier cxistekflc —Qhui April 21.0 * * . 1 • a • .• ° a * ” • A° Sandof Devil*. ® ‘ * * A.recent trsption of a*savage tribe ’ Koqkers was lately made, into thi§ Tipperah i it,rict*of Uidia, attendetf with the most fien dfsh outrages.. Till® villagers were butchered like. 4'(p; the .wmen were subject tq *flie nfost cruel fr’eatuienf, and wqre’tjien cut ,ii\ pieces at intkrvalt*.so jis to prolong the ofdeath; children were dragged *aiong the ground till tl*ey were and infants kiMed 3 in the presence 6i their motherse In one vik . iaye ?i Mundred deacl bodies wefe found .after ‘jtheMiiurdeny s had % fined. ° TLity took every#.* thing retreated td the ipountains, •< whither the Government troops inj>ur* suit of them, with orders for their* dxtermftiVi tion.— Exchange. . * e o •• i§, 9 o “§ £s?*’ £ droll feliiw was asked by an old lady , to read the newspaper, and.taking it up began as follows: ® • . Last night, yesterday niornining, about twq ohilocK. in*’ the afternoon, before breakfast, a hungry boy about forty o yearskild, bough? a fig custard for a*levy, and thrgw 1t through a brick* wall*nine feet fhifk and jumnped wver it, broke ‘°his niehtmnkle o& above fiell into * e a dry,, mill pond add .was drowned. About* ° forty years afy?r :fv£, on tlicf same day, an old cat had nine turkky goblers; high wind bfiiw Tankee Doodle on a frying pan, anil knocked . old Dutch •churn dcfvn Sink killed a sow . and two dead pigs at Boston, where a deaf an.d duftill man was tabbing bivneh to his aunt Defer. *° The old ladv talcing a long brffath, exclaim ed—“Du tell:” . A .** • _ >t . * * * . ®*l never saw such a wind in ‘all-my life,” said a pum. timing a severe sfbrru, as he dpter Iqd a tempo ranee hotoT Saw a yindi’* ob-* ‘M'KVQ'I am thej-y “ wjiat <lid it look like?” # said ! the traveler; “ why like it would blow my hat • ioff!” 9 m ® e® *— • • A young lady in this city is so refined in her language that she gverkises she word “black : but substitute African .* • * •NO: 5. • ~