Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 28, 1866, Image 4

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SAVANNAH. Oct 27. I*A5 The uEKieivifrntd continue* to tnaisavt the bueineee of a fiS.TEBtI. CK.nlA<UO\ HER. 4 II AN T A> D E.K TOR Having ha<i many years experience in u3 bn.-ain-—. he will pay the same strict at tention to the sale of Cotton and other Pro Joce. and to the p trchase of Supplies, as in Inrtner years. He will not haveanv interest in the put chase of Cotton. Liberal advances made on ConsigmaeoM. Ollrr >•. llf*v sttreel. North sitie, and >nisa*-<lßilt-ly E.,t <>f therange @f Itmbfinvrt owned by Claghwn and C’uanmcbam. ■ Jan t-dio A S HA BTRIPOL , STI AiiT'S BOTEL VALDOSTA, GEO rpbe want of a good hotel having long I been fell at this point, the subscriber has been iudneed to take charge of this establishment formerly known as the Val dosta hotel, which will be thoroughly re paired and refitted, and opened for the ac commodation of the traveling public cn the first day of January next. Having had some experience in this line of business, 1 he believes himself competent to render his guests comfortable and to make their stay with him both comfortable and igree aj>le. and n j pains will be spared to effect this object, //is table will be supplied | with the best the m irket affords and char.. ‘ ges moderate, C. T. STL ART. Attached to this Hotel is an excellent Stable where careful aud trusty hostlers will always be found to cure for horses and attend to any thing in that depart ment. * Jan 4, if HAVING fitted up and opened our SiLOO.f, at the Store of T. J. Mcßuin, we are prepared-to offer to. the Public every ning that can be fouml in a First Class Saloon. BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GIN. ALE, CHAMPAIGNE WINE, ‘ MUSCAT WINE, • MALAGA WINE, PORT WINE. CLARET WINE. RHINE WINE •. AM* EVERY VARIETY OF • I, IQTJ <) It S, Either by the Bottle or Brink—Plain or . FINE HAVNNA CIGARS •of different brands. Anderson's and orhs •ers Fine Cut Tobacco, And everything to soil the taste of the. I most fastidious, can he had at THE‘OUR HOUSE,* A- i-h< ip a- .uiywliere in the South. We ! • hull always keep on band a LARGE AND WELL Solocted stock., And would invite the Public to give us t call, before purchasing elsewhere. . • PETERS & PERRY. Oct 8, 18i5 14 3m j ritRNCU BKANOV, 40 Crnu „ Drink, nl (hr “Our Iloune.’i All Other. Drinki *44 I't-uts, hi the “Our llouur.” AI R ou Drua|(hl hi the “Our lloiur,* Clrnuiue .strotrh O liiulK y nt tin “Our House.” Hot Whisky I*uu<-li-h nl tli “Our House. FURN I T UUE 3s ®. | FI'MIF undersigned has opened a Shop in I in Thomasville, for the Mauufactuie , and Repairing of FURNITURE, j Making and Furnishing Coffins, &c., ice. Shop second door from the. Cri ming Office, on Jefferson street. . ‘ L. J SPITZ. | • Jan 1 - 8m FHftIMV F I XDIt Y AND ■ .) MACHINE SHOP. ritlUS Establishment is iww in snccessfnl L operation, and is prepared to make to or- i dor C.KIXT AMI MW Till,l,N and all kinds ot’ Mill Work. Wo keep constantly on hand, sugar mills of all sizes. Bark Miljl 1 Gin Gearing, Iron Railing. Kettles from 10 to 100 gallons. Orene, Spiders. Wash pots, Plows, kr Wemake to order all kinds of Iron and Bras- Castings. Our prices are reasonable ‘ give us a call- Country produce taken in ey change for work at market prices. 1. IIAIMAN A CC Colnmhos, Ga. Nov 2Q, ts SOVTIIEBA (OTTOA Warehouse, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH. GEO. O’FALLON & CO., | F actors, rortvanPiiif and Commission ffiER CHARTS. IY EsPtuTFULLY invite attention to V ur taciluies for the purchase or move eut of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all business en tn our cave. to establish per manentiy a House in Savannah, expect by stric principles to merit and re ceive a pottiou of the trade. Having . commodious Warehouse ...• to.tcn. we are prepared to buy, or receive on to our friends in Now Ar< or F- ir pe, and will make advances ou vime : picking, re baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the onormous expense incurred in North* ern cities by this process. Thev solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFFICE, STODDARDS RANGE Corner of Bay and Linraln Strtett. FAMILY GROCERY ASH HARDWARE STORE. ONE BOOR NORTH QALDBRRRY’S STORE. JI’ST received a large and well selected Stock of Family Groceries, Hardware Cu|Jery,.&c.. consisting in part of JtiO B r.els Fresh Flour, Rio and Java Coffee, Nails, Ragging and Rope, Black, Green and Young Ilyson * Teas. Crashed, Clarified and Brown Sugar, English Dniry and Goshen Cheese, Goshen Butter, Soda and Butter Crackers Buckwheat Flour, Onions. Potatoes, Pickles, Powder, Shot, and Caps, Factory Yarns aud O-nutiirgs Pepper. Allspice, (.'loves. Ginger, Nutmegs, Bine-tone, Indigo, Copper a~. Madder. Snuff, Scotch Maccaboy and Bottle, Liverpool and Coast Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, . f Hard and Hollow Ware of all kinds, Pocket and T ible Cutlery Spades Shov e!s, Forks Hooks and Lines of nil Sizes, Willow Baskets, Tubs and Buckets. Intact everything usually kept iu a first j class j | Provision store, All of which will be sold low. Constanly receiving fresh supplies. Highest prices paid for Cotton, Wool and Hides. Call and see H. B. AINSWORTH. Educational. The undersigned will resume the Exer cises of his School on Monday the First of January next. TERMS AND RATES ; . . f No Pupil received for less .than One 1 Quarter .of Ten-Weeks, and no deduction i made for less time, except in cascs-of pro tracted and serious Sickness. Tuition must Lt paid Quarterly in Advance, or satisfactory arrangements made for its payment upon call. • Tuition of i-t Class, First • Rudiments of S|H-Hing. Reading. Ac..- • SIO.CM) Tuition of Jd.Class, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, la,oo Tuit ion of 3d Class. Higher‘branches of . English, with Latin and Greek 20,.00 •deeCitf S. FbtiCME. New Furniture Store. M. NEM M ARK, 34 Broughton •y- ! Street, tine • J Morrell's Old ‘ | STAND, w A” Keeps constantly bn hand a good supply of Parlor. Chamber and mm wiiii. Mis. llaHirsye'ii. Ctiiblmi's Car riages, &c. £"SP Mattresses renovated and Furniture re paired at the shortest possible time. All oi ders promptly attended to ami earefuMv pack ed. Gin GOOEY’S LADY’S BOOK FOR 1886. THE FASHION MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD. I LITERATURE, FINE ARTS & FASH IONS. Ihe most inagniiioeut Steel Engrav ings. DOV B L E-FASHION PLAT ES. Wood Engravings on every subject that can interest Ladies. Crochet Knitting Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir, anti the Kitchen. Every thing intact to make a complete Lady's Book The I.<l <■-’ I'ntoi'iic for .’{< Vrnrw. No Magazine lias been able to compare with it. Nona attempt it. G ODETS RECEIPTS for every department of a household. These alone arc worth the price of the Book. ■MODEL CO TT. Hi E S (no other Maga ! zine gives them), with diagrams. | DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE I YOUNG. Another specialty with Godey. ‘ i ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth $3.00 a year. | Other Magazines publish old worn out music ; | but the subscribers to Godey get it before the i music stores. GARDENING FOR. ladies: . Ano ; ther peculiarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Cos.. ; iof New York, the millionaire merchants,ap-• ‘ pear in Godey, the only Magazine that has I them. i Ladies’ Bonnets. We give more of them in ’ a year than any other Magazine. In fact, the Lady’s Book enables every lady to be her own • ! bonnet maker. iHAKION IMRI.AM). Authoress of ■*’ Ahnr,” “Hidden Rath ” Alois l iae,” ‘* A emesis,’’ and ■ Miriam.” writes for Godey each month, and for no other Magazine. Anew novel, bv her will be pub, : lished iu 186(5. We have also retained till our j old ami favorite contributors. TER MS OP’ GIBUS Linrs BOOK IBS 18GG. ; t From which the) e can be no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady’s Book for 1866: One copy, one year, - - ; - - $3.00 ; Two copies, one year-, - - 3.50 i Three copies, one year, , - - 7.50 1 Four copies, one year, - - - 10.01) 1 Five copies, one year, and an extra tn the person getting op the club, mak ing six copies, - 11.00 Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the person getting ip ibe club, mak ing nine copies, - - - - 21.00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra j copy to tue person getting tip the club, making twelve copies. - - 27 501 ! XII additions to clubs at club rates. Lt 5 ’ Gotley s Lady's Book and Arthur’s > ■ Home Magazine will be sent, each one year, i on receipt of $1.50. We have no club with any other magazine j or newspaper. • The money must all be sent at one time’ for - an it of tki clubs. • Canada subser bers must send 21 cents addi- ’ tioga! for each subscriber- Address, 1,. A. GODEY, A. £. Corner Sixth and Che*t> nt Sts.. ‘ | Jan 31 PHILADELPHIA ! GEORGIA— Berrien County. W herens. Solomon Griffin and Mary ; Griffin, applies to me for Letters of Admin- • istration on the estate of Tames Griffin, late o? said County, deceased. And, whereas. Boney Iloe applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Nancy Roe, late of said County, dec’d. . These are therefore, to cite and admon ish all persons interested to be and appear in my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, why said .etters should not be granted. Given under my band officially, January Bth, 1866. I>. P. LUKE, Dep. Ord. Jan 24 4-lm NEW STORE AN 1) NEW GOODS!! . • * * • • ARE NOW PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE THE PUBLIC WITH A WELL ff selected assortment of DRY GOODS & CtROCERIBS, HARD WARE, CROCKERY AND CUTLERY, Which wo-offer for sale at our store next.d'oor to Messrs. J. N\ McKinnon & Cos., consisting of ‘ • • ’ • • . ■ ‘ > Silks, Delanes,’ Poplins Marinoes. • Lust es, ■ Mohares. Cambrics, . * ■ -Calicoes, • Ginghams- Ribbons, ‘■ .Waterfalls, Head Nets, Hoops, Balmarals, Vandikcs, Casmere3, Jeans, Linens, Hoods, Shirts, / Kerseys, Buttons, Thread, Needles, Hooks and Eyes, ‘ Gloves, Belts, Hose, Laces, Tape, Hair Pins, Scarfs, Veils, Collars, Cravats. 800 T S A X I) SII OK B Combs, Knives Porks, Port ‘Monies, Spoons, Pocket Books, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Suspenders, Pens Paper, Inks, • Pencils,- Envelops, . Blankets, Ladies, Gents and Childrens HATS, Caps and Hosery, Bleaehep and Unbleached H O M E S PUN 8, Soda, • • Spiee Pepper, Mustard, Clove Saleratus, • • Cat dies, • Matches, Olive n il, ... Starch, • - Soaps, ‘ Tea, Coffee, . Coperas, Nutmegs-, Maee, Solace, Savory, • • Emulet, Diadem. And other Brands of . * - Smoking And Chewing Tobacco- . . imw sums. OF t lie latest Fashiuiift, A full assortment of • ‘ ‘ . ‘ • Castor Oil, Linseed Oil, British Oil, . Spirits of Turpentine, Jacobs Cordial, Godfreys Cordial, Batemans Drops, Paregoric, Pain Killer. Hot Drops. ‘ ‘ Laudanum, &c., &c. A Splendid Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOAKS, Which we otter CHEAP FOII CASH. • Colton, Corn, llßloni Till low, Max, &c., taken in Exchange. Call and examine our stock before pure basing elsewhere. JIiMIIXS & THOMAS. Oct-11-6m A. T. CUNNINGHAM. 1). G. PURSE. li. J. LARCOMBE. “ CUNNINGHAM, PURSE k CO. FACTORS FORWARDING AND COMMISSION Merotiants, Xo. 4, Stoddard's Lower Range, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. *vc • . ’ ~ •> ‘ L * We are making ns liberal advances as any Southern House, on Lotion shipped through : ii, to Now York or Liverpool. We arg sole Agents for the State of Georgia, for the sale of Wilder & Co’s celebrated ! SALAMANDER SAFES. ‘ , > Also, Agents for Mapes’ PHOSPHATE OF LIME, the best Fertilizer manufactured. Nov s' ’ “ : 63m L J. GXJILMAHTIN & CO., C3r IEE3 IKT 3E5 3rt .A. L SIIIFPIXCi, COTIUISriIOX & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, i < Xo. 14S BAY STREET, Opposite the Market, SAVAIVNAM, OA. V ‘ Part cular a'iention given t procuring FREIGHTS, and to the Purchase and Sa 7 e of HARD PINE TIMBER and LUMBER) Cotton, Wool, Hides, Tallow, &c., &c. Nov 8 6m TISON & GORDON, C OTTO\ FACTORS, COMMISSION AID MffAlll MERC HANTS. 96 Bay Street, SAVANNAH g¥.OK<HA. Special attention will be given to the pale of SYRUP, LUMBER, ROSEN, TURPEN TINE, £c. —o:o SAVANNAH, Ist., Sept., 1865. IVe'arc again in our old Office, prepared for business. An experience in this city of over eleven years, and our undivided attention to all business entrusted, induces us to hope for a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. WM. H. TISON, WM. W. GORDON. Jan 1 Nioht Bi.oonnti cerels.| The finest preparation of the dav. For sale by W. P. CLOWER & CO.. Jan 31-stf Apothecaries Hall. SUPERINTEND® OFFICE A. & G. R. Ii December 25tb, 1865. notice. Shortest andjmost pleasant route to Savannah via Walthonrvllle, Riceboro', and Suuberry. Through .from Thomasville to Sav annah in 30 hours. Via Rail Road 165 Miles. St a ere 22 Miles, .Steam Boat 85 Miles. Leave Thomasville every Monday, Vednea dav and Friday, Arrive at | .Savannah every | Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, connecting , wit h -Steamers to'Baltimore, New York and : other Northern Ports, RETURNING. Leave Savannah on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrive at Thomasville on Tues day. Thursday and .Saturday, in time to con nect with .Stages to Albany, Ga., and Talla hassee and Mouticello. Fla. G J FULTON. Nap't A & G RR *** Tallahassee Floridian and Albany Pat- , riot copy two weeks aad send bill to this of fice, jan. 4tf. j DOM Will DIG!! DIKES! J.SCHIFF& BROTHER, Have now ready for inspection, and are constantly receiving additional supplies of the latest styles of : ■ • . . ‘ Staple mid i'linc) DRY GOODS^ 1 SUCH AS. French Marinos, all. Wool Delnrcs, Granitas. l’oplina, Alpaccas, anb the Lat est Styles ol Print-, White Goods, Hosiery', vind Love's Ihilmoral and Hoop Skirts Head Nets. Ladies* and Gents Hats. Knit Woolen ■ _ • • - Goods such as I’reaklast Shawls, Nubes, Son tags and’Hoods. . lilliS 01 the latest Broadway style. READY MADE CLOTHING, ! .. • • “ • All wool Cast meres. Doe Skins, Satnets, and Kentucky Jeans, Ladies aiid Gents Boots andL Shoes A great variety of NOTIONS, Cotton and Wool Cards, Macabov and Scotch Snuff by the bottle or pound. A large- lot of FRENCH CALF SKINS, and LEATHER of onr eru'n tannin,,, Many other articles kept usually in it Dry Goods store. Come tind give them a call, they will I take great pleasure in showing goods, and you will be convinced that they will sell their goods •As Low as the Lowest ! ‘"gE Countrv merchants will find it to their advantage to examine their stock and prices. -IF ‘ Nov -Hi ts !COMING, iTILL~ COMING. ... * . . ... “"T WK ARE NOW RECEIVING A FULL STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY 1) It Y G 0 O D8! IM'l¥ M&MS TUmilM, Ladies Cloaks. Shawls and Hats OF T;:E LATEST S'JA'LES. . aENYLCHEN’S FBSMISHIIift- Goods, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CUTLERY AND CROCKERY, • • OF THE FINEST AND MOST APPROVED FINISH. ‘ ’ • Motions of .all • ‘ In fact everything else usually kept ina Drjf Goods lloitsc. “A splemlid stock of GOLD WATCHES, | with many other things too to. mention. All.of which wc offer to sell as heap as possible for . • C* ISIS CJiS // only Please call and examine our stock as we make no charges for showing onr Good Oct-25 6m H, WOLFE & BROTHER. I';’ ; J JOY TO THE WORLD! %, ■ ‘ *• THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! TO THE BUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has Relieved more Pain, and caused more Real Joy than any other one thing that can be. named ! • Is a Halm for every IVonnd! ft * Our fitst Physicians use it, and recommend its use ; the Apothecary finds it first among the Medicines called for, and the Wohlesale Druggist considers it. a leading article of ■is trade. All the Dealers in Medicine speak alike in its favor ; and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and it is Tlie Great Family Medicine of the Age ! j EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDEN AT TACKS IN DISEASE. • TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CURES ‘ . 1 I Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., Weak Stomach, General’ Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and- Pain in the Stomach, Bowell Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, • j Diarrhoea and Dystery. j . TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns ad Scalds. Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. PAIN KILLER taken internally should be administered with milk or water, and ’ sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops of sugar, eaten, will be more affective than anythnig else- For a SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Killer and ’ he relief is immediate and cure positive. il'ljc Soutbrnt (htfcrjmsc. 1.1 tit C. BRYAN, I'.niTOß; SUBSCRIPTION TERMS.- —o. . : The “Soi'TitKKN Enterprise” is publish ed weekly at Four Dollars per an-nu strictly in advance. Al) V ERTI SI N G T E RMS. Advertisements will be inserted for one dollar per square of twelve lines, or lev for each insertion. From this rate adi count of twenty.- nvK percent will be made ter advertisements inserted for three months or.under six months, and eifty per cent lor twelve months or more* All ad* vertisements sent to the office must be ’ marked with the number of insertions de red or the. period to be published, and in very instance accompanied w-ith the amount required • for payment. .Marriages and diatljs will hereafter be charged for as ad vertisements. Special or editorial notice# will be published and charged tit double thv above rates. Payments must be mad* in current funds. Remittances may be ‘• made by Express at’ our risk. All Other* must be at the’ risk of those making the same. Subscribers names will bedroped front the list at the end of the term for ; which the subscription has been paid, an* j less- renewed. All communications should I be addressed to Proprietor Southern Enter prise, ThoriiastUle Georgia. I.EBAI. AVFltriSi:t|i:\TN. Apecsrsons having occasion to adver* ! ltU Legal Sales, Notices, etc., are com | pel-led by law to'comply with the following rules: Aduiiii-i-tmtors, Kxrciitorn, or (iiinr diaiix: All sales ol Land by Administrators, Ex ecutors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday it* the month, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in th County in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in public Gazette Forty Days previous t .ne day of sale. Hale of IVr-oiinl S*i opertj • Notices of the sale of Personal Property must be given at Hast Ten Days previ otrs to the day of sale. Estate Itrlitor- am! Creditors: Notices to Debtors and Creditors of an •- • title must be put lishetl FoAy Days. {'ous t ol Ordinai-J l.ravc to Sell:- Notice that application will be made to th* the Court oi Ordinary for leave to sell Lands, must be published weekly for Two Months. Adiuiiiixiratiou and Guardianship, Citations for Letters of Administration must be published Thirty Days ; for Dismission front Administration, month ly for Six Months. “ • t’oiTclosiiiT of Alorlgagc : Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage’ mini be published monthly for Four Month*. Iv-labliNhing Lokl IPapcr* : Notices for establishing Lost Papers roust I>*‘ published lor the full term of Threo- Mouths. . ’ “ • . Publications will always be coa | tinned according to tire above rules,- jur j less otherwise ordered.- I NOTICE : LOWRY, HAYES&FLANIGAN {■l | A VINO THIS DAY ENTERED INTO JUI a Copartnership for the lines ii mm .OF BBMES, WA&ON’S AND ALL KINDS OK Blacksmith Work, | Titlee this method of informing tlie Public n tlie fact, and to solicit tlieii- patronage. Our Terms wijl be • . • . BTKH TLI CAKII, - •No work will leave the Shop until paid ot .Ve will take PRODUCE. Is kfiiili i $L| • . . DEALERS IN -.- .pnoT- -iRTTHFR ‘ iDk/uf J, Gy OvLu*JJaD y LJkGL XO . And all kinds of Jfunusl/mg : (LAoobs, Hosiery, Crockeries. Cutlery, Notion*, A.c., Ac!, At. At Wholesale and lietail. j 7t St, Julian Nt. NAVAiASAII, GA. - 6COR&IA’ - ‘ TELEGRAPH, . PUBLISHED at Macon, - - - Georgia. DAILY AND WEEKLY. JAS. R. SIVKEII A SAUL BOYKIN. Ddiloi*. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONi Daily edition, per annum -.. sl‘2 OO Weekly edition, per annum —...4 OO ’ Subscriptions received for the Daily for less than a year at the same rate. The new proprietors of the TELEGRAPH ate resolved to spare no labor, or expense, to make it the i.kadino paperof the State, if not of tlie South. In addition to its regular corps of Editors —who are men of much experience, and well and favorably known in the South— wc have employed able correspondents at most of tlie leading points of interest —such as Wash ington. New York, Paris, Liverpool, &c Leuili/.‘j Feature. —The leading feature in tin- 1 ELLGKAPH will he its devotion to the rights, interests and feelings of Georgia and her stricken sistei* States ; we would lift them up from the valley ol humiliation, exhort them to a forgetfulness of the past, except its glories, and nerve their arms for the arduous struggles of the future. . • Commercial Department. —The Commercial department of the TELEGRAPH will receive special attention. Daily reports will be given of all the leading markets of the Union together with a full weekly review of the local market; while, on the arrival of every steamer, Euro ; pean political and commercial accounts will bo given. In this respect w hope to offer such advantages as will make the Telegraph an in, dispensable visitor to the counting room of ev i ery merchant and tradesman. Education, Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts will be fostered as the true sources of all National uud individual prosperity. The Weekly Telegraph The Proprietors take a special pride in pre senting their WEEKLY EDITION to the public. It contains eight pages of Fifty-six Columns , almost exclusively of reading mat ter. in each number, and in point of typography and general appearance is without a rival at the South. Specimen numbers sent by mail to all applicants. Address all communications on business to W. A, HELD & Cos., } Feb 14-7 Proprietors, Macou, G*.