Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1867-1867, December 20, 1867, Image 3

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Semi-RllcAln (Enterprise. LCH'AI, FRIDAY. DEIKUBIUiO. IMT. Don’t neglect your own interest by failing to read the new advertisements of Messrs. Jeffers &. Son. Before buying your presents for the holidays give Remington's a call—you will certainly be satisfied. Don’t delay, but go immediately to Remington’s and purchase your supplv of Toys fancy articles 6cc., lor the Christmas holidays. They have a large and well selected st 'ck of those articles and are selling them at great ly reduced pi ices. Holiday presents in great variety and remarkably low pi ices at Uetu ingtou’s. .Buy one paper ol lloraford’s bread preparation, use it oneo and you will use no other—For sale at Rein ngtou's. Nuts. Raisons. Citron &e., for tin holidays at Remington’*. GERMAN LABORERS. Mr. Lewis Gardner, whose card we publish as agent at Savannah to lur nisli German Laborers, writes us that lie is now able to furnish Laborers at much lower figures than the prices we lately set before our reading Mr. Gard ner says, ‘‘there are thou ands ol I,u■ borers North without wink and desi rous of g Ding something to do, to make Bread for themselves and (ami lies, and in consequence they arc w 1 ling to work for less wages " lie therefore states their wages us f V w : Commission* Wages lot- Men per Mouth, 1 1 “ ** Women •* “ 7.Ui) “ half Inunls half price. The wages payable part monthly and the balance at the end of i lie term according to agreement. The pass .go money from New York Gi Savannah which will be about 817 00, has to be advanced by the employer and deduc ted out of the wages. These are low rates, and we submit to our farmers whether t e prop, - ti n of Mr. Gardner is not worthy o! limit consideration. Many of you ur> il c heartened with the Laborers here o lore « mployed. why not consider whether there be advantages in Ger man Laborers '! Albany and tho s-'oiith Georgia &l Florida Railroad. No one who will examine the map of Sou'h Georgi i an 1 I lurid i. in con nection with the Railroad I'oesalio dy established, can fail to see the to c s - an 1 importance of the South Go >r gia it Florida Ri lroad. from \ibmy toThomasville— miles -and i to a point on tho rh'iida II ad '.M miles—making a total d<- miles. This line would p iilmost level country, could built, would connect, by an root North and South line, toe oil of Mexico and the entire system 1 Florida railroads, with tho Soother.i system of Giorgia railroads, util the middle aid Northern system at Alba ny. It would be a nearly right-angle line to the system of roid mentioned, and besides its large local freights and travel, it would work in harmony with tho systems connected by it lining the Common carrier of freight and pa-sen gers from each to the other. This road, as a short North and South line, won'l he without any successful com petition now or hereafter. Its small cost, its 1 irge 1 ical (ratio, and especial ly it* connection at either eml with different railroad systems, will ituure it a largo business and good dividend from the day of its euiiipl ii ni, which will increase w th tho dev< lopment ■ 1 the country, and the exten-i >n of the system of roads which it will e tinecf These facts ought to ho suffi • out to induce even man who and -ins i- ife and profitable inventin' nt to suh-eribc to the stock of the . v mil Georgia A Florida Railroad, from Albany to Thomasville. But the people at the termini and along the line have another arid a stronger induerincut ti ilie in i value of properly, and other advaot i ges wh'ch this rnlioad bring to them, ami each one should do his b riot only in per nul soli-.- q.tion, but by personal tfiorl and ii fluenee to promote Us early construction. The county of Dougherty and the cirv of A bany -boil and auliserib" a- mu Ii ns the county of Thomas and the city ol Thomasville. The m iglibotnig e>mn> ties, all and rhe counties and town* westwardly to the I'battab Hieloriver, and north ‘•ardly to M aeon, are mo-r --csted in the construction •>! this rail road, as it would open to them a cheap and rapid intwreourae wtsl» N ,uti'*‘.r:i Georgia and FI -rida. and thus pr mote the value of their prop rty i their general prosperity. The . n, western Railroad and the &>uth ** - >r gia 6c Florida llad'ord would C «-h pr< mote the interest of the cause each would open a large terri tory and br-ng large r r eight* and travel to the other, and the trafie <el railroad* is inereaa 1 the pr ce» of transportari.m may be Jimtn « .>> 1 with out diminishing the dir>d* nds to Moeklioldera, and the general in'ery t of the whole country c pr-,muted. The only pr. -sent qu »tion to he conceded i#: —t’*n this imp-r’ant public wont now command • . a • '«t means to insure tta e>>mp|etion withio a reasonable time Tin* isroto < a wonsiderati .not the invent and pr peettve condition >/ ti - country which should be Well considered by :b »-< who are interes’ed. Will not the people ~f Thomas eounty who hav* this « jhj-ct in eh*-.-, communicate their action and view* to the people of this county f— .Mh i■ ny AV n. KITIATIOM %V A Vt'KD A young fitly of good family, and well .pialified as a Teacher, desires a situation, and will be content wiih modmal* terms. A situation in any educational Institution or private family will be acceptable, l’er ons desiring a Teacher wilt apply to A. si*. X\ right, fhq., Thomasville, Ga. uotr - ORE AT NEED SVTPLIED PILU* HAVE been supplied in raillieui- Salvo*have bet o rubbed in f v the pi.tmd Dr Mttggiel s two grand specifies are putting au end to thi« wholesale system of lueuir.itton.— One of lii* fnmieu* pills » u ehm*. Dr. Mssigiel suiouoiseoseKttTturiu.v. He bn* placed ill the sumllest compass the active principle of the most potent vegetable specifies There is no mineral in his l*tl!s—they do not gri|ie—lhey do uot enfeeble. They create a vigorous appetite,uml in u corresponding man ner strengthen the digestion, flie.v lone the liver, clear the lieaJ uud steady UlO lierves K« form of semfulous disease- can resist the disinfectant operation of the Sulv*., Abscesses, Salt liheum. Hulls, Pimples, fas titles, etc., niv thorougldv eradicated by tins unrivalled medicine, lit tact, M fiGUIKL’S 111 I.l,lOt’s DYSPEPTIC AND D1 AKUIUK.A PILLS Cure where all others fail. W hile for Hum* S, Chilblains, Cuts, ami all abrasions ot the shin, MAGGIKI.S SALVE Is infallible Sold by all l»ruggi*ia»l '-‘5 cents per box. For sale in Macon bv .1 II Zcilin A Cos “Col VTttltnriT-! lluv no Maggiel’s Pills or Salve with a little pamphlet inside the box They are bogus. The genuine have the name nf.E Havdo.k on liox With name of,l Maggiel. ,M I) The gennino have the Pill surr umb and with white powder." uug *il Thomasvilla Retail PKICES CURRENT. CO' I.KCIKD AVKtKI.V ItV [|,\ iiUAWAA ,V MrKINNON. ttuggiiig -fSunnv.. • .per vd a ' 111 / .-II ! A ....' C lb f'd <1 HHOOMS a piece k'fe u 7it Ktulter Country Pft 00 „ ' ** (iushr-ll " htt ,/ Ist ISncutl Sides *' j -h « Shoulders ’• OU « t* “ Hums ** j «n a -0 fSenu- Nortbcrn ** tn me Iliickcls Pine. itphce (~l <> f*<l Juniper " ♦ to o.:a) fleef—ul Market P lb l 1 " t" “ Northern ‘ ! Hour A'WWltlea Spcn !t> ’UO •’ Adnumnline, " tMI ./ -,r t in-i-o- Wi i v n> Eitgli-h llairv " none Catrce - Pm fib on •lava " 00 « I" “ Morlio " HI <i -t ‘ Corn AVe-ie: i pel bo 'id HI I 1111 Home “ <-> corpe has t* ft no « »# turds A\ 00l . . .pel 1 111 Oh i ‘ Cotton " . t' ll «r '"I CIIACKEHS ..fib l.t. -id Dottieslics Ittl e ■ I pi Vll 1* ■ d-‘ Enbl led, •• I'i « “ Osnab'gs, •• dll « l-iggs per.lo* INI « ”0 too ls Turkov * . .tlpi>ee |t"l « l. l:n (irow ii Heim, " ft ip »» “ Half tlr .wn, “ no « ‘-*0 I'i. It -Mackerel lot fJ - .) 3e • Salmon .. f ft t ‘.m- (HI u 50 •< Cod P ft l\! I » “ Itream, Trout, in-si g f I (i0 u no llcning per box * I 'A*. ,/ Hi ri«nr~i»'iv(l'.>i'L'i:i per i tvt Jill i'll ,/ hi no “ Ivxlra per bill Pi HI « I- HI “ Si I 1., lam'v, ' H.HI « noon I'rnil Apples Dried, l* lb "» ■ 00 Pe',,!:,.. “ ;:l ,p IHI f-ingr-r .. P ft 0d . e ■ n lit • " ‘.’ VI ,i in) Jieiiiis Voriiu-ru per y.l t , I » *• Kcntnekv . ...pervd Id It- 5‘ .-■! HI i eiithrr S-h .. i' P, o ' if 1' Cptie, aside " |.'.VI ~- it HI “ Hill'll - ‘ . . " III) « bd < Suva? null Mills’, pi I- *1 , Id Thuiuusv ill At ,pr Ini .Mill ,i 00 N* Or! . per u'.il lUIIH tleorgia ..per gut INI a 73 .Mr’STIKI) P lb IH) « .Vi M It'd |/fO.V/ P It, HI Vi MATS -Co'tr sburk.a pier.- "i <r, 5" Anil. . P ft HI Id Oyster, foe,- |„ i , n, (Hi ,i it > ().X1(1X5.... ...... per bid none Prlwt* Autocican 11 “ English ‘.HI do “ Ere licit 50 vt IHI l’() V 1 7’i it'. ,S Ii - 1 1 , pm Ini none powheu .. .+* ft! (hi « 75 ‘‘ n A ’ P-imcMc-'; ( >” r potash ... , p n, wi ,i n scope P til (HI . 75 Miuiilla " JO n do “ 1iemp......... *• lift o- mi Mitll Liverpool .. pel .!. (Hi ii Hi Mugur -Coiiuli V brutvn. t* 1), id o I t “ Clurilied, P ft Ii - In “ Crndo-d, . p It, Ml « IHI M|,trits AVbli kev . j i esi sh . u a ini llrandy' per ga! t IHI nls (g) " (Jin ...... per gal II Vj n. 5 tMI SODA .Vll, no 'gd SO W llrown . . . Plb 'HI o 111 SHOT t‘ It, ll'l n '.HI S TAlicit P ft (hi „ hi Miio ts Hcoteli fit) “ Macralmy ..F Ik (1.35 • 00 SHOTS Coarse.... iier pan fit . 5 ‘si Telt - lire I 1 !)'. HI 7 , «, I" IJ reel, P lb j 'HI I (SI ToHnrra (Jo . I ,irli< I, P !!, $1 Ml ~ ,‘i Inferior, ... Pft 1.5 ./ •»> rnisi: m to .> i«» lobs P ii,, t•■■ I .... ... H ’ ~ il IHI ' J till te r, pinto .. fi .‘ .VI It dSO Idsrgsr .per gal 73 ,■ |l on Vnm 1 Kerou ae Mil . p-l g,i fit 'HI n (»'• A. & B. SMITH, THOMASVILLE, GA. HE \l.El: IN’ House I'tivnlslilng iLmlmiir (filter I'lHled lduili, fJLAHM, CHIN t AND E UiTHEN WAKE, TAHI.E AND ROCKET PPTLEI V, TIN AVI) WCMIH AV AIU*. CAlt- HI AGE MATEItIALH; Hollow W»ra, Cooking Uu n*)l* of every kind. A well wiiond w-• Os oa i A KTW M just retfivrA from lire VottuArj, S<*r t* |f, ts " FOR SALE. *T E. REMINGTON AND SON, Established in 1830. niv* KOW o', 11 AND. IKD IRI cuustanily receiving Full Lise* us STAPLE AND FANCY s?u 1> It O O o r « i: - K % i it i: liAKDWAKK, Tinware, CroiT cry ware, Ao., FOR THE fall Am ynmm Trcicle, Which (hey offer (o their p-ritons and (he foiblie generally a( I‘Ulf ES In toil (It* times I'.imiistl and Enoch Merinos, De laines, Alpacas, Cashmeres, etc, just re ceived and for sale by E. REMINGTON & SON. tilljkifnii ( ,v i.e • and AioeiteaU Print* ni E REMISOTON \ SON 150 I*l (‘CWH Nan souk Jtukonel, llaid and Suits .Muslins, at E REMLNCiTON .A SON. Tilt* Stock of Unffling* Edg ings, Embroideries, Laces and C .p THue tuiitgs in liie< City, to be found at i:.‘ HEM 1N U ros A S N k l.fifirff* StocU Linens, Tnwellngs and Housekeeping Uouds la be louiol at E. HE MING lUN .V SON EllHMl and American |lo*lety, in great variety, at E. HEMINGToN A SON. liclltleilicil’s I urttisbiiig 1.. , I-, at E. REMINGTON .N SON. Lilgtlall, It elicit and A metdealt plain and (alley Etsliticl.s nlwuvs on baud, st E. HI Ml.sijTON x SON. litiiLct’ .Vollimi*. of nil Vi 01-, ai E. HELMING I'ON :oN 50 fi tl st's Ladies' and Gentle 'urn's liouls and Sheer, al E. REMINGTON A SON. .%«•»% Sl> If Hals .11 i ( ,ps al IL HE MEW! u.N 3 SON’. *15.000 Ax 01 1 Ii „r II AHIiAV aRE, eriibi aciiig Mo h mie and I'lanialiuH 'fouls, aad every srlicl.t kept in an i. Nt* I Hardware eslnblishmoi t. at E REMINGTON fi SON. The l.tfirgcxl Modi of Crockcty, eiiibnicillg ei, inilt 1,11 Uraiihe and Ipieetis ware, ever hiooghl In t|,>« n.aikei, -.1 E. HILMI NOTON 3 EON k \t*»* and AA, | : 'eel, I- , ! ,1 IV, neb China and Euncyr Articles - I'eveiy iE - Opii, n belonging (u that dcparltnenf, to tie found at E. HEM 1 Mi ,05 ' ON IO « list a H„,iib- .. tthiski „f |m <i. u( E. HELMINOTON & SON 5< Hat * pine l ~i I, C gill" lllan ly, 5 *’ “ Jan, ~ a Hum, 5 *• •• tiin. at E. REMINGTON A HOS. If yous uit l.optof, Mines, ( ..,,litis, 111,,1 Syrup* lor Medicinal Purpose* buy lit m flu 111 E REMINGTON A -oN 401 I I IL in 01, Vs Itin, 3 S !s» .lay*. at E REMINGTON M SO.N 15 llttktn daine*' Hurler and Soda r»cker», the I- itn 0., »i i: ri.mengtoN a son I 5 < unfa t*l« Ml N. I’tni* ui Hall Gallon and Gullt.ns, ,i E. 111. oENriloN K HON ’HI Itoxrn ‘*»*i»|*, - ! I".-I-, si Ei HE MJ No EoN h SON IN lltlXCa P.L,' I • .1 Idem lea- 1,, first In ih* d'y, at K HEMINGTON A SON * t unned I t oil l!'»«).. o E. REMINGTON a HON • 5 Itiura M , , -v 1,;., .. •. If, i »», i Whole Hoses, al IL REMINGTON K SON T It" Ileal f » an I So,ok,i,g ‘i b ,tc i and Snuff. »t EL REMINGTON A SON All Hinds f r ■ ■«,( Me , ■„ st E REMINGTON It son IliitorliG Evfi.iiis, ' I, REMINGTON A t*(/N TlHcr I‘l» H, *»", sod 1t...'s, »t r REMINGTON 'NO < atl( i>« *. l f. '• i * ..,, j .. 10 mil per >»;'! *< ( a X Is 111 MX 1 lliv (. i i nt hi h REMINGTON & SON. K RF’.fING TOT* A 80Iff, Lifo vY Firo Im- !ir. a» <! Afrt « , TII f, MAsVILLE GA Ot'ybsi I. mmf BOOT AND SIIOK SHOP. I BOOTSAHD SHOES L thahaM Style, a# pi.,m mes* ll* wi!) ttosfks war v-s'o Ot t ad IV-esU and **»'«,» nu<"lsb. as Fresh Crackers. L > to fii , ,f„, a m,N I. lvubitslick AND BROTHER. Fall and Winter DRY GOODS. t*| till* Mild IIOIIMMtIMtUa I'd l-M (tula |*rr kuid. 11 ' ITII I' e opening of the Pall Trade. || *,• are prepai, t t evbibil In our friends an l emMomols, a c> tuple c and va rievl of Fill and Winter •A- 0 D $ w f V L .it a ¥ « Out rldcW in not Mirj i'M l \ s m»v in i Ur c ilv, Inf'll jumlihv mi nij'«*rL Luynr ui Ihn npft itij; ot wlif n tIi»•« loi’liv-n* could l<i* inn 't Our Rtnck mil l>c (uiiud In in |*«rl «;» \ r*. ui %in *1 % in; ii<i i ii !>«-. I % 111 I »» ft»ltl hn IsOOIH, ct(MiTmi imi nst (>»:•«. %>l» « ll'M, I % l*M %» • I ll* A 41.0 llii. l ull *1 Mil If •, Vail Nul»U*, Liiii**, MtfUi **, I if* luiUi’N, l i iilli cltd, T*co4i, .Vc Motm M|uiiiik, lilt ,Oi ttatmrg*, LUitt mi l Hirl^od, Ljuiu \ m u*, LUiiU, Line Hed lUrtukcin ntul I’rii im'ii, SlatU, l»jt*Hcr*i, Valikco Na.iL n«, Hilling Wiiiiv IL 4* hicit Ti iniifiliijjft. Il«)fi»ii i j v v, X « TiuuKr, \V»ieh ti», I'ihoU nud Stud (i ti it m [+ t v* iii* n«! *ll mid n filedge eui Lttve tmiL un uuiiiiia i.« |iltG>«tt you in good* NII,I prices sepi 17 I. KUMTSIIEK AND Hrotlior. IjftltllES! k* lit,lt alt If* Ulld Ktluil \t rKIIAYI Jl - 1- ■>! IM G Lip. and well selecl. I -1.,- I c; \u >( 1 \<:\i i ids. Next poor lo J. Hebllt A Itmfbrr. whinb w - ft i e ll*w offering to 1 l,e , "Gehs ol I let* imxilL and aurraut. ling eonnliy, sol (o , ~oi,lry jdr.tiers, at -m l, laics it eanuut i n|| Id H'-etir# h \ *!»*’« h\ pair Our* i* all f( hrvr m»-l t it*** »od ttgllHi to*. W * nix | < Ji; pI I !..•>(., !♦ i>- t; - k#{d in u fi-ffl idm»4 tii Store! • Ineluding T.ageing and H Iby ilie bet* and colt, hall. l.a< n, I Sour, Xu, gni Coffee 11*1. patH«eM,d| Nail*, T»l*rr« |<*« |er, (Mini, | hn.l. Oyti. i•. Hardin**, Caned Fruits' pf*e- r**» G*» Lotunari.s, P„,*»'e, A Fine »*o,rltnei,l of l l<|U„r> 11 »i, G> s Ac by 0,. Cask and, Apple*, lltiions, Oraiijp, Macksisl, AAliJi* I nil. Fill uu A! Nth el Its*!, 10 l,hd* HAI IIN Jn 1 ("•)» I AA* sir prepared to make llliiial *t saner* >li Colton and ship I* Msvonnsh. N. w A ok or Li.*, | „t s.pi |? « 111), \A. oil fVt/ACI o, r r\V() iioi:sk FOUR JiORBE W Or g O n H, And a Few, W.-l) Made, nuaox to m , Hu |J g i.. J ffiftti ft*f S-.fle Da **•«' T-itUr IMMH li» kl l Lost or Mislaid. a : 1 v ‘ 1 ts J l(l(t < f », < „ , * Alt p> , L L’i , »,* >*! .'* , - .to, il ea U ' to (Ar *** u * pamfron a rA UI). BrltlMh IIONDI IH AS. One Allfili*ti of (f mos I an>l lor t»Mf«>, I Tin; sM.LKN Xj inimont Cf' im iJvifC.4 JaDC i/:inM f *■»#♦#♦ *1 4 # ffMl 1m i *■* oil4♦* «• (*fi Ik rt* i 0 4 t IIIM Ml I H 1 NOTICE TO Ot It PATRONS, AND K.S|’l-:mi.l.Y THOSE WHO OWE US IN* ,»l Sill i; 111 Ol lisLIA Is ‘A AX . AA> fMiUjR'HwI U» I 0t« oasii STS TTaff ft ROll Tills I* t I'll, AN t> AA I Will M 1.1. own eDU^J'Ii AT c«i*ci|lljj i}v^Dv,\‘k l i/now 'A . , , I i*ral X |.|>. ali ■ I whv» Imve bo,,- st.-l by «s. IIA SI I UNO I 111 Al GOODS ON A CREDIT, A I A mu AA til V |HI HI AA is HI I Mill I HoVI A Taeolen tUiuar.lsl.M.i e and p>. il.eli lli.L lit rdto-Oe. ", eiltthle Us t« be Ip lb.on agnUi «< O" ‘ ' "■•( (f • I ■ as-iu. tdluu "1 lb. t oui.i.y Ultd the •* 1 ( ’« him* L\>r\viir< I . us, null He l reonlse To tlo tho Fair Thing AA 11 It Yf il A* Hr think "pel (toil farm*, these It, log Wry It.'V’i'" l '*. ” drill I t x A X I « XX I IIS < lei *O, pn, kill I, Hi lot Cl to II Aal (Ik I>i i v COW HIDES. DKKU SKINS. suA'i' l»('FS\\ Jl \ 1 TALLOW, vYo., I'OI XX illl if AM AIM Al llt<lHl/ED Iff I'll 7 111 HIGHEST FRICKS (! .1 S //. OOUN I*l IT PR 00 U OR, All Kinds. WANTED, r; o o n s Xf. (|l Ilk fix 111 h Mix, J o fTorw \ T 81 011 i:h >!*..“* •‘-■'-•'rr" riMM Os »« U'4 * $ *4 Ht* t%r * * Is.l %$\ »*ll IHI %. Hii it * ■ ,**• mi I m*ws * *•** Mi6mo ## r-fi»ff* ■' - * -l I ; -ax \ i;\\ < m;i;sK M 5*40,000 VVAaVrieDl IN EXCHANGE FOR r>n y c oods AND ch() r r lll x(» , IT J. SCHIFF & BRO 'lxh K V Alt I IV .Till', if lH.r> TUCM I y.-t, and ba< e 4 Tull Work «»t Cu , i/a!» , ;|I s)li. , i*x.*ifn»h > sou the FALL AND WINTER. Cuttle til'd s.-e in «gut**ly*s fihgt .«■ .''“ a itt< dues-umuts fur lit* ,s..Jy rafih If < ", we,, llrady find, XI lltlsi ««» m ute and ft. a ate,all ,„uc , „|! »» J m tIIFF a lilio a V S'- and le.l Us t e. mb i lull., Dm HX,., h e, "I. X, J and aw sit.. t., t.d ,s ,k. ( f e J tilt ,e. r Xu ei J N It I k’F A HI. < I A At J S' IIIFF A Mill's, y-m witl find a i ri .s t I <*i4fi* . f I*it b • RJitfi *♦ |k Ktkxt H 4 Itlrtr «< I* * \w« wilt find *11»...) run. «u ta Hi • ml. («r * >d« ~ t * U." . u «l ♦ I S '*’» AI" - <*e.f *1 J kit IIIM A hltii a I M 111 l I .V MHO hate «, ..| French t ,salts. Ibtismsk I . labl* . I> . .. tk t .1, <l. t.. n ft . r . X. i, XstU el. ,f<i*t rvei i,. ), lat si.d AA 1 IE,I, H a* a<>4 ».labt.'g (I.e ,u. tee,tea P■■■> ts AA .w ». .1. . . I I bd » i IG| . . I- kb, Hi•.» • lin ks 1,4" ' H- t t .. t lasted *| J IM IIIM 4 Itfill fi BACON. J, , j j, .1 IIN aliool4r ta, 115 ffjM, I'l ii ( (t if J ( ) I I* ii i* ***** ***** >HG* | i*i*« ’ i INTGN |«Mil A A Cliff * | 4 txa«< Hr > Writ I Hnrnu, I IN DIN, ifCM R and C'Tff j I HIM XX MM I < etrx I l Mil, I.INfON Ml HER 4 Cf» ff j ‘II 1 will Ik. I*u xx •!* •« <1 IIH'I ( Isf.iN Ms El f A Cffff j A 111 t xuiuklii« InbaitO, I.IN f(IN. IO El » k t im* |il t lHKi * ‘ " f.pff ffrff, I'i ks t k ptrff. A I* * X * * » fill ii (l *f v • 111 liu <*• «I 11 ifnN, Ml ks fi fi «ts * fit fix ittiil Paotfiui x, * \ V S‘ IT* TON. tO hi f fi, r*r'4 * sejf Iltf LINfoN, Ml k I r. 4 (Off GUNS. PISTOLS FISHING T ACM.I, r-ff rnt* to*** I# tl«# *«!■** ««*•**• mm 4 *•»•*»*• Mi *• 4 HU 9* \H£ CHEAPEST im m)K si ( mm; I \ TUVa \\ A ,v I Hi VM 4st MM * ♦« I '*• , pW<4« •!•■%#» **4*t«+4 Wf AUCMON ( v* ry.HATOIU)A Y < 'i! I I | • 1 < I !•• ! ’ Ii 1 I lef > i NO. lx Xs* aftX- -f t eg Xfaaee-S. ,*) gesgerv-t t* a♦*«-.•* » I r»4a w-fi difkXial IXIMH I'flU BRICK LAYING r I il K mnliMkiKHfil kfnkirm Irk r**lWfU M* t tiAnli • I f»*r lh«A Iklmt>>»l h# !»«•» 41 il*#' likmtla *»f lt»# uttlyrt# es IIION4sHI.I i: 4 1 II Hl’lt* HOI 4Ul\4k 4 Ol Mill ; %Mtl 9i*iiifM Oi.Bik Omi It*' will tirrmflff «* ikfftv »»*A*mn L«x nt**** n IhMnl #*ml prr)wrt<l l>tx>iw)>ttY t*k fixjfi gfnicx At Low PrlocM. li,f»i Wvs west, «,| bis |,nelefsi,Hi, l,t be r«>>»kfi. uaedafimri tn be tested fiVofloE AX PARNU I Im* fit itn FEIFEfJI millll MUSI! Ontnlytic 11 AIK KIXroKLK. t Ik** fifff -#! fif-il ffriffiik* >( til# I hkificf rMil# »*•**.» 4*.»x| mivmmHf |« im thw miaM A)(ifffi)«M«i lx4i)«kiihr. ittiLwir vou&Umtom **»* t «f UrifiMMhiMl, l(w,.MMliig rtHtl Hr* k(«riN| iSr llix.k, l« »tk**«*M hm f dimltH #f#ry Urntwi #iwl Ok it* x tfrm h.kl Liv Ii .. «f Alt nf#t U toy . vyi.'l *fcr* )• r ffrbf BklWlffftfih 9lf4*MMHl. #«m| r*| ffijt I F«.l.fiiAk kklixkifkfrff ktffL' lh«* W*»* *#£»* JS* iMfi.n K * ktfklkwfidww 1W mi: i \T\i.viir N-al (■ a »« »», be*in >• .a« |b« tl*kt*ti44« fie II A Ills* 4 ufnlxllfi* xtinulil tre I vnl ti* (tic Ileal fit 111 |0 Dti Ml" ll.ill. tls-e-se ft .re «. a gear .. t Dated bn. t da , s .ft. I.| „ ..Ii aft'* Hal, tbs I lllEAfll ufif* •> l ,!».«». IsWb', ft ~'»»»• <a* »aOsr ff.. Mfa fa Cm** SIO 01)0 IL C 5 W l\ I* C i LmR £% Oil(• Ii It t‘t Os ‘II ft) Mil (illil)K I'i.ow Kli MYII tJ l*. • bis I i..,ke I si*. Hiss.hltls Is,bn*'. XX k**r'H, 4 *S|X xiikl saeue, I SUM" Is,us. ail MssuSblnu >riiM«, * m"-4 l e 'ey laser •* If* f., R.-sdUs, rs *tZ ft.. * *".*uh u»4 * beritft I ift iiMtbl. k I rrfik t ff Ifhl (' e,4 f»< ~,* , i;, t t,,„M (a. ri. /V r»f** 6 * 4 «•). 4 d)««* i st.*#*# f ** *»** * 4 A fcjri'.r,. % i. m It m ** **4m fL# .ffftfi# »% *i* i # m»-’> * -h»* iiMu # » (3,4) h# f CHOICE WINES LIQUORS! N<’W Houep! Now Firm! \\ «... M.sskl" *e»«a XX brattles. Is , MktMGMe Aim rAM IV OR US, I ItCNCII I'.U ANDd 010 BOURDON WHISKEY, s i r..\ m SAW MILL For »s*cx,lo \ I'M M I « f »««. NEW t LOUR. ! ? »• •IfffU.feeX 4 (HJ* IKON 'MIX 'I ”'L„“ Vik.