Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 18, 1865, Image 2

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To Aspirants for Persons in Georgia .and the South, who are fretting theuiselYCH, the pb lie, or the printers, with aspirations for a seat in the congress of the USited States, would do well before they de termine to become candidates, to con sider whether they can conscientious ly take the oath, which by the statute of duly 2, ISO-, still in force, is re quired of every member of that body before he takes his seat. As the affi davit is long, we appeud only that part of it to which we particularly re fer, as follows : “I. , do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I have never voluntarily borne arms acrainst the l cited .States since I have been a citizen thereof ; that! have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel or encourage ‘ n;ent to persons engaged in rawed hos tility thereto ; that I have neither fiouerht nor accepted nor attempted to exercise the functions of any office . whatever under any authority or pre tended authority in hostility to the •United States : that 1 have not yield’ ed a voluntary support to any preten ded government, authority, power, or constitution within the United States, hostile or inimical thereto. It mav be very safely asserted that •no Jilnrk iCpuhi tenn Confirms will ever repeal the law requiring this oath, and therefore no man who has voluntarily had act or part m the war can he representative or senator, or Hold any “other office of honor or prof it under the government of the Uni* ted States, either in the civil, military or naval departments of the public service,” for to this extent the act. goes, until the politics of the Congress are revolutionized. It. is therefore a matter of interest to all classes in the i South to elect Union men, for the present, and he who stands in the i way of it is simply trio dt sc. He I not* only fails to benefit himself, Or j the people, he inflicts a wound upon t both For the present it is clear that j . all who have given countenance, aid j or encouragement to the war, should stand aside. —Macron Telegraph. Important to Kxerntors. etc. t The Washington correspondent of the New York Express commumeat* s i the following points of an internal rev enue decision : | It is the duty of executors, admin istrators, etc., to render lists of the legacies to the assessors and assistant assessors of the district in which th.e deceased resided at the time of his death. If a party dies while tempo rarily absent from his home, the ini’ i mediate place o f his decease should | not be regarded, but his executors should make return to the assessor of > the district where he actually resided, j No distribution of legacies would be made (section 125) until the executor i returns the list and pays the tax. The j party liable to pay duty in respect to j any succession (see section 147 ‘i may j bt* either the successor himself or section 148) any person acting in his right or even in his own behalf. The duty of the successor or his agent is laid down in neetion 147, so far as ren - dering a list or schedule of succession is concerned. If the successor is voung or incapable, it will, of course devolve upon the agent, cxsgnnrdian or trustee to render the true and full account required by the terms of sec tion 147. By section 140, if any per son required to give an account of successions, wilfully neglect so to do for the period of ten days after noli* fication, he is liable to penalty, and by section 147, if no account of success .sion should be delivered to the assess or, he may assess the duty on the best information he may obtain: The duty tails due as soon as the successor or his representative for him becomes such in possession Important o the ofession. The National Intelligencer, of the 3d msi.. says : “Francis L. Smith. Esq., of ♦he Alexandria bar. having been pardon ed, argued in the United States district court, on Tuesday last, that the pardon ex onerated 1 him frmn taking anv test oath as a qualification* for practice, and that the opposite new would make the statute of Congress cz post fact o, and therefore un constitutional. Mr. Chandler, United States district attorney, replied : The court decided thnrihe act of Congress was mandatory, and thoagh it was impossible for Mr. Smith to take the oath, the court had not the power to dispense with the re quirement. It will be remembered that nudge Trigg:, of the United States Court Jf Tennessee, decided the other way. It is a question of great importance to the bar of the South, few of whom could take he prescribed oath.” !ely S'outbcrn (bnlcrjnist. j I.UCIUS e. BRYAN, EDITOR. TXXO II ABVILIjEi Gr iV . WEDNESDAY. OCT. IN. 1N65. j orn Kn;'! Knisr* ! ! Ilagu! ! ! j Full value will be paid at the Enterprise 1 Office tor all clean cotton and linen rat's. Let > those who wish us to carry on the paper *ue j cessfnlly save and bring us in all the rags i thrown about and wnisting on their premises ! We know there is plenty of theta it you will onlv gather up and send them. — * I “THE CHART AWD COUPA NN’’ Is the title of anew paper just issued at llainbridge, Ga., by our old ftiend Willis M. Russell, so well known as EUit< r of.the ! Arpu*. in times lang *ywe. VVe are glad to see that he has the right spirit, and is. de i termined not. to go under the waves. Ilis j new paper, he informs us, is an experts meni, and he addresses the ladies very handsomely—trusting t lie; fate of his hart, to their patronage ; but we hope all classo - will unite in sustaining a paper so weU gotten up and. so comprehensive devoted i to the manifold interests of its locality, the country at large and mankind in gener al.- ‘ Et hIPNi: Air THE Nll>. According to the Almanacs there will be a great eclipse of the sun to—morrow, i Thursday the ‘ 19th day of October. In i many respects this will be the most re. markable eclipse that will occur in the United States during the present century. It will be annular, that is, the appevent disc of the moon will not be large enough ; to conceal the entire disc of the sun ; so i that at all places where the eclipse will be annular, the border or edge of the sun s disc will be seen all around the dark body of the moon, giving it the appearance ol a i rim? of red hot, iron. Several planets am. fixed stars, will be visible if the sky is t clear. Venus will be seen to the west o’ the sun, and Jupiter to the east Sirius will bo seen near the western horizon • Fowporsons, say> . the Almanac, have seen the sun annularly eclipsed, and still fewer have seen a total eclipse t but this will be a fee opportunity if .the weather • is tavoiable. Tbeoclip-- \ V-begin 7 rain-. . utesand 57 seconds utter Clock in the 1 morning, and will be annular - m\i, past 9. o’clock. . • . lIKNNKN. JEMt'? mmriM-XU. We lake ploasm ei . -'i!; . tty j the large Advertisement ol he : men ski • r : 7 P°’- i sons are already v acquainted with I them through the medium of their cheap aud elegant dry goods, and the success : they have lately experienced in rapid sales, stimulates them to the highest exer* tion to accommodate and please the public. COli. SAJI. VABXADOK. “We regret that, the engagements of this gentleman necessitate his removal from ! Thomasville. Col. Varnadoc is a gentle i man of finished education, high literary attainments and most useful citizen. His. femoral is a loss to our society, and can only be compensated by our knowledge ot his worthy reception and-future prosperi-* ity whither he goes His services as a teacher have been engaged by the citizens of Valdosta, and we embrace tins oppor* j tunity to commend him to all our triends and patrons in that region, as well worthy of our highest, cneotniums and their mo libcral patronage. Like most ot us he was unfortunate in -the war and lost n his property, but we feel assured that a patriotic aud virtuous community will not neglect his eminent merits. ‘KIiAIVK C'OIVTKACTSFOH fAROIt i It. will be remembered that* the Freed men’s Bureau has lately promulgated a I highly important circular in reference to the seciying of labor on the farm * for the year 18GG, and setting forth a specific con tract. in writing to be signed by the em ployer and employee. We are preparing a blank in this office , I suitable to the contract specified, with all j the accompanying instructions of the Bus j reau, and will have it Teadv next week.— J Farmers and all others having occasion to j hire Freedmen for the next year, will find it. to their advantage to purchase these blanks, if they would save time and avoid trouble. One blank will be sufficient for j anv number of hands. Price 50 cents. utate rovvEyTioy, The Georgia State Convention will meet ! at Mitledgeville on the 4th Wednesday in the present mouth. October. BAttUKSKIAIV 6ALLERY. Our readers will be pleased to hear that i the exquisite artist and best picture taker i that has ever been to Thomasville, the well known Mr. G. A. Jeffers, has again - opened his lMguerrean Gallery. Mr. Jef fers has just returned from New York ! where he has been for several months, j studying the latest styles, inventions and • improvements, and with a full and ele gant stock of material, he is now prepar ed to take pictures ©f all the late and most 1 beautiful stvies. ARE YOIIB LAHBIt FOR MALE? ■ It so. and you wish the world to know it that you may get the . best prices, send us the description and price, .We di- , rWhct attention to'the advertisement o’ Mess'rs. .Tones & Leek who have formed a “Company for- the sale of Heal Estate,” with a branch of the business in New Wm where “all lands entrusted to them arc ad-’ vertised aud placed before the host of Etui* grants now .pouring .into the country. — L. C. Du van -is the Agent of the company . at Thomasville, and will promptly’ attend to all business-entrusted to him. PHrtner Wanted To gf> into the Timber and Lumber bnsinc on the coast of Georgia. Apply at this office immediately. To correct n misunderstanding of his first order relative to s izintr arms Gen Steedman announces that “private arms such as. sporting guns, pistols’ etc., rot her j limn Colt’s Navy revolvers,') will in no case bo taken from peaceable persons nm-. ‘ king no improper use thereof.’’ lint all ! Confederate or United Stated arms,-of ev ery discription, must at once he seized,. I COIIMUKrCATKB IIOX. A, r. VYRIGHT, Mnyor of Thom-, axvillc. . * Sir:,—As you seem to bo. greatly averse to the transaction of business in your official capacity as Mayor of- Thom asville, we most respectfully’ request that you will immediately publish your resig- j nation, so that an election may be held for j the appointment of someone wbg is not j afraid of the responsibility. . ■ Very liespectfqlly, Your obeuien: servants, . . SEVERAL CITIZENS. .- Thomasville. Oct. 16th, 1805. . ■ ‘S he Preedmen. % We mvite ntt ; - the late order of I.)Vi:; Gen. ‘ ('ommis< lon*-r <U i: e> u!i , pi at AugUS- j !a ou the -d in.-;. It will he seen that ex - , traordmary duties art; imposed upon the j military authorities, with the view of pre venting “starvation and death among the j freed people during the approaching win- | ter,” and the Ireedmeu are advised that “rations will not. he issued, or other aid given, to able-bodied refugees or freed people who are offered or can find oppor.. i tunities to labor for their own support, and j who neglect or refuse to do it. Only such j persons of either class as have sufficient means, or are so permanently employed as to make it probable they will be able to provide for their own wants through the coming winter, will be allowed to remain in arid about cities or towns, but must be compelled, itlnecessary, to go’totjhe country and accept, places of labor found by them* ! selves, or for them, by officers or agents of i the bureau.” This provision will greatly ! reduce the indfe population already suffers , ing about our cities and villages. The forms and specifications, -formaking I contracts, will also interest such as desire to secure labor for tiic coming rear.— Ma _ ‘ con Telegraph. ■ Fivediiien’s CiiTufau • War Department, ) Bureau of’ Freed men and Abandoned - Lands, Washington, On. 4. State laws with regard to - apprentice ship will be regarded by this bureau, pro vided they do not make any distinction of oolo” In ease they do so, the said laws applying to white children will be exten ded to colored. Officeis of the hureau are regarded as guardians of orphan and mi nor freedmen within their respective dis tricts ; the principle to|be adhered to in regard to paupers is that each county, parish, township or city shall care and provide lor its own poor. Vagrant laws made for free people and now in force on the statute books of the States embraced in the operations of this bureau, will be recognized and extended to Weedmen. As sistant commissioners will draw up specif ic instructions applicable to their respec tive States in accegidance with the forego ing principles. 0. 0. Howard, Major General and Commissioner. In the T ennessee legislature, just as > sembled. Mr. Jas. R. Hood, irom Chatta nooga and hve other members, are pre 4 - paring articles of impeachment against Gov. Brownlow. upon the ground that he has illegally appointed justices of the pence and other officers contrary to the laws of the Mate. Tne action of Mr. Hood and his colleagues will doubtless lead toan interesting and exciting discus sion in the Legialature. Good For Connecticut. — We have just l received intelligence from Connecticut, which shows the majority against negro suffrage was 0,000. Sumner will howl, and lieecher will rave, but to no purpose The die is cast ; Selah. Thk Confedekatk Dkut—According to the official statements of the Confederate Secretary of the Treasury, the debt on the ffrst of January, 1864, was aif follows: Funded debt 1,000 Non-interest notes 766,447,000 Interest bearing notes., 102,000.000 Call certificates 89,000,000 Unpaid interest 181,000,000 Estimate expenses for 1864.. 1,427,448,000 Estimated expenses from Jan 1, to May 186a 600,000,000 War debt of Slates 87,000,000 Total $2,460,7C0.0UU (tens. Lee, Joe Johnson, and Howell •Cobb, Colonel Quid and Governor Jos. E. Drown, of Georgia * have been summoned as witnesses for the defense of Wirtz. t*eu. Frank Cheattiam said in ins appli cation for pardon :■ “You know well Mr. President,-who I am and what I have done, iam sorry, and it you wi l pardon me, I will be a faithful ‘citizen hencefor ward.. Audei! there is any tightang to be done, count me in, wherever 1 rimy be i needed. Jeff.'Thompson fells the editor of the Louisville Journal that the only persons in the South who wish to do any more light* iug, art* those who didn’t do any when thev had the chance. • •• New Advertisements. Jeffers has Come! JEFFERS respectfully announces to the Citizens of Thomasville, that he has just returned from New York, with the Lamest Assortment of PSSTfISMH 11 lIIOTYFE Materials ever brought to this Country, and is now prepared to take PHOTOfiItAPH.N, C'ARTi:* ®E FIRITJI, a:?2 kkot s’ FFROTYFF*, Art.. With all the late Improvements. An early call will hennecessarv as his en gagemonts. in Tallahassee. and other places renders his stnv bat limited here. ‘ A few young men wilt be taken as pupils if they apply soon. ; . .Gallery a: his old stand, with separate reception room tor Ladies. Prices o suit the times. Terms strictly C. O. 1). JF 10l V.'.'AT A 3im J| liKP , ■ t.oi.i;, “OUR HOUSE”. IF YO! WANT A KKIFRKY FOR BLER. Go to the “OUU HOUSE.” IF VOl’ WANT A CLARET !WN( II (to to the “OUR IK >ISE. ’ T F YOT WAYT A BRAYIiY PJ YCII •A_ (iototiu- -ouunorftE.’ fF v#t WAItT A rood COCK.TA 11, i- (<> to i in- “OUR HOUSE. rF Tor WAWT THE RENT LI. QV'OK* AYD WIYEN, Goto the , ■ g -OUR HOUSE ” JF YOI WANT RENI IYE 11AYAX. IYA CKiARS, Go to the •‘OUR HOUSE.” _ ; ; • IF YOI’ WANT GEATINE IIEID. NEIC K CIIA IfPAHiNE. Go to the “OUR HOUSE.” IF YOU WANT flOOl) IIOU.AM) €i IN, Go to the “OUR HOUSE.” \TO SPLRIOPS LI4ITORN nr WLNEi In Kept at the “OUR HOUSE ” V RIOTOI S OR MNORREItLY In CONDUCT, Allowed at the ‘WII HOUSE.’: TIIK Rewi of WEtM CfNA B, AVINEN and BRANDIES, liv th Bottle at tne “OUR HOUSE ” V. W. SIMS. J. 1\ WHEATON F. W. SIMS &- CO.. FACTORS AND in, mu kits. BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. Ga. DEAJLERS IN VlerrhanriiNC. Produce, Timber Luue ber and C otton. Consignments are respectfully solicited and will receive strict attention, and the Forwarding Business carefully and prompt ly done. • Oct-18.’ot Plantation for Sale - AX TILL be sold before the Court House ▼ w door in Bainbridge, Decatur County, (la., on the first Tuesday in December next,*a plantation consisting of 750 acres of land, sit uated m the 16th Distriet of Decatur County, Ga., on Big Tired Creek- About 450 acres of land opened on the place. Good dwelling houses and out houses. See., sold for the bone lit of the heirs. WI. B. BRASWELL, Cct 18-tds Executor. NOTICE. Tp\YO Months after date application will be 1 made tn the Court of Ordinary of Brooks County. Ga.for leave to soil all tin Real Es tate of Tarlton Knight, late of said County deceased. CHAS. KNIGHT ) . , „ MART.KNIGHT, \ Admrf - Oct 18 GOd PLANTATION FOF SffYLJL Ml place two and a halt miles from Thom aaville, containing Seventeen Hundred acres — Six Hundred Acres in Cultivation, Stork, Corn, and Fodder to be sold with t •- nlace. For particifhirs apply at the l*hr la lion. NO All PARRAMORi:. Oat IS-5t 000 ACRES BEST quality of Pine and Hammock Lauds for sale in Bryan County. Ga , 22 miles bv Rail Road from Savannah, and ihree-quar ters of a mile from A. &G. it. R. On the place is a Peach and Apple orchard, also a few choice Plums, all selected from very choice varieties. There an* also several varieties ol” Grapes. Red and white Kaapberrie% and a huge hed of Strawberries There are Seventy Acres under fence; a f ■mm! Dwelling House and all necessary ot buildings, tin- Land will make 35 Bushels u: Corn to the Acre, without manure 1 have also a House and Lot. in St. Marys, 6a. 1 will sell to anv one applying soon. . T. J BOTTOMS. Oct 18 3m ft EOR4.il4—Brooks County. ’CaTtHERKAS William A. Kin.. Admin TT t rat or on t in- estate of S A Edwu ceased, makes application i<.r letters of l * mission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish a! persons interested t<> be ami appear at my office witinn the tiow prescribed by law lile their objections if any they hVe, otht wise said'application will be granted. j g McCall; Octlßj6bd Ordinar FOB'S A.3LE, 1 OFFER lor sale all my Town Proper) except one or two Business Lots on Mail Stieet The property offered is'nivresidem a place as desiralde. if not the must dam Ml Id in Thomasviiie : together with two or time other residences amt vacant Luts. Tends :—• The original cost in gold, or its equivalent currency* or cotton. If the property - is l disposed of bv the 2bth of Dtoeinbir m x will be for Rent * Oct 18-ts • D. S BRANDON ROB6IA—IIU* )OKS (-OUXTY To all whom it may concern.” Notice is hereby given to all concern r that no person lias applied for letters of Ad ministration on the estate of E J. Howqll and that in terms of the law. will be vested in the Clark oft the twiperu Court or some other fit and proper person t tv days after t ins notice, uulws sum jectiou is filed. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. Oct. 18,1842*. 3U,; GEORGIA —Brooks County. SIXTY days after the publication of tliis <> der, application will in; made to the -Court Ordinary for leave to sell the real estate Joshua Lovett deceaseb. ” < ct MNBOd DENNIS DAYLA Y, Adiu'r. GEUttfilA-BroobN County; Six moiiths after date i shall apply to tl Court of Ordinary of said County for letti of liisinissioii as Administrator onthfe est of Miles Young deceased.’ JOE B YOUNG Oet 184ku ‘ Admiuistrat < GDBRGI 4-Brooks County. Sixty days after the publication of this tire 1 will apply to the Court of ‘Ordinary said County, for leave to selftho reafesun of Henrv Singleton deceased. Wil. J. PATRICK.;. •Oct IS-tUid Administrator. AD.niNIIXTKATOK M MALL. be sold at the resideuce of Join* YY M. McCoy late of Thomas County, deceased, on Wednesday the 6th day of December next, all the perishable proper ty belonging to said estate, consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, corn, fodder, syrup, sugar and many other things too numer ous to mention. Also at the same time and place, will be rented riie place whereon his family now resides, for the year 1866, consisting of 20U acres of open land, the best in the County for making Cotton. Good dwell ing house, out houses, fences, Ac Sit aim te<l on the Magnolia road, 11 miles south of Thomasviiie. + M. C. SMITH, Oct 18-tds Administrator. AttfHNWTRATOR’M SAI.E, TTTILL be sold at the late residence o’ \\ Daniel Stringer of Thomas Coun ty deceased, on Tuesday t-iie 12th day of December next, all the perishable propers ty belonging to said estate, consisting o.’ horses, mules, hogs, cattle# corn, fodders farming tools, four horse wagon, new cot ton gin, ox cart, two yoke of oxen, sugar and syrup, cotton seed, and other articles too numerous to mention. M. C. SMITH, Adrn’r, Oct 18-tds With WilLAnnexetl. ADWHVIPITIJATOR’W MALE. W ILL be sold at the residence of Dix on F. Pierce, late of Thomas Coun : ty deceased, on Tuesday the 28th day of 1 November next, at l(r o’clock A. M. all the perishable property belonging to said estate, consisting of mutes, eattie, hog-, corn, fodder, wagon, cart, and many other things too numerous to mention. Also at the same time and place, will be rented the plantation of said Dixon F. Pierce, de : ceased, for the year 1866, consisting of 200 acres of open land in a good state for 1 working cotton. Good dwelling and out ’ houses, good fencing, gin house and screw to go with the place. Place situaied on Little Tired Creek. Healthy location. M. C. SMITH, MARTHA A. PIERCE C ”* ... —■■■— notice, A LL persons indebted to the estate of John A, Lane, late of Thomas Conn* ty deceased, are requested to come for ward and settle the same, and all persons | having claims against said est&te will pre sent them authenticated in terms of the 1 law. M. C. SMITH, Adm r.