Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, October 24, 1860, Image 4

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NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST!! i* Aißecol* isitr ncttor Bar£:niiis l’:ar • J<-s or Cicnfiles U , r. r|iHE UXDF.RSIGXED HAVING ADOPTED THE JL .above motto, •_ - iadiva and gentlemen to :'n. c x'■ ° SPRING <UiT> GOODS, NOW IX STOKE. h>XSI.M l>;<; OF Muslins. Borages, SILKS, Tissues, And Trimmings, All of the tn t tan .ad f. a 6 t> with a complete ag&lrtm • GmllemenN I'uitiixDisisr GoosU, Thos-e wishing -■in. ‘■i• ■.r lie. ‘ i] * APPROPRIATE 6 TO” THE fJKA SOI. . will find it towthxir interest to . ali . ; . .. ■ *•_■ 1 -s.■< k before purchasing elsewhere. • ° JRemember, PRICES ami GOb'DS to °* i'.e tiinea an.l ucason. ° BENJAMIN F HUBERT. ° jy -4 ° #\t the I >!d Stand of 11. V Sh .rpe. 31 IS!$ IK.XSLLL JS o xxx i xx -at, x w* • 9 FOR * * .Toadies, on e.u£.M. „ a ch, . A! - A ••• o • • Miss C. A. HANSELL, * * ’ . Principal ,>t 1 . ‘ * ;■* - *, Mfss’.A. B. ARMSTROxNG, Principal of Vocal and Ingtrun # • • rpiy; DESIGN fPF Tills IXSTiiTTIOX IS TO X atford Young sf; editi. * for a //< ro _■ . ‘end ed ttceoMpii*hcdeducation. Tomak-theicSi HifLAtts worth*, the intelftjctual character of the age. and < aj alfle of MWtaiuing themselves in an eh sition Ml socie- i tv. It aeeta to develope n® i went, understanding,etuste, and piety. puj il.-i limy learn t* think, muon, and control tliei selves For t! • purpose, a definite Classification*;!!??. ( Studv un adopted—the pupils beginning with the foun.hitiou . , 1- ucation, reading tind *|ielliiiggur< leftd steadily t , . each being advanced as the various brunches are „ * headed. * • A systematic arrangement of classesiin> # n Ay ;-n, so that each rePiL r.j eives a .n sroi \#K < f alien; Ma.-- Other southern TANARUS.: *.!! !■•*. • when the number of pupils shall justify it. ? tic year will be divided into |w> s.-■ \ - niin-teeu v.v. ks each. Fall Session commencing Wednesday,.Oct hei • 1860—closing February l.'.th, (*>>l. Spring inences Fntu •nary loth— •t.'ling Jr. at w : . ■ til;:.- jthcre will be an Annual Examination and Concert. • Knjr. of Tuition jirr St. iou—*9 Wee’.-. • Senior, Junior and Soplioir.yiv CJ .*•.>:) 00 . “Freshman and Preparatory”- % .*.. t. ■ : 0 Primary Class ’ I*oo * Mule ou l’iano Forte or t. aitaf. 25 GO Latin, French and Embroidery, each In Oil Sketching, Crayon and C:.* m i’aiutir. •-...* 12 Oil Painting . .*. 20 00* * Daily exeMHscs in Vocal Musi f.l rge. Tuition to be paid, INv.thiaiu.y, in the .Idle f C session ® * ° • Itifrrt'iKT*.* * Rev. J R. Wilson. I>. i*.. A , lion. Thomas IV. Miller, “ * Mr. W. M. D*\ntigiuie, • Air. W. Adams, *# * . lion. Alexander H St - Crawford\ Mr. John C uuningham, Greensboro. _ • *Mr David Howell, • Mr. Philip 1). Kobiuson, “# * Mr 3V.NV. I>. Weave®, Janies L. Brown, “ „ lion. Charles J. McDonald, Mari. iia. Hon. David Irwin, ° “ a Col. A. V. lfl'uiHbv, s t ReveJohn W. Baker, Jli'itaiSS Instil -i!u, Marietta. • • Gen. A. J. Hunscll, Marietta Rev. S. It. Taluiage, President f>. ! .; i ■ l T niv. :>it • Midway. a Rev. J. Woodrow. < !*se tliorpe Uniyt: e „ Hoj|. Iverson L. Ilarr:-. Milledy ville. * * atev. X. M. Crawford. Presid.-nt ‘Uicer I rivei ty, 1 Penfield. * Prof. 11. 11. Tucker, Mer.vr l nivi .v, 1 .i; id. Prof. J. Wilier, •• “ • l’rof. Sanford; “ 4 ‘ , “ “ Kt. Rev. StcjUu-n ElliottfSavaunah. Bishop Pjfcive, Sparta. • • * * * *Bon. Peter K. Love, TTie.m s\ ille. • Jlon. A. 11. Hansel], “ • • • Persons wis Ift jig to (ftiterpi* ts wiil pi^ Principal, at Alurieti% or Mr. Wiili:::a A<!:.;tis, at Au...s ta, Ga. _ :g2t)-3m * —# *- •-* FROM MY PLANTATION IN MADISON CfiTN tj, Florida, on the nirht <-t*i'.<• li : :!t of Jane,nwr ae jjro boy SOLOMON. Arlatc.-t a* ■> n--.s. In-w - „•* • Thomasville, making his wav towards Macon. lie i, perhaps in tlie neighborhood ..f AiAnv: I think, how ever, ne is near Thomasville. • will give *, FIFTY UftLLiHS , . for his iHivery to me at my plunirttuu in :i cm: fur his confinement in some safe jail. • Description. * ®. SOLOMON is about 21 or 22 v,® old, weigl *• 160 ftr 1(50 pounds a verv*tine looking ! >y. *, ~ • i smooth, sleek skill, and before lie left had, many bruises ms a: - body.caused by a mule running away with him, in #;dk inmilie himself about, and .‘-♦mSm- is in clined to be knock need. • je 29-11 • * .TAMPS A. LINTON, o tyAlbany Patriot will please jad rdt one and forward account to this office. * * • •Landsl.tandsfl • • • THE SUBSCRIBER NOW OFFERS FOR SAL : his small, though *.Vs'akSi •Well * Improved. Farm, ’ ’ ‘ consisting of FQUR HUNDRED s, -itu- -“i?* ated Troupville atul Tallah: i el, .<- about eight uTiles iroin Thnmu'\ ‘j® Y, - . it ms stock, on the place, farming utei -i! s. \. .. with y® ■ pt. - ent growing crop of seventy it. res in excellent cm. and and fort v-five acres in cotton. Tit e lands are good pine, and well worth the attention of tin wi-i ®rr to t w ,ve to Thonuts county, ly- hits just coiitj u-ted on the place anew gin-liou#c and screw-j i -s, which will be of great “advantage to the purchaser, Bnd the dwelling house, out houses. Ac., are all good logfloii-.-s. The favorabb*lo cation or my farm, \\M not fail to ph n-e. Come tin* >•>* it immediately, its I aiW determined s !1. ..a the n.ost “reasonable ferms. for (': sli or ( i*. . • . i,. suit the purchaser. Nffw.diere is a bargain for any man who de sires a small, rich farm, well located. ° * ® 0 D. S. RAY. Thomas County, (i;t.. Jtilj L l'SY® P. S. Address me iit ThomasviHe. ts e - Bargains in Latidit. • THOMAS COl N rv—Seven:. eath District. X . lot. 166. 176, 224, 257. v!i ‘5. • ,ii. ... ->xs-v?y_-. 13th Dist.. Nos. 157,172, 253, 257, 258. TY ■■■■ Dist.. No. 65. • Decatur, County— 19th |)ist. No. 41. 2-th r’**’ * District. No. 261* _ • ® Colquitt County—Sth Dist.. is-.. Lowndes Countv —9th Dist., Noe. 369, 379, 380, 356. ‘3i>l, ioJ. lltii I*,.- ,*X. Irwin Countv—lst Dist.. No. IDS. 6th Di>:.. Nos. 255, 97. 6th Dist.. No*. 151* -it -123. • Appling County—vd Dist., N< 3d Dit.,Nt Mare County-Math Di>t.. Nbs. 307. 127. Coffee County—lst Dist.. No. 173. Dooly County*—l2th 1 >u-._ X i : Cherokee County—lth l)i . \ • Lee County—lsth Dist.. is,-, jy ( , Early County—ll : Di-*. X - : , Also* 100 acres mar Thomafx he h “ road. „ # Also, 300 acres improved land, on TYh ha-se and two miles from Thomas\ ille. belonging to J. H. M , I.- Y* ° I.’® 1 ” These lands will be sold very low for Cash. Ad dress the aubacetber at Albany, Da. o June 27, 1860. 1\ P. SMITH. . BOOK BINDING. CHARLES A. FINDEISEN, HAY ING located in Tallahasse, Florida, is now prepared to Bind Books in every variety of style desired. Blank Books of all kinds 1 io order, ‘b'uean for CASH. Those who subscribe for Harper's Magazine. Har per’s Meekly, the New 1 oik Ledger, the Southern Field and Fireside, the Illustrated Bible or any oth er book, paper, or magazine of any kind, and wi-h to preserve them, can have them hound at ihe most reasonable prices by leaving them at the office of the Southern Enterprise, to be forwarded to me at Tallahasse. Mrcb 10, 1860. ly pi ?! MS& <4 ■J m. Urn ia i kki*' W’ JA M E. REMI X(j'iUN cc-SOX, • Dealers in “FANCY AND STAfLE DRY-GOODS, 0 i ;i’ ‘M . , . ...... GA., 4 BE now receiving tl magi V fa;"land win * lk IQ 3E5. Y-G-OOD , Unequalled by any ia ti c place. Espcet:-.! attention is called to their Dress Goods Depart;*.•.•id. in which may jc found tui ;he novelties of the season, consisting of Silks, Cashmeres, de . 0 4'.. : ..•! At: .a l’tit. etc. ilia’ rcidcries, in endless variety; Hosiery and Gloves of every j •juaiity, fortients. Boys, Ladies, Mis-es and Chit- ! ■ C A.:. : 11:. :■ :avls, . f ev. \ al i i.-.'t. :. i •[.. 0 . \ ; i! i -■■’.* ; , g and Plantation Goods ; in this department we have every thing usually kept in our line lor housekeepers and I re p; e; ire 1 ! ‘ . ’ 5.• .- :r i * ■ ; s \<aj;e'.lier j y. n buy or not. r. r.i:mint.ton & son. I \ FINE an 1 la: ge assortment of Men’s and Bovs’ j . 1 . C^OTIIIKTG # •pe:S ‘ , E. UKMINGTON k SON. - - r*— * i. are n w pen;- g a Ltf. ••*: - :t •at *.f Gents’ I T p FURBISHING GOODS, . c.utsi ting. # i kinds of t?hir:s and Colars. Shirt* ih---.ii:-, l.'t 1-r 4 t'i. Drawers: Ties. Fcartl, Cravats and Handkerchiefs; Silk, Kid and Cotton < i !■..-.-■ a-*and Gauntlets. • oct 8 * E. REMINGTON & oON. * —jr \ 1 L.NL at'S'.irtnient # o! I.adies* Steel Extension 1V SHUNTS, fr in Bto SC received ami |jpr sal. ’ d_B E. IIEMINGTO? & MON. ■ reci ivc ! and for “sale, * fine assortment of * t JXr<s'?7C7-CTo‘V i >.ro3.:r- , 37' 9 e.'n>:s::tig uf*Di.iino’.; 1. Can. •. J.ava, Florentine, M is. ole, Coral, and a • mar.v other styles and patterns, and will be sold at price- >o suit the times. Set 8* • E. REMINGTON & SRX- • ft \ 4 1TNE -ortr.ent of Gcntlent.-n's and* Boy** .* V ° Hlatis and OtYjpsi, 0 .Also a hue :ssortmetft ol Misses’ Bonnets Hats and glats of the litest style; jnsftrcceived and for sale try * E. REMIGTOX N SON. . * ~ . ~r~ . Groceries. , , .RITS Mess Mackerel e • A kiis No l*Mackerel in barrel and to retail 5 kits Sutmond t !2'i drui* s Dried Figs * k() box. s Raisons m 20 barrels Irish Potatoes , 5 barrels Onions m * • * •1 l*eg' # t resif Goshen l*uttcti * • • Buckwheat and ffi-sh Flogr • JO boxe? Checsc # * , ° .’ barrel Ctftrants, for- pies • o * i Imx Macaroni: and various other articles in the Grocery line, just ree :iverf and for sale by Jin al *E. REMIXfyON & SOAT. • . Music. \*I*INE lot “of -Music* containing till tlie latest pieces out* jujt opened and for sale bti* ft 22 # ‘ • E. iIEJfINGTCfN 8* . • -a: *2? * nm L S. If. M’lCimion & Co’S. \ \ I’. avft now rev iving ftrur Fall rjnl Winter \ > . Stock of * %3r OODS; • To which w 4 iuvjte the. mtentiou of all wl* wish go..d articles at . * • Sin 0,11 X-^jT O jCkT±t& s * Particiflarly those * # **M V” V /■ - * fh’f.'f ,l iS Come with vtutr tmft; y can exchange itfto arc:*! a “vantage. I:i*order to induce move • • *) Ve lia\*e determined to make a large discount to J> • ?- Ts] ■- r .*\'• 5-v • /Y.C.- f i : *U- U Li. ;L- h } Come and see. Our Stock enibraceswLadiWs’ Dress i Goods and Trimmings, of all die recent styles, 1 Cl.-ak*. Talmas, Collars, Dice Goods, Sliawk Head Drgsst-s, riannels and (>jicra Flannels: •ml a J'ull assortment of . Mardery atsdC?!<Jv<?s. * Linseys, kings, Osnaburgs, Brown anu Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings. • • : ° - %re particulwi ly invito€ to exa mine our goods.® 0 • ‘ <Hr ~d -Si. Vs • A. ; f- i • k I : Q si.’- ‘a p # 1 :ock ; larger than.ever before, and comprises Men’s, Youth's and Boots i ° *tlo do Congrcs's Boots • ® do . do Cai#and Ku> LWjots of%ll si vies, ° I-a-itos’. Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, in atl® grades, styles and qualities. *-• •* • 1 irlj invite tbc#La lies t<> sec our Phil ad m hm Made Shoes, being far superior to any ever ; before oiiercd sale in Thomasville. • 0 fVEiLij !• v-■ -. . V.. >t. ::v \ i.andsome a>s ntuiAt ot well made Clothing, con® 9 Over t ats, Coats, vie. etc.* • e • ® i HAI -b - E A full assortment of all .-lyles a mfqu iftitios. ° 0 a-° ° ° i’obaeeo, 8 gar, i rs. < : *ivs, Oiw, etc. Bagging. Jb-pe, Twine, BhiukOis. Crockery and Hardware. • • 0 * , * • O |ftk . a . To Colton SoßriJi. * Me will pay j.rii • for Colton, in*trade or collections, at all times. Those indebted to and -• 1 a a Cotton in trade, will find us re;, v. rily*ot;f assertion, j Bring in your Coaon. • * P p J. ‘ *'N & CO. Tliotmyiville, tlctobev *d-, Itro'.i. —S a•— 1 v • | ® o*i : - i > | tJ UJOLiv vi si IV jJ, Archisccf IluiUU'r, n ®* TyOMASYJLLE. GA.. ® • ® pl-ispIHTFULLYINFOIfMSTIIE INHABITANTS ‘ II • i il fund adjacent Counties, that he intends o Vrchifec tural part of liis profession, STtcn as the D -■ gos Fifths, Elevations, Secfcons, Detail Drawings. Perspective Views of lutemled Buildings, Bpeeifieations,*Bills of Luu-.iter, c . sot Cost ifiec.; and in soliciting patronage from a discriminating public, refers to his well nnrn abilities above business, as being the best recommendation, but would refer to the following gentlemen near Thom asville: The Honorable Inferior Court of Thomas County. E. Remington & Son, ) o Robert H. Hardaway, Esq.. ; A. T. Mclntyre Esq., John W !I.’Mitchell. Esq., 5-Thomasville. Gh. Clms. 11. Remington, Esq., 0 o ‘ Rev. James M. Ginv J homiis Jones, Esq", I Ine Hi e.orabK- 1 nfcnr Court of Brooks Countv. • i ‘hn M . Spain.. F. .... \ 9 ‘ o W ® A F q.. ‘ Brooks Conmv. Ga. o 5 arict v A\orks S J. J. Ma-h. Es.j„ ! T Black shear. Ksn , Duiu.-iiu.viße, Ga. April 18, lS(i-|. I ’’ 5 f i Raplisl Hooks. BAPTIST History ; Baptist Denomination.- The ■ ■ icia, an 1 Several other works ’ v varies au - 1 1 thorsj lor sale E. REMINGTON ic SON. 1 COTTCJNi HELTI\T.-anew article; just received and for sale by oci 8 r. xe MING TON x SON. Si M Tailoring Establishment. X 3 eter* Limlsny, MiEIJCHAXT TAILOIi, WOHJ)’ RESPEC’TFBL - Iv inform the citizens of ° Tiiomasville * \\ :> { “1 UEROT XDING COUNTRY. . -I*- o shop L-4 ‘u o V t i i v ■ . Xext to Ur:itiN't;ton & Dekik’s :■ | I o Fu roure Store, ° o 0 : upon those who tiutv favor him j •'\ ■ \ with a call. I j ;.f . 1? . ° anti matte up m the latest ami most *'— ° Cl ...n. Cassimers, and \'. -• o ° Patronage solicited. mb 25 ts • Clia*. ix. Remlxglon'x TNSURANCE AGENCY— i FOB THE , Southern Mutual Insurance Company, > 9 OF GEORGIA, AND TIIE South Carolina Mufeugl Life Insurance Cos. <9? Till® STATE OF SOUfH ■ s T A. fS-jf” Office opposite the Postonice. is Wood. lf!acfn!il!i*isH{l Cai-p^ge @HOP, \ * t’ondej s Stand, where the subscribers „ x\ are prepared to do vv oris. . ‘ .v v “ m lhe.r line shorfe c-t t,< fice and in the vei , * .1 , best manner. • ‘ <♦* 3*1(1 ntaiion J>Vork $* j *• r .-\° of every description, • if i* iiks \v . Tt';-” $s ’•Wgons ami Buggies, amP A> Horseshoeing. and all otlieework done to tffe most perfect s-disfactioi^ Cfcurlagre Repository.—The subscribers ! have ordered a lot of 0 v . • * JJugeies, > ’ figg Carriages, ... a | from the North, which K* ?t ‘■* ‘ j they will goon have * 9 ° ON HAND. • an# will keep up a regular •--?’ • B £ pIH i f nav * J .. i* i'*! U U I j J j* J j j lie Country. > >.(_) p’ ifV £ SVv*i FT. Thomasville, January 1 fc. 1813 if ts j * ‘ “ | E>JAEXKII4EA! C i R.MirS!4.'IIOLER v &! I.H'H DllOl’lS THIS MEDICINE has been THE NEVER l'AtLiso'test fil and prov*l by terfi REMEDY years experience to be the only j i • Jpsrtainfsafe and reliable feme- I dy for all lined Deranycncnts, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, CrofijM, Pains, Cholera , Choltc, Ac., now before the public. Jhic or two doses of 20 drops, will cure the \ most Severe craiy;fe in the stomach in 20 (himftes. A sinifle dose often cures the Diarrhoea and *:• *isftpates the bowels. ®One dose wfll satisfy any one of its meTits. Price only ?5 Cents. Prepared by . TRALL&STOW, 9 • ° ‘4J*lsowery, X V York * And sold in ffhomasville by E. and T. 15. L Little. o o e ’ ap-l-ly Architect” and ©uilder. JENKINS, having permanently* 1 ‘located himself, otiers hiservices as an 2yrci)ifcet J|i)3 i}oki\ • to the citizens of Thomnsrtlie and surrounding conn- i tPy, and would respeetfirtPy inform that he is ! prepa • 1 to take fory .si’-ling Dwellings, Stores, or other buildings, IN EITHER WOOD OR OFICK. -and will give his person;.* attention to all work en trusted him. * £'a:st4i f rr Aki. of every descrip!i*V, made to i oiler or repaired on short notice. # Order.#for COFFINS will rfcfive prompt attention. • . • * References., : * D# W P Jennings,•Ubanv, <ja. Dr A Maloy, Choraw. South Carolina. •. • J Leak, Pres’t of Bank. Wadeswwo’, X. C. * WII Hig*li, Sheriff, Ualeigji, N'.*C. , Shojj’near the Court House. * tali 17 ly. .* * THOMAS JEfcKINSk , * - —• — •- • I*a i ;i 1 i!g Faiiiliug. / jfO>T4', TAKilfl— * \_V *- for. •—* House, Sign, and onaftjental t’ayitija g! ’ ; AND WORK *VAW,ANTI*). * . • • • Paints. Oils Und Glass, kept constantly- on hand, opffbsi* flic •ml for sale bv ‘• mb 18 CJIAS. JT. JIEMINGTON * * Pajicr ISaaifviugs. 4 LARGE assortment of beau- sc r .• J\ tiful P.VPER & BORDER, °X* - on hand, and more expect (4 to ’ / X%) C!t * s • toairrive every day. . Aafta j . * Rooms Papered • ♦ With,neatness :yid despatch, and in workmanlike nftliner by [mh I'B-tf] C. 11. REMINGTON. 4<imiHisß”t#or , s (fctlc*, ° • f By viirrn*(■■*<■’ ax okioer of the court of Ordinary of Thomas countv. will lie raid on fie : FIRS'4’ TUESDAY IX next. within tie; linflid hours of sale, before the (•ourthome door in :-aid county. the land belgugjpg to the estate of J. 15. PS wan!:-, late of Jefferson Comity. Fla., ii. Said land con-*! tain s*l4Y neves more o* I s-, heile? ]*:r of lot X<# and in I ■ till disi l is* f Thomas comity, lain >e mi IP from T• “ masville on tlw Tallanassee road. Sold £or the lajiieiit < f the fteirs and creditor; of tafti deceased.* Term* nlafie Ijpimtn on the day of sale. * sep 5-40<j • P. P. SAWTII, Adm’r. o * Exctu'•!■’ IX •PUKSU.XNCE OF THE LAST W<LL AXD “1 TiOtament of .?. J. Orr, deceased, will be sold on the i first Tuesday in I >eeemherPie\t, before the Courthouse i Ologr in Thomasiille, Thomas County, one house and lot . in said town of Thomuavjß*, lining the late residence of !’ the said deceased. Also one negro gi rl by the name of j Julia, about 25 years old. Sold as property of said 8 deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. $ dTerms made knovfli on the day of sale, sep l*4< and 0 JOI?X C. FASNIXG, Ex’r. i J ‘ ixxi, - StINDAY-SOHOGJj TIMES. lis IS A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS PAPER, PUP. *8 li-h.ed hy the AntericaifStflnlay School Union, at the very low price of • * o>- s? s oJj %s* ,% v j-: \ nt. It for Pai ‘-nts, Teacher* and all who are engaged or interested in the religious trainin'; of the j young. It is also an excellent Family Paper. 0 W VVf (U b ‘< A34, 8* AtiTfS* Os ‘i'illi lAITKII STA’I ,s. SjMM'inl V£ iiii!:;< iii( !is o ior ihr i'rr.ret * 1 1. To Teachers or otheta. who are willing to anvass : for this paper, and who will s. nd us. at one time, tin* 1 i names of -i tkn saw -. rirkks, and . 0 rash, we will give a copy of Wensri: r's lh\aiiuinok and ‘ LQt WTO D nsMiiv, *ew pictorial edition, mice 96.00; I or of Lippincott’s Umvbusal Gaze Aei?, price §6.00. 11. To those who will send us, at one time, the names qf TKS new Subscribers, and fq/i Hollars in cash, we I w % iv- a copy of the new ami splendid M (lF An sale by odr Society, 5 feet iiy 8, jnounted and colored. Price, SIO.O *. 111. 1 ersons !•* prefer as a cumpcimal ion “ ’ V o, an Sunday School i Inion, may obtain full information hy addressiin’ to tlie S su'-scrihor a letter of inquiry. cm-lesing a three cent lies- 0 tarn * amp. ; ■ 1 ersons who prefer canvassing for compensation . in money, and who can produce satisfactory testimonials us to character will receive most liberal terms. In alt cases, under this arrangement, the name and Post Office address of eeelf - a -coin 1 1 //■„> tl<■ ar. I , MONTHLY TIMES. The S>n,,lny Srh,„,l Tim ; for the first week in each month, is also issued in a sepa rate form a* a Blowtht.y paper, for those bclhTols and I families who*do not wish to take it weekly. Price, to I ribers, twenty-Jive ctnls a year. In award ing premiums or compensation to cam asst-rs, four single subscribers to the M ■■■'hit/ Times are counted the same ! as one subscriber to the Weekly Times. ° i I of the paper, and other documents needed in canvassing', will be furnished gratuitously-on ! application. Address , VoALDKOX J. ( lIEYJsEV. Treasurer, American Suuduy-School Union, Philadelphia. V FIXE lot of Cheese; just received and for sale by j oet 8 „ O E. REMINGTON .v SON. ‘ j (1 EXTS’ Superior Chewing Tobacco and Extra JC Segars; for sale by ‘ I T “1 ’ B F HUBERT. C Before Jtukiisg lour IxsrckiHe'i AREDEi JIT f’S AT OIitJOYEItVM.f !’ \ XI) EXAMINE 1118 ffttv t-F X O °]D O JD # Or . * co^iN - * Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, ( filling, iiat’s. n-id ■?;- llaery Goods,Boots and SHoesf • j Crockery and Glass-Ware, * Hard-Ware it i: loi fee and S m v n *•.’ * Tolrsif ro, Xc.. cX.r, . In fact, you can find almost ,*;i . vu n ;.v want, as his Stock consists of every thing usually j kept in a Country Store; til! he will slml oil of* good terms as can be sold in Southern Get rgjta - Florida. an dO-tf • ‘ o l onset tiorihry. nrtllE u X DEIIS 1G Nr. D 11 pectfULLT in- ‘ °§_ form. The citizens* ft SoutlieriioCfeorgbi ar. J Flo- ‘ n 9 rida, that he is u „ re- /•; •. ‘ .J. -. 1. ceiving and const at. •_, re- plenishing his stock with lresh* and well sdeetc ■ • °— Goods ami Confectionary, among which arc the fol- V<T’ [** lowing general assortgneut X C of family uick-naeks! 0 ~ tk Preserves, Jellies. Raisins, Currants, Figfi, Citron, Prunes,•Lemons, Oranges, Apples, 01: nonds,’ Cocoa, i Brazil.P#c.m ana Filbert Nuts, (Mires, Capers, An chovies,* Sardines, Salmon, Shad, Oysters •* >bs s, t Jlaccai(*;i. Yermiccyi, Split Peas: Seda. Ijptt.'r. far and Farina Crackers; Pickles. Cm-.up, Sar.-;* ; Chfice o Wines, Liquor*; Porter, Ale and Cider in belli#-: Scspits, Tobacco. SnuiV. Pijtes. etc. Candy, of my own Manufacture. • A large quantity always Sn haml. to which lie calls the special attention of merchaifis dealing in CAN DIES* Orders from a distance, if aceomp;?:iied witl? the Cash, will receive prompt at^ntioi^. All the above, with numerous articles not ‘men tion etf, for sale byj * * ** Thomfsvillc, Ga., ap 1-1 y JOHN ST.\l*Tn. Or. 8. FROPlljl I ] • Family o ciio ±2.1 ejs - HIS CEMIBRaTII) LIVER MEDI£IN*E is a safe and certain remedy for all kinds of IJver Dis eases, and Indispositions that otigiaata from it d*case<’ state or inactivity of the Lixqjp —Midi a-.C 1 io a;* , Acute Infliiuiation of the Liver. Dy-p", *<. Sic V ache, B(*ur .Stomach, Lets of Apatite, Luvnieso if Spir 1 its. Colic,*Costiven.#s, &e. * /his is an excellentVvnn-dy for i\ *s iu tin ir • i:-i J out sitaatffins, as a remedy against Costiveness, Morning j Sickness Swimming in the Head, at night, HeSrtburn, 4tc., !kc. * <>* P. iS!Vs Am -’.vise £ r “f, Good i'of all kings of 1. >ca! S’; -.* a:.- ore!:- *!<• ; ah good for Coughs, Colas, ('•* a ! iarrhoui, Too:!* die a 1 ’aiii in the siu!< 9 8 Feet, t,c. • S. ssi'o;Hiitt*s5 s i'o;Hiitt*s Veraoifii:#r, Excelled bv none in use #itl.*f as to its virtues or harm less effects upon the system, * O. Bi. Anti-Slifioi-* Vcgctr.ble Villw, Ui&r ■'•'live °' !l ‘ : *4 .*/.'•y ■r/W.) .•.■,■_)/ / ../.tv in Citron-c of Acute Duc t.’ is. Tiicftbi^ve*]>repar;*ion tt .Modicii:.- iu.s !.. <-n u.*:Voy *my self foiulie last ten years in friviae pi;, . ; ;i a j been one or the piincinal ageaV in effecting toi; many wonderful cures that ii::tc resulted*from the treatment pursued by tin* Proprietor, vvld* !i in number amounts to thousands, an*l 8f almost every description, mb and fe male, acute *md cliro: : .c. • riu-v have* been used hv lir.r.ditls if famiiic? 4'ie last six years as a Family JP divine, andthc satisl'.x tion •: liar they have invariably given lias given ri-v to taeir* lit- w!iero*they can ! ■ . * ■ :i a. 1. hi., y are only recoinuiended for • Rial p fie vail in tin S u * cPn 1 ■ untrj #is the pronrietor is not conversant with Nor ses, and thinks that a *n . * **j?e yi diseases of the h*i:; • i g.#sl : r. * ns fore, too- I‘iils * ire not recommended, only wher ilvy It.ive been tec ■ and > an*! that is throughout the tyulliern Fiatcs. * * • • * * *! If vou have Liver I list ;e —- • ‘* ‘JAKE PKOI'IMTT’S J.IVER *IE!>ICTXJE. ; •If yon have Dyspepsia— * • • I •TAKE PROPHiTTkS Ll\'Eß ?*EDICIXE. ! If vou have Sick Headache— * f TAKE S LIVER MEDICINE. ! If vou are subject to Heartburn— • ‘ •FAKE I'lioyi I FIT’S I*tY?:i{ MEDICINE. If vou are subject to Sour Stomach — • . • • •AKE PKOI’HIIT S EfVEK MEDICINE. •If yog ai*3 Costive— • • <> * TAKE PROPHITUS DIVER MEDICINE. If you arc recovtßing froiß Fever, or Chills ;• l<l Fe- • ver, oany <Pher disease that leaves •ou i:: •eed *of a purgative or an aperient, male <>r femah —• . T.yvE PROPJIIVT 8 i*l VER fIEDSfINE. • • _ • tfry*flie e Medicines. If they at good, nsethem. If not, set fciiein mide. *AII * ask is*a trial, aadj f.r no •dissatisyction. *Tiicse aledi.-ines are pi t pared onlv by * O. S. I*Rol*ll ITT, Coviug*m, Ga. And .-ity by Ed.Seix:# T :omi.',viile*Ga.: •Vui. h-y, \ ahlosta, i'i!.: \V’#i. Hill, Mill T\vn, *. : iflid ifunffyeut & Taylor, Atlanta, Jla. sep j j-ini* DR. J# h *■ v ) I)( l* ■ • * I9IPERI4fi IfIXIf • • ( , BITTERIgI! . RE MADE FROM A I’CRE 1X1) ENADFI.TER 1\ atf.B wink, •aich is iiigmt double the usual str--ugtli of other Wines,and is imported by only a * t ’ l.'nited Slates. Also, from the following valuable R . its, j li. rbs iV Viz: Jtol imon's Seal. Spi* :i:..-d, (::ivv. : Camolle Flowers* Gentian, Wild Chei4y Tree Bark, and !< Bavberrv. ** * M • TV’, CHALLENTIE # TTI X2‘ \V o n LTD • T(9 PRODUCE # TH-lvlU EQUA.LM V, e do not profess to have discovered some Roots “kmiwyi B)iiiv to the* jndians ij Bouth*Ai: erica.'* and a cure for “all ‘•-eases which the llesff is heir to,” Fife we claim to present to the public a truly valuable preparation, which every ifttelliufe-nt Vhysieimi in the* country w;2 approve ol’ and recomuienfl. Asa ren*-d_v for i.# life. WK vr io\ M*JI I*T 2. N,° TYeak* Limgs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervous H>tefn, Paralysis, Pile- Diseases peculiar to , I‘j - males, Debility, and ul 1 cases requiring a are rjaxrsr^Et.JE : *uSLXS32X> i For SORE THROAJ, so common among the Cl* :v. tlfe-y tire truly valuable. # ••’ For the age: Panel infirm, or for persons of a weak )•.::* istitutjjin —sot Ministers of the ftosj.-i, La9vyers. and all public apeitltPers—for Book kgepers Tailoft, j&eumstresi Mflbdents, till a sedentary life, | they wii prove truly la*iieliei;d. * Asa Beverage, flu-ware Bvho!esome, innocent and fie- I lieious to the taste.* i hey produce all the exhilerftting effects ot Brandy or'Wine, without intoxfe,-atingV and are a valuable remedy for persons addicted to excessive use drink, aml*w4tli to jefrain from it. entirely free from tlie poismis ciJlittiined in the adulteriited Wines and Liquot* wifi* which ti.e e untrv is flooded. • • * These Bitters not only (*I’RE hut PREVENT I)isca*e and should fe used by ;iti who live in a cSmufy where ; ilte water is li(l, # or wlu-re ( a ill-and Fever.-are preva lent. Being entirely iigioceut and hannh-.s, thev may ! be gi\f n freely to , Physicians Clergymen and Tomperance Advocates, a ’ an act of hitnmn*tv. should assi# in spreading tin se trulv valuable B 1 I T ERs over the land, and thereby essentia]* ly aid in banishing Drunkenness and Disci!-,-.* CHARLES WI DDI FIELD A CtJ ProjiMi-tors, 7-S William Street, New York. • l ‘-r fade by E SEJXAS. Agent, Thonmsville, (Georgia. Angtist 39, 1860. * * ly* 0 A GOfiffi ° TS NOW BEING OFFERED IN TIIE LARGE AND J. well known House and Lot, situated in the town of Fletchcrville, and form - erly occupied by i*. P. Smith as a Boar- yPjj ding House and Hotel. There are tcn good, comfortable rooms and fire-places, good uT buildings, all new. and plenty gardes ground, with stiiblcs, all conveniently arranged and well ad apted to Boarding House or Hotel purposes. Terms easy aqd possession given at any time to suit the purchaser. • ° • For further particulars, apply to W. F. HUBERT on the premises, or call at the store formerly occupi ed by Rev. 11. V,. Sharpe, and apply to the owner. BENJ.'f. HUBERT. Thomasrille, April 2, lSo'd. o * ° ts 1 o o ;-i *- v t v pefi CVt LU u t JL .t C w . .. o ° ! • o °- O • ! j most practical ]>ov. evnil and ebon; esi CUT ; LuN L Kr.. s > ever invented, is now oiieieu to 1*• public. Tin? Press is constructed in on a i>!on >•• I ■ o a r : c l:i r: in v. i v . — j | \\ h- ■■ v o Five micl Six lliuic^i [oi Colton with crciitcr tncititv thiiii juiy other Pross • Q ° ® o o ° a ED ON PER DAY th&u any other Prgss< i ever inventci. * •bscribcrs ** , wonderful Press, and • , t f 8 8 • ‘ e\ have egan to regard of i’ *.'• , andwliencotton plant cvcry where learn that this Press is con-, strutted at a cost of more than * One Hundred Dollars Less khan any otliar Press nowaexta 19 much GREATER LE\ Eli POMLII with greater - simp-licit ff and facility (or*ru king, vrf f *.-* 1 < u ’ir.i our 1 * / t of a Cotton Pro— •now in use. # l Models of this 1 ss n*ay bffsetn by calling i on us at ‘! h masville*ow Agents. \\ * ’ arc* willing Kt\i li a or die I>v y • own merits. 1 focli* perfectly seen*.-in v. i-rvantir.g it trail purely nsets* * ‘ S. 11.’ WILLIAMS, seal i-ts. . * T. J. BOTTOMS. ■ • .... . . • • ‘ialua c invcatiauK! • • ft PEELER S Economical and Variety Si eel Blade * 3PX.OW, Patented June 21m. 18oU,-tha most ccoftopiitral, | convenient a?id efficient Cuftivato* ever invented. ’ V.'in-n properly Iliad- use>o. if it does n.:4 tints j roi If, •’ ■ ‘ 9 pledge myself to rot tty. the money !o*lhoSe who purchase lights for their phiu Requises but otic Stoclrfor any kind or a Blade, ten of v.JTieh may be put on, fastened and taken off in one niim’te. • • •• 0 • < Is ;; I ij ted i.> sojJ, subsoil, hillside and general it li**and may b£ tarneu into lb double pl*w sired, and is so aonstrultted tiiat a seed planter may -flo attachedto it, the?cost of which veil! not ex ceed one dollar. O ° # Every part is detachabletmd adjustable to ,itself. ,The Stock, wh\pk may be n *!■.- out af common jflne J i | iajik, i.- a imply c.:tisti'u< tcj. • ®:d there being not : woM in the iron part, tlfllt the \eiiaie ploV may be j ■ readily put up by the commonest -Smijli at'Str on*- * i obtAAuing a forroei^pui; .-r: . Ti;o opinion -• all wi , | have seen od tii ■!.*’, is that it will be the. . [ CHLV'PLQW usejd. ; asso#n asitsmeaits.nre generally known, and that. | taking several ycarst-getlior, it vfill ho but a ! i art of the at pi*. ; s. bc-iug not on’\ the most convenient,-but life cheapest plow that can be*used Farmers can fit'rfheir present tyipply o 1 | Scuters, Shovels, and .Sweeps for tliis Stock, £rto cvetl knock, the wings oil their wrought Turnk;;* Plows al fix for tliis. 3 0 hing Indi vidaal 8r Cot * f)a. ■ ‘ n ‘ fl rFI or Rf.v. W.M. IMiELKR, VauFenah, Pin January 14. 1800. • . . \ ‘ ° . . ; * , . ••• ‘ . ••° • + • •yfi * : - * # • •• ■. •* • ” ‘ < I AJB ft *. . IN I t I 15 • > Iha ° - , y.e prejudi created by ke lailure of oil: r inventi-ns for ti.; li’ ♦, • pm-]*tse. *i Hatter myself, however, that n.yPEAN , TER wili perform the v.we-k proposed, at a satisfac : *. ; nn r. lam t din that con vie ti^i, by the opinion of nearly all tffc • • Practical Parraot s . * of Thomas and adjoining counties whofftavc examirw , eel it ; and the judgement of ; J .fo mfcmhers of the PatentjOHico. v. ho pronouwee i* to be by far tIW !*•-; PLANTER that lias evorjaen j.rc-sciited to them. It is intended to plant Corn and (*ottpn. and to i sow tlr:tin St all k inAs. i'or sowing broatl- 4 -•list and harrowing it! at tji. . ante ti*ie, it canfiot bcJ equalled. It can be ust.l for out Guiana. | either l*.- strev. iug.or by putting any desired qimnti- j ty at any given distance. The distaifce proposciFto drop ihe and the quantity by the si:*. • .0 gtano* at the PLANNER sliqiTß the affiount of 1 labor savti 1 . by.i*s ir-e. aiffi the n dip* and *. of the same. A iban and liovsS ‘lavs out the | drof.s thi‘ o sced :ywl covers it, in the- same’Wme and t the same labor that it takes, in the usual to lay ora tiie rovr. ire ■** given 0.- o v._ il° -.>ll - pially easy td the horse as a sinfSl I* “ dug i:apo-*ib'le for ; *y*to hi .big it to the notice of evcry # farmer, or to supply the demand when exhibited, I propose to poll the to any •State or county, or numbftr of counties, that anyftne may desire, and at rates the purchaser will make • I trust np 01 ■ cottdeqjnjt without an exatbin/fti .* cftl thetlnventicijt of‘A Bt9U|h <rn *ian. If, however, after examination, •rovi re ject it, I liavc nothing to say. . • J. BOTTOMS, * * <*•! > * Thomasville, Ga. qijl vk 1 3 n c 1 7r y e etwing Mach* 11*3. •’ T)I.EASG tjill at the Furniture Store oft! c sub scribers and witness the pcrfoi niaitce of a don- j hie thread Sewing M itiiint. Miich has just fi.ado i. • advent in *i?r place. A large number liavc lieen** soul in the middle counties of*Gcorgiduring the present yeftr, by the agpnt of tl Suite oi (Je and are giving general satisfaction. The subscrib- # j crsjiav” the this place and \oeiitity. • 0 • REMLN'GIWft DElkl.E. Tbotnasville, Ga. * dec 12 tl^ _A_ ( ‘ fi a. I leti ge * * * a: h. wiisOn ; and the city of Qftitman to equal li is # Stock of tioei's, which i'onow rqpeiving from . • iliipoiiictg itl Acw Yoili, either nt styles, ilities o% varieties.* The primps cennohbe to, from the fact that they*are the New V<tk Jobber’s profits less than us-ftil. Tit# Stocjf consists iitoatt of ° # ° Latlies’ BotAicts—from to ~ Ladies Mantillas and Poyits, of every variety 0 Silk and Tulleras Bareges o ° Lawns, ginghams, .Muslins e French,Singlisli and American 0 dials. Buoys and In fact every thing watyed or needed in this*. un*v\ 1 at the Bl<i STORBan Groove-rville, Ga. April 4, jStlO. o ABlvftM (JRAVES. • CYIU S S.CRAVES ‘ P L K F EiSO AE H 1. . -2_sXJ J\3TJ3 323 TA, -VT Tl 1 Id MILL, <N I’HE ROAD FOUR MILES FRO 4 THOMASVSLU, • CONSISTING OF film, uwi-tium, Weatherboards, &c. a-niST MILL I •Is Operated ev rv WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Altn.4 tl GH.U BBS & SO \.° Jldv IS. isr.n ts 1 o ° O tv X r<k’ - ? ‘ r W3: r s.ti ns.-dViil t, , I . • it.. -. 1 . .-1 <;. ). j j . , i ; i i’ . i . * a * ti r.. te w u One .... 0 < Bro< tuiity, levied ot ,.■ . t>roperl ■'o o * > ’ ‘ 0 • - * Itd tail l-y A. t >■ in t. ]k- i tii. t- attonu-v. At o, c r the sitttlr it t‘-i i • 1 Block levit ahi ° C. Id to satit ty -i , *f* tfom • ‘♦ • it.; 8. - -> iy \ t (’ I . .‘..i; , •■ and idiri: ,1 I l : ] i;, j ..s --4 . \V. a uey. • ° October 3, Pub. A.J'AiITJI, M.criif ! 9 A (1.1X4 t. SMrUFF’a N.tS,K.- 0 >r I t.- tv the (. <-in t : i-i sand .. .i., it ; t\\ r. . * . ... > ‘ ! ( (aa ty. <i, tl.. lil■l ’i Pi M#,’ * IN*• i \ 1 ‘. ; PER next. v\ it bin the law till heurs of rale, th- loth-wag ; v petty, to •".! : o . 1 ° 4 * ! I'au e when on George Ala t^- now live-, : •. 1 j - ining bids iot 1: mot by Ahit main norih t...- r lying and IxAng in * district of originally Appling now Clinch county, i levied on as the prop, rty of John G. Nichols, to ratisiy one n fu issued fr< m tA: Superb rvbourft)f Coffee in.: tvor .*.-1.11 1. ai o-: an YsJoi.u Allan.s, and Joliu (J. : Nichols, endotei r: pr< 11 ift pointi and out by plaintiff. • 0- .<i a Min .Mt * )/’ a. 1 * * I ven 01-. Pin the v< utl distrii toi idlj*Appliui a Clinch ccftiftv, levied |s tl>c |i--. a- -of Joseph LJ. Cohen to satisfy one li fa issued from said* county, 0i favor Joseph How, iirdji r thi us< v Liu hard 1 i vs Joseph 01. Cohen and*lssue Currv : jffopertv pointed i out by Richard B nn* tt. hi 1 1* mber *G lSw o ’ • SHIM MEL TLM.MkIEM9VN, Sheriff. • / * It t?S.I. ItrcoliK 4 r unty. * j V.ff hi Hu. ht Court, J title Term , 1800. Praseiit, the Ib.norahh A. 11. IIANS! LL, Judge of said Court* • • ROBERT A. HARDEE., A J.t.MES R. HARRIS, (*„ , , ; vs • ’ > Mortgage, etc. * . WILI.IAN J. HiCkS. • V * It ti])] earing to the ( ourt bv the petition of Robert A Hardee and Jaiffcs R. liaf- is. (accomfanied by note unj mortgage deed,) that on the thirty first day of August, eighteen bundled aid i ■ -nine.vft -1- made it#d ♦.covered to the plan,.’ s lis promi.-si.rv n-ae. heariifg date the day and yo*r amresaid, wherehy the defendant promised, -n the iitst di yof .lannnw i:o.\t -. flowing the date o4 said m le. to p y the pian.iiti's huiutivd and eighty seven doll; rs*ind liltv cents, for value reofived, that iiiu rwards, on the day u.l year afor-*aid. tiie de h*nd.. n:. tlie he mr to secure the pan .-nt of said fiot ex* (An*! and deljveied to the plainfftlsgliis de* .1 <4 mort gag* \vl ereby the said and fendunt mort , r aged to the plain di’ a certain muiivided ft.lf lot, iu tfte town of (^biiman, 1 rooks Countv. ki own and <lf*tijiguished in th. pla -1 said town its Tot numbci* two. in.bloek number sixteen, south \v. ein section, i litainii-g one- tentl <tt an acre, more or lees; and it further appearing thid said note re •a ii; n; aid, it is ordered ti tit tli- 0 >. •*{ iicieiidaifl o p v into J. <■ 11 : on J tli fiist day Sice •” .1 h* prinsil fl. interest anfl •• -st din <ll .-aid or show causefif any he caA, and that 00 thetfailure of the deierf dant eo to do* tflit* equity (A red mption in and to®said -yt el pren -s lv ton 4 : 11 ;.■ 1 ..!ter ‘• .irt-.-d an-1 for. cloeed; and •, It orde ed,*hat this rule be published in the South* rn Eiiterp; ise once a month for three mouths pre vious to the next ’i'enii of this Con t. oi-vservetl on tie Iftj ant, 01 ial agent or aftofliey, atjeant three month.- previous + the next ‘lirrfh *.f this ( omt. • . * SANFORD T. KINCPIiERY.- • • 9 8 Plaintili s Attorney. A true c-xfli- -1 tiie minutes < . Cour; h* Au I Ctli, 1860! • • • ang-2-n*3m * o D. W. McRAE, Cleritf *tf C*ftetiWeei £> : i.l # • iSttf/c of All jK-ivoi .-“mtiTested * I;c* 1■ sly imtilieil itiiul I ill apply to tjij* next Superior ( * 1 *♦ 1„ Id in and for the county aforesaAl.on ti.e sv -nil Mo 4uy in Dee--tnber fc fowthe purpose of having my iff 11 e from that of Ficklin hv v\ ;> name 1 lav i- .-n hen tolore known, to hat orlienrv Camlnill.. * * * 1- IfKI IX MARTIN, • By hie Attorney, S. T KrNeiSBERY. * • This August lti, II s lii). “ * • . . • • G. .1 1 • . , • vJ ,0 , 9 ANNA E. FOSTER ) . vs. > > LihePforflDivorce. WILLIAM FOSTER-) ■ *1 he Sheri:i # l 9 r * o *tle- De .-adant in tl 9 - id- Ivc sn.ted ease -- -I tot . I, ia.| in I count v, afnd it * *. * * P. N. Viel;erß that Defend t o - u ordei Befcndanf app * ,* the next Tei m of this : el| • i ° red in and rfault ou Dt IT * * ‘9 And, ir is*furthi*r oil red that this Rufe ‘■ - puhlls’ied once a month, for fiur ..■•!- *r i /Tlit’ the 1 *\*n k 1 . i;* . Mi INTVI a X VOI'N* I M.ainflff. • *Granttd, Al t!. IE IIAN*'ELI. Jr t *ST D. A true extract ii ft the mffiutes. * • • aug l-mlm LEBBEES DEKLE D. CTk S C * ■ tA’I'ATM OF ti iIOKG IA. T a . Gosiuty. * s'-- o 0 # ® Court of (9rctina, f, May 17, 1860. •Whereas. JOHN McKIIfNON fixeantor of tin ?stat< an-i W :-l 1-14*1 ie- ♦ 1 f deceased, this day makes ami! .. | - ition. to* i i Court for letters of 1 ui-- . 1 .1. . ■ iti -■ . • fj- Ssaid Executoijjiiip — 4 I All persons in: * -1 ire. t’ *’ vn * eir objections in r.aidft’ourt, ft any they hs*’i • orwise said Ifttters granted an*i I plicant at a regular T of t •. **• *• Couißioase in Tiion *-4.- .id e v, , 14: e* i-eoiid i MonSiv in January next. , my 2*3-6’.:i ‘ HlsvL* H. TftCfKE, Ordimtrv. 0“ ‘ ~ . —• # ‘m DTATII €>s- - 4M>G4s5 f. . oinn (oiisilr. 9 IA . *• Cc i.f if Or. * /-y. Mo y 13. let.!). Wit areas, GEORGE. W. J] • VV*f 91 Executors of th s estate 0 ff • a ! Nathaiffel* R. M itch ell, den used, - .’ s: i con. • :s , in;;ii- appli*: tion, liv ],('•> - < - . :->r lt:t--rs <•:’ Dismission from saiff Execute ship oi _ All f.ers--ns inter.■. tei*; 9 9 --hv n--titii -1 t . file Their objections in said Court, if any they ••*ve; < ‘; eidyise said letters 9 ! :’ Dismiio:i apjnieants. at a Re: 4tr Tei-e. *f. ( nr- to he held at the CoiM'thous ■ in Tiioniasville. - *•, on the se cond Monday in January next, 111 av i6-0m HENOV 11. TOOKE. Orditia ■-*. fd EOHGI4, y 35©ASAW J Ot dl’Y. \ * Court of Ordinary. July 2, 186# Whereas t • RoOVEi; * ; istnd -r wit!- tiie Will annexed 1 the esi: je of M- - Daiii, f decea: ed, this day n, niakej applie.-itioii to this Court for filters of Dismission lVoai*-aid administratiou on eaiil estate —* # • , • • All fersjms interested are. then fore. In-tv'-y notified t file their objections fli s.di! (i>urt if any tliej have to said letters being granted; otherftds?- -aiiLletters will he granted and issued at ■ regular Term of said Court, t be held at the Courthouse in Thomasville, said effunyt, on the oeconft Monday in Jaffnarv next •’ jylWiin HENRY 11. TOOKE, Orffinary. 4llniiiiiMntti ‘s Sale. • A\, r ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COEUTHOEM. 1 f door in the town of Irwinville, Irwin Countv Gll., on the FITsT TEI>DAV 1 NOVEMBER mx*. within the legal hours of sale. One lot of laml number two hun dred and seventy-three (273.) lying in the fourth district . of Irvyn county, belonging to tin estate of Thomas Kitch ens, deceased. Sqjdl'or the benefit of the lav. -and cred itors. Terms casn. •uu-r 2‘J-4!)d JOHN FLANIGAN. Adm>. IB - o fl. o .?a-*s Suiv. . A A TILE BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURTHOUSE 9 T v adoAr in the town of irwflnville, Irwin County, Ga. outlie FfRsT#rUESDAI*in Nt • \ EMBER next, vttithin the legalfliours of sale. Otie lot of land, nutnher seventy, ioi). > lying in the fourth district of Irftrin coutjty, belong ing to’the estate of Delaney Shaw, -ormerlv, nf-w Del;-, ney Lambert, d€cewu and. Sold for the benefit of the lftirs and creditors. Terms cash. , lg 29 lit! JOHN FLANIGAN, A*dm’r. 9 AdmlniMratoi'.-* Notice. AEE INDEBTED To iff 11 ; ESTATE f\ fft Mrs. liniraiieth -io*tdy, late of Tiiotnas Countv deceased, are hereby notified4o come forward and make immediate paviiftnt, and those litfi’ing demands acainst said estate, will present fl en* i> --perlv authenticated, in terms of the law. * ‘ 9 Oct. 10, 1860. JOHN D EDWARDS, Adtn’r. • Notice. CIXTY DAYS AFTER DATS APPLICATION • ’ will be made to the Court of Ordinary, of Brooks County, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Henry Anderson late of said county deceased. Tliis September 12th, 1860. L. B. A. C. ANDERSON, ) , , , aep 19-60d 0 JAMES McMULLKN, Executor’s 0 Notice; A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE v\ of A. J. DrrPlate of*Thomaa County deceased, eith er by note or account, are hereby notified to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against said es tate wifl 0 present them duly authenticated, in terms of the law. • sep 12-40d _ JOHN C. FANNING, Ex’r. t<hnin;N <l i'<it(>i'’ t Notic. OIXTV DAYS AFTER DATE APPLICATION )“ will t-e made to the Court of Onhnarv of Brooks , County for leave to sell the lands and neg'roes holonging* to the estate of John Groover, late of said county ceased —the widow’s dower excepted. net 3-60*1 JAMES H. GROOVER. fi / \ SACKS extra Rio Coffee, Powder, Lead and Purcussion Caps ; for sale bv sep 17 B F HUBERT. O •