Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 16, 1860, Image 4

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.NEW. GOODS • •*. !a. u? •• . >.V * ‘ : ‘’ : ‘ ?•* •] rrn f * • fi# >* j ** # .A 1 . • J.N..M‘Kim!o, •. Go’s? A\* - v X . <3r-O Q-to©>..< _9• • - • ‘* ■ ® a* g> j art * # # • # r * * # \v • : * ‘ ■ • ® # • ’ ‘ # gr§at ad van • # * • , t •MbSIMSALES. ® i * ® • we nave* ;<■ -r< g . ■ m ® w • ‘ ® ® 9 •*: • • ‘ ® ® - G a, * • ? . • •i . • ’ Dr. *#** ‘, • * * Hoslpr^ml*( Also K * ♦ • ® und El. l ® . •. • ® >*■ * * * • •’ ®.® # On Ctoolz: i .# Men’s, V • # # . • * * do ® * ( :’-?r do do • • 9 • . *’ 1 # *••* * . * *IM , * . . . mtM s 4 ands * $ We parHcul i * • ft|eb % - • ■ . • *|* *, . V ~ . • . 1 : id * ’• * e* i m * *• * s s tine Os Over CtSi i-'--. V c.-s, Ta et#. etc. ® * •* • ip ? *” , •• * ... .. * • A full assortment oi ad u-- ai.-l quai.ties. < ,#.* * •* ® ‘■ • •• . , ® • * . Tobacco, Sugar, Cofl e,*Li 9 J ♦* Basing, Rop<# i * ® • * . • . ••• • * N To Colton .Sellers. • $Ye will ] . ® ■‘? in trade or collection *at all tin. - k Id sc indented. i% us and those wl® wish in trade, will find us it- to verify our assertion. Brft 2 in®oi: V .®: on. # ® # ’ i) A. I.i.U a a l. ‘.*• Thomasviile, October - . 1 m New Store in * © as^ilie- E’ Wofft Br(£ # ® J Eav # or,no 1 anew m 9 DEY-SOOD4 EMPOaiUja:, _ Id ■ _■.. ® • . 0 and, VyTii >w reevtx • • : c n-:antly leeeiv mg a l:u. t ek oi’ all kinds of Dry, Stapre and Fancy Ciood * Heady Me. 9 hi I. o e.:;, IDi 4 # .lip.niiisi irbsiEHY, CUTLEEY TOBACdO, lifiifdds *i)o fcb-eSrii And ® flatter our.- .lv - diat v. ,■ i.ave, and are nov.* stdevtii; ® %s c10g;...’ ‘l\ Os CoiKif; c-n bed and will • ® su a gjods be boug .; in any Southern marts ® • E ; ® u V # ■ ♦>.. j>t§-t dto compete with any >! • cl. a® S i# : : i:t j rice<, and thereibre say to you ;!ri. a come ai®l ex:. .ir steed Leib® uui eha.-in •: el-•_> where. ® ® *® ®II. IVOI/FFy Feb 4.%%).# m m N. WOLI F, ISaptist S v s 1 f BAPTIST Hist •; d ®.-ud.n :T1 it and sever; ® . works dy v : jvious au thors; for -ale by id i;.dML\<.T<)>. Si >Nd - dijsae^i. M BaW, T # SEAV<EHS ; E her -frect, stantly on ltaml ■ .* . ® ‘® New Fushiot I.- ® or./ Woods, C, 11 < l 11 I* > The id - - Yi ::::d vuduitv ■4| respectfully n •<<:. y of flue k.i :.i .... 9 ... Head * * * *’ Particular attention given taDta s Cut fir.-. ’ _t: • . * t ‘• 0O Jl 1 £ i , received • /’ oct 8 * • * * * •* < i f , # • ‘ *<J y / f 4 . : J_>®s- * iSifv *’ woojt.f,] deal#, ♦ • Bonnets® * * r# . 1 - . ® *;• • , • m * . **sh • • •* ®] ?. ,K *.,.• % •;! ‘l ir e * • i • V*. • ■ •v. V. :*. * • v• i ; ’ 50,009. * - DtHJii* 1 rm, fkoniawa Feet, . c l®: •. * * ®*r io • • *1 * * 8 r •• * u , ®u ike M • ® • * r** • . fiat • • *• * • • • * . . ‘• .. V • • - • a • (ij * * , ; ‘ • • • .• * # • * * ®‘- • * • * ! ’ t 1 ° esta■ i ■ ‘* * • ■ —A the .. • * „ # * * . . • 1 i ** • • • <§> m\ • %■ 1 • „. * rpini- * • .•/ r- • J ‘ • House Carp * • * W can • ■ ® < ®' v ' ,r ’ ; - . . . •• * *.* *• * * .. * k .. i# • * • • ,* u ,: ' I.r. 1. * . • :MI ‘ ; ,M * * * • T # \\ td tJ. w. LIGIITPOOTdhss bougltt': • • * . • * * * • * # • , # • • - s . ••• • g * • • • id: r. * * * J • - ‘ r •* i * * , • •• _ _ • * • • • • • •■fe® ° 9 ° ‘ * ‘ • ypj O:dons # i'iliifu - ’Up 9 • ‘• 2 * . y.E • .';n T * ® *'■ Oil* . idee * * ; Salt. • # * 0 * os “ ;• .*. Vd. . r ’ 1 ° • # DM 1 AV-9® oo o ® t> • r * U a ®jrj< ty'of other arti*le..*-da YB, C, BEALE will attend and take charge of ; • * m T. J. dY.d V.d LIdHTFO- id • ® ZZ5c c>i3i tSiny* i#® . . Save Time, Save La*bor, ave Jjfothes, | ® ;* vc- C#vvc! ! have r : - ’ th ■; 1 I Browßkt Kaieat Vaslfing > *• ° 0 \ v *)• v'n; iu 1’ ‘sM.r, ®- it dug? Middle and * *i • o o ’ • V erits. ‘] l wenty-fPve Shirts nil i I Tjasheti and thcr uphlv Rinsed in this i n id,.’ * ■!> •It % i * ‘ ‘\- admitted to ladling ny ad • ® a o and\at • 4 • *: ° one; never bracts a Butforr; car,it-1 j -8t will last t wordy y* , ,iv . (i | •i- indi ■in tS’.'ery 9 \ 9 9 VI * C *1 O'.eritie-; in Flovi da i € .dl L. LA WON & ( > * • . ts , TISiA oc (J OR DUX,* ■® DQTTO.V J’ltlT^RS i in mm cull hits, 93 Bay Stvc 4, Si.’.. unah, Ga. 0 • ® . E Htv®trtlgton ‘& .1 j# McKinnon & Cos, C.-l A T Mi-lutyre, * • * * Y| F. ‘. 9 ay i t'o, lie i.l HdWhaley, .: , Gld -lie:!, K.-j, lr I) S Brand, it, o Vdtn (i®'litclnll, m mli ,24-Iy. 9 ; — ®r~ C’iirriage Trinsunng, • # Saddle (fellaiaiejs 3Fa miiaclu^v. * tr,ade i-u TUortiasvintf , fposite EL Hem * R :u : Work of evfry Kind, ‘ ‘ —*— W: - in every department He is wofl suppdied wit ‘fi’.fr. Stock of Material, and would , SLdiy e..,; tl. m ivminjf of the putiifc to tits and elegant style of ■ • * - Carriage and Buggy Trimming. Harness and Saddle Manufacturing; vie. etc. | * * \ LSGtx Baptist ifemale College. ® 9 Cntiabert, Georgia. • PKING HERM IV ILL BF/<SIN TilE . ® A. ‘/ •’ Jo.: ■ “'trif. ‘® : 1 1 t• ■; •* ;: h.-r; nin 1 1> the Facttlty. •’ Hi ? i® ihe hi-t four • i, Oruararntal'os SoliiE can be had. It is important for pupils to be 01 • : ■ -;: ] i j.l yl * Do- 24:f IF D. \k\I.LARY, President. , tiuiore di'.-..-,**; , four Ftisrliaxcs, 1’ ® CALI. IK AT * JARED E¥ERITT.’S l&G • •Vi'KVii.l.r. * ID A ND EXAMINE HIS STOCK OF SgR3"W & A / 9 .^ <i ”• -Sk .IVvd .fe II .•'D * , V V ° , da • * v o and ®Gr S| ° .. consist an.; . Sta|>ie # & Fancy Dry Goods, Cloliiing, iiiid IDi#r.v woods,ts<|i6i9i asatl .Sluter, # Crockery aasd Gltsss-Wart*, •’ ~ *Hard*Warc & lottery, o „ • * Coffee anti 5 and o*i I o i In fact, you can find almost agy article you i *’■ • -m • every, tl4kg%usiially’ 0 *- •*'. ail .'■! whi9h lie will sell.®n : ‘ •• •• *•• .rgia or * ‘ ® . • o ap-'Otf | * * ‘ ColicrHoi^ry. \TP®* 1 N i>K Ksl r ’ N fc -D KESPF( TITII wiXt J form oi 0 * s Southern Georgia and Flo- ‘ p^k j rida, that he iMn ; k •^ v j - -v ? _..kß'o flf 0 ° o . h - . - •• ® 6 *• ® o o °*oHpSgr i Preset’-. ®*. ‘. 9 • Fi Citron • A ■--■■■- * ■ pi.-s. \ln I.nds, CP>. j Brazil. Pecan and Fi&ert Nuts. Olives, cfpers. .W ----ivies, Safriines, - .o ts steps. Lobsters Ka Vcvmicclt*. SplitSPetfs; Soda, fritter,Sti- Mid Farina C rackersk Pickles,®! &t&u^, l( Sztißss; : t ft Ace IV flics. Pi.irter. Ait and •p*idei’° in o o ° O. ° ® a Candy ft of lfty own ®# 9 o 6 >n Itasul, to whiclrfie calls” 4,':* o ’ tlvalikg in 1 .YX- 0 and if accorapanred 00 a rtve prompt attent ion. ® o a*t nfen ® „ ° s ‘• ° I -UN STARS'.* n o b 0 o 0 o o P ■0 ° o o O 19 O 0 o ® 0 , “‘” o 9 „ . . 0 tt c ® mi 11 - uT> dr. ■ o t-'.o 144.1 V* E!fT * Jt • \ ♦••negro man Earned TOftjgn * 0 1 ei&ej t a Lrnf un- j Ca.—dees'* n-t” - of Hr. Wilson is V “r tli# ), ‘r's # a .* * \ • ° ® ’ i plainly in- | *ro ? r °Z • 7 i'cSJw ‘° I # t> 3 1A tlealt wit. # m! ; win Vi rs “•**KOK..T !l n rtr * * llj AJk .#-3- tjp * . - • *-* - ■? .vs O. - • ■;•• • £* •. - 1 .* ‘ ° 9 • • _ •* o 0 O •■ ■ , 0 b • * ‘ • o ® Q O so ■ • oo® 0 a o o * *° <9 O O o 0 8 O o • # O o • o a * o 8 . *o . “ # Q A; *..- . 4 ■ • a ‘ • • It *. 4 o * a ° e ♦ at h:’ ; on tri d^for ‘• 1,-v # : ‘p ;: . ~p. i■(..voiTully upon ° bowels an! liver, restoring t f u , n to ai.eathy ami vigorous actioft, and,.. ° , o ‘■ • fftasengUfeniri# * nature, eeablc the system,Updriumph^avti • irrlicea, dYseiWry or tlux - , si .... * c racHU Hy new settlers# W|q 4 0 • #■••••.nilv by ibi change of yatci ♦ oI".’ ‘ * • * ° a • • n cliseaSe which i- probably mcife prevalent o 8 thaip** ae'v Ollier ; tluicSuse of which may always h e a p ibute? to dcrangoqaents..f the diges can be cu# 1 Vii!♦'>;;r*fau bjft us -,4 HO-STETTHiI’S STOMACH Blf a 0 - r dir ct| ns.4on the brittle. For 4 _ ‘ . \■ :v • hysit ian will slitter kind; ten why not • 8 a fal o ‘• 9 v ‘.:iv 1 ■: r ■ 4j,- a _ “1 1 t> 49 o f 1 1 a as * e ° • i, i found n more liealiky r * Gv-rmn ■ ! e * 1 ’i n e> o. B too p ’ 8 o ° „ b- * g ofi‘tliiß*gceijt t>rcfK|ii* in the o 8 e i 8 o 8 0 * - o • rEV E*l A-Ii D AGUE. - 0 ■t 0 9 ° O > •> ■ °b 8 -o , o a 0 8 j him o ° | „ o all 6 UENfcA’ M il il ft KM*. Fur'. . ,f 1 V:5 Btaten atoenSk cin nl■: • entra& a wlie . osed to j any brdffiaTyvondfitiohs producing tflrern, if # tiie<btt<.rti o are used a ° And as -i : >r io 1, the 1 • aary any change of tfiterruj t to usuil i> r the pofeplaint is thu%iremoveil b : spceiffi'y us is iou- •* tisterit with the production of a thorough and j-oiil.l’ o nerd cure. o o ° For JeiGons in advanced years Who are sufl u. 1-constitution aig lifhrm 1 ly, tii -■■ P.iucrs are invnluahlc a* a restore ,.i vir• •. .1 i. -is only to to tried to i,. A “Id t i a mother while l.ursirg, y.... |;. , s . Mo, c~] ■’ciaily where the • , , t, eto the demanea 1 eti : Ms mnst yiel i, • gad here it is where a gofl} t . . sucli as ii ■"* i'" r s •. St sien A impSi?ltemiiirarjf Strength * r,t tr i’ r otl 1 M>r;l i'lo -‘9 * e , 8 . • ... m. i; ■ ■s, „ ill j-. :un-.- .id their ° O O use il. ■ vV v - ‘ vv ; ki. © o • tU I —Wecaition (lie publicagniimt •• using arty-cf Hie mah^imitations or o :n ----t.'n.oye, 1, ;! nek i'-'t lk>'i 11 ri u's Uu.dis .vi i:d Sto .i?va It ;ri i:s. nn.l sc iliat cnoii bottle 1,-, i1,,. wt , Is “ I*r. J. llosl,:” i's Sffiininch J;b i■■” c ci'b “i the 1 ;ie, >i stamp and m: .the metallic cup covering the col s, mid observe that our uutcgrapli sigiia toi'e is on U c i:d"4- • IT ■ .5 :tr.d Mil by li b siilb. .i. r .h, F..., r.i- .1 si.ld by ml .lirnggists, gnirers, raid dealers generally t: : ‘•; : niu .i ‘ U'm. ('. m. ■'r. .!: , . sititi. .f! G( ir.:..: y. • . sop VI L & M ! AD, * ::r, tv olsfne&Tfs, ?. ?,, * tjeau, For .--ile hy lb SCIXAH. Druggist, ‘fhoinas;.iile,*t<a. 8 n \ T w ‘ ly WILLtpiS & BOTTOMS’ Jfew Cotton Press, o A S.tYjXtt TO OF ON E lIUN I) KE D I) 0 ]LA IIS!!!! - rSlIftS NEW INVENTION, THE SIMPLEST, J most practicabky powerful and cheapest COT TON l’ttESS over inventoif. is now ofl'A-cd to the public. ThisH’rcss is cons; Mtctcd upon a plan so simplest hat, any farmer may, wish .four hands, put # P Olie in running order, in cst week i Wheggput up it will pa?ik. . °° Five and feiix Hundred Found Cases of cotton with greater facility tjjan any otliet'l’ress Wi# l ll '’ Hi kilos, and so perfect is its structure that 4 at least oN'E Tliy* PAIol! E ! ;.\ EES CAN BE PAdK ED GN I 1 PER LbVl than any other Pressor ScjSKw ever Vented. I*e suufccribers litjte secure® & patent for this I|onderful Press, and are now prepared by them selves and Agents, to Sell ] rivat e ©tiuuty andNState rights throughout uiioii jawing region of tire . South. They have already began to'l'eaj) the reward’ ot this invaluable invention, ami when cotton jilant es everywhere Idiaß learn tima this Press is gon -1 stnteted ata co-t of 0 One Hundred, Dollars,, Lets# ,j than any other Press lm# extant, and possessing mucIf'GgEA'EER 1 -1: A g .l i! t POWEP wigi greatel siijipb.ei'w aildii'acpity for packing,® we feel eonlidcnt j that bUjj'l’fjegS willsupplam every thiy.g in the simpi ; of a Cotton Press iA# in use-; _ futt- --’ of Ibis Pja-.-s may be see# by calling oti us at yhomasville or guy <r,f our A*enis. We : are willing to b'6 it live or die bv w- own ftlerif-s, I t eel in j r •il f °s. •arc j u,wtrr ant git to all ritrch s. E.’ i^luAvMS. sep 1-ts. r l’. f. BOTTOMS, O ° Q State es Geurgijyti Th^imsTteiiuly. I, i - J Thomfs \,d 1111 i j®, as Vdnnnistxator dt In i non ‘with the will annexed, on theses fate of AkrtWi Everittß<?sjgceased, this dag makes application fey uetition to this Cnmrt for Leiteiw of dismission from saidldmimstrtttion, o 0 • All persons therefore hetgcbv notifi® rd to file ijieir objections in*al *,,urt. If a'nvcthev otherwise safe! l.< ij. • i .-*> will be granted to said applicant |t S regular town or said Court, to ha held at the Courthouse in Thomiisvillo. sunl laiuif* Wan theprd >Pend.*ty m • @ HENRY H. TOOKE. Ordinary. ~ AdiHiitiitratot 0 ' ° \ EL persons in Georgia itde-bied to the estate of * V.laimw o i: Edwards, skte of deoeased* to make payment so the undersigned; .ui-i thdie .ievir;g elilfnS against .oti<l estate, aro4e qnested to present them in teems of ti.e law Mv ad ire-s is Albfhy, Gc fgi o * a ‘*'• o Pf P. SlfcTTFfe >• . | •j State of tn-.-ivAv s ° P t gg OF t iIbh'INAUV. Febniary 21g JB6Q t— \_’ Where ljamin D. ii ill. f<nard:.uvkP and for the person and property of William lUaylock;'< o 9 .owaAe.e applicatftm, by pmiiiou. to tips* Ci .. for letter o£ Diamission.WQm said Guacgu m . # All Demons interested are therefore hewby notifi ed to u e heir said t'ouVt. it'giny tin have: othCT*wi9e skid will be granted to said 0 ® ■ d* ,;,i i *,,* r r. to i',. held ttit f!ie Courthouse ill Ifboinasville, laid counf; , the first^ “Monday in May next. 0 . o HENRJ ll.ol'i !(HvE. ?>rdinarv. t, “|.eailiei. ON hand a fine nisoriment of Leather, at the f ° °o 0 P ’ “ ° \ IFAYE& HOLLOWAY feCGb p • • P|©|i(ktlon.for s*ale. v 0 \ o” i • .MMilie r•’ i. “•*>• ir |,. n ■ 0 6 o <*’ land .ielightMly situated i>'gretidepee, K , o o a nridcr r’i.ltiva®on and exe m. ii • ° ® ® • p. ‘ . . nd the*esl sntli dabs ° a o * ° ° is e s is s ° . 9 • • 8 B _ b b o'* B 0 ?ir liiMt house, which is also fiewi :is rr< * 0 „ peculiar in'stvlo. hitvingbeen eon?trncUKl o 0 . with a viett i” I o euienceand W , the.sajiie tim%’#tloriiing tile - .■■ ■i facilities for the I ® o o o C O (0 o ° h. 9 - lO o ble ue'gr* cabins#-all iigootl clmd^tfeh. rn%ce, l> t eu]es n*i mils. ‘ o ‘ Thvs pftce *i> Tendered doilhly valjmhie#.hy n/.ne | jleeofbhavd and vineyard, pie orchard is lgree tna the tree# all y ung*t tfee best quality ofj appl*s, she subscrihev having, at nmcji trou’t#e and expense. 8 proettnt.l the Sis iiMn: 6 jv °'d knetMi oi A'ards t in Tonne-see .u l icky. TJ:e is ~ . # ’ i.vst inibe country without anj'Hitxceptioi!. ami is , %• - 8 uOiutT this iuivc uiiiy i j . 9 °o T)icjlla;e is one of the best *y Tftom*s” a lie-*n an el ‘ft. -I ■■ ■■■:! f . ‘*> ‘ J.y vifttered bf wells aw# qxcelljjpt sti®iin*s i * ti- i prei ■ M o .it!i a farm possess- j 3ng so many advantage©it w©nld part; j 1. u ti!*’- ii t - b ■ • 1 . b n 11. - m >, s ■ - q , o';i fends, and hiring made apAiis vind t<aemigrate i i..-* filling til. next y.i.% is ileiermui. and I lw Sis inelin.didh WheUier k<* in ! this place or not.. Tn view of lib 8 9 il, however, j i he offers It uyjbn the ost tetian. and those 4 L 'who dcSdrifvalf#tble locations® willfit;'! j such j ° 0 11 uni’ „ e * a l'ai'e. Fui i!i • | infdrmatiohi®i#ay bis 11 ad„?♦ adi 1 ressi 11 g t3fe jpbSnj'i- 4 .• Luke. Ga. ‘ e :i! w oi’ Ihe “Sm'tif ..... 1 o ■ ei’ it®l'. nfe ryi ri s e at 1 holntiSY.iUe*. Dec I HI B 0 AlorgiiAM^'AMN, .. -O *- 7 ° ejoh o. °g.sifv° itiit 1 o | o 4 *1 .oi arc liereb;4 ivarued ftgainSl taking ; wood or tim Her of kivni otf so Ift If | iiofit .d’ h..i in;! r • . indhe.a,thirto.c]ithpippfl§|g°| ot Thunj; .and p .S*ffnawd lies Igjoffgp | ; souui romf. o,y<‘ mt.! a jV'di’ 9 lib’ 1 | uti'l B. \'t’ *.'•'<nnot afford io I'm iii-i. 01 ; the 9 i, any h-:.*’rr O Ti• • - land is'l'ov'sifle | ! hi a price : nierp j,s 4;r.i two ohundred i 4 o’ 6 ° 9 I ! ,ft ° ° 0 \1 es No. 17A, i l ’ (J 9 ‘ °V ittth ‘ f>r sale. Mv address’ id-ary. Gi. Rev. M. C. J 4>S mft h, Thomasville. tc®. is imy a e'er,;. & 0 ; .• ■ a : F. 11.I 1 . SMFTH. 9 o Eviincl Agency. o i j 111 11 nndc"<ig;u'd will lo;y and sell Lands 011 a a * # sw!.aH cotn.tiH ?ston suefi ini'ovtnaiiou a.* the Leoni ds an 1 Tax^g^^j^* 1 : 01 ■a 1 IState House may iiirii^k. A;w *4. mi iu forma! ion v .Ifc --i'-.L ■ -9 h. c.) mp!i.■■ *1 w 1 . 11: •(■('. ianS'. la” Itnp.Msitio'd i< aecompa’lired with one dollar. , o. StATU.VN HAW KINS .X < A. 9 t> 0 For* Sale, o 9 jriEE HOUSE AXIhLOT Ah’ Dr. T. K*?.F.OXARD situated* on tiitr Tailalimssee and Eiov.'tt as Die .l/r//*,/y/.-.0-. * ’ Said premises consist oj’ a good, framed sssstte. [welling., mud other Jia.- ssary hnildiiSjM, to-ilSMfe® t'ther with fifteen acres of land. A good tfevpain trill ‘Apply to ap 17 ‘’ ‘ 9 . SAM. Bt > aluable Ins oei r : • . ‘IAEr.LEIi •* .! al and v trietv So cel Iliad [•atented June -Ist. Ify'- 1 . -Hie most.econom ; cal, ionvciii; a 1 and i ~m i .tit; ... Sver iitv i tod., * When properly made and. used, if it does not thus C rove it:jc!f. I herein p. • n.ysei; to inffl •.1 11. .4 money to ihd t ttreHn c rights tot their pit©, jtations. > but one Stock for .any kflhd of ft ltladc. {ten of which may L ■ put on, iV.stened.<fiild taken olf ,in one minute. * •* Is adapted tn ~.■•!.* sir -oil,, hillside* •ml general t tillivntion*, and may bo turned into a double plow 1 • f-tlesircd, and is so constructed that a seed planter J nay be attadlLed to it. the t tyitiolmy* 11 not 1 x •eed one dollar. “ * m 0 | . ji’lil’ Stock, which may b% mado-out of common pine itlank, i ® 0 simply there being no veld in the irofl part, that ri:e whole plow ,inay be readily put up by the commonest Smith after once 1 Attaining a Oorrbct pattern. Tlie opinitin.j|‘ all who iliave seen and tried it, that it. Kill be the. . ONLY PLOW USED. eis soon as its merits arc generally kmi tut, and that, o akinfr several years togetl*r, it. will be but a small t tart- of the* present phrwsr xpenscs* being not only -4lie most cunvenie*!. but the chea]'i ■ f W “that can be- used. Farmers can tit their present supply of Bctitersj Shov-.'ls. and SWeep^Tbr 1 and siven knock. wings oil their wrought 1 urn ; t I flows and fix for this. -4 Persons wisMirg Individual °e County lights wiil, .'I iddress ]tn. A. FI blLLll. Montic.-ll ‘. fla. o or Ui v. W.M. fEEjiSfn, Wattkenah, Fla. Jjiminryl 4. I SCO. 6 V ’ 1 >/* A • /’ • o % V ipm -w.. •• 1 °® o ° o r AM AWARE THAI IN Al’i’ 3 ° °°° Planter % *.'he public, 1 have to contend wi@She prej j teft ted by the lailwe bf m in\ eiil i-ms for the l>Ltf b ° #t( r ~i \ i ha! m\ Pl.AN ifE*tl will jiorlbrui the work proposed, ill a ,-atisfac- Amy sou nner. lam StTdn jtnenetl i .'film I com i,-!iq|i, i y tlio o]iinfan <•: nearly all tin’ ° „ ■ Practical I%j6ai, ° 0 | If Thomas and a (joining counties wlio examin- Vvit£>and tne jiu •, 4 .■ of the metnlieraaoi the blent Office* who pron, unce il.olo be by far Hie best *’ I*.A NTER ; ley. leib-, v bccii presents t® tiiem. .It is intended to pliyd *Con%;ahd Cotton, atsd to -g Grain ■* all kiml<.* For sowing Wheat bjoad- C*t gfld harrowing ia at the same time, it eanimt be eilfr by strewing or by desired quauti tyl( any veil distance. Uic disionce proposed to dm) the seed is by Hie number ,*f cogs,, atl tim quantity by ilie size.® 0 ‘ ® logiancap'.u the Hie amount of ■ saved b\ jt use, and thetiatiire and accuracy oflhe-safie. ,\ nmn and Hiorse,. lays out the row. N)S@he in Hie saifle tb®° wiln lie same labor tliat it takes ° ; ■* iifeiial-way', to , j laylout the row. 6 ,,- ‘ ■ 5 ‘t# ven oil .’ Go wheel ren- ♦ Re? jt . ■ casTto the horse as a single plough, u being impassive t >r tlflMlotie# . :’y very !'n SUthe ylmnand when eitbit'O-, to sell the )•%•!•! to any State or county, or number@)f One ! ’ tnd at raies w'ill,mak% | I frust no ona, wilOconiASnb it wiHiout. an examination, befrrase it is.tli© invent ion of South- t ern man. If. kow'ever, after lamination, mey re jeetit, mre nothing to *nv. ® . • ti * 4 ‘ J iptmAi,*.* .. • o o Thomaayille, p Slate (Borgia, ISrooliN Coimly’ * iA having ’denjin ° st John Hill, laffte of Lowndes but now ilrpoks Coutitv deceased, to jire sfei® thein#o me. properly made i4it. withimthe time | I'fS’ -soas to amount; ancnill nersi ns indebted te said < are hereby reunit ed to fit ;ke immediate rcßment JHn 21- iRd ° DANIEL w. m, ; i* \r ‘\dnfr * • IVcLeATS • # strengthening £p JmtfJMKkk * c ' ORDIAL • ’ e ‘ PUSHIER. , jF, . Before taki 112. *’* ;^!w ’ , grordeat it me iy in the worW. This cogdial j ‘ 9 .j> • . \ t in.’ -i It’, and a “ 1 1 v > ■ IV.! 11 1 o>!lit” ot the 111* -St Valuable * ♦ . -m. i” tliJui!i.l 1 „ B VK IT, *’ III) * 1 09 .. oh -.M i l *■■;,. Sabsvr- . • Alili.l..\, f! * a ‘■ . t tVs.-. ili’ ilia t 0 - * :■ i!i resti Minn <■:'*),■ ail!* f . °ev . known..,* 1 y A I | ea?s by jsatar>tt liw s. yheh I ik.-n. its iMii".n- is* of* q • . . iusr aril lu.v-k'T.i - ,-*.. o'* It fteu: ° 9 1 i. # sta* • *ir i. _; i• 1 -II tie.- \m 0 • • * BffcLEAN’S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL * * * O o A o V o I „ liver coMr?.*iNT, j.u'sni.gF, * < CliPonir or iVerraiis ITrbitify, lliraM ot the Kiiinrys, nwd :i II fl*l*cix*e* . uri-inu IVomi : ihui'ilweil Fiivcr or o 0 SMunrii. Hv mi ‘ • . p SO 0 * S.. ■ I : & ! i c I’ 1 : ■ 1 ° . ■ ® b 1 ii ‘ T til— 11 ■. 1 , 9 I 0 o cli,*cinr Eruditions, ( ... 1 i^o Si, bit- lo.vv.vnl Feveri, Pa® in lUeSmajiofthe Bit k, o O ■ -1 . ■ . o : o 9 9 . i % • anv NervO is Dishes . * iri sor Blot Ts on The Skin, and Fevlr lAg ° • 9 1 It ©ill nl', ’ ‘'i:iv ; iI-’ is snf 0 9 £ i\V s 1 S >91., la o: la. m*-., - sruary, Inflammation or Weakness Jf the P'otub or ° lEwl'dcr,*Vit 9 ,1 I s . • 0 ° 8 I ° THER£ IS NO r.list'AKE ABOUT*IT. V Tliis Cordial will not< r fail ff>?ni'o any *f the above discalfeSj if talceu as 9 us on in 9 Gorman, English, ana # * > o million &f botjtles o Jlave bsen sokt spring tb* i.-t-a six mbixThs, and in and *elias if*fiiilo(l in givni® entire saHsfaction. t’ (A llsufii :i ■. >\o'. or debility, when o ° Q * TO TfeiE is Around. ’ ]> ■ yoi9wy-b ok® o t> Ti. i at* o Ot)*e, and get some of Molioan’s Cordial. It will ° 00 °st l etfti ii. ii and invigorate yohf wlnjie Ry r stenT,-caiisfhg a iiealtlif a9 l jui;x> m of blo#l to flow tliroiigh • every vejji, and jh* rich, rdsy bl"<>iu i>> o in “’ll 1 1 I” y i “;r • - M>lv a no L ° boWle y- wnrgiSted tp give satisfy !tii n. * ° FOR CHI L.°D Ti *N . o \ .:; ;, , i.i s* if >"t; ■l l y,i i .a, ai a -ii kly. pr.ny,* or afßiefi'd >\ itli “odmulaia - jir< v ilent ain'ingfiliildren, *’ ■ (OHIO Xr° Oil© it will make Uit-nFl#al by. f#. and robirif. fttilay • hot it, and n will >'” tnvim 1. t . and IT IS JIELICipiTS TD TjA-KEr*. b * CArTlflA.-hlswrtf A oy',hiit'_i-1s of i•. * f’, to |Mini u]> i y iii - a:i itit t‘T or Sat >a]- oTllti tra>n, o V. ai a It, V I 1 ■ ■*> o O S * O °\ * „ 01 -!* C o o . 9| [ I-;,. 9 1 t t .ti r t tom. <Jn” t.l h-aiyiliti ido <‘\;ort !.., t tiing fasting, i-j m il o - : ■■ I I ‘ . © o’ ‘* • ■ : discs . It is put Up i: a Price onh gr nor bottle, tfl * O .1, il Mil.! ,’9 a a * * . b ° 6 a Prfnoinal Tt-. 1 * riPt tnO lawner it I’liiru an*i , 1 a. o o a * .* V Mciiii\:rs ltn : ■ * • Ca ° • r:: .T‘ i J’ ‘• - e - ;; 0 * |° a Tin’ ‘M , . ■a ■ 1 |>er lfl#< T , 0 . -l or i. i .o y; N . a * It; lltinmi i! rv li!: .a nu i t*. Si i! in css cl 1 1 ■■ and ■ u; (,miin ••! Mis ■, or l ‘ m ’■.*'■ a® . a ■* 4’ li -'4 I4’ nds. Frag Cuts, #l.<*, 1’ .■ ‘ .*•>. Calted Sore Xifid--, Bhgns, : ta or ; • v Ijiflanimation or Pam, ue # ■*’ . ■ 1. ■ . ■ I,’- t; . ‘ have.exist and. JlcLean’s Celebbateo Lisimej *, certain renirdv* Tiious-imls if li’imnn b-i v:-:. have been b of <lfr ji tud ‘ ;tnd mi .\ y the i:sc t this ifivalu able nii/divniL*. • • © o McXean’3 Vo'.c • i : c Gil Liimr.ent • Will reli v>> • ain ‘ • • . ° ‘ ‘® J crfiii'ly sh'irt t i•. • • • ° For 110r383 and other Animals. , * t F reliable fr tlPe.cure i-f r# Spsv!ii. Ring B ne, a Swellings. It “ill IV VI r fail . Ik !••• liigllcait, ]’■ ll w evil, Fistula, Old ltfinnin ; or Sfitveeny, if ! properly apfilied. l-'.-r Sprain-’, Pruises. Seratrlics, Cracked Hauls, Chafe?, Sadtllo or i ollar Galls, t uts, Sores*mc Wounds, it is an intaloh's remedy. Apply it as doefted, and a cnre St rtain in every i Tlv-n trifle r,d longer with the many,wortl l less ; knents offered to vou. Ol tain ti sn ui} >.t Iff. Mc- Xean’s celebrated Ljjilment. It will cure yon. * 0 J. H. McLEAIi, Sole.Propiy.etoP’, Corner of Third and Pine Stfl., St. Louis, Mo. * ® . ?. * ©• 9t . *• !*’ * ’ . : © -o 0 9 . * tit I;i f - :M*c3 > •: MAGAZINE and EHITIgtI REVIEWS. 1 # J S<T I'i'T >\ ‘'t)..*N-’.> VCflt K 11 :: 11 in to jmli- Jj lleli the i'offowiii_ u'.tiiny ill l : i-■ !iotils. viz: •• * a 1. Q’raa-tc-iy < • ,- i . I dt The Edinburgh Be view (Mrhig.j | 8. Tlic Nortij. JPsitisli Review (Ki t. The lleviev/ Liberal., 5. Biackwoodfts Edinburgh Magazine < Toj-y • * lit ■'*•’ ; ‘ *’ hlv 1 9 ,‘*at lit I- -I !’ j “ . . ial ff . i ;: 1 111 , Uatlical- —hut u<li: ;•••• . #hih < nly vn • feature,of tlitfir AsHiron. 6'ja hhe nu>T prbtbimtl writers on Suiehce, LitepHuro, MssnSly, ajttJ K.-liyi-.pi, iI:. stiiii'l. , o iis limy r.vr ini ,• stood,f world of letter". I in--; u ‘ot --I i. Ibi., n Lie to tlu.* s#!n>lar iind the hi 3 the iatelligcngrea of every class t i.v flatfish n i.kie* (red satiHincTpry vecQrd of she ciwrenl litesa-’ ‘-‘lfv V *> i'l. 9ti i*,it. lje‘ possibly obtaipc<iifi tu tifiv otht • sjouroe. • B TiiUij,y Copi - I ; -1 ‘*■’ . , i : , >• I S’ ,o*° • “ i V ■ ■ P. j,i 4 aMi il i •oi *, 9 Pft *; i-a U L ° . 4 % * ol . * • ToiSriS- is f nnn. o 1 P 1’ ■?> *- -?• For any t w <> ot >t.c ° fl p . For any tiifee oi'st io> four Kevietf *. - -a “00 Fm .1. f° - - -a S 14(1 o , ° P § C . °-a - Por Blackwood nrol one Review, 1 ® - H Qj* For fin’d fwo - - V ° For. apd three - *- 0 Fur niticktvin*:! -ftti lt iv i*..> f \w>-. - ]ii*ihi 6 9 * 6 T d*’j nr. °°’ °°° 9 * * IS 0 ° A >i, .„. • of tv.'i", ’ .>•• i vc . friers will be alSnw eu to ordering lour #r b any oho or Tore , f 11& a & ■I- o ; .i >■.. 6, : *. ° . ..* seutafo one aiffen ss lor >'<; %ur c<^ie Reviews and for . • an I s<fon. *. . o S • In ulnhe principle Citic#and ToTrrs these w<©ks will be deliver* and \V hen sent l,v.:nail. o Ike Postage to any part of. the United Si itra will be i e 0 RackS o t,” and b ;i year for each or the Reviews. ’ . ’ N. 15. The pi ice in Great Kritiuhi i-6 l felL • • [ _ TS’Ec tiuidc # # Sefontitic and Practical Agriculture* m - F. ! : “i )f Bdirfiurgb, mffl b of * “i ScrcntLfic Agri cult urc. in Yale College, fiqjs. Royal OctTo@> i6OO pages, um numer ire En^%vlDga i'. e./tlfef'-odlv, t lie TOo9t enlilJ 'leto ! ’ s ltni ■■■'.■ vin q - ■'i, un i in i■ i'lcr to yi vc j i “•'“ r cii-cu!•!!!..n the publishers fiatfe resolved to I , {ge. the ; iii■ oto 9 Five Bollwfagfor the Two Volumes \t When sent 1 >.v nrll prw-j.ahl, t.. CallTornift m** ® re ?? n 1 “'1 ?*• To every other p&rt of • j tfle 1 nidrifad to Canada (post pttidnjsti * f*- r . n: * lr " r! : -\OT /’/• old >4a.:l< Ofth* Farm” , , ‘“.•mn.nnccs lor :uiy*’i the above 70abticattons* t -paid#to the Pub lishers, o ® ® % LEONARD SCOTT Sc CO. *• 0 _ N ‘ *“ No. I tiold street, New York. Ilf alfiiy ffHWKs'fii mi • ■•® ® * •• # A4IERIC\N*\\I) FORKIUX. ® • * STEREOSCOPIC EM^RIUM • ix •*'%? ’ *’■ ’.— -I/ c .Vaf ?>T # 18*0, # ; °;' 1 Ur ° l! ’ (r-> <■’. ‘-from the a • * A Jl'iltl. g, r | lfI > is THE most INSVRUC-® * JLv”' e intovestiiigienCrtaiting, amusing, and ex- ® @ @ ** * * old', nStieltoo ifteli % gent, none too uneducated, ho acknowledgewt? worth ## # N • home is CbmpTete w ithotV, inund u musß&ndflwi. • fkTjjotratn It presents to yeti tie'* every part of i iie world in nil the rebel', !><3-9uoss •, rspective, and sharpness ‘of .Vtail, wore on the spot. • PI M * * #re e\tJ..ring Eu*pe Asia. Ali-ic.t, > A:ngrfca, in*se;urh grand and bea l ::il'ttl, an i* o resnlts o{*iic ; s “KilfiTconstantlv * beVivhimc oilr stuck. * _ “* i Wc la • • - • Views or it; F;u i-. London, £ngland 9 S(ptland, Ireland. IValtjß, France’ Cclgiam, Holland. * # S>.nun, Th* Rhine. vs-.liies, >'t. U* I, K..uti*ine* b|oaß, * Tuillowiei. Italy. Turkey, L"ypt. # Hhens, the Jiofy hand, Vliina, India, Crystal Palace >tls< 41 roups liist.iriewl, scenes, br'*ak- * fast_ scinls? pic-nics, -; *■ ass.i rttneiit of l! - “♦rated Interiors of Palaces, and France, Italy, &c., T!ie ptl' t of the-- illuminated views is most remark able. *.* * *• • |',*.. V y oi>ntlentan ..f aiid#-etif;eißnute slmul.r ** have in i >T . v rcioip*sothe of bur ixnuisite an With ♦ . ill” Were .J^c® % * . * ! ® >ff 1 ••**. Nothing can l>® mure and onewcan no treat to* Iriett’i of t .• p e,,i . pie and the bet^flful. sin# *, -Stereoscope Views aretfie li* -t Phut e: tplTic wonder. Tli#y are tlitd f o tii part • % Ol aii ii very thing matter . i fr l-apiiny it n iv h>> ■:•> ;,ig is deputed asf!iajp-% y # i ®]>erl®igly at •re-* ves an aiMitV.intl ‘a 1 to tbg beoiuties of inanimat re it adds Hie el.arm #f life and m* * * • 0 • yer-y lit om#owtw ®andP* being unknown in Europe, we reoeive IwfflCoftdtni .an ! Wari- 1u a* Ol’dei f< r Arahony's lii-tantamgiua \ ’ ir . • . • • * * Amor\g otSer Hungsgre have Slereo atft’ng o! the * . * hearts %‘l an in t trest. * 1 i>e partlctilart ol this will Be fbund*in or * * ® © I catalogue. • * t • 1: H ’ and®] ri,•, s wili. • for- • wfe ded to ally f g ® # shiftp, * * • - c 1 .4. ei-®-"’ * can imi 9 in® iim ®.| such pic ; * H . .lit L\ Vi • . T . • 1 1 - ■ gent by* . • * • • *8• • a * p yie v wThxo be advised of everything real- 1 K val: . ii.'tly, line I *’ j ••,!. i*iy send m their naim jd ice and we viffll kerpliiVOt ‘*'* # V • v* •Ti .•vaphv •most fasei* ° | • We are pyej Lta’fit out *nai< # ur- v> 1 t * * . a , ! tneir successtoge ® t --ri# w to take .. . * * AN*SJHONY, I .In i ‘l itnnacMirer Si’ TlW.ioogtj,. - . Mfv i. m *• ■ • * and •Metvl'Si -• t >*■ ■ * -tion of country •* peerr .. • * < latniytiw of ■or *!*-k # as •un- • * ato tlie ttwirle will •in . * . * *■* ■ m • \. * ’ -* ■l’ **! * . # ts ■ • With ] li * . i Negative. jan Ui-4ui . ,*> ; e r. ft ri-m e. j I —® .©. 0 . --■ • i&rea iractfl>n| „ | j_ - i3J PE RIAL < OUk - t SiCE .. v *A riLVTH %N GL W Of . S'E •• ... id 1 lagaziae for Jatffeary, Will y. ‘ Embellished withzwo Splendiand • ’ 9 S | *’ \ * • n £ B&i • t* l *’ ® . ♦ l f, rniNCE ALB£Br, and the ChiL% ft i 1 1 u einljf^ * <A • ‘+ io *Bi ■ number ari ,t led to be matcliless. Other brilliant gems of Tart wiil follnsv. It is intended to please etic artistic eye and Ti . tin t;.-ol’ .11 lover- ©f choifce rea ding. lie: Jy for d-.divery. Doc. loth. * . FOR FKBRIAIiY, 1?0(^ Two Spleaclid plates are ir. Prep^ation. tj >‘ in inti nol nil tovprs-of choice rea ■H‘ * an§ fkqfa contents, nti J it- 5. imtiittl disiimt tits, i 1. lun i. i.Tb. iii as a Monthly .Mazazine, of 1?4 i pages.or m ee. t; •ie < dun ns. hassifß superior in literary mt r)s or Si i tici nt^ellishment.® # ! •-.J is 1"4,m i re-- - ©pjot the ehoife-t %rtf-. *. ‘jV'.e !irin i li: alit ‘oi i- and British® , .Mo,. *i * tnrjf all • I* 8. The Eci.ectiCj in une year, eouais in printed i 9natter any Wire# British Quarferlies.# The pro-y.. of I ihcitf is >7 If® .) - t the Eclectic ©• th% sfine is *nly So. Wiile tjic prinks n the are worth idiom’ s”> nirtre. . variety h b s;be li# ieetie atijiules m sui cf literature atia pojitil.!r*ke!©nce#?> >th enter!trat , ing. “haii.n it as the be-t Mtigaxinc published, *'• of the I I:U i' l *\ ‘ 4 ‘*• i of Hie Eclwgnc isSplendidly em ellßjJJued {tfilh one <>r more purtrtiit-* or Steel Plates, ijnd MlOTo^raits%nd Rkiees in l 1 * tlian the pri& of tiio work. < • ‘•..The EcTectaMit - aeqy©ed ah etfablisbed char acter a§ #strindaftl work tinion| literary men., It buds :♦] • ic® ui iu*ttfS* Lb t©ries •• * * 0©• * . Ftw::i Run. r lw-ird gvere • . ■* 9 . • Hj69 —i cqncur tliiwbighly 9 felt ? ie i*l.-.t:.■ ..M iii*■ which have been*! dl (any emimine^t*pdfsons ••.m.i in swverah lead ing journal©. I ln*v© read it for hire year-. .*d © tri.f- selecte<l , ’o*a” to presi#tl a great variety instructive ai*tj. 1 :rtihg matter, ami a fiord a fair specimen of the i;uereiit literature oi the day ® e • Tinw \©t*,Everett.” *• °o • i'l nft \*h!” fihtler, Louis'VillefKy. * • ‘ . * * v * 8 f Hie bcjst • .'• ‘*'**. ®; . hs infMieoce* tftusl - ■-’ ll every •:nbor. It is realyffnore “ 1 ij <A 1 *’ ej-ven British Mm© 1 ‘tlies, ipid the nine , tip. ‘A n’ of .w hich it *• h ‘ • k tl# Win le of these peril*”- Is, ©tnl employ, l*n gentleman <4 ‘■a- 1 o t *® . ter, aml select best fPr* (•our own perns ai. si ® - * * * WZw • 9 l>*m ilie !?•!). Ji Ige t .unij kin,*?thcns, Ga, • 1 have he !©?t . ler of tlJh i ©f or many yijw. W ill“ruction e© entertainment tire Mm tions t ifs articles, in mv l'ur b!,. j; o mm . **■ um .nailed, •A io engtar virjf an)4t. at” '-r:li thoiiriei of i ite sub-e(g].t 9 Trii e Hon. Lon|shreet v president of the • * * ‘ *‘ m • • * 1 *, ® ■ J,el(©-tic Alac - ® azine. at.d r.- ujmurpassed 1©- any work of it* kifid tu oh.r e,iUoi|.y tor valuable vidldiiH© “ g, 1 ite co^,.:aen Jations *t tlie are maw and generWts. A*’ ‘" v m -ox choice re.-viirig and beautiful ag-por-® ateifftiur-ivii j- are inv?fc 4 toM- n.ljiK-ffe deis tar the coining yea©, W-Jacli new stibsff-i'her tr . the wor an© ; ■♦■•n who sen<y anew name ©ith the pay i#aavance, will be entitled ft a choice of ei flier of two .beautiful premium prints, worth S- 5$ each. No inleliif#nl t-nftly, no young k%lv d?- gen tleman. .-liutt! l be without the gems of if t aiKjjtretPs ures of literature t% be found in the Ecl<©^ic. i * TERMS. ® ’fiTe Ecfrotfe is issued on thoftrst c/ every monfl# Each, umb eg con tains 1-14 large qgtavo pages, on fine ® paper; hftftly afrtened •rgaoen covers, with porfraits : by Sanaiuf tw©Jve gußnbeft comprise three ® Tunics, of GOO pages eacln witl indexcs.©ind ©mpheiiishmentß. Price $5. *Tlie postage is oiilv three editts a lumber, prepaid at the office of deliv ery. The January number foftoO cents, an©- other fog 42 cSnts, sent in postage stamps. “ *® • II- *No. 5 Beekman St., NY * * • *A • % • •• L® , • * Take Xotiee. • c r|A|!E herehafofe Existing between 1* p™-. R- J- Bruce and R. H- Eaton, # is this day dissolved by mutual consent. m f •January Isf, ‘ 9 jhn 7-ts At W