Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 16, 1860, Image 3

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49 __ § # * § Tribute* el ft K(pert • . t . 0 * ioxioB ( Boos, Xj 5,1861. W hereout lrtu pleased ‘ ‘ @ ’ from r.s, our o'.'-r! ,ii l)i • *-r, 1► v 11: i. U. I)t vw. a meiid>rOof Au- i !a Lg-iai .*N” sc, 1. 1 >. O. 1 , \v:.o h: i hit* ® .ak | jm and If court eeiee; beyi# imbued with t!..- prim, iples’of the order ,*he JtaduiVOßj U> illustrate the ‘ same by a strict i-b.-- rv.u.-j- of in inter* jurse with all hie associates. • # * I A’-s .• i T n•• * •i: ; •!> H. I)eiw,(Au ilia l> the iucla.cbolh*i • duty, and will mourn with the l-ereft as b cottar* and theyevill wearthe rental ! oartiiqg for three 1 ana She nil •:w. art:..,- n-':, * t f’ tliirtv day a. , . . A'< - I■ .. ■’ t t ri solutions belhitSilh’ •<1 the fainilv • * I published in the Southern jiuterprise. e ~ &. KINGSLEY, V. ft. A H \V*L.s?, ve r. H • * —————— a — l . —s—* ©F COUNCIL. it i:i i,aii i i: •; ra; ••COUNCIL CM AMBLie*M*t 14, 18-30. * I’resev Tl. C. C. Uenll. Mayor- *\rmsx Haborf, Wright Sw • i- Tl • Absent, A Merman !• . • * * Moved, Al<k . *ft • * cfi<-: 0 tl of ] Ibe Ordinance aa to the fire District be aeconsidered. ■Tirtrfl e • it Rt . t|S ‘v ‘ ■* - Fta #taville be aotifie supervision of A. V. MeCardel, K. I. Han FMt A. I an*, at the Courthouse. ML Sat.... *. • gt this mi)iu!i, to vote Her tiii Hire Oi iftw i- ‘ 1 ■ or u , sons in fa VO* oi .. lao.e*- ..ill have written or printed oa ti.:k-1 - Fire. D. let and all I pilose opposed, ajgdf have writi -n or printed on tiieir tick- | eU “ Anti-F.i .• D. 0. # 0 a | | *>V ,v ‘"b that .W r.i ea Swift, T .-he *• L'me he af • pointed * committee to make so ne arrant-, men's in re a sew * -Jc Roman, . • ft nee .o- Hind - terj i *i. * There being no further .. ‘* • urned. • m F. 11. KEIHINGTI X < c rk. —— * ———•; —* TIip':ASVIIaLE PRICBS CURRENT. qps 9 • M CAREFULLY • - LLY? . —s APPLES ■■ * • 4 . • Dried m . ii> l*. I .* a 1j BJfli OIN o—•*0 —•* k v „ -vd • India 1 # .* * 8 i * * . i- vd * B. KOPEs—Kentcky ;■ V ♦ g • em ..— b ., a — P .• * , hekswax ... CANDLES iyera **• Adamantine .? % , * • , WS . a * Tallow ....#.a .WF • . COFFEE—Ijtie ]: .13 2 16% . *dji.a a •* * Id** • MoeSa lii , a 1 I. . li: * - ’ • •* CORN , , * * . * Meal I* : n \ e 1 Hoininv ...*.. m . i*. ATIIKItX * * lo ITSiI-M-AlucL.erel No 1 l> t.'l U . a ♦ t> b’l a • • “ No. 8 . f* b’l u ‘ Salnmml •. ‘tb 28 : a 30 < ioit ‘ lo 8 10 • FL#CR—Superfine •.?. V b*l ft 90 K?tn* ?„..?.* p b j * aftilv • :. h'l % 8 Extra” Family • ♦l’’ b’l 12 00 ■: < OrNrOVVDEH ’ll) 40 a 50 HIDES , An, 9 i 10 ISON ‘Euglissh .*.... * • , • Sweedei • £'n%i - ‘0 u* * ?- lioifs ufd Bun*’ 11- *• u .J.1.M1a.,.9 , * N Ul.s # *n> 6 . • 7 , Linseed 4* 1 1 k>-, , 1-J • Train % # • • i<* • 9 Spena r. . . . | . * PBOVIMOV-. Bkcf —Mess V lb ‘ or J’rinie.A M!>| a UacoS llai. s .. }■ -, t 15 Siirs ... It*’ 1 i Shoulders lb „* ]. ‘• 14 m * Country Ku\ud .. i> !*. T. V.- Id Fork —M ss * . • ; Prime a CoUll!<p t* lb 8 a, 1C ® ®I,AUD 4* li? 11 a if A*elli"i’ i >.tt —Gfisheu #. , > 37 . \\ estern r lb *-b ■ a 40 • Country C Jb 25 d #.i- i ti . . ft 4 SALT PBk 300 6 350 SHOT # i’ 1 225 a 25 SYUL’P —New Orl 0 s ’ ii ! a CoimtoN . A .- s i -ft* a 50 WIIISKV-Ohciitill ‘ o'i 50 35 Monongakfla , . • Old live •- - 75 3 ICO a RPISrrS TURPENTINE .... i* AUGAR Brown* P 8 1 0 Clarified..P. P • i.’: • I.® Crushed... lt> i 14 ia 1(3 T.YLFAW* t* lb 1 * 10 RI( E .1 s Wl MIL i. . . i* in 90 A •0> NEW ADVE * ? r r c 3. • Selling Him Out. . • rpIIE I3E.M TIFCL I’L.VC f. o; IHi'li*!3li( ji OF 1 tfr. DAVID *S \BBI3IHi, , situated in tfiate porti in • 1 Th inusville known aa T N 1 cotton, is n--w c#c red f>- ‘ill-’ upon b< tier terms than any other property in , ■y. i tre: * m that the .-ire.- is 11 >".; “! •> ® ami I'ur.-ol,” prepa i try J* i ■ * Tliere are live ticn .- el’ Hind, with exc- lk-nt dwelling lAuse. kiteben, smoke botise fc negro li oases, j|md #tli%ru convenient iu; houses, v V i.i a gupa well, and whatsoev er else i usuaily expt •( A uptnt a weH improved place. It is a cornel* h-t. *wo sides frontin;.fe strci mental filing. rhe*pr|)ertj - and f.-r that mason felts bi on jut . * a*, low rates. . , • ‘J* e'*V * * >/t . “•'•#•, if payment iisos..vJ, or longer tins ma en. • . . Appl\tti> tiie Editor of the S ttiifkn Extekiti ■ TnomasvHlefGa., Mawlti. An’ . si .** . OF Fit i; ATLANTIC A Illl; d;.U!.'ifO.HF* •’ - - . • J • *® * * . • f ’ o * 4 A- J*. . ‘ iy— '—'* -.i -j ■rilF STOCK TELLERS OF iF ATLANTIC. & Hull’ R.iiid ar&befthj notified tl fit tl e > • Irgasi rerof the t onipanv wilt be-y * . At Tr. F: •/, 1': May, At Q4iitmap,n Monday, 21st May, • 1 AI 1 m. ‘id At Ta ...a *ille. * 25th Nlav, to receive Uie lustalmerr.ts d<{p on the Stock of the Com pany. • • m a... * I ; IX 7. J TreaSgrer. •Tfil l^s:E*lll7 J)K£t| BULLIES ’ .Jjk Thomdbvfte, on the 21,-rT-f *]•'< !>r.i u v last, mv o *v. . an, 1.4D9A, thirty-4 - 0 } ol iy about . * 0 eiirht mcl'.es ! i 9i. weie'hs one : r.lred and fifty poituds. a <lafk re®mulatto. sharS nose, sound teeth, keen her foremead low and with I ut little 1 alb. mi ■ 8 Soft • .• * I will aive FIFTY DOLL ‘ i.s fir the .]■ Kvera of said woman t-> me. and . 1 pay TWO 1II"*1UL1> AND *JTY DOLLARS foi@&ny , * . mPw • tept her imC * with precKto convict foa so dc&qft. , It js 1 .is * v ... m top,] • Thotiia.- <.'• * tv. ntht maybe j ‘< p:;r n’t to *leavA iu ids “ •Kis- Stag* aa .. tizenf’wQl plcafc keeps sFara L •.•Jtfok out. w I{. H EATON. Thoatasville, May 10, i960, - my ULtf .1 Ten Dollars Reward. •* 8 “'•XVVINAW'AY ITtOM iHB’iR. 171-HIT II mil - -r Baiahriil-.e. Oi , on th% lb’tk ?• la>t month, my negro w*u.un. PAL LINE. A .hi wotann is<Ks or 40 yean old, is ot sn statu and- fa Jjl-t or eojt.-er col'.-A ■ ■ t : ■*■■■ ivy Ul: A . ami ii.-a l< < *wwif not nltAicr tSp from* teethfhas a flesh ene Sde <tf her nose, - J)H <dt*and the*ton • r ’•iei ts. ot turnout much i ‘ -.■ .*n ii:e loft walk;: r. sreal - St v. n >• ‘ •-’ iys • ‘* • g ‘•> j Jenks or E. .1, Y'onng. of Tdo: ; ‘ Couuty. and was hired in Albany last year, pr- P s--- to ue ’ eo.-k N\ i*-n . •last iScard from ste Was on the v*iv to ThomasviTle.. •mav l-dt lff. “J. SMALLWd H >D. - • ST.VTi: OS (;rOH3||l. Tko:it|f**Cci'fci. •# , M^., as . gol!ge m.4f .in".if. h.Mitchell. Mecutors of the estate Aina hsst will and testament ofi Aat. uniel R. Mitchell, if eased. *.-;l county. iK e.ay Mke.appbcatioif by petifton, t-> this Court for lftters rtLt Dismission from s-i-1 F:.. worship. . f said estate— . A , Fy l '-"!- int*.-r*b®il therefore kcrcbfWnotifted to s file *nr oWjjobs in sd Court, if w they have; ots- , ei \ i-e -a -.let ers of Dismission will Fe to said apiihcants*ht a Regular Term of % !klheld at ; •* the Court.ious* in Tiiomasville. ssiid cftnntT, or9the se- ! rond Mondat m Janjiftr\’ may 16 6m HtUßfr IT T Ordinary A LOT OF FINE SILKS, Sills. G-rajiadLin'es; Bareges, Genuine French Organdies*, BONNETS •. • LADY’S DRESsE'S. ■ LAPN S >llA\Yr^ i ‘MLANTILLAs? „ ty. sTEL’S. • e- FAIIASiJLS, •- • 1 AN'. • .• HOOP ‘KIRTS * IJrD CORSETS; B> ■ .* ‘ u * • v . * • ‘ uplLtf H \Yt r # .v BROTHFR. • Tj\ RcvelvcrN JWILL BE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES ON tb.*. hft: • m Gliiagow. .Sttturdav, •..May 26 J •Station. M >nday, May 28 m A aiil,a.*l’u- sd;t\ m May 29 O. kl- - Face. \\ e-ine-day May#33 m Mu .i > Thui.-lav May 31 Youmr'a. Friday June* 1 i® a # S Jty:C 2 * •1. w . M' t J ue 4 I , * - !•,:?.-• # 5 i asvili;. First Court Week, commencing th j . I . :*i Juae. * * •’ i ► * ■ * mas (_ ‘.a* Ga. - . * t. m M. HURST, R. TANARUS, R. . So and a- W at e.r r njGII’ DELh-i.TFi LBEVi RA - ffN JT’ PER- | 1 fi.eEm—with ehoi- c Syrups— .-l and spurklitw— •■••i mdenugned. -> • | # • M2K ,ei ; on hand constantly, and f>r sale by May 1,1869. ‘ • • „ “ JOHN-STARK. Oulln;:dri>d S twpv .-sii.y-f Dollars IJANAWAY OR ENTH Till? PREMIS j 1 * of the'Tmderrtjtmed, twelve miles sotfth of Thiaa ai villa, my boy*. about thirty yen*old, six feet Mid perhaps one or tw igl . wglks erect and wul > ’ o e a uickljt when excited, wore a goatee and left on a alark ! • ■kl io wit i a ua.if-. 0 -p and iu the face, a : .* . 1 eight \a. -.ld. ELIAS is I a very brighkmulatto, whit aa*! wili im douki atten pt to pass as a white lmTn to same.l fre ‘iae. at jftidi ,-A pf®tectia of somuttib ditioij eai , 1 5! ,i y SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS fyr t! -• deliv ers to • 6 ’ . , add \\?ii pav ONE Hl*Sl>lUiD DpLLAF®* ° tan, witb proof to cAivict him oi tarrying ofi •, .• ro. _ 0 CICERO 11. YoCNQ. Thoma-vil’ic, G ... April IS. IQSV1 Q SV ts •Book BiKßmeT CHARLES A.’ FINDEISUN, HAVING located in TallahasMf, bi-u.da, i- now | prepared tef i3iud Booksln everj vatietw of *t*i- • : *J. * 1). ‘-'9 Bo- ® f nil k® Ijvurul t i oiaier, cheap lorl’Asn. . Those wlk) subscritic for Harper’s Mfignzine TTnr * • Weeklf,*|!i Ni .v Yo k*i.- ■'•j. r. tin- Souiher* Fiei-! nn-1 i'i;-c.-i-l ■. rt.? -i 94i F-!;- or any ->th •i’ b*).-ik. paper, -i* mag-izine -f any L;n-L and wish ;o preserve them, can have rtTeti* th-l at the most rcnsonablg ] rices 1-v leaving Hiem autlie .oilme cf e Sot rt.aiii l.n;*i l ; ;se. ;-j he forwartk'd tomcat Talhftiasße. * ° . March 10, 1 SG> > ] ■* e 9 Janies J. CtrirV N \ *•* !!• in - uiiy in :-a y of the j ** £HiT.?un-iiti j c--ni- - - * . amaity !:. h s: iil .■ a- -5. ‘ ... i 0 O OLD STAND. I■■ <’ - Wj X\-y ■v * In the Watch, Clock and ; _ ~ * ‘ Repuji iD v L’nr. ‘ >-. Re als%ke4pß constantly o. • ,- n hand Watches, Ji wel- *— • ry, Gold hd .she* 1 Potrs, Watch Guards, &*. for sale, j o o Uso the DEPOSITORY of the Florida ; Baptist Coi vi “i . io tie Bn ks can beff bought at j • in be ph-i hafed at retail iu jtny j 4 • • . . 1 ftmons v. hich arc Ri- - • o bles, Testaiiients and l 1 : .■. ! ’ •• tical. Denominational, Literary and Sunday School :i'i n w*publications woialiy oft . ut .o NY. V. GIN. (;.,rr u-ling Secretary. JAN: ’!. till VY. ‘ con: Dej -sitovy. 1 lip, .lan. 28. 1860. JjT - t v ’ li” ‘- Ice, To ‘ ‘ er, Lead and -) i * i pret ssi u G - 1 -:?■ r Sale b,• sep 1.7 131 HUBERT. j o’ ® zr —' — n —~ i VVBO9KII MIIERIFF’S SAI.KSI.-NNill’ -■ s •’ I 1 ) - : •< ‘■ vt'mnae ii i-r in, Brook? CouJty, on the FIRST TUESDAY i N J within the legal ho :. af ’salo, the following property, t<>-wit: • Two town lot inthi : urn f Quitman, Breaks connty wataiifUL - no acre - ai h, and known iu the I'laii of said | ’town as No. lb and N i.dl, in the to eT wi® t-h?iyprovemenjttr.\vhureoti de#i ndant n" 1 .'!• Iviiu,- li. r. -'-v Kv- a!- - -one m* ;■ iafl". nr.c° hureau, one wardrobe, or.e was! stand, one trunk and one •lo ilting glass; levied on a> the property of John Melvin- 1 non, by virtue <*’ a h fa iesnedsfroin ibrooks Simi rior Court i% favor of McJftdight & Orman vs Charles MeESunoii, John AlcKieuon*and James West; pre. Hied out by James West. • * • Aho, til the tame time ami /lure. One wagon dy and %vo wagon sheets, levied*c® gs t F.c ofDahiel McKinnon, by virtue of a 9 fa in* fu-'o -t*' l ‘’i ’ 1” 51 Melvi..: tip. p; 5. ipM. and iHiam Smith, n and pr a mv poidod out by Daniel ! McKinnon. ° ■ * byptrrre, One road wagon and five* ntulfes,-and ®e bhv naun, I ° | 4 ; MeKi tin. of ali j'a in favor of M -Nar.glit Orman vs Charles ‘•l-'K Jo.,;t and J s- Met; pr t - rty L°° • o J ” *’ A. SMITH, Sheriff. 1 / i fiokGlA, TR9MAS COUNTY. v3f 0, • Wheaeas, EPWASD Guardian of j i, Saliie E. ivOiVtegay, ... i minor, nfukes by petition-. to*this Court for - * 1 ’ • V i ■"o 09 . ! pempmi interest! 1 i :&• * . k <vh\ notified to<| die ♦- e a vi'; el e*w rs will be grajited to jifpel appliumrt, !\*.u;.;r Term of said Court, to he held at the CoiJtv | rtiousi a Fa ° the 1 tto ‘4l June at? # -p *:-■ and HENRY 11. WOKE. Ordinary. | C’aiWCU :sj::.:*fvs —WiLL S(E t J sold l • fore the (. on rt house door, in the town of Mag- 1 livlia. C4iueii County, on the*first fknBBM IN .IT’N sci n At, w ififln the lawful hours of sale, tjtte following pra-^ \ o . South half ®f lot of fhn l. number 0 two hmailed and tine ut 1 e tenth district of origiuaUy Irwin noyv bounty, levied on as"th propi nhy oGilford Lastinger to - fy eli 4 Superior | o a a 0 1 oo 15, Gilford Li inger, and John endors er. property pointed out bv i.astinger. ’ • . StUMUIiL J'INfMFRMAN, Sheriff Gt ftOK<4s\? RifOftiiS t'OrATY.-f-JQJN Me- MULt.EN. Guardiai f SAY ANN A 11*11 D\YJ> IAS. ! n#w SAYaNNAU 1 INddl. and DAL I FX EDWARDS, now DARIEN KING, having, in proper “ ed to the Court of Ordinary of said county for a discharge from his Guardianship, of Savanidth Eddrards. now >a rdbnah Finch, and Darien Edwards, now Darien King’Sd persons and fopeUy — 0 0 , 0 This is. t’. crefoy, to cite all pCWom ci*ncerrd o to Slow . a use, Inr filing Abje ‘tarns ini my offieeipwhy Jolrtf McKfullcn should :fot be daßmisscd from h guardianship of said 1 ersomj, amt mteive the usual Letters of lii-:..: o - :..* • : ■. i-u'.al ar.dofhcuil signatureTAhn the 10th dav of fVpril.'JSC >. a u inajy. /GEORGIA, BROOK? T’ATY.-TO AI.L VY whom it ii ay conc< r%—JOHN D. lI@ZFMAN4 liav • or farm, applied tame for perram . nt Li t - - ‘ esU eof IRWIN J. LLVdl*-. I.V Ii .-r: :e. -o Tiiis ra e;i. :’i and singular, the credit irs andLnevt I e o tube and app -ar at aty office, within the time a’,!o\. 0 a 0 9 t> L*. Box anon Irwin J. Lewis’?eState. 0 . o 0 10,186 5. 5 : ANGUS MOKIJISONVO* 9 /’ E08C.%;. BPOOSCOrXXY.- VI OUDIN.V. X > Oi'rTt !•: Or -AID COUNTY, NOTH E is hereby givoa to aR persons who Jiave the °° ° Yd * rt r.i mrdialf. or Trustee, who have sot reprt 9 *r'iV'J so. *h ertate ! i*n rs, in said county, by the June Term oi t. a r C - art. I- 3 -.”’, at that Term of said ®( nirt. • ; ( ! ru “f the Superior Comt will he appointed to take charge of*h!Uun?'uin seuted estates and minors. Given under my hanfi and official siggature, this 10th day of A^ri 1 . 1860. 0 ‘ ® s*-. i?t rf2] AKOU§ MDRRISON. Ordinary- c * O • A-ttenrioii Tiie Wiiole. WWTWHING TO GRATLF.Y THE TASTE AND ’ f ia, ‘ we ha vi ‘•• • -angements to -•.• Mriio 1 . a* Dusdius. RodiAuir/s and Carriages, i # Maniifaoture-1 at*t’ne North of # Seasoned. .“Timtocr. Wc shall also ke- 1 vn fiand, ili-.sirtrtif our own •make. \Ye ship our * J* Hubs, Spokes’ abd Rims t * frJm the N % --rti=, <0 whici; we a*v a\- order the beet, n hether we get Dm s. fan! ones or not,"is a matter of no concern to the purchaser, as re • Warrant our Work : • < § and that is sufficient, as J<tin Sinirii sid when his j told site •• would marry him if sfiic died* j for it.’’ Therefore he it 8 ! £esoh?fa, Thai all who are in somSthifi^ | u ride iu, who wish *Hedr belies shod so they will not fullblown, and plows male and repaired they will add 110 per sent to the harvest, F* advised ! find recounnended to cal*#:t 0 9 •Adopted. • L©WRY & SWIFF& op * .0 •’ * * Tiie CXar& Pjow. a ° • rpHH EL- \V IS COMING UJ FCLfeY TO THE expectations of ft** invent or. •Tho#.* who have ! tried it are perfei fly sfttia&e<| that it is beat cul tivator ihey Lave ever used. am A. Oavr. Fs^., I 9 1 l^ifiler on LaksJickttQ iu this (Leon) cjutt ; tv, and n t 1 .'■*> practical ularner, writes as I fi 11 iws concerning it; • , (S si ami Cheapest <i*lov 9 0/ the Agc x 1, the undecsignod, krtivo witnessed with more ! than ordinary iutcrcst the ewbihitfon ofdthe PLOW* ‘ patented !> E. IkV'LAiib- of Tall-iluissee, Florida. Col. JOSEJPH ALSTON has purchased, ; tli >4 patent for t: - l ! i"W, f>r the States of Georgia and Al ;biina. H-iving u-icd it. 1 unhesitatingly pro no’.nee it one of tiie b t I‘lows I have u**cr seen. <0 l o lt is sibapie and clieap inits eoiu end can ; be made by the commeucst BlaclMtniih. o WILLIA"M A. QARR. Dr. Alex. Be Hawkins Aiddlwrge W. Scot a—the first a planter near V&llaJ assee and the”latter one of fur most cjiterpi i-ing uierclmnts, 1 ieij. bbtli eminent ly p 1 tieal men vr%o* knots wheneef they speak— have signed similar certificates. * Wt clip tire above from tljjb f'lojidian af*4Jkeimm, toehow ■-tomato is placed upon Tlio Clar liL” Pldt w o -rtest* iiotw i-r. ITc ment i. nod 1 i,f Tf ALSTON had pavh*.-?.! 1 !ic right f<M this VI -w foe Georgia and add that he was tiu.n irt Thomasville for the purpo (.-oof jsell ; ‘ Coiftity Lfolits. lie is *npW ie.'o ether scat ion s*of the Str.te. but , Ale>-i -* .■'Vi! !■'T & U’ KY ur” his duly constituted ag< utß in Thnn-a-viifo, and will snake ail necessary arrangements with purchasers. Flievhavfi one of tho Flows it their shop and will take,f>reasuve in Giotvitig its j-cvf'.iti. ,w ’ * t” all wlio desire ta pur chase. 0° 8 0 o March 2<3 1800. %f, 4-Sm 9 TJAKER CIT Y j ’ Sewing Madiine. | C.fil at tiie I'kfi’n: 1 tire Sir. e of the sub hcriti.'i - e\ and witness tin; porF-ii:; t :ice of fi dou-f j hie thread Maohiho, wlrieh has ju-t n,ade itsl in our j 1 u * \ targe •afiaiber have lieeii f :-*•! : in y.e middle gpunties of Georgia during the | {Wesent ye?r. irt th v # of the State of bl and arc gi\*i 1 ‘>*;cral .- -11 i- Vciinn. T1i0..-uFscrib ; erg have the agon v 1 . this j ami vicinifv. 0 * REMINGTON & DEKLE. - Thomasville, Ga. . 0 dee 32 ts ; ‘Wootl. BtacfcsmitVx and C'ainlagc * SHOP, A T Ponder’s Old Stand,, where the subscriber j in” |H'ojjaied 10 do _ j at* kinds of 4%, Worse. ‘ in their line at t ho'short- / ‘Ngf ■-_v,X\ e.-t notice and in the very * . 2. v ’ k j best mamier. A>’ A :• , , S*a4ia .-U ‘-- *a k J ! r-t'’ .->’N •|1 every d>scri].;i . 11, -..As- -a j Ii E S 0 A 3 1? ii A fJ | AYagons and Bug:: :c *ml 6<” . liol sriiliOCiug, awl ail otlier work done to t” most perfect saiisfaction. , t , 8 8 0 Car rI a are Repository.'—Tire snhsc nbt 0 h*vo ot* left'll a lot of BD-Atrd, Atockeways, sVryrv -d^ssr. ► • . c Jsrrißgee, 1.. ... from the North which >7,-id ,i; V^H X they will soon hav% <■ *ON ?T AND. 8 an 1 w ’ ular ‘■ Aj, •- . -j to supply tne demaadlf 1 the Country. J LOWR\ T & SWIFT,*} Thomasville, January 1 1. 1F(30. ts o A Cli all eii g e ■’ - A. 11. W IJaSOA . : ('CHALLENGES MOi’THMH.LO, TIIG°dABY*IL: | j and the city of Qditman,to equaliiis 8 | Bjilcigg Ki-jel{ of | whi-'h he i :; now receivig.frtSi # l^pnporting’ FFtmscs to Xcw York, | either in qfialities* or varieties. The prio ( . be object* f to, from the fact that they a ! the New York®,!otober s profits fctss than usual. 0 The Stock -.-cueists iu part of <. j , * Ladies’ Bkmneis —from to sl6 ®. Ladies’ Mantillas and Points, of every vovict > • i Silk and fullei 8 -reges 0 J. 8 Lawns. (Mrigh&ms, Muslins 8 0 j French. English ifn 1 American Calicos 0 ‘Tlats. Boots and Sh S • ■ Ifitfael every thing*wanted or nestled in this count j Irili Cll at the FIG .STOillTin Groovei*il!e. (1° Aj> il -1, ?Bb'>. o o ° o ts Georgia Sarfliptirilia Coinpound ’ j ov 8 ‘* °- 0 DBs7rJSj’ ALTERATIVE/ 0 Pur Ml • iDu ■cf the [#TIHIB b 3. It e n/ed to a ex 1 cut by Physicians 1 thei> practice, Kind by Faflhilies to* prevent Diseaas of Child rea, am! as a gone gal Purifier of she Bloov 1 and by Females o in the most diseases > 1 wnieli they are subject. Pg’op ued by J. DENNIS, Af. D-, “Augusta, Ga. Forßale| Thomasville by P. 18. Bower, in N<t •oY irh by Ilarrall,sßisley .v Kitchhn.* np 4-Sm DIARIUHEt! CRAMPS; (HOLIJD! • ! LTItT DItUPS. THIS MEDICINE has T[j;o kkvkk r \t itxG ! led, tested .-iu-1 by tn ! | °KFMFDY. igreftrs t% be the dor t certain, safe and reliable rem dv for all Boteil Drrangcmcmts)"Jliaarkcen, Dyso*tew\ ■ Cea4 l s ; I’ fofA, Chaltro. Cholic, ftc., now D before no juVt* 1 o cr two -lose sf il(> drops’, will cure Se ■ most severe- cramps in Kin 20 roinuth. I A single dofc often cures ; t cCr 0 • is the One dose will saffsij one of i - s o tnerits. 9 Price oqfy 2-j Ccnt% 8 feared by o TRALL A STOW,® * 43 BrPwery, New York. And sold ia by E. ar: 1 T. BA Little.” ap4-ly Xl3 W YOji li. S aAIf OS. >1 0 GP- IX. CIIA-MSER’S it-.:: 0 ESTABLISHED *IN 18SS* rp H. CHAMBERS, Piano Manufacir*. , Form Chambers.) 0 0 • Warerooms in tlic “Bible flouSe,” ebrne?- Sa'4, St. anh-Sth Aven\ie„New fork City. . • To is is a place to pumbase.* Orders by : letter faithfully executed. aftd°perfe&t B “satisfaction . guaranteed. o 1 R. B.—Send for a circular, with, ckscriptkm 8f o styles and schedule <if prices o ®p l-8n 0 o o ® Bargains! Bargains!! i THE FRAMED STORK, NEXT (!•>■ r t’j . K. K. I.,Viiii> iv J. SCHIFF.& BRO., WHO IAVE RLCLIYLD A L.y vjL OF .pH 1 “t\o*o?.S, oo>\£*™ unv™^ , ”' yoF^“ * .soon and examine tlieir'STOCK ariH PRICES amtu can SAVE about TWENTY FIVE rii CENT *TcDiasvi;ie April Is. h c ‘ , Sanforcl’s Liver Invigorator,*** neverdebilitates. . TUIS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM OEMS. And has he... “••♦an c-oddis 1 ,.# fact, a Standard Medi i.U'jsvn and approved * by all that Lave u§d in sortfi to with ■■ cumfiiltniuo in nil the dis ea; fs> r o whicv it is re- commcgilfrl Ijias cared thousands within the laet ttgt uvt, wknad Riven up all hope !” as the unvoted certificates * : 1e dose must be adapt- ed to the tempersunifnt of taking it, and P 5 used in such Quantities as tot gently on*t jp bow- els. ° U °*J u nn :t gui te you in the use Li\ERIN VIoyR w AT* >R. and it will cure Bilious m At; *-ia.C’.tron ic prrtea, SummerCoti- ■ tints, Dyfe&utcry, Drop , gy.oOT Stomach, lfobitu- • al Costiveness, Oholera, (frhfu Morbus, Cholera j Infantum, Cholid, i le£i JaUMlioti. ]• *1 • 1 .; 1 • n Wou L o >jfs, ail i 0 ?: iv 9 o iisaßCCcssfidlv’as an or-j dinady FAMILY’ MfiDL (>E. It will u;ir<*SlCK! Jj HEADACHE, (as thorn SM* can testify ) intwen-j,j jtv minutes it two or three >i spoons full ure taken at tiie commence;..ei© of the * * ; \vyo USE it 4 are giving their* • telnony mats fhvor. o' 0 . * % ml Water in Tire: I- molt if with the INVIUORATOR. AN*l > SWALLOW LOTH . Together, IICE ONI? DOLLAR PER SOTTLE. • 3£^JO.'iTol*Cl. , S 0 timily Cathartic Pills 0 ° ° COMPOUNDED F%OM ° Ere • Cases, Air and will kus its ] put cliAate. ° Jj FAMILY C.Vl’iiAß- • TLC PILL is a but avs yuiitijtft which the t p,njprietor in :* used in hit jt-tice lot; more t 2 * ° 0 „ %'■ constantly iasrsoa TANARUS! ; ! ‘ demand from THOSE ’ll 0 11 A\ 1-To h S L it nil: PILLS, sn3 the sat b-tioji which all express j So regard to their use lias iteeil nH: to plat* itsdhiW within thelfeach of sjL ‘i e PRC IFESSIfcN well|*s know that *diot nnt Cath- SPs :a 1 *>ll different por- m Hons <*’ the bowels ° 1',..? FAMILY LATH ,m AIiTIC PILL has, .with e reference to this well • itatlish<*l fact; bee* com und(jd from u vat ietv us the Vegetable Ex let* which B£t alike o:.‘“ every pan of tin ,rv, aifd poi.ui|?“ jaud safe in tfll caseswliere Lutbartic Ls irnedea, suoii; liemngemepts of thp tommy, s|. (-jiiiie-s Painswi.n tie Back a"4 Loins. enesß,Pain and Sore- . ness over t! Whole y*- y, from sudden cold, \'li- , ic i fra.iueutly, if n ,-lect -3 end in a loti” course of J* fever, l'.o. sos Appetite n sensation of cold;— or** the bodv, pss Headmve. o¥ vj. ;: .1 illjthe ali Imhimmti ky dis.-a-us. Worms, in Children of'Adulta, Uhen- Litism, a ‘r.eai Purifier of I A the Bldod, a * * jp- * to which flesh is i. -ir. t t mr.nerous to dleution in Sis advertisement. Dose I t> 3 . PRICK THREE DllirS. _ 11’ Ti o LIVFR INVP lORATOR and FAMILY” CA HARTIC PILLS, are retailed 4>y EH’uggists genefiftfl/, iad sold V.’ vlt - !e liv tli. IV: do .1! all I S’ 1.0- V town*. 0 B.T. :*. D., dia.yii:. -utrer ;f.d Projtrietor, ap l|-6m * - e Jiiork. -Close 4nfi(lyiie,-T tH e I IJ.Nvrt;. Tlic. tlnrib tiled Remedy. (rtHOSE WHO HAVE !i* 1 TANARUS; I i:” ‘PAINFUL. J tliroubing and < . * sos aragi t lie sh >otinj? tliivu ;!i tiieir j.iwt- and head with lac mosl su*,.eating p. r-everam and, as is often the <.► alia.. •cceivt'd bin little s_-aip.ithy from friends, will nt*doubt , niu< h pieueed t.. know of a that will m-v. uil to quiet i..- Mucrciful o.ieuuor^and leava tb teet K’liere should remain, in the head. These drops t ■ave been . vi. . U *••.> th jtraonjfl, vrJH*w#eApbii o <•• i as proved that tli* An >dye wilDuive immedial. util peniument relief after tae 1 lure of every otoe , teincdy. it is p! !l *ut tot.,, ta • and -a 11. and a few indications will entirely renmv* r.:e pVo ami .reie-ss 1 Vein a decayed tooth, so that it may lie tilled and render id as useful as ever. When the pain proceeds from the Jaoe oi’ gums around tniparently sound, this Ano dyne will ove a speedy relief*}’ Wo>Vm; a lew drops on tin*pari affected. ° 1: will not.unpl arantly affect t’ e jireat h like Kreosote pun s, or 9 el .t .. numerous cu; es it lute a®t<onplls'ied m e well a.’ sled, and il inis only to be conn* generally kliowji to l-e as highly a|>preciated buthe public as it has long been by Dentists. In proof oiits efficacy rervillie fallowing latter from , a distinguished practical fieutist: Nj w Dec. 19,184,6. Messrs. \B. & D. Ha n’ >s -Gentlemen: In the coifl’se of my praeuce I have uxtcnsivi ly used your Cl >ve Ano dyne with much suec< ss lor the reliflf of the toatha. he: aiul us I constantly rcenmi.jeiid it to my patients. 1 deem it just to inform you of tin; high opinion 1 i.uvo of ittiver other remedies. 1 am yours vex> respectfully, • # ‘ o M. LEA LIT. Dentist. I Trice 25 cents per vial. Prepared and sola by A. A*. t V B. SA\DS, ° ° • \vhole6Jlle D.-iiire-tsH. In’! Fujton Street, . Corner ot ‘Willtefl# Streets New Ynr§. For saleE. SElXA.S,i'iio:uasvillo, Qa. aplLSfi A Oppci AitsiJj;. HOUSE in Uletelm vi’le. for RJ$2iT ir SALE, # 011 liberal term-; t*j to ° 0 “, .tub 18 ts Id UR A'AN. ° “Bar otic o% rTAW Es * LIE1 1 S!(i N EIMVOULD i1 U S I^CT F If LL Y inform the trjiveling public that lie * La#opened a • :j iij^R ’* Hou~'o°of EntSrtasameßt hBK c IN (!?!()! iVilltV 11.1,i1. G.\., (W, 4nd that ii v, ill girt him pleasure to aceomaiodate, •to cliease to favor liiiii ticir patronage. L-Good board umy also at rekSofl raUe rates. 0 ° °.HHIN 11A LI? Groover villa, (.’a., Architect aiid BuiijiQr. ° ‘'frHOMAS. JENKINSb, having permanently o*l* locatid hit: -elf, eilers It is services as an 0 ‘ I _ ;p]s • • to thaitjzena of Tlioniasville and turfbuucfing oun .try, and Would respectfully inii.i'i,j # 4liem tJAt ho, fs j pacpared to take^c'chtracts building Dwellings? : Stores, or other l>uil(R*t s, • 5 IN EITHER Wm Gil BRICK,. 1 and eml give his personal attention to ilWork trusted to bisa. ° 0 I*l'R\’STtlß.g, of eYCgy descr?J,tion,omadc to .t-rdj-r %r short notice. ° • • ° WST °Bk'i'n for I'.* v, eLI ve pvovnpt attention. Rj-foicgcfs. ° o o o Dr W P Jennings, Albany. Ga. Dr A Maloy. S..uth CifllltM. • ° ff JcT I.f ak Pres’t of flank. N. C. AV II High, Si*riff* Raleigh, N. C. * 0 t&T Shop near the Court House.* ° *i!u.l7 1v • • TtiOMASJEISRiyS. ■•(jfe’eat* Excitement f * ipnm w-m mp o Clifeap as the Cheapest!!! 4 ? imii i ° °° ■; *Mifnn /i■'r .‘ y- V i H -J* \> >-f * J TPS’? received’;* °O * f'nc ** *°t of Clothing, consisting of Vest arid , T'ants °t tfe’etatcst styles and i: ? st Bus- I iiw*s and Spiting Suits, iinc and serviceable o®er Coats? Also a splendid assortment of rich Chenille Shawls, togethtfr with a rieh assortment (ffo # 0 ii&didft’ GoQ # ds.° ° Come ands -g charge for show:na,thc*sroods. - . ■ K/ \ BOLTS heavy Kerseys, X'-jyo Hats, Blanket# ] and Brogans ; for sal* by „ o° 1 Sfcl l l 7 ° ° B gallUß^RT^ A “HB let'of C'iiScft; “fhst received and for sale by |q/l ocfeS / E. I!Kt[[NOTHIN & SON. C'’ BNJg’ Superior Chewing Tobacco and Extra J” Segals ; for %ale by o „ i ep U B F HUBERT 0 o 9 * 3XT G Ttv ~t o x* o - ANd . u ne;f goods. • IK 165 ITS II II K A 16 II (J TII B'. R • take pleasure in in peo) le ofTho inasjille and bim-oundiug Cot.uti r, that we hav© recenll\*opeued a • \Mf UHWWMiIMI Next door to JWiompsou & PiituiHltV# j we are now rtceiting a splendid Stock of ‘. ♦ t - - w.. .. o; w j.,... o >s_*c.o 0 Our GOODS have been bought on terms that will anable us to sell them very low and on accommoda ting rermg. * •• Our Stock consist in part of a fivclt “selected a.-, sortmefft of m * •LASIES 5 Ljywcc COODI’ . • * * D f *tl * o &UCII AS R* * * e O ."silks, Difteg.Ts, S ’ G B > in *— s S —rno'i .. j r ff-m Q • S Apron Cheeks and .Calicos Q o -*Ei:#i is it q 11> ai sv i£ s ,*o # R I.Vcpoi*s, Silk Manti Us—in fact, D o*i illck ot FREES GOODS eansvbt l>.- S*. i An 1 e .rite * Ladies tW <• ‘ and examina OUR STOCK APtD PRICES. Spring and SiAimef* %nnets m‘ every description and at prices to suit all. Our Stock of ° ■GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOUS has been selected with gr.#ir cares Our Ready Mad Clothing is made*/ thebcst niaterisd, and bought prices which will ei •• . *® 0 > AVe have a large Stock of Ik,;- u*d C*ps for Men and Boys,°and flatter ourselves fl at Vo can suit all wlt may us witli*tieir patronage, as tc sfyle, quality and prices, * * ° 0 \\ e have also on In mi a Urge stgck of Boots and Shoes*of cvcj'v d.tacription. , o ° Also a fine stock of % Domestic G•.•o*f,° such a?. Sl.clings, Sbirtinga, kinds. o 0 o o o c, Ai -o a large ot Saddles, °Bridles, Harness, Trunks and Valisba, £-‘^U > “c atm determined ti make it to fiic in cr est •Q Planters aud others to purchase Goods from us by on baud a 1 surge Slack of Gauds. Our motto is, “quick sales and stnalf pro fits.” C.aii iHid o cxamiuc lo: yourselves before jptr clmsirg ekevfhere. * 1 mVi-bin \ I.%iUBITSHEK & fRO. bail- mt®~ iso sfiiij . BT'I'P.iIXE & I3 4TI.’S • 2S tT-SSr €3r ‘H ES !S Hgye Arrived. First! IT * E WOULD beg leave to say to the citizens ” T “° r ?. AS • A3JBININO COiMTEEo, ti.St we have on hand, and *w K,’ V continue to keep a. large assortment of . . Harness, &c., 0 We are prepareaLto adl HUthllES cheaper I ever,before oh ’red in market. Our lHi. Are all made Jo erder at the North, of the best tim ber, and ‘earranttd. Our • As situated on Craw .Aid Str t. one .four to >- h-oa i and J. Han i*’ Law t.)tiiee.*tvhfyc we will b • ftutra at all times, ready to onr to#k. All w!i emit a good Fuggy v l! find it to ihetr ift crest t call before purchasing elsewhere. be sure andpa id THE-REASON. The reason asked .■ ’>< AYoodruff & CqU ! * O #’ 1 -- I 1 B I ‘ II _ . .. a- , i V.i i.._, . j much longer tlyyi homemade Buggies? The ren- j son is because (he timber of which thev ore tnaU* is all ♦ levied and seasoned fV.mi Id to 18 ninths longer titan usual which give a solid wheel that will stnipl rocks, gulltc <*d hot weni’ *r. The oxh aloof t:: C tj .5t 111-^t.* riu 1, .mil t I.y a certain E rule to iivoid friction uml t nit l; j.. . Tjj . , 0 , . .lie home nyule Buggies are got up*loo ranch on Hie * “Hand-to niout&*rdcr”—send n< .: It and get spokes and hubs tTi it arc notihali s< vrork them at once and when flic summer sun and rain strikes them the wheels come to pieoqg and ohfl Buggy must i lie routed. Hence one good i’uggy'is worth two poor ones. • , PAIMI v.l! A LL. fhomasville, Os. . I p ° 3 o a.13. otficins IKT o'w THOMASVILLE. ILT* f opened and for sale, a choice .assortment ©£ • COOKJNG STOVE?, f vat iott sizes and patterns. Also a fine salejtiou 1 of I)rit?i?iia, Japanuuil sod Ulsin Tin-Wj’tiv. • of every shade, sizsj anddlescrintion, . “ -"'r ■ >m rjrxn a C ■ 41 T*i o . Steak Dishes, &c MllllMfLMlMHpi . „ steoins,. itufsiic-s, “ f.Vnd’a thousand and one other articles toohum<ons fto nftntion, Ev.a y°, ir.fiu.-tir.Wy kept in a Hop * will be foimofificro—fftm*’ ga i*9*! tch box to a cookinj stovd. . f The Ladies of Tlioiuasvillo and vicinity arc especially invite*! to nfll m.d fx.-unine. . j 1 woflld alsS call the attention of Merchants to ®y .SießlC ®l TIMAfiE, j HrhicUJl am prepared to put up in any quantitive? I and of every variety on a® Seasonable terms as they S> o o I can be bougjrt m any niaiket. 0 o • I: Rqolfng, GflUbriMg and Repairlme^ : # d.m* wn short notice. .Qrdersfillad W’ith promptness j and dispatch. • ° ° , 0 i Main Street? near the Market, i ° Feb 1 Vi* L j. TftAYWTCfc SelliugoffatOost ’ FOR-CASti: L. ’ B.IMbCKETT Is now selling off Jtls slycl* of o ~y* <Cjir <L> O Ct. JS | ° O; T THOMPSONS HEW. BBlCit STORE.: > • j£*o o * J • c6s? .'Foa cash, ’ •• J ..t°nd tlie o pt'.blic are°itivitJ tog*V*4ri* a call, if thfy 1 ° ;!l * o Ypr f imp *V‘ is a r: a <AT XT <&. j<t J I JL j 3&JC\ OJ iai.ti-fXM-JA 1 [*Wj*fcKfirc ever bctf*ro offered in tins rnaiict. # I ‘ K “,7:f ~f, f .,’mving demands fflfccan* 3 6KX)&S foie the sameinr^— - j %nd all pßrsons indebted to mo are requested to c< n:c forward and sjft.e, either with monev r>r by V to. .* . L. I)? BUOChifiTjr. T]iomaVviile,Tfd) 11. L-QO ° 0 „ ° *f Two months after date applicant M I v.ift be made, to thv Court of Ordinary ®f I Brooks county, ./if-orgia, at jho first regular term ; after the of ■ a :- notice, fofcleave’ to sel* the lands and negroes belonging to “the estate of John Hill, late of sLogndea now BrSokl county deceased, for the benefit of the licit sand creditors. 0 .®W. McKAE.Clork S. C., Adgi’r. toMxb 24, 1860 0 [gt.Oo] 60d A ; | FALL- ADB. E. REMINGTON & SON @ “fellers in # ® FANCY AND,STAFLE DRY-GOODS i j # G.Y., 1 VRG now receiving their magnifisent Stock of. FALL ,?ND WINTER •x> I£T- Y.- OOOD3 y • Eneqfiailcd by any iu tblfilM, . >, . Lsyori il uttcntion ia called-to their Dross Good* IVpurunout, in which \ny be found til the novelties. iot - “tc seasen, .L-;tug *jt Cashmeres, do ■ Bombazines, Alpacas, French* ErgbHi andeAmenon BrAiL-, etc. Embroideries; in endkss variety; Hosiery and GEveu of every qnu.'fw for ta, # Boys, Ladies, Misse,g and Chil * cuen; Cloaks, .M.sntilit-j an 1 Shawls, iff every vari ety of style, color nmP quality ; Housekeeping and ‘ G Aods ; in flu* department we have evesy , filing usually k<*id in our line for housekeepers and ‘ planters. *• • <iive*us a call before purchasing elsewhere; we will take pleasure in sh,' v ing #olr egoods whether* you%uy or not® , * <>ct a. * l. ri:mi‘>'GT(/n a sox. IN Latin <1 large assortment (jf Meu and’Bov*’ , , (Q’CeO'jCIXXIM'Gi ii e latest styles; just received and for sa'o by oct 8 • E. KKMINGIOSa& SON. • U- ® ■i • ‘wa fine assart meat of Gefus’ . \\ 4 FURNISHING GOODS, , consisting of all kit ■ # Skirts and Colors, Shirt Bosoms, Wider Skirts ] (rawer-• Scarfs Cravats and Ifcinflkerchiefs; Silk, Kid and Cotton Gloves -ana.Gautulets. • * • * oc .v s _ • >fe*femitNGToy & sox. * \ FLNE assertment oT Ladies’ s1? c l A ... si2:mTs, f * Jrou, XJo~ob loops; j#Si weaved o l f#r*sale by b . l:. itofiM. rofi &. so:?. TEST reoeined and 1 •• okJc,j> trtment of V* . ® * consisting ot Diamond, Cam An Lava, !• lorentine, •lasen;.;, fonl, ami t .* oilier stales and patterns, apd will be Sol i afcprieo.s to?u| G,efiimss •- J * 1A RE3PIX (J TANARUS( )N &so V A h l^t^assoi’ iiici.t of Gentlemen's and Boys’^ i *-* mcl:Caps. * „ . -Go ahm is sort m A: ot End n < at.l Modes’Bonnets and ♦ lats ol tin: fatest gyle; ju.-t lAiseired and f"i- Sale by E. KTIMIGTQX A SON. . Grocer]##. • • ( ‘ KITS Mess Mackerel . * u 1-it-j.Co 1 MaeLerplpn barrel fc, retail* 6 kits fealinond- o ° 20 drtims Dried Figs # • 20 boxes Inyer Jlaiseng • 9 *• 2d IJarrets lt-isfi Fvtatoes . . • 0 bai rels Onions 0 4 kegs fresh G. shen Butter . * Buckwheat and froth FlotV . % # # 2O boxlus Cheese * * * •• fiw jjjes * m 1 box Macaroni; iW various otlior articles in ! the Grocery line, just received atld for sale bv a' S| 2i . i: ic;mipglon & so:?. o o °° Music. # ( 4 FINIi lot of Music, Oentainhvg all tlj® latest m £\. sauces out; jus! opened and f>r At la by 22. ‘ E. hi EM I.V(: T#N & SON. •XIONTHIAt. j c TAKEN— • * W>k — : * klouse, and OrnamcnfuL Painting ! F* .AM) AKOBK W !! It ANTI.J). A3” Paints, Oil- - and Glass, kdjit constantly on hand, opposite the Bostofficc, and for sale by Jh lb t * (HAS. 11. REMINGTON Paper EBattrurings. , . VIA JIG£ IS! U- <r “cjryt.. ] Ki n IMEDI U, p^._y: . * • 1 •’ 1 uiojC expected t u , ° Rooms Pape: etL> T 1 irn ; .;id patch, uu<* in workmanlike tnanner by [mh 18-tt j C. H, REMINGTON. Piioiosraplsic Gnllcry. ! T> KMLXGiUNb FHOI OUBAPHIG GALLERY, I AAordt-y ro6T S*f%A. # * o Molaino types, s # • Sphereotypes, And any otlicr styles.of Pictures taken in a supe rior manner.’ ° 0 • Stock of material, of all kinds, on hand for sale. . ® • • .*** Instructions given in the Art. mh 18 # • - - -®- o <t isiis. Sg. ReiniutXotFii I'NSUEA\t E AGENCY— •• * FOR TIIF. ■* Southern Mutual Risurance Company, *. 3 OF UKf>ROIA, ANI! TIIE ■ South Carolina Mutual Life Insuraiyjg Cos. OF TltJrl .STATE OF SoUTII CAROLINA.* P®"* Ollic* opposite lh*e I’ostofliee. lim 18 ” ByiNITTOBf. BLOT^L/T’- Brand -Street, AE.tiiA-, Geontti i. *• • TT. BYI&GTO\, I*Yourietor. s_j . THE stage ot-Fin; kar Stages i .lining to Tl.-ane-%*!••• Bain- ii|i;d bridge, Quincy and Tallahr -§e is kept * *f*?vl 31 this House. 0 s jy 10 ts , JSTJhI w ” • Fa -r . W Goods • •* At Griffin’® Ali'ls. °\r°* DEKVE HAYING S-I>| # ° eiffrom #l. S!°Gri:nn, his Plantation* J!ill , not b.ore, ha iocutcd‘j'<cfmanently at this ° ° * .. -T. “og" o g arc ikA receiving, itnd sliall be constantly ad ding to, our Stock anew and fresh |ftpply of Goods from New \m k an UNew 0* loans, aud shall constant oly kcc]i on havaJ a good and general assortment o. every, thing u-ually kept in*a Store. Our , Stock consists in part, of . * . kta.vs> r iKt Ladies’ Ureas Gopds, Enibi oidcries and Fringes;* Heavy Plantation Good?. Got Ling, I lets and Caps, Knots afl-l *h idles and 1* idles, Crockery and failass-vare, Wood-ware, Tin-ware, lj.>rd-ware, # >':uis, frn *nd FtAd, * Also, f. good 6 y o of .Ssijjar, Coffee, Tea, liquors,* Candies. IfcV. . < :r!% U:-* Rope tyncl ■ Medicines, PaT • ndOils.<{• c t ttv*!md nume rons ofher articles, too tedious to name. * o Corhe one and cxamiiu dur goods. <Vi will pay the highest prices Tor Cottorf. Hides, Rffiol, Beeswag. r.ral Tallow in Bartur ffir Goods. _,, * I’-jZT willuiso t n”it Advances on Cotton . , shipped to our friends in and N. York. 1 Thankful for the liberal pnsr*nage heretofore ex tended fcv \\% vre hope by a strict, honorable faithful attention to business to merit a of the same. M. DkKTrE & CO. ’ Griffin’s j'* ° | Good 9lai gln * . . Ig BEING OFFEBTRD IN TIIEJ-AIhGEsAVD wellfcnown House and Lot, situated* “, ig the town of FloteWriSe, *n4 fttpi- flPcM** HA ! erly occupied hy o J. V. ns a’lloai- W&f11 sM < ding Honsc and iiqfcel. There are sei.spßßSgjHßH eoi • 1 wQjpe-places, good out,-* i buildings. eastc-arr, a 0 aty’garden ground, # wit® c° ■ !■: ,• , o apt*';? o a ..-.dyjut oor aotci purposes* Icrhis j >, .° o nossei sion given at any time to suit dhe I* * ■rr parti ft apply on the t,remit s. < 9 -t* * • re occupir , ... Xi-j-O _ _ •fra by lie*. 11. w. Sharpe, V> tne^waer: • f : BENJ. F. HUBERT. Clfomastfrifla Aiftril 2, 1 • ts * — Special Notice, # • • \ IC 1C0 * ■ ■’■•ed* oV m ¥. Tickers, cither by i- J:\_ note tft-toccnunt, are hereby requested to coma forjvarJ and make immediate faynient, to prereot ot ace,steps being to collet the same. My S’ piper/ will oo found fL the hands of Messre Mcln tyre artl Young. * * 9 * • * a Jan 38-ts ‘ P. N. VICKERS. * V LARGE lot%f we!/ seated Boot%and Shoes; IT foreale by ® * B F HUBERT. ’ ° • , 9 -t • . ®