Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1867-1867, January 02, 1867, Image 1

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SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. hG. BRYAN, | Editor and Proprietor, i VOL. Yti JLaw and Medical Cards. BRYAN & HARRIS, ATTOIt.YCI'S AT LAW, TIIOTtCvVIf.I.K, OA. I OFFICE frst door in second story of Stark’s Confectionary. L. C BRYAN. B. H. HARRIS. Mar 14 Hts MITCHELL & MITCHELL, AITOKUfiVH AT I.AW, THOMASVILEK, . . • GEORGIA. t-ff* Office ovef McLean's store- -opj.ointe Mclntyre &. Young's. W, D. Mitchell. I{. 0. Mitchell. Julie 0 ly S. B. Spknckk. C. P- Hassell. Spencer & Hansell, ATTOKYEVS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, (JA. Will (rive prompt attention to all lentil bus) ness entrusted to llieir care in the counties of the Southern Circuit—Decatur of the South Western—and Clinch, Ware and Appling, of the Brunswick Circuit. over Messrs. Wolff & Brother’s Store. jnly i-ly W.M. HAYES. .1 A. SIiWAUI) HAYES & SEWARD, ATTOBMEYU AT I,AW, I'HOMASVILLK, i OKOKdIA. aug S titu J. K. Rr i.l tl. ■>. tV.l'.DrWill Urn. lIKIU & DcWITT, OFFER their service* to the citueUß of ThonuiftytHe tend vicinity. OFFICE at JJr. DcWitt’s Drug Store Feb '2l 8 if I>r. T. nflforKlftS, OTTIOBi II SAfffM LOT with It In II*I:\fl-, L. o. CBJfOftt *. RESIDENT DENTIST THGMASVILLE, G.V Witt he found at <)to old .tr-yty Stand occupied by him for Aug iW-iim Dr W P GLOWER HAVINU permanently located in Tic mas villa, oilers his I'rofeasiomtl Nervi* era to the public. 1 if OFi-TCE at the Drug Store of W. P. Clower .A Cos. 5 yF"KKSIDKNCK—the house formerly oc cupied by Dr. Brandon. mar II ly (J. IS Rockwell, Civil CnKin«‘cr ami Surveyor. I,audn Hurrryrd iimil Plata rlrntvu in the beat atjrlc »l tin- Arl. OtiDSHs left with A. I*. Wright. Thmuisvillc, <ja , will meet wilt proatpt attejitimi. June 'JO j 11 Commission Merchants. D. a. PIUtSK. 1» ft- THOMAS PURSE & THOMAS, CSMMiSSIOS. (iiiVMGli ill Shipping Merchants, No. 11l Bar *•*.. NAAAANAII, OA. General Agentx for GeorgK for the following well known Companit* t The Wilder Patent salaman der Sale Cuinpany, Manufacturing the oldest mid h**t Fire Proof Safe in the world. The Ureal Ilenil Seale Com’) With n fnll supply of different si/.et and Wyler of Seales always on hand, from mu ill ( ounU r to largest site Vlntloi», Nonparril Waxhluir Machine. lleydnd rpierlion the HKST Washing Mnchito now in Mae. giving nniveiva! kiitiyfartiob, and anpplf lug a great neenwiiy in iU labor raving .jualitiee. <J«orgia Chemical Work*, OF SAVANNAH. OA. Their unporiOr bntfdhf FAMILY SO tP oow offered to .he piihlie at a price l*h>w Northern Knapt. i» warnuittal equal w the hunt, umi far eii|Kirior to luauy. Aim, Sole A,tent* at Savannah for The lUapea Mi|»er~l*lio*p|ia(e of Mine. Ita application to Cotton, Corn and Harden ; Vegetable haa alvsay* heyu yitnanlrd with moat aatiafaetory and flattering reMiltr The’ hietory of it* nee. South, for the pa.l fift.-vn yt-afe jnathr plat e-it /■>**! rank of t’rr illiftra. Tlie Atlnntle A Half ltn :*l C.iw. j pony, with great liberality to the planter* ' along it* Mils,propore to rarry thi* fertilteer at j the following ra'« \>er 100 |l««. To N«"» I, It* and 2. at l&renu per hundred It, 4 and 4 Ml. at, id rente pt-r hundrvai, i, t>. I aud < tg, nt Ji cl* per hundred. ; ff, t> and 10, at £1 tin. j»f huiidied , 10*11,11, l*J and 10, ati eta per iwt ; It, 15 13t* and ID. at 40 ef* j*er 'wt I 17, IS and It at .'HI rent* |>er hundred. ! Wi will < he< ifullr famanh pumptihit* me taining foil partn uhi * nf thl* So| , i*l‘lnaipliau to any one *.Uljv>wio.p n», Al*e, Sole Agmto at Savannah fur Horace L. Emory & Son’* Jrapr.ved Cotton Gin and Con dense*. For thv flrvt ulna ••(fared fat intpoetiou of the Planter* of Georgia. Tl.i* Uifj i* aiapiod to t-ilh laarg and >ltnrt Colton. The (tin a lay Ire Sean in *per*'l(Wi at Vabluala, with oor Agent*. Mawi IVudleion A Hoimirek. or at oti- ptaee in Savannah Atm, Sofa AgWiU at Savannah tor James Metcalfe fa. Co’s OILS, of Louisville, Ky. I.ot.rteating. Head l.igtn and Marldwery Oil* always on hand, at Mai.tifart ire r* Price*. Ah ugAhefanoof th* Aihmtgs fc (lad Rail Hoad, with 1 Qiißlfa* artpnuing. aud Kherid*, banns apptdwUd Agent* for Mewir*. Pnrwe .fc Tltoma*. »» are prepared IA fwmfah alt «ltkfanitt»rti*M hr them, at their fa want savannah Iton**. wgh i-(eight and Itruvagr ia potaM vs delivery ah rig ear Suite, nithwl ConuoMrii u or aa* ■thor expro*a to ear*. PtiSULtn UN A 'ftU Nlt: t Ort IS fa ValitMa. flto BKYANT’S Cholor-i Mixture A specific far inaipietn Cti*A*r», far tslt hy fa P. CLOWER It CO. 11. WOLFF iy BItO., BEG leave to inform the citUens of Thomnsville anti surrounding country, that they have received and will bo constantly receiving large lot* of ILL Kill OF OKI 111)1 DADIES DRESS AND GElflfT-iSSMTfW*S FURNISHINC COODS, Suoit nS Silks, French and English Merinos: all Wool Delaines, Atpaeeu# S a u Stripes and Irish Poplins, Scotch Fluids. Muiliu Delaines, French, English uud American Prints, Flannels and Opt ra Flannel*, Balmoral Skirt*. A FULL STOCK OF TUB LATEST STYLES OF Clonks and Mantillas, SHAWLS, SON-TAGB. BREAKFAST SIIAWLS. VANDYKES, NUBIAS, and all kinds of WORSTED KMT GOODS. THE LATEST STYLES OF LADIES' HATS. r RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, FLOWERS-.Ail of which arc Vn\ ualkded! Staple Jlomdit Orn (DooK Yankeo Notions, Cutlery, Crockery and Stationery, Bioh Perfumes and Toilet Soaps. A SPLENDID STOCK FROM THE BEST MANUFAt TUBERS OF Boots and Shoes, OF ,vi.l. DESOUIPTIOjSS AT LOW IMI r Our stock of CLOTHING, I*l Kct, & GENTS FURNISH INI; GOODS Arc unHurpansud in the Country. YV AIL II ISi5 A.N I > Ar. ** 1.1. U 1 , TOBACCO and SEGARS. A* our flock has been reload with great car*, and purchased under (It* mr.-t favo. cable circumatnpee*, we do not iie*italw to say, that w« an- enabled to *•••!!. ai l< i«(, at as low price* a* any other house in th« whole cnotdfy. All wtt ask t*. that the Lodi#* # nd Uenlieuieu of Tliotnaevillr and vicinity, will favor u« with a cull, and jtniye our Good* ml Price*. If they will do this, »<• feel Cm.ft lent that non* ot 1 1, cm will leave onr establishment wiMi-itn purmiaVtng. It is noodle*-, to say, that they will be te ceived cordially and treated politely, mid clmigrit nothing for cental,nlng our goods *o, pletise give us a call before purchusiug elsewhere. h. Wolff a i mother.. The attention of Country Mcrelinut *is invited I<> nur superb Hock es Goods To them wo offer great iudm <*nenle in splendid bargain.. Hcpt *27 iW-tf <l. WOLFF A BROTHER. sAtannaOat STORY. No. ,53 CONGRESS STREET, BAVANXAIL, - - - Georgia. Ilats, Caps aud Straw Goods. | WluilfOtlt' ItoOIM, I P HTIIR*. lictall hepsirtment, ITHRT IT.Ooil. Conatantly ton hand M.rtv' A Uoy« l i lt, Wo I Iff <•« Rilh nod I line . I1«n of 411 it— late at vie* Cloth, He "ft. to. Velvet and flla/rd * .•(*, Ru* it A Glove* Vlirj. od, rl t land* ,f * e let*, Neck Tie*, paper and idnen (.''dial* t iribfxdf )■ 1.,.1ee and MW. * H .1* asd Jsgkev’*. n> *ll Mj l.m trimmed and eti'iimo-d My fuelling* tig- ptf 'ehaaing Rl< «' iffaet* are rmrunvorSMl and I can **-U lh#»» »' saw M* j ran W j«t»t»e<t nr retailed ill ant Ot the Northern or i ~.*l»o II ||nkei * A re*ideneo in thin rity fmin boyleem ret nr, 'll > • • «[• r"l’ ■ of over (.f ee yearn, give* me c'Mifi’lwie» i* *pp* ai le wI • u*y f* Mow re I etna tn tian lOei I O’ioi fy for tfa-ii • ctHitinie-d patioiiag® _ _ AHg,.,y _ __ S M. COLDING I. MBIISHM t Bllftj Hate Jttaf Rctelicd mo Pieev* late*' atvlr Pr.nt*. . a large lot t It» »-,4 M.f» 1 ■•• «> e a,, . II iftni-rpriH*, Niripe*. *V. W-will keep ,o#r ihr 1. ootiond a large *t»e k<N u. *<,■.** of s—'d*,. ■ ; w hich we now offer at n da-od rat « gV(ali*ii|ii a id M'**d VVe get theae gieej* .lifr t from Ihe M .mifotlo a U4 will ** Mat Fie lor >Po • • t»r!a4 : | mg Frnfalit. FAMILY OROCEIUKH AT WJIOLKHALK. \S't Hff pr*iKk«*4 1« turnip) Sh ft.imiJ* »<»* '' y; ' ; lit**.* riff. «t ShW 13 LT G G Y H.BPOHITO iIY We would ootifj the pirtille generally | that we bav* jii .r rwlvcil a sew «opply of 1 It (J <» I.IKN Whieb we pro pod* toael* low fur the c**k. . our irrrangemenl* Win 'he »V|<ufacinor* nt *' lb' N irik srw Mreb 'b*t we evnafoxl to noil it tow «• any cataMiabwicw. In thr Hen'll and ibows wb* **al any i tying «f Iha kiwi w- Would rrvjrecifniiy iov«« rtygu. e. give m % ealt b*rf<w* porehaafag i-iwet,. rg wear* *a trfiel’bat we »« lie rwofa ti n rjoalftf add prfa#. W* will afao take order. for awe kind of CAirisffa w waggoa* M C SMITH * , N«v 22al *f Thoinasvillo, Georgia, Wednesday, Quinary 2 , ISGfV RANDKI.I* vV CO, WHOLESALE r. no vi: nr., Ml dr Ms RU atHFST. flaittnnsk, (.rsrifs, A h<rg' sad eempw .wtUwa af *.Wr*v. rim eoe.iaody ••!( k.ud, who* «iv «dhtad at W 0%4«r4 it-4 **y fltid. r Pwr hi - an ■ fwr<v.i I kw«*V"b*ft«l ■ Pli-rPHTUCTW 1 r asl- by w p f't/nrtn, sujai LrrwfjVt (SEMI-WEEKLY.) III!) MOTH! ’Quick Sales ynd Small Profip! j.sciliirtau % • A | AUK BKCKIVIio THPII Pall and Witter Stock of DRY GOODS. AND mrimA ■lout#, Sliuaw, TriinKW, hour, (OlKc, Hire, TobiM l.t-uflitr, Ac*.. Ac*. Kept 13 Dl If E. G. HILTON, F. M. BIN’DF.I.I. Suvitnnah. New fork, Hilton & Ranitbll WIIOLKHALK j Gr rooe^a AND DEALERS IN 1 WINKS, LIQUOHH, #>., m i n«> mi 111 V its* Ihe mtPfllilM! of l»«‘dJ«sl *-hi-vhc II large* and ootnjd©*d wn'irtwt’ol of \S I»U H iliey are iu ntfor huwMl Market fiW»n. OU> MoNOSU Mfl’f. A, IIJV V, A N 0 HOI It HON W IK IN K I R 8 -goni'nftily <n hand. Agftiit* forth# o«l«t>ra(#4 kiea/t s 1 1 otifui*<J*r in keg», half FOR BRANDY Peadiee! %%nil Id HHiIIUV Mtltnblr. f.o Iltninly T v p.otrhu,. bo **Why •> HI A ItK NKW CIIKKSK % « Ottli t»»W flimt*#, pltu>« M na|il> t i *td# Jyl !, r JOHN STARK TIJKNII* SMKDS I TOR I',li P Hung, retvilvrd and to *ab 1 JOHN hl AUK 1 ><>•! ■• It <3 11 *l.»? fib droru —t Ale «n<l Porter, rwuwtved mid Hale l»v tub ill a tr joilN HI’AMK 'I'O M’IOKKHm! A Him lot i t PJPI 1 find a !»ro>- mid ftruia.e trileant of hM< tlv IN(t ton t('<’<» «.m» Cory (hlfi*. biwmU H' .ov»d a Oil tor aula by M< IHtr JOHN HA UK SfM’l'ff! •'•'tl latrlllmd* and 1t« t ti-aet H* oir It artd Al»., Kmrll- Sri Jam, Biarhturaur pMOut*. for ».«!< by fchTl Hts JOItM kTaRK A ItFAt ft Kl{ A Til ALII KIM Fit OHI3AP CASH STORE. Iff NMfMMfit Mirrrti 4 I uiiyirM l.rttti, kuvuiitiuli, - - - l.twntlM. A. RCSCHER & CO. Vt tmlr *«l* and Retail l»eal< <* in Foroigu ftfid Lorn Stir’ Dry Clooda Aldrf*. Yuttko* Notions, Mltwwls fa Cloaks In all Ihe fan at etyha f if (‘'it»Mff M Miixild will Uti i H l*i Or*-f /fifty l # ft# H *'#l| >(f On# imAio ' Q«tf iii** »*#¥ I *f HARNESS! Saddloft! li If I DUCB! UiihtTS, (MffkM, F«Ur»*»s, II»KRy Horll'fS & HertU!, iIURRT MltsTUi, Carriage Holts. MwW'lus Iron, »»d ovsry 4o sorlptioti of <3 n r r 1 n * o TRIMMINGS, hut* fj* i fay With ft A|##<#** nhlpn. HMI« MO»l H.«< oo and II fft %4a*»d II utf.--.-r ST Utd'/l' t ** -• GIN BELTING, f*f *«,S Me*.** hrmW I R-4.iuw.**«r( . ||.u,» -a luaw - IN l.ovar»t I'rltea las 1 Mali ' 5 * . ~•! r . • . • « " gpds *Mt »****»<4 *« A IviTff A CAII 111 KR’S A DOR DSN <»» the SOUTHERN- ENTEBI'HISE. THttnAXH I.M, ««., |(v I. ia«r. Nor #f that noted aluek a acton ; fin hut the Imp of l.tmH'a ItuvvN, Say, do nut tr emlda «iih alarm, Far, truly Inend*, I mean no harm Pve only vniuo t« utako my tmw, Viol teli our worrlty pairnna hot* Tlie l*t inter* are thia Sev* Year day ; \t»d then, befhre I go away, 131 only nay a taw word* u.bre ) •Ye huri ! ikt Ibnft hi gear An ’ The Editor** "all right.*' «f houraa j A a ' J ophy ** .aid of hi* eld hum-, Wlui.e b-rt hind lug «•> »eiy lame Wlmao lelt fme tmu w«* Ju»t th- *»u*r, And who.a lelt i ft had lu»t it» tight lb) mid a doubt Ar *~« "il > VII It m*kr» ,-ur Foreman very proud, To I.Far the people talk to loud Ale Ml Hid iienltm** of am- rhaal, VV hick ia thla aianion ata'l by boat, trill* D the It Util, bey Cnd ail cavil, .|/f ojf.V It* ulleiD tby lh« D>' ill. Soiuvttmaa the people u*b hbu Unt* lie dues, la make the paper ahr.w Much mmple ueatn< and, the while, Much uneai-aptiottabb- atyle. He ankWDt*, Willi a utudyal wink, I '• M | ta *imply dune with printer'* Uth " That'* true, but 3D n- t *3 the It uth 1 Fur If il wor«, why than, ftmauth, Our paper ffr old ~ot I.* iwoi c treat | In dir**, than many another *!».vt, ‘ft* labor, tattle and .kill, combined, D reeled hy lh« | uw'r ui grind, That mrhea ihe Km Plinth EatHlifni**, |mle<d. and I ruth, a taaf / « 1 Annlhvr ir-avim why We’t* liven Kui oeaaliil, i» b> - a«t -« the Wisu IU. never tailed n» ait the yen , An«l I e ,h »«y, wl hmit thw ,«ai Os contradiction, that w«'*« ha t A Ft t t.*K V\ I * it, than e'er wa» marl* To blew tu alt thi* uountiy round Ev'lt wbaio the Hurticao’t* abound We And a l<M»>. witbotit a pflll il rer kuft), and we bad a MuitN j Sot bla«k*mith, *ilv,-i ttotitb, nor John, ; Dot Jo* ; both he and li*M. ate gotta One* 1.. * while Wt< l.ftvt Hi «, I Which, though for rating Isn't HO » | In cuatarvD, y«l t* good tor f>i, i * wt .« «.*<** *i.*, Ivtahat. tty, ! Th* la*l, bill not the frar* yor hitut* | For, Ihv-ugh I'm lathyr «m«tl In tlulurt, j Tp |r*»ke n gfeat noi*e I* my Ha‘ul i Th# '* l'r/ht*r'» DetM “ I atn r atted, i And tn tin# t,Hi, e I’m in»t«|l. rl, t-riitl a *io iltvr, l.t,<-in j Khali rdaft -b* lave Whetv I brgwu, No# I*.i yon litinh rue 3vrf vujttltb I I U .1-1 .Id ».'i« *ll - It ,i t« Ho mini, for hnw tit* Ptliitei* do| And now, dotty liiend*, piay Imw are you ohei, and lb# < Id **< I g Hi* #- ~iy yeru# have draggml obiHg Their iiatn of *nff'ring *|nj of WO**, And u -w it<* alaih I* at M* *to*« I 11,,* hiiv* y n farad in all <h. aw year* iff tlvaolatioit, Moot .o t |*ata f lit* l oiiiiiu Ifimlty >lro!t with yon I Patchai-'■ -e i,a* j k«i *»t* f»w Hava known th# *utihghl or btt atalla t if many o,„r* hav* lelt, ihe white, Th# wuh.i iiif IblMU'ivf bet ftawn, And in n» *l, d«w *add#r grown, Kiss |r*t. .* our halloo fork*.|, By *n to* ipb ot *«»ihijnahv »h> ■< k»>| Tge b«B# it I'ongrtag *. br»>4 bead IIISW&8TH lIMECBH £ SAIFOBD »<t »...*■ •• . f„»g- el* m, t.... DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS \ SI I OKS, lIMtS unit I up*. li it in; eh in list dHair and dull rr>, I rntkrir tlsrit, GAGGING AND HOPE, J« #«,«# «*4W «# «( e+ityikfa# |ft#l * eg# l is*## *M --*4* «fa fa*s. (Ufa •IIDZjXa A« IrOW A* ear kuvue .« lA* gUx» i fjr** b’-tiTs. ((f ..-«iV«< ... ..* p, -/M r«*MW, j fared l».d*e ««d*dhsrtvu,...*» I t file, neeug « 6*.s. Lt -d »*.*.«» oaf a mil R«R ' ;*rAt Hu -44 sued <4 4leaw-tik A fans ! f.ud a* *1 dkiev »*» I * tuuAeh aval WeeGi feat* fafaf CUTEI ILCKTR £ FIUILLY ts «i> i H#u4 I#*faifa## ## BOOKS 4*U STATTH VEIIV, | I'vfftfafa W|4l|ll**'-l IN /•!*### Ufa#. Woto|*» •!*«#«, KAVAVS’AII, UE.OIUiI.L ! w#i,jM«W » meat! •••# «*• («*•*». f #«*g«tg« favwb* tsfawrtwd » edtfa **Refa I tuk rare*. •hwieeaie wfan I*l Wt * »V »* f*ltf N ' „*#- W....W,. I Oi Nutlbri net who, »Utti a* fate, Pout au-t derermined, .Iu- I hi. gr.oind, And vwMmi'd arrow* lann» bed aruuiid. Which pierced amt p Dmud the hear i’avwre I Os Huiiitiern hoaor sand hatarw Thu odd* were »■omitted, mean* and men, | Thu K otitbern Htatea t, .«, np. a**-l then Wa* rent dut t»ri land that *m # - --v Ff -.nt Britain by m*- w**ut»nr«a |*l< i g.t1,»0 otii (dalfitfin wa*, Ah i Houthern ghuftalMHl canae, flint what I* Honihmw right f ataa 1 ■fta hut a »»•««. ihab* with ihu p«*tu I Tlign- *n,e tour year* of bloody *Htm, When o -I** l»i wa* ch-op a* bn matt Ilf- K< ry data otuel deed ul blood I’d not ... .not *« n If I Con 11 |l.» h«a»< gvt»w#*hli whmttV, it,* th-night Os i!m*e who** r oa»l wa»*ptHe*l tot uoughk, t’o . *a atagg.n d>g lbret,*h the -tun In -atn , Ifi tore rb»n* ilrugk h#y 1 ■ i - year* are p».t, (ot. ... pot, And open war h»* evaaed at l«*t . Mail Mill the war lot party p- *«t 1* raging, and thi* tery hour, Tiue mmlpw h«* left bn Inrun*, and dnaina both kit* Mow*, And Famu it t -.1.-*. *i«», Mo -Dy ■ W lilt ,fOi l, UO. »•-.!- S »*'* ! I* ihfcie a lay of hep * tH>* lay. To t*ll it# «t the Doming day » roe day wh. U I’.ae. .h .11 .mile again, j And Jmn u. with lur g*.id*« .* .in ’■ Wo Imp., oh, j - .0,0 n • Ml. Go t‘„ Imp ; 1,»,t wh.u * til .«.<r* th# t-ii** lie of fruiM.rtf f W ill it ID f v.r T A elaitltug voiin *t. iWet«, •' S«v*t !'* T'rn n«»»G-'H* oit.#*t»d th.t to.h, rweftld » « a 1-ttg, *«‘l potaMd t**h V .t yen to >*U m* bo# *■■# » - l i 1/*.-.. | or A y . J *«of .’ Well my friend#, I h»»# been tikm* *-!»«# tm long, That I h*taty hue* k»* *>t go . n with my *otlg j U *** li**l wl¥ I# til*| La ILL* ho I’ll *»* It i I*ll t I* • h the u|t Iro, * Ju*l lorg> I what Ft# *al-I h.„d th# gat and *n*h lklAir, * Atid "p’* aboard wtren Ihet ...» t uth of * tv»wl Jl‘ tt*,“7*;». ojwaw itn we Iu i at f), K t *iatl»i>. If We don't, May | be dad hl*.o*d la blame And lit*'* u» lil» without 4 atf* j , Dm Fa. t»* »o. ill >■> »bn.k f th*. - Hr nd*«, I’m tmt a /Duf y < I Dot i.u o.i ,i artier -o Urn* ... I , 11 (• ink lb# g I *ll mao', how J. »4t, j That nought hut g>M*o np <•->>* ***** •*-«« ; j If that I* if.ia, why *ut*.y Gt*a ( to * maw,#* rvatly, lint, tint .jutiw gt *n, Ant lh»'« i -re, ala ay* ready Ila eel Up umah.t on* j H«-«** Mtp, f#i|> «*| 3.« up agih. Itlght It* the u,l tdD •fa ttig-vr 1 llrt I wb#f** got 'he hM- p#*l*Ul wHf f i V r. ‘i *** my fit* r»,i. f get Mm# 1„ u,«k* »-y QolahlH' «**.. , t. yim. IMtv. I'm g.Glng •* not a* »- *1 Ho 131 I*4 loo*, you w.*h lb* hop#, rt.«* I'll M#M y<» .gtu ....... n0... Os nih*f ! ||«e «>M •*# %|i» W 1,., cat. Ink loi » i*»i»«fi4 #( lfi«t Ult an 1 ♦n- ral.le J-» 1 u»u a* I** Salk* Up u»* »•*!* nt tlie t'kimitl »«•! **•! ll'l* tk« •*<>,«■! r *'im, as»l Out 4uwt«|i iUMthttij iMi iG«r< .1, \ • iiw«U*iwg akin In rujeßjf f Tl*s« wt » ItM (trii'l 01-l rl»»efimi its il.« t|#r»f *|l iwf#t»»r*, Or In*ft a l’l» sr'fc ||l (tffjr* nryally i« III* *»,/ p«.»wiu In b>» Sf/tWfWvn >i«,R h>g f,u -tn trfa ! Irfw. 1 lit I* .I*l • tp.udrMg - j ill kig gall «frl rr* • f pMtlibW, »,< | lb i tit** kdljl Isl.u.ali 'f t /I hi* wrb'rfuUa j *««r« Me •• > lerfb <1 r y./'g. I* » its Li e and ami *rl btlttjf / but ‘ft ifru v.,gR, *».«»»■(, jfuni* fin. In rally , |ie| •• piiffif run (,» Ralutd Li. If lan I I pnff *»!»•• **| Os , tsliiii Lav* (.1, <>l *nj tdurn. 1 ikn »l*f(lir» tlnit ■ I fk>* ba'mb, »t 4 g t Ifi&mi any «f It# tkf m i t>! llir, «N w<rt*4 lin Ota n niirL. fc i| «# »«, b«,n ab*l rl*atk, am. I*l Iks *■■■«*, *f ar tfilrit- a? J Ik* *>*'*,» «f 1* L*. 4H||.( kata r-»u.u..n lr.| bg, ,<«* i. J iW.k tk* aailk <*>|k 111* llt*4 nf kta fslaiah* 4 ket* la ton pail. |, Riles j is «,*•* 4 s>il< aty 4apan»>««>(*, tkat ka e .til'l but kata 61**4 a tk tin, !»>*». aal *in«> r and *l« lit jin 1 <tl a|t pa tiuto*, an ik * ui’ii, I b« as* dll* '**>« (list ha «•*■»•»» ■»*»*'»ta I Silk bra LigL 'a'velar // U<l li* idn <•/ Oi.n a m*i*aar <4 o*a« It—at. twbxiai'if yf < biiat t an la, all I* arywaad b'rlr, #to4 B».*k* * •»j fur ik * s*v «/ liuk ‘ li- I# ton# uS S •>** • *'• -4 fSautovOta'u**, -(.* evttla tk* a*l* n Wltrra lt<* yaw and #«• i' r * kail «*i«t-ttf, Us twuf*, L* fa** l.«* to •H- rlli.jf |r< IS* ttfrlgtf I 1.1 .O' v’. I try 1.6- 'rdltojf totvS I" Lr.nfa t'eial, if paaibit, 4 fUMtllrti tPr# |Ja tru t far ah 1 «*'. ««hI fa #4 | a tfk'faf jg. Ota ltd’ll ab<l tlx p vs, ■<*«( kill awl dslv, *r» l tioajt tk* ♦ af •«»» t* etMaiiy r, |b us I<a ti> en* a■ I *k* t«r» nUc « >.witty nf «»i iwto M In f<y, tad l*>app*»aa tfca sf H *i»f{4# ?firtvt Hat tk« 4—* M witntn *Ol ! “ft** riuts L>« kle/ra/’ ««4 (U pkta a \ I’ERMS:- $6,00 per ftnuoni, ( Payable in Advance. i ihrt «■)» know M it wtllatxm know him jno Mure iurever. Them am ihotu. I afttU ol‘ heart*, huwewer, wham htw | itteoiorv i* >-mb| mi and, and wham hi# j nubia tlawd* will k«, trt'4Hiire>l May 1 1ra» a» U*-r httu..-.Suin|ffae /i.awi. /t «nn. , * * - 4--0**»••* A Id'l'lwana •Wtui.g* \ party of n-. nltun eo, nit a wr* hit of a lYulio, a few tiny* am re, ent.rml ur s «f thuag nt l lu bi.m.' I *a]nant in ih« Inwar Btir aroiinu '»Viutm g|s.4*ov 0..U1J be hoard a perfect babel of IdltgWrg, tlur put* after indtilyrinif In var). no* ’rount)*,' aril <#.dtftu invtingtl tab# tree and «a*y, ft inn ettrlr ally nrnjh*H’.| la ilu- ot >»* I I-* call th* n*H nr »att >n. •DlU*. The hnttntr u| lha pr jut.#} wa* me ttfageil by all, an 4tl waa **- .-cr Umt.l •bat Uua.ia, ITtlvata, Alt#- (ria, fdw. .f.-u, Hpolu FVant'n, Kitglan.l, tr. land ahUN.nitl*H.l Wcm rrpf.-*at*ie.i, Nlftinj In a rmi.-it# <njrg#r wag # tail black wl -*hwed mm, alp* t. etna*! iu ray I. « ami drink mum wbhber fbao any ul It. f man tg fhft h*nß fti Ufa# i t *U v t dimebeit tnt«rr>.p»tly aa In hi* uatHHtaliiy, IL* pauDDu fur *in -mmi, and audde«!y f»i»lng tn lit* feel, will* •.turn kcbritmtKW be *a< l t *1! I bovu ». natbuisbry~.| am nit e.inu tyo.m I to a !<• • ifiaen a? tint untepte nted, md. puttdmit Mtitrt I»( IcttHei in i wb » aweetf..* when «bo Del* ilk# B and gn.-o bmb when *l# .om \ ft. whim th niw.piit » . navg- die*. #l.d fiver* n vef frc itr, lid nut hi nc- n over back* ml bill the j moivOah.and ‘ • Haul* h.tida hi* r!t*« j .Daily Id the (t....i ready fur a Qghl | W u hold tin fatUeankk# m .no hand I and lh« rim In the ilher We uttti 1114b>, daneo and ft.fbl uu.ra than n i 't«n.dinian , we «#g lido b* Her (ban a M. a., an , Wo .'an cal Hlnfe b*«f than 1 ~ ttiu 4t i k o, r - wh »k«y than «n Iritbntm, and 4u orniyibiuif |.clt* t (ban a liniebman • . > ar.pi work ,m| that *» w-« i dd, I and little'* when* we ah>.W #ur g>»al I * n«> I wo* to rn (it Airier# an b .**« back | a |*t*ln m.n (me, f«t«k«if in a idingAtFi b4ta#d ty a gatWactaek, oti-l I 1 tijij/r j> «> n vitur j«|iag, raiilut i ...#ko •■wip*. and u rubber and »<t»t i 111 .... wwd if .ot* Ak*. k t.k*. at, t I•«» j #ng Pin ga Iu nv>) | . i7Tf ,*ry «g | ( tin^tr** j 111 >/. /bur . t a* #f*e, | In,*, tier ItliiV, trf StfrilMW I’:-«*• j Sew Y »fk 11n,.. Dingf#lb* lit lha# j I *tt.‘«l #1 lull -w», under fate us W iiUDoiiii, iNiiviulirf I, I ha Il.ruah t'ottinßilwe na lha J util 1 i**l bar# Lad r#ls»n.d tn th*u», hi ; inp* '. I a jH-rtinn ul a j*A»t «(| | uaf..iy nl *•« art In anpptaa* 10, (1 ~i t in | .m,.«|, trre. .. ami I.r I u,f», tn •«»*« and liuttfW.'aic tka pfnpaitjf w|f »ah*!*, an j lilt u'l.b, bttf. ! >•*• ' *H rut. 4 Jtol|, iMI 1 Ira I „,»■ •toitt.i* f«|.«tt that tlia ul'jaut trf Ora Mil tit H '. *fl--to Salto fab«at an urnut, vs tk* pilirt i»«ili(in»i tvfntied tto tkafats aa pi ibihtoa tk* vl tk* real *4. Lit# us #al*< U k«*ns4 ska la#m ■ ( tkat# ualrtf *l ll*«* skat, sltkwtoffk ky tks 11 fat .u ' < I '< .t.« ) f tka to • tkd “•mu to! If • ■■■• «.f a*lt,«p un Am* S t,tuiUnli, h» gxt'.g a.-l and Stottofufl ,|...i.ii?» in,. U at.h; rl# tka attar* naft*a wt la,, and (bait array f*«nU • » *»U >4 Iks tail «♦«*< Inf tka .k|.«. IJ <♦«»», tk*t« ia ton pafl lkurv,,f ( .Mis', • '*« ik* OHk am) a* (ik aaattotora, an. 0 I'hiijt *k« a»r*w»s and aal# us Iks p< !**•> I «*»•«■« *1 »-i«» 4*«>gnaiina tot of *.,■ I. .rtknr pimatM ak*H talnSto alta, **aty 4a#*' totoOas kjt pfualaStotv •t'i'i *4 tk* K **» .tita, R, •*•«* |u gna Ifflltof R(| itt tie* • lattotfittwr, ah,. *» *ta W r >,«»#> iaiK-l aa I(f4ft>>| a furl ittofa .1 #«*| **««<* w.lkiw tka la* ktrlaw! a«fa#ti« «tt4S a# tka MMMirfaas t*l« • tt«a trr tka arnntiu ,n tit tka *tatr. ttf actual (U *«Miibg at ikal *•‘a ami «a#« iNtotok-l »al) (tot tka *p*a »t prtfpwa >4 lifltoffitoff it to- an «to‘l «*• ! that. *k* *ut#» nan, t# tkat# v.«ar -,f tk- eawa, k«*< ton p>ap«| npetaifub *■*•< the a >«..»*«. rw vs tk in far L«a kcaS daivfwtotoafa Tka «f dis tka tapasi to* *»i Mvnvlr 4 tk« print rator/ltolMtS a# pttol.ik.ia lit* Mitolan a# tka (aal aa. lute >4 tk* dahtortto. u*a Lay-/mi tks tataa -.1 tk*4i to#is>tol li*aa y wavtbf avrld lu tka a»#at>« »•. «f an •/ pud /a- w Uw wMLito tk* ataatoftog «f tka t.'Kiaft ; ttofitotoal iiai rdf**, ky atobadttg is • afarau ikal k.«* to. ** (itasfaf m.ur/atU 4 % t» • and tod4>l>»e«i pti*iak»raS4 —• Tke ( rttftlHlM*! ft# ItwMHB IfallNMy k«9« frofai (itfa ffaiiMf Ut'*> *4 ill* 6*4 1 In* IrtM (wi* IMI Utk *-*4 6M4«i*A*«mM' Ttls# W faitoil sin* Haft'total itaptokli' 'tato, «b• b>a tka MUt/npuHta* vf|M .4 Iba t ..-vr;,«w r*» w.ryf «f tka Had. eat parry «a wall aa tol ska AdsMtotni teat, pa ita braoa af tka otk ntd , is very I/W(ap'b«» aw-t ef»t4t*t>atto ttofalffl •to >»*- « - iarnan af tk* ll»di*»l* fW p(to* tar.ft.eff tig dventkulto Hi* Ia (,«.*» ( tka bait l'f**ti|«»r.rat (ItRIM. it Tkat is tka afawt Otat tks •Uat .raJ Vvtaa *4 Iknaa Htala* w<>rtld, *ftk ntk <n a -*at a ('ttudniit if vtobutad, ikal eabdrdata, wbstof**( ba Bfahl ka, aaaJ4 | XU. I.