Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 03, 1866, Image 1

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SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. LUCIUS C. BKYAF, Fdibor * |>ropn#*®r. VOL. 7. • ‘ m 1 I ' ■ ■ ■■ j ._ &jje Sdutjuru (Enterprise Thomas ville, Georgia. W D.IENDM, DBC'R. 4, IM*3. jst DSCIiIPTION TE RMS. o t The “Southern ExTEßraisß” is publish •*ti weekly at- Four Dollars per annum, ■str/eilj l> advance. ■■ O ADVERTISING TERMS. Advertisements will he .inserted for one Sloliitr per square of twelve lines Or lc* for each insertion. From thisjraie a dia eou.nt of TWENTT-riVE per ceui will he rnsJe •ir >jtrtisetnll inserted for three months or-under six months, ami rtrrA'per eeui for twelve, mouths or more. All ad* vei iLs-ments sent to the office must be an-'-ed with he number of insertions de period to be published, and in *e-viustmice accompanied with the amount repaired for payment. Marriages and deaths will hereafter be charged for as ad ♦ cruscments. .Special or editorial notices will be published and charged at double the .*bTO rates. . Payments must be made in current funds. Remittances may be ma le by Express at our risk All other* nmst be at the itk of th se m iking the same. Subscribers names wi lbedroped from the list at the end of the tertrt for which the subscription has been paid. uu less renewed. All communications should be ddresse 1 to Pro/irietur Southern Enter m.m• Vim,n'iville Gen-'gia. I.RKAL ADVKKmKnKATS. having occasion to adver Ith Legal bales. Notices, etc., are com pelled by law to comply with the following rules : idsiiiidrHtsri, Eirrntsrt, w Clur dinua: AU tale* ot Land by Administrators, Ex ou ora or Guardians, are required by law to be bet i outlie first Tuesd ,y in the mouth, between the hours of ten e’ci.cW iu the forenoon, and three - in tuc aiternoon, at the Court House in me County 111 wi.ich the propcriy is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public Gazette Forty Days previous to the day of sale. Ainlc sf Prmsaal E*r|>rrty i Notices of the sale of Personal Property , M „-t be given ul least Ten Days prevt ,.u - i* ihe *i y of sale. Katale Urblara w*** Cirdiloril V lCt .„ ti-oiur- and Creditor* of an es • iuo-i be pu*dished Forty Days. I'outia! Ordinary l.ecve M *•‘*l I ■s#iiee hat application will be made to the the Court •: Ordinary for leave to sell Lands, tmiit bo published weekly lor IV o Mouths. <. tat ons for letters of Administration u.oM be published Thirty Days ; for D:.~nt ssion Adniiuistratiou, tuouiii y f S:x Mouths, t'orirlixerr ot” dlorlynge t Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgago must f- tuMislied monthly tor Four Months. R*lshlihin I.osl Paper*: Notices tor esiabli-iiiug Lost Papers must be published tor the lull term of Three Mw./iiib. publication, will always be con iwued according so the above rules, uw •* otherwise ordered. • Li C THY AIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gs. O. IHSOI.S, RESIDENT DENTIST TITOMASVILLE, QA. WILL t>c found at the old . TV Ptand occupied by him for the last ten year* Aug 23-5 m ~1l tl.Ml WifMW li CO. illtyck S^ic. it) FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Yv lii JjQ, v iX cr. Persons wishing good bargains can b accomodated at the LO WEST M. t RKF, T TRU ‘E Ga HO. 1805 it Dr. W. F. DeWitt KEEP constantly in store and for sale a well selected stock of MEDICINES •nd H other article* usually kept in drug store July 5. 1865. ts TANARUS, i, lion i iiiii, DEALERS IN Ti O ~r> P r:~'’o' n o TT * r-OOi G oiiUfio, dti X b And all kinds of Jfurnisljing #oobs, Hosiery. Croekrriee, Cutlery. NTotioua, 4ke.. *r., **. At Wholesale and Retail. >. *l, Iwliaa Ut. BATAVNAH, GA > v v 22 3-no * 6*508 i SIRUP WAKTED If | | WA(k POTNDS Baeor Side* and _4,l_ w GEORG* iatteV. Thom *vtlW. Mot. -.*5 if I V *1 DBS’S Solidified Milk,'V7*u7e”nd ] I wholesome article, equal to fresh milk and always ready when the caws foil. for sals by JOHN STARK NEW GOODS. i TTTE THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ju V V received a large assortment of SEW AID FASHIONABLE HOODS. WHICH UK WILL UK 1,1. VER.Y XjO W.V ! \ Our stock consists of the latest styles of ladies dress goods OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, LAMPS CLOAKS S FI A W E S , A FINE LOT OF 5 LADIES HATS, c have also a complete assortment of Ready Made Clothing, lA'il, BOOTS Such is Georgia made K.O!*SOy. OSN4BUR33 AN3 JEANS. ‘V hich we are able to offer at mumnnnn, Before buying elsewhere you will do well (a call and examine our stock. I KUBITBHEK 4 BRO. Oct 25-Srno TO THE JPUBLIC ! I am piepared to ECEIVE. STDUniI FORWARD U.L GOODS iO\SIG\ED TO MK and SHIP to anv partv iu A* there are two or three boat* rumiinir from this place to Savannah, which will enable Gnoda to g<> forward with dispatch. I) JAMES DILLON. Doctor Town. Aug., 21, 1865. Aug JO tt” F Schuster. O einsu.s * e^.y, 'i T’T'UAT'TNT ‘■UlUb6c Shipping, (Commission anb FORWARDING sis r:c:h;a k:t s , IU City Mt., BA VAN.\ AII. ■. (fonsignmeiits of Oottou for sale in this •narkei or for shipment to tur friends in New York. Philadelphia, 4 Boston Balti more, Liverpool and Germany are solicited tn 1 liberal advances made. Orders for ‘.Vines. Liquors, Groceries, &c., promptly attended to. AGENTS FOR Crrlnr ilr Bauxy mid Veuve Clicquot CHAMPAGNE . DILTIIF.Y, SABL k CO’S., Rhine Mines, and P. I, de Tenet & de Georges’ BORDEAUX WIHIS. Nov ? fia:o <TeoTL kledger aalolrsaic (Droerr j ship ghaudlcr. GKNEKAI, COMMISSION AND ibuwA uifi'J H£a- LiAbiiA 7‘2 liit. Siireel SAVA.\.M2, (,'A Constant Supplies received per S earners from New York. Orders by Mail, ac<om panied by remittances, promptly filled at the lowest m ke: prices Nor S 3mo CH A 8 L r.OhRT SHIPPiN© Cu HhxSoioFi AHu tuu w Aaum u MERCHANTS, Jaarnt Kiork. for.. Hay &■ Abcreorn Street*. SAVAiWAH, On. rkfi:hkxces : Messrs. Dabney. Morgan 4 Cos., N. Y. Jarvis Slade, Esq. “ Gardner Colby. Esq. Boston. Hon. J. IViley EJxands, “ Liberal odvances made on consignments to Charles L Colby. New York, and to our friends in Boston and Philadelphia. Line of Boats to Doctortown, Nov 8 3mo Eiiostcli) Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN FRENCH, ERMAN, ENGLISH DRY GOODS, Boots & Shoes, HATS cbo., 131 t'OXGBESS STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. j 80,000 6‘e^ars /X OOD and choice, flnbrand*, received and I “J for gala by JOHN ST^IRK Pipes. Pipes. W \ i WTJ I an< l Pipe Head*, all kinds, frifhi a Clay Pipe to the genuine Mereschaum, and a fine assortment of Smoking Tobacco. Received and for sale bv johNar kt THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1866. RAN DELL 4 CO., tnmn noim, Nutkwnt ftriirr Bay Se Bnrnnrd St*. SA VAN MAH, GA. A Urge’and well Assorted Stock Constantly on Hand* And for sale at Lowest Market Prices. N. B —Special attention given to orders by mail accompanied remittance. ! Nov 8 6mo i unjMgmiii AND (Sent (fomiitission ilrrcljait's, Corner of Drayton & Bryan Streets, Nov 8 Im NAVANNAIK, n li. 1 tvll. fA. I• I 1 muit’yt |jV S N Bi-ipio, Con mis ion IRcrchants A N L) Brokers, NO. 135 HAY KTKEET, 6.1 I'A A'.Y.T //, GE Oil GIA. TTTE solicit consignment of Cottou to * Jj/j ourselves and our New York friends. We are prepared to make liberal advances on receipt of produce, and endeavor to give strict attention and prompt returns. Jtrfcreiices: Jno. Scriven, l’rest. A & GjR R Col W J Yeung, Thom:uville, Ga PjlllJSplSflift Cotton .factors AND AI luioii St.,;.lew Orlcunn J. P. HARRISON, late of the firm of Paye 4 Harrison. EDWARD HARRISON, J. P. HARRISON, Jr. SIDNEY HARRISON. Uriirearuh'il by Air. N 1.. ICCTI.EK. Refer to A tl ilansell, Messrs. Ivubit ahek, 11. Woiff 4 Rro. Novi lrn A J Brady - , W M Smith, R J Moses, Atlanta, Lexington. Columbia mu, mn io J3 COTTON. COMMISION & J'ortoarb.iij A VA.Y.YA IS, l.rOltt: IA . W ill make liberal advances on Produce consigned to us or our friends in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Liverpool. AGENTS FOR faßlbaymayoc* k iiot:;to STEAK.VS A .HAUVI.Y And other Northern Manufactories, Refer to all the loading Merchants of the City. Nov 8 Jiao R bt. P. Tork, J. K. M’lntvrv M. E. Williams. P. /V.Ward. * lOMiritiTim _AUuTDJS and Commission |TU.rljants, IIA r SI., SA VAANAII, <IA con*iguiiieiil* f Cotton nnd Lnnibn SGEIi l l El), HBFiiKEWCIiIS, Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos, Savannah Gaden 4 Unckles, “ Isaac D. Laßoche, “ Hunter & Gammell, “ Evwiu 4 Hardee, “ Htrain Roberts, ** W, Woodbiidge, 44 L C Norvell 4 Cos. * 44 S X Knapp 4 Bro,, New York D H Baldwin 4 Cos. 44 Nov 8 6mo TI SUN & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AID FOMARDII MERC HAN’T 3 . 96 Bay Street, savannah. Georgia. Special attention will be given to the sale of SYRUP, LUMBER, ROSIN, TURPEN TINE, etc. -0:0 SAVANNAH, Ist., Sept., 1865. W e are again in our old Office, prepared for business. An experience in this city of over eleven years, and undivided attention to all business entrusted, induces us to hope for a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. WM. 11. TISON, WM. TV. GORDON. : fj IJDDft WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, HAf, FEED &c C °Sm r ° f Br<MIE SAVANNAH°GA**”’ DOWN WITH THE’ High Prices! j. schiff &;brother, HAVE NOW READY FOR INSPECTION, AND ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING additional supplies of the latest styles ol STAPL AND F NC DRY CiOODS, SUCH AS iIIENCH tl A KIN OS, VIA, Wtfol, OKI, IYKX, Rimmt, PJPI.IY itl vet)**, and the latest stvlesof I*lll\T WHITE <)<)*, SI'MIEHY an I,') VK*BlUl‘*tH, nnl Sl:)t)t -iKlitrx, UK tt ‘ !YK It I.IIMS an 1 E.-VTW II ATS. K\!T W zoten 4i;>o.l<, *uc!i a* 11*152 IKF AST Sit tW J, YI'BES, (tOM’AtJ* anil HOOiIM. Oi the latest Broadway style. READY MADE CLOTHING, Ail wool Casiineres, Doc Skins, Satnets, and Kentucky Jeans, Ladies and Gents BO Os A.NTD SHOEs. A great variety of * J Ibj” C> fS? X <Z> JXT S3 * eoU ' h the bottle or pound. A large lot of Filh,\( H CALL ,SA /A N, am! EFA THEII of our own (annimj, Many other articles kept usually in a Dry Goods store. Come and give them a call they will take great pleasure in showing goods, and you will be convinced that they will sell tlieir goods As Low as the Lowest ! A. T. CUNNINGHAM. o. g. PURSE CUNNINGHAM A PURSE, jF a ei,o-fc<p3’£3, forwarding and Commission Merchan s,- No ’ 4 Stoddard’3 Lovfor Otcreo, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. REFERENCES. itCNTER * * * OS8 ’ **r ff “*"** r *- OCTAVIUS COHEN, C mv BRIGHAM. BALDWIN & CO. 44 G 1> k ‘ & C y°,’ ERWIN 4 HARDEE. ~ J T BOLFFriDPT a u ('LAC,HORN & CUNNINGHAM •< ‘ .1 ia/'atL S Rll Macol PIUMZY 4 CLAYTON, Augusta, I] K WASHBURN Esq 0 "’ Nov, 15, 3trio T joy tothTWorld! TUB INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAINKILLER! TO TIIE SUFFERING-HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Hits R* licved more Pain, and caused more IJc.l Jo, .han an, J,„ onc ,„in g, k scan be named ! // its a ‘•Halm for ercru wound v> Our first Physicians use it, and recommend its use- thn - , . * among the Medicines called for, and the Wohlesalo iccary nnds it first Unling article of M. iralc. “ in us favor; and Us reputation as a Medicine of Great P Mcrit ‘ and \ irtue is fully and permanently established and it is The Great Family Medicine of the Jlse ! evkhv volunteer MOULD hav E[ a s case of sci)des at , TA KEN INT tax a TLY IT cUR US SOre Sore > er, S 'l!iver^Coni^)lai’nt' Te pj C g pgp^j^ C p l | ! T^p D * mt * Arsing l-.m in the S..m,cl„ 8n..,, Diarrhoea and Dystery. olera > TA AA A EA TERXALL YIT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns a-d r . i> • Swelling Os (he Joints, Ringworm T ’ “* d t; f ula, Bt “ l!e * nndprams S Feet and Cbilbla ins, Too.l.aohepS A „-,t. “S'***- and •> I**, WgM Pain miter nken internally should be administered with milk or witnr , , ... gar, if desired, or made into a syrup with mol and sweetened with su- TIS, a few drops of sugar, eaten witt be mo w F ° r a , COUGH anJ BRONCHI!*, SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with ’ ™ e aff l ec '"; e than anything else. For a relief i immediate and cure positive mutur °f Fain Killer and water, and the Nov 29 8m Synopsis ol tlio I'lcsldtul’s M essage. The resistance to the general ”-ovcr uient havin"c xliaustcd itself, the first question that arose was whether the the territory within the limits of those States which attempted to secede, should beheld as conquered territory under millitary xufhoritv etn inu itig; trout the President. He considers that miliahiry goven:icnts, established for an i definite period over these States, would have t Sereil no security for an early suppression ol discontent, and would have divided die people 1 into vanquishers a:id vanquished, and would have envenomed hatted rather than have restored ass ction between , the divided sections. The true theory is that all pretended acts ot secession were from the begin ning null and vid ; that States cannot I commit treason n>r screen the indi* vidual citizens whe may have com mitted treason. The States attempting: to secede placed themselves in a condi* tion wherein their futic ic is were sus pended, but not destroyed. But if any State neglects or refuses to perform its offices, there is the more need that the : general government shall maintain its 1 authority, an i as soon as practicable, resume the exercise of all its futic* tion s. On this principle 110 had acted. Gradually, eqally and by almoftf imperceptible steps, lie bad soughl to restore the rightful energy of the General Government and of tho States. To that end provisional gover nors were early appointed. All the parties in tho late terrible conflict must work together in h*r mony. It is not to much to ask, that on the one side the plan of restoring tho energies of the government shall proceed iu conformity with a wflliguess to cast the disorders of the past into oblivion, and that on the other, the evidence of sincerity in the future maintenance of the Union, shall be put beyond any doubt by the ratification of the proposed a iti slavery amendment to the Constitution This amendment being adopted, it would remain lor the States to resume their places in the two branches of Cengress, and thereby complete the work of restoration. Ihe President says he has no author* ity to make the freedmen electors. That measure remains with the States and they can decide whether it is to be adopted at once, or introduced grad* nally with proper conditions. Good faitt!, however requires that the secu rity ot the freedme.i Le guaranteed in ther liberty, property and right to la., bor and to claim the just returns of their labor. it will be his constant aim to pro mote unity with ail foreign nations, and he believes all of them arc anima ted with the same disposition The accordance of belligerent rights to in surgent States was unjustifiable. H t Great Britinn was an cxcepton. 3h 4 built ships, and furnished men and material ol war to the insurgents. The justification for it cannot be sustained before the tribunal of the world. .At the same time, he does not advise any present attempt at redress by acts of legislation. For the future, the friend* ship between the two counties must rest on a basis of mutual justice- Vie have wisely forborne, because propa gandists of republicanism. But it would be the cause of great calamity to ourselves and the cause ot good gov ernment, should any foreign powers challenge the American people to i‘r defence against foreign interference: and he relies on the wisdom and jus tice ol those powers to respect the sys. tem of non interference which has so long been sustained by them. Meeting oFuieViason* in Charleston. The Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General es the Thirty-third and last degiee of Ma sonry, Ancient and excepted Hite, as sembled in the City of Charleston du ring last week. 111. ]Jro. General Al bert Pike, of Arkansas, presided as Sovereign Grand Commander, 111. Brother A. T. C. Pierson, of Min nos- I sota, ns Lieutenant Grand Command, er, and 111. Pro. Hon. A. G. Makay* of South Carolina, as Secretary Gen eral with a sonsiderable number of dis tingu’shed Masons from evety part of the United States. Among them were Illustrious Brothers Col. VVm Rock well, of Georgia, H. Sltaw, of Califor. nia, Henry Luist, H. W. Schroder and 13. Rush Compel!, of South Cni* olina, Col. Tul. P. Shaffner, of Ken tucky, T. MoClenaghan, of New York and Lucius R. Paige, of Massachu setts. The Courier says: Tins high body of distinguished Masons did much work, their meet ings having been suspended during the war. Among other things of in terest to the craft we may notice that they appointed 111. Bro. Col. Tab P. Shaffner Special Deputy for Europe, and elected the following persons Hon! TERMS $4,00 A Year, in A . | orable members of their c I lli* Majesty- Charles it , K Sweeden and N n-.vay. Ilid Uoyal Highness Oscar Cr.>r .. Priuee of Sweeden and Monvajr, Hi) Majesty Chri Liau lx., Kir, yi‘ Denmark. ills Koval Constant! Nieolavioh, fJrjiii! Duke of Russ: . Illustrious Proffer II nry Dni w ~ elected Tre:tsurcr<Gonc.;nl in j.Jtee i Aehille l.e Priney J<., Med. r J he Supremo council a 1 jour, i e.! Ist* I Satur lay night, alter being iu * eio several <1 ;ys, to continue their sevloy jon the tlnnl .'ionJay of March next, : ft?ud, at the ity of Washington, ].. t . j The prof,no world, as Masons ! t!e-:i', r ptu haps nut .aware i hat f * i is tnc 3!other Council til nil the * . , preme Councils of the world. It e m. | prises nmosg its member.- some of tlie most distinguished mun of this count , y and Europe. General Pike occupies the position of the Sitpr. me Gr,.m.l Commander of the Couucil and upon in convocation delivered a most o u 1 itp a., ‘ . iotpiont a lddrcss, reviawing the conditi >n of I the Masonic Order throughout the I l nited Sta'cs and in Europe, j We make the following extract from the opening of the address. Illustrious Brethren and Soveri igu Grand 0 mmander*: At the close oi the groat harvest of that pitiless v.apcr, Death, and, while having paused through mere wear* incss lie rests, we assemble, from States widely distant from each other and not long since mad with *ll tho direful civil var, to kneel together once more around the altar of Scott'sh Masonry, to lament tho dead and to labor for the benefits of society, our country and humanity. During lour terrible years our couu rt Temples have been for tho most ed,er the asues of the fires upon our altars have been cold, and the brethren have meteach other as enc* mies or ceased to commune with each other. Is lated in most of our S' from the outer world, we have hud no correspondence with foreign bodies. .No attempt has been made to enlarge the border* of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite < ceased to meet ’1 ho Veil of the Tem ple has indeed been rent in tvrahi, ou. working tools were broken, and our columns lay overthrown and prostrate. In war when hell legislates for hu manity and all the horrible influence., that can debase and demoralize, mm are busily at work. .Masonry can do little even to soften the hoirors no temper the hatreds of a strife t!u>t she was powerless to avert. In sum ia tert,fnded, her. tw be trampled under foot and d^-oni privileges to be denied to tl their brethren thought it Ma mio pie ty to brand as rebels. Tin y forgot that when States were arraved ; inst States in an open war of gigantic pro portions, Masonic ci s ity required them to believe that their brethren who fought tinr political i.udepri; fence, however much they might be in error were sincere y ami honestly obeying their convictions of duty without any ol the moral guilt ol treason; and they forget that, in holding them to nav fori cited their rights as .Masons they, themselves, were led by their passions to violate their Masonic obligations. But these were net permitted to make Masonry, and least of all, Scottish Ma sonry, a party to the civil war waged I between Statu*. 1 hey comp omitted themselves alone, ami t!i lire and bino f. e oi the buttle scorched ?njt her garments. lliey earned the condcnn nation and contempt of the wo: and of Masonry; but Masonry itself s, actci us to be entitled to boner and a mi. ration. \\ ith peace the opportunity for u** I *, ful labor returns to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Kite. He shall soon bo prepared to extend it through out our jurisdiction; and i trust that before three more years it will number its lodges and higher budiea be found in every State. During their stay ill. Bros. Gen. Albert Pike, Colonel Tal. P. Shaflnor and A. i. C Pierson have been the guests ol ill Bro. A (j. Mackey. The two latter left with 1J ro. Mackey yes ter day inortiing to a.tend the meeting ol the Grand Bodge of the State, iu the City of Columbia, which assmi bles there to-morrow morning. ?lst iust. ,i, Gen. Albert Pike left by the North eastern i.tadroad for Washington tos terday morning. No official information lias been re > ceived from the French government that the ihnperor intends to withdraw fiom yet it is vaguely given out by the French Minister in diplo made circles that such is his intention. Maximillian . expects to supply their places with Austrian troops, numbers of whom are said to be on their way to Mexiep. NO. i