Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 14, 1866, Image 2

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An Arr entitle | an act to prevent the apr. a of md I'* >” this Stele: U here l. The Small Pox has h* en in* >1 eel .i>i 1i- k"!y to pread into every co uiljf in th t St *e. theref>y canting great expense an<l trouuie t* the p ople. Sm Ist TWtfcr the general Assembly of (’ State of Georgia, that the Justice* of the infe- J rior C iurt of each county, or the cor porate autho-it. , of any town or ’ ■ any esae or care* ol - • .! I‘ • c appear, or has appear, i, are h .. ill. . ire.i an ! empow r. .* r > ft M a oitab‘f Innpitaj for t!i**~’ so ai<B;ct* i to farwbli tfcfai with wJlcal n f ..t(i r attcatiea that in their , atlhrei ■ iAM ‘I ■>/ <pife iJao, to provide proper quarantine reg ulations to prevent the apn i *f *4 1 |'r i. !■ ! i GT р. r-.fis -hail bo forced to leave his or h m to go to -aid hospital when thar*- properly provided for in 1 •it Ita expense ‘• i til ’ abaU nat pay a'rty'expeine .of esrc ho situated. [ . Btti-|l Thai ni 1 Coiirta or corpo rtc authorif:. shall make.’- or cause r \t . j rOj r sad jo * on. . a’l expense secu rn lt from. -aid . qmit m'’ oe md ither .• | , ■ ithef did r nursing of ‘all th MB Ibt y have under their control,A and who f’ e regulation f said Oou ■ or v rpurafi UWBfifUS . S ! And bo if fuifl . enacted. That tlie Inferior Court and ’he said ■ corporate authorities in th. several j ‘•ouiit cs and cities of thi- k ’ ate, be and are liercby authorised f • levy an. extra tax’-ufficient to pay’a!l jttstsn I с. -• debts eon tract and J dr the. provision* “! tfa - ; • Hoc. 4. That his excellency, the Governor, be arid ia h< hy reoiK's t and and requii 1 t * pro in the nee es-ary” quantity ol g.’Miitr* . vaccine matter at such reason-d !.* campensi tion a- lie may contract for, and have the -aim* fraoMhitti-1 to t!i jij-tiocsof tlr Interior Courts of each oouuty in di;- State fa ;non Ii tie us See 5. All law j nr parts of law* militating against fiii- act be an ! the sane ure he* by rep* n’f> . Passed in tlie 30th of Janua- I ry, ISO<i, l’a-sed in the Senate. Assented to by tin lovornm, sth ! of Feb., ISGG Published for She inforitation of the ; Inferior Courts of sail county in the > State. - Drbt—l* it tim t-t* \t e see that many cred to.s are be coming impatient with their debtors, ! and a r e talking about -md* g and are ! sueing, getting jutigui nfs and only • waiting for the “stay taw to be repeal*, ed or expire by its own limitation, to * tc'ixe wita vu ture like rapacity the j little lett the debtor, l! there ever j was t time in the history of human tia* nature, to show forth those noblest ami cnnnhlin • of all sentiment of our nature --benevolence and love, now is the time.— He patient, v■ e ditors autl ! one lurage hy kind words those that owe y u to redouble their energies and go to wok arid pay tiu when they are able. , No man lias a spirit to work, when he knows and feels that his creditor i- ; Watching with lynx-ed cyg*rnos his afccun ulatkms, ami that the capital he 1 is endeavoring to get l rgether, to lay the foundation of making something, will be seized and bo thrown prostrate. No man"'of sensitive feelings will sul ft i himself o be so tn ate*l. and rath cr than labor, h> will let his creditor lose by his want of indu-try. Rive ami let live should he the motto of all, and where honest industry is trying to rise, let it rise. For the unprincipled wo have not a word in this and deuce; but to him win is striving to pay lit- debts, ho should be encouraged .limy a good man has been lost to usefulness by rapacious creditors. Recorder, in ihr Hour. The New York Herald publishes an enumeration to which we attach little or no importance, hit sonic may have str >ngor faith tha*> .nrsolves, and re gard it as proof that tlie Radicals are reckoning without their hosts.* It says: k lo re arc in the House, a-t it is now constituted; excluding the Represent ative- from the eleven Southern States reeently in rebellion, one hundred and eighty four members. Os thi- number forty-one arc Peuioe : iV y-thrce Republicans vited in htv a quali fied negro suffrage in the Hi-itriot of . Columbia, and are th r* ; ’ r* entitled to be called ooiiservaiive Republicans, llesides, these, there were eleven in cm bers elected us Republicans who voted against to ;m suffrage in every form in which it came up. both qua! fie 1 and universal. i heir names are fee. rdd with the Democrats on every vote ta ken on that measure ‘I bis gives the anti-iadic ! strength of the Ilou-e one l>uod r e<i a ] five votes, as so lev.-: Dcuociats q] * onservative Republicans 53 Republican* voFg with Democrats on epoh vote j] ! Total 105 This leaves tlr Radio .1 i’v seven* ty-uine voles out >.e * undred nod eighty-four, ci ‘ act mo the benefit of all the can ab sentees w hen th vote hi the negro suf frage was taken. I'hr n, >- favorable c\!euUtiou, tin retoif. t at can h. made far the Radical- gives the conservative portion of Congre.-s twenty-six major ity over them. * ♦ * * * - Capt. Sc manes ha niepared an elal” orate argument, which was presented to the President, by bis coonscl. Judge Hug’ . , in which be claims the bene fit nt bp Sherman-Jhooston parole, and th it under this pnrole, he is en titled to be discharged from prison un til be shall tut tried a i convicted. (tutrrprisc , L c. 25.7A24. - - Editor ar.J Prop rioter. I HOMJU9VILLE, KDNRBD IT, 9 CRY M, 1866 Ra*s ! Zlags! C*h will be paid at h> ErtoprlrjfifW, • elr hi rigs r ■ - R of all kimls will be receive 1. ptovi le.l iliey. ire . Van. T.n W W n*U lots >f I’.sgs Is *he offisc heretofore, and : t. received pajmret, are reqaest ■ i. MM get their raon y. . • IV'Kowlt R. H ’ A rii'-ar Qu’Mibiii. th, to • . i - y I - , i!. ! ... - ■ I.MJ f >r . !v. -:-ing rfud subscriptions ill *h>- Cit> -..f Sr w Torkl . • . Ai.i: Nt r im:n : y n,i; vmtts: :• \ i v . 14 looms VWlentiees, jest . fat .i k N*i- A e he 4 the [ wawre of awthg in i ii sanctum, thi- morning, Mr. Willi M Hu* i, dtitor of .the Baiahri Ige Chart .j- I layass, a eil edited and popular i mil. Mr. IktaseU visits ‘TksiiMnt In -in'*-; * relating Its hi* paper, ami- will remain i > ■so veral lajra /it u •>, ippy to meet hi- did patrons in (his piece, .ni * l receive - ■ script ion*, fee the /1 Comp'us. . ‘ . tiCTibx a ronttisHio.ti mu ni; • We eaM' tent lot • ur ■■ ■ v .. - to ■li ■ idvet ti . in iiei J m, of lbe lnet ion and Commissi n H of J. 8.-8 Ltrtvis Cos. Tii m i mb’men are r.o'v ’i • intly ofTeriiijs t’ ii- - t A n ■•* ■• n , (inr < ‘.ii els of go°da of ’every description,, md exeeH i I barg ins are now to be id bjtboie.w o it nd iiieir regular itdea . -s w e w •—— NFCiIIO TROI'I. Some.of our excliang s are at-present p il. in• ci - 1 ti. thi* sufajecU ‘ Tin '•En r/• r • ntly r mgi iiulated it -i upon the withdr iWal ”i’ the t’ city. Us;! • did n ■: know what uisinst we for them. ’ While tiit* I-.'.iy irer was rejoicing, ><•<■ kn w t h ts a fresh And hungrier, swivtn were pre [ hi g- h re, in ktritle their coast, aod ufa ilitfereut color. The Macoii Telegraph ot the 7th insteql, loudl -protests igiimflkc garrisoning of that city with negro troops iml sets forth a crime wuli which t'oeysig irilixcd th- ir a .vent. H e sympathise with our eotempornrws from the depth ol our heart, though the evil lms hut re eiitly come up >n them. It. has been upon ire in this section, for many long weary months. Toe eviUof negro troops in the South can not be counted. We cannot do the subject justice, and it is useless to discuss i*. If tlie No them people desired to spit upon, insult, and so embitter South, as *o render future reconciliation and tranquil ity nferly impossible, there was not a more effectual method under heaven, than the employment of. negro troops. ” Arrow* the Atlantic, the prat eat civil tear of m •Jem lime* hat l.c-it h roup lit to a ifdtr ; and, it its termination was signalized hy th*.- moat atim i ms nssassinatioi. recorded in tiis tor*, the memory of an individual's •rime Inis aim .st heeii etfueed by the luipurutlvh <! xj/lcii lor /’ a whole nation '* ctvmcney."—London TANARUS, lepra pit, The London Telegraph is published on (lit* other side of the great waters, and all it kn ws ol American matters, is what it cull- from Northern papers. Europeans, no doubt, tlii'ik the North has shown great eh no ncy toward -he South, because they have not hanged every one of tt“, as Maro peaus would have done, and as the Radi cals of the North i impose to do. Rut what clemency have wo experienced? True, they have spared our lives; but so distasteful to them was such mercy, that they have oppressed, annoyed, and lrumili sled us iu every other manner they could invent. The •* unparalleled tplendor of a whole nation’s clemency,” is to be found in the following acts : Fust —The abolition of slavery without compensation, in which the South ern people were shipped of tlirec fourth* of all their wealth. Srconl —For attempting to defend their property, they sull’ red a four years war of desolation, destruc tion anil death. Third —!\ lien finally defeated, they were declared rebels and traitors, and i deprived of their et\il rights. Fourth —To allay the cowardly fears and gratiiy the fanatic hate of a North ern clique, the si ves of the South . e n people were made their mas ters, and placed over them as sol diers, to humiliate and make them feel, the bitterness of their ene mies revenge. Fisth —The cowardly tears of the Radicals are now passing measures in Con gress to keep the South oilt of the Union, les; they should meet again ! face to face, in the halls of Lon ‘ gress, those brave Southerners they Jared not meet in t e.field. This catalogue might be continued ad , inuntlum, but we have not ■ space. It is > sutticieut to sho* some of the ** tplendor of a whole nation’s tltmeney.” • • New V rk, Feb. ’l. The Herald's j Toronto tii-put* |i Inst evening, states that the Fenian attack on the Canadian frontier towns is hourly expected that the Provincial military qre under arms in all directions, and trains kept ready at that plaee and Hamilton to transpi rt troops to any point. . Hamilton. W.'. Feb. 2.-Gen. ! Sweeney and Col Roberts,, passed through this elfy last i.Lht on the ex p. ess train. < oi Hooker, the -mbyor and (dii-tl of i olicc. passed through the train and viewed the sleepers. New York, l’eb The United State- steamer Narei-sus was lost dus ring one of the recent storms a< the en. trauee to Tampa l>ay, Florida, and about forty persons—all on board per ished. New \ork F’eb. 3—A Washington *1 octal -ays the immediate withdrawal ot the French troops from Mexico may be regarded as certain. The reports are confirmed that an extraordinary e nitni-sion has b en sent to Mexico to m .ke be nece-ary p.rej aratjon for the*’ iitinu. she Kuiperur n. longer insists upon the recognition of Maxi mdian by the United F'ates. but is sat ‘-tied with the renewed p omiscs of this miveronient o a strict neutrality in regard to Mexico. New Orleans, F'eb. 3 General V, *itzel has i.-sued an order directing every commanding ndieer to cauxe the arrest <ji a ! armed persons lurking in | the distriot of the Rio Grande. -i * A military commission in now in j session at Ursxos Santiago, to invssti- i gate the Bagdad affair AH person*. ‘ whether resident* of the Fnied States j or Mexico, who are conv rsant, with J any of the circumstances of the affair, : to appear. General W’eitze! has issued an order forbidding the mastering of the lI.SUi * colon'll infantry, until the report of ... 0 j From t -’ci (A oner. • .W.a in, Jan. 25. i 866. S diantl •-f yester la y nod to-day the B * i ! - • }| he radicals have the tw.o-third*, power in tli “ I as n .as .1 th .i I rase. • This Bill, whjci ■ ntl II 1 e liv more “ii- th most radical and arbitrary measure. 01 --, stem (: n easuri • rl -■ i so far os the “South is coo ccrtitvl. • • . • , •I !i. foil iwinw are th • provisS itw *>: the bill as it”.passed:. . . • • That .the set to.ert hHsti a Biratv for, the relief of “Freed me o ind Refij gees, approved March-'*, IBQS, shall Cos) tints in force qi ti .0 her wise pro-’ [sided by lav;, as 1 shall, tend 1 j rtf- ‘ ogee -and freedmen in a I parte ftic- United Stall t>, and (ne .1 resi lent. < f vi'lc the Section * c inn try centtniohif: - ° ■ n it i ■■ or m . Stat -s. ‘not to ted t w li e in num- 1 bin - . an-l bv an 1 with the advi'o© and. consent of the S 1 11 .•. a; tint an A-- aiataet Commissioaer .so each of districts, who hall give like bond, re- l reive the same coin pen tti m. ahd'j ur foriu the same duties*prescribed, by. ■ this act and the an tt which ibis is an amendment, or the - 1 Bureau- niay, in the th I. nos the Pri lie placed under, a <'oiumkssioncr, and Assistant Coiumissioi>er,to be detailed from the army, in which event uoh of-- •fleer.-, .so assigned to duty, shall serve without increase es pay or allowances.’ Sec. 2 provides for the division'of istrict- into sub-districts and the ap-’ pojjitmcntof clerks, an I authorizes the President of.thc Pnilcd States’ to ox. tend military junsdittion and protec tion over all employees, agents, and other officers in the exercise of the du ties authorized or imposed upon them by this act. Nee. 8 authorizes the Secretary of War to issue provisions, fuel, clothing etc-., lor refugees and freedm n. ■ ‘•Sec 4 authorizes the President to reserve from- sale or from settlement under.the homestead or pre-emption laws, and to -et apart lor the use of freedinen and loyal refugees.*, tK*le or female, unoccupied public lands in Florida, Alabana, Lou.-ana, MissT.-ip pi and Arkansas, m t exceeding in all three millions of acres of good laud; and the Commissioner, under the di ■ rcetiunjof the President, shall cause the same from time to time to be’allotted and assigned in parcels not exceeding fifty acres each to the loyal refugees and freudiiteri, who shall tie protected in the u-e and enjoyinent therco , for such term of time aiid at such annual rent, as may be agreed on between the Commissioner and such refugees or freedmen. The rental shall he based, upon a valuation of the land, to he as certained in such a manner as the Com mi--inner may, under the direction of the President, hy regulation prescribe. At the end of such term, or sooner it the < Vunmi sioner shall assent thereto, the occupants of any parcels so assign ed may put chase tl e land and receiv a little thereto from the United States, ;n fee, upon paying therefor the. value of the land ascertained as, aforesaid. “See 5. That the p. ssessory titles granted in pu. uancc of Major General Sherman's special field order, .dated at Savannah, Jan. lb, 1860, are hereby confiraied and made valid for the space of three years. “Sec. G. That the Commissioner shall, under the direction of the ‘Pres ident. procure in the name of the Uni ted States, by.grant or purchase, such lauds within the dis'riets aft resaid as may be required for refugees . and dreed men dependent on. Ihe .Govern-: ment for support: and he shall provide or cause to i e built, suitable asylums and schools. —But no such purchase shall be male nor compact for t 1 *t* same entered into, -nor other expense incurred until after appoi prulion shall have b'een provided by Congress f r ■ the general purposes of this at-t, out of j which payment or said lands shad be j made and the Couin-issii uer.- hall.cause such lands, from time* to time- to be? valued, allotted, assign- and at and sold m \ the manner and form provided in’ the fourth section ol this act; provided ai. wavs chat the said lands snail not be j sold for le-s than the cost thereof to the United States. Sec. 7 authorizes the President to extend military protection to the Treed* men in all case* of laws making dis crimination against them on account of color . “See. 8 pro eribes punishment for , subject ng freedmen to slavery. Sec- J) repeals all acts inconsistent with the provisions of this.” Senator Saulsbury declared, in a speech against the bill, that it will cost 8250,000,000 to carry it out. It will involve a large increase of the military ‘establishment. It is.entirely hostile so the wiser policy of General Gurut, whieh was to turn tlie Froedmen's Bu reau over to the military. Under this bill the two powers, military and civil, acting in c ueert, or independently, as it may happen, can be used to oppress the people* The sth section extends the posses sing title of the negroes to the Sea Is land plantations for the three years. At the end of that time they will un doubtedly i ecei ve a title in fee. •ST” Gen Frank Cheatham, formerly ot th-? “ A 1 my oiTennes eo, O. 8. A., has joined the church. He received the sacrament from Bishop (juintard, a few days since. ‘vsrvumm. flow vs„ T it Tu • Do It. I hM|k defeated, tl e >outh. when judged hy the figures of her, Wtßlsd the admiration, and even wonder, of the whole world, hy her heroism and perseverance in her struggle for independence. 14 she is not free, it is not because she did not withstand shocks that would have blot ted almost anv other nation out ©f ex -1 i.-ter, cm „ The”official statement by the . I Secretary rs W*r of the number of volunteer- lurtiis'.el by the North to put down the dvil'wit, show- snow • ■ ■ _ ieent Mralon wl •on ‘ jet thing* on- this Continent, ind especial.y what the mU®* warlike • i in f the population —ilia Sooth •to I 1 win i tU-v f* f el *n earn •A-- ;ording to fbe statement referred r -*. .. -■\ w 1 rk, Pennsylva nia and Ohio, famished for the fold tt", - ?e at fth dr 1 otir p tpaiaUmi, ..wb In i- I~t and Illinois greatly ex • .1- *1 that ratio. The new State.of taaans exc *1 l th -m all,- having lur- : ‘i shed eighteen per cent, of her popula tion; the calealati mbeing I used on th< three yus’. standard. Kutiynted. by the mm standard, vis: three, years’- - rv lee, the grand-total .of all-lhe States that fought a.-aiis! as is 2,129.041, whilst tin- total of 11 en aotnaßy turn- . isbed was 2.653;002, be Wig over one sixth. t the ft-hole population 0 tho , : -I [li In. States ! ‘ • . . It will j c borne mi sjirid that this kvast nutnlysr iacludes only the volun* i f ferns. .The regular army and. navy, t<‘- • g -:l.*-r witli-2 > -. •: •’ •• for 1 tre- pa re*l 1 cruitcd in the South: as they claiui t*. [ lan ‘almost fitml-m- ti .-are. v Vh > will ; -y, .-iftei* tins, that tin- did not make ti i/i'.rtsi fidit—such a-no other! people on on rib ever mu de before? — j ."/ w (MI T trffrffph • . ‘• -. :| limnt’- (*<-iii r:<!xhip. ■ The London Army and- av- \( luzef tc, edged by V\ . 11 Buss’?ll, ot limes’ con’e-poiKlenco fame -in noticing Gen. (/r itit’s report, say s : j • Gen. Grant’s 1 beery of war is simply : 0(1 )of the enemy 1 shall- not at I ’ -pi v -'iiategctica! iimvi ments. 1., .-h-al 1 not try myself in- the open Hold ; ‘or raise cainpaigne against Leq ; but l * will fight the enemy whenever. I ea:r. j in th’ - conviction that. 1 will make him i lose as many men as I do, and that at J lust, when 1 have reduced my anny’to 8150,000 he will only have 50,000, and . that I must then win.’ llcsnw no po sition, practiced no grand movement, but hammered away till he was near- i !y flattened: but at the same time [other, tremendous armies were hum-- merit g a voy .at the’ Confederates oil similar principles and the tcrriblu rule in arithmetic was worked out. But who, seriously and can idly speaking, will pronounce that slieh a system i entitled to the praise reserved for high efforts of military genius? Nut Gen Grant, soy he appeals to*thc g’'eut end in view as the justification of his pmc tic /’ . 241151 s>*<. The contract for furnishing the stamps was given in 18(11 tt>- the S'a* iimial Bank Note Company, whicl. now annual y supplies 220,005,000 more .stamps than in the first of the contract. During 1805, the company furnished Government 400,000,000 stamps and the demand has fre(juently exceeded a mi'lion and a hall per diem. The fol lowin . wiil be read with interest: Tire largest number ever delivered in one day being 5.02J.805. Ihe con sumpt on oi stuupsof differ nt values may be un lerstood i'r mi ;r statement cd'thn proportions manufactured in the uioiith of March last,-when there were delivered to ti e Government of (due cent stumps 175.200 Two cent stamps • 11,477,250 Three cent stamps Bt),lh‘>o,Bso l ive cents stamps 275,040 • Ten cents s amps ‘ 10,100,040 ’ Twelve cents stamps . *122,800 Twenty four cent- Stamps 480.800 Thirty cents stamps 140.,U50 N’inty cents stamp's * 10,*>o0 • J'otal 11i;025,G20 The valnf* represented- by these stamps. 88,2<*7,100.50 i lie et tire number supplied by the National Bank Note Company up to ilu- present time is one hi! toil three hundred millions To meet a demand so va.-t, presses are sum-times run night and day, and to a* oid error in account's a daily balance ot the business isstru k. . In iurnish ’ ing'this immeuse 1 umber -represent* ! ative of 1 value of 810,001),000 not a j single loss involving cen.-ure. to the ’ company has occurred and ihe stumps . are printed, perforated,, gummed and : packed for delivery Irom the com* i i patty s office to all th l oiled .States ! Im.-toffices—for twelve Cents a thou sand. „ • — • — — ihe. CoHstitutiouul Amendment. — •The foUoviw. is-the CoisfitoUoß*l pamcndiiicnt as it pa.-s? and the House ot ile] -i < sent at. ves, \\ ednesday lasi. ‘-Kep-es -ntative sha t he apportion-. ; cd. among the several Btate- which may he'included within this Union ac cord eg to’ their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed ; provided, whenever the ehcti ] ive franchise shall Ik denied or abridgt ed in any State on account of race or color shall be excluded from the basis of representation.” Lan 8 for the Negroes. —Senator Trumbull has introduced a bill in re lation to the Frecduieti’s Bureau, in whic he pioposcs to reserve three miilion? acres of good land in the State of Florida, Mississippi, and Arkansas, in parce.s of forty acres each for the use of negroog. The Kentucky Senate has pass ed a bill to incorporate a bank in Lou isville. to be controlled hy negroes- The bank is prohibited from having* any connection with the Freedmen s j Bureau. [COMMCSICATin.] Ariuanln I,<!-. >o. -M7, ) JiM.lnT, ISIUi ( IfAerca-*, It has pleased Almighty God [ r 1 ve from am-mg-t us uur lale FttWkj | Uroiher G. J. Grave. Ilf it Resol red, Ist. That while we bow ; j in hnoible reverence to the will of *ur Di vine Creator, in thus removing our brother from the cares and troubles of this tran-i j tory existence, we feel that we have lost a I g >od and true citireti, and the Fraternity . a l-riglit ornament and useful member. • . Sad. T • ■ I: l!.e r-l.i‘ ive- rnd. friend* ere tenfie our heartfelt -y tppa’ hy. .in this rju-ir afflictive bereavetneut, assur ing the Mr that Be who tempers-the wipd U) the si orn lamb will Mi so sake them, but will fold Ike irms of his 1 ire and protec tion - -.- .un-1 se-wbo pal tkkir trust in *Him. • • • _ rtf. Tlia 1 copy- of thesie resolutions be ‘.j Itc 1 upon the minuje- of! the Leige. . 4th. -1 hat a copy be sg-m. to 1110 SotHhetn Enterprifi for pub'ication, also -i : “ tbs family of the i. ce 1-- .1 1* H; IHI'II'KV, • 7 4 ■ ■■.■■■■ A. P-. BERRY. ■’ 1 £ | • .-’ R. VAN BRUNT, |.g . W; i\. JMCIvS, J 2 4•mw - - * Olil-Mt C'it? in tl>- World Dama-cu-is the oldest citv in the. world ‘lyre and Nidon have ctumhlod < 11 the shore: Baud ee i- a rum; Palmyra In h'ui'i and in the.sands of'tiie desert; Nir fteveh and Babylon have di-appeared from ihe i Kuphrates Da-- umsous remai s#hat it was before the and :- of AbraltUta* —a ceoter of travel— , and i-iatid of vvrdure in. a? <lvs< it — ; 1“a preside ntiul capitol,” jrith martial and sacred - asaociatiot 8 exteuding through .iimiq’ than thirty- ce tur.ies. It wits • • ute t r Damascus’* that Sard'of I Tarsal? saw the “light above-the i right-1 ne.-s.oftlie sut>,’’ Tliestre t, which is I called Strait, iu.which it was said -''He ! : prayed,’’ still runs through - (he city. T he caravan came* an 1 goes as it did • ; a th lUsaitd years ago; there is still the’ sbiek, the a.->, and- the water wheel:. the merchant of the E'.ijfli rates and of] the Mediterranean .-till occupy these} I “with the multitude of their waters.’.’ - The city which Moll anted. Jurvejteti } from- a tveighboi in'g higbt, an. was afraid to enter, becau.-e it‘is given so j man to have blit one paradise,* and ftn‘ this was re strived not to have it 1 lin this- world,-i.- to this day what Nl'ire 1 j lian called ihe “eye of the Ivist,” as it j was in the time of Isaiah the bead ol’ i Syria; from Damascus came the damson ami the delicious apricot of l’ur'Ugul, ■ ca'led damasco, damask, our bcutiful lahrio of cotton and silk, with vines and flowers talsed upon a smooth ! bright.ground; the damask rose, whit It was introduced into England in- the | time of Henry Vll I: the Damascus! bUde, so famous the world over for its keen edge"and wouderurl elasticity, the secret of whose manufacture was lost when Tainerlain cairied off l ho ar- I ti.-t into Persia; and that beautiful art ; of inlaying wood and -teel with silver ! and goid, a kind of mosaic engraving and scultpture uniteii — called Damas keening, with which boxes, and hu leans nd swords, and guns are nrt.a niented. It is still a city of’ ffii-wcrs and bright waters; the streams from Lebanon, the rivers of Damascus, ti e rivers of gold, still uiui'mur aml spar kle in. the “wilderness of Syrian gar dens. • .’ ‘ ... # 4- ♦ * * The t-ulilor.’ 111-port. This being the last issue of the. Photo nix lor the year 1865, .Johu Phoenix thinks it proper to sgbisit to tlui pub. •lie an annual statement of our business affairs’ for fhc year past, alter the man ner <d our insurance companies, ban king institutions, railroad companies, ebatyfal b- associations, Stat and coun ty organizations, Ac. Be pi rt. . Time ilet n asked to drink, * • ■’ J 1,388 ■Drank, • • 179 Requested to retract,. 416 Didn't retraci, • ‘. 416 Invited to parties.-receptions, prc. . si. orations, etc,, by people fish-’ ‘ ing for puffs, . • 8,888 Took tiic’hirrt, ‘ * • 88 Tbreatt ned to be .whipped, • 74 Been .whippo I, . • • ‘ U Whipped’ the oilier i'cllww, _ 4 Didn't eouie to time, . 70 Been'promised bottl.s of cham pagne, whiskey, gin. bitter?, .rum, boxes of cigars’, etc., if we would go after them, • 3,6501 Been after them, .. 1 Going ag t. n, ’ 0. .Been asked ‘-what’s the • new* ?” • • ‘ 874.841 • I old, ‘ ‘ ‘ 15 i Didn't know, . 200,000 Ued about it, . . 00,000 Cash on hand, ’ ‘ 81,720 Gave for charity, ’ •• §5,00 '’ Gave for a pistol, ‘ . • £28.10 j j Swoin “fi -had habits-, .. . _ 7-22 | ■ Shall swear off this year, . 722. I Number of bad’habits, . ‘ . ‘.O [ Independent I’hoewix. . * ’ M hat Next •—4 he- last, diaboli-m ’ propused .in ‘Cotrgress.'i--to tax the ■ l-Southyrn-State* to pay the sxpeose of • keeping tr. ; ps among them., it seems* vv are lot only •to submit to .mi iturv lay. but for - the. privilege. ot.J I having it. ‘ . 1 he sooner Andy Johnson disperses that parliament, teaches it to behave itself, the better for the coun* j try,--Telegraph. ‘ • Immense Rkveni k —lt is repor ted authoritatively liotn Washington that the internal revenue receipts for | the month ot January amounted to j within a small fraction of two hundred milion of dellais ! . W ith such receipts the countiy need hardly consider it* ; self in debt. There are eight requisites to success in a law suit — a good cause, a good juice, a pood c unsel, a good attorney, good witnesses, a good jury, a good purse, and last though not least, good lucx. A gentleman who left General Forest’s plantation, in Sunflower enum ty, Miss., says that he was preparing i to plant a large cotton crop. Hein GEO. l L‘. PATTEN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ti(o 11A.<iVII.I OA. VI7TLL purchase and sell Colton, Bacon. TV M oo*. Ac.. Ac. on j Comnlarion, forward Cotton and other Pro ! Vhicc. to’ Savannah. and Goods tmm Dcp | other points • • • ‘ • •( Orders'and Consignments solicited. •. F. i | • •• • . ‘r-XiiF . : GEORGE PATTEN, • JP o r w a r cl in §, • *. • • AND ‘ ’ . COM Ts i#SIOS MGftr II 4 \T. SAV.VW All. ai: O (t(j IA. . . rjItNI)ERS - the It I T sville ..;••! the'Planters of Ttipinm (hi:ijy. forth • forw trding of I! .ds.tht- sale of Pro-nee and* parch so < f s tpj lies..and ra spectfully solicits tlu-ir patrofuge Feb 14 • • . _ 7 *m* To the Public. IlfEWg to.inform the public of thin- city tr and vi initv that we have just received an entirely new stock of •. Wl\a>; AMD U^VORS, such as, Scotch Whiskey, Bettrbon, Whisker Cocktail afid Old ‘Rye, ..Brandy Ccmkthil, (Mnrett,) Uc:m - r to l?r ■ ,14. I.’iao Old it > aid . Gilt and Gin Cocktail. Scheidatit .. . Oordial Schnapps, Jamaica Rum, * ,"Cider, Slwrrt,’ Pert and Ginger Witte, Scot !>• Ato ami London Porter, V. ■■ ■ iiw Cot dial V"y!-M!i Cordial, j i Pure Havana Cig-frs. Fin,- ( “ , wing Tobacco. Also, Oysters ‘m the Shell* Cun Oystorq, . ■ Saidines :i:ui Pick!. 1 v and mil. Avery tine ttnsortiiient'ef Fruits and Cannes. Stewe I O vsti ra Apple Toddy, warm Whiskev Punch, every night. * . MOSE; & YOUNG. Fob 14 . . 7dm • EandrelfCs Maiden sv?:*s. \l,Ai\’Crli hit of. I.;(idret!, “•> ? laI'!S!B thirdru NrrtU just rec ived and for sale by ‘ . i>:: \v v. i *i ll r. . Ad i .ininj> Store'pf . Kubitf hek A Bro. ’ FeVj 14 • . 7 if IJJSTIMfKIi’T tOVa cars fully oompou ail ed by. Dr’. \V. F. DeWitt. at Store iug J-Kubitsbek.dt 14fo. ‘ feb-145 ts IVO'i'ft’ .li iTH” It 10!V,.< • H’oaine, Po-. j mades, assorted, Sotodont, Bell < ologito,. ida Water, and .nil other Pet fan erj Ftincy Article: kpiin a Drug St > for sale 1, v * i, i . * , ,\ . i . i■'l AV i 1.1 -. • ‘ Feb U . _?_7 ts t J.LflpfCS', (••■ ‘. ‘■! g\ Peppi ■ who ;. and whole, Ginger, > iu nanion for sale by Dtl. ft*. P. UtW.l'l l. Feb 14 ~ • ’ ?tf QC S.Y J.■*■;s7, Castor Oil. Epsom Salts. Salt petre CopbeeiS, Sllljllltll , K\!ra “S I.:ju Wood f r sale by Dt . W. F. DeWITT- Feb 14 . • OYTC TEI <'N A 15 llsh. ‘.H of C.:l - Mcc.l for sale : i “ thfi Magi Place,” nine miles from Tliomasviile, on the Monticello road. Feb 14 7-ts • . WM HAMMOND,. >T"OTICE. — A!! persons indebted to tin- I are requested ; forward and settl immediately;. and all t • • having tie/i ■ against k,e. will pi -vi ii cm ..t inv nnee | I In Thomasville where ;11l my papers will be I I f: wit Imy Wife 1 jirent All dt ; muds j I against me will he liquidated ns soon as set: le its can lie obtained with those “indebted to I me, and they are earnestly requested m make no delay, as S am prepai iug V> change ny place ; . of residm eas early • • • Feb 14-74 t 1 B. LITTLE. aEEAT T> A 1> fl A IMS?? !JD %> - 7 1 11 OI . •AT • • . rjc r- rz? z? r; 1 r-r r - t, a^* •.* r J- V K‘ 7 A.Vr *0 Si Na ‘la Uwry • ST 2S ’M757’ * • Alii* j;mg I- ~■. h h ! IlUimOlS. 11l L'Uili*:i:L‘UAoW llUllUil, ; ■ .>■ \i to liolilfoerrj'•* Mtore. rjtHE atfention of the_public is called to the * large.;tnd varied assortment of Woods of all descfiptionii eonsigiied to ns for sale i’ AT 4 TTf^T / I °or at pi ivatv a’e, at I7cm than Cost, Ladies are particularly .; ‘ i,, ’ euli and I e;.aiuiiieo-.i. lii • Moods and’ Pi i<-.- s. • It is. our iaienti in lo make li is the Cheap. > 1 - . I ; ui \ .IF-. ■ ‘ in ii hi .-ales on-Wi dne.'day.s and Satin’- I daj s—d.:v :;nd nigift. \ ’ . and. It. S. DAVIS, ’ ti. A..JEFFERS, F"e*b 11 * 7-!im* • & DAVIS & CO., • Auction & Comm ssion . MERCjiAN TS> Aril iloor tn 3S.A. 1., (tolilln rn ** MSo|-e. S'OLICI t’ (ousigmiieiits i ! goods of till ih script ions. Particular altteution paitl ii Idling real ifnd.peis.oual property. i Auction stiles on \\ edues<laysgnd Sutur ’days-—day and night* . . • J 1L S. DAVIS, 0. A ..JEFFERS. Feb 14 ... ivim* ft. ‘ r ’ ft - f7 A . i tw- TELEGRAPH, VLbLISHKD AT ‘ . Macon. . - - ftcorirla, DAILY AND WEEKLY. j tß.it. nni:i:i> & ma Et\ni\, Ihliltn'N. TERMS OF SUBSCRIP.TIO.X Daily edrtiou. pes annum ‘ |]2 00 Weekly, edition, per anmiiq ‘.,.1 I(m Subscriptions received for the -Daily for 7 ss than a vtear at.the same rate*. .‘Tin-new proprietors of the TELKtfRAPH ■an- reeolven to.spare no labor, or expense to make it the I.KUH.m, Jiapei <Y the state if not of the South. In addition to its regular corps ‘ d I -diiors—win- are men of Hindi e.vpei i and,well and .favorably known in tin- South we bate employed able c< rrespondeutsat- most of the leading points of interest—soph a- asli-’ ingt So New .York, Pat is. 1. a. ~ I H ‘l"-’ Fr/i‘ —The h ading feature in i the 1 ELF.C I, API I will he its de vo* ion to the i rights, interests and foelings of Georgia and ! h*r stricken sister States; we would lui them | np from the ‘valley oitiumfliation.‘exhort them i to a forgetfulness of the past,exc4{d it:- glories, .mid nerve their airms for the arduous struggles of the future. . U< if-'ii rcittl Dt partm nt. —The Commercial department of the Th‘LE(;IfAPH will.r. eeive “special atteirtlon. Daily re|im ts will tie given pf ail the leading markets ol the Union together | U'ith a tnl! .weekly review of the local market; ; while, on the arrival of every steamer; Eiiro j pean political and conmieieiai accounts will bo j given. In this resp.-et we hope to offer such j advantages as will make the. Teh-givnh an in dispensable visitor to the counting ru in. of , v ery merehant aud tradesman. • . ;■■■ Education, Agriculture ami the Meehans : Arts will be foateied aetbe true aounretf ft all j National aud individual proHperitv. Tho Weekly Telegraph 1 he Proprietors take a special bride in pre senting their WEEKLY EDIIiON to the ; public. It contains right page* J Ft sty-six ‘I Columns, almost exclusively of reading mat ter. is each number, and is point of tvp >granhy and general appearance is without a rival at the South. Specimen numbers sent bv mail to all applicants. Address all communications on business to W. A, GED & t 0., Fob 14 7 Proprietors, Macon, Ga. CITY TAX ORDINANCE. 1> Sl’ OK WAS YE 1> !>y thr Mnyor mud • > r il f the Town _ t 77,, • m aivitlr. That first day of March. 1866,tha 1 low . g Licenses and Taxes shall be assessed 1 npoii occi.patious and commodities in sc|d f .'ivn. as i er< m,after specified, to wit: i On each hale of Cotton stored within the ! corporation f D ! On all Retailers of Spirituous Liquors, . in quantities less tuah a utiart. (each 1 peraunnm ...TOCOOO. I On all Venders of Lottery Tickets**# Gift Associations, do .i o 0 00 * On’tlfl.Express Company Agencies, (do.)ldO 00 I On one Vt H - er, i do.). IS® 0Q . (tn each Ril.utrd Table and Bowling . . Aliev -’ ‘ 150 00 Oi 1 i Itinerant Tr ders of Goods, • •• Wao * and Mefebaudise, each, first ” week ‘ <■?’ n ” ‘ Ami f- r each week thereafter.. S® 0® On alf Pedlars, esieh ‘ 150 00 t n aH M i ksters. Cakeak) Fruit Stafids, on i . per year 1(1.00 ; On nil Insurance Company Agencies, do. - 50. Oft *. (mall-flank Agencies do ...100 Oft On a!! font horse Omnibuses or Hacks. do • 3® ®® ‘ (in aft two. horse Omnibuses, do 00 00 On all two horse Drays or Wagons, do.. 00 00 . t *'i ,1! one horse Dravs bVft'agons. db..* 10 00^ On all t: >!i resident Daguerreau. t’hoto graphic or like Artists, do ‘2O 00 • On ait non-resident Lawyers and Physi in Town 10 OO On alt Circusesuhd Menageries, per day, each. ...I* 00 On all shows or Exhibitions for gain, do. •,), ;. 15 oo Ou all. Li very Stables each, per year.... 50 00. fin all Stock-Drivers of 1 lorsesor Mules, sold or offered for sale, pec day -5 0U On all II Pigs. Sheep or Gouts slaughtered, ands. •!< f. or offered’for sale in th .Towu -i ~. ~Q ii 11-Beeves do., do., do - 50 I i li - mat ks and brands of all - langhtored stock to i..- brought with the Bteatagu . t . On all regular Buti hers, for the use of staU’ the Market House, por year,” • .. >0 00. : On all Dogs, of all grades owned witlpn tKetowu perhead,...! 2-00 ()n :il Real Estate and Stock in Trade, i a Tax i to meet aud defray indebtedness pf the present f on noil to * ■ . la- assessed on the umoaut of ttpda hereafter l” be ascertained from tho i re urns of the Receiver ol the Tax | . Returns. • Re H ‘dallied ‘ y thr author tip a fort *-'. That U produce and eatables shall • i■■ ram to a* and Sold at the Market (louse, wi hours of 5 aiuj lo A. M- ’ . ( • /.•-• it fnrt/i r o u ■t, Tliat (in- charges : fortwo norsp DraTysor Wag ms, per load shall , b/ , ~..*77cts, F Do do. do. one horse ..Jig I’. Mi tl EASIIAN, Mavor, AttCßt : WM. ( LINE, Clcnk. j . Feb 11. . 7if * I “VTEW PICKLE® POKKJ--A No. I * i J.V tirticlc.Jnst receive! a: j Feb I t it. JEFFERS k SON. I? D T? C II X it 1j 01l 0 . : O-rocenes JGrVE.fIS ii. SON H U■’ . •( cc-.vedii huge assortment of i'iniii nail Puis try Groceries, X. * at?. >C3 “ZT- ZZil X O N M , Wood Tin Ware, ■ which t ey ofrer for.**;il<* very low pricen, At i.licir new Store, hxi daorta (ioldbeiTV • •F. ■ 7 2k * <. i.. uirks f | A \ 1N( • associated tl-.ctcsc! ves together in A * the PK.trriCK f “D Sm iKK, tender their I’rof .-sional Services to the citi /.i-lis il \al losta and Lowndes County. Feb 11 7-It - ‘ 1.1 tate i William 11. Sihlev, late of Thomas Count v, deceased, gre lit rehy required to make immi-diato payment, and ail persons “having , chums against the same will present them iu I terms of the law F. J. BROWNING, 4u 10 • . Adm’r. VO —All ihtsoum indebted to the er -18 tate of .lohii C. Browning, late of said County, deceased, are here!>y required to nialjo intmehiitle jiayment, - and all having claims ■- the saute wHI present- tbetn iu terms of the law. ‘ F. J. I) OWNING, Jun 10 -ft’d . . Adm'r. V7HOLESALE •IWI h •FFILL.AER Si, I OLLAK, !•>< llmuylton St.'Soranriu/i, (IrOrgia, \ I’e enabled, tiiroii-.di their peruifinent Hottso ’ in B iston. to tarnish .lohhei s ami iß’itlers in this ( ity ;is well as those*in the Country, with more advantages and conveniences In the ISOOT .VU> S33<>i: TRADE, than fitly other similar establishment. cimm -i ii,, ‘ . DEALER'S IN • • ’ BOOTS, SHOES, . ‘ ‘ And al kiuds of Jfuno-jjiiig (Goobs, Hosiery, ( raclirrirN, Cntlrry, (Valins Ac,, Ac. At ft hoiesale apd Retail. 7. JBt. Julia,, Si. SA VA.MttAH, GA ‘ Rteraia. Tliaimix 4'oimty, ) ■ Tliom isville, Feb. 5,1866. ) • rue Honorable Superior Court fortheConn- ■ ty ot 1 liounts, met • ursuant to adjournment. Present his lioiiot, A. U MANSELL .ludg# Presiding. i.. DERI.K, Clerk S. C. The Courthouse aud Yard bring in posses sioii of lie l. S< is Ordered that the Court stand adjourned until Tuesday after the fourth Monday ii this month, and that Jurors, ; witnesses ‘ parties, and all others interested, do attend punctually at 10 o’clock on the morning of that day. * AEG. li. MANSELL, Attest : Judge S. C. S. D, •LEBBECS DEKLE, C. S C. T. C. Feb 7 • • • 6-3| NOTICB —Tlfe undersigned having cloned his niercat tile interest in this firm, ear- I nestly requests oil pt.ruoiis indebted to settle ! their aceounts immediately. • ‘ . .; GEO. PATTON. 1 bouiasvdie. I eb 7 . 6-ts IJOK BAI/K. —One Portable tiugiue nail ft i-ist VI i,l. ti horse power. Ka- I quire it this offi:. feh 7 6-ts ‘ ON •?>; First tlomtiiy in April next, 1 will apply to the Honorable Court at Ordinary of Thom,is Countv, for au order granting leave to sell the lands and real estate of tlosiah lluist, deceas'd. STEPHEN IIUKST- Feb 7 . 6-2 m VOTEC 11. Stolen from uiy lot four mile* . it south of Grooverville, on the night of thu 2‘lrd nil a small Itny tlmr, heavy built, in good order, blind in one eye, and has a lump or enlargement on the ride of the knee joint oq onn of bet hind legs. She is a very red hay. no . v ite about her. and is about I<> rl2 yearn i ofd. Any information leading to her wnere? aboutß will he liberally rewarded. JAS. A* GROOVER. Feb 7 6 2t* OY the First Tuesday in April next, agreeable to an order of Court. I will sell before the Courthouse door in Thomasville, within the legal hours of sale, the Real Estate, it being one half interest in a House and Lot in the town of Thomasville, the property of Jared I. Whidden, deceased. M A. WHIDDEN, Feb 7 6-l<M Adm’x.