Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 29, 1865, Image 1

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AT lij \TrTlTil l)l >s > TOIT3 SUU IHjlivlN : v rji\ 1 JdJlix lx loli. LUCIUS C BRYAN, Editor Sz Proprietor. VOL. V. &it ibutjcni ifc.itcrpruc Thomasville, Georgia >vi:d\fnd.aV, \OVK. 49, ISM. BUBS< RIPTI ON i 1 l: Nts. O—* * TU ••SotyMKtts Lsncm-RisE” is publish dii weekly at Fol k Dollu * per annum, .ttrictJy us akvakck. ‘ advertising TERMS. ADVCBTtSCXBHTS will be inscrte 1 tor one dvlUr per square of twelve lines or tes for each insertion. From this rate.a dis count of twKNTV-riVK percent will be male lor ailve rti-eoaents inserted tor tluee months or under six months, and m'Ty-per rent tor twelve mouths or more. All il - sent to the office must be marked with the number of ins. rtions de red or the period to be published, and in ; •very instance accompanied with ‘he amount required for payment. Marriages and deaths will hereafter be charged for as ad | •ve'rtiscnients. Special or editorial notices | will he published and charged at double the above rates. Payments must be male i •in current funds. Remittances may be j in ilc by Express at our risk All others wust be at the- risk of those making the arae. Subscribers names will be droped from the list at the end of the term for . which the subscription has been pat i, an- j ie*s renewed. All communications should beaddressed to /’ i Southern Enter- j prue, Tfumuiillt Gi'trjiu. A I. ADVUKTISK.niI.'VTS. All persons having occasion to adver tise. Legal Sales. Notices, etc., are com pelled by law to comply with the following I rules t AdtttinUtratort. Klrrutors, or (iuar>: All silts ol Land by Administrators, Ex- | editors or Guardians, are. required by law to be held .on the first. 1 m—day in i ihe month, between the hours ol ten a clock in the forenoon, and thrcO in the afternoon, :et the Court iiou-e in the County in which the property is situate. Notices-of these sales mueC be given in I a public Gazette Forty Days previous to tire day of sale: - . . . *t ilc of I*orjo:at Property : Notices of the sale of Personal Property must be giveii at least Ten Days previ ’ ous to the day of sale. Islnlr !>i-hlor nml Creditor*: Debtors aad Creditors of an os tate must be pu listed l orty Days. CuN f Ordinary l.rnif to Hell: . SSoftce that application will be made to tie the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lands, must be published’ weekly lor. Two Mouths. a Iminnir itiou nud finardianship t t nations f.'.r Letters ot Adiuinisiratio.n ‘must be published Thirty Days.; tor D suiis-inu from Administration, month ly for tfix Mouths. Jf'.arcclptare of tlorljjage : 1b,..,-* tor.Fwiecb’dure of Mortgage must ■ be ptiMtsl*cd monthly tor Four Months. K*tblibin L*t Papers: Notices for.establishing Lost Papers must b published for the lull term of Tnree Mouths. jfcsF P.uVkctUi s wijl always be con tinued according to the st-bo'c rules, un rM otherwise ordered. L ■“ - - - 3 L. C. BRYAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. THOyitVIbI,E, <• A. E. O. 4inf>E . RESIDENT DENTIST THCMASVILLE, GA. \\ T ll.L be found at the old Ts stand oeenpied hy him for •the List VV years Aug 22-sin ‘ . HALSEY, WATSO\ & t. lOijclc Defiers it); FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, rrv” W'fl'iYT"\ ”] Tt’\ T ” Y"\ O p O Liyuunb, Octio Persons wishing good bargains can b accomodated at the LO WEST MJ REET TRICE Savannah, Ga August 30, 1805. ts Dr. W.F. DeWitt KEEP constantly in R>re and for sale a well selected stock of IMEDICINES and all other articles usually kept in drug store . Aaly 5, 1865. ts ]•'. W. SIMS & CO., FACTORS AND £lll, COMMISSION mm BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, Ga. , DEALERS IN Tlfrchandiitt, Produce, Timber I.uui ber aud,4 <xlon. Consignments are respectfully solicited .nn<l tv ill receive strict attention, and the , *ting Business carefully and prompt y done. Oct-18-5t CEOBiiIA-Brooks County. Sixty days after the publication of this no tice I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of /aid Countv, for leave to sell tha real estate of Henrv Sinuleton deceased. WM. J. PATRICK, /}<?’ 18 60d Administrator. NEW [GOODS. Tin: UNDERSIGNED HAVE jus ; t 7 received a large assortment of in ii Miiimm, WHICH HE M l!.!, s2-;s.l. VERY.IjOW ! Our stock consists of the latest sty les of LADIES DUE,GOODS | • OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, LADIES on.o.ik, AND S II .A AV L S , A FINE LOT OF LADIES HATS, - we have alsoa complete assortment of Ready Made Clothing, J I! ATS, $1)023 AND SHOSS, B@saism ceioftc Such as Ge irgia madi-TFST irvror>:T7. GSNASURGS AND JEANS. j IS liich we are able tq oiler at i^onsnuwm 1 i , * ! Before buying elsewhere you will do well’ ta call and examine our stock.’ . 1. K ÜBITSIIEK & DUO. Oct ‘25-omo • ‘ ‘■ ‘ I TO TUE I nui pi epared to SOpfiOl liffilß lu, goods to ME and Sllll’to any party in As there are two or three bfafs running from this place to Savann.ah, which .vill enable Goods t co forward with dispatch. ■ 1). JAMES DILLON. Doctor Town, Aug., iff, 1865. • i Aug 38 ts I V Sehus er, . C Heinsus r> or) ip -f\ -s-v- -r\ * • n T s r r n f rT'. rn O f !•‘POYT -: i- : ;1 *■<H ? ‘ °*. c ?°n LJ -W Gj O w'dift - J # iL -LJg- -c. y $ bipp ng T ll j minis ion :nb FORWARDING lISB Uk R f S, 114 I:sr St., N iVAmtl, lit*. Consignments of Cotton for sale in this market or for shipment to our friends in New York, Philadelphia, ;B iston. Balti more. Liverpool and Germany are solicited and Jibe nil advances made. Orders for Wines. Liquors, Groceries, &c., promptly attended to. AGENTS FOR Crclne de (louzt avi Veuve flie^nol CHAMPAGNES. PILTIIGY, SABL <N CO’S., ! Rhine Wines, end P. 1, do Tenet i do ; SORDE/.'Lil Nov 8 bmy | GEO IL AKLEDGE, Mtolf.iiit (inner w AND SHIP CHAHDLIR, GENERAL COMMISBIUN AND utitwA'amu iiiiilGnAn io. i 7i Buy rilrrci S.U AWAU. Cl Constant Supplies received per Steamers 1 from New lork. Orders by Mail, accom* panied ty remittances, promptly- filled at the lowest market prices. Nov 8 3uio CHAS. L. COLBY & CO. SHIPPiN& GUiliiiooiuit ii.uu 1u A w MERCHANTS, Jonem’ Block, ( or., ,8.-y A. Abcrcarn •Sirccts. SAVAASAH, in. REFBSUNCES: Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., N. Y. Jarvis Slade, Esq. <. Gardner Colby, Esq. Boston. Hon. J. Wiley Edxands, “ Liberal advances made on consignments to Charles L Colby, New York, and to our friends in Boston aud Philadelphia Line of Boats to Doetortown, j Nov 8 Ohio Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH DRY GOODS, Boots & Shoes, cfco , 151 CONGRESS STREET. 6in SAVANNAH. GA. I HOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1865. • RAXDKI.L & CO, ; • ‘Hhthlt 00CppS j ( bj ( oracr 3:sj *%z lS:ir:inr.! StH, N.l I AXJA JJ, O'A. A large an 1 well Assorted Stock CoNST AN T L Y 0 X II AN D And for sale at Lowest Market Prices. X. D —Special attcuticn given, to orders by mail accompanied with remittance. Nov 8 ‘.uii i AND <ocal ommis3i?nHcrclyms, Corner of Drayton & Bryan Streets, Nov 8 lin Ay4<VIVAH, <3a. 11. Bryan | A L- llartridge | EW S Ne 3L'lji|i), iLb'L'EijC N Cos: (Lon mission |U:nj);mts Brokers, NO. 1.55 BAV STRKKT, SA VAXNAIJ, GEORGIA. \\TE solicit consignment of Cotton tu • j ourselves and our New York friends. We are prepared to make liberal advances on Hooeipt of produce, and endeavor to give strict attention and prompt returns. References :■ Jno. Seri veil, Prest. A <SCGIt R’ Col W J Tkouiasville, Ga iJMnmnmn (Cotton /actors AND . CCJi I ii) i-S MO ) Vij eVCi) ‘4 i)f -S, 51 U nion S<.,_ Sen . J. P. HA I! BISON, late of • the- firm juf Pave & Harrison. . , EDW ARD HARRISON, ‘ . J. P. HARRISON, Jr. ’. • SIDNEY HARRISON. Kt |>i uU.I by Ur. l,. 111 TI.GR, .liefer to A II llunsell, Messrs. Kubit . shek, 11. Wolfl’ \ Bro. Novi Ini. A I Dru.ely, . . W ,\1 Smith, E J Moses, AtUnla, I.eiington. Columbue Itillfj SlJfl IDs} eOTTQE ‘CQMMISSIOH/& /orto:trt : .ng jlUcfljants, SAVAMVAM, I.rOItUIA. Will make liberal advances on Produce consigned to us or our friends in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Liverpool. AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS AND Cos B HOC CO STEARNS A JRaRVIN And other Northern Manufactories, liefer to all the leading Merchants of the City. Nov 8 3mo R >bt. P. York, J. R. M'lntvre | 11. E. Williams. P. //.Ward. ‘ YiOllffiJllWll _AUCTION AND !(1 ommbsion IHcrtbats, | BAY & r l., SAVANNAH, GA i ondgnuriitii of Cotton and I.nisib- i SOI.aCITEO, HEFBHEIVCItS. Brigham, Baldwin & Cos, Savannah Gaden & Unckles, . “ Isaac D. Laßoche, “ Hunter & Gamniell, “ Erwin & Hardee, “ Hiram Roberts, “ W, Woodbtidge, “ L C Norvell XT Cos. “ S T Knapp & Bro,, New Yoi k D II Baldwin & Cos. “ Nov 8 (lino T 1 GUN & GORDON, COTTON FAC TORS, COMMISSIOS 11FORTAIDIIG merc DEai-taLixrT 98 Bay Street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Special attention will be given to the sale of SYRUP, LUMBER, ROSIN, TURPEN ! TINE, ice. -o:o- SAVANNAII, Ist., Sept., 1865. We arc again in our old Office, prepared for business. An experience in this city vs over eleven years, and our undivided attention to all business entrusted, induces us to hope for a continuance ofthe liberal j patronage heretofore extended. WM. 11. 1 ISON, WM. W. GORDON. : : I 81! t . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ©Mxrans. CORN, OATS, HAY, FEED &c. Comer of Broughton and Jefferson Streets, [ 3m SAVANNAH, GA. DOWN WITH : T HE High Prices! J. SCHIFF & BROTHER, ¥ jr.VYE NOW READY Ft Hi INSPECTUIN, AND ARE. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING _! JL additional supplies of the latest styles ol STAPLE AND FANCY 33 IFL “Y” €3- O’ C3 33 IS , SUCH'AS : E'itRVCH JI.(IllXOS, A 5,1. WtU'b DEMMD GHAMT AV S’ SST,IN'.-* AMMCON. and the latest style's of PRINTS Will TIC ;?>!> II ■4II-.81, and BI.OVKS BAinOKU .mil SI 005* ’ ,Ui{ 1 * ‘ amlJl NTS Rl \’l'S. KNIT AVonlea nuch u 7? >4“ i- AS S SIB in -.s NI BSES, SONTASSM and 15 057 OS. . UI the latest Bi ad way style. READY MADE CLOTHING, All wool Casimeres, Doe Skins, Satnets. and Kentucky Jeans, Ladies and Gents BOOT® AND SHOEs A great variety of jKJ” -C3 X C3 UST Nh> . Cotton and Wool Curds, Mactihov and Scotch Smilf hv the bottle or pound. A large lot of | FRENCH CALF SKINS , <iud LEATHER <>t ur own tani.iiin/. Many other articles kept usually in a Dry Goods store. . Comoann give them a call, they will take great pleasure in snowing goods, anjl vou will be convinced that they will sell their goods As Isow as the Lowest ! Country merchants will fiiid it to their advantage to examine their st,ock and price?. -A i Nov 22 ts - I . A. T. CUNNINGHAM. D.’ G. PURSE. ! CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Factors, Forwarding ;m<! Commission Mercl lani s, .-NO.- 4 Stoddardia Lov.-er E-.-;.-e, Ear ..cet, .. Ga. REFERENCES. ROBERT HABERSHAM & SONS, Savannah W A RAMSEY A CO, AtUnta, HUNTER A GAMMELL, •• L P GRANT, Esq., OCTAVIUS COHEN, •> CAPERS. LOWE. & Cos. “ BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO. “ G II JESSUP, Esq.. Madison. ERW IN N HARDEE. - J T BOL FKUILI.ET. S W R It Mneoi CLAGIIORN & CUNNINGHAM ••*. J I SNIDE it E q. Macon, PHIMZY & CLAYTON, Augusta, UK WASHBURN E-q. Nov, 15, 3mo IjATE! FROM Maximillian*! Family Grocery AND PROVISION STORE rpilE undersigned would respci tfully | callthe attention of the Public to liis “esli Stock of FAMILY GROtLKIES, W icii Ite ba3, and will endeavor to'keep c .stantly on hand, consisting as follows; f t?ars. Syrup, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Hour, Clieene, Ileri liigM, Sardines, Safe;, Crackers, Mackeral, Salt I*etre, Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Soda, Starch, Rtacking, Fine Old Ciquors, Tin Ware. Wood Ware, Tobacco. Wines, And several oilier articles too numerous to mention. All cf which he will sell upon very reasonable terms, believing that a nimble penny is better than a slow shil | ling | Call at the Store occupied by Dr. R. J. j BRUCE as a Medical Office, Two Doom Above John Stark’* Con. fectionary. LEBBEUS DEKLE. Thomasville, Oct. 4, 1864. 3m Notice. SIXTY days after date I shall apply to the Court of BrooKs county, for leave to sell ! the'real estate of Joseph Yates deceased. * Oct 2 oOd JON.4H Y.ITES. jldmr Kerosine Oil, CAM l‘t, I.AtI V M ICK, “ cnniVKVM. co \* r: > tka i i:p Ls i:, PUT TV, LAUS> ItIjACK, KITE I.FAU. liEU do.. IMIATS, Otl.S, C<I.ASS, At-., For ale by DcIVITT & STEGALL. Oct 25-ts Sozodont, FITE EXTRACTS, S’ 9.0 It 165 A WATER, TOILET SOAPS. TOOTH BKCSITES, TOILET POWDER, 1.1M.V WJHITE.r.OMBM, It 151 SUES. ESSENCE JAMAICA CiyttEK. SELTZER APERIENT For sale by DeWITT & STEGALL. Oct 25-ts NOTIGES TO TRESPASSERS ALL persons are hereby forewarned against Trespassing upon my Lands, in the vicinity aud west of Thomasville, as l will enforce the law upon either white or black who may herea&ar be found cutting or hauling wood upon the same. Oct 25- 8t THOMAS JONES, Sr. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, WILL be sold ut the lute residence of Daniel Stringer, of Thoraa run ty deceased, on Tuesday the 12th day of December next, all the perishable | ropers ty belonging to said estate, consisting of horses, mules, hogs, cattle, corn, fodder, farmiug tools, lour horse wagon, now cot ton gin, ox cart, two yoke of oxen, sugar and syrup, cotton seed, and other articles too numerous to mention. M. C. SMITH, Adm’r, Oct 18-tds With Will Annexed. MOILD VOI ll\OW f READ. One morning not long ago I was sitting in my snug tittle room musing, and watching the glimmering statu beams that w.tii leiv i through the !4>iling fig ie ives at my window painting chaugeub i a nbesques on my ‘able cover, uni g'ld ng the musty tones of science in the corner with au ‘attr c i e fresh tie s. As I gazed in silent abstract on, a fairy-like form rose from a niche among my books and beckoning to me sad, with sil v en act'd! s “c-'ino ’ l ree l by an irre sistable impulse 1 rose and followed t':c beautiful creature, who passe i through the wind vv, and as soon as l htdcmrged in the same novel man’ nMg pointed m t ) an elegant chariot to which was attached a single horse, With wings if bg'itifng and a form indicative of great power. I entered the chniot wall so no hesitation, and seated myself by thg side of the little sprite w!io had p eceded me,, when giving me au a ng smile she ere up the 1-OiUs, and b. f re 1 could speak w„ were am ng the the clouds speed . mg sou h.vard. I ventured to ask where we were going, ba -ue only replied •‘look.’ Icau my eyes towards th earth, and saw dancing .beneath me the Hue waves of the Gulf, w h the barren coas; of Florida ju-t ,-i k : g benea li the we-tern horzon Away to ihe eastward I aw love’ islands with groups of people men - ing their nets, a. and weaving de’ica'e wires strung wish many tinted sea shells in o beautiful baskets. Mv fairy whisper and ‘Bahamas.” Just beneath I peree ve 1 a large fertile i-- land, upo i v.hieh were strolling and driving gentlemen w th broad sobre’ ros, and ladies lure nec'is and arms, all with eigarittos in tHeir lip.s. Mv- companion said “Cuba,” and in re ponse to my inquiring lo *k as I turned from contemplating the islands that ranged in the shap - o’ a great bow to the southward, and a coral gemmed sea nestling in the arc, she simply said -‘West Indies,” and “Car rihbean. ’’ We were by this time skim ming’ over a tread continent. Riv ers and so csts, mountains and plains, towns , nd plantations, seemed to fly beneath ns, yet, t otwithstanding the speed with which we w. re travelling, 1 could note minutely the personal ‘appearance and costumes of the peo pic, an 1 my fairy friend in ormed me thoroughly in regard to their differ ent occupations by laconic ejaculations as we glided along. She exclaimed in quick succession as ve passed over the variegated country, indicating the while with her slender finger, “cin chona, mahogany, coffee, sugar, palms, pampas, savages, Terra del Fjuego,” nd as 1 leaned over to take a closer view of Selkirk’s islaud I was startled by the thundering noise of surging billows, and my companion added “Cape Horn f when immediately our steed turned his head eastward. As I peered through the lrozen mists to the south, I perceived the gleam of antarctic snows, and the ice-bound shores of an uuknown^and. While we were speeding over the \ b JuTi I less .Atlantic I had time to re call the indolent appearance of the South Americans, the mixed nature of the inhabitants of the iand wj had just passed over, tl]c evident impotence of its empires and petty republics.— The aboriginal In lian, the’ swarthy Spaniard, the do*rk visaged Portugese, the frivolous Frenchman, with here and there an enterprising North Amen ican, relieving the monotony of uni-< vorsal listfessness, and causing man and nature to bow before his superior energy and perseverance. A'most be fore 1” was aware of it our course was again changed, and I beheld beneath me a desolate looking continent, with bh oming mimosas and thorny groves, with their swarms of harsh toned guinea fowl, ana dense jungles amid which I perceived the lion, the ele phant, and the splendid can eleopard. Scouring o er vast, arid pans, were immense herds o ‘ antelopes, gems, boks, springboks; hartebee-ts, bfue beests, and and inking from urnddy, stagnant pools w*;re the huffi'o, the Rhinoceros and the striped zehr.i nubile clumsily gambolling in i I .ok okmg rivers .were the uns _ li 1. ftp ‘anti. The inhabitants were tdaok ; nd li ! „ thy, and continually n. a el mi butch ering and ens avinti each other My fairy It end murmured • \ i m,” and as I was about to turn vth tirv. ’ *• si>- from the scene I felt a sultr, heat, and the sprte. pointing downward, ex claimed “Sahara.*’ My eyes followed gbe direction of her finger, and then I saw a boundless waste of burtiiug sand, continua ly tossed bv scorchin y winds, and strewn over the ground, innumerably skeletons of man and beast 1 felt faint, and it was some relief to see here and there a oasis, the blessed resting places of those sho should be so fortunate as to reach them. “Egypt/’ exclaimed my friend, and J saw the land of the Pha- TERMS v 4,00 A Year, in Advance* niuh.s, with its gigantic pvra.i. ,n i wonderful sphinx.’ I asked who , iit Lhe.>e prodigies of architecture, my answered, “somo say the j n in l ites in bondage,” and aumd -1 was born here “ We tuim- ! westward leaving the bright lied Sou behind us, and cleaving the air above the plat .u Mediterranean, with inconc.ivalle r*> pidity changing our course, soon trs, veised t.iu countries ot Eur pe. Not* witik-uiuding our great velocity i ti.iio to observe the classic erne .mi elegance ot Italy, with ancient Grecce Slumbering oil •ir right, the j /%• pun** ot Puiaugal, iim re . gosof Spain, the brib . m... .- ot I*ranee, tile e >neci cd s: . . . ... ot England, .he s ;ualid povoit o owu trotldeii Ireland, liie subdued iude pendonce ol Wales and .Scotian , and the daring mien of the Nurweuia: Swede and Dane. As we w Ulrica over North Cape, the in, plus ultra o Europe, I saw the fur-clad reindeer drivers ot Lapland, and loweri; g •*wove the Northwest oc.uii the snowy .'Oak ol lice a. Dashing south W ui’d .gain I saw the phlegmatic inhabit,. .A •i iho Oormaii Mates, with then meerschaum p.pes auu lager be r, and ..hen tile liureiiis of Turkey, with iae l. vid cm era working sad ravages iu t o ,r midst. u uiiig we sped over semisEaro -an iius-ia, with its stern bearded nd wheeling rou. and through ir.'Zcu Siberia, went booming through -he forbidden Empire, vvith its mii l ,ns of yell w Chinamen .romuuo Lea out of do beat • r.orcelaiu, and. nee with tue.r awkward chopsticks, in utter and ourei ss iguo ranee oi modern improvements and mvoiiti ns. Glancing at tiio J.., ( m i lauds on the eu tern li r.z n we iur> ned westward again, alii swept over the steppes o Turtary, witu its .cell ing hordes of fi rce lancers, and iu*-. i ig through India with its u irL jun* gles and miasmatic lakes, its r „ tigers and stately elephams, w. ~. me. over anciciiL Peis a and t urkey is. Asia and scoured the plains of Aia* bia, glancing rapidly at its iniepcu* • dent wandering tribes, with their kneeling camels uiid blooded .her’ gers. Then entering the Oei .: vee turned, due east, aid p. wag near t. c East indies with iheir bi tiful silks and costly ware-, sw . N'eiy Guinea, and Austra. aw. , active kangaroos an * stiiigie-.s L-Cus, and sped across the lo.eiy wards the groups of beautiful CJi'J-i io* lands reposing upon its broad liQc v ) ill l lookedhvltii intense iuteivst on these blooming gardens of the sea, tiie abode of savages and can übals, but now becoming christianized unuet mu genial influences of civilization Soon I saw tho Western ‘ewast oi North America, and ii ilie twinkling of an eye my friend bad told me of the immense trees in California, and the corresponding • of eye; ■ thing else ; had pointed to tb . ms val so csts, where hid the 1,1 UlO grizzly bear, the eou. . ferent species of dee , . - plains where grazed the sham, yelped the gaunt wo.f am „ Comanche performed h.s a equestrian feats j an 1 the .-...- deur ol‘ ite liocky M00nm.,,, .-u whose riven chit'.? rep sea the ... ~,i winged candor of Amor..., ..i t u gulden eagle of the V, sphere. Ere long the great J\.b,,r M r a tors burst up n my v neu £ began trealize th * . : r.-move* uieuis hat we:e . m this land ol wotide s. .40 .>t over :.>c mushiojm ci,e- ol t ■■ , Mid dle and New Euglin . r. I was almost overw ih the sight of endless i.uj rov ; ry branch of industry, :.u . the most’ chimerical im Drought to completion an ‘ •; u daily and hourly. Tuv ■ Canada line to start soul! 1 glanced over British \ ria-.ike in its bleakness, 1 and Jar bey-rod the ice m s be foggy ea, u dilati; Pole, and eiim.ou in from the r and -now, of . beams of a dr.-ary mid a ( rtssihg the Hue of co i. u\v the love y p uin of t!i ,an- . i lyid in t e blood of •. . .. i •, .m,’ her noble fbre.-ts sear : t blasts ot war, rnj fcru ue i !a-■ u:- ed by grim i .cs fiort ; ion- w.i.-re once tfie cannon thun <,r a. and the musket’s .o id roar miugk-d win the shouts cf eon.ending armies t e!o a . : ed my eyes to suppre - y pang that j shot through mvsoul ■.* i ■ e.i .’ 1 opened toem 1 (‘ and the cannot 1 slauding by tne ng tr-’- a* my wi ; . >v. 1 begged my fairy IV, ;.d nut to I .ve me. She replied I. -u u tr . time, but you reittse .s- u ; . quaiutuncc. My claimed, what is your name •’ toh-j answered ‘‘my naoa*! :3 Li'; roture, my NO. 23.