Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, April 30, 1873, Image 3

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Js>milj)cru OEntajirise TjOCAL. wkmmdav, iftta. . • COTTON REPORT. Wc quote up to noon jrcsterxUy as follows: Mid tilings 161 Low Middling** H { flood Ordinary 11 Oar neighbor, iho f lin\r* is in favor of the establishment of u County>Couft lor Thomas, to relievo the Superior Court of much small business now cambering its dockets, filling up the coanty prison ami depleting the Tieas tiry. I hesc ate praiseworthy motives, ■ml we have favored ilie measure bes fore, hut some other people hud Coun ty mutters all their own tvay and persuaded the firand Julies heretofore that a County Couit would bo expen sively misclieivous. What bus brought about the vhniiga llmt the (Srund Jury now called upon to recommend it What will you do with llio Commis sioners I* we have two county trihunuU]’ It. set ms to us ihoi enough 4 VjrG*" pay has been recommended already. '1 lie recent Grand Jury dc- Itcrtt>ui4*l that everybody should be wed paid, nnd we rather like the spir it, but there ia*such n thing us extruvi agsoce, and us the “times mo hard/’ gentlemen should scan closely the merits of claims. Tho Commissioners will boas much entitled to puy for their services as other oftioers, and hero will bo another demand upon the Treasury, us scale down and har monise all these public interests and adjust them tj soujo intelligible equi poise. TANARUS III.' l.ailicH ! 11. W.dff & lire's storehouse) is now filled with ilie a.ost choice selection of Ladies-' Jlrrss Goods, Jliils, Parasols, Notions ami Novelties of all kinds. Call and see them kefors purchasing elsewhere. No trouble so show goods. They will uol he under sold, but propose lo sell as cheap ns nny *ody. 11. Wour N: Him. aprlfi-lm. .j. . . PLETCIIER INSTITUTE. In addition lo what has already been - iid in another article on the rcsurtec • ion of this time honored old school, we will mention that lor several years there has been a disposition on the ; ait ... many of our uitizons, to divest it of ns obj iti 'iiablo sectarian feature and it to the mark of a graduating male college. 'J im is the position we desire to see it occupy, and as til s sec tarian feature is ignored in the recent •appointment of Trustees, we 'hope to >ee the gentlemen appoint!d to that high trust, directing their energies to the aecotnpli-hmct t of the higher pur |.'Se oi making it.a graduating College. Mr. Ilirsliiugcr has returned from his trip lo the Northern Markets ami the stock l well mill jliiyoi'.tliily known firm js resplendent with alfitie novelties of the! Season lor bo b Ladies and Gentlemen. j PROCRASTINATION THE ' THIEF OF TIME. l)r Rub irijnn the popular aitist of (he picture nailery desires us to retuiiul those wishing pictures, ih it the gaffery will in a lew da\s be closed lor the summer, and present opportunity lost tXime while you may and secure a beau tiful picture ot yourself or somebody . 1-c, Just opened <H l Levy's, 200 pieces of Fruit* of die very best quality and most choice lanterns. Ako, a complete line of lKiuiesiic Uood? at popular prices. CELEBRATION postponed. The c*uiidiy School Celebration, nhicli was to hare come off to*tiiorrow, lias been p.-stponed until. Fiiday, the ’iad of May. Jhe postponement is for the benefit of those citizens who prill be cotnpvlled to attend Court vn Thursday, but wiil probably be enabled to participate in the . Celebration on J-'r and jy. No change in flic programme as heretofore published. The scholars arc in tkjrough. prac |cc and preparation for the part they arc to take, the committees have zeal, ously discharged their duties thus far., aed the orator will, we and jubfc not, be* on time and greet the audience with thing, therefore, is ready, and Friday is anxiously awaited by the many who expect to participate in it? joys. We hope oui citizens will all be in atten dance aud thus add to the pleasures and importance of the occasion, and Show to the Sabbath School scholars that we feel a deep interest in all that pertains to their welfare. All who desire to contribute re freshments are reques'ed to send them to ths grove (in front of Mr. Ains worth's) by Friday mbrn iug, where the table committee will be is waiting for such favors. * Cool and RHVrhiag. TkSodi fount of Mr. S. J. Cassels, eoui pJoiv in nit its ;p|>ointmfuts and supplied with the coldest of ice and the finest syrups, wilt romhiue drawing during the season. tf * , • BAND UNIFORM. Mr. Louis Fass showed us yestqr day, the newly arrived caps, and hoae-tuadc. blue opera flanel coats, which, worn with black pants, consti tute the new uniform of the Tbouias vilie Band, to be worn for the first time at the May Celebration, The Wp. is a splendid piece of workmanship, blue like tbe coat, and both trimed with sil ver braid. In its new uniform the Band will have a distinguishing milita ry look, and wifi be attractive both for Its good looks and its good music. FIREMEN’S PARADE. The anoaa) parade of Neptune Fire Company will be on next Tuesdoy, the 6th of May. The programme, as heretofore announced, remains un changed. A report gained circulation that the Court House Hulls could not be had, but we are authorized to i state that such is not the case ! Tlie Grand Jury very properly, we think, approved, flic petition, and the Commiseoners accordingly granted the uso of the house, . The grand bull will therefore bo given in the Court House. Let none be deterred lrom: unending, for room add accommoda tions will be ample. We are requested to announce that a limited number f tickets to the Hall, admitting Gentleman and La< die*, will be sold. Price s'>. m LATE ARRIVALS- Joseph Jerger Sc Hro. have just re ceived an assort pie nt of Jewelry, em bracing ull the latest styles. Please give them a call. • tf Tho long and dusty drought was broken yestotday about hood by a cos pious shower with considerable bail. Hail stones us large as the hist joint of u man's thumb Pell thick about our •lour, and over tho streets. The show er was worth to Thorn us county ctops about $200,000. Nnr Matin ■'omit. Messrs Davit* & CV. Imve put up their new unit clcguiil Soda Fount uml CoiiiiHeuced draw inn for tho season. Choice syrups und ice ulnimlaut. ’ tf IMPORTANT ACTION. The Quarterly Conference of the Bainbiidge District turned over “Fletcher Institute” to the Thumasville District Conference, and the lute meet ingj)f that body, turned the Institute over to the Quarterly Conference of Thufnasville Station. This body at its sesson on Monday mot nine: accep ted the tru-t and appointed a hoard.of Truc-stecs, for its management The gentlemen selected are the fol lowing ; Messrs 11. 11. ’Hardaway, I). S. Jlrandon, T O. 31 itcliflf, J. N. McKinnon, &. t>. Adams, L. (J. Jiryan, J. P. Smith,’ A. P. Vi right, Wm. iiammmul, C. P. Hans.l’, S. J, (.’sis* sels, \\ D. Mitchell and llrddin P. Smith. The Gy life tehee feel confident, that these gentlemen will manage this old and usetul institution, in a manner that shall oefleot credit on the town, the school, themselves and the cause of enlightened, Christian culture, iu our midst. \\'e have the opportunity, as a com munity, of making our town*a great education centre for the entire territo ry by which it is surrounded. Let ah, therefore, come up to the eupp rt of uur schools and this hope will be real ized. ‘ . • ’ We hope the gentlemen named as Trustees will accept this high titist in the spirit in which it is tendered. If they will, we Lave no fear of the ie suit. Wo observe that the pupils of.the “Old Institute, ’’ have not been ovei luuked, in casting this **Board.” They passed some of iho pleasantest hums of their lives within the old walls. Let ihem now lenji the efforts and influx cnees of their fresh manhood to its sup port, and it will put. on afresh the garmets of a glorious usefulness. We are requested to state that there, will be a meeting of the Board at the store of Messrs. Hardaway, McKiu non &Cos, at 10 o’clock, A. M , on Monday next. * Sole, Harness and Upper Leather, French Calf Skins and Shoe findings at Sentry & H iiwuinglu's. Mr. 11. W. R. Jackson, agent for the Savannah ’Republican, is again in Thomasville, fn the.interest of that sterling journal, aud delivering valua ble books to those obtained us sub scribers. Those who wish to he economical should* visit the store of I. Levy, a# he is determ ined, during, the Spring aud Summer seas on, to offer particular inducements to close buyers. Country mercliants, buying at wholesale, will save mouey by pricing his goods be fore ordering from other markets. The *‘ueic batik'' sensation grows and gathers force by discussion. We already consider it a fixed fact, to go into operation at tbe opening at- the tail trade- Broad street swarms with advocates, of the measure, aid the oe cessity of it is so patent, that the only surprise seems to be that the move ment did not couimeuce sooner. Men aud means for the business arc abun dant, in waiting for the business sea son, ‘ • ANSWEAR TO A CORRESPOND , ' DENT. G. A. Verranlt, Montezuma, Ga— Abundant lands' for sale cheap in this section but no IFAi/e Oak timber in sufficient quantity to warrant heavy outlay. Come op, settle among us and you will find abundapt timber of other suitable for staves, with a good mixture,of- white oak, . THOMAS SUPERIOR COURT. This Court is still in session, and bids lair to hold the remainder of this week. Much business was on the ducket*, and although dispatch has characterized the session thus far, and many cases, especially of a civil char acter, have ban disposed of, a con siderable number yet nwhit a hear, ing. Some half dozen or more convic tions und pleas of guilty have been made—the crimes ranging from bur glary to simple larceny. These, to gether with such us may hercufter be found guilty, will probably be sen tenced just before tho adjournment of Court. Ycstorduy it case in which there seems to bo more than ordinary inter est —that of Mr. J. F. Dugger, charged with burning Mr. W. C. Eu. sun’s gin house sumo months since ■—was taken up. Tho Attor ucyif for tlio prosecution arc (Japt. W. M. Humiuund, lion. J, K. Alexander and Solicitor General, 11. G. Mitchell, and for tho defence, Col. A. T. Mclu tyro, Capf. U. G. Turner, of Quitman, und Col. Jumos L. Seward. Able speeches will bo made pro and con, arid tho Court room will he doubtless thronged throughout the trial. Captains Turner, Lane und Hunter, of Quitman ; Col. Langniude, of San* dersvillc, und Hon,'Morgan Kuwls, Member of Congress eleet from the First District, are all tlie legal gentle men from abroad, we believe, who have attended this session of. the (’ou rt, .Judge Ilansdl presides with the dignity which characterized his adru nis nation in by-gone days, and the young and talented Solicitor, It G. Miu-hell, Ksq., is fuithful and active in the.discharge of his duties, and, as ever in Whatever position plac ed, wins the esteem and approbation of all concerned * Scliilf & Ilirshiuger have all the latest styles iu l’arasuls, Sun Umbrellas, and sell them cheap. THE TWENTY-SIXTH. This day (Saturday) was sacredly kept by the ladies of Thomasvjllc, who, with willing hands and sad " hearts, decked the graves of our Con federate dead with the richest garlands of Spring. Only twelve of these fal len braves repose within the old Cem etery, and the graves of each alike nr ceived thh offerings of our fair daugh daughters. The following are the •name?-, Companies and Upgiaients, so* lavas known; J. \V. Bailey, Cos. A. sth Uegt. Ga. Cay. J. G Fondren, Cos. 11, 10th' “ “ Capt, J. D. Henderson, Cos F, 29th Ga. Rgt Fred Lowry, “ . “ Smith Homan, “ “ A. 11. Ilayes, - “ “ S. A, Hall, -. “ D. K. Fondren, • Cos. E, “ Louis Ebinger, “ “ Harrison Spears, Cos. C, “ - Green Spears, “ “ Unknown —— . —— Some who fill these honored groves no longer have relatives in our midst to eaie for them, and but for these an nual decorations they would soon pass into oblivion l>ur even this yearly cleaning off and strewing with flowers is not enough. They should be distin guished as graves *of Confederate ’Soldiers, and to'this end we are re quested to. call a mating of our citi zen's, male und female, at the City Hall to-morrow evening at 8 o’clock. A Memorial Association's to be form ed whose duty it will be to look after and perpetuate these graves and pro vide a floral offering on each twenty sixth of April Let there be a full attendance. * Th Charter Onk. We hazard nothing, we think, in saying that, all iu all, 'it lias no equal. Its size, ! its shape, affording the greatest conveni ence, and its numerous and durable ves sels, eutitlc it to the preference over any stove of which we have any knowledge. broke his arm. On Tuesday, of last week, Muster Eddie, eldest child of Capt. Paine, fell from a' tree and broke both bones in his left arm, just above the wrist. * Gfulu J. Have you seen the large assortment of Gent lemeu’s clothing and furnishing goods, which we have brought out this season?—. Call and see us. We will sell as cheap and cheaper than anybody. Try us. Qur styles are of the latest. aprl6-lui * 11, four & Bbo. TO ©IirOWNERS. We direct-tbe attention ot Gin own ers to the card of Mr. Janies Fitzger ald, who is prepared to- oo any repair ing in this line. lie alsasojicits Bug •gy. Wagon and Carriage work, the manufacture of farm implements, &c. Shop on Fletcher street, opposite this office. ■* *. A Vim Thing <Wr the Teeth. The fragrant SOZODONT has taken a very prominent place amoDg the most ap proved dent ifrices of the day. It is a very popular article for .the toilet, highly re commended by all who have used it, as a beauiifier and preserver of the teeth, re freshing rife mouth, sweetening the breath, and arresting the progress of decay Spalding’s Glue wends Furnitnro, Toys, i See ■ A light Host last Friday night. We have been shown A tooth (that is, if it is not a yearling's horn) from the aligator whose capture in the lake we mentioned last week. It is three and a half inches long and three todi es in circumference. The under jaw measured something over twu feet io length. Much interest wus manifested on the streets Saturday mornjng in conse quence of the mysterious disappear ance of the “Gold-dust’* from her hitching post during the perfi nuance of the “Japs” the night previous.— She, Itowover, was in on time for oourt, when it wn ascertained that she Itnd been taken to her home by a colored boy, who, doubtless, thought that us the night-wus void, his boss wouldn’t mind walking. 'J lie Bain bridge Dimocrut comes to us with the familiar name of Mr. 11. M Johnston, as ussociutc editor, ut the mast-head. A dark bay pony horse, with bridle uud saddle, wus taken up >n ilia streets. Friday night by"tlio police tu.d lodg ed in Mr Young's stublee. The “Japs” are said to hove given a good entertainment in tho City Hull on Ft iduy niglit, Mr. Joshua Carroll-hus our thanks for of Irish potatoes They aro lrom his m-oml planting—a lute patch—and average the size of u goose egg. llow is that, brother Fildes ? • We heur much complaint of cotton dying and being destroyed by cut worms. There will he preaching in all the Churches next Sunday. , • The indications are that rhe press throughout South-west Georgia will be represented ut the partide of Neptune Fire Company on the 6th of May. The Grand .Jury last week failed to tccommend “extra pay" for tho Coun ty Treasurer, Tax Receiver, Collector arid Coroner. Possibly an<ovcmght. The negroes held a meeting on Sat urday and nominated Mr. Walter W. Williams for the -office of County Treasurer lie is an excellent young man—uprigl tand bhucst, possesses the confidence and esteem of the public, and is well qualified for the position. The colored people could scarcely have made a more popular seleciion. Perhaps a worse crowd was never within the walls of our jail than the one which awaited the present term of the Court, nor one with which it was more difficult to practice cie nliness Sunday was a pretty day and fan congregations attended all the Church es.. The wool market is opening, but prices are low. A lair article brings 25 cents—just half as much as last year. Judge Hansel I granted in open .Court on Thursday last-a Charter for the German Beading Club of this city. It is now an incorporated body and vested with all the rights and privi leges incident thereto. Mr. G U. Hushing has bceu in the city tor som * days, canvassing for the Savannah Advertiser, one of the cheap est and sprightliesi papers in the State. The. tolu trade is brisk and dental prospects are consequently brighten ening. * • ’ We quote chickens at 25 cents, but the price fluctuates, according, to the appet te of the purchaser. and the amount of trade to be taktu in pay ment. Mr. S. Law Mallfird, with his ac tive assistants, is disposing .of the Singer t. 4 the rare of four a week. One of our young typosjias just bought a bran new spring suit. Of course he got them on a credit; then he got them fifty cents less than cost because it was him, ami when he put them on fie found the pockets already furnished—oue with 4 handke r chief but little used, anofbeirwkh a love let ter, and perhaps some little article in each of the others, A lucky fellow The Magnolias are beginning to bloom, Itead'Dr. Stacy’a advertisement and send in your order for a riee mill, The Vigilantsr are making prepara, tions for their annual * parade, which will take place towards the middle or latter part ot May. Don’t forget the Memorial meeting to-morrow evening. Jim’s legs were too- §hoft, and sCv era! of our citizens beat hm a fair race to the bianch yesterday morning, qnd thus escaped a talesman’s sum mons, But be run * Just opened at 1. Levy’s a handsome stock of LADLES’ DRESS GOODS, of the latest styles and offered ** as low figures as can be bought at any house in Georgia. His stoek of GOODS is unsur passed by any house in the city. • •*.- '>V ;. ... ' Mr B. Goldberg’s stock of Spring aud Summer goods is complete. Read bis advertisement and tbvtn call and see him. It ANGLING —UNPRECEDENT ED fish Catching. One day last week a company of our young men left for the lake, equipped with the choicest poles, the latest nov elties in fishing tackle ands hall bush el of eel worms. They were gone but a few days, .and came hack literally loaded with red gt l—fo>ti/'*evcn 111 ull. Of course they were lionized, and bored almost to deal It with enauiricj as-to how, when and where they fished. 1 hoy bore ull this patiently uud, with slightly conflicting reports, told how their wonderful success wus uccom* plished. Unfortunately, however, for the boys, they wore known to have taken with thtm their little silver ohungc—--iiit.’iiivii U>Coot* those good old days when tlio gingle of this precious mclilo was oft hoard—und a few greenback halves und quarters, and us late advices from (ho luko announce tho free circulation of speoio und u.ul! bills abundant, some of their fronds are disposed to think that a lively fish trade was carried on by the boys. We can't say how this is,, ns the boys now refuse to bo interviewed, but the usuul shipments of fish from the regular fisshermen tailed to roach our city during their stay at (he lake * VVhoMC IliimUomr Ifotixc In thut i Such was Iho inquiry of the traveller, nti lie passed uit uuusuully welfiuisliod resi dence not many miles from here, Tbosty.le of tlie sashes, the elearness.of Ihe glsss, the beauty of tho blinds und doors, the neat ness ofthe columns nnd balusters around the piazza, the perfect proportion of the brackets und mouldings, all struck (lie traveller with pleasure and admiration. All the above were furnished by Mr. I*. I*. Toule, of Charleston, S, C. Prices scut free on application.^ ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. The EiUrtic for May is an excep tionally good number of that stilling period cul. It lias no less than fifteen papers,' scarce'y one of which is not 'above tho average •; and, in addition to these, the four Editorial depart ments present the reader with the freshest and most important informa tion in the literary field at home and abroad, iu science and art, und in mis cellaneous matters. Published by E. 11. Pefton, 108 Fulton Street,-New York. Terms, $5 a year; two copies, SO. .Single num ber, 45 cents. The liiijiVovcd Kiislic Window Similes Entirely new here, work without fixtuica and consequently can never get out of or der. Sehiff<s-Htrshluger are sole agents for the sale of them in this city. PIANOS-WHERE TO BUY, VEMRUARY Ist, 1573. Prices' reduced from 15 to 25 per cent. Larg est stock in the South to select from Elegant 7 octave Pianos, Rosewood Cases, Curved Legs, overstrung Mass, and all modern im provements. sJtis, $!?7;5 and S9OO, Warranted durable. . Money refunded in case of failure. The popular “gout-lic-i'n Gem" oniyfi’fJO, S3OO, $320 and $3lO. 1- a I let, Davis & Co.’s Square Grand octave, $375, $4lO. $430 and $490. Win. Kui’ibe & Co.’s Superb Instruments h>w er tlimi ever before sold. Address us for speci al terms Pianos' sent-on trial to any part of the. South. Send for price lists,' catalogues, etc. Select the styles uisi red, give us the or der and we guarantee to furnish a first class instrument or refund the money. Wholesale Depot fortlie celebrated Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. Fifty styles from $55 to SIOOO elicit, delivered )rei."lii pahl to cash buy cm in any port of the South. ■ Any piece of sheet music or music book published in tlie IT. S. sent post paid 011 receipt of retail price. Address all orders to Lt’DDKN Si MATES, Southern Music Warehouse, feb ]2;3)n Savannah, Ga Tlie White Good’s Department of Schiff & Ilirshinger.’s'is' tu(l in everything per taining • 10 this line of goods, asr Jaconets, Lawns, Nuinsoocs plain and figured, Ta ble Damasks, Napkins, Towels, linens, <5-c., &c. ARRIVALS AT GULF ROAD HOUSE. rvit 22n to 28tii Arttn.. \V, J. Thornton. Atlanta; C. Rhiuauer, city; J. L. Sanders, S. W. R. I?.; F. M; Hull, Savan nan ; J. Cronin, do : W. C. Haines, A. &. G. R. R.;J. L. Lyons* Jacksonville, Fla.; A. H. Miller, city ; G. F.' Page. Stark ville ; T. J. La liier, Macon Telegraph ; M. B. Bower. Bain-' bridge ; B. McManus, Cairo, (a ; M. Moehler, Savanuali ; R. C. Shorter, Atlanta; W. H. Crawford, Buinbridge , E. It. Brown, Sparta, Ga.; N. L. Griiiiii, S. Morgan Raw h, Gtty ton. Ga.-, S. N. Pupot, Savannah j. R. Hard away, city ; J. U. Marshall and wife, R. A. Cunningham, W. Beatty, MiniragawaGossee Geero, Osawa Uina Ketebie. Titz Safrbro, To CoTiki, Tozo Ketebie, Cos Sarbro, Miss Onega, Mrs. Lok Sarbro ; W. J Elsteeu, Indianapo lis, Ind.; A. E. Smith, Rainbridge; W. H. Tomlin, Cuthbert; C. J. Munnerlyn, wife and daughter, Rainbridge; Isaac Baer, city; O. 11, Carroll, do.; Geo. F. Robenson, Ga.; J. A. Thornton, Jr., Cairo, Ga.; J. L. Lyons, Jack sonville, Fla.; R. L. Gentry, Savannah. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. COUNCIL CHAMBER, / April 28, 1873.$ Council met at 4 o’clock, P. M. Present. Hon. J. S. Merrill, Mayor. -Aldermen Finn, Brandon, Jerger, Mitchell and Stark. Minutes of last meeting were read and con firmed: A communication from Mr. I. Levy, Secre ta r y of Neptune Fire Company No, I,"extend ing an invitation to the Mayor and Council to be present gt their annual parade and celebra tion on the 6th of Afay next, was read and up on motion cordially accepted- A motion to instruct the Street to . proceed immediately to opeu the street given bv S. Alex. Smith prevailed, "Alderman Stark then moved that the Chair man of Committee on Cemeteries be author ed to have the colored cemetery’ cleaned wp and report some plau for regulating intei meats therein. Passed. Tlie following Ordinance, which was re.-id second time at last meeting, was put upon its tbird reading and passed; Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of Thomasville, Ga., that all Auctioneers Licens es, issued by this body, be fixed at fifty dollars for the time from suen issue to Hie Ist March thereafter. Upon motion of Alderman Stark the Ordi nance Committee was instructed to examine iuto the legality of imposing a specific tax on professional men and report at next meeting. The following resolutions were then offered by Alderman Bmutlon and passed umiuTmous ly: Resolved, That the petition of Wm. E. Da vies t$ erect a wooden building on the corner of Crawford and Fletcher streets be grttnted. it appearing that no objection baa been tiled to said petition., and it appearing blether that tlie building of said boose wRI no’ i-jcr ase the dfingef of fireto- / property holder*, as shown l>y wmlieutle of Fire Insurance. Agents -and iliuirnitn 10-eotnpatiyiiiK s.->id peti tion ami the consent of mijnmtiig"property hoi hers. Provided no petition oii,tln-jpart of uu ad joining properly, holder be tiled by the next meeting.of Council, and the building put up does not vary nmtei ial'y fiom the diagram and locution. Resolved, That the Clerk nnd Treasinel- l-e instructed to have a suitable desk uiade fertile liooks and pajiers connected with his oliicw. Alderman Stark then moved tha* the Com mittee on Public l*m|>orty bu authorized to have u hog pound built upon sit h ground ns they may deem most suitable. Passed. Sandy Roberts' uccoun: for if'.’a was ordered paid. A. MeDougul's uccount tor sr.. r O.\VHS referred tu CliiiiiiiiHti of. l- inance Coinmhtec. Connell, upon inoiiou. uiljonrned. A. J. LOVE, tliei-k andTrcusr. SPECIAL NOTICE. A It 1C AT 111. KIM I.Vet. Never, since the time "when tlio morning stars sang ingctlior,” has there been n greater medical olscovcry and blessing tu the human ipi’c than tlie Glttltc l-’lowcf Cougli Syrup. This delightful uud rare compound is the ac tive principal, obtained ti.v chemical process, from the "(Holm Flower’," known also as "Hutton Root,” aud la Bulimy ns "I'cplmlim thus Ocridciiinlis. GLOME FLOWER COUGH SYRUP is alniostaii infallible rurc tor stvdry di'scri|itliui of Cough. Childs, Ilunrsiiliess. f'oni Throat, Croup, Wlionpiu/t Cough, I’lurisy, Inltiiciizn, Asthiim. Ifioiicliitls, uc„ mid will cure Con siimplhiu when taken 111 time—ns thousands will testify ULOJiE FLOWER COUGH-SYRUP will cure the most obstinate cases of Chronic Cough ami Lung A-tlectiom*, when all oilier boasted remedies fail. GLOME FLOWER COUGH SYRUP dues not contain a panicle of opium or any of its preparations, GLOME FLOWER COUGII SYRUP dues not contain a hnrtlelo nf poison, nr any ingre dient that could hurt thr mott drlirntc rlnlil. GLOME FLOWER COUOHSYRCP Ims become, where known, the most popular cough medicine in the country, because it has suc cessfully withstood the throe grout tests of merit, viz: Time, Experience uud Competition, and remains, nti or passing through tliis orde al, the best article of its kind in tlio world GLOME FLOWER COUGH SYRUP is plensiuitlo the taste, und does not disagree with fho most delicate stoumcli Physicians who have consumptive patients,. are invited to try tho Globe Flower Cough Syrup. Its umgiciil effects will at once lie telt and acknowledged Beware of counterfeit's! the genuine Jins the words, GLOBE FLOWER COUGH SYRUP blown in each bottle, mid the. signatures of the proprietors upon each label. The trade mark label and compound aro protected by Letters Patent Don't take nnv other article as a substitute for GLOME FLOWER COUGH SYR UP.— If your Druggist or Merchant has none on hand, request him to order it for you Thousands of testimonials of the most won derful cures are constantly being received from tho North, East. West and South —some of which seem ill most inirnciilonH Sold by druggists.,ut. tjjt I tier bottle, $5 for one-half dozen J PlofniMtTON A CO., jnn 24-ly Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga Thomasville Retail PRICES CURRENT ffppleN—Dried ' i v lli 20 It ii 1 lei-—Country <t v lb 35 ® 40 Goshen ,“ 50 w 60 It ROOMS ,a piece 25 ® 75 Buckets—Pine a.pitcc 35® 50 Juniper MM “ s7s® 1.75 BEESWAX P lb 30 It aeon—Sides C _R..,. “ 12 ® “ Sides l{ “ ® Shoulders 10 ® “ llfitns “ ■ 16 ® Bagging—Gunny per yd - 16® 20 Beef—at Market....... Plb 08 ® 10 Collcc—Rio ...F lb 25 ® 33 “ Java " 45 w 50 “ Moclioi “ 60 a> Corn — jler bushel 1-25 w Cniidlt'K —Sperm p lb GO a “ * Adamantine, “ 25 ® C’Hccsc—A F lb 25® 30 CRACKERS— IIest...p tb 15 ® 30 COPPERAS 11, 08 ® 10, Curds —Wool per pair 00 ® 75’ “ Cotton o ffO tv ■ 90 Domestic*—Mieac’ed, per vd 08® 25 “ Unbl lied, 10 ii‘ 20 “ 1 ‘ Osnab’gs, “ 20 ® 25 “ Striped, *• 18 ® 20 Egg*-.---- perdoz- 15® 20 Fowls —Turkeys a piece 00 ® 1.00 “ Grown Hens, “ 00 ® 30 “ Half Grown, 15 ® 25 Fls h—-Mackerel........kitt $3.00 ,® 3.25 “ Salmon ..t v lb Cans 00 ® 50 “ Cod...' ....fib 12® 15 • “ Mfeatii, Trout, pr st'g sl.(|o ® 00 “ Suckers, 11 piece. 05® Of? “ Herring jier box 1 SI.OO ® 00 Flour —XX., ....... per bbl ® 10.00 “ Extra Family ® 12 00 “ Meat St. Louis “ 13.00 ® 14.00 Biiigcr..’ f lb. 00 ® 50 ■tides— 9 “ ttr 15 @ 17 Iron—Plow .1 “ 10- . “ Ties... “ . 10 Indigo 3 : 11 ,2.50® .00 Jean*—Northern. ... .per yd 25 w 30 “ Kentucky .....per yd 40 ® 50 I/ard... f tb ® 15 ■leather—Sole f tb 00 ® 45 “ ' ' Upper,aside “ 2.50® 3.00 “ llafness “ . 00 ® ' 60 liignor*—Whiskv f gtti[ 2.00® 6.00 “ Gin...'. 3.00® .4.50 “ Ruin - 3.00 ® 4.50 “ Mi-audy 8.00 ® 20.00 ITJral— pr bn 1.30 MVSTARD— English f hot 40 ® 60 MACCAIiOXI f It) 00 ® 50 MATS —Co’trv shuck, a piece 25 V> 50 'Nails f lb 00.® 10 OATONS. . ..: per bii 00® 00 Oil—Machine J-.-fgal 2.00 “ Kerosene. “ 50 “ Castor “ 5.00 . Prints —American.' 10 ® fl.* French 18 2 English... ‘ -25 @ 28 PEPPER— ' 50® 100 PO WDER f- tb 00 ® 0 POTASH—.... f Ibi 20 IllCE— F lb! 10® SHOES —Broj'ans, medium! $1.50 @ 2.00 “ “ bJst 1 $2,25 ® 2.50 Mngar—Extra’C F lbs 15. “ Cofiec... ;.. Ftb 16 Crushed, F tb' 20 Malt—Liverpool iter sack $2.25 SHOT. V tb 00 ® 20 S YRUP. . per gal 50 ® Tallow— F tb 10| Ten—Black F lb $1.25 ® 2.25 “ Green Flb $3.00 Turpentine...^ .... per gal 90 TRACES per pair 90 ® 1.15 Tobncco—Good article, F tb 60® 75 • 8e5t........F lb 1.50 L. J. SPITZ, UMCaliLer, Is prepared to do all work in his line, either manufacturing or repairing Work executed in (he best style and war ranted Terms cash and charges moderate SHOP—Over r £hoimtsville Iron Works, on Jackson Street, near Depot Patronage solicited and satisfaction guaran teed * [inch 25tf SMjrWATER, ICR COLD. With tiie Choicest Syrups, Will be drawn during the season. 4 MOUFISTER - Filley’s Famous 1,, ,M ' h m.i ,ir EXEELSIM MAMFACTBRIEE CO.. NT. I.OITM, .HO . , Arc doing more mid Hviicr •loittgr it -sjSjftwjjSi? quicker a. cheaper Mum any Bt6yo of ttWK) i>--'- " ARE ALWAYS - ~-ft i.oM ipi-iri'ib Ilellnblec operate perfectly V . V GU 'Iks, Will do,vonr t’OOWW Ml LAP W&MS AND easy, /Ylri'N V QUICK A!\I1 (T.IM.Y Always WwM WARRANTED! ' nv*'''■ molt 30 4m DAVIES & CO. Garden Seed! liv (krone am) to AnnivK 10.000 PniM-rs Moist’ Garden Seeds, assort ed SO Itm-rclM Early Rose mid Goodrich Pota toes !i Bnrrcli* English Garden Pens, nassortod H liin-rels Onion Sets All orders by imill-, amounting to s■>, forward ed by express at our expense. AS I SI AI.. A large and varied assortment of DRTTCiS, Clicmiea]N, Paints, Oils, Faitry Lootls AND ■ FINE LIQUORS. DAVIES & CO. -jnn 31 tv CARRIAGE SHOP G. C. Atkinson Having leased the Ctn i iage Sliop on Juekson Street-, above Mclntosh's Stables, formerly oc cupied-by Joseph Tooke, col., lie is prepared to make and repair buggies, wagons and ve liieles of all kinds, make Of mend plow stocks, or other farming utensils- In short, any kind of wood work. GINS repaired, sharpened and put in good, order. Prompt attention to business aud charges moderate. stii 3-tf_ - (4EfiltftlA-Tlioma* t oiiutj. Oi'dinary'aGffiee, March 1, 1873 Whereas Daniel D Massey. Administrator, and M It Massey, Administratrix on tlie estate of Janies M-ttssey, deceased, make application to this Court, for Letters of Dismission from said Administration,. All persons interested are hereby notified to file their objections in C'tturt.otherwise said letters will be granted the applicants iiuteriiis of tire law 11. 11. TOOKE, Ordinary . mcli 12-3 m GEORGIA —Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, March 10, 1873' Whereas J. I Parker, Administrator, and' Cynthia Swift, Administratrix on the estate of Sheldon Swift, deceased, make application to this Court for Letters of DisuiissionJ'rom Administration, All persons interested are notified to tile their objections in said Court, otherwise said fetters will be granted in terms of t lie'law. 11. II .TOOKE, melt 12 3m _ Ordinary. A Proclamation, GEORGIA. By JAS. M. SMITH, Governor of said State. Whereas, official information has been re ceived at this Department that Jint Mattox (colored; was convicted of the crime o’f mur der at the June term, 1871. of the Superior Court of Thomas county, ami that while under sentence for said crime, he made his escape from the jail of said couidy, and is st ill at large. 1 have thought proper, therefore, to issue this my Proclamation, hereby offering-ii reward of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOL LARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Jim MaUox (colored) to the Sheriff of raid, county and State. And Ido moreover charge and require all of. licers of this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said Jim Mattox (colored.) in order tin t lie may be bronght to trial for the offence with which lie stauds charged. Given under my hand and great, seal of the Stpte, at the capital, in At lanta, this tlie twenty-ninth (lay of March, in the year of our Lord eigli (sxAt.J teen hundred and seventy-qjrree, and of the independence of the United, States of America the ninety-serenUi.' JAMES M. SMITH, Governor. By the Governor: N. C. Maukett, Secretiiry of State. apl 16-3 t _ _ Native Wine! DELAWARE, , I'fiAX'ORD. HARTFORD Made, from the pure juice of the Grape from my Piuey Woods Vineyard . Two Silver Medals and several other premiums have been award ed to my Wines for their excellence . For sale in bottles or barrels by JOHN STARK, mch 26 I y Proprietor P. W ViupattAa