Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 21, 1866, Image 4

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INfWE E *TNfff is? and -signed hs open-1 t Chopin 1 la Tbflav ritte, for tbt wfiacMneture ixfixmiu;. } * -flfc4: y-a, MUMk|k)| lafir fw ti rh<f Prill l t f SJPTT7 lit Mir }f 8 > Pobli-c ( ‘ ‘ r >i'-iZ th-rif cnn t fi f nmi in First Class Saloon. BRANDIES. WIT T SKEY, GIN. ALF,. CHAMPAIGNE wine, MUSCAT WINE. MALAGA WINE, PORT WINE. CLARET WINE, RHINE WINE Avp F.VFRY-VABfETY QF L T Q XT O TX S. be Bottle < r Drink-Plain or FINE HSVNh'A CIGARS of ditH-rml broods. Artier- m’s and oths er Fine Cut Tobacco, And ever v thing * -.. ‘<■ “t-re b: the . ■jjjflJ 1? s - *% ■ * 11 IT SJ-T*. > As eh cap os anywhere in ftre South. We ■ i■, • Selected stools., And would invite the pi Mi# to give us call, before pi at-wig el-ewhere. PM THUS A PERKY. Oct 8, IS.iY 14 Sm PB3 fi. \S a PCS’ Xl> R 1 MACHINE SHOP. rjv der CRlmt anj -t iM’ <tli, L*. and all lttttds of ARI! Work.’ M e A.-ep const irfv on hand, Sugar no! - ,t ;2 size- K irk Mill! Gin Go wing, Iroi. K heir Kettle- from 10 to n <1 >. (tv • - “• •< \V: .!> ■ PloWr. Ac. We make t< der all kinds of Iron Ihid Brass Goslings f pres are res—e-at.le givetisit ealk Country produce taken iu e mature forwork :■! ■ lurltcF prices. !. UAIMAN A CL Coltimlm-e Oat Nov 22, ts NOi Tnrp>’ cotton Warehouse, E 3.\V;\XX V!\ GEO, OTA, ON A CO.. Fa ( tors,* Forwardfns tsti Commission WEfiCHAHYS. T> FSPECTE’ ! :.Y ir.-’ ntfention to i \ our : purchase or | IR tveruent O‘‘ > \*l . H.T'j! will \ give prompt r . cm Mm to nil bustnes--- co in our care. Inter,ding to establish per m.tnemly a Hon- > in Savannah, expect by strict business principles to merit and re- | (•■ e n portk ade. lions B arehowsg e Cott. n. weare prepared to buy, or receive on c ensign m*:. ; our friend in New . on *amo ; tee re lie I; - ■ ,;m• lin_c lit the enormous ext ir tarred in North • Thev solicit r - r> P n he the people of G gin siri of adjoining States. OFF!: ODDARDSRANGE; NOTICE f 1 JJJAAING conipU*teu • .:i arrumi-v^K: with 1 Steamers Between Doct r Town and Savannah, for tli* mrnm . *■ • Reducing Freights. I m>w s -r-HU-'e ‘ ‘ {; . ■ • . pie of South Wes in their behalf. 1 1 .•• • ie a rrati gemotes t ship ( II ON rai l other Prodnir. the public.and s it their patronage Cot ton will be forwarded ; r Wool and otter articles < .at v< ■ I ■ bo forwarded Free of ( liarse ! I can be found at. Thomasril!,-. • >a.. on and’ oft. - the: - ‘ i in “reference to Boats or Freight • ear at IT. Ainswort - re . * TV--. -v HFXI.I n s.vNk *rd. Agent for C. L. Colby *v t os. l.i.u- Boats. JOR ,saLB7 terms and particulars • plv to E; REMINGTON N-SON Thomasville'Ga.-’ it Hu .. . . • pj p‘p, rKFnfltl _ DARLING fIIIKI'ORD. Conmiss at ißmtait:., Groceries* Provisions. Ac , iio. T - j s -. ,V'> r c*ver Anderson’s Wharf ] - . . Ga. r$ 10 Lovell k Pview, :,T,v ik) • Siusr’ <t i Halsev. Wum & C CC 1., y J Er ■. her TYXG Educational. The undersiened will moat the Ever t cioe- *bN ®ehoel on Nfondov the Pirst of JsMSry next. T s! - rate- No prop r#* ; Te.l for less than One | Quarter of Ten no deduetion * made for less time, exPpr in cases of pro trac*.' t mI- -rlos Sickness. Tuition m.,9, b e paid (foarterfy in Advance, or t sAtiafactory arrangewents made for rwfnf nt tiTHJii cjiU. T- f Ist C!a Fir f RucKmnt c of’ Sr .. leading, ic.. $P’ IH B i gHih Grammar. Arithmetic. (Teogrophy, 150’ Tsition ga H gher b~nnch.e of tv ■'ii.f Afth I rack 2’ g. Ft f} 3XT Ats “\A/ f . Y ANI> HARDWARE STORE. • ‘ RTH GALDBERRY’S STORE. Ia large and i • ,) Atock of Family Groceries, Hardware 1 •’ tiery. ,vc . istingr its part of r.el; Fr sh FI lur, Uio and Java’ CoJS-*r. Nails, Bagging and Rope, Black, Green and Young Hyson Tons, Crus <-i. Clarified an i Brown f>ugnr, English . Dairy and < : n-hen < ‘'.aese, Goshen Butter. Si la an-I Butter Crackers Buckwheat Flour, Onions, g, Powder, Shot, and Caps, Factory Yarns and Osnaborgs Pepj • spice, Clowes, Ginger, Nutmegs, TYu’ -tone. ltnligo, Copper as Madder. Snuff, Scotch Maccahny and Bottle, Liverpool and Coast Salt, < tewing and Smoking Tobacco, Hard and Hollow Ware of all kinds. Pocket ftnd T ble ’ Cutlery Spades Shov ‘ e!s. Forks Hooks and Lines of all Sizes, Willow Baskets, Tubs and Buckets. Itrfact everything usually kept in a first cln^s Prov sion store-, A’l of which will he sold low. Constanly receiving fresh supplies. Highest prices paid for Cotton, Wool and Hides. Call and see 41. B. AINSWORTH. New Furniture Score. M. NEWMARK, H 4 Broughton Street th - •* ° ,d > 7S 7 STAJVD, V Keens'cAnstently on hand a good supply of Parlor. Chamber and mm fisiTii, mm. lEtHfessoin, Childri'is’s Car riages. Ac. MHttre-s's renovated and Furniture re paired at the shortest possible time. All oi • tiers promptly attended to and carefully pack ed. Am GOHEY’S ~ LADY’S BOOK FOR 1866. THE FASHION MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD MTKi;A'i’CRi:. FINE ARTS &- FASH ION;-. iin most magnificent Steel Engrav :: DOCK 1. E-FASHION PLATES. Wood thigra.viitgs on every subject that can ■ *• rest ICv.-chet Knitting Netting. Ktnbrtfcdery. Art teles in- the Toilet, flir t!ie P ••• • . t'-e ; .rr. and !!••• Kueheir. Kverv iinug make a ermplete Lady's Bonk The I.Hiljp#* Favoritr for ttti Year,. No Magaziuy has-been able to compare with ;. ■ None nttenitit it. GonEY S EF.r EIPTS department of a household. Tliese alone- are vrwtl; tin- price of the Book. MODEL C(>TTAGES no other Maga zine gives them , with diagrams. n!:.• hy.y; i r.rshoxs foe rhe YOUXO. AOotlier specialty with Gndev. < )Ji }(- IXAL Ml SIC, worth $6.00 a year. Other M:\gazinfspablish old worn out music ; but the subscribers to Gudey get ir before the bdCd’Y/yt; FOE I.AMES. Ano tberpecnlY.rity with Gode-y. Fashiet s from Messrs.-A. T. Stewart &.Co., of New York. the millionaire merchants, ap pear in Godey. the only Magazine that has Ladies Bonnets VTe give more of them in i rear Than any other Magazine. In fact, the Lady ‘s Book enables every lady to be her own 1 hot-net maker. ■ ’itßtpx ntßi.ivn. L’ -- “.LY-. “ HLLh-P Path.” “ Mott ide,” ‘‘ Nemesis,” and *• Afiriam.” ” ■- ‘ G. si v ach nrnnt'h. and for no other n : j.A t - ■- novel l>y her will he pub iv. Mo- tYi ive i.:s i retained all our hutorf • TERMS OF 1 mm mn 11 m less. ■ The following are the terms of the Lady's— • i One e-pv. one year, - - -. ■ - $3.00 • - j Tim - ear, - . - - 7.50 , • a year, . - - . -10.0 U Five coj-t, -. one year, and an extra, to -nerßon'tn-t'.ing v.n the club, mak - ‘ 1-4.d0 i | ‘to the perroncetring ip the clnh. muk Eleven copies, one year, and art extra , to t he person getting upihe club. - - 27 50 ! AH a 1 ■ r.. club® at dab rates. ‘~ •: -la ‘Y - Book aflH Arthur's one year, . . XV- ‘ .v. id”.’ w;t!i any'■-r-it-r magiTzine ■■ - O “The money mvsf all be s> ‘ for . C’ie.rtiriii subscr i-ers must send 24 een's addi tionaj for each suYsctiberv, I, A. 60DKY, -V. F.. Corner Sixth a i Cke*in>tt SC . PHILADELPHIA. G hrgia—Berrifn County. “ er*#, Solomon GritSn and Mary Gr ffin, applies to me f., r Letters of Admin v estate of lames Griffin, . And, whereas, Boney Roe applies to me for Letter* of Administration on the estate of Nihcy Hop, ltp of *aid Vmrfftt, dstthl. T?il*** nr t9h ftii ptrmK fft he- n*?4 jil fry M-thifi ftf# **fys<* Ijy t*w. try Tjfi ‘Y'ST f>Yr)go |f i f*Ay- }**s*?% y m W 7 fHr'j -^^tTfTTftTY l> f? rupr f>, r r-4 Co-partnership Notice. ■ ’ ■ ‘ C <R FT has this day associated with himelf in business JAB 1- W.-\ ‘KINS, aud the business wiil heraflcr be conducted under the style ot OKI- f & i vVATKINS. Savannah, Feb. Ist. 1566, To the Citizens of Savannah and Interior Georerla: Fuliv apprecm ne the very liberal patronage extended to me in my business during j •he past rear, I take thi< method o! thanking the citixens of Savannah and people ot Georgia. “ We now bore to extend onr business, and by close attention thereto, e*tab - and merit a continuance of pas: fav irs GHRISTIAN ORFF. C. ORFF. ‘ JAS. F. WATKINS. SOUTHERN PAL ACE nm ii mms nusi! •I . 11l & 113 Congresss Street SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. ORFF tV WATKINS. ’ ‘ iHFORfERS, JOBBERS AND T>EA!• KRS IN ff©m ; . DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. ‘liy keening an ecperien *ed Buyer continually in the Eastern market, thereby taking adrttnta :■ f any decline in prices?me are enabled to furnish goods at the shortest ! notice, and a; a ven - margin. . ■ will fiml it greatly to their i our Stock TERMS STRICTfY CASH. . ‘ OISFf k.WATKI\S. • Savannah, Feb. 1, ltV.6. nt>v 8-dm COMING. STILL COM. ‘* i, . \VK A 111-; NOW A FELL STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! tan, in, iiiHii Ladies Cloaks, Shawls and Hats OF TdE LATEST STYLES. • aSftTLEftf niRldSWIb Goods. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. . 1 HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CUTLERY AND CROCKERY, | OF THE FINEST AND MOST APPROVED FINISH. ’ JNTof ojliss of a.ll liinds, In fact everything else usually kept in a Dry Goods House. A splendid .stock of GOLD WATCHES, with many other things too numerous to mention. All of which we offer to sell as I heap as possible for C iSH k CJSHon(u Please call and examine >:r stock as- we make no charges .for Showing our Good Oct-25 6ui H. WOLFF & BROTH Ell. ’ L J. IILIUI A a. OENERA? J • ‘■ ‘ (L oimmssioii ic JforiDartiafi ®n b ants, : No. 148 BAY STREET, r opposite trE-firry Frotjh ?AV.4\\ UI. GEORGIA, I . ’* _ v y • / articular attention given A procuring FREIGHTS,, and to t}u Pmrksse andSa 7 t HARD PINE TIMBER “ and LUMBER, Cotton, Wool. I*lds*” TkHbyy, Ay .. A . N'ov ? • . . . . • m M. S. MEYER. Successor to ’ ‘’ • -S A’ ***• *=*- - Dottier in CLOTHINO, DRY ROODS, ti KNiHinSQ noonßi *• . ClnngrPKsj Rt... Opposite Mir MTmm **4 <* . . -5 <*i, n : : M. s. MEYER. W hnlran I • •*•’*!’ • •■■ BOOTS im. IMBBIUBS K No. 172, Hi •nttpMnn Rfrttrf, Np* I to r, inr 1 rtf Whitakw lUITiIOtJCKB oi l ! nfcrifcot* * ?.Brt fll+aHri &f*u r>/, Yrm IMIVIIII llllill Pltllff! J.SCHIFF& BROTHER, Have now re ady for inspection, and are constantly receiving j additional supplies of the latest styles of Ninnlc and I'nmy T> R. “Y” G- OOD S , SUCH AS ! French Marinos, all- Wool Polar os. tlrnnitas Th.olins. Alpacoas. anb the Lat- j * Styles Pfuii White Guccis, Hosiery, wd s H.ilinoriil tinil n..’ t Skirts Head Nets Ladies* and Gents Hats, Knit Woolen Goods such as Breakfast Shawss, Nubcs. Sontags ar.d^lloods. | 5 M4 iJJLS Oi the latest Broadway style. READY MADE CLOTHING, All wool Casimeres, Doe Skins, Satnets, and Kentucky Jeans, Ladies and Gents Soots and. Slioes A great variety of NOTIONS, Cotton and Wool Cards Macabovand Scotch Snu” ! \ t aehottlc or pound. A large lot of T’RRNCH (M LF SKIXS, and LEA TlJEli of onr own tannin;/. Many other articles kept usually in a I>rv floods store. Como and give them a esfll, they will | take great pleasure in showing goods, and you will be convinced that they will sell their goods As Low as the Lowest ! I Country merchants will find it to their advantage to examine their stock and prices, Nov 22 tl’ ( ’• ‘ .. HP ‘ ■ * : S T K A M ERS TWO BOYS’ AND ‘ORIENT.’ Regular Packet*, between Itoetortown and Savannah, . ’ and 355- E'AVING perfected my arrangements, 1 am now prepared to ship from 600 to 80 Dales Cotton per Week-by the first-clue* Moane rs TWO BOYS and ORI ENT. ninl will handle all Cotton er (foods consigned to me, and pay for all Cotton 1 (lonodslost in my hands. 1 have a large w R TEE O XT S IE, and competent men to attend lo my business- and feel sure of giving satisfaction. ] 1 have chip pad during the nwnth of November ]]<"(> Hales Colton. withoiM being Agent ! for a Boat, and as I fun Agent for two first class Steamers, will insure all Woods cons 1 signed to mv care to meet with dispatch. All Cotton consigned to my carp will be i bandied with great care. lb •* DILLSON, Agent, MACKY. BEATTIE A CO., i'bniuimi r.n'j Central Cominssion illtr.'b t, U 77 4 W 200 203 Bay St. &a. (huh advancemade on Consignments to MACKY & BEATTIE. Phila. —— \ ‘ • REFEHF.WCESi >1 ossrs. on AS L. GOLBY (f Os) . Savannah. t‘ m N iMil k GAM-MELL, “ BELL <f OnillSTlAN, ■ SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, “ Messrs. MACD A WRIGHT, Augusta. ■ “ W A. RAMSEY &OO - • : “ ‘ LOUD. STONE & <’<>.. Boston, “ ,!;>!!N r. BOYLE kOO , New Yo*. • WALLACE & BROWNE, “ •* MACKY <fc BEATTIE, Fhilu-Ie j.hia. I J. GIBSON,-SONS & CO., “ Philadelphia NATIONAL BANK, First NATiONAL BANK. Seventh NATIONAL BANK, “ 110BT STEEN. K ’ Messrs. McCOTCILEON A COLLINS, •• CLARK A CUNNINGHAM, Baltimore. . M A HAMILTON, We have on hand aud for sale .a choice assortment of Wines, Liquors, Bacon, Flour. Lard, etc.’ Nov. 8 . Siuo ‘ JOY TO THE WORLD! THE INTRODUCTION O.F ‘ PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! .--*’ * •, i . ‘ ■ TO THE SUi’FLUINt; lirMANITV or TIII.S , * Hus Relieved more JNAri, and caused more Real .toy than any oth'-r one tlpnp that can be named 1 Is a Halm ror'every Wound! Our first .Physicians use it, and recommend its use ; the Apothecary finds it first among the Medic :i<-d for, find the WohlcetUe Druggist it a leading article of iis trade. All t he. Dealer- in Medicine speak alike iu its favor : aud its reputation us a Medicine of ( Merit Mislied, and it i’ ’ • • • ‘ I'hr- nrr< PHWlttf MNlrlltP Os tlu* 4pr! rvi ?! v vm rvrri'l! (MfOtlf T> H \VE \ tvTTU‘. IN CASE, or SUTVOKN AT T ‘• i . r I KW? jvt ‘■ 1’ /r If 1 S Hnr Thrnni. I’ntr),. Cmislip, e(.’ . Wnlt Htoniaeh. Opnrrat OchilOv. Nursing . MntiM). (’nnVni I r .... . Di*pep*i* o> 1 .11..s.tion. 'nmpn.| I’aiu in the Mfomanh, RnareU Onmpiatnt, timers’ Polio, Airtlic Cholera, i ind f)ylerv . riA’\ / \ ‘ t/ / > rr <-r/{r< t ~,. n i- „„.i ft) rp R M-t.n .1 Oofs. Rrni'e* anti Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, RfngifrnHn and TeO*r. ttrnken Rr**nt-. PMIW ! I <l.l 1 t'i m.litiH. I ■•<••.<• I-,, I’niti in W I apt . NtllWlfif fipd tttinmntisfn. p/\fff fiffiTpn taken iPinrnalit ehrnld be administered with milk nr wafer, and etigtp. if and. mrpd. nr made into a srfttto with moinoe. Fop nOilflH and RROUCHITI?! a fra drop* nf sn£nV. eatft. rr* nanw attentive than nnyibnig j c iop. r o t a =inHE THROAT- smrgle th ♦ hv.;mt with a miitnre nf Pain Ellnr and it * * fvUeHM rv ib|c .§>ontb m (knltrpnsc. LUCIUS C. BUY AN. EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS. ,, The ••SorTHKR.N Lnterprise” is publish* ed weekly at Four .Dollars per annum strictly in advance. ADVERTISING TERMS . Advertisements wilt be inserted for one ! dollar per square of twelve lines or les tor each insertion. From this rate a dis count ot twenty-five percent will be made tor advertisements inserted for three months or under six months, and fifty per cent for twelve months or more. All ad vertisements sent (o the office must be marked with the number of insertions de red or the period to be published, and in , very in st a nee accompanied with the amount required for payment. Marriages aud ’ deaths will hereafter be charged for as ad vertisements. Special or editorial notices i will be published and charged at double the ; above rates. Payments must be made jin current funds. Remittances may be , made by Express at our risk All others i must be at the risk of those making the same. Subscribers names will bedroped from the list at the end of"the term for which the subscription has been paid, un less renewed. All communications should be addressed to Proprietor Southern Enter-’ pri.ii , Thomanille Georgia. I. APVFRTIKEJIEIVTN. Apeesrsons having occasion to adver ltli Legal Sales, Notices, etc., arc com pelled by law to comply with the following rules: | Administrator*!. Executor*, or GHar diaim: j All sales of Land by Administrators, Ex-’ ecutors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten .o’ciock in. the forenoon, and three, in the afternoon, at the Court House in the County in which tiie property is situate. Notices of these sales niu-t be given in public Gazette Forty Days previous t* .nc day of sale. Mali- ot’ Bernoulli Bioprrty : Notices of the sale ol Personal Property must be given at least Ten Days previ ous to the day tCntnlc lli btnr* anil 4 rcditorsi Notices to Debtors and Creditors ot an es tate must be pu lished Forty Days. 4 cart oi 4rlinai> Leave to Sell : ! Notice that application will be made to the the Court ot Ordinary for leave to sell Lands, must he published weekly for Two Mouths. Adsticnintrntioii aml 4-n:irdiiiiinhi|> i ! Citations for Letters of Administration must be published Thirty . Days ; for Dismission from Administration, mouth i ly for Six Monlbs. 1 I'orrclOKiirr of lorlgii"e : Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for Four Mouths. SNinbl i!uti” 1.0-. t r : I Notices lor establishing Lost Papers* roust b** published lor the full term of Three Mouths. ifey* Publications will nlwnvs bo con tinued according to the above rules, un less otherwise ordered. OtOROiA TELEGRAPH, PUULISH ED AT Ilaron, - td'oigiu. DAILY AND WEEKLY. J. SXEEB A S.ltl’l, UOYKIV Edilor*. • TERMS OR SUBSCRIPTION Daily edit ion, per tiunum fig 00 Weeklv’tMuion. per annum 4 00 Subscriptions received for the Daily lor les than a year at theauyie rate. The new proprietors of the TELEGRAPH aie resolved to spare*uo labor, 4ll- excuse, ic make it the t.e vtmm; pfiyWFgf the*Sr™c if not of the South, in addition Piyt^veguhir corps ot Editors—who are men of mrfch eSbeiieuce, and well and favorably known in'tlie South— we have employed able correspondents at most of the leading points of interest—such as V\ ash ington. New York, Paris. Ac Lc Feature. —The leading feature in the TELEGRAPH will lie its devotion to tin r ; ghts. interests and feelings, of Georgia and her stricken sister States : we would lift them up from the valley of lmmiliation. exhort them to a forgetfulness of the past, except its glories, arid nerve their arms fm the arduous struggles of the future. Commercial Department. —The Commercial department of the TELEGRAPH will receive special attention. Daily reports will ho given of all the leaditfg markets of the Union togethm with a full A eekiy review of the local market , wiiilc. on the arrival of every steamer. Euro pean political and commeichii.accountswin .be given, in this respect we hope to offer such ad\mntagcH sis will make tire Telegraph an in dispensable visitor to the counting room of e\ -. erv merchant and tradesman. Education. Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts will be fostered as tire true sources of all National and individual prosperity. ; Ths Weekly Telegraph The Proprietors take a special pride in pre senting their WEEKLY EDITION to the public. It contains eisrhl pages of Fifty-six Columns, almost exclusively of reading mat ter, in each number, and in point of typography and general appearance is without a rival at t-be South. Specimen numbers sent bv mail tq all applicants. Address all communicatioug on business ta H . A, I!EED & to., 1 eb 14-7 Proprietors, Macon, Ga. JUST RECEIVED 41 .H:\KI\S & TSIOIIAS’ iVcw i Store, a New supply of Goods consist ting of \V(M>D. WILLOW, POT and CROCKERY WARE of all descriptions, together with a beautiftft selection of Dry Goods, J in w m: x_s xx y , j CANDIES, PERFUMERY, POMADES, I atnl fancy articles of all kinds. COTTON CARDS. | COKFIT. MILLS. PADLOCKS, SCALES, ! HATCHETS HAMMERS. NAILS Ac. FRKVdI It IM VIIV, .50 C rjil* n ft r ink. ft I Ihr “Our Hmnnc.” * , All Other Drink* !)3 Out*, nl the “OUT II4MIM'.” - AhV.on Ornn|(lit nlth“Our Hou*r.’ (3rnninrNrlcli Whinlicy nl ihr “Our llomr,” ■lot Whilkr IMmrhe* nl Ihr ‘'Our llouac, o>rr TIIOI %>n Hnohrl* of C*l •n Non! for sate at *• the Masrruder Pllwe,” nine miles. from Ttiomaaville, on the IMoßtiniio road Feb 14 7 m WM U AMMOtKP