Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 17, 1866, Image 1

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.<££ niTnnT-T’P'oivr ’px> tch at Ky \Jr w Jt. ISLj j a xi Jtl JQj A\ X-•■ JL\ A,O J’ r. WCIU* 6 Klit©* Proprietor. V OL. 6. £{) S utihu(hfrpris. lCcius i*. uii van, Kui i oit, • TKKMS. Tb* ••* witiikkx Kxtsim'iusb” is pnbiivh •4 w**klj *i Fnit i ytLABs jir minimi •tisiiy ii iuriju*. ApyiaiiisiNG ti:rms • Avvbutiskmk.n i* will be iuserted lor one dsllar per square of twelve lints or Me* f*r each insertion. I irf this rate :i dis •eut ofTitcNTY-rivt: percent w.l 1 !>-i m.;i* tor dv*ntentcits inserted for three months or under >tx n*<■ tit!.and..; in v jwr ni for twelve months or nine. , A!! .ul wertiscinents sent to the ufhre iiiust be taarkt-d with the n . *r to-’ rti >iih de led or the peri 1 !■• he j tth.isiii I, mid in Terrinstiincc n■ • )'tip 1 I -v: i he;: uni required for ] ivun it. Man mg. t m.d tenths will here.w:':er • - ad vertiwtiKUiit. Fpccii. i-diii.i'iul tit/tees will be published and cling--! if dduTiTe tl e •bore rotes. Paymon's ;nu<*f be made in current ‘unit. lit miiM.ices tny he mvlo be Hlpfos* at n k Ail other* ntU't h at the risk ot troye 4li* an mo. c-übseri ers panics w. :be ‘ p : /r*ui the list at the end oft! ■ term for which the subscription h is beeii pait. tns 1* renewed AH cfltnnninicat’ ; s 4 b addressed to r.oynrtoT Sjitnii- i i.o.r fni*. Tho<n**rt<: (ii'jri/iii. i,^ r u. A i>t i:it ris:tSK> T.n. Atjmaslj.'Oiis ln* i-g occarioh, to a Ivor Itli Legal Salts. Notices, t ic., are coni’ paiied by law to comply wi tile folio wing rule*: t AJnUhtrnlars, 3ixrrn!*.r or (iunr , n . 1 ion-.; Wtll sale’ O I. t!|d t-- .-I • >I- • I v • Oil I tilt; ‘ll • .1 I'l'. ‘■ i lit t hy j )a to be ;.vhr r 1 1 and <y in lie niuiiin, bote .1 thn i•f -<ili :. o’clock ill (he l'.r : -mi, n i l Gi.-tt.ll. the Hiternoo'i. a’ t • i;l U|umj in 1..*• t wuui vin w ii t u<* j-r j gi* >-.1 j *i. \ollCr.l Hi dll -• ‘ •- -U he h veil it: public (hi/r/e I’ v/ pays iftviini to ,o* d*T ol eaie. of Prr.'iasl Ntice of the i- o : ’ I' Property nu-t be given *l Pail Ten Pays pr*vi aui tn the; Orbtm s nai t rr.litei'i t ){atietfi to Uetuon* wul Ori-Juors ol an ea late aii!.l be on lulled i’ oi U l>ayb. t>url at OrJiuai) J.mvc to Or 11 I >tK lit a l applicatieii wi.l be made to the l iic l Am’ I at Ordinary f r leave to aril !.. tnu>i ‘oa pnhi'uiied weekly for Til .Midi hs. Ak.u'ni-irat'iOi stud J i:r r Aia tiab; p i k itat .us f.r Letters o! Ad winkstrulioh must be published Thirty D.iys; for , hi.i tr a; A Jiimiu.r.i*ion. mouth- It tir.-iu M.m.i. Varßrlamiv al : Kul..'i lot I. . u in.m ecl M ndguge ma.-t brp.i i-ali and iMoii.olv ill- Foill” .Months. bail x"a;> : >oilet-.- ior vs:aoii-hiaa, ‘>t l’opr s tntir; i U-” puoil-ii'U -or i.if 1:'. :rrm >f I rco Mwo'.ii*. gW-'V.:Vd ion will always be con-j iacfd iit * tbct *'• ti lU- c. id xi k AJU, ATTOUNKV AT LAW. j TXiJIttiTII.I.JI. C 4. 1 b. O. lß\Olil>, RESIDENT DENTIST ’ TIICMASVILLE. GA. A\*■ I 111. he fuU'ld it t lit’ nil r Main! oci tip'ed by hiin for tk hast ten vcaw Y^fr Amr ‘rt-hm RAIiM V, H Vi’NOk; .V. I ff. §?,ie -Ocrticr.s ii) FINE FA'IILY GROCIbPtIES, n- ■vn p n • * ♦ * f >* i ’ J f* „ f miva. k w c * If k_A- Kj • Person- wishing g.mj bargmin* can b awcomndstpd nt the LOWEST M A RKET TRICE Sav.mnttli, tfa Auju-t SO, ISu-'i. ti Dr. W.F. DeWitt KKKP cou.-t.iiul v in apd for rule a wett selected stock of MEDICINES and all other articles uvtally kept it. drn_c atoro July o. IssF). if #, h fUillß & US,, •DEALERS IN riA,f.m v- XJ A’d' ’ •*<! a. W. f-f *•- H f i w - aJ'v’ - J .hdA e. w. O A:ul all kinds cf Jrurnisbing UxoiJs, HsdrrT. ( rotkrrir*. < utlrr? . Aotion-- Ac., Ar.. Ac. At Wliolesale auJ Rest:!. .76. It. jHtinuSit. Ski V\.\AA, (A Xov 22 Smo * BACON & SYRUP WAI TED BA I Mill ROUNDS Sides and 1 “filfKUfarri -t: i Cane Svruj> 1 . OEOl.'tfH PATTEN. dim i >’i t. ‘ A t NHW GOODS. | . iif., t X ) t’!Tl i ICi XP. H tl AV is jtt | 7 7 receitc 1 i hir-n 1 -sor:uent of t;i r A J ¥Tj ! '*, fU] HI til! p f ii\f)|i | i £!?• m liiuii'.iiJatiifi ulljiju I . kviAitat wia; ivjbt, sa:iiM . i •V3E3lf?_ X’ ajO ! i.d I'•!.'• RB ocv OF ALL I'ESt'im’TfoNS, I \ !I 1 l.’sj ci.jOak: 5 II A \V L S, j a RiPTi Mi lave alro n conriT-'e ncnritnetit ol IWady 3[;ulo t’lothin^ ‘EAc/bcda m sac oe- i, AUstfY.ce • and M;i I, a Ijii 1 matte- Aicrs -Li V*. i p ?h’ j, n w T t. - klx’ * x ! uui 4/", k/ Jnl C 5 M. 11> -A* l l<c An ■ ( 4 ac in Pv y j t r v .■* D]/ I p,* xi imbu e Ir.iyiP;* ci.-eiv. et e you will do well <:* call a;, ii xaniintt, our stux-k. ‘! KUDITVriFiv a IIHO. Oct AAno ,'i'b Tfl IT ~T"T'’ -•* /v— i rj Lew 7 AT. J rt 1 1 it*!: p s . |o’ •v Utt trj r *tv*r- I H., j\J [ j J.-. IL 4 v t L, £ X iL‘ fc -;h ELi 1 ‘j.t i'.l'.ii t 6 3.S 1 <■ SV-mY.cE TO j .51 ;•. ill * t !.* t ; ai y ;> ..'v. iu i'Wv’O . -’ ■/ J .J _ . .. fz x * j /..itiierc arc .tvvo or tTiivc i aanim; i I'rccu,tLis j>!m • * : > SaveuLiih, xvLir;? *viHellmiile ! I f*e>r\va*4f wit 1 * IX ,J AES T)HAT Towjk Ti. !Sty>. A u HO Yf * F Sc 1. 1 s*er. t) euisns j vr-""* •■ • n 0 r rr'-.v ;: ■ res -j i 1 . > , Kj'+z *-• V_/ ♦. W - . 4. W wk. j FOUWAIIDIXG BiE B’OlH AUTS, I tii Say si!., MAVAAXAJI. a Consignments of Cajtion for sale iu this mnrkei or 1 i >hij tut lit to ®nr friends iu New York, lb.ibtd djdiis, iioston I’.iltii moro. Liverpool and iriMny nre solicited and liberal MilvsnceS tna !e. (led era for •YinVs Li |Uor, Crocetivs. \c., promptly s tended to. AGENTS FOR fn inf Jf Knevj asd VmiCt'Ur<|*ol VIL.\ .1 •. i Vii\ Jj i : 1.1 ili t , i v .\ EL fv. t.'O’S., P.’ iue I'in**, ands. I, do Tenet Ade j Gs<irgs’ BOB&LAWX liAEi. N • v 8 6ai o GEO li. RLEDGE, dal Jolt; ale .drear j AND SKIP GEANDLER,’ Oli.M-atAL COMMISSION \NII | iuuihxA uifia tiEiuaiAft i o/-Z < Piiri-ir Sit AY \ -Ul, HA. toiisi iui supplies received• per S earners ir ni N w York. Ord r* by Mail, r.ceotn* pan:ed t y t en, ilmice.?,.promptly Allied at the lowest in . ket : :iecj. Nov S Smo >~o >v C’• $ 6 N-.’ y . /sis, 4 > i w-e- • W-‘ a LA-J. 4 . Cu Li ii xOoiuii iiii.u £ui\W AhijiGu MEXICIIAIVTS, Jcwch* Hlock. fur., 3J:tr & AbrriorH Streets, SAVA.\>AU, a. ncrEUENCKs: Messrs. Dabney. Morgan ft N. Y. JarvurSlado. Esq. i Gardner Colby, Esq. Boston, lion. J. YYitey EJu ands, “ T.iberal tidvances ntade on cousignmenta to Charles L Colby, New York, and to our friends iu Boston and Philadelphia, Line of Boats to Doct ortow n, No v 8 EiitsiGi) X Eei()i);(i), Whoh salo and Elelail DEALERS IN FRENCH,tERMAN, ENGLISH DRY GOODS, Boots & siloes. —frr.rßT cfeo., i-vl f'ONfiBESS STREET. t>ui SAVAN.VAir, GA. . tiihO\}i} i^^Ti rs 1 a i ha i choice, luicredefved U flu* >-!*• ,bv .TOHN’ 9TJH K Pipes, Pipes. 1 \ |k t *fk Pipes and Pipe ilea -, ali kinds, : 4.UUU ii ui a. ,Ci..'y L>p* to tiiegenuine | Hereof haum, and ti fine assortments SinisWnj*’ ‘ TT>bti(*e<x K ‘eeived an 4 for sale bv JOHN Ali KT THOM AS V l LIE, GEOtIGiA, W EDNE.SI>AY, JANUARY IT, 1866. I lIgANDELL k CO, HHHM'iWitth C#riser I?;*f A kkCVi'niP^ iS'.L i .LYAM/A A.l ( A largejnnd well Assorted Stock # ; Cos A STANT L Y ON II AX D And f.jr sale tit T.o v-s’ Ma*ket Pricet. X. F-—S'; ictal lifter;tferi given to orders by mail accompanied with remit anee. Xov 8 limo FACTORS AND (Soil Aomniis i n'l! retails, Corner of Drayton & Bryan Slree's, X'V f::. SAVA.VMM. Ca If. ■ ‘ll I A EU S :-rr*fr ‘ —----- I ihiPti’liyc ii Coiuiiis ion ill crcbant.s A N I) >. 1 A > Ji.iV STS6iiliT, iS'.-f Kol A t\ .1 //, GEORGIA. IITE go’.ieit consignment of Cotton to v V ourselves andoitt’ New Y'ork ; iends. 5Ve are prepared to make liberal advances on rceetipt- el produce, and end. avur to give oil lot attotilioii and prompt returns. i,"‘fcr'ii ; crs: Jnß.jßcrtvcn, ■ P rest. A f: G P. R” Col W J Y* ting. Thomasviii •, Ga 1 j ■; ji]f) :f. >f! * fi I A .fi J i \-i P? r )•! uU j# i’ v )fi 0 CcHm Y.iciers AN D cc.lijiijissioi) fil'lnian Bf.. Vn slilp'.jan J. P fIAHRISON, late of ilia lima of Pave A Harris.m. UPWARD IIAR It ISON, J. lb HARRISON, Jr. SIDNEY 11A It Hi.SOX. Itrpi enenled Isy fir. w li. lU’TI.ER, • fetor lo Ail llansrli, .MesSi*. ivuliit slick, 11, Wolll A Rro. Novi 1 m A J \V M Sirutli. 8 J Moses, .\ttin!n, I.rxmgion. Colum/.iu 5I * 4 vS { f il <k pn vP.r Pi | ujp ii R 5 iH):n o M r T’ ’i r - - ,'/N-A yp g- T ip n , t C . C oi A , > f. o i 6 ’ i4> x > i* - Jo •Jj XM ® X* KJ u. iuj *X uj *-> -y A toriuirV g yj fjjnnt, M A V A A YAH, tn ri O IS ii IA YYill make liberal advances on Produce ‘drislgned to ns nr out- friends in New York, Boston,*Philadelphia, or Liverpool. AGENTS FOR l’Y sß.vn ii*i ca st s: an xs &ti aaiv i,\ And ofher' u MailUtactorias. Refer toulltii* lvadiug Merchants of tli City. Xov 8 on’* |{ >bt. I*. Tork, J. R M I- yr* M. k. Williams. P //. Y sxl mi williams, mm , i. 1 _ AO CTIU Y AiY5 (Lcnunis ion yiayar^. BAY SB, SA YARN All, GA vo unit l.uuilifl SUMUTED. Briglmm. Baldwin'S; Cos, SivarmAlt Gnden & Um kies, “ Isaac D. J.aßociiv, “ Hunter S; Gammell, “ Erwin & liar dee, “ Hiram Bob rut, ” W, Woodbitdge, “ L C Nor veil & Cos. S T Knapp X Rro,, Nw York D II Baldwin & Cos. “ Nov 8 liino TI.SDN iX (ioIUiON. C OTTON i 40 01iS, mm Ai iiiisG IVE J13K.0 YSAINTT . 98 Bay Street, HAYANNA'iI OFORCfA. Special attention will be given ta tiie sale of BYBlip, LU.MBEB, UOSIX, TI'dPEX TINE. ,\e. -o:o- SAYANNAII, lsti, Sept., 1805. YYearo again in our old GRiee, prepared for business. An experience in this city ot over eleven years, and cur undivided attentibn to all business entrusted, induces us to hope for a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. VYM. li. ‘J I? 3 ON, W.M. W. GOH DON. •1,1, tmt is?,, YY HOE ti 8 ALE DEALE.BS IN €OdH, OATS, HAY, FEEO&c. Cornef of Broughton and Jclierson Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. I z DOWN Y¥JH YL ; Tl ;y'i.. sjii Have now beady kuu inspechon, and are .const antry receiving additional supplies of the latest styles of STAPH AVI) P X E ID FL 0 0 OX3^, SUCH AS ICEYfII IMBIYOM, Ati I. MOflf, !)35t,V YESI, WITly IMIpiJV St 8* A<’ OH, and the latest st vies of 1*16! VT'.** *Vt!t TE HtMIE BV. it u E Vfi*. BibT|()M.l mi I SliSifP -*Si I.t i'i, YET<t and I YTY IS VI’S. HtfllT H'niiln flvoils, njidias BIVEARFAST taUU ;M KICW, SOYTICS anil 25 0 0 S>.*t. b - 01 t!ic la Hr,, ad way stylo. READY MADE CLOTHING, All vrool Cariiiifrerf, I><> Skinn, Siitncls. and Ivtoitncky Jnims, Linlieaarifl Oent;* ✓ ‘ - 130 Os A. O SIIOEs A great variety of IST O T X O INF £3 „ ATpTtR'Tu I,o J tU?4,om:d - A lut °< rii LA Lrl (/.l Iji £>h.JA A, uu<f EBA /JJ ER ot <*ur own to.uimin, Many other articles kept usually j.t a Dry Goods .store. Comean.lgivu them a ntll \l.ev will take great pleiisurt- m snowing gooits, and you will be cou'rinced jlptttliov Will sell MmPr'-rood* An .Loyv as tlie LoYV( ; st / * N’"'vda will ii ‘"l it to their advantage ta examine their at ,ek and priesa. A. T. CUNNINGHAM. D. G. PURSE, CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Factors, r orwardino’ and Commission AlorcliaiiTs, XO. 4 otadd*. d’s i.o',vot Ctoree,’ Bay Savannah, Q*. HEFKRENOEg. *-' s % VMift, Bivv,*k Aft A MARY A CO. AtUat* “ v ‘ : ’ “ L I‘ GRANT, £3O P-t G M • GriftN • .< CATO, LOWE, A Cos :•> i: ,i ‘l, ,!Al.on:i k Cos. , •• 0 U JE'-’SUP. Esq.. Madison ‘■P\” RARijUi’ .1 T li<)t FKUILLKT, 8W & U Maooi (M.AGR* UIN M I;- NNI * NU,,A w J 1 SNIDER Esq. Macon. IMIINIZY & CLAYTON, August a, II K YYASHRUKN Esq. Vnv ’.15 Smo * * JOY TO THE WORLD ! * - —. HIE INT R 6 1) U OTTO X OP PEEY DAVIS’ PAINKILL EE! TO TIIE SUFFERING HU.MANITV OF THIS AGE, Has Relie\ed moro Pnin, mi l caused nior© Real Jojf tiiau anj other onethin g tli can be Ht a ‘ lifif nb for every wound! 9 Physicians use it, roconnncn I its use ; the Apothecary rinds it firs inpng t i.e Medicines called for, and the Wohftfttile Druggist considers it a Railing article of ■is trade. All-the Dca'ers in .Medicine speak alike in its favor ; and its reputation ns a Medicine of Great .Merit and Virtue is fully and perm an eii Gy established, The Great Family Medicine of the vlge / EVERT VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A'POTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDEN AT, TACKS IN DISEASE. TAK EX IXXEIiSAJ LY IT CURE* Sore Throat. Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Month, Center, Liver Complain:,, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain it) ti c Sdooiach, 13<>wc!l Coiripkfhf, Painter?’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and"Dysfery, “ * TA K EX. EX TER XALL Yif dUEEA ils nmPOld Styes, severe Hums ad Soakls. Cuts, Drii'se? anlprai rs Swelling of Feet and Chilblains, l’optlouche. Pain in fire Face, Neuralgia And Hlieumatifrtl. Pain If tiler infernally should be administered nrit'jj milk or water, and sweetened with su *“ if desired! dr made into a syrup with nu lasses. For a COUGH ant DRONCHITs il -’, a few drops of sugar, eaten, will be more affective than anything else. For a -ORE THROAT, gargle the throAt a mixdflre oF fain Kill* and A*r, the is immediate and eure positive, £ Jfov fawhly^lqoeby \A 1 > HARDWARE STORE. ONB DOOR NORTH GAuL.J.IiRV o- STORE. JUST received a largo and \vell sglocled Stock ol Family narJware, Cutlery, Ac., oon-isting in part of Cols.-e, Nai’s, Bag.ciag and Rv*pe, Blaek, (Jroen ami Young Hyson Teas, Grind ed, Claiitied ond Blfsiwu Sugar, F.t.gliih Dejry nip! tiusnvtl Chi ose, Gus!imi Butter, Soda and Butter f'rackera Buck wheat Flour, Onions, Potatoes, Piekh-s, Powder, Shot, and*'up*, Factory Yarns and Usual.mgs Pepper, Alispice, Cloves, Ginger, Nutmegs, Blu.estone, indigo, Copper as, .Madder. Snuff, Scotch MacCsboy and Bottle, Liverpool and Coast Salt, j Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Hard and Hollow H are of all kinds, I’ocket and Table Cutlery Spades Stiov els. Folks Hooks and Lines of all Sixes, Willo Tubs at;d Eut kels. intact ever) thingdiaaaliy kept in a first cbisa Prov 1 sion sto re, All of which will be sold low, Constanly receiving fresh supplies. Highest price paid for Cotton, Wool and Hides, tail mt ee ii. ii. AiNsMOKTiI. “"mTsTmiivek. |)e;(icl* IN MTS, SltS, IlffiiS IS, No. 172, Ilroughton Street, Next to Corner of Whitaker, IDISTPiOUCKS oi l GnOCSJRY STAND, SAVANNAH, GE BGIA 2SO (Lund Sfrctt , 2\\iv lark M. S. MEYER, Successor to P 0 . VnC9 :ie: ' t - piyO^tter, Dciilcr in CI.GTmwG, DRY GOOD?, FCjfINIHHfNO ‘GOODS. Congress St., Opposite t!to Market, W A VAX.VA 53, (h A* Nov 8 v?mo ROBT BAt.FOiC , Pealk': in 151 Broughton St. o 4ur f Baruari SJVANNAH, - - - Cn 8 My jAt ions may rest Bured that they wi bo ed with the Choicest Articles. HD\ ton H I* Bickfobji DAUU.XGTOS A BICIM OU Commission iHtrtjpnfs, Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, &a, Ao. 108 Boy Street, A’orth Side, [over Anderson's Wharf,] SAV/iNN/111, - - ** Ga RnTct* by peroiintioa ho Lovell A Eaiti'niorc, Savannah. Bell. Wyllr k f'hrintian, “ Stunrt & Go. i *! Hulsey, Watson A Cos., “ C G Leary, New York J Eneas & Ob, “ Nov 10-^m EKEYEII BIIANDY, .TO (tenia n Drink, at tlir “Our llohhc.” All Other Drinka ‘ill Cent*, at the 1 ; “Our llouar.’* — * AI.l! on Drnnght at Ike “Our llokw.’i CienuiuaKratch Whi*key at the “Our Uonuf.” lint Whinkf I'uurhexul the “Oar Dioane^ j SAVANNAH, Oct. 27, 1865 Tlie nndcreigned continues to transact the business of a BEItfSBAfi CenillMlOT fyiER CHANT AND FACTOR Hawing had many years experience in said business, he will pay the same strict at tention to the sale of Cotton ann other Pro ‘luce, ana to the purchase of Supplies, as hi Xonnur years. lie will neff have any interest in the pur chase of Cotton. Idber 1 advances made on Consignments. . Offlte As. 9‘2 Bay Street, North side and immediately East of the range of Buildings owned by'CWghoro and . G’luniinuiiam. Jan 4-8 m A. 8. HABTEIDGE 11 TURMy $4,00 A YoX, i AeivkAHl I’lnjemx Foundry And ‘machim] shop. riIJJIS Establish mF-.t ! ncfw ia n • >*.i l u| '*• ration, ail# > • ><red to rnal- t*if er Kl*T AR O X >111.1.N, • l all iiiitjKol'Mill W <‘i k. ” v t- keep eonirtnut on hand. Sugar mills . f ’ *ve*. Burk Mill liin flenring, Iron 1;f i j . rilug from 10 t* t 1( U it hh> s,< Irene, Si i> ■ • j\Kri, pot*, Mow, 1 A. We make to ord ; * uf’c of Iron s4 Bra** <’iisfinga. Our p mo* reasonable itivr-rtsa'rv.U. Uountr .•* -..ken i#, ebaiige for worUatmat . p. 1 * S *’ (,'t Coin ttflintf, Cfl: NMy.B3. if FOR SALE. ONI. of the most plen =tant !'.ni- , Jene'ei iu the City, fur • mall family. Convenient to business portion of the city. K.o term* and part icii bit-.* apply so K. REMINGTON A* SO.N, J.-wf 4-3 t Tliomnsville, G J* Lt V 1 I*l* £fL sns A • COTTON FACTOR * Nfljp All EiliM TV£ o x* e It £v toct. No- 94 Bay Street, SA VA AhY.4 11 aA. Notice. STOLKN from iny place a the night f tho night ot the 2bth, a Mouse colored More MILL, very RgliFy colored, her tail funl munc is shaved 1 \. ty cIJ-e. She I t about 12 years nM, her m.trtTi- ban bee M Cttf very bud with the bridier. Any info mation of her willtb? lhtaki'u ( iy receiv and 1 will cojn uay,, on.y ■ r her cowry. My plaee is acjfui ~.v Jan s-ts K. R.vkISKY STiAfn^iTOTEL I ■'M.DOSTA'.iftiO g of a gt<*i ha.-mscr f been bit at this p, Lue, an bieb. has be n induced to take, charge if establishment formerly known as fit o <lo*ta hotel, which will be thoroughly re> paired and refitted, and opened fnr ih k< conmiodatiou of the traveling public t the first day of January noil. //nvinj had some experience iu this line of bu ter*, lie believes himself competent to nder his guests ooii.TorlaJße and tb tnuk their stay with him both cchtifortable an lgree* able, and no pains will be spared uetivet this object. 11\* table will bo ruppliod with the best the market aliords aud char* ges moderate, C. T. ST FART. Attached to this //otel is an etcwllenf Stable where careful and trusty Lostlete. will always be found to care fur horaig anil attend to any thing iu that depart* merit. Jan 4, if Fresh Drug’S 1 . DR. I’. S. BOW II Adi has jut t, received m large stock of fresh Drugs,'purchased at the best manufactories: in the Fit ted States, and embracing svtry article in the Medical Department. J 1 is “Dregs wet* purchased with the view of supplying the mapket with flic very Best Quality of Medicines manufactured, and the prices were t ; therefore eouaulted. Ih will noveriheiee# sell upon easy term*, and feel* ecus that, be >m giveaatiefaetioa. Thankful for the liberal patreatge tb landed la him heretofore by tha people Thomas County, he hopes to merit a eentim. nation of their favors. 11% may be fcuu4 at his old Stand opposite Remington K Soft. Jan 4, rs J>. 8. BOW JTR. Notice, rp///;Rev. 0. A. M formerly | Teacher in Mete her Institute, desire#, a situation as Teucher in *oin Institute, Academy or neighborbood School. Ad dress him at No- 11 A k G it It, Clinoki County, G;\., stating number es eehalftra, probablesalatV, S°. JaaitC ■7 Notice to Buyers- I* respectfully urge upon those who beaght. \g property at the Auciila ldaca, Aaiala K R Young, te remove their eflecte at once. Delay willauhjeet both ,th#ni and the estate to U>*.-;ea. Agajn 1 say remove yenr propeitv. Sleauhij nai slrCadv begun. Jan T ts DK HR AN DON ’ sui'iH i N’i kn’tS'of v icii a.” *.7” Till . December lAih, 1*65. HSfSwriP*® ‘NOTICE. Shertost and'roost plciimint rrfntcto pri Waltbourville. Uiceb>ro', enit Sun berry. Thrqngli Jtrom Thomasville so Sav annah in 30 hours, Via.Jtail Koad 105 Miles. Stage ‘22 Mi!ee, Nteam Bout S5 Miles. Tboinasville every Monday, Wednea day and Friday, Arrive atJ.S'avannah every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecliujt with Nfeamerslto Baitirnore, New JYork and other Northern I’orU, KETURMN'C. Leave!Afavannah on jMonday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrive at TbemiteV illo on fut-e ----dav, Thnruday and ftutarday, iu time *o con nect with Nta.ges to A'hany, Ga., and Talla hassee and MoatJcellb, Mo. - Or J. FULTON; Nup t A ifefißlt %* Tallahiivsee Fl< . icii Albany Pot not copv ttyo weeJis .i id bill to this of fice. ‘ f jan4if j‘, W. R A JiIJN, F. • Oyrf’iyysss i TtTiA l>tj i r js u t Efui vth't ills :) • No. 140 Bay St*eid.,. c iiv;t ’ nali, Ga. {fas resumed hut-inesp r.r.r lie: s frOVtk Gieß ftind*fiud paur'hi oi tie !-.a^ NO.