Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 28, 1860, Image 4

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NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST!! *9 3 , m •jn -rot r T I T7T’ /rX I T\T r T 1 ‘ ®j. ‘ Lt Si -vg . ( Jj .41 Receitin? Better Harsaius than Jews or Gentiles Oiler. Imie i ndf.hsk, \i-:i) having adopted the | above motto, begs lojive to call the %ttention of the ladies and gentlen in to tlie eagensive stock of rPRINS AMD SUMMER GOODS, • NiOW IX >i/>RE. CONSISTING OK Muslins, Berages, 9 SIIiKSfc, Tissues, * And Trimmings, * • I fi.-iijonable styles together ‘ \\ . * ’ “ ° (■PntiiMiii uX I'uitiisliiiM? Goods. ° Those wishing - • nothing neat, and at the satin.- time j • APPROPRIATE TO THE SEASON, will !in<l i; to call and examine his Stock fiffore puirliasiug eL®t\vhere. 0 * * ’ 1. i IT,ICES and GOODS <>> suit the ° * o *• . BENJAMIN F. HUBERT, jv 1 .• Atl te < ‘l l Stand of H. W. simile. * - MISS IIAASLLL'f • • Seminary, FOR Yoi mg’ Ladies, • 6s GBKt st: M : ti: i, orriisiTE ST. John's m. k. chu^h, . .AUGUSTA, 6A. *•* . . o Miss C A. HANSEI.L, Principal of 1. ary Department. Miss A. B- ARMSTRONG, 0 *. Frind)Ni] of Vocal and lustnynental Mqhc. i 9 |IIIE DESKJN OF THIS INSTITUTION IS TO I afford Young Lames facilities for a tkorough,extend ed and acconi/ 4i*lied education. To make them Scholars „ worthy the intellectual character of the age. and capable of sustaining themselves in elevated posititai in socie ty. It seeks tb develope not memory merely, but-, judg ment, undersfamhng, taste, and uietv, *liat pupils may .learn to think, reason, mid control themselves. For this fin-pose, a definit • Classiliea imi and Course of Study are adopted—the pupils beginning ftith the foundation of ed ncatioa, reading and spelling, are lead steadily through: ; each being iulvanced ns the various brunches are cotnpre kenM. * A systematic arrangement of classes is daily used, so . that/. Aim PB i’ll, receives a OUST QfIABZ of attention. — Other expera iK ed<v -.U l: l n Teachers will be eniployed # when tin-number of pupils Shall justify it. i'be scholas •tic year wiiLbe divided into tw o sessions, ifineteen v eeks each. Fail Ses * mencing Wednesday, October 3d, 1860— closing February Lull, Spring session com mences ;ii \i lat 1 1 ending June 27th, at \?likh tini?* ■ there frill be an Annual Examination and Corfteft • Kale, of ’fi'uitidn per .Session-* I!> Weeks. Senior. Junior a ,1 Sophonjort Classes §23 00 Freshman and Preparatory, t 20 00 Primary Class,.... 15U Music Piano Forte or Guitar 25 00 . Latin. Fiemh and Einl*r>idery, each. 1000 „ . Sketching, Grecian Painting, 12 eO Oil Painting..". 20 00 Daily eSefcises in VocaT Music free of charge. Tuition paid* tx\akiably, in the uiiddfe of the session. • *. , • . ISofc-eiicOH. iA-v, J R. TV ilaon. I). I#. Auguaa. < Lion. TSomas W. Miller,, Air. Y\ • M. D’Antignac, “ * -Mr. W. Aaanft, ° “ m . 1I tf n. Alexander 11. Stephens, Crawfordvillo. Mr. John Cunningham, Greensboro, . Mr Ihi vid Howell, * “ Mr. Philip D. Robinson, “ . i . Mr. W. \V. L). Weaker, * “ Mr®James L. Bro\v*iT, “ Hoii. Charle* J. Marietta. . * Hint. David Irwin, * “ • , Col. A* V. Brumby, •Rev. Joltn \Y. Baker, Military Institute, Mafietta. Gen. A. J. llansell, Marietta. • Rev. S. R. Tabu ige. Wresideiil Oglethorpe I’uiverfitv, Midway. 8 • . “ Rev. Jf. Woodrow, Professor Oglethorpe Uwtnity’ Hon. Iverson L. Harris, Milledgeiflie. Rev. X. M. Crawford, President Mercer University, Penfieffl. , *. Prof. 11. IT. Tucker, Mercer University, PenfielTl. ” Pro 4J. M illet, *• * • * Prof. Sanford, “ “ •* . Kt. Re* Stephen Elliott, Sitvannab. *. . Pith op Pierce, Sparta. • . • • 3 lon. l’eter E. Love, Thomas*’ille. • . lion. A 11. llansell, . “ • * . , Persons wishing t> entitr pnt>ils will pleiise adTlress the .Principal, at Marietta, or Air. William Adams, at .\uyus ta,Tla. * , * aug 293 m • Lands! • Lands]; ♦XHIE SUBSCRIBER NOW OFF Eli S* FOR SALE 1 * . . .liis small,though Well linproVed Farm,^^® consisting of FOUR IIUNDiy-H) 0 res, situ- ated on the ftoupville and TaUflmssee road, . .(^_ r * about eight miles from Tie tuasville. He gvill sell all liis stbek, on flie place, firming utensils, Ac., with the pres ent growing cr; f seventy acres in excellent cortf, aiyl and tor'.v five acres in eott< n. Tko lands are good pine, well worth the att. ntion of those wishing to move to Thomas •umty. He lib- just completed on place * anew gin house and seri*w-pri-ss, wluelivwill be of great ndvgntiig’ to rhe | *- , :,-er, amLthe’dwelling house, out houses, Ac . are ■ >d 1< g Itotm-m The favdhtble lo cation of i v farm, will not fail to please. Come and see > >i( immcihaieiy, as I am determined to on the most > reasoniiM,- ■.* . : • to sidt the purchaser, here is a bargain for any man who j}e* sires a small,*-ieh farm, well located.* ’ * , . D. S. RAV. • Thomas Couiay, Oa July 4. ISW. ’ I*. S. Address me at L l omnsville. • ts f , • f—, — . • ISaistaius ill l.a'nds. ’ * • I JITIOMAS ('(>f N I'Y—Seventeenth Ilistrict, Nos. 154 I ltifi, 175, 224,257,2(>5, 269, 297, 344 190 13th Idst-. Ni 5.J57, 172. Decatur, County—j*tli llist, No. 41. 29th * Colquitt Count♦—Sth DUt.. Nos. 100?Wj, 183, 317, 319. Lowndes Count’s —9th Dist., Nos. 40.25 L 312, 345, 3G7, 319,3, 380. 386/391. 402. kith Dist., No. 349. Irwin Countv—lst Dist • No. 108. sth Dist., 97. 6th Dist., Ntfe* 151, 329, 394, 406, 423. ° .. .Appling County—2d Di?;.. No. 291. 3i , *55 are County—sth Bist., Nos. 307, 427. • CViffeo County— 1 st*l list., No. 178. * Dooly County—l2tli Dist.. No. 67. • . • Cherokee County—lth Di-0., No. 325. Lee C*uuty-ls;h Dist.. 25k. Dth Dist., No., 90. 8 Eniiy U'Uwtv—d Ith IV-:.. Nos. 156, 157. 216. 217. Also, 10’ acres ne;ft- TLomasville, on the Tallahassee road. Also, 300 acres improw l land, on°the Tallahasse road, t\ton iles from Thotipisville, belonging to J. 11. McLellan. 13 s ” These lands wkll he s- *d very low for Cash* Ad dress the subscriber a* AT! any. G a.” 0 . June 27. 1860. T. P. SMITTP BOOK RINDING.’ j .CHARLES A. FINDEISEN, HA\ ING located in Tallahasse, Florida, is ow ineparfd to Bind Books its every variety oF “style desired. 0 • Blank Loot* of all kinds bound to order, cheap® for CASH.* # . i Those who subscribe/,,r Harper’s Magazine, Har- ! ■ O , C w” f? y ,T,° vk LeJ Die SouLliern Field and Fireside, Hie Illustrated Bible or anv oth er book* papeth or magazine of any kind, and wi-4i* • them, can have bound at the most reasonable prices by leaving 4hem at the office of the Southern Enterprise, to be forwarded to n*c at ’Tallahasse. 0 March 10, 1’ e # ly ° “House and Lot for Sale. • 1-°A.M NOW OFFERING FOR SALE MY HOUSF? and Lot. It is situated in a beautiful and pleasant part of the town. 1 e hi-use is new and large, verv con venient, tv irk g 1 outbuildings And garden. I have also FOl R HI ILDIXG LOTS.contaiSingone acre each, all comer lctr, which I will sell. Should any one desire to build, or to buy an improved place in town, now is the time as I am determineefto sell. Terms, one half Cash, and the remainder on the first day of January, IS6I, without interest, with notes and approved security. may 23-ts ISAIAH DEKLE. • Particular Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of A. J. Orr, late of Thomas County deceased, bv note are requested to come forward and make immediate pav ment-; otherwise, they trill be dealt with as the law di- I rects. Said notes will be found in the hands of sep 12-ts L. C. BRYAN. ” FAU TRADE® E. ‘REMINGTON & SON, o Dealers in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, THOMAS VILLE, GA., 0 VRE now receiving their magnificent Stdfck of FALL AND WINTER DRY-GOODS, Unequalled by any in the place. Especial attention is called to their Dress Good% , i Department, in Vhich may be 1 -:> all the novelties of the season, consisting of Silks, Cashmeres, de Laines, # Merinos, Bombazine*, Alpacas, French, English aVI American Pritys, etc. Embroideries, in endless variety; Hosiery and Gloves of every qnality, for Gents. Boy.-, Ladjps, Misses and Chil dlreft: Cloaks:, Mantillas and Shawls, of every vari ety of style, color and quality; Housekeeping and Plantation Goods; in ibis department we have every j thing usually kept in our liue foa housekeepers and l , planter#. Give us call before purc!iasing*elswfiere; we will take pleasure in shotxkng our goods whether i you buy or not. * I . octß 9 . .E. REMINGTON & SON. VFINL and large assortment of Men’s and Bovs’ CXiOTHIIUG j of the latest styles; just received and for sale by oct . E. REMINGI ON & SON. ; * -Hi *— , 1 \ ’E arekiowkipening a fine of.Gents’ >\ FURNISHING GOODS, consisting of all kinds of Shirts and t'olars, Shirt Bosoms, Under Shirts and Prayers; Ties, Scarfs, Cravats ukul Handkerchiefs; bilk, Kid, and Cotfon Gloves andTlauutlets. ° • ® • oct 8 # E. REMINGTON.& gON. * VFINE assortment of Ladies’ Sfcel Extension SJiITITS, 3G hoops; just received and for sale by oct 8 E. REMINGTON & SON. | * *. JUST received* and for sale, a fine assortment of New; 3r e^7-oli*3r 9 [ consisting'of Diamond, Cameo. Lava, Florentine, Masonic. Coj-al, anda good many other styles and “patterns, and will be sold at prices to snit*the times, oijt 8 . E. REMINGTON & SON. A FINE ej-sortmei*t of Gentlemen’s artd Bops’ ii Hats ancLCaps. Also a fine assortment of Ladies’and Misses’ .Bonnets ILys and Flats of the latest style; just received and for sale by E. REMIGItIN & SON. 1 A— • , Ciiocciles. *KI?S Mess Mackerel * fj 5 Jtits No 1 Maclwcrel in bdYrel and to retail 5 kits Salmond • 0 .* 20 drums Dried * # 20 boxes Layer Ifaisens g 20 barrels Irish Potatoes 0 # 5 barrels Onions •> t o 4 kegs fresh Goshen Butter Buckwheat and fresh I ; lpur t t 2B boxes Cheese • •* barrel Currant*, for pies 1 box Macaroni; anil various other article* in the Grocery line, just reccivd and for sale bv jan 21 .* E. REMINGTON St BON. * * * illtisic. , *4 FiNE lot ciC Music, containing all the latest pieces out; and*for sale by • oct 32 * E. KEMPNC.TON/t SON. NlvTi •.(I'tiHDS : • . . •• * . • Jk. s 3? J. N. M’Kinnon & Co’s.- \\'E a*'e now receiving our Fall and Winter, • ‘Stock of • , • - GOODS, To which we ii*vite Uie attention of all xjho wish go<l articles at, * • •• . Small Particularfy*those • WHO BUY WITH OASH, Come with your money and you can exchange it to great advantage. *ln*order to induce more CASH sales; * . J we hake make a large to. • ©ASH BUYERS®. Comekvn*! see. (kn- Stock embraces Ladies’Dress Goods anti Trimmings, of*all riie recent styles, Cloaks, Talmas,•Collar.*, Lac? (koods, Shawls Hike! Dresses, Flannels anTl Opera Fhinnelsk and a fyll assortmrtit’of Ladies’, Alissesian?! Gentlemen’s lktsirry itiid Gloves. Also Kerseys, Linseys, Tickings, Osnaburgs, ■ and flleached and Shirtings. , T-z'iW’ flu* Ladies are iu*it*d to exa mine OUT glKAls. • * • • • . iiuLa-tfs . .• Our stock is larger Jhan ever before, and comprises Men/, Boy’s Bools . do tfo • do Congress P>oots , . db do do Calf an/ Boots* • , of all styles, * LVlies’, Vines’ and Children’s Shoes, in all grades, styles and qualifies. . 4Ve particularly invite the Ladies to see our Phil adelphia *ilade Shoes, beinjffar superior to any qyer for sale in ’Bhomasville. • • • CLOTH IK&® ‘ . A handsome Assortment ot weU made Clotliing, con sisting of (Aver Coats, C o oats, Pants, Vests, Talmas, etc. etc. • •H ATS® . A full assortment of o ajl styles and qualities. .• * . . jlßOOii !Sv Tobacco, Sugat-, Cotiee, Liquors, Uigaf#. Oils, *tc,. Bagging, li*pe, Twine, Blankets, Crockery and Hardware. • • o ° T ? oCot<on ,, Sollors. ; We vill # pay fair prices*for Cotton, in trade or collections, at ajl times? Those indebted to us and those#who wish to get gtjod prices for their Cotton* in trade, will find us ready to verifyour sissertion. Bring iu your Cotton. “ . • . • J. n. -McKinnon & co. Jhenariitle, TO YiY V NT fXT O J ÜBOLiv W liYjj, Architect and Practical lluildcr, fIIOMASVjft.LE, GA.. Respectfully informs ille inhabitants of Tliomus and adjacent Counties, that he intends devoting the greater portion of his tftne to the Arehitec tiqal part of liis prolV ssiilli. such as the Drawing of Plans, Elevations. Sections, Detail Drawings. Perspective Views of Jntended. Buildings. Specifications, Bills of Lqpiber, Jvstimates of Cost, Ac.; and in soliciting patronage froip a discriminating public, refers to bis well known abilities in the above business. Ss being the best recommendation, but would refer to the following gentlemen near Thom asville: The Honorable Inferior Court of Thomas County. E. Remingtofl & Son. o Robert H. Ilardawav, Esq., A. T. Mclntyre, Esq., 0 s'*bn W . H. Mitchell, Esq., r Thomasville, Ga. Clias. 11. Remington, Esii., Rev. James M. Gray, 0 Thomas Jones. Esq"/ | • ® The Honorable Inferior Court''of Bsooks Countv. John \\ . Spain, Esy., \ Win. A. Bowen. Esq ‘ Brocks Conntv, Ga. • A anety T\ orks i S J. J. Mash. Esq.. ) T. Black shear, Esq., v Duncanville, Ga. „ April 18, 1860. Baptist Books. BAPTIST History: Baptist Denomination; The odocia, and several other works by various au thors; for sale by E. REMINGTON & SON. CIOTTOW BELTING—a new article; just i received and for sale bv ’ oct 8 E. NEMINGTON & SON. Sew Tailoring; Establishment. Peter Lindsay, Merchant tailor, would respectful ly mr>rm the citizens of 0 Thomasville a Fm ’ SURROUNDING COUNTRY, ff'MffirrfWi j that lie has opened a o ft - j ; shop • ilrM , Next to Remisgtox A r ■ ‘ j i j Furniture Sjore, a U > j | where he wifl he pleased to wait fidiSi 1 \ T* upon these who mav favor him ** f- jUj j with a call. ‘ Ai i £S.’j °l'F~ Oakments of all kinds cut p fa f -* . and made up in the latest lyid m->*r _ “-—7 lashionahle stvles. Clothes, and Vestings, ; constantly on hand. ° 0 **’ Patronage solicited. mh 25 ts t*has. ii. Kensington's INSURANCE AGENCY— 0 FOR THE Southern Mutual Insurance Company, . OF GEORGIA, AND THE 1 South Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co.< OF fllE “STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. BSP Office opposite the Postoffice. hm 18 A • I Wood, Blacksmith and Carriage ■ • “ \ I 1 Ponder’s Old Stand, wriere the subscribers ‘jL\ are prepared to do all kinds of . ° .. Work. JCmXI 5vA ‘ in their line at the yvSjf w , v est notice and iq t lie very * best manner. / Planlation Work. W H. As, of every description, K E 8* A 1 R IX G • TTSKfif W agons and Buggies, and o Hoisesliociiig. and all other work done to tli£ most pesffect satisfaction. 0 O 0 0 Ca Repotljfoi’yf —The subscriber# hate ordered a lot of _ ■ rr g=_ Buggies, ° lioekaways, from the North, .yhi>-l Er'-iIMM \ .' fffi’ they will soon lme fa ON HAND and will keep up a regplar - *o^. “the Country. e 0 ‘ LOWRY $ SWIFT. .January 14, fBGO. * ts 1 A! I LIFE DROPS I THIS MEDICTNR lias been > the N'EVEit failing tested and pro\cd by*ten REM Rlit” ! years experience*to be 6he only ®i —m —'certain, safe and reliable reme dy for all BoicePDerangemcnte, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Crmnps, Pains, Cholera, Cholic, now before the public. (*llO or two doses of drops, will cure the most severe tramps in the stomach in 20 minutes. A single dose often cures the DiaA'hoea and it never constipates the bowels. Onq dose will,satisfy any *onq of its rnerifs. •Price only 25 Cents, Prepared fey * TIIALL & STOW,* .• • 43 Bowery, New York. Ai*l s3ld in ‘Thomasville by y. Seixas and T.'B. * ap4-ly Architect and: Builder. * fIHIOMAS JENKINS, having permanently 8° located himself, offers his services* . • ’• JtyiJDelr, to the citizens of Thomasville and surrounding coun try, and woujd respectfully iifform them that he is prepared to take contracts for building Dwellings, SBurcs, or other buddings, IN EITHER WOOD OR BRICK, ;n4*ivill give his personal attention to all work en trusted to lifln. i'HRXITI RE, of ‘every description, thade to order or repaired on shoT-t notice. fiST Orders for COFFINS will receive prompt attention. , . * • . ‘References. Dr W P Jennings, Albany, Ga. • . Dr A Maloy, South Carolina. J A Leak, Pifts’l of Back. Wadesboro’, N.C. Vll Hagli. Sheriff, Raltfigh, N. C. • , Shop nqar the Court Housf. mh J 7 ~ 0 THOMAS JE.NKTNS. Painting Painting* .. Contracts taken— / FOR ? House, Sign, and Ornamental Painting,!! AND WORK WARRANTED. • , JBSs“*Baints, Oils and Glass, kspt constantly on hand, opposite the Pcstoffic#, a for sale by . •mh 18 0 CIIAS. If. REMINGTON -r* .. ? I’syu-r JSangings. A LARGE assortment of beau tiful PAPER BORDER* on hand, find move expected to 7 to arrive ctery day. :YV■ ra .. . Booms Papc^Qd Wit!i nefltificss and despatch, anil in workmanlike manner by [inlilß-tf] C. H. REMINGTON. • ———————— , bimiiiish-idoi'H Sale* I> V VIRTUE OF AN ORDRR OF THE COURT OF ! > Ordinary U Thomas gountv. will be sold on the FIRS I’TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, witffin the lawful hours of sale, before the Courthouse dooein s;iid county, the land belonging to th*e estate of J. B. Edwards, late of Jeffersiai County, f la., deceased.o Said land con tains Ho acres, more yr less*being jiflrt of lot No. 6. in 13th district of Thomas county, lying one fnilc from Tho masville on tlie Tirilul mssee road. Sold for t lie benefit ofJ the lieis’s and croditors of said deceased? Terms made known on the day of sale. o sep 5-40d r. P. SMI 6IL AdnTr. , • —i —o . . Executor's s*ile. o ¥N PURSUANCE (•’ TIM: LAST XVlfib AND I Testament of A. J. Ofl - , deceased, will he sold on first Tuesday in*Deceiiiber next, before tliß Courthouse door in Thomasville, Thomas County, one house and lot, in said town of Thomasvilfe, being the late residence of tlie said deceased. Also one negro girl by the name of ,Julia, about ears old. Sold as the property of said “deceaied. for the benefit of the heirs iffid creditors. Terms made known on*the day of sale. sepliMOd . . JOHN C. FANNING, Ex’r. T. • O ° THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TIMES. rpms IS A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS PAPER, PUB L lislied by the American Sunday-School Uni(*i’ at the low price of # * ’ . . o>i: IHU.I tli A YEAH? It is designed tor Pifretfls. leachers, and all who are engaged or interested in the religious training ot tlie young. Itais also an excellent Family Paper. ° lANffANSIBS WA.NTEJO IN Abb I'VRTS , OF TIDE I.NITKD STATES. Mfci:il Arr:iiig<int-II(N for tlx- l>rrriii grnsoii. , I. To Teachers or otliPrs, who are willing to canvass for this paper, and who will send us. at one time lift •names of s K vf.n*xew strsacßinrßs, and seven dollars in cosh. vJV wi 1 give a copy op Wxbstix*# Uwabridgkd Quarto Dictionary, uric pictorial edition, price or ftf Umvkusal, price Sii.tHl. 11. To those who will send us. at one time, the names of TEN NEW subscribers, and ten dollars in cash we will give a copy of the new ai?d splendid .51 cr of \n 'cient Jeri SALEM, for sale hv oilr Society, 5 feet by 8, nftmnted jincfecolored. Price, sl#.oo. ‘ 0 ?... 111. Pel-sons who prefer as a compensation Sunday- Schmd I}u<d,m. published h v the .American Sunday School Union, may obtain full information by addressing to the subscriber a letter of impfiry, enclosing a three cent pos tage stamp. “ 0 1 IA . Persons w lio prefer canvassing for compensation in money, ana who can produce satisfactory testimonials as to character, will receive most liberal terms. I V all cases, nndefthis arrangement, the name and Pos’ Office address of each individual subscriber must accompany the order. I g ’ MONTHLY TIMES. The Sunday School Tunes for the first week in each month, is also issued in a sepa rate form, as a Monthly paper, for those schools and families who do not wish to take it weekly. Price, to single subscribers, twenty-five cents a year ‘. In award ing premiums or compensation to canvassers, fouj- single subscribers to the Monthly Times are counted the same as one subscriber to the IT rekly Times. I'vr Specimen copies of the paper, and other documents’ needed in canvassing, Avill be furnished gratuitously on application. Address WALDRON J CHEYXEY, Treasurer, American Sunday-School Union, Philadelphia. A FINE lot of Cheese; just received and for sale by fl oct 8 E. REMINGTON & SON. GENTS’ Superior Chewing Tobacco and Extra Segars; for sale by sep “1 B F HUBERT. JtfcJorc Halving lour Purchuiies, JARED EVERITT’S AT GROOVERVILLE, And examine iiis stock of ZKTEJ'W ef°** CONSISTING OF 0 Staple & Fancy Dry G-oods, t lolliingr. Blais, Bonnets and Mil linery Goods,Bools and Shoes, C rockery and Glass-11 are, . Hard-Ware &. Cutlery, b 0 Coffee autl Tobacco, Ac., itc. In fact, you can tind almost any article t'ott may want, as liis Stock consists of ev(jvy thing usually kejit in a Country Stove: all es which he will sell on as good terms as can be sold Georgia or Florida. ft p 30-t f Con fet ionary. rpilE undersigned respectfully in- I form the citizens of Southern Georg : a and Flo rida, thaP he ri now re ceiving and constantly Ye- -’fe* fifcjSrd plenishing lus stock with • Goods and among which are the so 1 v lowing general assortment • ■{vAi-wjiC'’ oß>farnjly nick-nacks: ° Preserves, Jellies, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Citron, R tines. Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Cocoa, Brazil, Pecan and Filbert Nuts, Olives, Capers, An chovies, Sardines, Salmon, Shad, Oysters, Lobsters, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Split Peas; SodS. Butter, Su gar and Farina Crackers; Pickles, Catsup, Sauces; Choice* Wines, Liquors; Porter, “Vie and Cider in bottles: Segars, Tobacco, Sifuff, Pipes, etc. Carßiy, of my-own Manufacture. A large quantity always on hand, to which hccalls the special attention of merchants dealing in CAN DIES. ‘Orders from a distance, if accompanied with the Cash, will receive prompt attention. * * the *ljove, with numerous articles not men tioned, for sale by Thomasville, Oft., ap JOHN STARK. . Dr. O. 9. PROPHITT'S • Family Medicines. HUS CELEBRATED LIVER*MEDICINE IS *A safe an<Bcerjain P-niedy for till kinds of Liver Di% eases, ami Indispositions that originate from a diseased state or in;#-tivity of*tlft Liver—such Chrnoic and Acute Inflamation of tlie’Liver, Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Lowness of Spir its, Colie, &c. ° . This is an excellent remedy for Females in their vars-, ©us situations, as a remedy against Costiveness, Morning Sickness, Swimming in the* Head, Restless Feelings at night, Heartburn, &c., &P. * o o * O. 8. AixmQim- l*nin-Killer, ° GoodPor all kinds of Local l’iiins, acute or chronic ; also good for Coughs, Colds, Colic, Diarrhoea, Toothache, Earache, l’ain inothe side or stomach, Cold Feet, Ac. . - • O. M. !*ropli il C~ Vmiiifiige, Excelled hv none in use, either its to its*virues or harm less ellects upon the system, • * 0 O.S. A nli-Slilioiis V f g<l Jl I(I<- B*i 11 . P%rgative and Febrifuge, Equal to any Pill cither in * Chronic Acute Diseases. The*above prepartition of Medicine has !>een used by myself for the last ten years in private practice, and has been one of the principal agents in effecting the many wonderful cures that have resulted from the tnmtinent pursuedliy t4ie Proprietor, which in number amounts to thousauds.and of every description, male and fe male, acute and chronic. The? have been used by hundreds of families for the last six years as a Family Medicine, and the satisfaction that they have invariably given has given*riso to their use generally, where they can he procured. They‘are only recommended for disease*that prevail in the South ern the propritfior is not conversant with No*r fln-rn diseases, and thinks that • medicine that is applicti ble Jo diseases of tlie Soflth jvould not be, in all bilitv, so good in Northern regions; fihei%forc, the Fills tire not recommended, only where they lmve,ben tested and that as throughout the Southern States. * . < H’ you hftve Liver Diseagi— ’• TAKE PRO PH ITT’S LIVER MEDICINE. If yqg'have Dyspepsia— TAKE PROPIIITT S MEDICINE. If j'ou have Sick Headache— * TAKE PROPUITT’S LIVER liyou are subject to Heartburn — * talve propiiitt’e ijver medicine. If you are subject to Sour Stomach— . ’i'AKl: PROP!IFIT'S LIVER MEDICINE. If you tire Costiyt — • * • JAKE PROPIHTT’S LIVER MEDICINE. If you are recovering from Fever, or Chillsfiind Fe- • ver, or any other disease tliflt leaves you in mwd * of a purgative or an aperient, male or female— • TAKE PRO PH ITT S LIVER MEDICINE. • —*— Try these Medicines. If they good, use thm. Ts not, w-t them asi (Jo. All I ask is a trial, and I fear no dissatisfaction. These Medicines arc prepared onlv by • Y). S. PROPIIITT, Qovington, Ga. Ann sold by F*d. Seixas, Thontisville Ga?; Win. Ashley, Valdosta, Ga.; Win. Hill, Mill Town, Ga.; and Hunnycut A Tavk>r 4 Atlanta, Ga. ‘ sep IJ-4m’ ’ Jjli, J, I]0VElvl)0I)S r UIPBRI.iL WIAG BITTERS l . tRE MADE FROM A PURE AND UNA4>ULTER atki) wink, which is about double the muaVstrength of otier Wines, and is imported hv only one house in the United States. Also, from the following valuable Roots, Herbs, &c,, viz: Solomon’s Seal, Spikenard, Comfrey, Canaille Flower#, Gentian, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, and Bavberry. 0 *’ WE CHALLENGE The av o t .i- l and T£) PRODUCE THEIII EQUAL!! V e do not profess to have some Roots “knimii only to the Indians of Sflutti America,” amj a cure for “all diseases which tPle liesh is heir to,”*bnt we claim to present to the public a truly valuable preparation, whiiji • gvery intelligent Physician in the country will of and recomineud. a remedy for IM IPIUVT C\SI >HTIOY° sVeak Lungs,’ Indigestion, Dvspepsia, 4)iseascs of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles.‘Diseases peculiar to Females. Debility, and fill cases requiring a Tonic, tliev are UKTSURF ASSE3D ! * For SORE THROAT, so common among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and inlirfli, or for persons of a weak con stitution—tbjr Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all public speakers —for Book keepew, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. * As Beverage, they are wholesome, ffinocent anj de licious to the taste. They juodnee all the ex liberating ellects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxicifting; and are a valuable remedy for persons addicted to excessive use of strong drink, and wish to refrain from it. They are j pure anti entirely free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country is Hooded. These Bitters not only CURE hut PREVENT Disease and slifiiuld be used by all who live in a country lie re tfle water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are preva lent. Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with impunity. and Temperance as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these truly valuable BITTERS ovei*tlie land, and thereby essential ly aid in banishing Drunkenness and Disease. o CHARLES WIDDIFIELD <fc CO, Proprietors, 78 William Street, New York. For Sale by E. SEIXAS, Agent, Thomasville, Georgia, August 29, 1860. ly .4 Good Bargain IS NOW BEING “OFFERED IN THE LARGE AND well known House anil Lot, situated M. '"rit in the town of Fletcherville, and erly occupied by P. I’. Smith as a ding Ilotise and Hotel. There are ten good, comfortable rooms and fire-places, good out buildings, all new, and plenty garden ground, with good stables, all conveniently arranged and well ad apted to Boarding House or Hotel purposes. Terms easy and possession given at any time to suit the purchaser. For further particulars, apply to W. F. HUBERT, on the premises, or call at the store formerly occupi ed by Rev. H. W. Sharpe, and apply to the owner. BENJ. F. HUBERT. Thomasville, April 2, 1859. ts WILLIAMS & BOTTOMS’ New Cotton Press. i SAVIXG TO PI.4XTI.KS OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!! rpillS NEW INVENTION, THE SIMPLEST, I most practicable, powerful aiul cheapest COT-** TON TRESS ever invented, is now offered to the public. This Press is constructed upon a plan so simple that any farmer ruay,°with four hands,“put 41 p one complete, in running order, in one week. — When put up it will pack Five and Six Hundred Pound Bales of cotton \yth greater facility than any other Press will 40y lb bales, and so perfect is its structure that afllcast ON ETHIRD MORE BALES CAN BE PACK ED ON IT PEll DAYjthan any other Pressor Screw ever invented. The subscribers have secured 0 patent for Phis wonderful Press, an <4 are now prepared by them-, selves and Agents, to sell privtPte county and State rights throughout the cotton growing region of the South. They have already began 1o reap the reward of this invaluable invention, and when cotton plant ers every where slfall learn that* othis I’rqss iS con structed at a cost of more than •• One Hundred Dollars Less than any other Press extant, and possessing mticho GREATER LEVER POWER with greater ► simplicity and facility for packing* wc feel confident that our Press will supplant every thing in the shape of a Cotton Press now in use. • Models of this Press may b scon by falling on us at Thomasville or any ivf our Agents. We arc willing to let it live or die by its own merits, feeling perfectly secure in warranting it toall purch asers. . S. R. WILLIAMS, * sep 4-ts. * e T. J. BOTTOMS. 0 VaSualile Inventions! PEELER’S Economical*and Variety Steel Blade PLOW, Patented Jun<? 21st, 1859,*—the most economical, convenient abd efficient Cultivator ever invented. When properly made and ied, if it Joes not thus prove ifself, 1 herein pledge myself Jo return the to those who purchase rights for their .plan tations. Requires byt otic Stock for any kind of a Blade, •ten of which may be put on, fastened and taken off in one minute. • Is* adapted to #od. subsoil, Jiillide and general (Cultivation, and may be turned into a double plow if desired, apd is so constructed that a seed planter may be attached to it, the cost of which will not ex ceed onp dollar.. Every part is detachable and adjustable to i ‘self. The Stocky which may be made out of collision pine plank, is so simply constructed, and there being no webl in thy iron part, that the whole plow may be readily put up by the commonest Smith after “once correct pattern. * The opinion of all who have Seen and tried it.js that it will be t^ic. ONTLY PLOW USED. . • as soorfali.tsmerits are generally knowfl, and that, taking Severn. lyears together, it will be but “a small ’ part of the present plow expenses, being not only ” the most convenient, but the cheapest plow that can be used. Farmers can fit their present supply of Scutcrs, Shovels, and Sweeps for this Stock, and even knock, the wings off their wrought Turning Plows and fix for this. Persons wishing Individual or County Rights will address Dfc. A. PEELEII, Monticcllo. ¥la. ■ or Rev. WM. PJSELER, Waukenali, Fla. January 14. 18tift. • to’ planters. IAM AW’ARE. THAT IN PRESENTING MV • Planter < to the public, I have to contend with the prejudices created by the ftjluue of other inventions foe. the like purpose. 1 flatter myself, however, that my PLAN TER will perform Plie work proposed, in a satisfac tory jnanner. Jam strengthened in that conviction, by the opinion of nearly all the * m Practical Farmers * of Thomas aryl adjoining counties who have erftrinin ,cdit; and the judgement of the members of the Patent Office, tube by far the best PLANTER That has ever Been prcscnted"io them. It is inteflded to plant Corn and Cotton, and sow Gra*a of all kinds. Fyr sowing Wheat broad cast and liarrowing iy at thc # samcflime, ii cannot be equalled. o It can be used for putting (Bit Guiana, eithyr by strewing or*by purtine any desired quanti ty *t any given distance. distance proposed to drop the seed is graduated by the” number cogs and ylc quantity by the size. A glance at the PLANTER shows the amount of labor saved by its use. and the nature and Accuracy of tlye same. A man and horse lays out the row, drops the seed and covers it, in same time and’ witVthc Sfftnejabor that it takes, indhe usual way*to lay out the ow. The aid givsn by the wh*eel ren ders flasy to the horse as a single jdoua’h. It bobig impossible for any oneman to tiring it 40 “the notice f every farmer, or to sop ply the demand when exhibited, I propose to sell the right to any State or county, flr nuoiber of counties, that anyone * may* desire, and at rates the purchaser will make money. 1 trust no condemn it without an examination, because it is the invention of a South ern man. If. however, after eraminatioij, they re ject it, I have nothing to say. • , PROS. j. bottoms, oct 16-6 m Thomasville* Ga. e • A Novelty in the Art World! PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN. Secured by letters patent in the United States, England, Fiance, and Belgium. • 9 THE AMEIIICAIV * Porcelain Company, No. 781*Broadway, New York, .TTAVING SECURED THEIR rfOVEL ANDJN -11 genious invention by American and Jiuropean pat ents, are fully prepared to> execute all orders Mr. 0 Tliniaturc l.lkcm'MMcJ’oi’ i’l rMiu. on Cliinn, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary photopranhs, the brilliancy aifd linislrofa water color drawing, and a hitherto unattained quality of dura hility, by being rendered as imperishable as the natural properties of tlie articles upon which they are transferred. 4* the patented process of the Company enables the reproduction of Photographs, not only on plain surtiices, but*upon such as are round or of any degree of irregular ity, and delicacy of delineation, upon porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury or of household utility, such as ( riiK. IlrenlifiiMt C'up.x. E'oil.d Arlirlr., Ac. thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing u uniipie and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in do-° mestie use. 0 ■> 0 In order to furnish facilities for the gratification oftthe j popular taste, and to*meet the wants of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain, the Company have imported from Europe a collection of superior porcelain goods, manufactured toflheir own or- : der, which they sell at cost prices. As the Company are owners of the patent right, and consequenfly the only persons authorized to • use the process, thev have deternflned, in order To Fcople in every section of the Union an opportunity toqiossess 0 o 0 Portraits on Chinn, to make the following proposition to Residents in the Country, who are unable to visit personally tkc Atelier and (iallerits in New York. 0 0 Persons sending a photograph, ambrotvpe, or daguer reotype to the office of the company in New York Accompanied by Five Dollars, 1 will receive in return by express, free of other charge A richly ornamented Breakfnst Cup mid Saucer o with the portrait transferred thereon. By transmitting a daguerreotype and o Ten Dollars., they will secure in like manner, © © A handsome French Vase or Toilet Article, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process , By sending a pair of daguerreotypes and | s Fifteen Dollars, they will receive in return ° A Fair of rich Sevres Vases, with the portraits execnted'equal to miniature paintings; and, in like manner, portraits can be reproduced on por celain wares or Vases of every quality of finisih, ranging in prices from Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the pair. N. B. Be particular in writing the address, town, coun ty and State distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “MANAGER, American Photographic Porcelain Co.,’’ 1 oct 10-3 m 781 Broadway, New York. BROOKS COIN T V SilßUli ■ .•* SA..I.S Will he sold before the Courthouse door in Quitman, Brooks Countv, on the First Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to wit- The west half of'lot of land, nunber three hundred and . thirty (330,) in the 12th district of Brooks county, levied on as the property of William Asbell to satisfy sundry ft fas from a Justice s Court, 660t1i district,G. M.—A. Mcßay vs Win. Ashbell; levy made and returned to me by a Constable. . - * At so. at the same time and place. Lot of land,number three hundred and thirty nine (339) in the 12tl district of Brooks county, levied on as the pro perty of James West to satisfy two li fas in my hands— Lathrop A Wilkerson vs Wist. McKinnon & Cos., Bank of Savannah vs We>:. MeKumon & Cos., and Briggs At Aslilev endorsers. 9 Also, at the same time and place. One lnfge bnv horse belonging to Daniel I . McNeil, levied on as the property of John McKinnon to satisfy u li fa—Bank of Savannah vs West, McKinnon & Cos.; property pointed out bv James West. Defendant. October 31, ISt.U. ‘ A. SMITH, Sheriff. 0 ('ll.l CII SIIEKIFF’S SALES.-Will be sold, J before the Courthouse door, in the town of Magnolia Clinch County, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEM BER next, within the lawful hours of sale, the following ‘property, to-wit One lot of land, number not known, but known as tlie place whereon George Arons now lives, adjoining landff of Timothy Ahkiman north east.lying and being in the twelfth district < f originally Appling now ClinAi county levied on as the property of John 0. Nichols. *0 satisfy one li fa issued from the Superior Court of Coffee count *: in favor Joint L. Morgan vs John Adams, and John U ■ Nichols, endorser; property pointed out by plaintiff. • * A!y, at the same tune and place. One lot ot land, number four hundred and twenty se ven (427) in the seventh district of originally Appling now Clinch county, levied 011 as the property of Joseph* J. (#>ben to sati sty one li fa issued from said county, it* favor of Joseph for flic use of Richard Bennett ‘ vs Joseph J. Cohen and Issue Curry; property pointed 1 out bvjUichard Bennett. September’26, 1800. ‘ SIIIMUKL TIMMERMAN, Sheriff. Ct EOIR.IA, Brook* County. I 0 In the Superior Court, June Ttrm, 1860. Present, the Honorable A. JI. HANSEL!*, Juflge of said Court. „• ROBERT A. HARDEE, •) JAMES R. HARRIS, (. .. . V 8 ’ > Mortgage, etc. 0 WILI.IAN J. HICKS. ° ) It iqipearing to the Court, by the petition of Robert A Hardee and James 11. Harris, (accompanied by note and mortgage deed.) that on the thirty*first day of Auffust, eighteen hundred and Hfty-nine, the defendant made and delivered to the plaintitls his promissory note, bearing date the diif and year aforesaid, whereby the defendant promised, on the first day of January next, following the date of said uoua to pay ihe plaintfes one hundred and eighty seven dollars and flil'ty cents, foj value received, that afterwards, on the*day and year aforesaid, the de fendant, the better to secure tin- puyiiiciifeof said note,, executed and delivered to the plaintiffs, his deed of mort gifge, whereby the said defendant Vnortgaged to the plain tills a certain undivided half lot, iitoihe town of Quitman, Brook* Countv, kuovni and distinguished in the plan of saifl town ns (gt number t wo, in blogk number sixteen, south-western section, containing Mine tiflith of an acre, more or less; aifd it further appearing that said note rc *iiains unpaid, It is ordered that the said defendant <lo pay into Court on or before the tirst day of the next Term thereof, the principal, interest amt cost due on Mi id note, or show cause,if any he can, and that on the tailun*of the defen dant 80 to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises he soy ver thereafter bariltd and fore close ti; ana 0 It is further ordered, that tliis rule be published in the Southern Enterprise once a month for three months pre vious to tlfc: next Term of this Wourt, or served 011 the defendant, or his special agentir attorney, at least three mouths previous te the next Term of this Court. SANFORD T. KINGSBKfcY, ’ Plaintiff’s Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this Au gust 16tli, I860.• * * * aug 22-m3in D. AV r . McRAE, Clerk. \*OTH'li of Intention to <'liuiige°.\ainr. ii a S/o/e op Georgia, Brooks County. All persons interested are hereby notified that I shall’ appl* to the next “Superior Cojjrt, to he held in and for the county aforesaid, on the second Mondav in December, for the purpose of having my mime changed from that zf Ficklin Martin, hy wl ; tiauie I have been heretotdre known “to that of Henry Camhull. • UICKLIN MARTIN, By Ids Attorney, S. T. KINGSBURY. This August 16, 1860- ‘ . m3m —j * - _ (t EtMUfl A, Tiiouiisiw County. 21 Superior Court, June Term, 1860. ANNA E. FOSTER 0 ) vs® > Libel for DivovcT. * WILLIAM FOSTER.) The Sheriff having returned that the Defendant in the above stated case is not to he found in the countv, and it further appearing bfl- the affidavit of P. N. Vickers that 1 fefendant is wit liont the limits • the State of Georgia— It is. on motion, ordered hy the Court that the /aid Defendant appearand answer, at the next Term of this Court: else that the case he considered in default De fendant. and the Plaintiff allowed to proceed. And, it is further odered that this Rule he published once a 1111*11*. for four months, in one of Puhlic4ia zettes of the town of Thomasville. • •MclN'l lfllE & YOUNG, For Plaintiff. Granted, * *\l t H. HAN SELL, Judge S. U. S^D. A true extract from the minutes. • aug 1 min* LEBB{UB DEKLE, D. Cl’k"B. C. STATE OE if Oltlt 3t. Tlioniiio Foinite. Court of Onnnary, May 17, 1860. 0 V lierens. JOHN .MeKINNON. Executor of the estate and hist \\ ill and Testament of John McKinnon, senior,, deceased, this day makes abdication, hy petition, to this °('quirt for lettei - ®f Dismission and a final dischargefron* sid Executorship— • 9 All persons interested are. therefore, hflfehy lfotilied to ,filc rtieir ohjeetioi® in*aid Court, If any they have; oth erwise said letters will lie granted and issued 4o said ap plicant at a regular Term of said Court, to he held at tli* <*ourthouse in Thoinasville, said county* <hi the second Mondav in January next, “ , my;23-(;mo HENRY*II. iftOKE, ()* linary. UTATIi OF GHOKOIA, Tlioma- l oiintv. Court of Ordinary, May J3, lSlid. Wlicrca “ GEORGE IV. & JNO. IV. If. MITCHELL. Flxqputors of the estate mud last will and testament of Nathaniel IE Mitchell, di eased, of said county, this day make application, by petition, to this Court for letters of Disiftisston from said Executorship, of said estate — 0 All persons interested arc therefore hereby notified to file Hieir objections in said Court, if any they have; oth erwise said letters*of Dismission will be granted to said* applicants, at a Regular Term of said Court, to he Held at the Courthouse in Thoinasville, said county, on the se cond Monday in January next, may 1 6-6111 lIFXRY 11. TOOIvE, Ordinary. /1 EORGIA* “THOHAB COUNTV. VC Court of Ordinary, July 2, 186(1. * Whereas, JOSIAII GROOVER, as Administrator with the Will anffexed, on the estate of Moses Daniel, deceas ed. this day°hv petition, makes application fan this Court for letters of Dismission from said administration on said estate — ‘ • All persons interested are, therefor®, hereby notified to file their objections in said Court, if any they have to said letters being granted: otherwise said'letters will be granted and issued at a regular Term Court, to be held tit the Courthouse in Thomasville, said counyt, on the second Monday in January next. jy H-6111 HENRY H. TOS>KE, Ordinary. Administrator'*? notice/ \LL PERSONS INDEBTED TQ THE ESTATE of Mrs. Elizabeth Wooddv, late of Thomas County dec#ascfl. are hereby notified to come forward and make, immediate payment, and tliosc having demands against said estate, will present them properly authenticated, itv terms of the law. Oct. 10, IS6O. JOHN D. EDWARDS, Adm’r. I>FI£KIF> COURT OF ORDINAKV > Nancy Griffin, John JI. Griffin and John I{. Langdale Having applied to me in proper form, for letters of admin istration on the estate of Noah Griffin, late of saidacouifl t v deceased— 0 This is to cite all anfl singular th® creditors and next of kin, to he ami appear at my ollice, within the tiffie allow ed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why admin istration should not he granted to said applicants on said estate. @ 11 # itness my lmnd and official signature, Oct. Ist, 1860, oct ÜbiOd E. U. MORGAN, Ordinary. Atlniinistrator's Police. • G 1 BORGIA, THOMAS COUNTY. —All norsous inter* 4 ested arc hereby notified that the undersigned will apply to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of said countv, on the second Monday in January next, at a reg* uiar ‘i'ertn of said Court, for an order granting him leave and authority, as administralor on the estate ot Elizabeth Woody, deceased, to sell all the negro slaves belonging to the’estate of said deceased. This the 15th day of Oc tober, 1860. o oct 17-60d JOHN D. EDWARDS, Adm’r. / t BERRIEN t’OUNTV All per \ I sons concerned are hereby notified that, at the No vember term of the Superior Court of said county, I shall make application for the appointment of Commissioners for the purpose of laying off and assigning my dow er, in the estate of William Nelson, late of said county deceased, agreeably to the statute in such cases made and provided, October 9th, 1860, °oct 17 tc NANCY NELSON, Widow. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Two months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordi- < nary of Thomas County. Ga., at the first regular term of said Court, after the expiration of two months from the date of this notice, for leave to sell the negro property belonging to the estate of James McLeod, late of F'lorida deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN J. McARTHUR, Ex’r.