Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1867-1867, June 28, 1867, Image 1

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SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. LC. BRYAN, ) Editor and Proprietor. \ VOL. YII. Law and Medical Cards. ROBT H. HARRIS,” Attorney & Counsellor at Law AND General Business Agent.t (Office on Broad Street, first-door over Drever A Isaac’s.) THOMASVItLE, GEORGIA. Jan 15 ts JAMES A. SEWARD, ATTOU.SK V AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, : : GEORGIA, jan 18 ts MITCHELL & MITCHELL, ATTORNKI'H AT UW, THOMASVILLE, : : : G BORGIA, {■y Office over He Lean's store—opposite Hciuiyre &. Young‘a. W. D. Mitchell. K. G. MITOHgU.. Jane 6 ly C. BRYAN, IfTOItIEV AT I. AW , TBtf tlA«, Ci. Marti 11 ts S. B. Sp*scik. C. I’. Hansell. Spencer & Hansell, ATIOiniEYS AT I.AW, THOMASVILLE, GA. Will give prompt attention to nil legal bu»i tieas entrusted to their care in the counties of the Southern Circuit—Decatur of the South Western —and Cliuch, Wuru ami Appling, of the Brunswick Circuit. fyOrrtCE over Messrs. Wollf St Brother’s Store. July 1 ly DtTt. s.'"iiophias, , OPFIOB IN UtlK LOT with KENIOKttI'K. h. o. titvoi.n, RESIDENT DENTIST THOMASVILLE, QA. WILL be found at the old stand occupied by him for the last ten years Aug 23-lSm Dr. W P- CLOWER HAVING permanently located irf Thomas ville, otters his I’rsfeasioniil Ht->-vi ces to the miblio, arOErICE at the Drug Store of W. I’. Glower St Cos. C#'*RESIDENCE—the house formerly or cupied by Dr. Brandon. mar I t ly C. S. Rockwell, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. la uit(l m Nnrrfyrd nnd I*lnft« drnw» in the be*l *lyl«* of lb« Art. Orders left with A. P. Wright, ThomasdUe, Ua., will meet with prompt attention. June 20 ts Dr D S BRAN DON. nnoovKHvii.i.K, ua.. Will give his M|M<riul nlirnlion lo SURQ-EIHY AND SURGICAL DISEASES. Wi'l practice in Southern Georgia, Middle find Bast Florida. Letters fil dressed to him at Tboroatvllla <or GrooTcrrille, o*., will meet prompt at tention. feb I Br* W. t. DeWITT, OFFICE at present with office of Messrs Hammond Jr Davis. Ucsidekce—Lightfoolhoiiso, Flt-.tehervill*. Having dissolved connexion with Messrs. ] Iteid St Caesels. in the sale of Drugs, will now devote his attention exclusively to tlx- Pr o lice of Medicine. A p ‘Zi 8m J 11. BeM, M. D , « ■ ffniseis DEALERS IN Drugs, MEDICINES Paints, Oils, Glass, And nil Arllrlrs nsuially Kept In a well regulated Drug Store at the Drag -Store of Held A. Dewitt in Bryan Building, adjoining I. Kubiuhek St. Bre Jan 5 if LOOK HERE! WE respectfully announce to the trading public, that we have constantly on hand GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, Which we propose to salt LOW for the CASH If yoa mil qwnd yoor money, come sad get the worth of it Give us s triel sad see for yourselves Also,a few III'OGIKS left, wboh w* will sell very low M. c. SMITH & SON. Feb l* ts WOOL! WOOL! Hsvlsi large Orders fer GEORGIA WOOL. . we are prepared lo pay the DHBTIUKT riICE II tUI Fee any qaaattty at the tame L J oriLMA liTI V Sl CO , Cates Fartars aad Cimaiiiwi tm gsy Mln *errh«Llt Atiaaaah Ga SfitMl-Wlil SIKIiY SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. TEinii Published on Tuesday* and Fridays at f'tte dollars invariably ill uUrtuur. Leant. advertisements published as hereto fore, subject to the same liberal deductions, where Ordinaries and oilier officers cue lose the money with their advertisements , but alltran sient advertisement will lie published as Or derm), or until ordered and charged ac cording to rates in the following table. 1 jg§ = ‘ H Column- | |l| Ve Col IT 185* a ~ SS~BBiSB 8 Bquar.s. | 2 jg S - 8 Sqrs. ] : - e* 6 Hqtutrea. I g Btjnt. IS! 7^ i***** __ i- “ 8 * jgg§ 1995555$ -1 Squares.. lacrjS 1 *l™ vg* 3 Bq«am..j.ii| 3 8,,™. j f-f f- §f, If oe BgiTT I s§3?BsS J.Squares.• Vobo 2 Sqr. | Hajejggjg}^ , „ litt,; „ i 1 fe'juare.x 7* *e -*£ 1 S<|iO. 1&& #*i r , r Weeks.. j -«*« Months | r - 2 Mtirriutftm and Funeral Notices. .... s.* 00 Obit auric » aaudviH tißciiHMitii Coramunicaliond of * political clnmictur or article* written in advoeaev or daffcnee of the claim* of aspirant* to ottico, 10 omt* per linj\ Aimouucemeut of Cumlidut<** flO 00 Term* Caub. Yearly contract* will be made with M**r chants for it certain piimid iu our udvtrtiwng column*. subject to of •tyle and mat ter at their option, This will be the brut ami ehc-npctti investment fur purtiea who advertise largely and frequently. LEGAL ADVEUTUIKUs Sheriff* *a!ca, per levy ?'• on “ MortyiiKrl'i Pu uulvh per hDO Citation* for letter* of Adttinn*t ration, 100 1 '* UuardiaiiHhip . 4 00 Application for DitmiinMim from Ad J ... ( ■ Application for l>i*tui*nion fruiii (iu n f . dtanehip ( Applicntion for leave to will Land.... 8 00 Sale* of Igitnd, per U 00 Sub** of lYrithable Propeity. per f-ju'o, 4 (M) Notice* to Debtor* and Credito r 5 00 Koityslowtre of MortMße, per equare. 4 (Ml EeCmy Notices, *3O day a,.. It (Mi | LKOAL ADVKim SK MKNTH Admini*trator» , Kjprcuttiri, or (Sunt and un* All Male* of Land by Adinluietratorn, Lx*'cu tor* or (luhrdianii, are required ny law to'bq hiiM on the timt Tummlm v iu the mouth. bet weeai the 1 (Him of ten u i.. Hi., f..,,., .si three in the uftcrumui, at the f?ourt Hoiim- In which tin* property i«»ittlltt« Notice* of there rale* iiiuhL be jfiveii iu a public gutrUti forty day* orevioii# t<» the day of *alc Safe of Pergonal Prt’jH tty V"tic *of the *ale of permmul property mart be vdvtm at leaet ten day* prevbue to the day of p ile Kntate Pcbtorg mid Cttdihn* Nutiy. to i Debtor* H«d Creditor* *»f an < ntate must he publiidied forty day*. Court of Ordinary /j ttn to SrH \ »li«< tbut application Wjll be made t'» t be ( ouit »l Ordinary for leave to act I I sand*, um*l bo pub liahcd weekly for two lie nth*. Adminintrotorg and tiuardian*htp (‘ifa tiofui for Letum of Aduiim*iration imi*t b« published thirty day*, fur Di*nd»pioti from AdiTiin’iHtration, monthly for *l* mouth* for Di*mi**ion from <JimrdUimhip, 40 day* y threelotnre of bfi/rtunpr Kill* »i fur Vfi. cUamreof M<»rt+(age mu*tbe publifthed monthly for four month* E*lahluktnu Logt Papirt i Notice* rirtab Ihshiujt litwt i’ttpcn munt b* pubhiibed fur the full term of three mouth*. For compelling till** from Kurnlom, when bund ha* la*en by the the full apace of tbrc»- month* f^P r> Publication* w ill nlwuv* be coniinucd occordl uk Ut ihejw' the mqiilromenu, un lo** otherwise ordered. BOOK and JOB Printing, OF ALL KINDS, IMIOMPTI.T AND NEATLY EXKfTTKD AT THIS O I r UK. TO LUM I * Kl l BUYERS. rpHE UNtIEIISIONKI) IS NOW I’lU: 1 pared to furnish I-iiimber, of atl kinds, fit his Steam Suw Mill, thvru Klim south of Thomfisviils, W slsl FEB TIM FEET Terms cash nr Thirl/ per cent e4d<-J if not paul Within thirl/ <ia/s from deliver/ JOIIV W. DDKI.E. Fehruery let, IWSY, 21 Hf MARK WHAT I SAY! SOME of my ald frii-n-ls /.-* m u-t to log.* that Ism still i« I tsudontusad by tUs, Ihsg DAVID HARRELL IK KTfLL IN TIIK GROCERY AND PROVISION j RanBMS. and Ikst Im is St stays with • the srttcie* ■■ fits hue, usd rtusdy to oil Lbvts AT LOWER PRICKS, j The* may o«hev Omtary or IVnlloeas J m the>»Ltog r*y of Ti senwvtiir tv vm MINT tT tank isn etc DAVID If ARKr.I.K. da) *» Ottrirs s( jUenst.t.sitse Ist *si. AT INI* Wt FICF Thomasvillo, Georgia, Friday, June 2S, 1^(57 THE PLACE Til GET WHIT Hill TV Iff B. REMINGTON & SON AUK RKCKIVINU TUKIU Sl»ItI>« & SUMIIEII STUC K! CONSISTING OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY HOODS IN ALI. ITS OKI*AKT.MKNTS. ( lulhinw H itdi t*Hik* Hua sh T>dlf*! \ * ■ I*— eel I‘tffelftfJt. Ntiant, Hardware aod Cattery, Tiu Ware; llouk* and Siati*»tiery, Cr-*»-k*M-y, Qu««*a*ware aid UU**wai«’, Paper Wood *ud Willow Ware? I(.>***<-> lUtod* Ud«lU*iy and Sewiiii,' llie iiiae* I‘aiiiU, Oil* and Dye SHwrtp Groceries, \ i/: —OotTee Tim, StH'ur, Synijn, S|.i«M>d, I’iv servos, Pickles, Camnl Fruits anti l'i li, Fine Vuu’s ami Liquors, sfor mmlioitittl use. And all articlcMt usually Kept in a Variety Sb»r«, whieh wu (l*r tab .»a <a..*tnfi| l > tcrin- C we inuy not be new finirty we will b*i gUi at ««t| mm* hi StfO H and 5».-l| our ware* LIT A leo represent m v«.ruj tiist cla**.** Kir* ImoiratHu (Vinpnubs ml Vu Id SPRING stork Ist ,7. NOW OPBIff IJNJ MY WJIOLESAI.E ROOM, UP STAIRS, A I.AKdIS Dll’ OK Wool, Fur and Slnnv Ihi Is, Fnr Mart nmt Bovb ASSORTMKNT OF TRIMMKDAM) I‘M!UMMi:i» I 1 ATS FOlt IjA DI PS, M!isses dSb Cliildron, ii.i. or mm u wm in: homo %r i.ovr I'liin, MrMV RHTAII. DKTMKTMFST (FIIIHT FMMlll) IH M I’l’MKUi WITH ALL THE iHiimimiHiimaHtiimt. S. M. COLIMM. Aw« I*ll Mt I. KDBITSHBK t Hit)., Hum- Jusl lli-t I’lted 100 I' l,a. s' etvl. I’t '• t. 1- -.It"!!!, 1-1 -I It- - V.| "1 ... If .mewpUn*. Mtaapsw, *1 W<- svdl k... ] hvi.-| • tgrgg stw.h at Its -ft -.!♦ wlii' ti wis ..'is* gll'-r at i-V't'i.- l is!*. .-I Wbt'i< »,l« »*>d Itiftoil We get Uu »e g-tods 4sri>t Ifi.« l'»- Jlet.-i!*' ", *hd Will «tl »t Fltoto- I' ... .*■•!»« big Ftalgiil FAMILY li|{< M MIC 11 AT Wll< H.KHA.I W# Vte |irrt»rr4 to fhniudt M»t t. t l'i .n«»ts „ ■ 41 4tm*nf*u>an i > it. ■ rl.s.ei Nr.i* Y«rk priM* te-'lt kteight* »-U. 1 >*•♦ *'* p i.< >i; i" n < • i<: SEWING MACHINES. W. ■■ v.r ' FL9REICE SIViIG HACSiIES! UrrrrmhUi ***}£* *'*" «**' r*«- P* lb# CvUertl f *4 ni*4 UniiOm ( aut frirm«b m* '**&***' )M»#* k't trill «V> fi* ai.ta V> furuta* sis 4 hit* >4 oh# giant Hn-aifc* ># luva-fUM, N»th*< Tvitt I‘rt.tot *#4 It* **.. •it Jiu-t MI ark». -1, atsapU *i.d tea to »ppt,..t tr, sat tow .a* Mat >..*• M ‘/I I I.A 4 VII KLItK Jnrf 4 and MOTICK to nxjiJL.r> r|aft t. ■- *-* 4 tr. Itl *>. - - I, Hlteerts, Itnort, Af t. At u 01-gftt *4v*w» tot lUMtotto. JM-ttsrt Tfiv, wilt fwmtrfi » i*a* to ,st», «*. gejiialu* All mStn ft* Hiatts Ptoff tad FdateftOad »<ifi Aspetrt. at Ha!’»*#**• rat** JAfi il 4MITH ft f*< OsHitey' * Astittot. G*, ft tty k 4, ft OON*TANTIjY / a • HAfiD 41 *-«*»» • A fi» fttM Oveet «*- tt,.iie t em kttm t*» rekk t •* »-/ -*• *-s* arui.At.l ». if arntiwi Fafi Ft «f (SEMI-WEEKLY.) JUST L(OK II HUH l ; ( I KS! • iMd- v»,\ . r. ««<•* ii . I i M i rJ • *** I M»-»- t»«# I'xovilln M w .*>- . « r A l«* *f OM I l'< 4* ttyU A!> I' j#A «f JlM*#* ’ I in f'' V * vbao Vir-’ i*o l n A U«|ta I*A *4 i fcai# * i 1 A I* « .%><« Il|w< iMuni.i* t«,i !».*•>, I*. .4» >..,•! I | »w-l t.i )l. *-( • * • ll» * *n»* (>r« w*U *<» »i H IMUt A|iW4f lUr>k*~ Ha (o 1 1 11 •; it IH lor IJU! I J'l N(J. UKT* |,w (».•»- f<***«i h>«M , ll«* *»«•! !*** <M» l* ( •MMrtM ti « ►<•*.>►« H«V* »• •*»?! * #** f.« t : I*f > *« **4 14 *f •It ) V A* *t> * t T*»4* UUH UKKLK Aft l< « if |Un< I •Mil. I mmi 4 (Hw<) »*' lit A, »« Nko... V, l, l‘ . 4 II A4«»*»l* <»*■** aft » «« • '*4 t >~.l !'«*» ■ 4hmm»4 *;*■••*•* i- *> lib a 1 ( -><H I * l*r.l»<a ' l » ■-.> IW Mb 4 A.4 **' >'*• A !♦»«■#■ * «**4t*->* :fo* ** A* -4 t, *> .*»• «. ; <-**n «4BA*»»b«* «m>4 l«M* •«*! to }* larmw .4 <),« in ttmtr W»*, |? Am 'HI **«f SPRINii STOCK rOMPLKTB! I. KUBITSHEK & BRO., 9 4K K pltvHow tu aiot.Htoeiun la tbr»r mi I « »v’ iui patrvo*, ttuif th* tr *f*M t» el Mh4 W utriuir * t •*».*>(» In mow t >MU|ili ir I* wtl i|n «lr pWt !»♦»« t»n» .\,a »vul pUiOabaj; the p*4M*p*H*UV«? dulle««A.*f ihn -t Othl they hoi VO »p»rrd uo jWi»u<4i*v t tfprnn*, I .o tavina mo 4 wftWtiui?* Urgn »l.( «u!! »# ' a*B«4 •Ma'k ui)4 flit*) l|f| DuuaU, | tlimu HiiVu* I4hu , etb 1 Ww retpvc^fitlv iuvip* %|t trt>*SF#a«t ytaat i ’nr o»»r mK-4* n* we will I*** 1 pWaurw in #« a]| dim # and fWI nmmmm that vo <%»\ five ' ’MfU a»f | V\ . hit yr aUrjp? lot nf ib'viu«s4pe jfvaaL w( #U ,»od prtv**»t wh dufata ti>adk* tad (wr -«*l*Hib*w ttfDre** will be t »wt t <N|u»l u* *it) paivbaMtd ue«r|i t, M» j-art a»f Fum y lh> *• sdV«, tL oCf (’i \ i'ieta iiwmiiM. mm. _' ' ' A •ph udiat DMaidtllFUl «»f W lilb w( tilt (lIM I Iptlo.vfi, inrUtaltHif Ja»4' u. t* 111 Swi*e I'LuU i* M*t D%HI«jL Mull*, NnO*aH>||« t toil* it leclWo*. clr ” I .*(, »l i»t t la *d •.•Mllra* It**4 t**r*> • win. YValitVh, tlit* lafktifSf !«• i diitiiitb lulu *!»»’ atm »ti vk of Trttt»*dU4t«, xI«V »v*t. bwiwa nod Lirteo P 1 ,mfr»anil h^*uio. .» wldvbbrdi If IvHied iu *'•*•* M of Ituf • laheal aod >ti*M rt uiMaito JwUlpiu*, tiH)udiU|4 lolanta *UU 1 rmbrtahfotvd Ski t* *\ t A ! >»•."- and »< i( »t It of Imu, (M.i *d ttfHlIS 4.W* tittOl v, .oliiani. up un sain i't u i It/so ik t*r*n Mud wrll *v 10. |H»« Sprawl »*»t ftiimiaur (Wain 'I rook*. \ lUfliMip (Ni*i I -4 mu t awry au«t *! .<*« ! *rt •b * iam tiod 4 llrti*. IL«ni«» v *>ttl l<u>l)*a pONniiixl \Y»»*ko»a ML'!# »u*| hll|* j. i* Fin. Hiurtkirtjj itoif t’l»* eo«jf T**ba., * H|»uo Varna. < wnat*UM« n-uA Jwrip*-#. ai Pb lain fret*i t a4«b<«t Mai * if I 0 rIiI.TON, V \t BANIiBM H***oii*t». New feeb. Hilton & Randoll wnotjeAU €~3r r ooers ANl> DR af.HUH IN wiriUM, liquouh, A,.'., 101 ll«t Ml,. . . . ■4V«I*N*M, «t te vile ih« oilr.iligt, »f Itenlvte k« ikstt Utgn end mmiple'e e»»m(iM*M ut Ginrrilt'e tliitl l.lsiMslra, It Mel. the/ kite ptepkieal Iu ilßev (I the he Went Mmkeitetvf uI.D MONuMIAHBLA, tt, AND IMH UtloN W||(M K USA <v..ei«<it(/ «n bend Aguile fur the r«l*litsi».| ***!•» 0% Me ktee •»<*“ !l '» It i e t.utt; ts.Lr jn k g*, hslf k'tfs, qu»llff krge fitt-i raso* N#« I M 0 FOU 13 HANDY Poficlxcw! Um 111 isnm4 in a i l'*«. I*.t.» *mU hf J M vhh MICW niIiKSK Hhil'LtwN | i«*»# •]•.«! ** * # e* li.» ujft* irAUH Tl liXIP SKKJW l*ait t r j t i ’ ■ 1 jttii;. M A Mh I)OH r*ll *n m 4k, m* «i i Als.ii-I l'»itst,i*i*iri I iw-l I t «*>.- 1., I*l. VI r 1 1 Jtlit* hi Ait h '»•«» as *1 <t It • *»Mt * «... g 4 I trl « I • fftMi'H Ikij ( tilt ii <it < ■*,* ,- * I .t>- ■. *.|,>,4. I.- Is*4 *l*4 t», Ml#h/ M* VI AG JiiUN tftSUH ail fi Fft I. . t ,t. *l.l , a it,,, |f„ a ,t, *iuj »»sm--.>>.« at* eta. In J*»*. lU*44»,* «* I'a**** tot **i» hv m it * it John *rAbii A HlMUtti A iHfil.llllMtU OIIRIAI* CASH STORE. "»• I t lf*»*«»4 4 »Ok»f t «»!»'«« kHVHlltlttlti ... hrnrilH, A. RCSCHtn It CO. oa i„ t. .»!# *M> It"‘ .it t*. -»*• •* )* If./rtilßfi nittl Dona* art la l»r / AUltj, Yuiken N-rt it.n*, Hliewl* A Gtfikka U> ett Out M«wt WfU* s fr-t *ti.-<r M wtimmftmpl MM I* U>ea ’ 7,Z . «/*v% Msrta I'.u4»«' II I M o II I 4 r*« MONTHLY HAOAZINK • ! * .< ! T 1 ■ M -** l »».... m 1 #» .»* k * a.I ks* fi.stkto** . M-.’-i < II i r.'4 at- •«.•*?» .gV. D** . and »t*4 I «-4it ike m v J »» **-.-•> *r t wrt«towto es* » . f | * |h* u< !>***«>:, p «. - I’*.. *,* *•»' ArnmmlmAa <►« « f fit to* '-0* «a*<* to a to-Utotsf, *s>4 •»(** :::\4-sszr^cs£gn-xie , , f...■ •, * to 4* *» &«*+*»* mite ■ *4m *4 m* mtkhgm gm#4 *■■<s** %m*** y 1 ■«** • *O9. ‘4 *4**+*«-< ***m»mtfr*.*i p-vm* W -4*- 1 4 '***■'--'>» A-- •«***-* i*. h » m ie* ts mtYgm ***t 14 ****** f* teyt ■» aoatwd f»** I ■ wi? ff, *nU e *** i « r * a. • | m*» fUmt 4 k*to»s.’to*. to. a . a- * *> *te * a, i* ,** *. a* 7l t«k«ar.*tr»T *» OH Itowrtwajt, *.<• Is 4 a Mtotofile M*t |fw*e *m*m n- JMtos tetoto «. t,« toh-a *k *♦ HORSES and MULEB - **/ * -*•( «*« Mtotto nn *f*'.*m eI.SCmiT A IST 13 BROTHER HAVE IUCCKIVRD Till IU SPRING A SUMMER RTOCK UP DRY GOODS AND to CLOTHING, l‘« Whieh the* r«»p«*tftall, (nslt* the at lenttofi at the pul,lt.- TO TUB I,ADII'IS' M- *n i.ft.f u,U llistnadiuv* Mb* Utg„n, dirt 'l| tod. .t* »• tilts at,da«.t» srttotsd st... x ut \a h*i* a!.*, t* mil t *,l *u..i* rtoe', and • gto t »n«* el t*sdA* , , Oil*, s end I kil.iisn * lUu, •»-t ««*■*/ silwa Mfkt ■ t t|.* 4* l,»i Mil, r>ti > to •**. Rue. To tho (Imitiounrn va. ... >u.. e..t. t t Mail, It Is 1 4t"rt*. Rhone tol l ♦ ig »i- to, Alt.. .*• « >,dl aad «• will —t L.,1 to toll fry As >-«• at the tlini te «v<i*t*»>tf It* X ( »b I. attan-l t*. the hu/tog t*q -to< I- **li U.tod* r I Irta it,*.. 4*l, HI it u*» It e«..i „ ,1 «*»M 4 •«•<** aa wktktoa. *ll ua J fit IIU P 4 ttliil • Ati t>< nark a, hum 4, ,uu win 4*4 ih# «»»* m«» 4 a H. ag« «• 1 •*...< • 14* t'kseptg t*. .to kt *-.14 i* J f Ht» k 4 Mill toltiiar. ni.|st»gf.ttl,l|tk4l«f a, w.-k ****** ft), lit#, t-to-lrt tu H t'tok to- * --- * - -a - ■■ ■ to—a, A*- I *.<i ,4* -f I‘iuwtd «M li«elhe* 4*l*4 • |L, t»f | - . , I U*„.«, t U„4 to j tat mt r 4 tutu « 1 i at lx,*. *to .. .‘-a- r-L I . *#%k I *JI gb *4 *u4 N .. tu 10*4# la.,- tRs. t.iuttosiMiß feta *i jat ttltrto it h>> « a |tHi its HARNESS! Baddloal II I! I DLLS! 11. Niu.tka.Hi. ttMKHP 11,fit. • 4 httale, hun) Nließe. l wri i«««> tUium, hto. tltrt Irytt, 4t,«1 »»«qr *l4 •Mrlpthih <tf C ft i* A* I »t ift If* TRIMMINGS, to-4 **, * au«.fi. t-,-.-. -im i*u*w iMh itotox*t.i>* ; . tog »#•’-» < #t*to#l *—to. 4«4**s llwi * *»• 4tH..»e« M toll**, HOI* k*d bpHtt. Bad fiah H.toas Li *4 Im .to 11.-uu Itoti-w -ttm* Otolku GIN BELTING, Ur aa# otfi Hut... M*s4«fito ktott at md* iastotok, SM IktOttal •*»!**« I«e * w*N , » } ... 4 v ‘ fiafto. | mtO* - ..a- * afeuttofitoe m ■* frrltttg -mis » I) til*.lsv.wwid<*f«*ia*« *».«.! MN|» * Mtttk •to* M * 114# I Mil II 4 Ut % I t Luii cl m for Nnlo. 'l’-Uk r A**#,. .4 -t Itototo- •- ttoe * *,f lato-f #* t4>-*4 f- .t'l tie . ka- t -*tu j a# *to {.easpastf to M A H '*to.t *4 t It fk#fi*tot touitoiige* sMt^aa».y. ssgto.wsettelg j lit *4 *«■■!£** H 4 K* If, m wfl j Sto*t out pti'-- ’ ' •*/ to** to - ussm. j it. ,«*to#s# •* atone* to*#* net s* ktoato *. . .*« a*. * fUaHou to4# aa- *to *uto 4 |>«| C* it*) »-i to m-a to <*to t Jwt> im j t. • tfevtii; I lh«* t.l I** Tkttoeuv* w*. tJ4 AdHtlttitlriUM'l Bui* *tkU4*M#k* 4wfi*at ieeetf. to* *fi* at.u tmwhmy fi* He# *##a *,4 fi* •to p Has t #l*l 11-.-M* ♦**» 4 I *s> *4 14 - #.*4 t>.-*ttof * set**— i« U»M i .«.** »t «*;. I ■*> tort* etf I*4l • totog tota a# U* 4 <44, -4 4f llLotto of to| tsee , 7 V* tot*. 9*. v-ft •« f’-.s U fattM f.-. .ulUt Out Igt* kuttoAt ts -I* ~*tf tort ~tot. ... a# to-f 4a.a4.-s-* I*'*.. -# *4a * -to* '•* 4b »yfiKb'**4 «en -<* vs# WJtfco* »s< jx Nat 1 to* Ada* >, iIRVAFfII f h.tltMtfi - I * »t* -<• fc- ■- -to* «ts to*, ft# <*li figs < p r>,fibki A Ci^ (TERMS:—SS,OO per annum, ( Payable in Advance. A. & R. SMITH, TIIOWAaVILUB, OA. , Dt.ALEKHIN ** . Ilouas- I in iilahlitg llui staaare Nllarr t*lai«al i.oiml*, tu.Aioja, riiiK \ and Kart linn ware, TAPLK AND IWKRT t'DTLKRY, RN AND RtMOt WARK, < AM It lAt it: M V ri'tUAlJt >, A I*-** Lot of 5... K.yu# •- Wfliaw W 4»o, CustdatHß Ut«aa«iU of uarnrp hint. A 4iH tos.ito sa.wfi »« si.lauAM OfPUVRN tits* ee*°n*4 to* tks 1 -o«t, N.l* U Mat I, « I | • jpo^ MeUillic liurtnl O iho'i f I DIF ««4»-<*, (Ue » • * «g| r.» I .mbn# fl«k'•«bj(t4«l < <»eiN> 9 * f .‘I *-■ •» ’♦(*-. %% oil t# 4 0111%* Os tall 4*>to Hptt anil 'KmM y*m4» *|*lMF«#y InAflM DiUKUI Aj* 1* Slw APOTHECARY XIAXsl*. WILLIAM P, CIO WE R, f till It M t|U 1' tt.s »*!, .*«■» t tsl I.i-tai ikskists Mt! t» t i» It «*«• f.t Its* p»< P*44 ut *4-»ttg * FI rut Olium Drug Btoro H* t..p«rto.,'U **»« * *t>*»« at p*«»w* »#»- att-l IMtto lit *M,ull,tt ,ts It,a altla #«•■» S fit* ”*.!:! **l«-.*#si *s**fi ft * Kertli (Mr*, |4hit4MdTn||rl (Itlalrfi »#4p« I’n iHttsrtt, liter hut# Mtttf lllita ¥> I vat*, llrpMites I ta«is|t* seeesl «»ei, ll* » alMte, t»gssL«a un., *v4M .<bst s.itaU nawmtlf l#i *l# 4 *4*l a|-|i ■ ta»* t D. -a# jgtu#*. *tf f« ft- ty ■ to.eftUg /•stotod l(f Isa t A ULtrMDtPrit, JNH N w HILL, S|t «.*»,« **. Os J«Afi.**>< 4. rhfi A DUTENHOPER A On, SHIPP! 10, KOKVV AUDI NO om COMMISSION HU H «M IINIkt. N.«*4*s»*tt, I l t (h« if*US tp ’ ...■■ aa saton to >*%*iii s*4 4g * - --- I 4* *■' ■< / a* t sm#r it «i#e »«* <4 a# VutUto. #«**. **-#*.-» mw4 Hup* k#-.totota .a to*-* ** fi- *s*S a* •••• AJ*>. 4k»us* ♦ a-.t.ui i •#* l.sts* #•* »#at Fee * , tasf «*t fi t ItasMtof, Ak Lkf *.-#•*•#.-#,«to«* sis t-fiUtoMeAdft tt»#..- # fi tea ft a. H Aw, NOTZOJU To Everybody H- rft tr.. tofc.itftgwwt «to to*t aa, n tft P f*'*A ■- ■ " -vfiftiß ft 4f’'i --' t 'fit V* GRIND CORN, 4# *4 huts > ‘.»t *M *4 ftagfifi* 4*4 Hut *1 ’»* —at jarssaa I# 4n y.wt Vtofi, *m! Ut* at*, , ... five* hi pm* V 4 Ft* »,-rfg ,«*# I 44* 4*4 •AMftr- 4* ewi gee g*eei4 Mato fta toto-to.. „4 -ue, M it *>* will t**A* |N asnietfi tfiutfi ftt-to* 1•*...#I •*...# hrt !**«** I 4t aaelt* Cat Atfit l* - .--fi- '. wmm *aat a-,4 It'*, stwig lilLoiTi ORKialt ttsfcOMtol I- Mlufisll Issalf •ft *fi. F*a* •* rtdlMtA«g-4 ftFMh •*’» * *hfA*tk «»* ttMtft ■‘floftfiiffj fft «•**! <jnM4 fat-bpva toB Mt# «ft 4 ttoaka t A** t • ttuus. ,t#F4 and toTtfiapjt Me - * *4 Ui Kitty. No. 52. S3AOJ.S