Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 28, 1860, Image 3

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MISCELLANEOUS Thk Am*tga.matio>- or La sot'ages—There is a growi- g temh-my in this sure to appropriate the n. st cx*i Mtin words of other and after awhile to 1 incorporate them into our own; thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifying “for the head,” is j now becAuing popularised in connection frith Mr. S; tl ding's great Heaoach 9 it oil will soon be use<^ in a more general way. and the word Cephalic will soon become m comm t retype and many others win we distinction M foreign worth has been won #\F i v I * roiuiuon usage until they seem “ native and to the man ner boru.” • ** .. ’drdly Realized. ° ’ Hi ’ad ‘ii ‘orrihle eadache this hafternoon. han i I step . -m, “(Jan | j 1 ■ - • * !• - ‘ ■IJi - H< xceed neit, •says hi, hand up<i that ’# gave me a Cephalw I’iil, hand ’poo me ’.>>r it sited me I ••* quick thar I ‘ardhr realised I ad ’ad (p ‘ead he * , . •, ® it’ Headache is the favorite by which nature mak known auv # deviation \t e ; r ,, IU tin- natunc state of Jbe brain, and Aewed in this liota it may be kxdt- I fed on a* a safeguard intended to‘give notice of diet which murlit ot -rtn.-e escape attention, tiif too late “to he ft’ iio 1 ■ 1 niqj it -i mi. <atne. is - mid never ■■■ n. o ] ed. Headaches may be classified under two nasties, viz ‘ ’Symptomatic aijd Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common and is the ptecursorof a gi-.-at va i •ty of diseases, among which are Aftoplexv, r. Rheumatism, and tto 1 KbrOs diseases la n- nervoos form it i> syiqpathetic ot duaijg ot stomache const! Ituur tick ot bepa ic diseases copAtitntingtoi/- loisheadache, of worms, c-► i.-tipation und # other di^or-o d'-rs of tin- bowels, as well us reflal and uterine atli-c tioiis. Discus •„ of the heart are vert fr<- pii-utly attended \\f . lit ad.a .Ana-mi* and pet Lora are a!- ■ alt ■•■ tin: - ‘which frequently occasion nestische. liik>|fttl)ieHs sc he is also very common, being usually distinguished bv ! tin- name of nervous !u in; trite, sometimes coiiyng on sutl J denlv in a state <ff apparently sound health and brostra ] ‘UUg at once the mental and physical energies,"and in nth • r lnstauees it c-oim-s on sltAvly. heralded by ift-pressi m * of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most instances the j pain is in the (font ot the head, over one or both* eves, ! and sometimes provoking toniitinp; under this class may * be feetoed At KfWgiff. • 1 or the treat ii s itlc-r das? >f headache tin* (?vph nlic Pils have been font*! .r -.11'; remedy, relieving’ the most acute pains in a few minufe - , and liy its subtle pow cr tjradicating the diseases ot winch (feaduAie is the iui fernng index. . . • o ~ ° • * i B%ii>;kt.—Missus to %en<f her a lex of Cephalic Glue. no, a*bottle f Prepared Pills, —lug* I'm thinking that's not just it mother hut perhaps ye'M’be” aftlier knowillff \vl af it is. 4 e see she’s nigh dead and .gone with the >rk Ileadm h, and wuntq sogje store of that same asrelaived her belorre • J>ruir<ritl. — 1 ou must Spalding's Cepflalic Pills. Bridget. —Och! sun ‘iow ami yon’ve sed it. here’s the qitniftiirr and give me the Pills and don't be till dav about it aether. # . . *” * Constipation or Costiveness. X(I our I'i till- “liiiiin ills Hcsh*is he*ir to “ is so preva-< lent, so little understood, and sft much neglected as Con ti (renew. Often ociginetlhg carelealhess, or sedentary Tmbits, it is regarded as a slight disorder of too little con sequence to excite anxiety, wltile in reality it is the pre eetoer a so esespnnion >4 many es the most fatal ami dan geroiis diseases, and unless ea'itv eradicated it will bring the sufferer to an fen timely grave. Anting the tighter evils ot which costiveness is tbe anal attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles, and oilters of like nature, white a long train ot frightful dis eases such as Muleruaut Fevers, Alci-scs. I l>i arrhcea, Uvspepsia, EpilepSy, Paralysis,” 11 vs teria. 11 Alelanchol v ami first in dicate their presence in the system by this alarming svinp togi. Not antre<|Ueutly the disease s named ’originate in Constipation, but take on an independent existence uif- the cause isg-radicated in an eurlv stage. From till these considerations it tlftir file disorder should Peeeive iuntiediate attention whenever e oeeuri#. and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on Jthe first appearance of the compHUnt, as their timely use will expel the insidious approaches.of disease aufl de stroy this foe to human life. . • A Real Bfessing. n *— t if. Mrs. JopePrhow is headache? Mis J nes. —(ioue! Doctor, all gone! the pill you sent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish yort would send more that I can have them handy. , Physician. — koo can get them at anv*l)ruggists. C*ll fur Cephalic l’ills, I tpid they never fail, atyJ I recom n*tnl them in all eases of lieatlaehe. * • M .. ./• net. — 1 shall send for a box ftirectly, and shall tell all mj’Mitl'ering friends, for tliev are a real JJcssmj. * * . * ‘ *- Twfnwv Al*n i.ions.of Doi.i.aks Saved.— M. Spal ding*hiis sold .two millions ot bottles ot his celebrated Prepared (*lue. and st is estimated tlmts-ach bottle stives a# lcast.Vn difflars’ Worth of or. -ken*furniture, tlifls tna king an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaim rktr-nn total loss by tliis invention. Hava g liulje bis (Hue ;t household word, lie now propose to do the world still greater svvieg by curing till tita aching heads \fit!i his Cephalic Pills, and it tlu-v are as good ;a. bis < ilia- Her iw iies will soon vanish awav like .snow in July! . * # w!F'CI* KR tm in ‘*, nt. and the mental and anxi- Sv incident to close attention tobnsim s> or study, are among tin- numeromSi aut-es of Nervous Headaelie. Tiie disorderecl sfutc of mind and body incident to This dis tn a-ini: complaint is :i is-tt.l -w t<f sill energy ssnd ambi tion. Sufferers by this disoificr can always obtain •ffee dy relief.ftxim t tressing attacks by mums om of the Cephalic Fills whenever the*syiupß>ins a appeqr. Ii quiets the overt asked brain, and soothes the strained and jawing nerves, and relaxcs.tlie of the*stomach which always accompanies and aggravates the disorder ed condition of the bruin. . • | . | a V\ct Woiith Knowing.—Spalding's Cephalic Pills are a certain fen t'w Sick 11 caducity, liilious Headache, Nervoua Headache, CostivemA and (ieneml Debilitv. . • * a - *’ • (!nr \t fry.—Among the most imj -rtant of tnl fke great lyedieal discoveries of this age may be consider ed the svsteiu of vacibn.ition for protection from Small Pox. the I.*jdinlic I’iU for relief of Headache, atfil the use i<f Qnigine tfer tne j revention*of Fevers, eitheg of wflicli is a sure specific, whose benefits will be experi enced by suffering humanity long after their discoveries are forgotten. * • ‘ CURE ‘ . NepyousHeadache I>y the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Xer ror or Sick Hrrytache may be prevented ; jjnd jf taken git the commencement of an attack immediate felief from pain and sickness will t>e obtained. They seldom*foil fei removing the X*i,ca and* Head achr to which females subject. * They act getoly upon the*bowels,—removing Codin’ .HCJJ. • • “For Literary Men , Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as.a attre, tbe app- g- gtoing ton, and rigor to “the digestive organs, and restoring the neural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC FILLS are the result 8f Aong inves tigation and carefully conducted experiments, having been °.in use man/ years, during which time they hare pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether.originating in the nervous sys . tern or from a deranged state of tbe stomach, o They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and •may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making anychange of diet, and the absence of ani/ disa greeable taste renders it easy to administer tke?n to children. . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have live signatures of Henry® C. Spalding on each Box. • ° • Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE 25 CEWTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C- SPALDING, IS Cedar Wlreet, New York. PUFF! PUFF! PUFF! From ort llie “ I’ver Faithful Isle.” .TEST RECEIVED. 4 41 Hi M l HAVANA ( IG A RS—DIFFERENT I ’’O Mrt f Grades—to be had at 0 oct ID 0 MERRILL & PAINE'S. Enquire Within for Anything You Want, • Or M aul to linoa ! •MERRILL & PAINE, ■ HaVe t‘”W in S 1 ORE. perhajW, the most wonderful • (ij-iH-erii'. A Prsrisionii, i mtgi tiiible, ! and would here nr, to all in search of aniriment and sometl mg •*• g ° g, tl at t ey would do well to call l by—for the induccttenlt held forth by th?m are safely I tempting. . • 1 Tn addition to tbe UMmrtenaaoefeof their line, they hare ! a fitting v * tion of Wooden-Ware. pt K • • MERRILL A PAINE • Hsfnled. Wanted. .* • \N > . vit\ ofdllDES. tor wliitoi Bc. fr. lb. will be i aid in trade—by * . oct 17 ‘ . MERRILL APA INI, J. 1 l-NC \ KOTTI.E UQI ORH.-Nectar Whisky, | I Brandies <>f ‘ \l:r. _s. Schnapps, (lid Jamaica Rum, Call, Mountain Dew, Mifet Juleps, and all kinds of Liquors, Wtnes and Cordials, for sate t>v *• j • • MErtiyi.L PAINE. MJBHi'l, >. os. I n-ligo, Copperas. Saltpetres *- ’Alum, ,\>~ i • .1 ( .uidy. Fancy ih>. French “Mixed do.. L. ■. ••ii S\ ; up. nil*. -. # Ink, Powder, Shot anj Lead, ; Percussion (kips. Matches, White Lead, Pipes, Pipeheads, F®ay Glaze 1 Pipes. Cidi-i- and Ap[ih- Vinegar, Crack efts, Cheese aifU Butter, fcigio., Ac. Call at o<t 17 MERRILL A PAINE’S. . touts, CJa(s.° Oats. i.W U 1 BUSHELS OF OATS—FOR DISTftIBU H t lion at • • oct 10 • MERRILL A PAINE'S. Flour. .Flour. Flour. ” I H m I liOFNDS FLOUR. IN SACKS TO SUIT •** 1 t • vs. j*st in store and for sale by 110 • * MERRILL to PAINS PoliftOAK. m BARRELS ( iiols K liysll POTATOES; JUST in Store and for stile by • * • oct 10 * MERRILL A PAINE. C offee. Sugar. Kiee. &e. ‘ Cl o rFj:F. ‘'I'CAR.H H t.HACON.LMtI), POTASH J Fine Wines, and Liquors , m and hunflreds*of other things, are now to be had at.* ° *• oct M MERRILL A PAINE'S. to • Hotter and Clieese. nKK and cheese, just recElv r eil at ** [oct 10] • MERRILL A PAINE'S. fsacti. ISucou. Itiubn. IH twin POINDS BACON SIDES; A* “i* rived and for sale lv oct It) MERRILL A PAINE. .• • • \Vines. Wla'es. * . PORT. M \f)EIRA SHERRY !VND VA Claret M ifics -. for sale bv * oct It). ‘ MERRILL A PAINE • Kecefved, • rjMIE “OLD OAKEN BUCKET,” OR PLANTA -1 tion toddy—an excellent Morning Beverage, con ceded to be the !rnt delit-ioifs, wholesome, and effectual Tnftic iiathc world; especially a*lapted to.llie climate of Aiin-r c.i, and sii - -ulff be on the sideboard of every fain i- Iy, and oil the bar xT every well regulated liotel; at . [oct 10J a MEttRI^L& PAINE’S. • Tobaeco, Tolku co, OF UVfRy OCALITY, CHEAP—From ‘2O Cents to !*2.()fe pi r iKHind, ;R*. oct 10 . • MERRILL A PAINE’S* to Waldifek. Flocks and Jewelry UEPAIRED UPON THE SHORTEST NOTIC’D, And Warrnnlrd lo Ciiiyc -Jj&g JOSEPH JEPiGEff, M.q - Having removed*from Ids AjS , old Stand, t ~ next below J. P. Arnold, bus titled up and opened his P.-tablislma-nt on the opposite side of the street froiq John St^ the * 0 * Slmicr i-'oriuer[j Oeeii|rieil !>\ Jn. Iff, (! ray. fie *vspeetfuU v invites his old patrons to visit his new location. #nd pYoniises to he found qlways on hand and rcadv to do tin- work, as cheap, and with as great dis patch ii* huretotore. 4 He has on hand, also, a fine assortment of CLCFOIvS, WATCHES and JEWELRY, which lie offers for,sale on the most leitSonaliie terms. Call and examine. *•. JOSEPH JERGER. . Tlionmsviiic. tfetober 14. 1800. e lv •* * Apfdcs. BBIJLS., in good order, received and for sale 1in p , .octbf , J DUN STARK. O\fo W I'nlatarx, Clnji-sr, Crnclm-.; Itlnel^- erel and Salnfem in Kitfe. put up for fainiiv use; re ceivtfe sale by [oct2l] JOHN STARK. Negars and Tobacco. 4 LARGE AND ifiiLECT LOT of fine brands, for sale l>i . (octal] JOHN STARK,* Brandy and. Wines. . \ CHOICE I OT nf the *bit •French Brandies, and 1 a iiclPatid Italian Wines, such as Marsala Madeira, Cipeio fc Ncliiola, Muscat, Sardinian Qlaret.; also, Hock and Port Wines, of these are specially tit for . MEDICAL I^URPO^ES. Received and for sale bv * .oct 31 ‘ JOHN STARK. ‘( andicN* Fundics. , l L 4 \RGTi QP AN I ITY. of my otvn Manufacture, and . \ smile >rted French Caddies, oil hand ato I for sale bv the box or stick, by • pctfll * . JOHN* STAKK. •KTotice. ‘ t LL TIB).BE* INDEBTED TO JOHN II LOWRY, iJ\ bv note or account,*for 1858 and 1859, tire requested to conff forward and make payment Jicfore return dav to next Superior (Amrt, as I mqst hav<* my dues, or others will suffer. • *, , i•i * r ii A C t'AtTYT'iT I JIU V\ 1 I I cV i* \V.JIx X are yet at, their old stand, ready to supply the demands of the riding and plowing pqblic. • . . JOHN H. LOWRY. September 2t>, 1800. ‘ • ts FOR SAXjE. A. 11. WILSON “ ‘ votv OFFfRM Ills* FNTIItrc STOCK Os GOODS ; >r sale on the most reasonable terms. Any* person wishing to engage in the , . * Tl ERF i VI’S Ml RI Sn'ESS, will finft a bargain, as he wishes to close his business at Groowrville. , TIIRMS. LIBERAL.* He will sell the entire stock and Store house together, or a part of the stock, which is made up of abfeut Ten Thousand Dollars worth of Goods, well • I Customers buying iff Kelail will* find bargains, here that will all. The object is to SELL at some price, and for or prompt paying customers. Oooda/fea be boQ(kt low . .. • Groyvcrviilc. (bi . Nov 7, JB6O. • • * *tf • OYSTER SALOON. r. r o TII E LrXl'BY-bOVIKG PEOPLE OF JIIOMASVII.LE a . f -> We take this opportunity to that weF \j m ) havf just opened a regular 0 \liL/ EATING-^ALdON, On Mack son Street,*in the “Red House,” opposite the Post Office, where we are prepared to serve up Oysters. Ham and Eggs. (Birds. Fish, and every tlftng the market affords, at short notice, upon the most reasonable terms. Bills of fare will lie furnished at the table. Good order will he required amd enforced at all times. SANFORD & LIGHTFOOT. Thoiuasville. Nov. 7. 1860. ts Administrator's Sale. \YULU be sold, at thesCourthonse door in the town of rhomasville, Thomas county, Ga„ on the First I'iicday in® December next,the following property, to-wit: Three negro boys, from 10 to 14 years of age, very likely. A beautiful residence, elegantly Stunted aiyj convenient for business in the town. The lot is large and dwelling and other houses all new, having been fit ted np in good style at larae expense. This is a rare op portunity for procuring a good and desirable residence in Thomasville, as few such places can be purchased with out a large expenditure. Also, anew two-story brick store house, in excellent condition, now occupied bv Messrs. Wolff At Bro. This house is located on the main street, in the most business part of town, is large and commodious, commanding high rents at all times. Property anywhere in its neighbor hood is in demand at the highest prices, and the attention of purchasers is especially directed to this store house and lot as an opportunity very rarely afforded in Thomasville. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the es tate of Hansel R. .Seward, late of Thomas county, de- C6HSC(i. nor l JAMES A McLENDON, Adm r. \nnnum mmm .. „ /s!iE^ W HO W ILL BE OUR NEXT President I* NOT YET ©ECIDKD BUT WHERE TO BfY . THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS is DECIDED—AT THE NFAV CASH ‘STORE OF . Wolfeohn. Kapp & Cos., o NEXT DOOR TO THO.UPSOX V I* I T.VIA A . o CALL* AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. A\ r E lAYE NOWON HAND AND ARE DAllv it m t-iving, every variety of CJOt>DS adapted to* tf* nun i:■ ■t. for the FALL AND WINTER SEASON, which we will wII at raeh mark ably low prioc*M#o astonish e#ery Ixtdf who favor us with a cull, i T<) THE LADIES, we offer an elegant assortiiqpt of # DRESS f.OODS, ‘ which clfallengv c. with any stock ever brouglrt i to this market, mvurietv and prices, consisting of • *’ 9 . *•>?*>. * . . l> 1 K • .VSILKK ° ° O Rohes, Fanca H * • CS .Silks, lifm k Silks. W 4 ( M Em! Joidered A plain < • H —“UOI’LINS O E (’hern Madomi.Cliche Dehegc. O it bkociie rest * < i> a it i-: uh* \ i <: i. A i > :. *t. Slots) S'laiit and Figured; Alpacas, of till shalfes and qualities, BomWzines, pl.fln and igured; Opera Flannel, white* and red Flannel, of all grades. * DRESS 2T RIMMltfCiS Os all kinds, colors and qualities—Silk Velvet Buttons, Jlonnet Velvet Ribbons,Y-tc., etc. EM imOilH*Rll> R WHITE GOODS. fiwiss, CanTbric and Linen 0 • Thread Laces, ValetMcnnes Laaes. Embroidered Collars and Sleeves, • Figured Collars and Sleeves, 0 • • Crape Collars “and Sleeves, Linen Collars and Sltftvee, a ‘ Swiss and Jaconet Muslin, Real Swiss Embroider'd agd Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. ‘.HOSIERY AND CLOVES. In these articles oar stock is complete, embracing a large assortment of all liiuls, qualities, sizes and prices—La dies’ and YY'hite, Brown, Mixed, Shite, Cotton, Lisle, Silk and Ylertno Hose; Gent’s and Boy's Wliifb, Brown and Mixed Ilalf-llose ; Gent’s and Boy’s White and Airey Merino Half-Hose; Lady's ;ytd Gent’s Kid Gloves and Lady's and Gent’s \\*orsted, La ity’s and Gent's Buck Gloves and Gauntlets. If ITS .k\l> C APS, \t all prices and qualities, from a common Wool Hat to the Beaver. * • ROOTS AAt> SHOES. Cent's Double-soft;, Water proof Boots; Gegit’s Stitched sole IVgjjcd Boots; Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, Eng lish l ies. Lady’s Congress and Highland Gaiters, Kid and. Calf Boots, Heeled Kid Slippers, Misses’ and Chil drens’ Shoes, in great Variety; all yf which We Will Jell cheapo* than they can be bought anv wßerc else. ROXAETS At YIIEEIYERY GOODS. YY e have a clioiee lot of Paris Bonnets, Flats, Lady’* and Misses Hats, etc., on Tiaad; and, also, a large stock of Milinery Goods anil Materials, which are notable for beauty, ;gul cheapness, and we are confident* that we can suit most anvbodv. . A LOIIiS AND SItAWLS. • Me have ju-.t received a.line assortment of the latest style of Cloak* and Shawls, which we especially invite the Ladies to come and examine. They consist of Silk Velvet Cloaks,* * • Plush Cloaks, • , . Bea'fer Broadcloth Cloaks, , • Misses’ Cloaks, • . . • Stello Shawls, ° . • • Baoch’e Shawls. • Worsted Shawls. APPROPRIATE FOR BOTH LADIJ-lSand MISSES. • .. Hoop shims, ?n endless variety—from Twenty-five Cents up to Three Dollars. „ VLGJIO i\l) DOMESTIC F;OOts. We partieuh-.rlv invite alt the planters, liirge and small, to give tis a c;*tl and examine our stuck of Negro and Boniest ic Goods, such as * * KEttSWYS. STRIPES, * * OSNABURGS, • * • BLAN*KETS, Of*all colort ahd qualities, wliiels we will at prices to suit everybody. We also have on hand a large assort ment flf Red Negro Brogans, (Georgia make,) which we can sell at “t-eat bargains. • * * . Jl'i-iinks, t ; 1 3in*■ *> null CafitcGßags. I if’ Also, a large and Veil selected assortment of fine W ATFIIFS A°Al> JEWELRY, Guaranteed to be of good quality, which we will sell at small profit. • . P. S. Wo invite inspef jionsind comparison. No tron hie to show our goods, even if you do not buy! . cash, As we can sell cheap onlu for the Cflsli. woi/fmohn, kApp & CO. Thoiuasville, Oct, 10, 1860. , qt a k i<:n ‘city Sewing Machine. •■QT.EASE call at the Furniture Stoe of the sub g scribers and witness the performance of a dou ble thread jewing Machine, ■which has just made its (jdvent in our place. A large number have heen sold in the middle counties of Georgia during the .present year, by t lie agent of the SttUe of Georgia, aifel are giving geueraf satisfaction. TJieSubscrib ers have tl*e agency for this place and vicinity. .. REMINGTON & DEKLE. Thomasville, Ga. ® dec 12*f , ’ 4<luiiuis!rator's IVQtloe. • , CUNT v DAYS AFTER DATE APPLICATION s’ will*be made to the Court o# Ordinary of Brooks County for leave to sell the lands and negroeffbolonging to’tlic estate of .Mm Groover, late of said founty de ceased —the widow s dower excepted. • oct 3-60d . JAMES H. GROOVER. S.TATK OF BFOltfa t. Tliomn* County. Court of Ordinary , October 1, 18fe0. Whereas ANBHL DEKLE, Gmlt-dian of the person and property “f Al],liens Dckle. minor, makes application by*petition, to tjjis Court, for letters of Dismission from said Guardianship— ° ® ° All persons interested are, therefore, hereby notified to file their objections in said Court, if any they have; oth erwise said letters x\*il! be ifrauted and issued to said ap plicant, at a regular Term of said Court, to he held at the Courtliofese in rhomasville, said county, on tfu: second Mondav in Janftary next. ’ ° . oet 24 40d ‘ HENRY H. TOOKE, Ordinary. J_jea*tlier, Leather*. •• OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER— f Harness and Bridle Leather, D • Htnie String and Ppper Leather, ’ Oil Tanned Lacing Leather, 0 .Leather, •• , • • Calf Skins, Lining Skins, De£r Skins. Pad Skins, And Horse Hides, • Alwnvs on hand and for sfje, opposite the Murket House, 1-y “ McGLASHAN ic KITTLE, Thomasville, Oct. 31, 1860. 2m • Belting! Belting!! ANY QUANTITY OF • * * . • j !R utobor Belting^ On hand and for sale cheap, bv o McGLASHAN 6c LITTLE, Opposite the Market House. Thomasville. October 17, 1860. 3 m Photographic Gallery.” Remington s photographic gallery, i OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Sphereotypes, And any other styles of Pictures taken in a supe- | rior manner. Stock of material, of all kinds, on hand and for sale. *** Instructions given in the Art. mh 18 J. WHIFF t ill. RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE CITIZENS OF ThomaNvilie nnd Vicinity, that they have moved to their N*EW STORE, next door to Dr. E. Seixas, and are now opening their • ’ NEW mi yn f\m coops) , ° CONSISTING OF 1 • E&CE ill FAICY BISS SILKS.. FRENCH MERINOS DELAINES, • Miaw lsf I loaLs. llonnefti.Mq AND .AoLARGE STOCK OF domestic dry-goods. A large St.>ck of Gents'. Youths’ and Bovs CLt )THING. HATS. SHOES and FURNISHING •GOODS; and a great many other articles, too numerous t* mention. If 3 As we have done busines in Thoniasville tor sev eral rears, we think At useless to mgke a great CRY in th.; PAPERS. * YV# wMI not be surpassedrin quality and prices by any one. • sep 19 1 rnsMAS uiiaa v imikiok court, A In Chambers, September la/h. 18(50. That the citizens of Thomas funny may have fall time to look into the propriety of ytking stock in tlie dtailroad licivtotgre ordered to take plac*- on the second i Satigday in October next— It is ordered that saW dlecrton he postponed to the first TnSadav in Junuar*. IBtii * *. ■ 0 ‘ R. R. EVAtS. .1 T. C. NOAH PARRAMORE. .T I C. , 0 JAMES 11. HAYES, J. 1. C. a It is that this notice he published in the Thoin asville papers iditil the election. • R. It. EVANS,*T t C. : • * . NOAII PARRAMORE, .T I. C. * . JAMES 11. HAYES. J. 1. C. fflie ahove*is a 4rue transcript of an oWler from tliw ftiinntes of said Court, Sci>t. lath, 1 Still. 0 > sep 19-td#• * LKBBEUS DEKLE, D. Clerk.. •* Sugar Beelers, &c. • 1 )/• SU*GAR BOILERS— 50 TO £a GA LIONS— -w* 1 nonets (tin (tear —9 and 10 feet—Fire l)og*, W?I1 1 WlierAs, &c.i just received and for suit hv e ■eg 5 E RE.M4NG’i'ON*& SOX. .NetC Fall Goods ! New" Fall Goods! * E Wolffs Bro * T THEIR* OLD STAND. NEAR JOllx STAItK'S .1 . tV.MTit''HO.VII.I ,• ° , base now receiving and will he cousbmtlwreceiving fi . A VERY LARGE STOtJv OF • 0 •FALL Am Wilma goods, • SUCH AS EWlltY VAItftlTY OF r, STAPLE4FiffICY GOODS,’ . usually kern in a lirst-class Dry Goods Store; Mcrfnos, Coburglis, de Laities. Brocade and Fancy Silks; Also.*;j large assortment of Plain, Black Silks; o De Ba*rc. Figure*! and Plain (all wool) de Laities; Alpaias, Bombazines, Shawls, Cloaks Mantillas Lhdy’s . Bonnets and Hosiery; and Hiany other articles, too numerous to mention. * • Algo, a large aifcl fine as- _ ______ • sortment of * REAUY*MAI>E CLOTHING,* “/ G EVEN’S * * • •fisiii Hois, Sm W * BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ : a i* o rs? x isr o-, HOOTS. SI£OES, 91 kTS° and CMI*S,&c. •* Togetlier with a large assortment of s ( Cutlery, Tgbacco, Segars, & Perfumeries, • of all kinds ••ilia descriptions, • ... /a.;; 1; &mn vzw • Z P"We beg leave to call the particular*atteiition of Farmers and Planters to our • ••’ Domestic and Negro Goods, . SVCII AS . Kerseys*, OsnaSsurfrs, Ilomespmis, * (Plain and Striped,) .• . itiMl Sirogaiis and Blanhclk* , • 0 •lif ‘Oftr Stock is very lar*e, well selected!, bought low,,111(1 will he sohlto suit the purchaser. 0 \Ve tire prepared to compete with any rnerchajit .South, and therefore suv to you jil*, come •util examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as*it is to your cA*n interest. . • *• •* ... H. WOLFF.fc BRO. P. S. YVe iyvite inspection and comparison, its we*do not charge for showing our Bonds. Jl* AV. A B. Thoniasville, 5, IStK). • ts ’ One Htuitlml & Seventy-Jive Dollars TIANAWAV OH ENTICED FROM THE PREMIS esTif the undersigned, twelve miles south of Tliotn .asville, im* hoy i'.i.i A s, about thirty years old, feet and one or two inches high, walks ? rect and will weigh our hundred and seventy or eighty pounds, speaks quickjy when excited, wore a* goatee and Wt on a dafk hay hiirsc of good size with a white spot in the face, a good saddle horse ana about efglit years old. ELIAS is a very bright mulatto, almost white, hair almost straight and will no doubt attempt to pass asi white man to some free State, or under the projection of some abolition em issary. • ** f will pay SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS for thedcliv try of said boy and horse to me, or a satisfactory reward for either, confined where I can get them, and will pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for maif, with proof to lamvict him of carrying off the negro. •„ ‘ CICERO 11. YOUNG. Thoniasville, Ga., April 18, ISGO. * ts ’ .Y t (out foil Tlie ‘Wlioie. YITISIIING TO GRATIFY THE TASTE AND YV fancy of all, we have made arrangements to supply those ‘ who prefer them,” with • Buggies. Uocliaxvays anti Carriages, - • ° Manufactured at the North of Seasoned. Timfcie^. W e slfta.ll fjso keep on hand, those of our own ’ make. YVe ship our 0 . iliths, Spokes and Slims from the North, of which we always order tins beJt. j Whether we get flic seasoned ones i* - not, is a*matter ! of nuconcern to the purchaser, as we • • Warrant our Work ; • * | and that is sufficient, as John Smith said when his <( “gal” told hipt she “ would “marry hint if she died for it.” Therefore be it * • Resolved , That all who arc in need of sorrfctliing® to vije in. who wish their horses shot! so they tfill not fall down, and plcw? made and repaired so they will gdd 25 per cent to the harvest,"be advised and recommended to call at 9 .Adopted. . LOWRY & SWIFT’S, op 4 w ® ts S*ir MiiHncry Ilsial>li*linient. MRS. w. T. SEA.VERS, Fletcher street, t second door aboye Stark’s, keejis con stantly on hand a general assortnjent of Ngyv Fashionable Millinety Goods” and for sale upon the most reasonable terms.. s3s“* The Ladies o°f Tliomasville and vicinity arc j respectfully requested to call ;pud examine my Stock of fine FashionaTjJe Bonnets, Ribbons. Flowers, Caps, Head Dresses* Embroidery, etc, now on hand. Particular attention given to Dress Cutting. Thomasville. February 18. 1800. ° -o — *2 ° Carpenter's Notice. IXIIE undersigned offers his services to the citizens of Thomasville and surrounding as a House Carpenter, capable of taking charge of °and carrying on any and all kinds and styles of work in Ins line. Persons wishing work done to or der with dispatch will do well to give him a call, and his greatest motive will be to please. feb 4-1 y l. F. RUSSELL. To Consumptives. rTMIE ADY ERTISER, having been restored to*health A in a few weeks bv a verv simple remedy, after hav ing suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescrip tion used I free of charge,) with directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption , Asthma, Bronchitis, 4’C. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted,and spread information which he conceivesto he invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his re medy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Persons wishing the prescription winr (dense address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, oct 10-1 y Williamsburgb, Kings County, N. Y. TAKE NOTICE. OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS WILL PLEASE Take Notice, - that on the FIFTEENTH ‘'A” “V £ a OF. OCTOBER, we will , v .’-m-FZ,. Cash? v. ; SYSTEM, ami by doitlg so, we feel as v* sty/ ° sured that we can make it to our interest and to the inter, -? of our patrons, as we ex peel to ifiake . Quick Sales & Small Profits. * { These terms will be strict!y%dhePed to at all times and with all people. • * a <t J ts LIGHT Ft >l >T A- SANFORD. ■ • 3Sn±3"W • CLOTHING STORE. Nexv IFirm. Y\ r E. THE I NftERSIONED, REsPIK TFULLY * T inform the citizens of • , . o Tiioniitfville and vi.-iuitv 0 . I that ivf have loaned a* c .fY, * rOPARTMiIIMIHP, CLOTIIIB STORK, 1 ‘# AT THE OI.D ST \M) OK - V i\ JOHN P. APvNOLD . ‘ j Next door to E Reining ; -s— - ton A Son. wlu we will keep on Hand a full assort ment of the latffst styles of 9 Ml Miff SLDtfUiU Among which will be found a good m*ny articles of our own l. :.nui*, tnr . Our stiu * i-nusists of Coats, Pants. Y'ests. Olyaks, Talmas, Shirts, Undershirts, of Silk, Meri no aim Cotton, Gloves. Neck-Ties, Cravats, Stocks, Pock et-Handkerchiefs, Half II >se. Suspenders, Ac.. Ac. , ° ILNTI.f: I t lIMSIIIMt t.OODS. YVe have, also, on hJml a large Stdek of (! ENTLEMEX'S FURNISHING GOODS, consisting^;!’ ISroml i'lotlis, 9 ('n-titncrc*. Vest-Slatterns, • 0 MatinrtK, . (ii'iiliicli; Jrnnn, ** . • o TwrnN, Aw-.. Ac. And n great many other articles, usually to he found in a FIRST-CLASS ‘1 AI LOR INO ESTABLISHMENT, which will J'e made to order, in the latest styles of the 9rt, or sold in anv quantity desired. ’ i> We do not preteml'to sell TWENTY FI YE PI*R * CENT CIILAUER THAN ANVBODV ELSE, Imt if you will try find that we will sell as cheap is can he afforded m this market. *** Liberal deductions . . # ARNOLD A JERGER. . sep 5-tfJ ° Merchatlf Ttfflors. tm : —T* • • Copartnership. IN T E. THE UNDERSIGNED. IIAY’E THIS DAY I T entfred into a ( Ol'A 16TN i: 16M198P, to he styl ed and known as * • , ’ MERRILT/& P..UNE, and take this method i u fnforming our patrons and friend# Umt we will KEI^’CONSTANTLY ON* 11 AND #very tbiiig appertaining to a GROCERY OR PROVISION’ STORE. Very respectfully. • J. S. MERRILL, . T. S. PAINE. 9 ■ n, ■ 9 I>A THE YVAY, ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO 4 the late firm of . * Merrill •& Anderson, are liiosi earnestly requested to come forward and make payment, and so relieve wants aifd supply necessities. ‘Respectfully, • J. S. MERRILL. Thomasville, Aug. x!9, 18(30. sej> dfit Ml Vj sTnrxuTittxixu OO3DIAL * •• A?D * *. Mil * * *. ATO BLCC>O * lly * , °- 3 , iicfoiv taking. ” . ‘ After taking. rutHE (TIIEATEST REMEDY IN THE WOULD, * THU] .MOST DELICIOUS • * AND • 9 ‘Delightful Cordial ’• i:\ 2: si ‘r ts* a-:\ r . It is stflctlv a scientific and X’egetabh Compound, tu-e cured by thiedistillation of Roots. Herbs and Bark. Yel low Dock, Blood Root, Black Ijjoot, Sarsaparilla, YYild Cherry BSrk, and Dandelion enti rs into its conqiOsitioii. Tlie entirieaetive. remedial principle of each ingredient is tfloro uglily extracted by my ifw method of distilling, producing a delicious, exhilerating spirit, and the most INFALLIBLE REMEDY for renovating the diseased system, and restoring the sick, suffering and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH and STRENGTH. McLEAYI’S .STi:i:.MJTiBI!M.\ti ( OEtDI VJ. • • A\ ill effectually cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, o Chronic or Xcrvonf Debility, I)i*casS< of the Kidneys, .and all Diseases arising from a Disordered or . Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inicard Piles , Acidity or Sickness of /hr titumarh, Dull -9ICSS ff I Ills >od to the Head . Dull Pain or 1 ® Siruming in the Head, Palpitff o lion of the Heart, Dullness or H right* in the Stonfaeh, Sour Eructions, Chok , * o fug or Suffocating* • • • * Reeling * when • ... • # J ■ y- n g , s Down, Dryness or Yellowness of the SHin and J'.yps . Right Sweats, Inward m I'cvcr, Pain in the Small of the Bark, Chest or Side 9 Siid<?rn Plushes of . Heat, Depression of Spirits,Frightful • . . Drectus, J.anqor, Despondency • or any Nervous Diseases, Sores or Blotches - _ on the Skin, *. ** * * and FE I ER ANQ AC, UK for CIII I.I.S.AND FRYER.) OVKI6 A HUd.HtA OF KOTTI.EB * Have been sold daring tlie last six •nontlis, and in no in ! stance has failed in giving entire satisfaction. YY'ho, ! then, will stfflfer from Weakness or Debility when Mc- Ls. vn's SruF.vaTiiEMN'i; Cokuiat. will cure*you? No language can convey an sftleqnate idea of riu* im i mediate and almost miraculous change produced hv tak ing this Cordial in the diseased, debilitated and shattered I nervous systefti, wlwther broken down by excess, weak j hy*nature. or impaired by sickness, flic relaxed and un strung organization is rewtored to its pristine litwlth atul vigor. * .tIACJCSES) PERSO.YS, : Or others, conscious of inability, from whatever cause, will timi McLean's Strengthening Cordial a thorough re generator of the system ; anil all who may hve injured themsefres by improper indulgence, will find in the CtN dial a certain and speedy remedy. • . * TO THE LADIES. MchEASr S srBE.YCiTHEJiI.YW (l)KDIAI. • * Is a sovereign and speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Whifes, Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence fg Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof,Fall ing of the 11 ’unitt, <iifliiu <s, Faint- 0 xng and all Disease find- 9 dgif to Females. 0 THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. Suffer no longer. Take it according to Direction* It will stimulate, strengthen and invigorate you and cause the bloom of health to mount four cheek again. EVERY BOTTLE IS WARRANTED TO GIVE 0 SATISFACTION. F O IS* C 19 I I, U B •: Y . If your children arc sickly, puny, or afflicted, McLean's Cordial wilt make them healthy® fat and robust. Delay noton moment; trv it and vott will be convinced. IT IS UELIC'iOIN TO TAKE. CAUTION. — Beware of Druggists or Dealers, who may try to paint upon you some Bitters or Sarsaparilla trash, which they can buy cheap, by saying it is just as good. D Avoid such men. Ask for McLean’s Strengthen ing Cordial, and take nothing elSe. It is the onlv remedy that will purify the blood, apd at the same time “strength en the system. One tablespoonful taken every morning, fasting, is a certain preventive for Cholera, Chills and Fever, Y’ellow Fever, or any prevalent disease. It is put up in large bottles. Price onlv $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for f5. J. 11. McEEAN, Sole Propriet* of this Cordial, Also, McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment. Principal Depot corner Third and Pine Sts, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by E. Seixas, Thomasville Ga ,and T. M. Palmer, Monticello. Fla. jy 18-ly Fruits, Pickles, &c. Brandy fruits, pie fruits, pickles, pi collille Jellies, John Bull, Worcester and Pepper Sauce, etc., etc.; for sale bv oct in MERRILL A: PAINE- SAVANNAH CARDS. EVANS, HARRIS & CO., FACTORS MO COMMISSION MERCHASTS. SAVANNAH, GA., * , C 1 OXTINI'E THE ABOVE BUSINESS. AND ARE prepared to give tlie usual facilities to Planters, aud 0 | receive and sell Cotton, as formerly, at 50 centa per bale. Wt. M. D’Aktiuka'c, ** “ Wm. E. Evan*, George W Evas#, Rout. Y. ilait n i S', seji-ti W 3IU R UII .Y A SMITH, FACTORS &ND COUSIN UIDUA SAVANNAH, GA. Vyn-LGIVEoTIIEIR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION * Y ° to tlu- Shle- o£ Cotton and other Produce consigned to them i mid promptly tiH orders fur Bagging, Hope, ud othr Family Supplies, at current prices. I £* ’ Twenty years experience iu the Factorage Bmrf ness, induces them to offer, with confidence, tiieir ser vices to tlie Planter* of Southern Georgia and Florida. 1 P. S. Wade F. SAxronn, Esq., of Thomnsville, is o agent, to whom we refer our friends ami the public. ! July IS, 1860.,, „ Cm • KA 8 I * 9 —.—.. i ■ •HARDWICK” & CO./ FACTORS 11X0HH1SSIDI MERCHANTS. Bav Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. , R. • HARDWICK, W. K. MjfßSFl* ID, C. C. HARDWICK. j May 23, lSlill. o . 6m i HENRY R CHRISTIAN, SHIPPING ‘ 11 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. SAVANNAH, GA. Refers, by permission, to — - liiraiiA Kolierts, President Merchants’ and*j Pointers’ Bank, | „ I. K. Test, Cashier State Bank of Weorgiu, S Brigham, Baldwin A Cos., O. Cohen <S? Cos., Wilder, Wheat Cos. J °CASn ADVANCES MADE on conslgnnft'nls to m s friends in Boston, New \ ork, Philadelphia and Baltimore.’ Orders IbrPlunt*rf Supplies filled on reasonable terms. May 2,1860. . n ly • •* - ® WM#H. BURROUGHS. . * TSIOS. U. JUtWELL WM. 11. 11l RHOMBUS & tO., . C- MlVhlll /V TANARUS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 97 Iftiv Street, SA Y*\NNAH, GEORt; TA “YP 1 Commission on Upland Cotton 50 ets. per halo. • May 30, 1860. o * ly * • Wii.liam Duxcan, Ja*. H. Johnston.- DUNCAN & JOHNSTON, • Cotton factors SAVANNAH, ‘liefer to MessrsJS. Remington & Son, Donltld McLean, Esq., It.K. Eyans, Esq., B. F. Hubert, Esq.,. • ** Col. A. T. Mclntyre. : „ April 25, 1860. . * . *Cin . DAVANT & LAWTON,-. • MCTOBS, • •SAVANNAH, .GEORGIA.. . SUPPLIES PPKCHASKDFREEOF COMMISSION O for Planters, whose Produce we sell. ('rt*U advancer made to Planters, during tlio Spring aisil Summer, on the Crop of tlie ensuing Fall. * t It. J. Davant, Jr. E. P. Lawtbk. . up 11 tv * *IV • „ KINGS & BAKER* MtmnfMnntn • • * ’and • FORWARDING AGENTS, SAVANtiAIf, G A. Commissiim for Short Staple Cotton, 50 cts. per hale. McL. KING, W. 11. BAKER, F. d^ING. mix 10 w ly “TJSny& GORDON,'•’ COTTOIS FACTORS * AND GENERAL COMMISSI!! MERCHANTS. „96 Bay Stpeet, Savannah, Ga. liefer t Messrs. E Kemington & .Sort* J N McKinnoij & Cos, ,£ol A T Mclntyre, Thompson & Pittman, Major E R Young, . Hayes, Holloway & Cos, Hon JII Whaley, Thomas G Mitclfell, Esq, Dr D Sarandon, Wm C Mitchell, mh 2 \-tHy o —’ Removal, EejnovaL I. Ki piTSIIEK ° rpAKE THIS -METHOD OF INFORMING THE Jl people of Thqnasviile and vicinity, that they have REMOVED • - from their old stand to tin* stor® formerly occupied by” H4VES, HOtLOWAY & fcO., ° where they will still continue to sell GOI>l)S cheapor store in this place; we, therefore solicit the lib eral patronage of old. , „ „ aug 8-ts _ A BRO. EVE BALSAM, • For Weak and Inflamed Eyes. riMIIS BALSAM WAS USED FOR MANY YEARS ■ A in the private practice of a celebrated Oculist, with remarkable success, for diseases of the Eye and Eyelids. There are many persons who would rather suffer from paid and disease through li£e than r red it and try the effi cacy of*any new medical discovery; all such had bettor not read this, but to all reasonable persons this prepara tion is reqpinmcndeih as a most safe and effectual cure for inflammation or soreness of the Eye%nd Evelids, causori either by too close application to minute objects, scrofu>-. lous lmhit, exposure to cold, contusions, blows, or irritu- ° tio# fromxwiy extraneous bodv under the ej'elids. It is remarkably soothing in its effects, and has cured tfton sands who*would otherwise have lost their sight. In cases where tlie Evelids ;u;e inflamed, or the hall of the Eye thickly covered with blood, it tick, almost like magic, and remove# all appearance of intlamation after tw# or three applications. There is a numerous class t>f • persons that oire peJbliarly exposed to accidents or dis -oease that weaken anil inflame the Eyes, and perhaps de stroy the sight, who, from the nature of their employ ments, are compelled to work in a cloud of dug# and grit. Such should never b> without this BALSAM. Remember, “Seeing is Believing.” The following or* tract from a letter just received, refers to one of the many’ similar cases constantly reported : ® o Jkrset City, Oct. 29,1859. Messrs. A. B. ifc D. Sa# ns—Dear Sirs: I have for m number of years been troubled with sore and inflamed Eyelids, which, though they never caused me much pain, . were very annoying on other accounts. T have* tried, a number of medicines at different times without the slight est success.. Seeing an advertisement of your Roman- Eye Balsam, in spite of ijjy scepticism, I resolved to get some, and at least try it. lam now writing this in tne fullest gratitude to inform you II could almost send you a fifty dollar bill) tljat a few and only a few application* have resulted in a complete cure. „ o Respectfully yonrs, L. Zabriskie. Frier 2S Cenn per Jar. 0 Prepared and sold by „ A. B. A D. NAIVDS, WholftSile Druggists. 100 Fulton Street, Corner of William Street, New Tort. For sale bv E. SEIX AS, Thomasville, Ga. <, BEEF! BEEF!! BEEFHf. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Tiioinasville and vicinity, that he is still at his old trade, ° HILLING A.\l> FIKIVISIII-VU TUB • MARKET WITH * FRESH BEER Excellent, sweet meat can he procured by sending to the Market House any morning at the 6 kinging of the hell, o INGING OF THE BEL * KGIXG OF THE BE 6 GING OF THE B IXG OF THE NG OF TH G OF T OF Remember, a* the Seasons change, the Prices ehaag* As the time for stall-fed beef is past, the PRICES ARE LOW. MARKET HOURS—from daylight until 8 o'clock, A. I feel thankful for past fkvore, and still . Remain the citizens’ most humble servant, yy 11-ts ABEL JOHNSON. m ymW Os fiLAIKS 01 Sill