Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 10, 1866, Image 4

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A " L -* * v J “N U* ‘-4* - >•’ fv *- - ** *■ - r j.. \ to J ■•* y •4 nit. a acre*. tee ongi >g „ vfce etaale >f .4 -. roa liiilutas, !!*•.fa* id *>■!* 4. fyitv.!. 1 \*g ‘itIMKU t.)r - ir• V. ri ‘ timr a j. ml ->’f r f rr r ’! k’'n ty *?* • w- • ** ii 4 •f V aide .li'* **■•# •>. *-r ?n* !!■• i i.*# neighbor •• t. fw’ ‘* n ii*” cT l •** w: -n-aa . I >,.*. -M*. r i v * .■ i . . 9.P lei* ig ’ , u i'.fr, ju t j_i> i <-• S .*.<• • ‘• ■ ,i.g .•:!••. * fn* * 11 •ii .* n s; ici u •, * i ii> u •■■ dr.i ir>g •i*, nr ■•% ••of in det t. and iiiU exi’ii'i i-iv I ihc UriitM #! i•• Liis, j rs pi v :r.s ‘ * ir ei.M* exuri <ftt l„\ ,'il I'l H. Ailu.lni- MAH'. ‘• I! “I• K ’ Aii iri- ra.iix. No* 1-b 1 i Krc> r <’’ : c x* . to TRESritS , A LI. *>--.; srf f-.-r.-l-_’ forewarn*. 1^ \ * * Vi * ‘ < .1 • ** ■ I • k * ■’ in i >■ ‘ __ Til * * ** ‘•iß.vi oii T ~r~ri~.r — I ■> 1 I Stringer -.1 J L ’ • ‘’ Tuesday tii ... u-rr., be, wen, all ,b c r cn.h lt ,:,. . r . tr „ iy Kloncin.; io said entail-, j • , iior& CS Ultl, II v - , • ff.i-Uiinsr to. U .. ~r . l> Bit -y •Ml I■. • I ~.•• , , t**U ~OU.’ ‘ ‘ * o, ' : • ‘ *rl. ‘ Sozodoot, RXTs.u rt, * * < M{ iii% || ) Ti-;f{ ‘Oil S’ * | r ®°'l 1 * *4 *!!*:*. * Oil* V'O IV Hi: if ‘ roriKM littt *?f F'4. r I'llX *; <J&Y •* “"‘■V To.fee io l)fbtor N and (reli~ /.r.L persons indebted to J. I[ MmiJ.v r tni” nuik r< “ r I! ) VV no,ili< " i '*•■ forward iiavur-H ‘ * dliU< ‘ l,veut, ami all those tLt ".‘ lg ‘ “*HM raid will (them ’ wtrtHrd in lint- i om Mia. wnlun llk ,mi. pivm-ritH‘iJ liv law ’ iNur '’ A,J .'IAKYIIUItI'Jn Adm'x _ , | • V\ r ILL 1.. Mial .■ the residence U 1 Jo m * Mit.iiy ii.i* of Thom-8 ( (.uni v, aecM~ed. on uat-.rauy Kii'niiiKi inn. no n.e jenahali.i j of-er ▼ betttttfuig to -aid estate, coii'itiuig ol horses, hogs, cattle, corn, fodder, syit,p, 8* r and n. ;• .her tilings ioo uuxo -tts to Mien;i..,| Also ,t las a t ine an J p a co , r.niied iUe j ii; - w.,ereon hi- f us. for to . VI ar ls ;r, .. ‘ n,> ” *■’ !""• i.tid lit.- lor Bi .K.rg futon. Oo.d mg house, out l.i.nses, fences &c Sum, JI“ “ K * ‘''“gßoha road. 1] „,i| es 80Uth fhoiiinTi||a M. f. SMITH IS-td* Ad o dnis, t .' or . •’ Mrsiur’i * n |r. *, 1 ‘ ;_ *i of the Court of < r . k’ .'Uiitv will lie s. i.l on <l,* : i i U:,r . v **'•>. at flu- Conn and i omuv *n"ween tiie k-tfid * * ’ 1 ‘let of iand in said Countv T’s *“'e ri sio'ed lit the time of ” Jonah yatf.s, Adta'r. * t t.KAVi: TANARUS SIKI.S, * A Sr. e * >;.'. a Olill.V - ‘ ‘luer dale application *> ‘ *>U’ Con I©r Ordinary u lir... f c ‘.my. Kt the first regular term. a'tr- x in ion o. two nionths Iron, this , n-tirc. f.,r have to sell the Lands belong! i ing to Ike es .ie ot i.uriaaieous H iilinnuJ Uie of ‘.!,-l County deceased, for ij,e hen- I •hi of the heirs and creditors .MARY A. WILLIAMS. Oat llstCJ r|ri■ f■* IXi'tltiw trt ! .'alt- appiit ;ition will lit ■<Jf to the Court <.f Onlimirv of l.uwmf— < ouut v for lenw <.>|! tin* real ,-uty of J0. .11 Carter late . f ,i Ountv (b-cens.V Xr ¥■> C .1 M M CAITKK. Adm’r. * it<\\ ijis, ¥ 4<tKi. k>l sIXS. |>oie* Current* and Mj ft ron. prim.. fraa! articles .lu*t rweired tnifcrleby JOHN STARK. Aaaianiraitr't M.ilt 1 nnn* of an order front the Court *f < ttin.ary of B-noki. Coor.M win „ r u fr* Toe* r ,1c Coart Hon** rln in . ieirM !<>::• • e tin- tr Hrr i* iCenitd .. ; • . J. IV.llilt K, - f i,u Adiit r. * ** ■ ;Mratr‘salr ‘ ‘ or from tie ('oart of g ‘ , - 1 * V. I’TOtT will by sold on ‘7* 1 ‘* January 1866 at the ‘• ~ r “'dtwnstrWtweeui e 7*“;: ■* \. •* ot “land whereon * V -* W the of ’ william-. ’ Ada. i. ‘< m i ■•Kate ft ■ ■ IAtD * | /V* “ *A- Cni . ‘ >B ’ * appheati* *■ ’ *® ‘ n wt tl Ordici* tl f *’ ? h* ’ r -ular u>r *f. * • ‘.t! *aaa u, *- * * .A'D heist: y. • •a* * ‘ t; a err Ml ; .■ i 1 1. * |.5 . i Atm „ H \ \ fed i p an i o; tne ! *i <i*e Store of X. j .:i we are prepared to oiler to the , !* ‘ ic everything thai can be fownd iusa First Class Saloon.; r HANDIES, \v .-I ‘^.v£.i r , ; foi IV. I LAK3 IC NE WINE, ‘ 1 . IDSC . T .TINE, ■ ‘ ] • MA • GA WINE, POUT WINE. C-.AEET vVljrr. AND IBT rAftfKfl OF ‘ 1 L IQU 011 , • Uollle ai Prink—l’iain or Mixed. ?!HE M!W\ CISiSS 4 .;f .lit]. biMndb. Anderson’s and oth* T era Pine Cut Tobacco And ('Tpr.ytliing to suit the taste; of (lie i. tiu tidi'ius, cau be had at THE‘MS NOW,’ ‘ As ciu-rit) us aajwhi n In the South. • .We shall always keep on hand a ’ LARGE AND WELL v iootodL a riiook., i would invite the Public to give us . before purchasing elsewhere, j . PLIERS & PERRY. Oct S, 1 S’fh 11 • feOIITHERN~COTTON Warehouse, i’ IK.n.vR OF j BAT AY . vIXTO3sT STS., 8 nnali, Ga,, O’EalloA Cos. Factors, ro tt a:*: n; und Cummissicii iTiLRCHANIA. h>l'Lt. Ts t LLi invite attention to \ our lari iiies for the purchase or • rnoveinjul of Southern Products, and will | give prompt attention to all business en . m cur ca e. Intending to establish per mnn-ntly a House in Sav in nab. expect by strict bn liness principles to merit and re ceiya a portion of ihemide. Ha* ig a commodious Warehouse iv I* C Uol aeare pr. ) ated to buy, or receive on oo isig inn ,it t cur fronds in New ork or Eu’oje, aiol will make advances OS aie ; picking, re baling or mending all Cottcn before stiipping, thereb3 saving the on raioti” expense incurred in North ern cities by this j.r< ce s. Tbcv seii !t s peition of the business of tie. j • j !e* of fueigia and ol adjoining State'. OFFICE. rrGDDJVRDS RANGE Center of 1-ay mid Lincoln Streets. LAND Hyi : -if! <•.- oi Good i luo Land witll r . I ll '* -teres of hammock umi :i: cJ. <• >od dwelling house ami all nece ary outbuildings with elegant Gin house amt v aw. t>(H) acres of cleared land all un i-r ged fence. The place is as will watered a- -ay in the launty, and now in £ue C uidiimn inr making a crop. TlifrCuifon land on this place is not sur passed in this section. ‘1 he piece k= two settlements with the necessary buildings on each except that otic bus no Gin house and Any person therefore wish ing to purchase a smaller farm may pur chi'” a part only of this plantation and ri’ : all t: conveniences The place is ot. v fix ; .tom Thomasrillo and situ, at .1 in a go J n borhood and society. Apply at once he! •.< the place is with* drawn from market to LC 1511 VAN. / *A| t Acres of good Tine Land, one * )’ M r mile from Station No. 18 A & (i Upland eleven miles from TlionmsTille. ■ H> acres under fence aud cultivation, ilie remainder covered with excellent Timber, flood dwelling bon e and outhouses with everything in good condition for making a <*rop. Now is make applica tion at once or you will be too bite, ns tiie place will be withdrawn from the mar ket if not sold immediately. Aj to 1. C. BRYAN, Thomnsville, Thomas Sheriff’s is ale IV ill be sold before the Courthouse door in’t hoßia ville on the first Tuesday in Feb runry next between the usual hours of sab , the following property to wit : The west half of lot of land number 312 in the 13th District of Thomas County levied on as the property of Allen Creed, o satisfy one mortgage fi fa issued from Superior C<n:rt of Thomas County in r of Thomas Adam- vs said Allen 1 .- property pointed out by plaintiff ■-7-3-1 0. WILSON. Sheriff. Lou hdo Sheriff s gate. ‘Vi 11 be sold before the Courthouse door in Valdosta, on the Firs* Tuesday Feb ruary next wit bin the b . .1 !• „rs o's sale. Lv; No. 11 BK , Ni: in the town of \ aid* --t .. Fa: I let .; km, n the Ellis More is well improved. - hr virtue of a fi fa issued by the Ordinary s ij in favor of Pearcy Ellis vs D • -Donald Administrator on the estate of T • bllis deed, as the property of the r;tu f said deed. W AELEN D. Sheriff. AdmiaMraiorN snie WiU be eoid he tors the. Ccunnons* door ‘* ‘ *5 lima on the First Tnewlay in F-K. i ■ sxt the following tracts t r parcels ** f to-wit ; No Sbl eontatttinr IfKi *7* j l****” lot So MZ : *44 acres **9* acre* in s R Corner So, ~ , *l’ 1 ! yif'r and lx-mg in the .nx trw- W,, Irwjn ITmmiSm, ftf Dcore-r •sees srfeukV Is ******** •- * i tattfc 44- * SALE. TOIL SALE. FOR Georgia- in:mAs * ouaty . Vi !:- re;.- the estate ut t KewrseOfe wi:h out a.legui r. pi-rsous’ in. MaMftn therefore .noticed to ni- their ectiocutia -.rwiae letters i :: cts will he granted to me Public AU ruitustraior on the secoovl Monday in Jan uary aex:. w-Doc i 11. II TOOKE, Ordy. Georgia- Thomas County Whereas J A l’arramore makes applica tion to this Court for letter* of Admiui*- iiaiion on the estate of W B IVarce need. All persons interested are therefore uo tiiied to file thetr objections in said Court. :ie r wiae said letters will be. granted ou • sec nd Monday-in January. ■ Sea 13-*od ‘ H, 11. T< oKK, Ord j. GEORGIA—Thomn: Where -, the estdte of J II Brock dec.l i- without a l‘.'g il fi‘|M f-euui'iTc all per sons interested are t beret* re non tied to filetheir objertioas in ibis Cprt, oilier wiae said letters - will be granted to the Public Administr.v or of said County on the second Monday in. January next. ®ec 11184 ii. 11- TIKMtE, <>rd’y. i|. Ij OKUIA —Be—hs 4 *uutf. Notice is hereby given to all person* eqaeeffeed that * — Carson of said Cos.; ikyrtnl this life intestate,- and no per son L • applied.lor 1 tiers of Admini-ira tion on sui t curtate, nd that in terms of the law Aitaßnistnuimi will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court or some other fit, nd proper person, tbirtjjdays af ter the publication of ibis citation, unless some.valid objection is made to his .ap pointment . ‘ Dee ld-d’-d J G McCALL, Or 1 j AdminUtratoi'ii bale. |>y vir’ue of an order of the C>u of ” mg ul on tbe first T *day i. January IBm> >B ne gm ne e il hours of sale Jr true of lan I re on Tarltau Knight resided at’the of hi-death, C KNl(ii! l'.i , jH M. KNIGHT T’ NOTICED , Apt * . ta an m der of tl Houomblo the Court of ffrdinary of : Th naas. Const • will be* *at the residence of the 1- e J". siali Brew deed, on Fridity ilie ddd day * f .Deem ishat U pr*| ei ty of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle .Mules, hogs. Corn, Fodder. Oa.s, re at- e • V, ll on Seed, Fanning Utensils, hbuselm nd Kitchen Furniture,-one new i ‘our house Wagon, and numerous si cle- not met*ticmccl. . , >•; o. \ jiUUTOX, Adm r. < v rgia— Ecrrien County ere as Peiteltepe Lord apjdies f ters of Guardianship on the P ’ra e and property of W H Lord. ihese the reform to cite and admonish all pers* is interested to file their objections in t Court otherwise said letters will be cran - ed to said applicant. l>ec 13 3Ud W E CONNELL, Ord y. NOTICE. , „ All persons having claims against the estate of Emil Flesch deed . late of Thom as County, will present .hem in terms ot the law, end all indebted to said estate will call and settle. NOTICE , On the First Monday in Februarj next. 1 will apply to the Court of o.dinary of Thomas < ounty for an order grant mg leave to sell a portion of the lands belong mtr to tbe estate of T. L Morrison deed. Dec 13-God T L PAIt EE It. Adr.Cr. Geor tria—Thomas Court tv. Whereas the ol L 1> lvi ■ .’ deed Is without- a legal representative, AH : -r ----sons interested are therefore u titled t* file their objections in thi- Court, other wise letters will be granted to the Pmdic Administrator of this County, on the fir.-i Monday in January next. Dec 13 301 II H TOOKE, Ord’y. Georgia— Thomas ( ounty. Whereas tbe estate of Marion Conncl minor deed, ie without * legal Mpreaenia live. all person* interested er* iherrfnr* notified t* file their ebjeetion* in this Court otherwi** said letter* will be gran-, ted and issued i# ih* Publi# Adusinistatar of *aid ('ounty. #n ilia Seeend Menday in January next. Dec 13-oOd 11. 11. TOOKB, Ord'y. Georgia—Thomas County Whereas the estate of V. m Mill* deed is without * legal representative, All per sons interested are therefore notified to file their objections in this Court otherwise letters will be granted to the Public Ad ministrator of said County on the aecoud Monday in January next. Lice 13-30d H II TOOKE, Ord’y. Georgia —Thoma? County. Whereas the estate of Hugh Connell deed, is without a legal representative, al persons interested are therefore notified to file their objections in this Court otherwise letters will be granted to the Public Ad ministrator of said County, on the second Monday in January n'xt. Dec 13-30d H. 11. TOOKE, Ord v. OOOAC.RES BEsT quality of Pine and Hammock hand for sjde in Bryan County, Oa . 2d milen by Kail Road from Sitvanntth, and three-quar ters of a mile from A. &G. It. It. On the place is a Peach and Apple orchard, also a few choiee IMnms. all selected from very choice varieties There are also several varieties o Crapes. lied and white Raspberries, and liirirf, bed of Strawberries There are Seventy Acres under fence, a fra med Dwelling Honse and all neceiwury out buildings. the Latid will make 35 Bushels of (.lorn t*> the Acre, without manure 1 have also a Honse and Lot in St. Marys, Ga. 1 will sell to auv one applying soon. T.J POTTGiib. Oct 18 3ut JUST RECEIVED 41 JEXKIVs &. THOMAS* \e%v Store, a New supply of Goods consist ting of T-OOD, WILLOW, i OT and CROCKERY M'ARB of alt descriptions, together w:th * eautiful selection of Dry Goods, 12 TTtz 33 X_a ST. “5T , * ES, PERFUMERY. POMADES ”J articles of all kinds. C TTON CARDS. CL. t.t. MILLS. TAD I/)CKC SCALES IIACHITA HAMMERS, NAILS Ac. ’ NEW STORE AND Ix.‘ E W Gt O’ OZD fc. ! ! ‘ .’ XIABE NOW PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE THE PUBLIC WITH A WELL W seiecietl atnortawat of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, HARD /'ARE, CROCKERY AND CUTLERY. IV hich we offer for said at our store next door ta Messrs. J. X. McKinnon At Co-., consisting of si ; ks, Delanes, Poulins, Mannoes. . Lustres, Mohires. Cambrics, Calicoes, Ginchams - Ribbons, Waterfalls, Head Nets, ‘ Hoops, Balmarais, Vandikes, Casmere?, Jeans, Linens, Hoods, Shit s, Kerseys, Buttons, Thread, Needles, Hooks and I- . Gioves, eits, Hose, Laces, Tape, Hair Pins, Scarfs, Veils, Collars, Cravat?*. 13 OOT S -Y NX> SHIO J 2 S Combs, Knives A Porks, . Port ‘ Monies, Spoons, “ Pocket Book--, • Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Suspende s. Pens • Paper, * Inks, Pencils, Envelops, Blankets, Ladies, • Gents and Childrens HATS, . Caps and Hosery. Bleachep . and • Unbleached HO M EH FUNS. •” * / Soda, ‘ ‘ spi C - P°PP" r ’ • Mustard, Clove ‘’ Saleratus, c'i dies, Matches,. Olive'll, Jbiarch, doaps, Tea, Coffee, C operas, Nutmeas, Mace, Spiace, Savory, . Hmulet. Diadem. And other Brands of Smoking And Chewing Tobacco. M-M fil.oOiK'J.-, Os SLc E.afost Fashfonx, n fuirass-.irtiucHt of aster Oil, ‘ Linseed Oil, Biitish Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Jacobs Cordial, Godfreys Cordial, Batemans Dropo, . Paregoric, Pain Killer. Hot Dro s. Laudanum, tc , Ac. . A FjilJit ‘id tt.-f-’ rfirtont of 1 VTU’CHi WlW'TIh in>TT\ T Q ri A t^b JJ. \1 >i +>J ; VIiI IJI/ it i J OV j . 1 j'v r^i Which wo offer OH 3 PFOR O-a^IO: Colton, Corn, Hides, Tallow, JT'ax in Ex vfcav<?e Zr'Tr Call anil cxamine*our stuck bcluro purchasing elsewhere _ ( & THOTIiS. Oct*ll*6m > • x tp fi% Vfi: ARE NOW UEOEIVIXG A FJfLL STOCK Or AuL KlNi s <>;■ STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! 2M17 mail MMlSffl, Ladies Cloaks. Shawls and . Hats OF THE LATEST STILES. OEHTLSMEN> FiaKl6HlNa 3D§, OF ALL DESCniPTIONS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CUTLERY AND CLOCKERY, OF THE FINEST AND MOST APPROVED FINISH. Motions of .-all Jiincis. In fact everything else usually kept in a Dry Goods House. A splendid sr „rh 0 1 GOLD WATCHES, wirh many other things too numerous to- mention. All of which nr otter to t , || , 1 lor ('. IS If i\ CJSHon/ii e n->* Cm 11 and* Mir stock as we make r n 1 nr- uto , t OH iota t± WOLFF & lib r TICE Our w*t* • — •* ••*-**' *-“ .dyk** II•• I llrMc $ 1 ##•• 11 #••• f j tr-w Have now law* We D*f**wH ‘*’ t tie in vcfjr oHo f II M v K r - op tdmi .iis rat< i ‘k null Ur ILL he sold mi MHdgitHv (to- M ,t„, lcuil>.-e tl.-Xt lit tin- |t1:,, 1 |.,i1., M , t( x tus done* deed., font mile* fy.,*i. i ij,., Mtfetiell CiUiutv tlie'TMMKfrftUi pt.ip.m .. *i lining t|i|lm I t ~.14. i KU,.1...„ I L t'*)t'Wom*tr *} r Mil he -f ‘*• ■’ •’ • 4l ~ |{ .... *’ C.n, r.wt-o au. , Onions, Potatoes. .11! bids of Onions and Irish Potatoes reeved and lor sale by* JOIIN STARK. Sept. 27, 18G5. <; i:6ROil 4-Urooki C oIIBIy. SIXTY dovs alter the publication of thin or der. application will l iua<i lo the Court of. Ordinarv for leave to sell the real •siato ot Joshua Lovell dereaceb. Oct l‘J-Gd DENNIS DAYLAY. Adtn r • & , LOftFiV, nM: £. & FLAKiSfiH Having this day entered into . a ( oparuiershi p lor the mmm jrairas A.-.D ALL KINDS O Blacksmith Work, lake this method ol informing the J'ublic of tin-tact, and l . solicit their patronage. Our Terms will be Strict .l y O six. N work will leave C* Simp wild pain < t ,Vc will take u < > i c TANARUS: olieo I \ LL persons indebted to (lie estate el \ Abram Graves, tale of I n.m a-conr.- I ty do-, eased, are hereby noiilied to come tOi’ .v .fti and - setHe up. All hold iug-claims against said estate will preseat them within the lime j-rescribed hv law. E D. Tilosll SON-, ‘ dm'*. Nov.. 22, 4.'d Kerosiiie il j I ■ l, A7’ ?* Xi'S ! N. i'ii t ,V 6 A IK s’ e -<??, t'SIATSATM) X* S'’S'TV. nj.AC’Si,. : nt: s?. • s.LJSJ L., t* -a •* ‘ry ft’ *x tj M ‘‘*■ll a. X, „ **. .. .a.r . . - j %‘-9 •• 19 ~v am J j<L • • CL t• ~ 4.-2-v. • l’ tc'iil t it s’ * LkOtir t—. 0~. Lv-if | ■ A dtu!n!s(i aiftt . f uii . jV\ ILL i ■. i ;.. ‘ A I ■-e door T ■ Ilii.el■ -\VII wi i.: ..i.. .i) , v o*l s. t - ■Un f ,", - ~ Ine ’i inrea;- i.. ,1.. u : til , la, tali, n o ■. gum t,. < ~e . .la ..a: .ten vis. a . i .-••a;.I piai. . - It is g< . I y ..ei,i i.a s .[ hii'vl".- jil..e eil p.- iue tioii. it is i.-iianted about, ‘ i.dl. sii m, and culiiaius seven hum!::- I ;:ti-.t ul'iy aens of land, hoth hiinnu )-.-’; un.l pine ! i • v.f ” cleared and i;: eail <-•::•;i-i ion The pluiv a- v. ii improve 1. having a comfortable framed dwelling .am. and an i; -.-e; :i.y out in: 1 inies. 1: is a rare f. r~n . oii>* who desires !■> :< > info i'u Im.Hr.ies of raising Cot i | toil. Tera'soue liii'.l cash tin nail pay. i ..I.!:- in iv. Ive no in: s. N--V ■Jjjjiur- 1 We I!. ILMM’I X Ailn/ | S£Ol'n-E-3 L . - *aS2II-\ s & r ¥\i h r: b l 9 ii T T * iIVC U \\ iV.i }.;%':•■] ft;! HU-1 V;; 1;1 Us f -.itrlLly Id’ lil’ iv i->f'Mt,l , V IUVUj.. i *ll i i.M.iAi i.t-f ‘W'-il w V \ *7 ( . j • S L- . . . <V; i. .. s ai. I..miii. . a U . i. i. -.uf:-. it. . <:i‘ f.• ill’ji> 111 ii 11 1.111 lis, • it. uif kinds. l.oeCi. ol” i.ll kinds. . klilM Tnnlia r, t : ‘'ilrl. anil l*rc*-r r l!pli ri, W iM:d :> :i I diet a lit- ti <ll K ■ (a. Xll ill a-1 ii lid i t-l \l H rr ii in !. et,. übs. t. i:sa lisiu :la. W cuii faev. i Uu:l t liiirii, :st i is •'s lo rriiii t efTri*. 1-ire tii-oas, Njiadna, sliwrrU, itiit-.iiii: :;e.l!, U 1 xA-. a, ji, s,u.i Wool ° ir*wv sacvpev-i* - , jet* LJ .. ry • ■2.4 £*i 2. * jt . t ‘■'■ Sf ‘ * r\ \i*. - ■ •• 4’ :.ii- C id >,* I ■ , <is!. w; - . a r.s, *s. ih:(.i • s*: -.<•*,. Kj.E.Mo ‘ i . - j 15 Jj u j': is • F rSta: •.!. m, *,<) boat*; i;i. ts.n ■■ w, rJ!i BARI. itA€K hKIVKN. HA IT l< PA l, ■ ■ 4 n vt V r vs. >* k.;.vs ‘r.. ov.*::.s, . HUOK Ml *=: ■ sr: Mki mxi's. 6 J 4 >V l l fll.C S|iMn> HLnlvos v Porl^B I t< In i Knii m, I liii tt .jrii, l'rnwiiig liiihm, Hooko. IlNn|i<K. * fc .t *i.. Ac. Willi nit iffiiii inimhei of ether articles tOl> till IJICI'OIIX lo •m iiiiitn TiN waee OK v 1,1, KIM IS Mu fi/ac t( f'd .a OuL r. ‘XI? BVMTH. In it.itti of i’ Khmtn&ion \ j\ *4 V tl ‘‘ ’ MtoiiHis ( c|| H f. H 111 t\r \s e,tSurtiv *4 I.K b, r cti„<,r in the *nM cnimtv. for lev tcroof l.t,n|Vii o .v.xfA,> or the Jhr|v :r:r. H Ml preens inlercvfed He lh , 5v el,iee<in r ether. M*” lxifiv.6 „ Ilf *e poa4 o.i end l*eM tr x H tiv.x noa • r i-oc i' l n( m rf* ctt ri'Hi-i 4< %’ %fiM k-’'’ on Wo ** - M Utlil jv. I.n.v v r<"t’ tv, o*n w riHUv i. v*iv. a- /St Y pkllitiiiioU in 44i* I cm vof \ ‘ Dwir'cs, t'-n i.iiJ 1 1 :u Y J f ; rwoh-v* * .ail'-’ and, ‘.-.srteuT th .11*311.: and two;’ • IW !nm. V n ! 1 1 * ,:, T= ‘"- 11 ‘ an v in the i • •’ ■> *>'' tm STATE I'iiKTIXiITT. The titles are ilitfi “* ‘ rrf ’ wards v.f fourteen **,'“•** , & \ T ’ eleven Huiidred since Wt— p, strength ami cliwrmcter ot tli ‘’ BP 11 l y* ('*, cut crop. The ■ . sfß SE.CJ7XOS e IRE Sl R. tia. nud C The quarters capable of accmiMucdati ag firttiih’ two lunxinril Wnran l.nv rew Uriutaud Saw Mill appended t t • pi; ,■ alien Coni, tedder and othf l p’ getlicr vvitn tho stock c-ounislitig ot n.r i .... \ . will be sold with the plat l erats (Jasli Apply 111 ,1 U Suvaai nr 111 ,1. 11. M. ( LINCH, \ side sir. August Ith>s tt A butitii<itr:itor •*(* • Uy virt u< iaa order of tun tdm m dinary of lirooks C.unity will he sotd a ou|ih first 1 nesOay iu January IXtid, at the ( onn JI Oils.-d-‘OJ- ill said Comity between il.r leu*, salt? toe tiaet ot laud where.,a .1 , lieudiii-’ resivlilit the lime of tils death. W.tL MC.N iT.LY Nov I Is A din'r- FELbIGJZNCZ r n . . A. •* ■* .• ‘,'i y iti ... • .1 . ui ... .u • * kind i..’ itiuia. ia.vtlic, ... i , m di irr to in it foe profitable .to o.ii selves, Vie exj ec, ii i or b netti oti era. Prteiu wiaim.g i u - iii ty fttiy species ot property or to Ptiaußßfc LASOB, oV u get euijdoy tiiti.i v. i . 4i..d it i,. i iu ], interest call onus. <>:ticcin the back 1 .’i- A.ii -V. s I'twvisiou biev*. v.iH.v i oui y iu will Imj y lr !V i ever lr.uiv io Wail o j l : No. L_ mini WALL r. SAN I'DlU.i iG- OiiGlA Thom; bounty. ‘■ ■ . s the'>s.ate .iJi F Oswald deed. i Wl i,,: ut a l.g.L l-cp. esou.alive, all pcr ! ’ V!IS L‘L.l csttd aic inert .ure-iutiicd t*i tii ii ii-ol.jecttoi.s i.. t:.;scourt otoerwisv let. ; lL ' r '' > vvil ‘ be I 'we ! *t. inline Aduiiut,- V a,u ,‘ e: it:-i f . li-.ij', Jt iK-.v-cjiivl .Viol,, • J.ttiuuij. i. L'-e . : >u IL i! TOOKK Ord j V- rsu _ lei ;.-Oii>lt.s, il i)(| a <n lXi ,- >'-W -1 ‘ -'a;. ion 1 ■ r. ‘II I-: .. ! * “ • 1 • ‘ • •’k’ ■ i.i lli If cl i* ; 1 • i Kiiijfh kwHHtd t. ~r.c ivAiCilt', i . ‘lvailn NiUilT, AdiaaK I AjV id b. and ALL AZD AJA TLA . | oi Aic i11.., to. ter iu Vs v_ / ti 4t • , lii k tiUlllTS, Jit.'i I'foUlU i f'“‘ •■’•*--* >j J) iS .M’ 111*. I > i r.k - / irll. J.l. 1; ( •V'.l ilikj, Vts • i ) .~1 : i , dij Hula c>ie o m.-( t .!* loiters ol itiii.-.lii ia oi.p tor me]) -rsous jm.jieriy an 1 e.lec.s ..f I he mijof e.i! . Prti lien's oi U i.n m. jj. o!oley deceased. OhJc*ctiijtis J .il auy, mast li tiled iu sai l c.iur; olhel wise said lc.lere | wi;l he gr.iuL-d and i-“sutd at the < oiiri ; house iu i'iiomasviiie, sai i eouiny, cn li.c se on I .Uoiiil.ty iu J. u jury ne\i. i>ee <i ottj ti. ii. ’iODivK, Drdv. CniiA .iJ!'. H i t Cdntj ‘• iiJL’.;', , ’ .'I e pl-o]). cy'an J (l.i’els of y y ~.. -... ... a.. J. j . min nr th - I i.i.. u; .. ice il nta ion.- Aii pt. ; .ou i ‘‘levin e 1.. hLu lv. I,lc • ■ ■' ; 1 ‘ : 1 -itd cour:. i- .. ” ‘ ■ ‘ . 1 , l•- is tu. li. i. 1 he ■■ . . h r .lor i-i sin l ale • x aLLLR. U.d.. r, 1 . • • v—t —■ —-*a).r ■.. a I .1, . UHi.K.,.t -. m A. ‘ice .a. r- .i | H e.-i i. n j ]■■ . juon j.,r ii-ti.-> ••t ••Hill-.itil ,h.i__ lm .i.s ‘son of J), K.” I'i de >M*ed. A.I persons isicrrs.r 1 iti q iierciiM uoiinsd io i.i? tin-ir wi-iscitnns lo s. i, oi he uriso ;iid let ires wi.l h gr.i'— tvi **>* lilt, si i.ond !i,ond)v iti Janu&r? mil. If ti. *DDKI‘, tirdj. ReeCSOd wcunty •• it l.t. • > ■ ‘ ■ 1 . ■ ! . .... - , ■ • : • i . . . . : ; . . , - X : • . ■ •• < i. 11 : ‘ •• 4 , ■ * 1 • 1 1 ■ ■ • - ‘ i i -i'ci* UWi : ‘ . . i i’ • - *• m•; iv .ii s ii• u v e . : i it* I** I!t i.i sviiie. mi -. ’ ■ - * 1 . ’ I >. nm.y . next. ■ • • • > •: • ■'*a3 kl J-1 iaa ;, county L 1 i !... . n0... | Soil 111 ikes * I plication lotliis fur letters of A i’ nmusiration on ihe esfaleo* Akriitii (trio . deoeased All persons icier.-sir:! nrc 11 ■ I longAfl mi j cot* •; • iil - will li- jji aniei i tioiii.isvilU-,, s;i i county. ih tlie gw* and M. 1 •!■.,. If Jut, .1 > ;.-.•;< 1 . ■■ : * ■’ n * <>r., lM Pollard “ft v .; ■■.■, , ■ ~ ; i-.” i,.,, 1 ’ ■ 1‘ ■ : i < •:• 1 .i| li. : ,- - ■ 1 ■- • f A ; ...i-■: . , f hc.reon. will . )„■ s-f-.i t •■; at (1 Re ! t<) tilt* Public. Adiuitti m . ! V ; ; *MComity at a re_ntiar tom of nW Comt tot. io’i.i at 1 ttntiiitsvilie, said <;.• . rii t!'o sc” nid 1 uesdav in January next. Nov VJ J and 11. H. TOOKL*. Ord f KOKGl4—Tboataii Cou if y* Wliercas, .7 15 Kveriit. Kxeentnr of the un “'! td cgiatoof 11. (;. Sanders, deeea ltuvimr um.k kwowa to this Court that hr do- R^< '’ to rcavu .id triixt. at and the parties di ri-otly i.itcrtasted bein.u over fourteen v*m •? •ft* oil! having mad', choice of J J Ketv :■: ■ t*v lake the stttte. Ai, pi >,.iis mrertssted are hereby notifie to file their objections in said ( nurt. otiierw -el ff i*i the statistics ..’id iuw< of said State, r i'l ino tniii coniplii-d with a rfcwijfe of- -id tins: \\,]| le atiowed and madefit a resr nr 1 iiiintasvi ic, • >■ I 0... v, i ’ sec md tuooday in 4 • ‘a ry ne,v li. 11. TCKiKE, N. v ‘*•) sVkl * i IrduHri i1 Ats ‘tK 1 rai or’s sale. i ‘>!K.I 4 e ndrx Count IVfirmts tecHilvald Me lyeod applies for t tics lit \dir -*r ill— ratatc nf Phi ip 5v (Vvi. lsii.f doccased 1” • •■■■■ th ret • if adtnenish a’i w*-’ • toVYwted f e tile ihcir ofecctjiuis in this Co> ,t •vrtici o w -wnl . t*c>s will be erranted and > to •*.m applicant william smith Not>,‘M t*ri