Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 28, 1866, Image 3

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Didn't that Uan tuffrr. An occasional correspondent, wri* tmj; from Knoxville, Tenn., to the Republican Banner, sets off the follow ing on Old Suiatt. There are a few East Tennesseeans who do not know John Fleming, of this county, a lawyer of much sharp ness, with a good practice, and, as far as l can learn, of undoubted loyalty. Well John tells a most amusing ancc dote of our Reverend Governor, which is too eood to be lost, and, whit is more to the point, he gives it as coming from Andy Knott, who is, also, a well’ known citizen, and one who bears a good record for loyalty. The pith of the matt :r is contained in a deserip* tion of Brownlow s terrible sufferings and martyrdom, of which the wori i has heard so much for the last two years. A few months ago, Brownlow sued Sneed, Cr >zier and Reynolds for dams Igw, and recovered hu j.j. the Circuit Court at Knoxville, • causing the property of those gentlemen t( be uold out, and buying it at his own price; property that would, in all probability in peaceable times, have brought twice the amount of the judgment. After all this had occurred, Squire Knott meets J ieming, who was one of the Governor's lawyers, (by the way, they are all Col. HeiskelU constitu cuts,) on Gay street, and acco-ts him thus: Well, Fleming, I sunpose you suc ceeded in recovering 8d5,00(j damages for Governor Brownlow, for and on account of his sufferings as a Union man? Fleming said Yes, Andy, and wo had no trouble, and could have recov ered §50,000 just as easy, if we had laid it Knott—Well, John, there’s no tell ine how much that man has suffered. When he was put if jail at Knoxville,. I was in there for mv Unionism, al-o, with about one hundred others. We cat hull bvei and sour bread, and slept on the muddy floor, without cover, while Browtilow had a feather bed to sleep on, and had chickens, coflee, ham, biscuit, aiul anything that his ‘ainilv and friends desired to send hint. Great God! I'deeming, didn't lie suffer! l)i> rcctly we were all sent to .Mobile and Tuscaloosa, and treated worse than . d—<l, dogs while Brownlow was fur nished with a gua and to protect him from rebels, and sent safely through the lines to Abraham's bosom. Great God! Fleming, didn't tl at min suffer.! Well, we lav in prison, and came darned nigh starving aid being cat up with ver min, itch, etc , while Urry.vnlow collect, ed half a dozen Kast Tennesso an.s in Yankee land,, o gaiii.’.*d a trave'ii ■ menagere, and showed at fiity cents a night, children and niggers halt price, and made lots of money, and kept it all himself, and never fed his animals at all. idem tig, Good God, did you ever hear of such suffering? Then he wrote a hook —an Abolition bonk—and sold an interest in the c. py right for § JQ,*KMJ in cash, and the damned rob vis then s.-iit his family thro i.;'o toe lines toiiim. where they wore all leas, tod, toaste 1 and lionized Fleming lio'.v could mortal man endure such sufferings? Xn sooner had old Burn side taken Fast Tennesssee than he and his family won Sent back home, the Unit ‘d States Government furnish ing ambulances, teams and guards for them. When Brownlow reached Knoxville he took possession of the custom-house as special treasury agent, at a large salary, and appointed a set of revenue aids, and he soon collected about SSO, 000 worth of abandoned rebel proper* ty, which has never occu accounted for to this day! Great Go i! Fleming, didn’t that man suffer. Hunt Him for a ** C'irciiinlion.” The Chicago Times gives tile fol lowing account oi the struggles and trials of a cotemporary in that city : The enterprising junior abolition newspaper of this city is fertile in ex pedients to tret subscribers. It first tried the ordinary plan of allowing people to take the and pay for it This scheme failed It next tried giving it away, and this too failed. It next offered to give the paper free ami prepay the postage. Even this liberal offer was only a moderate success It next offered to send tlve paptr free, prepay the postage, and give p ters a small salary to delivt r it. This seems nut to have worked , for the concern now offers to send the paper free, prepay the postage, give postn as ters who will deliver it a small salary, and throw in an occasional sewing tna chine. These are great inducement-, and may lead a good many poor people to allow themselves to receive the paper. Still the emoluments promised do not equal the amount of discomfort to be endured in hav ng to take that sheet for twelve long months. Scarcely any thing could compensate for such an infliction. Kniird; far Hot* in Hor-r*. A writer in the Southern Cultivator gives the following simple remedy for bots, which if administered in time, he calls an almost iufaliible remedy. French freely with sweet milk aud mollasses (sugar or honey will do) well shaken together. Continue it, a small bottle every 15 or 20 minutes until the animal becomes easy, then give a quart bottle full of strong salt water, followed soon after with a quart oi cad tor oil. It is idle to give anything to kill the bots when in the horse. r he on ly pdan is to carry them off —this is a sweet drench and wili do it They seize on it greedily and fill in a little while. In salt and water they will lie dormant for days together, and in this state the oil will carry them off. A pood many valuable horses have died recently in this vicinity. The lives of most of them might have been sav. ed if the above simple remedy had been promptly administered. The Tribune's special says a'novel official document vaa received at the I Ind u’i Bureau lately. It is a tabular | anuly-ia of the cost per head to the j Government of killing Indians and! squaws ofi the Western plains. The * average e>u-t of killing an Indian ha- * betm about half a million dollars, while | of a squaw the cost is nearly $2,900, , •000. __________ ■ Inferior Court, in Chamber*. ) THot 4SVILLE, Feb. 27, lib. j I (?KHRtHA Thomas ('on - ’ y. | W iilmin H. Reynold*. eli>ted V V to the ofic* o! Sheriff on. the 4th of Jan- j nary. IBM, iiaving ret'u-. 1 r accept unit}office: | tivd, r ■ i>. .eterL. I. ive. Jutirr of tbe Inferi.>- Ciu:'l of Thomas County, having re- 1 signed his commission and otfiee, Ii > kre%y OrSrred That an Election he held- on Thursday. Mar ‘i s*7.l>fc*i, tor a Sheriff and a Jntice <*f die Inferior four;, to till said j vacancies. K H HARD \WAT, J i- c \\SKL OL'KLE. j. t. c. HENRY MITCHELL, J. i. e. Attest: * LEBREUS DERLX. c i. c.‘ Feb 28 9-4 t | Land for Sale, j VNICE resilience one mile from Thomas . ville, containing HW Acres—so A.'re's an •ier cultivation. Al-o, Low of Land X 7i and half of 72, i sitnated in the t-2rh District of Brooke County. Tile above property can he bought cheap, if application is made in a few days to J. U 8 DAVIS & CO- Feb 28 . D :tt’ DEPOT HOTEL TllO’f AMYIf.LIL O V, r |VHK large new Hotel near the Depot is now 1 ■ latum of the public. Having fitted up the Hou-e. and made ample arrangem >'nt* to give - . -f ation. the under ifigii-d most respectful!v. invites the patronage . i:iJ FI TCH rd 28 !kta §£ 200 Jte xvi i l. STOLEX from the plantation <>f the under’ ! signed, on Saturday night, 24th of Feb mar. I’wo *li<lc.a. One a stout built Black Horse Mule, the other ala rite Bay Mare Mule, j The above reward will be pa it for their deliv ery in M Jticeiio, I-’! r la or to the under sigfied 5 mite- East of Montiodlo. - ■ R 1 I UNBU.L 1 U)MI\IiTR ATOft’S S3 J3l. Xjs 3Ej l GKEE.VHLE to an order of the llonortt hie the Superb-’ Court of Brooks County, ! Georgia, will he sold he fore the Court House door in Quittmun. on the First Tuesday in , April. Lot of Laud, Xo. 194, known as the MILL LOT, in the 12th District of Brooks County, on which is a Saw and Gii>t Mill, with , ‘■ ail the implements and machinery belonging ‘ I to Mill. The above property is a part of the Real • Estate of Jacob Uey.- r, late of said County, ! dec< ail. Sold for the benefit if the creditors ( of said iisfoto. Terms, one half ca;h. balance on the first , day of January next, with jjood and sußieieut | security. \V. if. Sil \RPE. Vdm'r Feb 2s 9td with the Will anUexed. i Mules for .^cile. CV)L. VCM SLOAX of Thomasville, has ’ J sun line Mules for s..h\ at his plantation near t.lasyow, in this Comity. If you wish to buy apply at one-. f -b 2S 9 lit ‘ STOVES! M’OVES! r |4HE inidersieiied have just receive* a larife I lot of now aud el--ant impritVed Stoves. ('o.kitt£ Outer, t*. is ! Farter mores, fob 28.9 ( a. R >.ui l'il. V !>TH K -Da the First Monday in May n.-Xt. 1 will apply to ta Honor able Court of Ordinary of Timm is County for an order grant i’i'sr ImiVe to sell the Lands of Jesse Ward, dr .- il. J. WARD. Feb 2d 9 2r.i Adiu’r. tillOKlil V rinuna- County. C'litrl of <Ji r. uti.l/. February ‘ll, ISoG. WHEREAS. Tite estate of David Ward, doc'd. is without a representative All persons tire therefore notified to tile tiieir objeTcions in said Court, otherwise Let ters of Administration thereon will be jot-anted aim issued to the public administrator of the Coontv in terms of the law. 11. IT: TOOKE. Feb A- 9-iMd (irdinaiy. CKIIItUI V—t-ountis-s County. WHEREAS, Dennis Witheriiutton. Guar dian of the person and property of Ra ehe'. Mary. Surren-a, Elizttb. h, Moisey &• .1. sse WitheriiHfton. mitiors of said ('outity, liuvuig fully discharged his trust.appla-s to he dismiss ed from his Guardianship: —Therefore all per sons eoneenied are hereby notified and required to appear at my <uiiee. o;v tlie first Monday in April twxt. and show cause if anv they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be emoted. (liven it offer, my htuid and official siouature. this 22d <i iv of February. WILLIAM C. SMITH, Feb 28 3 Gm C. C- Ord. [l’eter Pearce ) rs. 1 Bill to rnrrect mistake Allen Creed A: 1 and Injunction. Tliouias Adams. 1 I T appearing to the Court rhtit Allen Creed. I one of tiie Defendant's in the above stilted case, has removed and now lives in the State ..f Alabama :—lt is therefore Drderetl hv the Court that service of the above stated Bill be perfected on saii Creed, by the publication of tins order once a month for four months, in the Southern Enterprise AEG. 11. HAXSELL, Judge S C. S D Extract from the Minutes Thomas Superior Court, February 24. fSoti, LEBBECS DFKLE Feb 28 C. S. C. T. C. G. EMPIRE HAIR RESIDUES. VX eleirant ft, * <sinz, An infallible restorer of C / , And a wond. rful /riyoctitor of the HAIR. Prepared bv W. P. CLOWER Si CO., Jtin 31 5-ts Apothecaries Hall. Flctclior 113T3 Tfl'i’3, rjiHE Exercises of this Institution will he 1 11-sullied oil the Filer’ / .VO.\ ft A 1 /A JASUAR'jLSEXT. ! T e Vear embraces forty weeks. Tuition payable quarterly in advance, un less otherwise provided for. Rates of Tuition as fol lows- Reading. Writing. Spelling, Ac., per Quarter. . • ‘ . SS.IK) Aritbinetic, Grammar Geograpy, His tory ./See., . . . . §12.00 Either of the preceding, together with Algebra. Geometry. Plain and Spe cial Trigonometry. Natural Philoso phy, ( hetuistry or the Ancient Clas sics 1 ait in aud Greek.) . . $16.00 Arrangements are already made for compe-. tent Teachers in the Music Department. It is hitrhly desirable that pupils be present at the inieniii:: of the Session, with a view to being properly classed. Patrons of the Institute are assured that no j pain will be spared in advancing the interests of the pupils. JOHN E. BAKER. Jan 4 3t Principal. /a>F TIIOI SAXD Kuiahrls of Cot- Vs ton Seed for stile at “ the Magrnder ’ Place.” nine miles from Thomasville, on the Montieello road. 1 Feb 117 3t WM HAMMOND. nOITHERX TIMBER LAIKD* O FOR SALE —Fifteen Thousand Acres of Timbered Land* far Sale, on the Satilla River These lands eanuot he excelled in Southern Georgia for heavy Pine Timber.— Parties are iitvited to examine. Address j L. W H PITTMAN. j Feb 21 81* Black*hear, Ga FRESH ARRIVAL; OF CHOICE Family Groceries, j Ricr. Flour, _ , KhcL wbenl. do \ 4-o-Im'ii Rult.-r rtyj# v\f -W Fulton ’larl.i t | Bref. I lirrw, ran*, tlniond*. - Brazil >ul. (oronut*. 4orr <y*trr*. Mpin and Ofnlfrc, ts a< . rarotii. Vermicelli. Olive Oil. l*rHiie. Baisins, Sultana, do., Currants, Citron, Soda Crackers, Boston Crackers, French Mustard, Durham,- do. Received and.for sale bv JOHN STARK. Feb 21. . 8 ts niIKTKK AND ALK.—64 iRr/ u of ST Ale an-i'Porter, received and for s-ile bv teb 21 8 t: JOHN STARK ‘ GIABOKV 4812JK-.-V fresh --el full I .i—mi';meict i's Du-rder, > ■ ■ ure v,--i i I for sole hv ‘ • feo 21 8 ts JOHN. STARK ‘PO S tIIIKKBX r—A tine lot of PIPES. 1 and a large an 1 fine assortment of SM< >K . ING TOBACCO—soma very choice brands — receive 1 and for sale hv fob 21 8-ts . JOHN STARK. SNA’ FF : MBf| FF • Lorillard’s’ and Rad Road. Scotch and Maccuhoy Snuffs, in Jars. Bladders or Pape re, for sale bv feb 2i 8-ts JOHN STARK. CITY TAX ‘ORDINANCE. BE IT OKUAIAKD lathe Mayor and V ,unnl of the ‘/'turn of Thomasr tile. That from and after the first day of March, 1866. the following and Taxes shall be assessed upon occupations and commodities, in said . Town, as hereinafter specified, to wit: , On each bale of Cotton stored within the 1 corporation 4 I To be reported and paid by the owner of the Warehouse or store in which such cotton iiiuv be stoi-ed. within one - ot the time ot deposit, under a penalty of five dollars line for uegl'eet, on each hale. On all Retailer* of Spirituous Li pionu j in quantities less than a quart, (each ! per annum ) 1000 00 Ou all Venders of Lottery Tickets and Gift Associations. (Jo Jf. 00 Ou all Express Company Agencies, (dojfitO 00 On three \ i'ii ii • Masters, o eh, (do. 1 ,.. h 0 00 On all g • >d- sold at Auction ) p.-r cent, rile Vuctioneer to make Weekly re tains. and collect and pay over to the Marshal; under a penalty of not less taan five nor more than twenty-live I dqUare for each and every neglect . Au- ioneers to close their sales by 10 , o’clock, I*. .11 , under a penalty ot not j less tan five d-dlar.s nor mow; titan lillv f reach and every neglect, at the discrclioit ot (lie Mayor. , Du all go als sold oil commission one per cent. H.-tartm t >he made by the CtMinnission Merchant to the Marsluß of the town fnoiiildy subject to a like j penalty as the foregoing. 1 On each Bdiiard Table and Bowling ‘ Vil, k v ; .150 01) On all Itinerant Traders of Goods, f Wares and Merchandise, each, first ” eek p-,o Os) i And lor each week thereafter JO 00 (•it all l’ediars each 150 (ft) (Jit al! Hu- listers. (kike and Fruit St amis, on the streets, each, per year ‘ 10 GO <>n al! Insurance Company Agents, do.. . 2.J 00 Da all Bank Agencies, do £oo 00 (Jn all four horse Omnibuses or Hacks, do ----- 30 00 Du all two horse Omnibuses, do 20 00 Onall two horse Drays or Wagons, do.. 20 00 On all one horse Drays or Wagons, do.. 10 00 On all nou-resident I >;lgiierrean. Photn a ran hie or like Artists, <ft> op ()() On all 11 >u-resident Lawyers and Phvsi • m :-*-•• in Town . 10 0O On iih > ircnai -and MeliHgeries, per day - !..I(X> 00 On ti t s!t O',Vs or Exli t hit jo; :s for gain, do. and .... ; 15 00 :i;i Ijiw-rv Selbies tjurli. per vear 00 (>n aI St oek Drivers ot Horses or M ules. sold or olK;red for safe, pe,r day ! 5 00 On all Hogs. Pigs. Sheep or Goats slaughtered and sold, or ottered for sale in tin-Town, per head go On all Beeves, do., do., do 50 The marks and brands of all slaughtered stock to be brought with the meat amt shown to tile .Marshal. On all regular Butchers, for the use of binds, at the Marsel House, per veur eaelt ‘ 50 qq On all Dogs, of all grades, owned"within the town, per head o (j() On all Real Estate and Stock in Trade” a Tax suiiieicnt to meet and defray the ofi the present (. onneil to he assessed on the amount of trade hereafter to be aseertaiuod from* the ■ ‘ re urns of the Receiver of the Tax Returns. tie it further ordained by the authority afore* rut That all produce aud eatahU shaft lie carried to aud ,-oid at the -Market Hotts wit I: itt tip lioui sos 5 and 10A.M. Be t’. fur:her ardamrd, That the chtirg s tor tw he sc Drays or Wagons, per load shall not exeretT 75ets.’ > do. do. one itorse 38 P. McGLASHAN. M*< vor. Attest: ■’ WM CLINK, Clerk. Veh 14 _ 7-ts • A ij °.’ having demands against the jL+e estate ot Mi ram (lav, deceased late of <- nlquitt County, are hereby requested to pre sent them terms of the “law. and those in debted to said estate will please make imme diate payment to HENRY GAY Feb 21 8-4t>d Adm’r. Y “I JC E.—Mill he sold on the First Tues -x day in April next, at the Court House, m the town of Thomasville, within the legal hours ot sale Lot of Land, No. 32, in 14th ihe property of the estate of Geo. r oisoiu.*deceased. Terms on dav of sale. ~ , „ n JOSIAII J EVERETT, Feb Sl 8 fd .Adtn'r. . <i K O SS42 S A—Colqniti Caimtyi \V heron*. Nancy J. Alger, Admiaistrati ix on the estate of James R. Alger, deceased, having hied her petition in this Court for letters of Dismission:—All persons are hereby notified j l !’ ti,e tl,e > r objections in Court, within the ; time prescribed by law. otherwise letters of j dismission will begrantedthe applicant. Given I under my official signature. Fen. 5,1866 T ANARUS, , ISAAC CARLTON, teb2l 8-Pm Ordinary. GEORGIA—CIinch County. Whereas. Zi'oa King applies to said Court foi letters of (lUHrdiuusbip, for the propoTtv, person and effects of Duncan Henderson, dee d’ All persons are notified to file theit objections in said Cmirt. otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of the law. H. MORGAN. Feb 21 8 40d Ordinary. . GTORk f A—Flinch Fotintr. To all whom it may Concern : Whereas, Benjamin Drvden and Nathan Dry den, has applied to me “for Letters of Ad ministration (hi the estate of Benjamin Drv den. late of said County, deceased . These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or credit- I ore. to show cause if any they have, within j the time prescribed bylaw, why letters should not lie granted to said applicant. Witness my hand this February 5, 18ti6. ’ H. MORGAN, Teh 21 8-3od Ordinary. N OTICE.—AII persons indebted to the es tate of John C. Browning, late of said County, deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment, and all having claims against the same will present them in terms of the law. F. J. B OWNING Jan 10 40d Adrn’r. N'OTICE. —The undersigned having closed his mercaitile interest in this firm, ear nestly reqnests all pe sons indebted to settle j their accounts immediately. GEO. PATTON. Tbomasville, Feb 7 6-ts New Goods!, *. ; r F'IIE undersigned have just opened,; and X. will keep eonst.mtlv on hand, ar the store ‘ formerly owned bv Dr. K. J.. Bruce, a large I and ■ stack i DRV GOODS, Ciotlpog, LtDIKS’ l> li ES S GOODS of j every Description, BOOTS AXDJ^HOKS, HATS ANI* CAPS, Crockery,C hina Glassware, llar cl war e , groceries, *SfC., Ac., &t*-, *| Which they will sell VERY LOWfor CASH or Count ry Produce : * Pa-I'l and exaiuine <>ur StOck before pur chasing elsewhere. ‘i IX J. ,V J-. W. SHEFFIELD •Thoniahvifle. Jan :>l _ ■•’•mi PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE. The Patent Sight of J. MASSEY'S PORTABLE COTrON PRESS 5s ssow offered for Sale. spills Cotton Press wes patented at Wash l I iiigton iti IS.>7. and since that time litis en joyed almost unprecedented popularity. It is well known tluoughout most of the Cotton Stales, and a t till contracts with Agents and Rights sold for sections have expired, the oii ginal patent, unenemnbt red, is now offered for sale; and as the country lias again been re stored to prosperity, and the cultivation of Cotton once more become the chief, occupation of the Southern people: .1 oiks Massky’s unri valled Cotton Press wiil again as-ume its sway over tile Cotton growing region. To nnv per son with a sai,ill capital, tins Cotton Press is now tile surest fortune. The Patentee ha* been rendered unable to carrv it on bv tiie mi-fortune.- of rile war, and unwilling that the puhlie should lie deprived of the superior ad vantages of this great Laror Savino, Eco nomic \l, Pjiktaiii.s: Cotton Pkkss, he offers it tor sale at a very low price. Energy and a small eapltsl are all that in ne cessary ie realize from (lie s Je of this Press an independent fortune. To understand it great over nil other Presses, eXrtWliijc its model, and to know what otlieis think of it read the annexed Certificates of well known gentlemen who have tried it. For further partieula s applv to L C- BRYAN Tlionmsville, Georgia. 1 do certify tlmt I liave used Jus. Massey's Iron Screw tiie two past seasons, and can sav with propriety, that J am highly pleased with the same. Wjl. j. HEARD I do certify that 1 have one of ,1 as. Massey s Iron Screws for Packing Cotton, and can re commend -them in tiie highest terms. T'liev are a life-time estate. J. McCaNN ,S . “ Tins is to certify that i have used Massey's Iron Screw for two years in. Packing Cotton, and find it eoirvenieig and durable, I have packed a bale in thirty minute*—some bales weighing (>-19 lbs. 1 liml it as simple as the old wood s, row and not liable to get out of order. Respect full v, ■ vV.T'. HOLLINGSWORTH. Macon, Bibb Cos., June 1, 1859. \f e.the undersigned, do certify that we have one of Massey's Iron Screws, and are well pleased with them; and would recommend them.! ’ any one Who innv want a Screw C. C. TIELMAN, -JOSIAH J. EVERETT. ALLEN HAGIN, Thoms* County, Ga. ! Ido hereby certify that I have one of James j M is-ey's Patent Iron Serews. and it performs well, and lam p.eased with it. It }g of the most lasting kind. TARQCIL McAULAY. Thomas Cos., Ga , June 9,1859. Stale of < eorgia. Thomas County, .0 KF I ( K OK THE OIUIINAUV OF SAfD Co.UKT, / June 9, A. I)., I Haft. $ I hereby certify tiiat tiie above named per sons, to wit: Mrs. C. C. Tillman, Allen Jla gin, Joshua'McCann, Sr., William-J. Heard ami Tarqliil"McAulay, are well known to me as Cotton piatrters-of tiiis conutv. and as per | sons of the highest respectability’ and nndoabt i. ed veracity. Gives under my hand and the seal- ol said Court attached. , A V. McCAHDEL, 1 I>ep. Clerk Court of Ordinary. I his is to certify that I have ttsc-d one of M ■issey s Screws at tile warehouse of Messrs. Dillard. Powell A: Cos., of tiiis citv. and tiiat I ; regard it as gne of the most easily operated and durable S iv vs within my knowledge. With six good hands it is capable of turning off Forty bales of, cotton per day. of an average weight of five hundred and fifty pounds, and tiiat of convenient size. We have panted 2,500 bales this season Yours, respectfully, JA§. T. GRAY. Columhns, Muscogee Cos., Ga- Feb 7 lits FRESH ~ Gt-roceries JEFFERS & SON HAVE just received a huge assortment of Plain and Fancy Groceries, PFIOVISIOKTS , Wood and Tin Ware, : which they offer for sale at very low prices, at . their new Store, next door to Gohlberrv’s. Feb 14 7-2 t j persons indebted to me , t are requested to come forward and se'tle j immediately; and all those having demand* against me, will present them at iny residence in Thornasvilte where all inv papers-will he left witt my wife for settlement. AH demands against me will lie liquidated as soon as settle ments can be obtained with those indebted to me. and they are earnestly requested tj make no delav. as lam preparing to change iny place of residence as oarlv as practicable. Feb 14-74 t ‘ T. B LITTLE. ON’ the First Tuesday in April next. agreeable to an order of Court. I will sell before the Courthouse door in Thomasville, within the’ legal hours of sale, the Real Estate, it being one hajf interest in a House and Lot in the town of Thomasville, the property of Jared I. Whidden, deceased. M A. WHIDDEN, Feb 7 6-40d Adm'x Dr.W.F. DeWITT Keeps constantly in sioie An and. fc r Bale, A well selected Stork of IIEIMES. And all other articles usually kept in a DRUG STORE, July 5, ISGS. ‘ •*'... ts Laiulreth's Garden Seeds. 4 LARGE lot of I.a.idreth's I KFsiII . V Garden Me-rl just received .tin! for sale by Du. AY F. DeAVI IT. Adj lining Store of J. Kubitshek \ Bro. Feb 14 7 ts pi(£s(Ri!>Ti >’ carefully conipouud- I -ed by I>* \V. F. DeWilt. at Store djoitt ’ ing J- Kubitshek &. Bro. feb 14 7-ts .■ IVCAS’ iUTIIAKIUN, C oeoaine, Po- J ‘luades. assorted, Sozodout. Bell Cologne. Florida Water and ail other Perfumery atiu Fancy Articles kept in a Drug Store, for sale Iby ‘ Dr. W. F. DeWITT. j Feb 14 7-ts | 1 I. I.SPIf K, Cloves, Mace. Nutmegs, 1 | f V Pepper, ground and whole. Ginger, Cin- : namon, for sale bv L)r. AY. F. DeWITT. ; j Feb 1 i ‘• 7tf . Q FIN |N'K. Castor Oil; Epsom Sajts, Salt ]>etre Copperas. Sulphur, Extract Log . Wood, for sale bv Da. AV. F. Dr.WITU - Feb 14 7-ts TSio Most 5o pa Ia r UooU (IF PIANOFORTE INSTRUCTION’ IS Rifii.irdiion'ft \cav Method, Having a regular sale of ‘l’ wentj-ll> e XtioiiNaud (topic* a Vcnr. It, is superior in excellence to all other ‘'Methods,'’ and The Hook that every Pupil Yerds for tin- acquirement of a tlio rough knowledge of Pianoforte playing!. It is adapted to all Grades of Tuition, from tiie Rmlimental studies of tiie youngest, to the Studies and Exercises of Ad aueed i’wo editions are published, one adopting Ame rican. the other Foreign Fingering When tiie work is ordered, if no preference is desig nated, the edition with American Fingering wII ue sent. . 1 Uir Be sure tiiat, in ordering it you are par ticular in specifying the “New Method.’ Price $3 75. Mailed, post paid. Oliver IMlnoh si t'o., Publishers. ‘£7 7 Washington Street, Boston. feb 7 ti-ts Jll'MC TKACHEK* . . . Consider these the Best Collections of Music for tiie Pianoforte pub-, lished. IBotnc Circle: Marches, Waltzes, Polkas, Schott iselies, Redo was Quadrilles, Contra-Dances. FomHand Pieces and Piano Gems. ‘J Veils. Gc:i of German Song: Beautiful Yoeal Comiwisitioiis of the Best Gei - inan Composers. Piano Accompaniment.— Shower of Pnu Is: A’oeal Duets with j Piano Accompaniments. Silver Chord: Songs. Ballads. Quartettes, Duets, See., with Piano Accompaniments, ttprrntir l*rar!s : Vocal Beauties of ilia best Operas, with Piano Aecompi nimeiits. Ail seni. post paid, for flo.OO, or singly at tiie following prices:— Plain, $i.59, ( loth. $4.00, full Gilt. $!. Oliver Bitsan &■ Cos. Publishers. Feb 7(i ts :ii 7 VVashington St., Boston. Twenty Thousand 52apj>y Child (’em, Are using the now and popular Music Book, “.tterry ClimT,” containing nearly Tiro Unit fin'd ft ii'/i’ and SuarkHot’ Suit"*, Pre faced by Easy Lessons ill Vocal Music and Pleasing Exercises. Overtwo hundred Thons sand of the author’s previous Book, ’l’he , (■olden Wreasia,” were r o!d, and tiiis will In- equally, if not more popular. Price 50 cts. Sent post )>aid. Oliver llifsoii A Cos., Publishers, ‘t77 AA'ashington Street, Boston. Feb 7 and ts There is no Book for Choirs SUPERIOR to the “ Slarp of ,9:idah,” by L. O. Eineison. Sev. nfy five Thous and Copies liave already been sold and the book gives the greatest degree of satisfaction to all who have used it. For Choirs, Singing Schools. Conventions and Singers at Home, it. is a collection of music ■ tiiat is universally liked. Price, 1.38 a copy ; SIJa dozen Oliver ■Fit-on A Cos., Publishers. !iJ7 •Washing ton .Street, Boston- Feb 7 ti-ts Florida AVater, Extrnet Pond Lily, and Night Blooming Cercus, Zyln Bal.-ainum. Tri oopherons, Katieiion. India Rubber. Horn and Bnifalo Dressing and Fine CoAnbs, Children’s Long and Ladies’ Indie, Rubber Tuck Combs. For sale by AV. I''. CLOWKR & CO, F'eli 7 C ts Apothecaries Hull. TVT OTICE. —All persons indebted* to I X i Sheldon Swift, lale of Thomas Coun ty, deceased, are notified to make payment • to the undersigned, and all those having claims or demands against him, will pre ■ sent, them in form and in terms of the re< quireinents of the law. JOHN J. PARKER,'Adtn’r.. SYNTIIiA SWIFT, Adm'-x. Jan 24 , . 4.-40 J. OA the. Fir-1 .Monday in April next, 1 will sell agreeable to an order of Court,, before tiie Courthouse door in TJtomasville, within, the legal hours of sale, the Real Estate Lot of Land, No. 212, in 17th District, Thomas I County, theprOTfcrty of J. V. Singletary, deed. Terms niade-kn \yn on the day of sale. . J B. DAVIS. • Feb < 6-God ‘ Adm’r. ONC (he lirs! floailay in April nr^t, I will ‘apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary, of. fhonins County, for an order. . ranting leave to sell the Real Estate und Lam!.-- of 1 oh E. IT art iti, 1 s,-d. HENRY COPELAND,- Adm’r. ‘• Jan 31 ‘ . • 5 Ihd STOfiE-Y from tiie sobsoriher, near-Dun canville, Thomas County. Ga., on Satnr ! day niglit. 27tli insi.. a larire line MOI'-E COLORED HORSE MULE. Any-informa-, tion on tiie subject will'be thankfully received,-’ and a reward of $25 wiil lie najd HENRY RAMSEY. Jan 31 ~>-4t VyOTICK lo my Frim'd'* and Patrou* ! it 1 liave turned over n&v husiuess at Doc | tortow nto D. James Diilon, who will act vritli j promptness to all who will favor him with their Consignments for the future, &c I am under lasting obligations for past fa- i j- vors from ray many triends, while I was en gaged in the forwarding business; Ate. Jan 31 slt 11 H. SANFORD. 1 VOTICSi—AII persons indebted to tile J,N estate of Mary Atkinson, late of Thomas Countv, deceased, are required to make innne- j : diate payment. i*nd all those bavin:/ claims i against tiie same will present them in terms of . | the law. M. C. SMITH. Jau 30 * , 5-OOd Prr*on having demands against j tiie estate of James M. Norman, deceased, late of Colquitt County, are hereby notified to present them in terms of the law. and those , indebted to said estate will please make pay ment to JEREMIAH B. NORMAN, Jan 31 5 40d Adm'r. ON’ the Fimt .Holiday in Vpril next. J will apply to the Honorable Court ol Ordinary of Thomas County, for an order granting leave to sell tiie lands and real estate of Josiah Jlui st, deceased. STEPHEN HURST. i Feb 7 6-2 m CONCENT*! ATKI> I*E*r, Copperas. ! Madder, Indigo. Mnstard, Tea. Sweet Oil. Cream Tartar, Soda, Saltpetre, for sale whole sale and retail by W. P. CLOWER & CO., Feb 7 6-ts Ajwthecaries Hall, NEW GOODS. ; ITTE THE UNDEIISLG NED HAV Eju i y y received a large assortment of Sf! m FASHiOSABLE IVIIH II W E WILL SELL VERY X_.Q"wX7 2 Our stock consists of the latest styles of LADIES DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, LADIES OIjOAKLS . AND SII A \\ r F, S , A FINE LOT OF LADIES HATS. Ready Made Clothing, I! MS, ll)f)2'S AND DDMSSTIO Such as Georgia made y OSNABiiRGS AND JEANS. Which wc are able so offer af munu & Muit, Before buying elsewhere you will do well tti etill and examine our stock. 1. KUBITSHEK & BRO. Oct 25-bino ; . NOTD'KTO Everybody! We (he undersigned can now say to h Public that we at'e ready lo diriml Corn, as we have purchased an enginegind mill of siilVicient power to do good Work, and he way you have to prove it is to bring your Corn and see if you do not get good connection with our .Mill we will make Furniture to order, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Kip, Dress, Tongue and Groove. Plank, make Coffins to order with neat ness and despatch, wc will also take con . t> acts for Building houses. TAYLOR & DEKLIk ‘ I feel thankful to the Public for their lihoral patronage extended to me lierelos fore, and hope 1 may merit a continuation of tlie same. DEREE. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Sixt) r days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Tattnall j County for leave to sell 4<loo Acres of j Land in Tatnall County all the property of (ho Lute Micheal M Mattox deceased of said County for the benefit of the Ileirs and Creditors. Jan tith 18()tl If. A. Mattox, j- Administrator. , J \TKRN iS, Re|'MV9 i jix !V*< £ —All pers'irts requiring License ; for the pursuit of any business or profes j sion. under tlje Excise Law- of tiie United ! States, are hereby informed that lain ready !to receive applications for the same. All : persons failing te apply within a reasonas 1 hie time after the pub Ration of t hi- notice, : will subject themselves to tlie penally of jtlie law. Blanks will be. furnished at any time at my otijee in !pliomasvi|lc. My Division 25th, is composed of Brooks and Thomas. T- L. HOPKINS, Ass't Assessor 25 th Div., Ist. I list. Jan 24 ‘ 4-ff F. Scltustcr. . C: Ileinsius Shipping, Comntistitm ■nb FORWARIHXG 1110 H AW-TSj 1 Bay Sit., SAY.IYYAJI, Ga ! Consignments of Cotton for sale in tiiis, market or for shipment to our friends in New York, Philadelphia, Boston. Balti more. Liverpool and Germany are solicited and liberal advances made. Orders for Wines, Liquors, Groceries, &c., promptly attended to. AGENTS FOR ('rrinnlr Rouzy nml Veuve Clicquot ’ CHAMPAGNE. DILTIIEY, SABL & CO’S., Rhine Wines, and ‘P. I, de Tenet & de Georges’ BQiDIAiX WINESv Nov 8 Cmo jjyiryisfiniirs . Cction factors ’ ‘ • .AND 51 Inion St., \c Orivaus !J. P HARRISON, late of the firm of /.’ave & Harrison. EDWARD HARRISON, J. P. HARRISON, Jr. | SIDNEY HARRISON. Represented by tlr. S I*. HI TLER. R ifer to A II Hausell, Messrs. Kubit- I s!iek, If. Wolff’ & Bro. j Nov 11m A J Brudv. W M Smith, . E J Moses . I Atlanta , Lexington. , t: iYST i: I \ &. EV K M i Y Uiioiesaie and Rcfaii DEALERS IN FRENCH, ERMAN, E v GLISH I DRY GOODS, Boots & Shoes, HATS cfcc., 151 CONGRESS STREET, 6m SAVANNAH, GA. S3O WARD'. STOLEN from the plantation of Dr. J. R Steele, near Muj. J. J. Everett’s, on the morning of tiie 31st nit., about daybreak, a j large ilonne Colored Yin re Rule, about ! ten years old, with a small wart on her right nostril, also a little defect of the hoof of the j right fore foot, resembling ring hoof, which at : times latnes her a little —-travels finely in a walk, with her head inclining downwards. Any one tak-ng her up. or giving any infor mat ion of her whereabouts, tiiat will result in her recovery, will be paid tiie above reward- JAMES HORN. Feb 7 6-ts FOR SALE.—Oik- Portable Engine and Grist .Hill, 6 horse power. E n . I - t this office. feb 7 6-ts <SKO It 4-1 V —Thomas Coimtr ( ‘(>;/rf ,/j ()i-,Un<nu, .hinuary 2\th, 1866. • liviu applies to mid Court for Letters of QrantuuieLip, for the property, per-• sons and effects ol \\ illis Singletary, deceased: A persons are notified to fife tlieir objectioiM m snnl Cunrt, otlierwiee said letters Will bo ; granted m terms of the law. i o, H U. TOOKE. J " JI *°4 Ordinary. A —Thomnti Coanii. Courtof (Xrdinari/, .laiutt'y Sto'/,', 1 Kbit. ” HEREAS, Sarah Sellers, makes applies* tion to this C> art for Letters of Administration on the estate ol William L. Sellers, deceased : \li ju rsous arc notified to tile their objections, in sail! Court, otherwise sai l letters will bo granted in terms of the law. * ‘• 11. ii. rooKE, Jan di a-eOd Ordinary.’ (tKOHUIA I !ii!ia<. I natj. V r! <f Or nary. Ja uce\ 30//l, 1866. WHEREAS, Henry-11. Sanford, makes ap pii ration.f*f this Court for Lett is of Admin M nation on tin- e-iaty of fhoim and .1. Walker, deceased:—All persons are notified to tile their objections in said Oolirt, o herwisc said letters w ill In granted in term.- of the law. ‘ H. H. TOOKE, dan -l ■ Aid • t Mdinary. CliOfalfl \ Titoinns (lonllll , Cwfft oj OriWlKtiy, January J7,'A, 1866. M HERE VS, The fallowing estates ‘in said without a legal r< preseufative, to wit : Estate of James Williams,•deceased. Estate of Wm. L. Hearing, deceased. Estate of Simpson Kagans, deceased. Estate of John K. Kevills, deceased. Estate of Floyd 11. hevills, deceased. •All persons interested are notified, that if no implication is made by them for letters of ad . ministration thereon, said estates will he turned over to the public administration of said conn tv in terms of the law . lI.TL TOOKE, Feb 7 ti-Dftd Ordinary. A> 3 tVHKIIi: AN. M.( Smith is Ad ministrator ad college ml uni, on the estutp of Mary Atkinson, deceased, and Jas. 11. Ilayrs* is Administrator ud college ndnm, on tiic rotate of L. M. Folsoiu, deceased—if no objection is tiled in said Court, they will receive permanent letters thereon in terms of the law It. 11. TOOKE, F'eb 7 6 odd Ordinary. ' honuii County, Court of Ordinary. January 271 k, 1866. \Vllld!li.\S, Wm. J. S igletarv, Guardian of and for the persons ] pertv and effects of the minor heirs of Ty<m ami Elizabeth Smith, deceased, makes abdication by Petition foi Letters of Dismission from said trust.: —If no objection is tiled in said Court, said letters will he granted ou the first Monday in April next, in terms of the law. Ii- H. TOOKE, Feb 7 6-60d Ordinary. K KOH(<I A— Thoiiin* t'mmi) . Court of (Xrdiuary. January 27th. .1866. . 4 WHEREAS, On the first Monday in March next. Kaehnel A. Alderman, will apply to this ('em I for letters of administration oil the estate of William Alderman, dec’d: —All persons in terested, are notified to tile t-heir objections in said Court, otherwise said letters will be granted in t- rms of the law. if If. TOOKE. Eeh 7 ti -kid (inlimn v. KliOifKl 4 Thonm* A'oiiulf. /Joint of (l -dinary. January 27lit, 1866. WHEREAS. The Estate of 0. W. Branch deceased, is yy it iiput a lggal representative : All prisons iiaerestpd, are notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise letters of administ ration will he granted to the public ad ministrator of said County on tin first Monday in March next. H. 11. TOOKE, Feb 7 6-tJOd Ordinary 4>J SA KCrholm t umily. To atl u-fio/n it may Concent ■ M HEREAS, Jane* McLoed, of suid Slat* and County, applies to the Ordinary for Let ters of Administration on the estate of Edward McLoed, deceased, late of said County and State :—These are therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular, the kindred ami credi tors r>( said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, anil show cause il any they have, why letters of administration on the estate of said deceased, should not i<Mie to ifip applicant. pi veil utujer my iiatnl and ollieial signature, this January iiotii, IPiiii. Jail .51 :*tTei T.. IT CLAY TON. Onl. 4A’ ORt, B A -Uerricn C'ou ii ly. WILEUEAS, Laurence A. Folsom applies to me for Letters of Administration on tho estate of Stephen K. Godwin late of said County, deceased —These are therefore,'to cite and admonish all persons interested, to her and appear in my office within the time pre scribed try law. to show cause if any they have, why raid letters should not be granted. A\ it ness mi hand ollieial! v, Jaiutarv 16tii 186 H. • ‘ . D. P. LI KE, Jail 31-3bd Dep. Ord. KliOttKllA iiimnilca County, W HEREAS. Allen .Tones, Administrator of William 1 . Mill, late of said County, deceased, having filed his pet Hi op in tliis Court for Let ters of Dismission from said estate: —This is therefore to admonish ail concerned, to be and appear at my oliice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not lit?granted.” Given under my lian.d, at office, this. 21th day, of January. 1866. WILLIAM SMITH, JhU 31-iriGm Ordinary, 4 I-OHtll.l —3.ait iel( n County. • WHERE VS. ‘Thomas 15. Griffin, applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of Solo-noii Newsom, late of said County, dec’d. This is therefore to admonish all persons con cerned or interested, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause if any they cun. why letters *of administration slionl .1 not be issued to the ap plicant. Given under liiy hand, at office, tills 24th day of Jttuuuri. 1866.’ WILLIAM SMITH, - Jpn 31 30d • . Ordinary. (•FOKKIA- —I.oivmles County. ATIEREAS, It is known to this Court-that the estate of Jacob Zeigier, is unrepresented : Tliis is therefore to Cite and admonish all and singular, tlie kintlre < ami creditors of said deceased, to be and a; pear at my office, within the time -prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why the adminintra,ion of saiiWstate should not he vested in the Gleik of tlie Superior Court, or some other lit and proper person. Given under my hand, ai office, on this 24th dav of January,”lß66. WILLIAM SMITH, ‘ Jan 31 IRd Ordinary. CIKORGIA-ClitiCli t'onnfr- BY an order ot the Ordinary of said County, to sell the Real Estate of Jeremiah Chancy, Sr., late of said County, deceased, will be sold before the Court House door in said county; ou the first-JMesday in Ap 1 next, the lot of Land, number 517, in th . ill District'of said. Countv. Terms made kje wn on the day of sale. ’ JOHN M. CHANCY, Feb 7 G-OOd Administrator.’ GEORGIA—Thomas County. . On the first Monday in March next, 1 will apply to tire Court of Ordinary of said County for an order grafting leave to sell the lands anil real gstate of George Folsom, deed. J J /.YE’IUTT, Jan 10-GOil Adm’r. ‘ GEORGIA — ITiucb County. To all whom it may Concern: Whereas, Mrs. Prudence Smith, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of William Johnson, late of said County, dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bvlaw, and show cause if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted to said applicant. W it ness my hand in office, Feb 17, lßob. H. MORGAN, Feb 21 8-30d Ordinary. NOTICE All persons indebted to the es tate of William H. Sibley, late of Thomas Countv, deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment, and all persona having claims again** the same will present them m terms of the law K. J. HKOVV Jan 10 40d Adm'r.