Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 14, 1866, Image 3

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A. T CUNNINGHAM. D. G. FURSE. K J. LARCOMBE CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO. FACTORS FORWARDING AND COMMISSION 2Vd erchants, \o. 4, Stoddard** I.owor Range, Bay Street, Savannah, v. a 9 • ft sVoare making;-- liberal advances as any S nlier’.i Ilou-e.on ( oitou <thip|M-<l ihroug’i ■l ■ • w York or l.irrrpool. We are role Agent* for the Slate of Georgia, for the -ale of Wilder A Co’e celebrated SALAM AXD Elt S.Y FES Also, Agent* for Mope-’ PHOSPHATE O LIME, the beat Fertiliser manufactured. Nor 8 0-3 tn NOTICE. Administrator*** Sale <V I'KIIYIY, FEH. 1 . 1866. \ft' r ILL be sold at rbe late residence of Shel V v don Swift, deccaeed, •' -milee south of ThoinaiiviUe, on the Maitno'is Rond, all the perishable property belonging to the estate of said deceased, consisting of IlorHeft, Muli't, stork Cattle, Stock tloir*. C’ot *i it ml Fod der, Old Rye, BSucoa, salted I't-rk, Lard, Lot ol •>jttip, Leather, < otton Lin, Plantation. ISlacksinitli and Carpenter's 1 ool*. v% a?oni And many other articles too tedious to men (ion. Sale to continue fr >m day to day until every thing is sold Terms Cash. JOHN’ .1 PARKER. Adnt r. CV X i HI A S',V I FT, Adm'x. Feb 7 ti-td I” gv TVI ILY GROCERIES. t J IlKundersign'* 1 are now :f-ring Fauiilt I iirorrrir, Cheap tor Cash, at t: • stand of David H.irvel'. They are also preparing t > receive :i large 1 lot of GROCERIES Os all I>rcriptions, at the mine place which the r intend idlering to the public noon the ni ts’ reasonable terms, for < ‘Rsh or Country Produce. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. F*f)7 (i dm ‘"TAN YA'EB. Having :onvriu out the ta> v ir of (I. S./hi it Ac IJr>thi*r, at Tliodi isvili *, and letennin*d i carry <*i the business of tanning tlie undersigned w II |it chase 10,000 I Vm mls OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David 1 larr*!l's Provision Store, wlAre they will be paid for in Fanrlr Groce ries <>r Cash. The mi h rsigned will al* > give a liberal price !r (<> ts ti > 4, .4 II Y 1C li. for Ts iiuiu*. JOSHUA TAY LOR, JAS. A BROOKS Fob 7 G-Giu Tlte yi;sl Populiir iinoa OF PIANOFORTE INSTRUCTION Rlc]'<i *t vv lletlaod, Ha\ ieg a regal. tr sale of Twcnt)-fl *• ‘lhio.i iaiiit Cojihi :i Year. It is superior i.t excellence to all other *’ Methods, ‘ and The liaeli that nm Needs far the acquirement of a tho rongn knowl-lg- ot’ Pom-forte playing! It Ya adapted t nil ilinilc, of Tuition from the Rudmieutal stu iic.- f tie- vonngest, to tile Studies and Kxergists of Ad ain-c-i Papils Two editions are published, one adopting Am • ricHil, tlie other Foreign Fingering When the work is ordered, it’ no preference is desig nated, the edition with American Fingering wil be sent. sure that in ordering it you are par in specifying the “New Method.’ Price $J 7.0. Mall- 11. past p ud. Oliver lYitaon A- 4 :.. Publishers. ’J77 Washington Street, Bos.on. fob 7 ti-ts ■VNC TK.4LIIERS Con-icier these the Best Collections of Music for the Pmnofort ■ pub lished. Circle: Marches. Waltzes. Polkas, Sciiolfisehes. Red >w t s ‘.be <!ril!es. Coutra Dam es. Font Hand Pieces and Piano Gems, and VHis. (Inn, of German Mong : Beautiful Vocal Compositions of the ises; Ger man Composers. Piano Accompaniment.— Mbower of Pratisi Vocal Duets witli Piano Acconi|>iiniment.s. .Silver Chaiil | 1 Songs Ballads. Dimrtcttcs. Da.-ts, Ac., with , Piano Accompaniments Operatic I'cnris: Vocal Beauties of the best Operas, “it Piano i Accompaniments. A;I sent, pst paid, for fl.t.iH). or single at tlie t flowing prices:— Plain, Cloth, full t;i!t. .<l. Oliver Uilson A < o . PuMisners, Keh 7 Gtf t))7 Washi gton st.. Boston. Tivcnty Thousand Happy ( lit it; ren, Are using the new and popular Music Book. ’■ tlrrrf f hinn,.'’ containing nearly 7’ Hundred B <i ~h .t ! S irkhn g .songs. Pi c faced bv Easy Lessons in Vocal Music and Pleasing Exercises. Over two hundred fhous sand of the author's previous Book. “ The Golden YY renlli.” were Id. and thi will be equally, if not more popular. Price .Yhct*. Sent post paid Oliver 3>ilson V Cos.. Publishers, J 7 7 Washington Street, Bos ■ n. Feb 7 There is no Book for Choirs SUPERIOR to the - Harp of .lll[tail * bv L. O. Etnetson. Sc'v ntv live T .otts and Copies have already been sold .aid toe book givt-s the greatest degree of ..tifae*i >n to all who have used it. For Choirs. Singing j Schools. Conventions and Singers ; Home, it ta a collection of music ti:;:r is universally liked Price. ITS a cope sl’Jailor, n Oliver ]>ilsn A- Cos . Pub:l'i’ers. ’J7 7 W ,i; g toil-Street. B -ston- Feb 7 o Ti (! > OKGI Y—Thomas ( oimir, £o<irt oj (Jr i nary ./frnny S ,: , 1 sdG. ; HEREAS, On the tirst M inlay i:i Marvli next, Rachael A. Alder.nan, will apply t > this Court for left -rs of admiuis: .-.omu on tlie < state of William Alderman, d.-c d:—Yl persvas in ten-sted. are non tied to til ■ their o’’i viio ■> iu Haiti Court otherwise said letters will lie granted iu t rms of tlie law. II II TOOKE. Feb 7 G-30d Ordluary. OfOHGI.Y Thmuio f'ouutr. b’l <t 1 7‘ Ordinary. .In nary 27.'h. 1 ‘■hsi. WHEREAS I'he Estate of W C. Branch, deceased. i$ without a legal representative : — All persons interested, are notified to tile their objections in said Court, otherwise leiters of administration will be granted to the public ad ministrator of said Countv on ihe first Monday In March uext H. 11. TDOKE, Feb 7 6-30 J Ordinary. 1 ONI the First ’lmuDo in April next, 1 will sell agreeable to an order of Court, before the Courthouse door in Thom isviMe, within the legal of sale, the Real Estate led of I-aud. No. —*l in 17th District Thomas Cimnty. the property of J F. Singletary. dec and. Termi, made kn< wu on :he day of sale J- R DAVIS. Feb 7 R Adm'r. PATENT RIGHT FO ii SALE. O The Patent Tight of J. MASSEY'S :F* Q Jh. 33 Xj 3E3 COT iON PRESS In non Gllt it H no Sale. ! r pllls Cotton Press was patented ;it V.'ash- I ingr.m m IS.V. and sin, .- t!,m time has t u |oy.;<! aim Ist uiipr. i.-:, ■ -mla-lry. If is w. u Known tlMotiglmut uc st of ti e C'o'ton h'a^ 1 s. i11,,; us ah coin a- is with Ag.-nts and “)r s.-c,ions have expired, tlie ori iriiG 1 patent, nnen.-imiaeivd, is now ottered for j l '*” il ’ =•■ ‘‘ ,l; i?r. .as again been re . Stored to prosper., v. mi l i ei.Uivatlon of Colton once more.. •. ■ the chief occupation ot the Soutncrii people. .lajiks Masski s utiri v.ille ! ( otto;, Press will again assume itsswnv over Ine Cotton growing region. To anv per son with a small capital, this V dton Press is ,ill ’ ■■‘"‘'■t road to fortune. Tlte Patentee u.i‘ been leads red unable in carry it on bv the misfortunes ot the war, tiud uaw.ilingthat the !"i Hu should he deprived of the Mip* rior ad vantages of this grt u, L tica Saving, Ero > MI.-ai„ 1* on vnt.K On ion Pltxss, he offers ■- i ir sub- at a very low priee. Energy and a small eapilal are all that is ne cessary t o realize from ihes-.loof this Press an 1 , pendeut fortune. Ti. nmleNUuiii its irreat •i. v .i.t. over all orliLM- Rie'St .s, *x ‘rtiijic G *’ r.ow w hat think of it, read tlie annexed ( ertilii at.s of well known gentlemen \v!i y have tried it. For further particul.i s apply to L (’ BRYAN Thom sville. Georgia. 1 il certify taut 1 have used -las. Ma.-sev s IC; 'll Screw tin- two pst se mans, and can say “"‘tii propriety, taut lam higiilv pi, ased with the same. WM. j. HEARD I do certify that 1 have one of Jas. Mass, v’s iroa Screws lor Packing Cotton, and can re commend tile.a iu tiie highest terms. They are a life time estate. J. McCaXX S 1 his is to certify t at 3 have used Massey's Iron Si e\v for two years in Packing Cotton, and tiud it convenient and du note,” I have packed a bale :11 thirty niiiinVs —some bales I weiguiug liio |i>.s. I il as simple its the tad j wood screw an t not liable to get out of order. Respectfully, * W f HOLLIXGSWORTH. Macon, Bibb Go.. June l, I Soil. \\ e the undersigned. Jo certify that we have one of M Issey's Iron Screws, amt are well pleased wiin them : ami would c-comaa-nd ti.e.u to anv one who iii.iv want a Screw C. C TILLMAN', JOSI aH ,1. EVERETT. 1 ALLEN HAGIX. Thomas Cuuntv, Ga. • I I do hereby certify that I have one of James • Massey's Patent Ii n Screws, and it |ierforms well, and lam p.ea. ed wiUl it, If is of the most lasting kind. TARQUIL McAULAY. lhomas Cos.. Gii .June ~ ISSJ. Slate ot Georgia, I tioniiis t oantf, Offu k of thk Okdin.uiv or said Coi ut, / June 9, A. 1)., IBy. | I hereby certify that the above tunned per sons. to wit •’ Airs- C. C. 1 ill.nail, Alien 11a gin, Josliua .McCaim. Sr., William J. Heard and lari]nil McAuiay, are well known to me as t uit >u pi inters ot this count v, ami as per-•! son-ot :ie highest respectability and undoubt ed veracity. Given under my hand and the seal oi said Court attached. r L s | A V. McCARDEL. Dep. Clerk Gouit of Ordinary. 1 his is to certify that I have used one of M ssey s Scicus u! the warehouse of Messrs. I Ddlaiil. I‘owell & Cos., of tins city, and that I i reg.iid it as one of the most easily operated and ; durable Sere \s w ithin my kuowlcilge. With i good ha.;<is it is e palde of turning off , i Forty bales ct cotton per day. of an average ‘ I weight ot live hundred ami fifty pounds, and tlHt “1 eoiivea. Uit size. We nave [a Ketl , | ~.n'’<•’ bales ti is s a>.hi. \ “ins, resutre;fully. JAS. T. GRAY. 1 oluinbus. Muscogee Cos , Ga- Ket> 7 sits bf-ORfllA—Tiioaui, (ouuly. I Co.irt of \hiunoi y. January 7.7 tk, JBbd. VIIF.REAs. Tie fallowing states in said eoanjy. are without a legal representative, to ; wit: Estate of James Williams, deceased. E-rate of Wm. L. Hearing, deceased. E~.a ->t si.ap- oi Rag ms, deceaseil. Estate if John R. Keriils, deceased. > . ate dt Floyd H. Revills. deceased. All persons iute’ested are notified that if no a. jdicati .n i. made by tlietn f t letters of ad minis; . >a it-rson -dl i !ao < .vill be turned over to tio- nub i<- a hninisfrsi’-ioH f s .idctnin tv in terms of the law. H il. TOOKE, Feb 7 ti-ilOd Or iin.ry. AH) AVIIKUi: \->(. A[ G. Smith is Ad* nmiistr.eor n ! college t hnn. on the estate n* : ’ yes is Administrator : coinxeuJutu. uu iue estate of L. M Folsom, deceased—if no objection is tiled in s liilCourt. they will receive permanent letters thereon iu terms of the law Ii H. TOOKE, Feb i I’ 3*\l Ordiuary. t. YOKRIA Them as Count). Court of (Jrdi . ; *y. Jamm y 27 !h, ISdO, WHERE YS. \\ m. J. Singletary, (guardian of and for the persons, property and effects of the minor heirs of Tyon and Elizabeth Smith, deceased, makes applieatkm by Petition for Letters of Dismission from said tnist :—lf no objection is tiled iu said Court said letter’s wrt: % be granted on the tiist Monday in April next, in terms of the law. H H. Tt'OKE. Feb 7 b-SOd Ordinary. LABORERS j W aii ted. HAllh nndersigm and wishes to euipl >v Ten I 1 able bodied Tit-Id Hand., to work ! •be present year on his Pist-oia Fanu. three mile - east of IVkOeii The fat in is iu exeellem repair lards good, and suj.q'lied with work animals, tools, provender, etc He will give, i the laborers, one third ot the crop raised, house i and furnish them ratioirs; these to be paid for • >iti of their interest in said erup. Applv at once to THOMAS STEELE. Jan 31 o 3t* t ]{. .stun, Thomas Cos., Ga. Nov Goods! r priK undersigned nave jusi opened- atid 1 v. ill keep const ,nt!y on hand, at the store f irmerlv owned by Dr. R. J. Bruce, a large i •uu well selected stoek ot DRY GOODS, hj;|t'e fc'loii)iog. | MDIIS DRESS (iOOI)S of ptTj I7<‘>c e iptfon, BOOT ‘ A3l) SHOES. HATS AND ( ATS. i rockery, € lilna &. klassYfarc, Hardware, GROCERIES, iVc., Which they will sell V-.RI LOW for CASH or Conntrv Produce. I Call and examine our Stock before pur chasing elsewhere. 1). J & J W SHEFFIELD. Thonmsville, ,lnp 31 5 3m Fletclier rjTMF. Exercises of this lostita’ion will be 1 res'jmed out FIIIS l MOSDA V i.V j.i.vr.i . y XF.xr. The Scholastic Year embraces forty weeks, Tuition pavabl • quarterly in advance, un less otherwise provider) for. Rates of Tuition as follows• Reading, Writing, Spelling, Ac., per (Quarter, sd.()o Arithmetic. Grammar Gengfapv, His tory. -Ac ‘ . #12.00 Either of the pn-eedin.g, together with Algebriu Geometry. Plain and Spe cial Trigonometry, Natural Philos.'. pliy, < hemistry or the Ancient Gas- • sies, (Latin ami Greek.) . . #1(1.00 Arrangements are already made for compe tent Teachers in the Music Department. It is highly desirable that pupils be present at the opening of the Session, with a view to being properly classed. Patrons of the Institute are assured tha* no pain will be spared in advancing the interests >i iI.C pUplls. JOHN E. BAKER. Jan i 3t Principal. \3< !> I’t'i'soiiH having demands against the estate of .lames M. Norman, deceased, late ol’ G- hiuiu County, are hereby notified to present rbe: . ia *ern:s of the law anil those indebted to said cs'ate will please make pav nientt i .JEREMIAH B. NORMAN. Jan 31 STOd Aum'r. EMPIRE HAIR RESIUfiER. \X elegant D. rising. An infallible restorer of Cohr, And a wonderful Invigoi-a tor of the HAIR. Prepared bv W. P. GLOWER vV CO., Jan 31 -Y ts Apo'rliccaries Hall f v s >ti!’ *irl flvn-la) in Y,,ril next, *. r f w ijl ;,]i]>|y t■:> ilie boiioratile Gourt of (I'rdinnrv. of riiomas County, for an order ranting leave to sell the Real Estate and Lands of Tlmmas E. Harrlftott, deceased. HENRY CUPEL V-N'D, Ailm'r. Jan 31 b- H and STOIiK.X from the subseriher, near Duo cHtiville. Thonris County. Ga., on Satui da\ night, 27th rest., a large fine MOT E Gt >LOR ED IJ(f)i*SK MI LE Any infornm tion on ti e subic. I will heti ankfuliy received, and a reward of #Jb will tie paid HENRY RAMSEY. Jan 31 5-k NOTICH to my l-’rieiwt* unit I'litron, I have turned over mv business at I *oe tortow u to 1 * James I Jillou. who will act with prompt ness to all who will favor him with their Consignments for the future, etc 1 am under lasting obligations for past fa ; vors from my inane friends, while 1 was en gaged in the foi warding business. An dim 31 slt II Ii SANFORD. ‘V'IGKT bi.oo.himj cebuix 1.1 The finest preparation of tlie tlav. For sale by W. P. ( LOWER & CO.. I J iji •>!-')(f Apothecaries Hall. I ~ F BLAIU- N. B. E BICKFORD ill. till & imiil'OßU, : LUMBER MANUFACTURERS • AM) DKAt.KttS IN T 1 TI ItI.RJAYO M HBKR OF HI KBV IHIM KIPTUn, DOORS, SASH A X D ELIMDS. Mn viimiiili. Rroryia. anil Lumber Yard on Canal near j Bryan Street. Okkk •; ISO Bay Street, j Jan-U 5-3tn* IE. O. HILTON, > (F. M. RAXDELL. Savannah. ( ( New York. IJiLTO.V & HAUDULL, WHOLESALE ! 193 HAY H 1.., Near Bnrnnrtl. SAY A AN Ail. GEORG. A. ; Are constantly receiving, ]>er Steamers iroin 1 New York, the largest and most complete as sortment of Groceries in the City | Orders by Mail. accompanied with Remit . fanee, promptly Filled, at Lowest Market ! Prices Jan 31 —.Vim . j (aKOKRIA —Ttioimis County Court of Ordinary, .January 24/A, 18*56. j Irvin 11. Rawls, an lies to said Conn for j Letters of Guardianship, for the property, per- I sons and eficct> ot Willis Simrletarv. deceased : j All persons are notified to lile their objections j in said Court, otherwise said letters will be j smutted i;i terms ot'tlie law. 11. H. TOOKE, Jah 31-30d ‘ Ordinary. , FOKb iA County. C ‘ ‘ t’ <)rl ‘ary .Tamin’ y l £ith, 1 866. WHEREAS, Sarah SelU-rs. makes api>liia tiun to this C nrt for Le'tersnf (dnnnistratinn on tiie estate of ilium L. Sellers deceased: All persons are no.,lied to tile their objections in said Cos n-t otherwise said letters w 11 be granted in terms of the law. 11. H. TOOKE, Jan 315-3l)d Ordinary. GEORGIA -Thoraat C unty. C ■ trt nf Ordinary. January 30/A. 1866 WHEREAS, Henry H. Sanford, makes ap plication to this Court for Letters of Adminis tration outlie estate of Thomas J. \\a)ker, deceased : —All persons are notified to file tbeir i objections in said Court, o herwise said letters will be granted in terms of tiie law. H 11. TOOKE, Jan 31 5-30d Ordinary. PIPES, PIPES, PIPES. • i) ||a|| Pipes and Pipe Hoads, all kinds, mm from a Clay Pipe to the genuine Mereseiiatiui, and a tine assortment of Smoking Tobacco. Received and for sale bv l JOHN STARK. RATES OF FREICHT B Y ERWIN & HARDEE’S LINE I . * . OF Aft M IHT ttRJH-TBl SHIWSI j it : i m i-: i: > * ‘ * . * # Doctortowii and Hawkiii^ville Ad lii(eriiieiiatc LuiiiHu^. ■ • Goods by measurement, • ■ ; . ‘ no . . ! Salt. per Sack. • • ‘* • •, . . j Gnat, per ton, - r • - . . . .•• 1() 00 Grain, per bushel, - , Fertilizers per bbl, • , , . . . . . .’ . • 100’ Lime, iu hhls, . - - ‘ , , . . . . • . ‘ j'jjjj Onions. Potatoes. S:c, per bbt, . . .• Flour, per bbl, ■ . ‘ . . . , . . . _ j- l( i Iron, per ton, • - . . . . .’ . . 10 00 Grind Stones, (at ton rates,) - •. . . ‘ ... Ha v, per bale, • • - .. . - * 200 Molasses per Vihd. - • • - .. PJ 00 ‘ • Gnnny Cloth, per bale, - •- . . . . _ • JO 00 Bundies, Spades, <tc„ - - - . . . . ; • . .. jO,, ] ’ , Cyßate to Doe tort own ami points on Atlantic & Gulf Railroad as per Railroad printed ‘ ; Tariff. ‘ ■ ~ .1 j { received at all times in D. J. DILLON’S Warehouse and forwarded promptly. ERWIN & HARDEE. t . KU NXREKT. Savannah, Jan. 31, 186(> * ■ 5-1 ni GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK FOR 1836. THE FASHION MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD LITER \TCRE. FINE ARTS ,V KASII ■ IONS. The most iiiaanifieeitt Steel Kugrav j imDOUBLE-FASHION PLATES Wood Engravings on everv subject that ean interest Liulies. Crochet Jvnittinir Xetliuir, Embroidery, Articles lor the Tip let. f. r the Parlor, the Bon loir, ami the Kitchen. Everv thing infact to make a complete Lady's Bool; Tin* i,Fnvoriir tor :s<* Yrars, No Magazine has been able to compare with it. None attempt it. aoDEV s he ( ’ /•: ir rs for every department of n household. These alone are worth the price of the Book. MOOR I. CUTT.ViES na m.her M-ura zine g ’ .es them), with diagrams. DRAWIMS /./.N.s’OAN mu THE YOESC. Anofiiei-specialty With ib ik v. * > HIG I. N.'Z. .'DSiC, \v rtli tJd.iiO a voir. Other Alagazmes publish old worn out music but the subscribers to Godey get it before the anisic stores. CARDEMXd EUR I.ADIES. Ano ther peculiarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart &. Cos., of New York, the millionaire merchants, ap j pear in Godey. the only Magazine that lias theta- Ladies’ Bonnets We give more of them in :t vest* than any oilier Magazine. In fact, the l.udv'.- Book enables every la ly to be her own bonnet maker. UA1&ION II Alt 3 A A D, I Authoress of “ At” *?,” “ J-hAth •” Path.” k * *M>Jss nfr % ” “\p tttes/s. 1 ’ *anti * Alirin m/ 1 write?* tor G<mU*v esu-h month, said for no other Magazipe. Anew novel bv In*■• \\ ill be pub lisheil in ISiiil. t\'e have also retained all our old and favorite contributors. TERMS OF IBBKY'S liin Mi M li. (Irtnu which thru’ con hr no I)<nation.) : The following are the terms of tlieLudv’s Bn .k for 1866: One copy, one year, - - - • $3.00 Two copies, one year, • - 5.50 Three conies, one year, - - - 7.50 Four copies, ouu year, • - 10.00 Five copies, one year, and an extra to the person getting up the club, mak ing six copies, - - - 14.00 Eight copies one Year, and an extra copy to the person getting ip the club, malt ing nine copies, .... 21.00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making twelve copies, - - 27 50 \il additions to clubs at club rates, nr Godov’s Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of .* I 50. We have no club with any other magazine ; or newspaper. The money must, nil hr sent at one time for any <>j the cinhs. Canada subscr hers must send 24 cents addi tional for each subscriber- Address, .. A. <4 ODRV. ,Y. E. Corner Sixth anil Chestnut jS/s.. | dan 31 PHILADELPHIA. , 44110K441 A— Rcliols Comity. To at> whom it may Concern • WHEREAS*, dam* McLoed, of s'itl State and County, applies to the Ordinary for L.-r ----t* rs of Administration on the estate of Edward McLoed. deceased, late of said Countv and \ State These are therefore to cite and -ad monish all and singular, tin* kindred and ergdi ! tors of said deceased, to be and appear at my { office within the time prescribed by law, and i show cause it any they have, why letters of | administration <>u the estate of said deceased, I should not issue to tile applicant, ’ Given under my hand and official signature, i this January 25th. 1 -*66. Jan 31 3fld T B. CL VYTON. Ord. <4 R<> It <4 lA lln rini <on till. WHEREAS. I jaureuce A. Folsoui applies i to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Stephen R. Godwin late of said i County, deceastd •—Utese are therefore, to < j cite amt aiiiuonisb all persons interested, to be I and appear in my office within the time pre scribed by law. to .-how cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted.” Witness rn\ hand official!v. Janaarv 16th,. 1866. ‘ V. P. LUKE, Jan 31 -3bd I)ep. Ord. 44 R0K441 A--!.o inl # County. WHEREAS, Allen Jones. Administrator of William Y. Hill, late of said Comity deceased, i having Hied bis petition in this Conit for Let : tors of Dismission from said estate:—This is . therefore t * admonish all concerned, to be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause it any they can, why ! said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 2kb 1 f dav of January, 1566. WILLIAM SMITH, Jan 31-ni6in Ordinary. i €4'; 01*441.1 —Lwndr< County. \\ HERE AS. Thomas B. Giiffin, applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of ’ Solo aou Newsom, late of County, dec'd . 1 This ii therefore to adniouish ail persons con- j eerneil *>r intere*-d, to he and appear at tnv , office, within the presetiled ny law, to j show cause if any they can. why letters of ; administration should not be issued to the'ap- ‘ | plica nt. Given UTvder my hand, at office, this 21th | day of January, 1866. WILLIAM SMITH. Jan 31-3bd Ordinary. GEORGIA —I.owndfi County. vVIIEREAS, It is known to this Conrt that the estate of Jacob Zeigler, is unrepresented : This is therefore to cite and adnmnish all and singular, the kindre and creditors ol said deceased, to be and a r p-arat my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they can. why the administra.iou of said estate should not be vested in the Cleik of the Superior Court, or some other tit and proper person. Given under mv hand, at office, on this 24th : day of January, f866. WILLIAM SMITH, ! ,Ta 31 AOd Ordinsiry. V OTIC’I*:.—All persons indebted to the a.3 estate of Mary Atkinson, late of Thomas •nuly, deceased, ale required lo make inime diuie payment,, and all those having claims ~g.dust the same will present them in terms of the law. M. C. SMITH, Jan 31. • 5-ilOd l I. V-?..’ ‘ r ak:;.l COTTON FACTOR ISMS 1 MS eilMl C2*cll tfLXit- No. 94 Bay Street, SA VAX.YAH. >; 1. Notice. STOLEN from my place on the night of the night of the I’Stli. a M .use colored Mare .MULE, very lightly cobu-ed, her tail and mane is shaved very close. She ;; ihout 12 years old. er moutli has been I fin very iciu vv.tit the bridle Any iufur- i smticn of her will b thankfully received I and I will compensate any one for her re covery. My place is near Gvooverville. Jan 4-ts ‘ R. RAM'SEY’. AdniniN<ra4oj ,, !t Sale. ■fT EORGIA-MITCHELL COUNTY. XX IV 11 be sold at thy laie residence of A. II .Tones, late of said t’oiußy. defeased, on Monday, the ->lh day of February next, all the perishable property belonging (o said deceased, consisting of several bales of Cotton, lying at ( au.illa, four yoke of Oxen, two Mules. Hags ,'orn and Cobb Crusher, one Roskaway, one large Wng.-u. one Buggy, one Ox ian >1 > • ■ Hals Blacksmith 1 ools. :ue r \iou ;l :. ro t-r gar .Mill nd iJoiier. and many other thing too numerous to me: lion. The sales will coniinue from day to dav ms, i! al: is sold. Terms on t: e day of sal"’ MARGARET JONES, Adm’x. Jaa ‘-'1 |„2t NOTICE TO Everybody! Me the undersigned ean now say to h Public that we ate ready to Isriud Conij as we have purchased an engine and mil! of sufficient power to do good Work, and he way you have to prove it. is to bring your Corn and see il you do not get good Meal.ln connection-with our Mill we will make Furniture to order, cadi. Blinds, Boors, Rip. Dies-. Tongue and Groove Plank, make Coffins’ to order wiih neat ness and despatch, we will also take cou- D acts for Buildihg houses. TAYLOR £ DEKLE. I feel thankful to the Public- for their liboral patronage extended to me hereto*, tore, and hope 1 may merit a c< ntinuatiou of the same. ISAIAH DEKEE. to BleJtfot’S.—All persons indebted to me are requested to come I torwnrd and make immediaie paymeftt. j 1 intend leaving Tliomasville abojil the first of February, and my business must be j closed up. I can be found at my residence, in Thomasvillc until the period above named, and hope no person indebted to me’ will delay longer than that time, and com pel me ‘o the necessity of seeking settle ments by law T. B. LITTLE Jan 21 4>2t, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Sixty days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Tati nail ; County for leave to sell 4000 Acres of band in Tatnall County all the property of the bate Micheai M .Mattox deceased of said County for the benefit of the Heirs j and <'mlitors, Jan (*th 1866 11. A. Mattox, Administrator. LOST \ promissory note made, to Thomas Roberts for ninety eight dollars dated ; about the first of March, 1860 due one day i after date and signed by Ashley G. Bob ts All persons are forbid len from tra j ding for sai t no! ■ as payment lias been ! stopped with A G^oberts. ! Stockton jiOit MATH. HOP*ARTS. I \TURN 4.L Revenue ; *x No lice, —All nersons requ i ing bicen-e ! for the pursuit .of .toy business nrole } ion, under the Lxc Raw- ui th United i State 0 , are liereb” i- ’ormed lam ready !to receive application* f r the same. All s persons failing le apply within a yeasonas b’.c - ini - after the pub wati -not tld- noli-e, ’ will subject tbetnselves to the penalty of j the law. Blanks will be furui-hed at any I lime at ruy office in TiiotnasvilU* My Division 25th, is composed rs Brooks and Thomas. T. L- HOPKINS, Ass’t Assessor 25th Div., ist Dist. Jan 24 4-ts \ OTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of William H Fib'ey late of Thomas County i deceased, are hereby required tom ike im ! mediate payment, and aii p-rsons havin ; claims against the same ‘■•ill present tn ■ in teriiis of the law. Jan 10-40d F J BROWNING, Adm'r. jii i Alia & mi. FACTona .AND Geral CooHDlssion Corner of Drayton N Bryan F.reels, • SAV VAN All, fin jbkva.-n, iiakticiimh: a o. ( oiiiuiihsioii t|m haul* • A X L> Brokers, AO. I N'* SiX\ SiI’UKSIT, SArA\\\Al/, . ( KUliciA.- ll r L ? /licit consigmncnt. of Cotton ; . ) f es aud ar New Irk fi i<gdi. We are prepared to-make liberal advanced in receipt of prorhicc, and endeavor- to. give strict attention and prompt returns.. r> * ■ • -i cj< ...i : Jno. Scriven, Prest. A x G R R “. Cel W J iiaaf, Thpmasvllle, Ga KfvMttfitgp Cotton factors. AND 6dh)h)U3loii)- i 5S a jilcss si., Ynt Orlcunii IJ. P’ HARRISON, late of ihe firm us t'avc .v Harrison. EDWARD HARRISON, J. P. HARRISON, Jr. •SIDNEY HARRISON. itcpiTH'iittHl l .Hr. Hi b. ItrTI.FK, R i\-r to A hi Hausell, Mcaels. Kukil* ■hck> IL Wolff & Bro. . - N*iv’l 1 .-1 i A J BraJv. W M Smiih, E J Moses, ■Athtntu, . Lexington. Celumbas F. Sc-Fuster. C. tloGisius , . • o *r■ ■ • CtibM&n co nMii&iuS, S-l'iiip’ng, Ct minis lent nb FORWARDING MilloH A M T t f 1?• Hi nr ?I V i.NV Os. n, ('onshguniepi - ofCorton for sale in il.i-* ma- lu-t or ter shipment to our friends in ■ New York, P i'ad 1 pI• i.-i, 80--ton Babi more. Live vo-ii and-'.ern mv arc solicited n rid liberal adyances made. Orders for Wines. Liquors. Groceries, xr., promptly attended to. ■ • AGENTS FOR t’r:-slii“ <L* ftoiizr isu;! V* ii<- 4 lit <|iiol Cfl VMPAG VK. DIET HEY, SARL A GO’S., Rhine U'ines, and I*. 1, Ut- Tenet Jfe do | Georges’ isbßoem wmit, Nov 8 (iiuo (1 i.O, ii. AIIIjKDGG, m glf ale Crocu ’ AN l) c- f3 ‘ .u?’ f’ y3 } ‘ \ V s ■5 M i r (j ri A m IE IhiV: >. Kll A L CO .Vi Jii.SMUN AN i ( IP/'i IT,1 T ANARUS, T A ’ TA y JA'P tI r ,■ :J A 10JK4 i iiUvv ii Uiit-J i ihnoimuio. 74 Bay SGi-i-et SAVANNAH, <4A. Cnstut Supplies received per Steamers . i'cotn New York. Or i.r -by Mail, accom -r*i- ‘ii ty remiWaucc-s, promptly filled at ihi ‘lowest ni ri ket pi ices. Nov 8 Sntu Ch an t rm py jl rn r<M.| • T 0 ’ ‘ ‘1 ■ ; v ran \ T . j a r. r, j*- -• uuruuooruii mi u iuilw Ailuuiu TVS X. : 2T-5. CIiAK r i” :3, •loiK-s’ iilrnU, t or., Ilin S. %b(-reorii Streets, SAVANNAH, n. BEFEKUNCES : >lessrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., N. V. •Jarvis Slade. Esq. “ Gardner Colby. Esq. Boston. - lion. J. iYiley Ed antis, • “ Liberal advances made on consignments lo Charles L Colby, New York, and to our friends in Boston and Philadelphia. 653?” Line of Boats to Docrbrtown, Nov 8 3mo j. ii McMahon & co„ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ifl f) T)/?}- ni u s) ‘J- fj(p aid L b h • JjkDj COnN, OATS, HAY, FEED &c ■Corner of Broughton and Jefferson Streets, “savannah ga. lIOBT BA I.FORK. • • Dealer in mm family, mumv i I• 1 Broughton tit, one ‘/nor of Banin r l ‘ SAYAmAIi, - - - Ga. j Mv patrons may rest assured that they wiR befuruislted with the Choicest Articles. ” liANPELi. A CO, WhttAt WFWV / i SsuthnrNtCoriicr Sint Af Usirtiard Sts. SA 1.1 .YAM a. GA. A large .in i well Assorted Stock CoN S T ANTLY 0 N II AND And for sale at. Lowest Market Prices. N. L’. —S; ecial nt'ontif n g’ven to orders by mail accompanied with remit lance. Nov 8 Gmo GI'OIU; 3 A-Berrien County. Whereas. Sol .moil Griffin an.i M.-nv ’ Griffin, applies to toe tor Let: rsof Admin isuation on the estate of lames GriK.n, late of said County, deceased. And. whereas, Bouev Koe applies to nc for Lett .us of Administration on the estate I of Nancy Roe late of said County, dec’d. rites** are therefore, to cite and admen- ; ish ail : er-etis i’>t ‘rested to be and apt ear in .. . ih!i;t. within h time presetih*d by j ■ < ui'-e if .my thoy have. why .■ ei> oould :be jrratiied. (i: , .a. ;• rmy narnl officially, January Stii, lti : 'd. 1). P. LUKE, Dep. Ord. , JttnL’4 4-1 m ®IOO Reward. STOLEN i n he subscriber, on the night nt t’ e 1 ‘Jill insr., m in- plaota fieri, six mites East ot Thoinasvillf. on the OroovervjHe road, two large tine MULLS. One a ihitck Mate Mule, hair worn oil’ on the leit side from working in the Sugar Nli 1: has a shoe, b-dy a'-otti ton years old. The other Mole i- . Imu (.Stay from the shuiildios ! <• k. ji, ;. .. . being tv tly white, _ody, has >■. sear on one of her neeis w ■.re the hair joins tt.e hoof, is also tt Male Mule, and seven years old. ! will give the above rewind to any per so'n a- livering them to me. or to J. N. McKinnon 0. Cos , at 1 notnasville GEORGE W. MITCHELL, j Jan 22 4-lit i KTOTICB ! : LOWRY, HAVES & FLANIGAN HAVING Tills 1) \\ KNTLItKI) INTO . Copartnership lor the miwimii iii imm OK busies, AND ALL KINDS OK Biacksmlth Work, raise t£iw iUwd at inforwingthe Public o ta<!. l* solicit lit;: pattvnai.e. Our . I MTBICTIiT ( t No’ work will leave tho ’ Shop until paid •l A. ■• : <■ i s i PEKIN 1 • ■ i . >KFI( E v At; it it December 525tb 1865. ‘ J'S - : *d-7’ i g>Sg V-W ?>Ct ip. _ KOTICE. Shortest audTuoat pleasant ronteto hvutth’ via,- Wiili bourvii!-.’ Riceboro', and Siiubcrrv. Through ,tn m Thoiuaaville to Kuv ur>nali in 30 hours. Via Kail Koad lt>- r > Miles. Staire 22 Mile*, .Steam Boat 85 Miles. .Leave Th"tnas\'ille every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Arrive at .Savannah every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting with .Steamers to Baltimore, New ,Y’ork and oilier Northern Ports, Leave .Savannah on Monday, Wednesday ‘ and Friday. Arrive at Thomusville on Tueo d iy, Thursday.and .Saturday . in time to con ■ nect with? Stag. s to Alhany, Ga., and Talla hassee and Monticello, Fla. (1 ,1. FULTON. Ne.p't A A G Hit * # * Tallaha-.see Floridian and Albany Pat riot copy two weeks a id send hill to this of fice. * . . jail !tf. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE,, rjAilH necessity of the limes has stigges p. ted to our min’d-the propriety of es tab’i-difn -s ; n oHice of this kind in Thom asville, iitfd while we desir ■ to make it profit able to ourselves, we expect ii lo ’ benefit otl ers. Persons wishing to eoll or j buy any species of property or to PRCJOII’BI’ LABOB, ot’ to get employnient will find it to ihetj interest to to call on us. Office in the back room of Mr. AiusworihVprovision Store where in our absence you will find Mr A. F. Franklin ever ready to wait on you Nov 22 9no WADE F. SANFORD. j7\V. RABtJNy (YVT : Vf] Sv‘ VA P; PfVf> Awn v* A; ‘Jt* <'* Js’ laj a- A\ 1 1-* 0 *4* vL> tOh)h)i-s.s!oi) No l if) littv Street Savannah, (3a. Has resumed business arid solicits trotn tlie friends and patrons <>f the bite firm of II t -tin and Smith, the privilege of uerv. ir.g them. TISON & GORDON^ POTTO \ F &€’ TOES, mm ii mini &£. ‘I D HC DEI KP , ;i „ 98 Bay Street, sava nn t \ 11. <: i:o iuj ra. Special attention will ’■ >■ ttiven to the salo of SYRUP, LUMBER, ROSIN, TURPEN TINE. &c. -o:o- SAV ANN AH. Ist., Sept., 18G5, We are again in our old Office, prepared fur business. An experience in ibis city oi over eleven years, nud our undivided attention to all Susine:T entrusted, induces us to hope for a-c nitinunnce of the liberal patronage hereto!’>r extended. ‘VM. rr. tison, VvM, \V. GORDON. R ibt. P. Y irk, J. It. M’lntyre M. E. Williams. P. H.Wal'd. 11l Ell, Milsl AI'CTION %\ ,> <’<MS ?ll*.*sC.\ U JKIHAMS, |BA i ’ SI., SA }A AW All, (lA . foiriinninculii f nu<l T.uiuber ” KiOIHITEI), iIEITEjR.EWCIB3. Brigham, Baldwin & Cos, Savannah Gaden & Uncklcs, “ Isaac I>. Laltoche, “ Hunter ix Ganuuell, 4 ‘ Erwin & Hardee, “ Hiram Roberts, “ ‘ W, Woodbvidgc, “ L C Norvell & Cos. “ S T Knapp & Bro,, >i.ew Yoik 1) II Baldwin & Cos. “ Nov 8 (3mo NEW GOODS! j lit E THF. UNDERSIGNED HAVE ju \ \ received a large assortment of ! ill 113 FMIMIJ IIS WfllCil H E WII.I, SItl.L ! low : Our stock con-ists of the latest styles of LADIES DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION'S, LAI‘I IIS CLOAK S AND A FINE LOT OF * LADIES HATS, Ready Made ’ Clothing, IL& ‘A BOOTS AND SHOES, dowestio mms Suefi <ts OSHASURSS AND JEANS. Vi hicii we m e al>le to offer at iininiunnn* Before buy ing elsewhere you will do well la call and examine our stock. I. KUBiTSHEK & BRO. i Oot 2->'Lnio 20.000 SEGARS. G 1 OOD and choice, fine brands, received and [J*r rale K .tOHK KT4RK