Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 02, 1865, Image 4

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_ . r~ ’ -'if 4 r TgftM 5 5 rßvyfc.K’.sM 3 Bum - 7 th * of the, United States ct America, Washiv itos, Mnv 20, lS'-f*. YVhereM, Tb” Tre lent < Gao , . states on *H ; J- -• ;• . ■• ■ • it : ■ ‘ ‘ ‘’ ■ •': v •' : :. , p) ]J?64, did, T.fh ttA ObJCCv JO SUp rresr the **Wing rebellion to indnooall t. *>v r tm t loy*ky. wi fw „ • ,■■ . f (* f ‘*-•j St otc 1 ■ IU I , o gatd rr-.K- •‘ rr . . ” in said Tcbelliou, have, eince the issuance of paid proclamation, failed or neglected to take the benefits offered tlmre by ; and . .. Whereas. Many persons WliO nave been untly deprived of all claim to amnesty and pardon thereunder, by reason of f participation directly or by implicu lion in said rebellion, and'continued in hostility to the goveernmnt of the United States since the date of said proclamation, now desire for and obtain amnesty’and par don ; To the end, therefore, that the author, ity of the Government of the United States may be restored, and that peace, order and freedom may be established, 1, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do proclaim and declare, that I hereby grant to all persons who have directly or indirectly participated in the existing rebellion, except as hereafter excepted, amnesty ‘..and pardon, with restoration of all rights of property, exccpi as to t.i.AVUri except in cases where legal*] dings under the laws of the Unite 1 Mater providing for Iho Confiscation c ‘ v of persons engaged in rebel:U.< I vo been instituted, but on the cond: .-* vertheless, that every such per >u .-hall t.ako and subscribe t-o the following outh, which shall be registered, for permanent preservation, and shall be of the tenor and effect following, to-wit : 1 do solemnly swear or aflirm in pres ence of Almighty God, that 1 will henoo forth faithfully defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States thereunder, and that 1 will in like manner, abide by and faithfully sups port all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing re bellion with reference to the Emancipa tion of Slaves. So help me God. The following classes of persons are excepted from the benefits of this proclam ation: 1. All who are or have been proton* vteil civil or diplomatic officers or other wise domestic or foreign agents of the pretended Confederate States. 2 All who left Judicial stations under the United States to aid the rebellion. 3. All who have been military or naval officer? of the pretended Confederate Go® vernment above the rank of Colonel in the array, or Lieutenant in the navy. 4. All who left their'seats in the Con* r-oss of the United States to aid in • the rebellion. 5. All who resigned o? tendered their resignation of their commissions in the Army and Navy of the United States to evade their duty in resisting the rebellion. G, All who have engaged in any way in treating otherwise than lawfully prison ers of war persons found in the U. S. ser vice ns officers, soldiers, seamen, orin oth* ‘or capacities. T. All persons who havo been or are absentees from the United States for the .purpose of aiding the rebellion. S. All military or naval officers in the rebel servico who were educated by the r vernment in the Military Academy at West Point or at the United States Naval Academy. 0. All persons who held the pretended office of the Government of the States in insurrection against the United States. 10 All pcTsous who left their homes with in the jurisdiction and protection of the U. States, and passed beyond the Fes leral military lines into the so called Cons fedrracy for ho purpose of aiding the reb ell ion. 11 All persons who have engaged in the le-truction of the commerce of tho V.. \1 It t.ate upen the high sea. and all persons wtho have made raids into the Oi S. from Canada, or been engaged it destroying the commerce of the IT.l T . S. on ti e lakes and rivers that seperate tho :> I ’ provio cee from the IT. S. A. .'L-person o who, at a time when they seek to obtain the benefit s thereof by taking the oath herein prescribed are in military naval or civil confinement or cuss tody, cr under bond of the military or na val authorities or a rents of the United States as prisoners of any kind, either before or after their conviction, 1 L All’pcrsons who have voluntarily participated in the rebellion, the estimated value *f whoso taxable property is over $20,000. 14. All pc T-mV who have, taken the oath a prescribed 111 the Pmi- proclamation of Dec. Bth, 3803, or the oath of allegiance to tbclinitcd States since the date of said proelamation, and who havo if ot thenceforward kept the same in violate, provided that special application may Vo made to the President for par - don by any person belonging to the excep ted classes, nd such eiemenoy will be ex truded n may be consistent with the facts of fb* cae# and the peaoe and dignify of ■Bo T S Th?- Secretary of Pint a will e* abiish votes *nd regulations for admtn iftotiffg rm 4 rifeordiing the said nmnes fy aM ‘ rt ‘ * insure it* benefit the r . .pie and guar 1 the goverDmenf frand j. ‘lu twuiauoay w .creed i have hcrer.n-w j et niy hand, and caused the seal cf the I United States to Vo affixed. J* Ooro at. the City of WashiugtbA, this i • i • *•> ANUTUU-V JGf? A, c -ON .• , • . ,i- ? u Sewav' 1 Secretary •f ■ •• * * • ‘ .• *• . j > i in \ \ !. ; • ■: . ( ■ •“ iA’ :.5 • . . A- JL S • Vwt .Sk A. * .. ,i i. • . drew Johnson, President of tin Ui I States, dated 17th of June a. D. 1806, l i huvt been appointed Provisional Governor State of Georgia; wiih instruction*:- j to provide, at the earliest practicable peri ■ od, such, rales and regnlatione as natty bg and proper for convening a ( vention of the people, composed of dele- ! f gates to be chosen by that portion of the j ! people who are loyal to the United fedntes I Mid no others ; and also with all the now- i ers necessary and proper to enable such ! loyal people of said restore i-t to j its conststitutional relatiors to the Federal Government, and to present such a foim ol i State Government as will entitle the State to the guarantee of the United States therefor, an l its people to the protection of the United States against, invasion, in.* surrection and domestic violence : Now, therefore I, James Johnson, ’Pro v . bonal Govern r of t he State of Georgia, | asoforesaid, do tue of the power in me , vested as aferosai 1 proeloimand declare— * i’hat an ehvi.iun ‘'or delegates to a j oivcmiui: will b . eld or the first Wed- In ( • t&bt r .. !, 1866, ... ... . i which elections a.e and reeled an 1 authorized by law to be held for met hereof the l egislature. 2!. That the thirty-seven counties in the Bta . which, by law in force prior to : e first of January, 1801, were imitled to two members of the Mouse of Representa tives, shah be authorized and entitled to eleoi each three delegates, and that the remaining counties shall each be author*- ized and entitled to elect two delegates to said Convention. od. That no personat such election shall be qualified as an elector, or shall be clgi ble as a member of such Convention, unless he shall have previously thereto, taken and subscribed the oath of Amnesty, as set forth in the President’s Proelamation of May 291 h A. 1), ISCS, and is a voter quali fied ns prescribed by the Constitution and laws o*’ tho State of Georgia, in force im mediately before the 19th of January, A. L). 1801, the date of the so oalled Ordi° nance of Secession. 4th. That any two Freeholders qualified to vote at such election as aforesaid, may act as managers of the election at eacli of the precincts as aforesaid; and that in, managing and superintending sues' * ‘elces tion, they shall be governed by a,nd pro ceed under the laws of the State regula ting and prescribing the election of mem bers of the Legislature, prior to the first of Janu.Try, 1801 ; Provided, that each of said managers, before entering on the dus tios, prescribed, shall swear the other tru ly and faithfully to superintend and make return of said election according to law as aforesaid and the requirements of this Proclamation. sth. That the delegates who shall be elected ns aforesaid, shall assemble in Con* vention at the city of Milledgevillo; at 12 o’clock, meridian, on the fourth Wednes day of October, A..D. 18Cf> And whereas, The rebellion which’ has been waged by a portien of the people against the governmenj of the United Stales has, in its revolutionary progress, deprived the people of the State of all civil J government; and whereas, they must re- t main without civil officers and the admin- ; istrntion of civil iaw until a State Govern ment shall have been organized by the Convention called as aforesaid ; and where as, it is necessary in the .meantime that • domestic tranquility be ensured, aiul that the loyal people be proctceted in all their rights of person and property, Ido further proclaim and declare : Ist. That, no individual by virtue of his own authority, shall inflict eoporcal pun ishment, on any person for any real cr sup*, posed injury, whether such injury jelat to persons or property ; and that in all sucu cases, redress must be sought front and given by such military authority, n? may be invested with jurisdiction over the case?. 2d. That slavery is extinct. ami invol untary servitude no longer exists. Hence no person shall have control of the labor of another, other than such control asmny lawful ly remit from indenture, the relation of parent and child, guardian and ward j and the contract of hiring, freely and fair- ! ly made ; and that, for a breach of duty, j on the part ot any one standing in those j relation? the military authority will ad- j minister in a summery manner, adequate j and proper relief under the laws of the | land. 3d. That nil riofcsue or tumultuous ! of tho people, and also all as--, ! pemblages for unlawful purposes and u~ ! lawful olvjpcts, will be dispersed ,* and thi end, if necessary, the military powi of the United States will be invoked 4th. 3 hat the idea, if any such is enter* tftined, that private property will be di tribnted nr parceled out is not only delu sive but dangeroa** and mischievous; and if any attempt should he made by any person or persons to effect such an object by violence or unlawful means, it will only secure to him or them speedy and merited . 1 •’ . th* yj v :%. ’,r < ’ v)'ldmihi I. ■* the th pb r- 1 i the commissioned offi i ■ s (ales, f•’ ■ l ;rr<'d , tder tht rule? ’tionf prescribed ,i. ; r-trn •■ ly , and i lid co operation • _ l 3 ■’ ■ ■ ’ ■ rule ; . !i‘ > . ! V In i ’ .vii if. mi *fic t\ u l<i Our.* <u ’ In’ • >nn ft |)’.\iOtiLat’ivc? iu .. ... n'i . * • I !.li i . • of July , in n huiidi nd . . ninth year of • • • ■ ‘ : JOHNSON. • vern< oi Georgia. ! the Govevi ’ • .. . | ‘ ... * * j ) fH OUORGIA . ... lo ‘• Nb. 2... . 5 ■ •'• . ‘ • thi at . f this fiommttnd.. :,;i. . • . • of : nut’ Strict an i ‘oi t opm thj hey kcu p b . . control’ over all, ‘ rieeessary. Ur the ::, 11 I: <•: ... ■ !. ! -lintl :j pi O’ ( V I’> . . ; . To this- eiid date die sale of in . in<■ o ... seem 11. i, censes will b given io a limited num- Ue • ... responsible parties ■ rizin> ihe •the* - dee and WJnce*,. for ,and( liarswill n . barged. S. i. license Ue< tue m force rl: - term . ■• . >■ .- Printed licenses. furuist id as soon os practicable, wbi< •H he required to be conspictn ui ly po • Applications for liecii ill be’ made through the Post comman U> the Assistant Adjutant General at these Hi id. Quarters. ‘ No liquors will be sold or othe i,-u Ji.- 1 - p*s*‘d of to the enlisted men Os the army. Any person having received Said license, upon being convicted of keeping a disorder ly house will have their license-revoked. :. Proprietor* will be held responsible lor the conduct of their employees, and any per son who shall be convicted of having knowing ly violated any portion of the foregoing regu lations will be fined, not loss than- tea, nor more than one hundred dollars lor said ofience.- ‘ltv Command of ’ . Brtfvt. Brjg. Gon. WABIIBUKN *W. II Ki ller, ‘ ‘• ‘ Act,. Asst. Ajt. Gen. •/ July 12,1860. • ts HI). QtJS., DIST. OF SOUTH..GEORGIA- Blackshlar, July -lth, 1860 (intern! \ No. 0. > • To enable residents of this District who •may desire and arc qualified to avail them selves* of tho benefits of the President’s Am nest \ I’roclamanon, of tii ♦ 2Uth of May; I 860, Post Commanders are hereby directed to ap point suitable officers to administer and record the Amnesty Oath prescribed in said procla mation. Such officers - will he guided by and strictly adhere to the rules and regulations .estabik-h ed bv the Secretary ot State in the following circular: ’ . DEPARTMENT OF STATE •' ’ o.Tdhi, M.:ij * 160/* Snt i— -A ‘ . •Proclainat, • - : ■ •■’ . ’ ed. By at...: tar\ of State ■ regulations for ad ih . * • . • :he Amnesty Oaf h. so at t insure it i anu guard the (t0m..,, . •u ;. nstfraua. ‘Pursuant to this iiijmicti n j are informed that the oath prescribfed in the /ii- ;u and subscribed 1,. fore any r, civih military or naval, in the service of tixe United States $ tr any civil or military officer oi.a loyal State or Territory, who by the. laws thereof may be qualified sou administering oaths. All wle receive such oaths are, lu reby authorized to give certilied copies thereof to the persons respectively by. were made; and tach officers arc hereby required to transmit the originals of such oaths, at us early a day as may be convenient, to this department, where 1 bev will be deposited and remain iu the archieves of the Government, • A rogist here >1 will be kept in the department, an 1 propi c.i r-, s, cert itical such records .will i>> lssued'm tho customary •J :. • lediunt bi r\ ant, • ‘/ VVILLjLAM *1! SI \v ARD', . -Si < ri iary ot State. dll caeo the officot adn t “■'.j ad ■. ■ M.U il v “.her . davit of the apptibai 30.1 1 . ■ V to make t pedal application in writing through • allowed tho benefit of said amnOsty Said ap plication must - ‘ forth th< clause under which t hey are excepted and accompany the same by . ■ ■( • Jty < ommaud c ■ , H'l -■ U'rtj \,* H YY ASH r,r 1, iV. V- Tl K/i I ! i.- t ” M A A A A G • ■ . i m.-M i>.vu 11 i, :i , June th.Tdfi ‘ } hi ”■ ■-’ ‘• . • N S •* . Al U I’m * ■>, i i-ddoiu m t ■.>” sripnil enim- ( “■ f licet tui Rlillci. Baht r, la u- h *ll T hen’ • i . Colquitt, Brocks. Lowndes, EaHt and Berriert ha •> theft poosessWui eustodj Oi control, any Public iu v’oqb iicrate propel tv Will at once, ake a return thereof t - these Head (Quarters, or to Mai G. A Hastings Assistant 1 devoid Marshal -f the 8 d? i ti l” re I • unties \ • Bv cider of \f Col. WM K.KTMBAI L, ( ramanding Post• Sub 1 1 R B. REND I Lieut a 1 oei Adiutant #a!y. !■ H j • i'i I\l l ii (. i1 • ;iIM >M % VII 1,1 1 ■ Tiri. m a -11 i ; <. t .t 11 >i> ..;n lll |*>■ i 1 V * 1 \lll,fniti: ••■4M ‘S J - t It ..f j|.tnV I* H ■ i • ! i ■... j.i j i t i-itirt lt, pr<'li ill ll**<l wit hm tlit* litnit i 1 i-< )’n-st or St?b-di*drift. until the person n*ftking the sale, in nnv qnan tn \ nttt 1 *i ■ il i’ m licettst and by the proper nßbw tit these Head Quarters; 1 “and no person can l><‘ licensed or authorized to u ’I ‘•■nii ,; i) hi > or uitevicHlinu Imji<rn to tiny on list i.! in., nln the service ol the United < ..or jet ion t hereof rvu> per ; so 1 winking nueh ‘soli’ will he punished by Pr anel ot her. iJtin-. • Mill ot o. || tv ho di'OTi'oi] prop. I ■ . i. \ I!v- n| ,Ad Provo t M undid i m-ged with the execution of this order. . 1 ~ • . f ; Col, WM. K KIM BALL (!<>nitn;Mi<ling P<>:d. K dull, Pot t: Adjutant .Inis IS6.Y • “’ • . . • .ts !H> QKS. TItEPTMKNT'QF THESQUTH, ‘. Hji ros ih \i'. s. C., June 21, I v ’ General Orth re, ( ■ ■ •No'. 98; ’ * S . ■ ■ j .’ The'following rates will bo charged on aN freight shipped on piivntoaccow&t-, on board Oqvernm t L vessels Within this Department. B twt Hiltpu;. ‘Head and -Beatitor; 23 I cent# per.f< ot. . . . ‘ •. Between Hilton Head and Chfcrlestou 50 , foot.;’ • • * • ■ • • ’ Between Hilton Hoad and Pernaadina, 62-w 1 cents per-foOt. ■* m . B< trwoon Hjlton Head and JacksonvuletCJ^f : cents per fo< A Hot ween ililton Head ami August nn , 62H eeiits per foot. • . ‘ • ‘ Setwee'n llilton l|ead ami Savannah, H cents, per foot. . . \ . ’ In iwcca Savannah and Augusta, nU centn 1 per foot. • . • ‘ , ... •Between- Chariest on and Georgetown, 30 cents, per foot ']K tw t*on all other places in the Department not mentioned above, private freight will be . chargedfbr at the same rate. The money thus I receieed will he accounted for to the Chi*f Quartermaster, Department of the South.. - By Command of Major-General * Q. AG I ELMORE. \V. ffc'll BtrMtt, • Assistant Adjutant General. Official.: W. H. Rku.f.r, Lieut. & A. A. A. G. July 12, §9fis. .ts _____ HI). QUS. DIST. OF SOUTH. GEORGIA. Bi.acksheak, July 4th, 18*v. r >. : General Order. ) No.. 4. . S ■ Pursuant--t® instructions from the Major General commanding Department of the Soutli Commanders of Suh Districts are required to give evrv facility for transporting from tho-iu terior, all products to market. Railroads and steamers will take private freight at a rt-muncration to Government when, it does not.interfere with public business. By cormnand of. Brevt. Brig. Gen. WASIIBURN. W H. Kr.i i.rn. . .A. A. A.Genl; J .‘S'l2i Jtyb.tily HEAD QRS. POST tHOMASVILLK, } Thomasvii.i.k, Oi., June Xl7th 4 18tk>.. y . (i',.)icral Orders > No. 1. V . L. In obedience to orders of Brcvt. Brig.’ Gen. “Washburn, commanding l)ist. of Soutli ern Georgia, I hereby assume command of the Post or Sub-district, embracing the count ies of Decatur, Miller. Baker,Mitchell,Thom j as, Colquitt,Brooks and Lowudotf. 11. The following named officers of th® Post are hcrev.ith announced:— j Mtij. G. A. Hastings, Asst, l’rovont Marshal. E. M. .Thompson, Asst. Provost Judge, li. B. Kendall, Post Adjutant. A. B. Godwin* Post Quaru-nuastar e Collins, Post Surgeon.- WM. K. .KIMBALL, f: Ool.l2tbMe.Vol*., Commanding Post. —The. counties of Early, and Ber :sve been affiled to. tins Sub-district, R. B. KENDALL, Post Adjutant. • • r\ . 18G2. ;tf . , . ’ • DITTMENT-OFTIIE SOUTH . • n Head, S. C., June 26,1865. (it Order, l ; .- -No. 100- ‘ ] ‘ 1.1. I* strict and other Commanders are again :mr timy are required to deliver to the Treasury Agents.all abandoned or captur ed Cotton in their possession, and will give the-Ageuteall needed and proper assistance, liu- Military forceswill not. however, be em • e-d in searching for Cotton, nor will they i. te nere with the transportation of it .or any oftht products of the sou, to market. ■l* v Command of Maj >r General . Q. A. GILLMORE • . • . W. L. 31. Burger, Assist ant Adjutant General. | Official: W. H.Kellkr, . • Lieut, dt A. A. A. G. July IS, 1860. tt HD. QUS DISTRICT GFSOUfHEfiN GA ‘ Bi ueKsnsin, July Bti . l v ■ | : i-.:n :tn; been reported to the-*’ Head 1 1 at- ‘the arms of the 4th Georgia < 1 ever wen turned over to the Upi- j •. . 1.- - - i.-n.-e th ■ rr< • ‘* r.oT General Johnson s coni ion 1 that all peveonj to s.-.i . regiment, baying 1 til • ! e'-: ion Will at one* tun them over to the commander of -tin Lotted ’ • at the nearest Pm ’ A U 1 . arntfc* accoutrements. Anmnitior. A. . belong J ) t’.> Government, must turn “■ ■to tin 1 S authority* at otK ; a verr’v pur ••shed ■ Jtv < . n r,:-r,,t . f hrov ! lir 1 .; Gen. ASHIU liK, V\ 11 Kr 1 A A A Gen. j PERFVMEKY. itTON’S KATIIAHIOJ3, II A’ YE. •’ TOILET £GAX\ TOMBS. imusHEs, Ac . Ac*. A t (O 3*ll’ h IWTTT * fITFGAU >nl 1 *s’ | CIISIAF Ik 3ASH Pi l riiHi; I NDr.RsIGM.D! ju-t ;• c. iv.- . I I fli eu] lyol i > i;v goods at the OLI>SXAND op mu rL- EVANS. To which In ii: \it os the attenitien of all who GOOD BARGAINS SMALL I'UOFITS. Come with your mom y'aml yon can exchange it to great Advantage. * He lias on band many articles of prime net essity with all the little.notion* of tlie tiincu and seasons*and wi 1 i in- constantly repl< f his stock to snpply • IE DEItIDS [f IM MAEIET Tlie undersigned will also act as ON ■ COMMISSION To Receive,. Deliver, .Store or Forward ai Goods or Merchandise Consigned to his care. ■ •. JOIIIV TRICE. W ARE HOUSE AT- - THOMASVILLE, GA. THE copartnership heretofore existing ho tween R. R. Evans and W. J. Parnell, having been disoived bv the death of R. K Evans, the undersigned will continue the War % House and Oomtni'ssion Business in Thot.vasvUl'M, on his owii account. In noction with the ware hous® a goed’ Masse* C Qtton I^res^ Mbeen constructed for repacking purpose* •and to aid liiiu in the business the undersiif* ed has engaged the valuable -services of Mi R. M. Baiu. Nothing but the customary rnt*- STORAGE A COMMISSION ■Will iiw oixAnGUr) 1 his Ware House is situated about hundred Yards from'the Railroad depot at Thoinaaville. and believing that lie can genera! satisfaction, the undersigned solicit!* the patronage of cotton planters and lmyer* WILLIS J I'ARN KLI. July 19, 3m Carboiiaß of Ma^tiesla COOKING SODA, • . EPSOM SALTS • ’ SULPHUR: RACE GINGER, For sale by . DkWTTT 4c STEGALL Jrlv 5, 18f>S. ts Fine Chewing Tobacco, FINE SMOKING TOBACCO, Belle Boyd . FINE CAROLINA BELLE ”• SNUFF. FINE AUNT NANCY'S “ iNUFF •FINE CIGARS^ For saie by i, ‘ * Ifir - BeWITT & STEGALL. . Jnly 5, 1860. ts IIEAI) QBS. POSTTiIOM ARVILLE > • • Thomasvilei:, Ga., July Ist., 18GA. C (jenrral Ordt'rs, ) ■ ‘No. 4. j UNTIL further orders, a County Court iahereby authorized. established and anno, rated within and for Thomas County, Geor gia, with such jurisdiction, in connection with the Assistant Provost Judge of this Post a * mav be “signed to it from these Head Qua’ tei>, or from Head Quarters. District 8 em Georgia. • The followii * pers eng ]o VE ] chiam* . ofsani C omity, will constitute the Court i wit ; . Mernr H. T<* ‘ Thomamlle. Ansef Dekl*. “ * A. P. Wright. Lecoraing officer and Clock, Lebber* D*k . L e Court will convene at the Court Hew m Xhomusvilie this dav. and will be in sesskr each Saturday and at such other times ~ . be necessary for the transaction of er ■ •- ness as may properly come before it WK K KIM A I • CoL 12th Me. COl - - ] j; b IL Kendall, Post Adjutant. . !11 ‘ ( i 'l S.,DIST..OF SOUTH GEOL : DxKiur. Juno 1. * Nc 1. ; ; L Pursuant to orders :ro r. .. .. 1 Department of the South. I hereby assum ! •ummana of the of postherr. Geor_- I com . a ]| tbe counties | South of North hue of tao counties of Libert 1 a <r. hostrtnii.srT, L,iiurer? boissk’ t\ * >;r u . of the tvcnerai comma i v- „T” > • ‘ i c,t amt respected socordmeriv * Snrg.. 8. C. Ccoef Medical Officer ‘•Ah. J. M. WteWEttL, Provost Marshal- I Gapt John, Gauxvoots, ComTcissarv. Lap;... Jas. M TsomrsoK. JmiiP G u ki Hwri P a ktvi.a. Aid*dc-can:p V P. b [K. I. t . as. A A Q M K V WASHBURN Ihrrrt. Brig- Geci .Inl.vlftlSS.v