Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1867-1867, October 04, 1867, Image 4

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S.R.ROBISON & CO. THE undersigned have commenced business undertlie above style, in McLean’s Huild ing, second door on Jackson Street, opposite he Poet Office. They will do a regular NIJHUUMJMfH And will keep constantly on consignment ev erything in the Grocery Line Flour, Bacon, Corn, And a select stock of CONFECTIONARIES, Also, ROPE AND RAfJOINO. A tine lot of FKKMII FLOI'R just re ceived. County Produce, such ns Hides, Tallow, Beeswax, Wool, &c., purchased at the high est market prices. S. E. KOBISOX & CO. Aug 9 5m PLOItENCE SEWING MACHINES. WE have been appointed agents for the celebrated and unrivalled MICE 9IIK MACHINES! Reversaltle Feed—making four distinct stitch es —for the County of Thomas and adjoining Counties. Can furnish them at niuhufitciiiierc pi ices. We will also be able to furnish by the first of September, the great Southern invention, Gauge Marker, Tucker, l’resser and Hetnmcr, all combined in one piece, perfectly simple and can be applied to any Sewing Machine. MeQUEEN Sc VICKERS. June 1 ts ~ GROOVER VILLE Academy FOR HALES AIM) FEMALES. THE Exercises of this Institution will com mence again, SEPT. 2d. lKt>7. The rates of tuition are as follows. payable in gold, or its equivalent in currency, per quarter of ten weeks: Primary Class, .... s4*so Intermediate Class, - - - 0.00 Senior Class, .... 8.00 Music at the usual charge. With a commoaions building, just finished, situated at Grooverville, (i;i., five miles from No. 17 A. & G. R. K., in the midst of a quiet and refined neighborhood, free from the in ducements to dissipation incidental to city life, students will find advantages here,equal ed by few institutions of the same grade. Board can be had in private families at or dinary rates. For further particulars address RICHARD RAMSEY, •Duly 12-3 m Pres. Board Trustees. Music Instruction HAVING located permanently in Tliotiuip vi lie, I respectfully inform my patrons and the public, that I will receive pupils for in atruction on the Piano Forte, Guitar, Violin, Flute, or Sax Horns. Will also give instruc tions in Singing, Harmony, Thorough Hass, Composition, &c. Terms per quarter of ten weeks, (thirty les sons, occupying fifty minutes time each lesson), Twenty-five Dollars—strictly in advance, ex cept bv special contract. I will (if desirable,) instruct a class for the express purpose of prepaiing them to teach Music,provided four or more pupils can be ob tained. Instructions in tliis department will -consist of daily lessons, (Saturdays and Sun days excepted) on the Piano Forte, or any (one) instrument named above, combined with The oretical Singing (by note,) which is indispen sable to thorough preparation for teaching.— Terms, One Hundred Dollars per term of twenty weeks—Two Hundred and Fifty, with Board included. A proficiency in Music can lie obtained in a few months in a strictly musical school, that is rarely obtained in years, and at great expense, by the usual method of instruction. Any wishing to join the class without a view to teaching, will lie received, but will be re quired to abide by all the rules regulating the Class of Teachers. WM. T. PARSONS. Thnmaavilla, Dec 20 60 if m m: \isi. GiEOKC-lA—Tit out a. County. In the Superior Court, June Term, 18l>7. James N. Winn, Adm’r. 1 ys. > Mortgage, See. James D. Smith. ) IT appearing to the Court that on the four teenth of January, A. 1). Eighteen Hun dred and Sixty-one, the Defendant made and delivered to Plaintiff's intestate, his promis sory note, whereby the Defendant promised to pay J. S. Neely or bearer. Five Hundred and Eighty-one (50 100) Dollars, twelve months after the date thereof, for value received, and that afterwards on the twentieth duvet April of the same year, the Defendant, the better to secure the payment of said note, executed and delivered to said Neely his Deed of Mortgage, which the same Defendant mortgaged to said Neely, Lot of Land, Number Three Hundred and Twenty, in the Thirteenth I tistrict of said county, containing Four Hundred and Twenty Acres, more or less: —lt fart her appearing that said note remains unpaid and that James N. Winn, is tile qualified Administrator on estate of J- S Neely, dec’d s—lt is therefore Ordered by the Court, that the said Delendant do pay into Court, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, tlie principal, interest and costs due on said note, or show cause to the contrary .-—And that on failure to do ho, the equity of redemption In the said Mortgage lie forever barred and foreclosed . Ami it is far ther ordered that this Rule be published mice a month for four months, or served personally at least three months before tin- next term til tbisCourf A T. McINTYUK, A true extract from the Minutes. LEI Hi LCS DKIvLK. Clerk, Aug 9 lamlm Plaintifl’s Ally. Xj AKTXJS FOR SALE. 9 THE undersigned of fern for sale his plants tion in Thomas < many, ffiajjfgrfe midway between Timm asville and Monticello. -—it. situated about ten miles from either, ami on the line ot the contemplated . -Mouth Georgia & Tlnriilu Itnili-onil. There arc seven and a half lots of Land, a - Three Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy-live lues. With 1300 ACKILS <T.EAKi:!?. These Lands are mostly Puu. bat mixed gad changing into Hammock, On Ward’s Creek, a bold stream running through the plantation, and dividing it into Two Good Settlements, With bouses on each. The principal one lias a very good Log Dwelling House, Nrw,(iin House and Massey Cotton Press, good Haras Stables, &.C., with a large number of cxi client negro cabins. The Laud is Doop Risk laud E reduces well and has been kept up ns a farm t is well supplied with good water, both In wells and natural streams, and is a health) location. I will sell separately orall together, to suit purchasers, and at very l.oir nine*. A Cash sale would be made greatly to tie advantage of the purchaser. _. C MITCHELL Ibomaeville, Ga . June 28 bin I AKTOTHEJBL SS9SSJ44SSM WHEREAS, The President having issued his Proclamation of Am nesty, pardoning certain persons, &c., and WHEREAS, There is no longer any reason to fear Confiscation, and WHEREAS, Every man may now freely spend his money, without let or hindranceße it therefore known, that we, ! H. WOLFF & BROTHER. Do issue this our Proclamation, certifying to all our old customers ami every body else, that we have bought and received a very heavy stock ot FALL & WINTER GOODS, i Which wc now offer for sale. Our stock is unusually large, and has been selected with great care by one of the firm and purchased to great advantage. W'e can therefore offer great inducements to purchasers. Read below our enumeration : Staple anb Jancii grg iflofe- Such ns Fancy nnd Black Dress Silks, All Wool and English Marinos, Delaines, Cassimeres, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc., etc., White Goods of all descriptions. mmii FRENCH FLOWERS AND RIBBONS. SHAWLS and CLOAKS DOMESTICS of all descriptions, such ns Bleached and Brown Home spuns, Colored and White Osnaburgs, all kinds of stripes, i Liusey Wolsey, Blankets and Flannels. READY MADE CLOTHING BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, BEAVERS, SATTINETS, JEANS AND TWEEDS. Boots and Shoes IIAT3 .A-UXTID JS». Furnishing Goods. Such n«, SIIIIITS, DRAWERS, SOCKS, & c. YANKEE NOTIONS, CROCKERY, CUTLERY EOT AND WOODEN WARE, TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS, 'TOBACCO AND dGARS, POWDER AND SHOT GUNS AND PISTOLS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, BAGGING & ROBE, All of which tiie undersigned will sell at as LOW PRICES as any house in the State of Georgia can ati'ord to sell them. i COME AND PROVE US ! 11. WOLFF & BRO. , Sept 17 ts Before you sell your Cotton give us a call as we are in the market! E. D, SMYTIIE &; CO Wholesale ami EScfail Dealers in Cliiiill £MMS AND 100 Bi’oughton Street, 140 Congress Street and 57 St, Julian Street, - - - <,i.oiu,ia. AVILL duplicate the Jobbing Prices and Dills of any Market in the United States, for the same quality and quantity of AVare at the same period of time. Printed Lists of assorted Crates, with price of each article, will he furnished on application. Many of these Lists have been carried to New York and other markets, by Merchants from Georgia and Florida, who have conic back to Savannah and Mill am Mm moj ns, Sept 17 (im D 11Y G 0 O D 8 ! A GEJYCY OF DOM Hornets ORFF & WATKINS, SOLH AGENTS IN SAVANNAH FOR THU GEIIIITEVIIIE, SSIIT! [Mill UIIFUTIIIK COiPAMY AND THE ATA \! ANCi!, N. <!. COTTOJf GOM’Y• yy* <«\vi: i\ NToitli, r Fho CimnitcN-ille l-l Sheetings, Heavy; “ 7-8 Shillings, 11 envy ; “ o-1 Shil lings, I ,igh( ; “ “ llrown 1 hillings; Ihe Ahmmnee I*l,tills ; The Alanninee < 'hecks. We will furnish those Goods to Merchants af the FAO- I (, K\ I ’KICKS, and \\ ill guarantee them at all times to cor respond with the prices of the New York Agents. OKI F & WATKINS, Sept 17 (f CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS! New House ! New Firm! WE have just received from New York, a splendid assortment of Choice Wines, Rrnnilies, Gins, Whiskies, dkc., impor ted expiessly for MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE. Particular attention is called to our FRENCH BRANDY AND OLD BOURBON WHISKEY, Warranted to he superior to any in the country. I AVe haveopemd in Mr Lean’s new brick building opposite the Post Olliee. J. P. McADAMS & CO. July 9 Cm VARIETY WORKS! rpHK undersigned bavin# purchased the in -1 terefitof Maj. Josuija Tayloh, in the VARIETY Wißli, Heretofore carried on in Thomasville, by the firm of TAYLOR & lIGKLE, Is now sou: IMCOI’KIHTOR, and will carry on the business as heretofore, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Having purchased a m urn m m He is now prepared to GRIND CORN AND MAKE GOOD MEAL In connection with the Mill he will also make to order, SASH, BLINDS A \ I) DOORS, RIP, imiiSS, TOXGI II AM) iiIIOUIE I*l. AAI 4. CARRIAGE DEPARTMENT. r l he undersigned is also prepared, and will make and repair I !•:* 4!\l) €’.%■«- K l Ai* ILS of all kinds, to order. Will make any kind o| a vehicle that rims on wheels, from a wheelbarrow to a six horse wagon. Constantly on band, CARRIAGES & BUGGIES, For sale of the latest styles. BUI LI) I NG O ontra cts. The undersigned will also continue to con tract I'oi building, as heretofore. Thankful for past favors, lie hopes to merit a continuance of I he same. All orders relating to either of the above branelies will he filled with promptness, and by the best of workmen. ■ N.ti.%11 July 9 ts Afflicted Read This! KAYTON’S OLEUM VIT^U rpms great German Liniment is an almost K infallible cure f«>r IClM'iinanf iwni, An. rttlgin, 1C Im iiiiiii I M |*n in* in I'm linelt, ISi'4-iim|, Millet* or Joint*, 'l'oot huelie, Nitvoim llrmlnrhr, l iirnclM'. S|»rnin*, IS rn * well in”*, 4'm*, liiatecl ISife*, IS ii rn*. &c„ Ac. This great romed\ should he in every house. For horses lids remedy lias no equal. Ask tor Kay ton’s Oleum Vita*. Take no other. Sent by Kxpress for st. Kay ton’s Magic Cure, AN EGYPTIAN REMEDY, For the cure of Sudden Goughs and (’olds, Asthma, Acid Stomach, Sore 'throat, Heart burn. Sea Sickness, Cholera, Diarrhoea Pains and Cramps in the Stomach. Sent by Express lor I Kayton’s Dyspeptic Pills, Are 21 sure ami pleasant cure for Dyspepsia, Bilious Disorders, Constipation, and all Dis older* of ilk* |aver, stomach and Bowels, and nylieu taken regularly will cleans** t he blood. These nre the greatest Anti Bilious Pills ever placed before tin* public* Sent by mail for 30 cents per box. The above medicines are prepared and sold by Prof. H. II KAYTON. Savannah, Georgia, To whom all orders should he addressed , or to the Wholesale Agents, A A Solomons & Cos., Savannah, (la. A liberal discount to tin's.* selling again For sale L\ Druggists and Country Mer elmnts. generally. S- Beware i»f eonntei feits. the genuine have Pr-.f II 11. Kay ton’s signature on each bott !e and box. For s ile in Thomasville by Dr P S B >w. i May I I, b, OFFICE 111 tl. & M. I L Tiioxiasvii.i r. July .to, IS® VN in-fiilin, ut of Ten PoUartim wb ■bare ■•t si.. k miliaeribed i > South G corgi. Si Kloruhi Rail Rond I'ompnnv. i* In n fiv called for, payable at llio Ticasuii't'* Office, on or before tlie lir i finv of Novi label l s o, Hv orderot tlio Hounl ot Duo. Inv K. H. 11 IRl> I" M Aug Jui Sri v A- I'rea r .IAB A. IJA’TOiN. IJiBUEI N 111 UI.E JAN A 111 VOX New Finn! Mew Goods! LINTON, DEKLB & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCK.ER.Y and General Commission Merchants. The undersigned beg leave to inform the public, that they have formed ail association under Ihe above style for the Irniisti tion of lmsineNS in Thomußville, and invite tlie attention of pur i basers to the heavy stock of Goods they are now receiving and oHerimr for sale at LOW PRICKS FOR CASH. h ' Full supplies will be kept constantly on band, and wo respectfully invite examination of mu- stock anil prices, at tin- Drug Store formerly occupied by Dr. T. li. Little, six doom below Jackson, on West side of Broad street. LINTON, DEKLE & CO., *«-P* TIIOITIASVII.I.K, «<A. THE VERY LATEST NEWS! COTTON RISING! THE CROP WILL BE SHORT HIGHEST PE ICES PAID FOR THE GREAT STAPLE 0? THE COUNTRY. I HAVE A LARGE ORDER FOR BUYING FOR MANUFACTORIES. The undersigned takes great pleasure in informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of the City of Thomasville, and the surrounding country, that lie has on hand, and is continually receiving from the Northern markets, the following articles, which lie proposes to sell at the Very Lowest Figures, viz: DRY G OODS. CLOTIIING, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags, and Notions of all kinds, Hardware, Tin Ware, Crockery, Watches and Jewelry—the Latest style of Ladies’ Hats and Bonnots, Cloaks, Shawls, Vandykes and Nubias—A good variety of Broad Cloths and Cassimeres, Mori nos and Poplins, Delaines, Alapacoas and Mohairs, CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCO And in fact, anything you want can he found in my eslabl sh mciit, next door to Jeffers & Son’s Provision Store, on Broad Street. Give me a call before selling your Cotton, or buying your supplies, for I pay the highest prices for Cotton, and sell goods at the lowest figures. LOUIS GOLDBERG. Thomasville, Sept G ts HARDAWAY & M’KINNON. People’s Savings Bank!! Great PREMIUM given for CASH! WE HAVE RECEIVED OUlt SPJiIMG GOODS And will sell thorn at ltd ail for CASH, C'limpi-i' Ilian fliey are selling ill Su* »iiii;i!i ! To those wanting BACON, CORN AND PORK, Wo will sell Rv the Fackage or Wholesale, at I lie Savannah Wholosalo Prices, «>tli espouses added. lie fore spending your money, or sending your orders to Savannah, come to see us, and gel wlint yon want, where you c ut inspect it before buying nud save time ami money. Fall into Ranks! HARDAWAY & McKINNON. April 19 t* FERTILIZERS. T !•: N TO N S SWAXs ISLAND GUANO. IRGIIT TONS RAWBOXK ruosruATE The lufi of Fertaliiers. for (tic by i: KKM ING TON A SON Mar. ts NOTlOi:. ON and a'li rt, . s date, ill! Fh u r ht coniin*g tnou and It '.fim'il 10, points Wert of tlte < h kI«M h«*iu ,• will it carried ovei tin** K-.i it,. Hdt] from Hftvuimiih, at att4octioQ **f I Ut-Ul).|iH> |MT 4 t ill., the n»N •‘f I rtttisp'station from Tboimisvilb*— making the charges in tin* several t lnri'-vs as follow* ! # I Ini-l Phis* per 100 Ibt* 79 eta. Fourth Class per 100 lbs 57 eta. Fifth Clam per l<W Ih*. 4’.* dt. Si \i h Class per 100 lb* *M cts. Si*v i v i)th CU*# per !»*’ lb* J*-* of*. Eighth Clam per KM !b* 93 <»,«. Cotfon {n r 100 lb* • t»* «'*-■» )1 S HVINFs >*; ’IJ S7 U (i *a'l > i ;p t. LIFE IN A PILL BOX! EXTRAORDINARY EFFECTS FROM SIGHS AITI-BIUIBIS PILLS OWE PII.L IX A dose: O.IE I* 11.1. IIV A DOME! ©!VE PH I. IN A DOME ! What One Hundred Letters a day say from patients all over the habitable globe • “Dr. Maggiel, your pill fins rid me of all bit. liousness.” “No more noxious doses for me in five or ten pills taken at one time. One of vour pills cured me.” v “Thanks, Doctor, My headache hag left mo Send another box to keep in the house.” “After suffering torture from billions cholic, twoof vour mils cured me, and I have no re turn of the malady.” “Our doctors treated me for Chronic Consti pation as they called if, and at last said I was incurable. Vour Maggiel’s Tills cured me ” al,e I a h rtyoneT e “ ,e; lla^' me "Yourpills arc marvelous ” “I send for another box, and keep them in the house. ‘ “Dr. Maggiel has cured my headache that was chronic. Ip i , ve '“ii/ °f onc .V 0 " 1 ' pills to mv babe for Cholera Morbus. Iho dear yourig : thing got well in a day.” so c “M y nausea of a morning is now cured ” tour box of Maggiel’s Salve cured me of noises mmy head. I rubbed some Salve be hind my ears and the noise left.” , lne two boxes; I want one for a poor “I enclose a dollar; your price is twenty live cents, but the medicine tome is worth a dollar " ; • Sl l > | l me five Imxes ot your pills.” 1 ‘ lne have three boxes of your Salve ami Fills by return mail.” For all Diseases of the KM neys, Retention of ( line, &e., &c., .Mairgirl - Pills arc a perfect cure. One will satisfy any one. for female diseases,. IVervoii* Prostration, Wraknrn, (ten. rrnl I.nssDmle &■ Warn of Apprlilr, Maggicl’s Fills will be found an effectual remedy. Maggiel’s Pills and Salve Are almost universal in their effects, and a cure can be ulinoHt,guaranteed. I'-nch Box Foiiiti in* Tivrlrr One l*ill in a I)onc. “ COUNTERFEITS ! Bur rro Pills or Salve, with 21 little pamphlet inside the box. They are bogus. The genuine have the name of J. Ifaydoek on box with naineof*!. Maggiel, M. I) The genuine have the Pill surrounded with white powder.” I 'if Sold bv all respectable dealers in metli fines througbout tlie United States ami Uumi <lhh at •J.i CI*L\T« A ICOX OK I>OT. •All ordere Tor the luited Staten must be ad dressed to J. Hay dock, No. 11 Pine street, New York. Patients can write freely ahont their com plaints, and a reply will be returned by the following mail. W rite for ‘Maggiel’s Treatment of Diseases.* COUNTERFEITS! COUNTERFEITS!! All readers of this paper are warned not to purchase Maggiel’s Pills or Salve unless the name of ,1. Hay dock. Proprietor, in addition to Dr. J. Maggiel, in on the engraved slip swr. rounding each pot or box. aug 2U Ufi\ haw list'd ««nllijxluiai*ii and liud they will do all that is claimed for t lioiii, and cheerfully recommend them to pub lie favor. J 11. WATTS, Ex Governor of Alabama J W. A. SANFORD, Att’y Gen’l of Alabama. ROBT DOUGHERTY, Judge Supreme Court, Ala. From Thos. ,T. Judo k, Judge Supreme Court. I have used Gulliuluiu n |»|||« on my plantation, for Fever mid Ague, and find them all that is claimed for them. THOS. J. JUDGE. Montgomery, Ala.. Sept. 99,1858- Louildos County, Alabama. 4* iiHiglum’** Fever aml .%«««> l»llla I " ill do. They are decidedly the best medicine I for (’hills and Fever 1 ever gave. 1 would | not be without them for five times the price. J A. GRAHAM. Am Kilters, April 17, IWw. One box of 4-nllijfhnii'M cured mo perfectly of (’hills and Fever. They are the best medicine for (’hills and Fever I ever saw. A G. KONAEDSON, Clerk Supeiior Court, Sumter county, Ga. Montgomery, Ala.. July 9, lßfi(V Messrs. BLOUNT \ HALE—Gknts:—l have used your 4-ulliglniii'M l*illa on two occasions for Chills and Fever, and find that they effect all that they are intended to do. They are the best remedy for the disease that 1 have ever tried. I consider them perfectly reliable. Respectfully, DAN E SAYRE. (* Sec. G. Lodge of F. and A M of Ala. Albany, Ga., March 11, 18t»7. I have used Isnllighmi’a in forty cases of (’hills and Fever, with per feet nacre**. They are the best Fever and Ague Pills put up. A B rAM Wholesale in Savannah bv A A SOLOMONS A CO., And bv all Druggists. BLOUNT A HALE. Proprietors. July 9 3m Montgomery. Ala GENER \l. SI PFR 111 NTS OFFICE, ) Ati writ- \ (ii i.r R %ir. Road, 5 Savannah. Nov Mi, 184*6. j TIIKOC4.iI TKKKTM. I homa-ville to Quincy. ,$lO M Thoinasville to fallaha*s«e , 9 00 Thomasville to Monti cello 8 00 ThomttsviUe to Maihson 7 OO (i,:r'KUi i<* Madison (i 50 \ ;»ldo*ra to Madiswi 5 7a For the accommodation of Pamengarv. be. tween the above Stations, a Passenger Coarli is attached to the Freight Tram mu the fo|. lowing Jays On Manilav. We dnesday and Fridar. I . .*\ mg i* titmau lUJO A M 1. *virtaf \ »bb*-r . f*.» |5 |» yf Arriving at No »n time to connect with lb- Thr»-ugh P.i-- agvr Train for Florida On l• *d i_v. T and Saturday hrjviDif N’* I- on arrival of Passenger Tram from Florida aud arriving as follow* At ValdoaU 19.95 P M At Qftitman 938 p M At lhorn x*viHe ... 5.15 P M Bv taking thi* tram. Passenger- u» «ud fr*m Florida, avoid anv on the mote II S H MN», l >e< 1 Gen I Nip ?.