Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 14, 1866, Image 4

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Fl'K> STI HE | . f|MI K. tn<lerigned has opened a Shop in in Thf ;r.'iville, for the nfaaMnctuie and Repairing if furniture: Making and Furni°hing Coffins, kc., kc. SLop second dear from the Print- J ■ing office, on Jeffers .h street. L J SPITZ. * Jan 1 • ■ ? ‘ n - . 11! Ilf HAVING fitted up and opened our ! StI.OOX. at the Store of T. J. j Meßain, we are prepared t<r offer to the j Public every ung that can be found in a First Class Saloon. BRANDIES, WHISKEY, - GIN. AI CHAMPAIONE WINE, MUSCAT WINE. MALAGA WINE, • PORT WINE. CLARET V/INE, RHINE WINE ANDf:V EnV V A RIET VO F ~Li I Q XJ O R S, Either by the Bottle or Drink--Plain or FINE HAVNNA CIGARS 1 of different bran is. Anderson’s and oths era Fine Cut Tobacco, And everything to suit the taste of the j most fastidious, can be had at THE‘OUR HOUSE,’ As cheap as anywhere in the South. We shall always keep on hand a LARGE AND WELL Selected stock., And woutd invite the Public to give us j call, before purchasing elsewhere. PETERS & PERRY. Oct 3, 1865 14 3m | I* II (E X I A FO i Xl> II V MACHINE SHOP. fIMIIS Establishment is now in sneerssfnl L operation, tnnt is prepared to make to or der •; ISlstx \x ? Mtv tiiij.n, and all kinds of Mill Work. H’e keep constantly on hand. Migar mills o fall sires Hark Mlfil (Jin Gearing. Iron Railing Kettles from 10 to 100 gallons, < >vens. Spiders. Wash pots. Plows, Ac. We make to order all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. Our prices are reasonable give us a call- Country produce taken iu e; j change for work at market prices. I* H A IMA X & (Jt Columbus, On. Nov 22, ts mot l 111 It> COTTON Warehouse,’ CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH. GEO. O'FALLON & CO., 1 “actors, Foruarditr, Commission JBERGHAHTS. I) ESPECTFI LLY invite attertiou to \j our facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all business en tn cur care. Intending to establish per manently a House in Savaunah, expect by strict business principles to merit and re ceive a portion of the trade. Having a commodious Warehouse L* Colton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make advances on same : picking, re baling or mending all Cotton before ship ping, thereby saving tbe onormous expense incurred in North ern cities by this process. Thev solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFFIC E STODDARDS RANGE Corner of fiat/ and Lincoln Streets. NOTiCET n .W IN6 completed an arrangement wit h Messrs. L ( OI.BY At CO..’ of Savau nah, for t ie purpose of running a linof Steamers Between I><>otor Town and Savannah, for tlie purpose of Reducing: Freights. I nmt• 'it t. lt ; patronage of the kind peo •pie of Sout> We>: cm (Jeoroia, and elsewhere lit the .1 have made arrangements to s! i> (OTT>, wool, nnri oilier Pri duo-, and act aa Forwardii g Age it for the public, and aoU< it tbi ir pat ._ Col ton will be forwarded at rrrmnin psm w wia ut Va- A* j j Si Ju Jk<i M , and i ther articles < f produce at very ( Low Rate*. and Goo's consigned to me bv the above lira- of Boa's from Savuaaah, will be forwarded Free of ( har?c ! I can be foun 1 :\ T Tbouiaaville, Oa., on and after the 25: f this month. Any information in refereuce to Boats or Freight ean alwavs be hap by callfug on me at 11. Ainsworth’s Store at Th>mnaville. HENRY 11. SANFORD. Agent for C L. Colby A: Cos s. Liae Boats. FOR BALE 7 ONE of the most pleasant Resi- i donees in the City, for small family. Convenient to the lisibi business por iou of the city. ForiliilfjQ terms and particulars apply to E. REMINGTON & SON, Jan 4-3 t Thomasville, Ga. H D-s ikgtox. H P. Bickford. I>4KLI\GTO\ X BIC KFORD. (Lommiss on iflmjjants, Whole tile Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Atc , °■ Street , Jforlh Side, [over Anderson’s Wharf,] SAVJNNiiH, - - - Ga. R'hrs by permistion to Lovell & Lattimore, Savannah. Bell. Wylly Christian. •* Stuart ac Cos. “ Halsey, Watson 4 Cos., “ CCLeaty. New York J Eneas & Cos, “ le.Sa • E£2sg Educational. The undersigned will resume the Exer cises of his ischool on Monday the First of January next. TERMS AND RATES •• No Tupil received for less tlian One Quarter of Ten M eeks, and no deduction made for less time, except in cases of pro tracted and serion® Sickness. Tuition must be paid Quarterly in Advance, or -atifactory arrangements made for its payment upon call. Tuition of Ist . Fir-: Rudiments of Spelling, Reading, kc., $10.90 Tuition of 2d Class, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geogrophy, . K Tuition of 3d Class. Higher branches of English* with Latin and Greek 20,00. -deeMtf S. rOCCEBt KT E W fAfSILY &ROGERY AND . HARDWARE STORE. ONE DOOR NORTH GALDBEERY’S : STORE. I UST received a large and well selected ,) fitock of Family Groceries, Hardware Cutlery, kc., consisting in part of 200 B r.els Fresh Flour, Piio and Java Coffee, Nails, Bagging and Rope, Black, Green and Young Hyson Teas, Crushed, Clarified nud Brown Sugar, English Dairy and Goshen Cheese, Goshen Butter, Soda and Butter Crackers Buckwheat flour, Onions, Potatoes, Pickles, Powder, Shot, and Caps, Factory Yarns and Osnaturgs Pepper, Allspice, Cloves, Ginger, Nutmegs, Bluestone, Indigo, Copper : as, Madder, Snuff, Scotch Maccaboy and 1 Bottle, Liverpool and Coast Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Hard and Hollow Ware of all kinds, Pocket and Table * Cutlery Spades Shov els, Forks Hooks and Lines of all Sizes, Willow Baskets, Tubs and Buckets. In fact everything usually kept in a first ! class Provision store, jAH of which will be sold low. Constanly receiving fresh supplies. Highest prices paid for Cotton, Wool and Hides. Call and see H. B. AINSWORTH. ‘New Furniture Store. M. NEWMARK, 54 IJr.tiuhtMii STAND, W j Keeps constantly on hand a good supply of Parlor. Chamber and KITCHEN mum IMS. HaMrcsses, Child mi's Car* riages, &c. ZjzL* Mattresses renovated and Furniture re paired at the shortest possible time. All oi ders promptly attended to and carefully pack ed. dm land agency. rpHE undersigned will buy or sell lands | located in this section, for persons in anylpart of the country. Having the ad vantage of a newspaper circulating over the country, my facilities for purchases and sales are much better than could oth erwise be obtained. Persons addressing me on the subject must comply with the following instructions : If wishing to sell lands, describe them fully and truthfully, quality, number of acres.of each quality, whether pine, hammock, high or low lands and the lowest price the owner will take. Or if the object be to purchase—state what kind of lands are wanted, the number of acres as near as practicable, and wlmt price you have made up your mind to give. When lauds are thus entrusted tome fur sale, the owner cannot himself dispose of them without becoming responsible for the advertising charges. L. C. BIIYAN. Thomasville, Dec i3,1865. “fobTsaleT^ MY plantation in the Comity of jefeggSgt Lowndes, fen miles from Yahl “ amid two front Clyattville, containing four thousand and two ▼pw hundred acres, not surpassed by any in the country, or in this part of the STATE IN FERTILITY. The titles are indisputable. There are up ward* of fourteen hundred acres cleared — eleven hundred since 1862, which exhibits the strength and character of the soil in the pres ent crop. The lII’II.IMXGS IRE SFHSTAX tiaI and Commodious, The quarters capable of accommodating com fortably two hundred laborers There is a new Grist and Saw Mill appended to the plant ation. Corn, fodder and other produce, to gether with the stock, consisting of mules and horses. &e , will be sold with the plantation. Terms Cash. Apply to J. WALDBURG, Savannah, or to J. H. M. CLINCH, Valdosta. August 23, 1865 ts. LAND SALE. | Acres of Good Pine Land with e_*o* * about IOU Acres of hammock uncleared. Good dwelling house and all necessary outbuildings with elegant Gin house and Screw. 01*0 acres ct cleared land under good fence. The piace is as well watered as any in the County, and now in fine condition for making a crop. | The Cotton land on this place is not sur passed in this section. The place has two settlements with the necessary 1 uildings on each except that one has no Gin nouse and Screw. Any person there.ere wish ing to purohase a smaller farm may pur chase a part only of this plan.u ion and find all the conveniences. Thj place is j only six miles from Thomasville and situ. ated iu a good neighborhood and society. I Apply at once before the place is with® drawn from market to LC BRYAN. Great Bargain. i)Af \ Acres of lan,1 > about 90 Acres Cleared and all under fence with good dwelling house and outhouses’, , all lately built and now for sale if applica | tion ’ 9 made within two weeks from this , date. The land is fresh and will make one bale of Cotton per every two acres, and lies about six miles from Thomasville. ‘ This is the best bargain now eflered any ’ where. If you want a number one small Farm now is your time. Apply to c. BRYA>\ Co-partnership Notice, 0. ’ * C 1 ORFF has this day associated with himself in business JAS. F. WATKINS, and the busin-eas will hereafter be conducted under the style of ORFF & WATKINS. * . Savannah, Feb. Ist, 1666, To the Citizens of,Savannah and Interior Georgia! Fully appreciating the very liberal patronage extended to me in iny business during the pa-.t year, I take this method of thanking tke citizens of Savannah and people of Georgia. Wc naw hope to extend our business, and bv close attention thereto,, estab lish a permanent business and merit a continuance of east favo^p. CHRISTIAN ORFF. . C.-ORFF. JAS. P. WATKINS; • SOUTHERN PALACE 111 IIOIDS IIOISE! 111 & 113 Congresss Street,.... SAVANNH, GEORGIA. ORFF & WATKINS, IMPORTERS, JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN mifiiKffl AID Dtttsm T TY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. By keeping an experienced Buyer continually in the Eastern market, thereby taking advantage of :.y decline in prices, we are enabled to- furnish goods at the shortest notice, and at a very synall margin. JteiiT'Country A -rohants and Planters will find it greatly to their interest to examine our Stock. TE ‘ S STRICTYY CASH. ORFF & WATKIXS. Savaanah, Feb', 1, 1666. nov 8-Bra I COMING, STILL COMING. WE'ARE NOW RECEIVING A FULL STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY D R Y GOODS! bmm mum mmsm. Ladies Cloaks Shawls and Hats OF Ti!E LATEST STYLES. &EKYLEBIEK>S FSmSMINO Goods, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. IIATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CUTLERY AND CIiOCKERY, OF TIIE FINEST AND MOST APPROVED FINISH. Motions of jail liincls, In fact everything else usually kept in a Dry Goods House. A splendid stock of GOLD WATCHES, with many other things too numerous to mention. All of which wc offer to sell as cheap as possible for CASH tS CASH only Please call and examine our stock as \ve make no charges for showing our Good Oct-25 6m H. WOLFF & BROTHER. L J. mum A 11. I- I | G-ESSIRAL SHIPPIK&, i Commission & Jfoviimrbing DJmljanis, No. 148 BAY STREET, OPPOSITE THE CITY HOTEL, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. • r 4 t * rarticular attention given t.* procuring FREIGHTS, and to the j Purchase and Sa 1 ?. of HARD PINE IWfBER LUMBERj Cotton, Wool, Hides, Tallow, &Cm &c. Nov 8 6m M. S. MEYER, Successor to M. COHEN & BROTHER, Dealer in ; CLOTH*EG, DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS. &C. Congress St., Opposite j Market, SAVANNAH. OA. Nov 8 3mO M. S. MEYER. Wholesale Denier in BOOTS. SHOES. UMBRELLAS K No. 172, Broughton Street, Next to Corner of Whitaker, HMSTROUCKS old nOCERY STAITD, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA •2&Q Grand Street, New York , Dili W 1 Hill PRICES! J. SCHIFF & BROTHER, Have now ready for inspection, and are constantly receiving additional supplies of the latest, styles of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, SUCH AS French Marinos, all Wool Delanos, Granitas. Poplins, Alpaccas, anb the Late ! est Styles of Print -, White Goods, Hosiery, and Love's Balmoral and Hoop Skirts Head Nets, Ladies’ and Gents Hats. Knit Woolen Goods such as Breakfast Shawls, Nubes, Sontags ar.d^lloods. Os the latest Breadway style. * READY MADE CLOTHING, All wool Casimeres, Doe Skins, Satnets, and Kentucky Jeans, Ladies and Gents Boots and Shoes A great variety of NOTIONS, Cotton and Wool Cards, Maonboy and Scotch Snuff bv the bottle or pound. A large lot of FRENCH CALF SKINS , and LEATHER of our own tanning , Many other articles kept usually in a Dry Goods store. Come and give them a call, they will take great pleasure in snowing goods, and you will be convinced that they will sell their goods As Low as l!ie Lowtst / J*p* Countrv merchants will find it to their advantage to examine their stock and prices. Nov 22 ts STEAMERS TWO BOYS’ AND ‘ORIENT.’ Regular Packets between Doctortowu and Savannah, NOTIC E. HAVING perfected my arrangements, I am now prepared to ship from 600 to 80 Bales Cotton per Week by the first-class Steamers TWO BOYS and ORI ENT, and will handle all Cotton or Goods consigned to,me, and pay for all Cotton Oooods lost in my hands. 1 have a large WAREHOUSE, and competent men to attend to my business- and feel sure of giving satisfaction. 1 have shippad during the rncntli of November 1160 Bales Cotton, without being Agent for a Boat, and as Agent for two first .class Steamers, will insure all Goods con*, signed to my care to meet with dispatch. All Cotton consigned to my care will be handled with great care. D. J. DILLSON, Agent, j MACKY, BEATTIE & CO., ! Spying sin Cmicml Ccmm’ssbn 4rltr:lr f, ’ * 203 cfc 303 Bay St. Bavamaali, G-a. | Cash advance * made on Consignments to MACKY & BEATTIE, Phila. REFEItEJVCESi Messrs. CHAS. L. COLBY <(- CO, Savannah. HUNTER A GAM M ELL, “ BELLMfr CHRISTIAN, “ ‘ SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, “ Messrs. MAUD & WRIGHT, Augusta. “ AY A. RAMSEY & CO. “ “ LORD, STONE & CO., Bos'on, JOHN P. BOYLE & CO, New York. “ WALLACE & BROWNE, “ MACKY k BEATTIE, Philade phia. “ J. GIBSON, SONS & CO., “ Philadelphia NATIONAL BANK, First NATIONAL BANK, “ Seventh NATIONAL BAJTK, “ ROBT STEEN, Esq., “ Messrs. McCUTCHEON & COLLINS, “ CLARK k CUNNINGHAM, Baltimore. M A. HAMILTON, “ We have on hand and for sale a choice assortment of Wines, Liquors, Bacon, Flour, Lard, etc. Nov. 8 3mo JOY TO THE WORLD ! TIIE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, r *. Has Relieved more I’ain, and caused more Beal Joy than any other one thing that can be named 1 Is a Balm Tor every Wound! Our first Physicians use it, and recommend ils use; the Apothecary finds it first among the Medicines called for, and the AVohlesale Druggist considers it a ’ leading article of ids trade. All the Dealers in Medicine speak alike in its favor ; and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and it is . ° 1 The Great Family Medicine of the Age ! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDEN AT, TACKS IN DISEASE. TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CURES gore Throat. Sudden Colds. Coughs, etc., Weak Stomach, General Debility Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowell Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera Diarrhoea and Dyetery. TA KEN ENTER NALL YIT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns a;.d Scalds, Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. PAIN KILLER taken internally should be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops of sugar, eaten, will be more affective than anythnig else. For a SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killar and the relief is immediate %pd eore pwrfHv*. <L jjc Southern (fntcrprisc. LUCIUS C. BRYAN, EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS. —— u The “Southern Enterprise” is publish ed weekly at Pour Dollars per annum strictly ix advance. ADVERTISING TERMS . Advertisements will be inserted forene dollar per square of twelve lines or les tor each insertion. From this rate a die count of TWESTT-rivK per cent will be made for advertisements inserted for three months or under six months, nndFiFTTper cent for twelve months or more. All ad vertisements sent to the office must be marked with the number of insertions de red or the period to be published, and in very instance accompanied with the amount ’ required for payment. Marriages and | deaths will hereafter be charged for as ad vertisements. Special or editorial notices will be published and charged at double the above rates. Payments must be made in current funds. Remittances may be made by Express at our risk All other* must be at the risk of those niakiog the same. Subscribers names will bedropea from the list at the end of the terra for which the subscription has been paid, un less renewed. All communications should be addressed to Proprietor Southern Enter prise, Thomasville Georgia v IiEAI. .lIM FK I ISE VIK\TA. Apeesrsons having occasion to adver lth Legal Sales. Notices, etc., are com pelled by law to comply with the following rules: Admiiiislriilr, Kirrnleri, r Guar dians: All sales of Land by Administrators, Ex ecutors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours es ten o'ciock in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the County in which (lie properly is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in public Gaieite Forty Days previous t* .ne day of sale. Male of Frrsonn! Property i Notices of the sale of Personal Property must be given at least Ten Days previf ©us to the day of sale. Extnl* Ucliloik milt Creditor* : Notices to Debiers and Creditors of an es tate must be published Fort} Days. Court ol Ordinary Leave to flell i Notice that applicatien will be made te the the Court ot Ordinary for leave to sell Lands, must be published weekly fer Two Months. Adiuiui*f ration mid <’ unrdiannhip : Citations for Letters ol Administration must be published Thirty Days ; fer Dismission front Administration, month ly for Six Months. Fercriohurt- of .Tlnrtgnge : Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage mint be published monthly for Four Months. E*taL>liitliiug 1 .ont I’nprrn : Notices for establishing Lost Papers must be published for the full term of Three Months. Publications will nlways be con tinued according to the above rules, un less otherwise ordered. ” - .-.M.l * JIJ I HOTJSE Furnishing Store. \\ r E have now on hand and for sale a largo T v variety of ;tr ides to suit every occupa tion and condition* Such as Crockery Ware OF ALL KtXDS Lanmn, of nil kind* Cutlery of oil kinds, I'lniK aof nil kind*.j ICrnre mid Eitt* of kinds, foircp# of all kinds. File* of all kind-. Lock* of all kinds. CtliiMM Tumbler*. Coblef- nnd Preservo Di-hen. Wood and Wetnlie Well Ilnek ets Juniper and Painted Wmrr llurk. els. Till)-. Wash Hoards. Wood Howls, Wood Churn* and Herkia’n to make Cos (fee, Fire Iron-, Spades, Sihovcls, Rritania .Wreak Di*hc*, Cotton nnd Wool CARDS. WATCHES, Itl/ACKIIVn, lUVOEH, TAIHM, GUiir fAPS, r.TNTI'BIi, CIRRYING follllS, CARRIAGE BOI.TS, Oil, STOVES, SLATES nnd I'EVCILS, HUM) STAI’I E BLIEING for Stni-ehid K . kOOKIKG GLASSES, PORTABLE HAT RACKS, SEIVES, SAUCE PASTS, CIIAEEVG DISHES, MASONS TROWELS, SHOE R RUSHES, HOUSE It RUSHES, TEA A* TABLE Spoon* Knives & Forlts Pocket Knire*, llntchel*, Dmiving Knives, ■Kooks, Hasps, Staples, Are., Ac., Ac. With an infinite number of other articles too numerous to mention. TIN W ABE OF ALL KINDS Manufactured to Order. A. k R. SMITH. flJaf In front of E. Remington & Son. Nov 22 ts JUST RECEIVED At JEXKINS & THOMAS’ IVcw Store, a New supply of Goods consist ting of WOOD, WILLOW, POT and CROCKERY WARE of all descriptions, together with a beautiful selection of Dry Goods, J IE3 w X3 Xj JcL X , CANDIES, PERFUMERY, POMADES, and fancy articles of all kinds. COTTON CARDS. COFFEE MILLS, PAD LOCKS, SCALES, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, NAILS &o. PKK'VCII BRANDY, 50 Chiu a Drink, ret the “Our Hourne.” All Other Drink* £5 Cents, at the “Our Houm.” ALE on Draught at the ■“Our Howe,’ Genuine Scotch Whitkrr at thf “Our Horned Hot Whisky Punches at the “Our House.