Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 16, 1865, Image 1

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LXJCIUS C JBEY AN-, Editor & Proprietor. vol. y. CL lj t J&0 lit 0f i 11. (6J) tct pi is*c, TtOmasyille, Georgia. W£MBDAY A l iil ST I#, 18M.: >N TERMS. - • T-hc “Soi tukun is publish-, ed weekly at FotJu per annum, ctrictly in invA'NOE. .. .• y* * . ADV li r r l SIN( ‘ TERMS.'. A ll vjbb r(ai mix-i s v.’ ill be inserted for one dollar per square of twelve lines .or .less, for each From Ibis ratO a. dis count ::f fwKNTv-j iv'n perfect will be made jar advertise in cuts inserted for three months .or undersir months, and fifty per cen t f (>r twelve months or mure* • All ad> Yertmements’ sent to the ofijoe must be marked wiili the numberef insertions de rived cir the period to be published, and in vvr.v instance accompanied with the amount required- for pnj'iuont.. JMctrriagcs and deaths will her.eafter be charged ‘for as ad *'. vestiscHieuts- -Special or editorial notices. Will be published and “charged at double the above rates. ’ Payment -for .subscriptions sh fv at pregentbe msole either’ in current funds, or the products of the country, such m Wheat, flour, ‘cor.n, bacotr, beef, sugar, syrup,* tallow* sweet -or’ irisb potatoes, chickens, pggs, Ac., &cV, at their market value Ift Thomasville. Remittances may be* made by Express atouprisk. All others, must be at the risk* of those making the samW . Subscribers names will be droped from tlie list,'o end-.of the term for. which the.subscription has been paid.-un |esß renewed. All communications’ should Vr addressed to ;Proprietor Southern Enter i. fe % Tfl<mp*vitte Georgia. . _ ‘ . . • • • * ) -• : ‘ *• .To old Patrons.. ’ ■*. .*‘ it* our•adoption of th e.cahh system in our terms aboye| needed’ any apology, we would re.fer you to a fact known to. ‘umny *vt.’ you, that wd tried the credits ystem from May 1855.1° April 1.802, -and by rrfer- D ee to CMr books, We fi.nd that over s*looo still remain .there against subscribers and’ advertisers, most.y for the last- two years tiamed, while wo have been, obliged dur ing that .time elsewhere to. pay obr debts"as{d olhce * expanses* This .is not genprotis nor fair. A\ q sent you tho paper at pour laden, with news,, miscellanies* &e.,* enough to’ afford” “you - tniiny hours gratification and amusement, qv toade .your ’ trade.known -to the World, .and thus ehable'd you to rpap a rich har vest .in business. • Whut each ©f you indi vidually “owe* US is very small,-but codec*, (ively p a .'considerable sum, quite Sufficient . io-set .us up In’ business anew. ’ >Y,-c know tiiat mooey -is scarce at. pres, mi, but many of you* have some or all of he products named in our terms,, to spare, and-.wp to rquew your patronage |.o the Enterprise, and settle .up the small balance of the'old score. • . *• . • ‘ * • *. * •’ . .-*- L j- -f - - A Good Man’s Wish.—“l freely confess to you, says :I)r. .Sharp, •“ that i would rather, when lain laid"in the. grave, score .one* in his manhood would .stand Over me and'say*, .‘There lies.ono who was a real-friend, to me, and pri* vate'ly warned mo of tho dangers Os the young ;.no one new it, hut lie aid ed mo- in’ the time of need. -.1 owe what ’ 1 have'. to him/ * or, ‘ I Would rather have some wido-w, with cli-okr ing utterance, tell her-children, ‘There is your friend and mine.’ He visited me in My affliction; a-nd found for you, my son,, an’ employer, and you, iriy laughter, a happy, home. in a virtuous .family/ I say I would .rather that . *uch persons should stand at my grave than to-have erected over .it the.most .beautiful sculptured monument of Parisian or Italian marble. The heart's broken utterance of reflections of past kindness, and. the* tours of grateful memory shed upon the grave, are.more valuable, in my. estimation,” ;.than the most mostly eeriotaph ever reared./ .. ’ u Charley,/ said a father to his son, while they .were.working at a saw-mill, .<• What possesses you to associate with such, girls as you do?. When I was of your age I.could go • ..with girls, of the disk cuj;. ;s . “ The first cut is alwa) : s a slab,’’* slid -the son, as he assisted the. old* mar in rolling over a log. . • • The three* latest -fancy drinks in California are. called, ladies’ tear puiich, antiriivorce cocktail,” and” soul stiring #4v*e.. ’ • .* •. *. .* * TOrtM ASVIf.I F, (iEORKI <■ WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16.1H65. ArlemiiK Want's BroUier on tlie C£ul Vive. •Alonzo, a brother of the* Wax Fig-- ger man is* disconsolate, and desires information as to the. whereabouts, of’ Artemus. “ :* ’ . . •- SttECAWao. March 11,1865. . 4 .years ago while in indenapqles, injyania, I* rote to Air. Prentiss, off the Loosevill.e Journil, regarding tlie •whereabouts of my brother Artymus Ward,* of Jiooin I.have not heard sints hewasaboi.* ’ . • . ‘ .’ •*• . • “And we ronied tlie fields together.”* ‘ happie as a makerel in kashmeer sox'. There-was 4 o.f us* bruthers, all hois. The fullering is a .pedagog of our fanii : ly. . Our parents-ol which there was ‘l, consisted of our father and muther, namely:: •* ... . ‘•'*..., Ilanner and Erysipelas Ward.. The latter (my father) was given heavily to Plug tobakei:, of which he chewed incessantly; though Piled Paeon done rare was his best’ holt, lie was a man that- could not go long between drinks; the kanull-did net predominate in him .and he was taken at the* age of sixty, and.after* 1 dais sikness. The fellers ing is applicabl to K) kum !* 0 kum with me.”-— J. Spear..- After the old man’s deth our moth : er Was le'ft with her four bois aforsaid,- to whizz, namely, {. e.. . * . - . . Erysipelas, (named nfter father.). ‘ . ’.Artymus (the* Long Lost;) . .- liddney and myself. * . Olonzo (rained after olouzo.of piz-’ zaronean celebrity.) . • .* . • My eldest brother .Efv,. went into the AVool bizness, while Rodney went ,’ out* to Orfigone territory and Mbark*- ed in'the far* trade.* Kry -did poorly at tlie Wool,'and busted, bub Rodney is /till in. the Fu-r, Qoinimj .money, . ArteyimiSj at the age. of fl, was sodden ly m-ised from hoani; In this konne&hin I would remark, that an old stockin belongin to-mother, contain in four’ dollars in C'ilver . and fifty-two • cents in Koper disappeared about the same time. There was a party of ak* rowbats or’ double . summerset procliv itys irj our naburhood a few days pre vis, and by many it was supposed that Arty had beeu inviggled .To leve his*gav and hoam, Sands eyes, sands teeth hnisLies, • *’ . Sands pale ale ‘; ‘• . • The. world is all a stage, . The rest is lemo-n and vanilla.— -J. Spedr. At aU evinks I never heard of him but once, i. e., when I wrote to Mr. Printiss, who did not answer my letter ; he bein-engaged in translatin a French . letter senUo him-hy Susan Monday, a noated gorrilla of the female gender. Off her .more hereaftet; but Reymans on our Mutton, as the French have it. I hdered that my brother A.-Ward had bekum ritch, he having been to Salt Lake City among the. Mormon women (he was always giving to the latter, even from a.child,) and that, moreover, and about,” he had got a show of wax figgers, aiid nevertheless was perfectly decayed in which 1 Would remind him . • • • • “I still live.”— Webb.’ ” And as his abscence cost me many teers, (I carried all the water and chopt all the wood for . two yeres after his ieving us,) and as I am his only sun viving bruther in poor suckumstances, (Ery-bein ri'tch, and- Rodney when last heerd from ivas in a .big contract furnishing phlne. toothed homes for the Confederate army, with his head quar ters in Richmond ,) therefore .1 do think Arty might come and see me.— He welkuine to my poor but happi hoam. Owe> Owe, bruther ! If this should meet your i,. think kindly of one who loves wisely but too well.—*- Rut,, owe, owe, deer. Artymus 1 do not try to shake me. ’ . ’ * . • • . Olonzo WARi>. Deer bruther / dont, dont go ’ back, onto me 7 “• . • O. W. •Why do I wepe 4 thee. •0: W.. . Response of the long lost -Artemus. Writing, from* Richmond, Va. # to the New Vork W eekly Review. Arte .nms thus, unfeelingly. disowns 1-ris* at fectiouate brother..’ • * “ . • * - Olonono. Ward. ■’ Afore I comments-this letter’ from, -the late rebil capitoi I : desire cimply to . c ay that I have seen a .low and skUrrilus noat in tbe paper from a cer tain purson whoo singes hisself zo AVard, & sez .he is my bruther.- I . did once have-a berrutherof that name but I do not. recognise .tiifti now. . 4o me he i's wus than ded ! • 4 took him .from eollige about, 1.0 years ago ami. • gavo him a good situation as the Rcard ed Woman in iny show How did he repay, me for this kindness ! • lie* unv dertook one day.while in a Backynar •lien* mood on rum.A right-in sight ol the auiience in the jtent, to stand upon his bed,, wharehy be ‘ Strayed his sex •on ‘account of his hoots Ac liia Heard failin’ off his face, thus * rooiinn my prospecks in that, town, and. likewise incurrin thcr seris despleasut of the Press, which sed.boldly I was triflin with’ the ‘feelin’s. of an. intelligent publiek. I. ktipw no such man us Olonzo Ward -. Ido not ever wish his name breathed in my presents. I dor not recognize him.. I perfectly disgust him.-. * . ‘ ; * . .The following is quite as tragic . if not so beautiful* as the death ol nehaha.” ..Its talented author is mi* ’ known to us: ...* . • • • • And lie took the ague b:ully: *Oh it -shook him, ebook Mm sorely, Shook bis boots off and his toe nails, ’ . shook his teeth out and his liair 08, Shook* hiS coat all into tatters, ~-* And his hat all into ribbons ; *. •’ •Shirtless, coatless, toothless, Minus boots, and minus toe. nails,- • Still it shook him, shock him, ‘till it : Made him yollow, gaunt and bony,* Shook him till he reached his death-bed, Shook him till he shuffled for him •Off his mortal coil; and then it • ■ Having made him cold as could be, • Shook the eafcrh still down upon him ; And lie still lies ’neath his grave-stone; ” Ever shaking, shaking, shaking. ’ # llunt wrote the following ex* quisite. lines upen the following incis dent : He brought some very agreea> ble intelligence, most suddenly and unexpectedly, to Airs. Carlyle, whore l warded him with a kiss: . - •'. “ jenny me when we met, ‘ .Tumping from tlie chnir she sat in ; Time, vou thief who loves to put ‘ • • * Swe*ets into your book, put that in ; . Say I’m Sav that fame and wealth have tnisaed me, Say I’m growing old—-but.add .. • Jenny kissed me.” • • flossies* of men In tlie Ikebell • . Son.- ; • The estimates of the War ‘ Depart® ment compute the number of deaths in* the Union armies since the com mencement of the"war, including the prisoners, at 325,00*0, and the number of Southern soldiers, killed and dying of -disease.and wounds, during the war at 200,000.* ’ Our greatest • bsses • du -7 ‘.Vv ring one’ campaign .occurred at G.ettys* burg when 23,267 Union soldiers were killed,'wounded and taken prisoners. Hooker's ’.campaign in 18,63. in the Wilderness ranks ‘next to Gettysburg as far. as regards “Union losses, * they . having* amounted, to 20,000,. though generally reported at only 10,00.0.—r* Burnside lost 12,000 men in the battle of Fredericksburg; McClellan 11,426 at Antietam, Porter 9000 at-. Gaines’ Mills, Rosencracs 12.085 at M.urpheys b-oro, and 16,861 at Chickamauga, and Sherman about 9000 in the two days'’ battle around'Atlanta. . ; The official reports of Gen. Grant’s losses .from the time he crossed the R.apidan until receiving the surrender of Lee, compute them at 90,000 In the various . engagements fought by Geri. Grant in the West he lost 13.“ 573 “men at Pittsburg Landing, 9,785 in the severe contests around “ Yicks bufg, and jn the attack on Missionary Ridgeabout 7000. ‘. . “ * These losses are not so great as'those which Lave occurred in. ancient ,or eveii in modern wars in'the old world. • ChecfeliHijPerspltatloii* I Edward Everett, the finished sehol- . lap, the accomplished diplomatist, the . statesman,* the patriot,* became oyer heated iii testifying , in* a court room', on. Monday morning, week to Faceuil Hall, which was. cold:, sat ilia d-ralt of air until bis turn came to.speak; “but my hands'and feet are- ice,, arid my lungs on fire. .In condition 1 bad tO'go and ! spend three hours in the court room.” ‘. lie died in less than a week from this checking of the per-* spiratlon. It Yvas enough, to kill any man. •*..'. • Professor Mitchell,, the gallant sol die.r, and. the most* eloquent * astronov lirical I'ectuxcr that ever lived,-while, in a state of perspiration in yellow fe ver, that certain.sign” of recovery, left his bed, went, into • another room, be® oame eliilled ‘in a moment, and died the same night. .*'/'. . ; • If \yhi-le perspiring, or while some- warmer than usual, from exer cise or a heated room, there is a sud den exposure’ in stillness, to a still , cold air, or a raw, damp atmosphere or to a draft, whether at an open window or door,’ or street corner, an inevitable result is a violent and instantaneous * closing of the pores of the skin, by which waste and impure matters, which were irakiug their Way out of tthe system, are compelled to seek an exit through some other channel, and break through some weaker part, not the natural one, and harm to that part is the result. ; The idea is presented by saying that the cold has settled in that part. To illustrate : . ,’ A lady was about to get into a small j boat to cross tbe Delaware, but wliile ! wishing first to get ah orange at a fruit stand, she ran up the. bank of the riv** cr, and on- her return to the boat, found herself much heated, for it was in the summer ; but there was a little wind on the water, and the clothing soon felt cold to her. The next morn ing she had a severe cold, which set* tied on her lungs, and within a year she died of consumption, A stout strong man was. working in a garden in May, Feeling a little tired about noon he sat down in the shade of the house and fell asleep.— He waked up chilly. . Inflamation of the lungs followed,. ending after two years of great suffering, in consump tion. On opening his chest there was such an extensive decay that.the yel> low matter was scooped out by the. Cupful. ‘ Multitudes of women lose health and life, every year, in one or two ways—busying themselves in a warm . kitchen until weary, and then throw* ing themselves on a bed or sofa with* out fire.; or by removing the outer clothing, and. perhaps changing the dress for a more common one, as soon as.they enter tho house after a walk or a shopping.’ The rule should be inevitable to go .at once to a warm room and keep on all the clothing at least five or ten. minutes, until the forehead is perfectly dry. In all wGathers, if you have to walk or ride on any occasion, do the riding first Mall’s Journal of Health.. . . t-L- How to Ruin a Son.—l. Let him have his own way. 2. Allow him the free use of money. 3. Suffer him to roam where he pleases on the Sabbath. 4. Give him free, access to wicked companions. 5. Call him to no ae* count for his evenings. 6. Furnish . him with no steady employment— Pursue either of these Ways and you will experience a most marvelous de> liverance, or you will have to mourn over a debased and ruined child.— Thousands have realized this sad re* suit, and- gone mourning to the grave. The Myrtle. ■ The London Review, in announcing the publication of Belle’ Boyd’s book, pays a glowing tribute to. the co'nstan ; .cy. and courage Os Southern ladies, as displayed during the late, bloody war. TERMS S4„OQ A Year, in Advance. i t'usi cU’imikiUon of Hit* •• 1< 11*11% :•■ . According’ to the’ best information which can be obtained,- the number o BibleS in circulation at the beginning of this century, was about .4;0Q0,0U0 Since that timo there have been pub lislicd by the various Bible Societies at least 5O,O()0,OOOjof copies j and not las® tlum 50,000,000 more by private publishers, makin giO 0,0 0(),( > 00 ai lded| to the circulation*. If we allow 20,- .000,000 for destruction or loss by weai and tear during this period, we have left’Bo,ooo,ooo,, as the number now in circulation ami use, ; an increase of twenty- fold since the year 1800, — And the increase is still goins on at a rapid rate. Fully three fourths, or 60,000,000 of those now in use, are in the English But the in crease of copies in other languages has been immense within the last twenty years. “ Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy name/ — 6 a ten. mna and Reflector. *mim ■—~r — — T “ Hardly knew You.” —A mni den ladv, residing in great seclusion, had not been to church for several years ; but, on the accession of a small property, she bought herself anew bonnet, shawl and. dress, with the ap propriate gloves, boots, Ac., and ap peared on the following Sabbath in a style which almost destroyed her iden tity with the hitherto shabby , and hoopless old maids.. Just’ as she was walking up the aisles, aud every eye seemed to be turned upon her, the choir commenced singing an anthem, the burden of which was “ Hallelujah ! Hallelujah'. ’ The indignant spinster retraced her steps down tbo aisle in high dudgeon, exclaiming, il Hlardly knew you/ indeed ! Why, this is not the first time I’ve been dressed up. ‘Hardly knew you/ in deed 1 .Why, this is not the first time I’ve been dressed up. ‘Hardly knew you!’ I guess I don’t come here again very soon,” Gov. W. Q. Brownlow, of Tennes see, takes this view of the future of the negro, in a late letter to his Knoxville Whig, upon the presump tion, we suppose, that they are to re main among the whites: : The negroes, like the Indian tribes, will gradually become extinct, having no owners to care for them, and not owning property in them, they will cease to increase in numbers—cease to be looked after and cultivated— ~ while educated labor will take the place of slaue labor. Idleness, starva* tion and disease, will remove a major ity of the negroes in this generation. The better class of them will goto work and sustain themselves. ■ I w ‘ * —-—* The French remedy for staring in the streets is good. If you regard a gen tleman longer or more closely than politeness warrants, he takes off his hat to you.. An Englishman or Yan kee would remark : “1 hope, sir, you will know me again.” , A teacher, wishing to explain to a little girl the manner in which a lob ster easts his shell when he has out grown it, said, “What do you do when yeu have outgrown your clothes'/ “You throw them aside, don’t you/’ “ Oh! no,” replied the little one, “we let out the tucks!” Our prayers and /God's mercy are like two buckets in a well; while one ascends the other decends. • . Misplaced Politeness—xkskinga full hooped lady to take a seat in an arm chair, It. can't be done! . • ■ .’ Come here, Master Tommy. •Bo you know your A, B ; C’s? Yiz, zir, 1 know a bee sees. Many who are afraid to walk the road to hell, are yet ashamed to take the road to heaven. NO. 7. i