Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 21, 1866, Image 3

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Dr. W P CLOWER 11 V.' N '". ••■•to the , “ 1 “*>■•— ••*- c£r'JtVv E at lhe Drag St ' , eof W P cup^^!,^ E -" c hoo3e HI I.E VIM. RCOBRM~TIIon.4M or\TV la the Superior Cmm-Deceu*, r .. term, 1860. William C Mitchell ) vp r . Mortgage, A :c. ) ! T^r- ir T V; tl r (V by the [wf it ion of JL Ulianj C MiU-hell, a. louipaiued hv the nou-, ao.i mortgage deed, that on the fifWh silav •10. ‘thf Vw-f A ** e - i ‘s eei * hundred aud U V. • ea|l. hi? two certain promissory note tear. . hereby the defend.tut proaXed hv etch of vil-T’ “** ?:a 1’..--* Hundred and h froia lue received, by the first of said ,-uui oi w u.-v o U or before “he h:-r v, . l!V A oUier7 n ,i n " id ” : | tl Mn<l *L XtY sou a,,,1 * bv ‘h otner said sum by the hist day of Janim v eighteen l.uudi e.taud sixty .-ix.und utt. iwjr f ou the day and year aforesaid, the defendant tkit ‘ ,t:a^ r to s ‘ : ‘’ • ti.i 1. wnii , t] ■ _ Tr tracts “or jwrtels ol hind, Mit**,lymg.- all< l being i u 1: e HJ/tuirteeuiu districtoi originally Irwin bow li.oaras County, and known as the south mot Lh “” ’ 1 tw ® hundred aid siLv b£ h T r° a '*• !’ the run of the k “°' Vl ’ *? hammock branch, and also all the jerrnon ol Eot nun.her two bail dred and sixty-fiye Ivico ,ai tit.. j. *• said Hammock Brumti. ana also tuf thuE pur tion of Lot number g J'. l ; ;*.vo hundred and thirty nine, lying on the east side of the river Auciila, containing six .hundred and eighty five a res sad-one ha Li. more or left*, with all the appurtenances thereto:—And it further appearing-that said not- s were legally trails ferred ar.d delivered to said \V. C Mitchell, I and that said notes remain unpaid, it is there fore ordered that said delenuant do pav into I Court, on or before, the. first day of tint next term of this Court, the principal, interest and I costs, due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary, if any he can. And that on the fai lure of the defendant so to do, the Equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged premi ses, be forever tliei cutter barred and fore closed. And it is further ordered, that this rule he published once a mouth for three mouths in the* Southern Enterprise, previous to the next teim of tins Court, or served on the defendant, or his special agent or attorney, at least three months previous to tile next t.-rui of this Court A. I'. McINTYKK, Petitioner’s Att'y. A true extract from Hire minutes of Thomas Superior Court, December adjourned term, 166.'), this March 7. lS‘>i. LEMUELS DEKLE. Clerk. Mar 11 11 laiufrn 6 ( UHbl A—Lenndri Connip, To all Khvm it may Concern : IT appearing to the Court that the estate of Christian Limeborger. late of said County, dee J, la wit Ik i 1 _al re)u epH-i !a! i Ve. no one having applied 101 letters ol administration on MW aetata lul m good cause is shown to the . .-v ! io the Clerk’ of tb* Superior Court, or Monday in May next. civ. a under, my uatid, at office, this 12th day of March, ISO 6. WILLIAM i*MiTJI, M. ’ . Ordinary. tiliUitLlA—l-ounii* s i -himll. o . . | IT appear Bg to la. t irtthatl ; I V■■ - . - • legal t for letters, ot • - C u cause iJ contrary, lettera of fidoiin stration u 11 be is rued to Lite Cl<; of .ii.c f t • urt. or r j . in the first Monday in May next. Given n . and, at office, on this 12th dav of March, 1866. WILLIAM AMH 11, Mar 01 t-1 Ordinary. • il-l f ltd *.■—T.mtm!* CmmHt. To ull viot 1/ may C neern IT appeariusr to the C urt that the c>ta • of Baine Boyd, late of said Count v dee’d iswith out ali cal rep ret* u I at; -s max l cngsc is shown to the contrary, letters of admin is train u i/r boats con. on said estate. will be issued to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other Stand proper person, on the orst. Monday in May next. tiiven undei my naiad and •official signature, this 12th dav of March. MM>. WII4.IAM SMITH. Alar 21 td Ordinary. .s tn k s turt ri INSURANCE COMPAIffir, *:♦*• iItnMVII.I.R, V I l!M VIA , Chartered Capital, $1,500,000 ! riMI'IS oM. tried. and solvent company deals J liberally, pays promptly, and asks pat ronage. See ‘below, to which many others ■similar, could be added : Richmond. \ v . February 15: 1866. “In the month of December, iB6O, we had cotton burned which was insured in the James River t onipanv. and i;s part of loss, amounting to onorhousaud seven hundred and thirlv three dollars and thirty-three cents, was promptly paid as sou as proof. Ate., was forward- and. and over two mom ns before it was due under tile policy. Such p’ oiliptm n;--nfs pmrpnage. a. t. stokes a co.” AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. References required of applicants. E. KE.t|l\i;Ti>A lY .NO Agents. Thomasville, Ga. Mar 14 11 ts MOLE TAKES FROM ATMEFr ON Monday, the Tdtli instant, :n Thomas ville, it was lirougkt to my notice that a negro man was offering a Mule for sale under very suspicious circumstances. He informed another negro mail, that lie had stolen the Mule seven miles below Tallahassee, from a white man by the name of Collier. Finding i himself about to be detected, the thief tied and i made his escape. I took possession T>f the Mule, however, ami lodged it in the Liverv Stable It is a brown Male, modi” -i size, above twelve years old and lias a small white 1 .spot on the left hip. very near the root of the tail. It has much sigu of harness upon ir. and is stiff and lame from hard riding. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges and take it awav. C. C. ATKNISON. Mar 14 11 ts ‘ Marshal. NOTICE. OOME fne in May or June last, my daugh ter took i] near the ‘Ocjoekonee bridge n Thomas County, a sorrel Mare Mule, of goou size and very old. 1 kep’ said mule at my house until some time in August. when I lei Mr. Andrew Aligood work her in a w a iron to b esf t lorida. \\ Idle there he swapped her off without my knowledge or consent. The muie lie obtained in her stead is uow at nut house, and if the owner of tiie first mule will identify her. the one now in mv possession will le delivered up. and I think it a much better mule than the one swapped off. ] make this statement that the owner jpay at least get pay for his property I will say further, that I would have ts’ djycJ the first mule as the law directs, hut durum the time she remained in my possession, there was no civil law in force. Apply to me five miles west of Thomasville. DANIEL ELWELL M%r 14 11 3t Notice —On the First Monday in May next, I will apply to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Tnomas County, for an order granting leave to sell the Lands of Jesse Ward, deceased H. J. WARD. heh'2B 9-bm Adm'r. I will apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Thomas Countv. for an order granting leave to sell the Real Estate and Lands of \\ illiam S. Vann, deceased Wa david McKinnon, MarT-inOa Adm'r. SOUTHERN PALACE II!V GOODS HOUSE! ORFF & WATKINS, in & 113 Congress Street SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. - oocid Received by Every Steamer. Me il>oat our 4Tn Grods or bm *.*• —* iJ AtU “* inv - ‘■ We keep an experienced Buyer constantly in the Eastern Markets. Inducements Offered to mm mmm m nuun 3 Savannah, Feb. 1 IG6G. - Q * mar t —*m W. Cartel llall. Jas. E. Mvers. J. llanson* Thomas, Jr. Hall, Myers & Thomas GENERAL COMMISSION Mercliaiits, No. 3, Commerce St., Baltimore. .1 Hanson Thoma Prea’t Farmers’ and Mer chants’ National Bank. Kiihlaud, C base & Cos.. Jno*. illium* & Son, \\ iiliauis. Bee A Cos., X. V., Brien & Car fefc. X’. y , c. Morton Stewart. 11. L. AN hit rid re. I). H. Gordon. Viu, EdwafuS. M vere J. I‘. Plea sants -JL. Son. TKos. J. * Carson & Cos. W !U . H. MacFarland, Pre’t Farmers’ Bank. Va. M ir I 4 . 11-Gin J. W. RABUN & CO., Factors AM) C\Ui)jy lssloi) 140 H4Y STREET, Savannah, Ga. J. W KABUN. p, 11. WOOD •lan 1 3m DOOUS. SASH A X’ 1) Every style and size const uitly on hand and for sale by sJ It JL 1 H i, KIC LEO it I). ISO Bay St., Savannah, Ga. Orders by mail tilled promptly and gotnls forward* and C. 0. D. Jan. 31 5-3m* Al> >l3 \ IST’ El A TOM’S S 2%. 21= Til \ r OREKABT.E to an order of the Honora ble the Superior Court of Brooks County, Georgia, will he sold before I lie Court House door in Quittman, on the First Tuesday in April* I.ot of Land, Xo. 194, known as the MILL EOT. in the 12th District of Brooks County, on which isa Saw and Grist Mill, with all tin* implements and machinery beloimimr to said Mill. The a!>ore property is a part of the Real Estate of Jacob Kezer, late of said County, deceased. 6<dd for the benefit. < f the creditors of said estate. Terms, one-half cash, balance on the first day of January next, with pood and sufficient security. W. IE SHARPE. Adin’r Feb 28 9-td ‘ with the Will annexed. rt TOUT fi -m my residence in Colquit,’ 1* ’ County, on Tuesday night, the €tb instantt a small Sorri'l Harr, about ten years old, a small white spot on the rump near the spine, and very slow footed. .Signs of the saddle can be seen on her back. Any information as to her whereabouts will be thankfully received. Mar 14 11‘4t* J. T. COX. 812a REWARD OTO LEX from mv plantation, seven miles East of Baiubriilge ou Thursday night, 22rd of F--hrr.::ry. one I>eep Rny ISor-e. sixteen hands limb, eight years old. hind feet white, and when mounted, wheezes from dis tc-mper. Also, one Korrcl TSnri*. four years old. tirteen bauds high, with small white star in the face : rather long coat of hair at this time. Also, one Hay .tl.-ire, fifteen hands h'gli. flanks and legs turning gray from age. For the first and second of the above animals, I will pay a reward of SSO each, and for the third f -’> reward, for their safe delivery at my plantation. DUXCAN CURRY. Mar 7 10-4 t Phoenix Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. r F !I I s Eletablishment is r..%w in gi L oirerafion. nd is prepared to make to or ier GRIST AM> *.t W *111,! *, and till kin - ‘ MII Woek. We keep constantly cm hand,Sugar mills ot all axes. Bark Mi! 11 Gin Gearing, Iron Railing. Kettles from 10 to s. S] era II -8, Plows,. >kc. We make to order all kinds of Iron and Bras- Castings. Onr prices are reasonable give us a call- Country produce taken in e change for w.-rk at market prices. ‘ • I lIAIMAX &CL I Columbus, Ga. Nor 22, ts OX the First Tuesday iti April next. agreeable to an oViier of Court. I mill sell” before the Courthouse door in Thomasville, within the legal hours of srtle. the Real Estate, it being one half interest in a House and Lot in the town of Tliomasville, the property of Jared I. Whidden, de eased. M. A WHIDDEN, Feb 7 6—4od Adtn'x. 0> the Fir*-t Tiiesisay in April next. 1 will sell agreeable to an order of Court, before the Courthouse door in ThomasviUe, within the legal hours of sale, the Heal Estate Lot of I .and, No. 212 in 17th District Thomas County, the property of J K. Singletary, deed. Terms made kn wu on the day of sale. J B. DAVIS. Feb 7 6 60d Adm'r. , GREAT BAR(j A1 N.S!! AT DAVIS .ISiS-FilßS’ i>*j ;h3 tjvj- Aicnoi k Cllli MSS, -Vext to holtlbrrr; titorr. attention of the public is called to the ; I large and varied assortment of Goods of ! all descriptions consigned to nsforsale AT AUCTION, or at pi ivate sale, at I.rsa titan Cost. Ladies are particularly invited to call and examine our tine Goods and Prices. It is our intention to make this the Cheap Store of ThomasviUe. * if Auction sales on Wednesdays and Satur days-—day and night, J. R'. S. DAVIS, F.bll aAJJSFF ?S. 2F 1 J*JS: IXj Y GBOCERIES. r 4 HE undersigned are now offering Family * Cheap for Cash, at the stand of ihavid Harrell. • r l hey are also preparing to receive a large lot of GROCERIES OT ale EkrKcriptions, 8 at the same place, which thev intend offering, to the public upon the most reasonable terms, for Cash or Country Produce. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. 6-Gm I ” TAN ’ YARD. ITAYIXTI ixnighf out the TA\ VARI) AA ol J. Schj# & Brother, at ThomasviUe and determined to carry on I lie business of TANNING, the undersigned w il purchase 10,000 Pounds OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David Harrell’s Provision Store, where they will he paid for in Family Groce ries or Cush. The undersigned will also give a liberal price lor R O O *> > A Si S5 A IS IC, Tor Tauuiug. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. leb 7 6-6 m DEPOT HOTEL. THOMAS VILLE, CA. fTUrE large new Hotel near tlie now A open for the accommodation of the public. Having fitted up tlie House, and made ample arrangements to give satisfaction, tin* under signed must respectfully invites the patronage of the public. ELI FETCH. . Feb 28 . 9-4 m PletcDor •lasisfiTs. rjvHE Exercises of this Institution will he I resumed outlie FIRS / MORDAY IN JANUARY NEXT- The Scholastic Year embraces forty weeks. Tuition payable quarterly .in advance, un less otherwise provided for. Rates of Tuition as follows- • Reading, Writing, Spelling, <&c., per ‘ . 1 . . SB.OO Arithmetic, Grammar. Geograpy, Hi tory,&c„ . . .. . $12.00 ■ Either of the preceding, together with Algebra. Geometry. Plain and Spe cial Trigonometry! Natural Philoso phy, * liemistry or the Ancient Clas sics, (Latin and Greek.) . . $16.00 Arrangements are already made for compe tent Teachers in the Music Department. It is highly desirable that pupils be present at tlie opening of the Session, with a view to being properly classed. Patrons of the Institute are assured that no .paiii will he spared iu advancing the interests ■of the pupils, . JOHN’ E-. BAKER, Jan 4 dt Principal. A.J BRADY, W.M SMITH, E.J MOSES A/lan f a.’ Lexi'gton. Columbus. Brady, Smith & CO., COTTON tmmi mo N!iTm a r n 0 OTT a V'T'C! jl ju Cl Li i j.YJI. v jL&, Savannah, : : : : : Georgia- Will make liberal advaneeson Produce con signed to us or onr fiends, in New York, Boston, Philadelphia or 1- te pool. Agents for FAIRBANKS A: CO.. R. IIOE & CO.. STEARNS & MARVIN, and oilier Northe n Manufactories. liefer to all the leading Merchants of the City. ■ Nov. 8 3m EMPIRE HAIR RES! ORES. A N elegant Dressing, x\ An infallible restorer of Color, Aad a wonderful Invigorator of the HAIR. Prepared bv W. P. CLOWER &, CO., Jan 31 5-ts Apothecaries Hall. 11 FRESH Mill IVAL OF iIIICS Family >oceries. H ic, lloir, . v n Bultrr r ‘ v fi .A Fulton Jiavi.f! fit c-r, < ‘tfce. e Onion., 4 Ki::. ‘VS&*. v -■/ _.-<i ! Hi rrirtt. % ■ - . .. _ ~x*4. •m';—- : cau. llmoniti, .. ‘V ~v ; Brazil Yut.. Jf - ,. , < N. ( ®<onu!, 4 <>>• * .am y I O-.t, ... , O* stern. laci earoui, eriuicelii. Ore Oil. Prunes, Raiirina, Sultana, 0.. Currants, Cit.-on, Soda lackers, Beaton Cxekors, French Mustard Durham, do. Received an*! for s&]v JOHN STARK. ’ 8 ts j)OTKR AAD AliE fill dozen of i A AK- ami Porter, reoived ami for sale hv ( fe!> ~ l B tf JOHN STAUK.~ SKEDV—A fresh and fall V assorttneutyf Gardet Seeds, received aud for sale by I s -if JOHN ST \ilk. r P° soki:ks:-a id- lot of'pipes, received an 1 “ r ‘ s ' ,,w fob vi -i .? le ‘• JOHN STARK. lF F : NA 4’ F F ’Lorillard’s and t’ Rid Rood Scotch and Maccabov Snuffs, in Jar*, I!ladderii or Paper's, for sale bv feb 21 8-ts JOHN STARK. CITY YIYjITS: (3RD INANC-S, JAt. !T ORi)AIM’!> by the Mayor anil J Council of the Town of Thomasvi/te,Thni ” ni and a ; ier i lie lira lav of M ;vh. INtiii, tlie | following Licenses and Taxes shall bn assessed fipen occupaiions and commodities in said 1 • ‘ l, to wit: On each bale of Cotton stored within the i . | 25 To lie :i■!•; ;■.■ t and pmd bv the owner of tic Warehouse or store in which • .: • e moat a of the tint • of dej o fer a • penalty of live dollars fine for neglect, o!>. each In.le. HDn all Retailers of, Spirituous Liquors, m quantities less than a quart,- (each 1 erannum : ....100000 On all \ endeps ol Ix>tt ; y Ti ■id j and Gift. Associations, (do) 50 00 On ;d! Express Cot ip nv n< ics, :.! >.)l. On three Vend tie Masters, e ch (do ... 50 00 On ;ill goods sold at Auction I p,-r cent. . 1 1 to make . re * tarns, and collect and pay oyer to the Marshal; i: ■ nalt’y of net less . than live nor more than (weary live Y n c Am;’ ioneefs to cl< se m o'clock, P.M., under a penalty of not’ than live dollars nor more than • fifty f ami every neglect, at the’ discretion pf the Mayor. On all goods sold on commission one ,P el ’ cent. Returns so bo made bv the Commission Merchant to 1 Ma hal • ■ • of the town monthly a like penally as the f iregi -i: ig. On each Hilliard-Table and Rowling AMey. .150 00 Gn all Itinerant Traders of Goods, Waves aud Merchaiidi-ze, each, first week .150 00 And : r each week thereafter, 1 - c... h ‘ 150 00 ■ all Hucksters, Cake and Jfrctit Stands, on the ch, jic-r year,ll On all Insurance Company Agents, d0... ‘.‘s 00 Uapk Agencies,do..... 100 00. On all four horse Omnibuses or Hacks, _>•• : 30 00 On alt- two ho rse Omni buses, do -ji) 00 :On ;i! i two horse Grays or Wagons, ,lo 20 00 On all one horse Drays or Wagons, do.. 10 00 On all non-resident Dagnerreau Photo graphic or like Artists, do ’ 20 00 On all non-resident Lawyers aud Physi eians,office in-Town.... 10 00 On all Circuses and Menageries, per da v *<*•• -•”.** -100 00 On a!i shows of Exhibitions fopgstin* do. ds. 15 oo Quad Li very Stables each. per year.... 50 00 iMi ;ill block Drivers < >l Horses or-Mules, selu or offered for sale, per day 5 00 On all Hogs, Pigs, Sheep or Goats slaughtered and gold, or offered for sale in the Town, per head,, % ’ 20 On all Beeves, do., do.,dcf.. . 50 The marks and* brands pf all slock to be brought with the meat ana shown to toe .Marshal. 011 all regular Butchers,-for the use of Stalls, at (lie Market House, per year each 50 00 Oh all Dogs, of all rad owned within • thi- ‘.own. per head 200 ( * i: ;i !l Kea J Estate :n..1 block in Trade a lax sulhcient to meet and defray the im :< itedness of the present t onncil 10 he assessed on I lie amount of trade hereafter to he ascertained from the returns ot-Uie Receiver of the Tax Returns. l:e It further ordained by the authority aforesaid That till produce and eatables shall De carried to and sold at the Market House, within the hoursef sahdloA.M- Be it further ordained, That the charges tor two horse Drays or Wagons, per load shall not exceed ; 75 cts. •Go W>. do. ~> ho 38- P- McGLASHAN, Mayor. Attest: WM CLINE, Clerk. * Feb 14 . ‘ AN ORDINANCE. Til! 1 S Oit l; \ ];f> by the Mayor and fonncih f the Town f Thomasvilk. That i 1, 1 c V licenses, exceptfor spirituous liquors. ‘ ‘r‘,l taken out for one year from the first of March, and under one hundred dollars per annum be payable in full on the first of March nt each year, or it taken oaf after tbat date, to be p ud for pro rata up to tire succeeding tirst yt March; all Licenses over one 4 hundred and tess than two hundred dollars, to he paid semi annually in advance ; aodall Licenses overtwo hundred dollars to lie paid imgrler]v in ad vance : Provided, I hat all Licenses which are not p;i:d in tall at the time tbev ;ire issued, ; sha.l give good and sufficient security for luonipt and tall payment, as they mav become j one. Licenses to sell spirituous liquors to he I paid quarterly in advance. .H‘ e jo/,; • : ii, darned by the, an than tij afo m* said, That all persons who are required bv \ this Ordinance to’ t:ike out Licenses, and fail so to do within tifLeen days of the time and in the manner prescribed, shtil b e fj„e<i in a sum not less than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars, at the discretion of the Mavor. for each day I hey fail to lake out such License. Be it further ordained by the anihoriiy afore- 1 said, ( fiat all Ordinances and 'parts of Ordi nance conflicting with this Ordumtice he and ! the same am hereby repealed. P. McGLASHAN, Mayor. A WM, CLINE, Clerk. * ‘ ‘ AN ORDIXAXCE. |>F IT <lttlMnh/v Mayor and ±J Council of the Town of Tkomoxvi’lle, That the Marshal is hereby authorized and empow ered to summon and call out, whenever at his discretion he may think it a proper time, all able bodied male citizens between the ages ot eighteen and forty-five years, hv posting notices of such call and time in various parts of the town. * Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid /That such call shall he made for five days or less, subject to a penalty of one dollar, fine for neglect to :Jtend, each day. Be it.further ordained by the authority i aforesaid, That such citizens, so called out, j shall be employed in working the streets, re- ! pairing bridges, and doing ail other needful work on the public thorougfares w thin the corporate limits of the town, under the direction • of a competent .Superintendent, to be appoint, ed by Council.. P- McGLASHAN Mayor. I Attest, WM. CLINE, Clerk. FOR SAI,E.—One Portable Engine ; and 4Srlt .Vlill,. 6 horse power. En- ! quirs st this effiee. feb 7 €-ts TO tT ived m entirely new stocat of Wines & Liquors, such as, • Scot. h Whiskey, Bourbon., Whisker Cocktui’ and Old Rvi-. Brandy Cocktail._ MuietCj Hennc (mv Brdndy, I ine < lid, Holland Gin and < iin Cpckt til. Midiß C< and .k S< 1 naj ps,J maica Rum, Cider, Sherry, Port and Ginger Wine, Scotch Ale and Logdffn Port# . Wi rmwdaa Cejr dird. Noycnti Ct ;di;il. “Pure ‘ ire, 1 Also, Oysters in the .Shell. Can Oysters, Sardines and Pickled Salmon. A j I : a Stev ! Whiskey Piuic’.u every night, .MOSES & YOUNG. Feb 14 7-flin^ PATENT iiIGHT FOE SAL E. POFtTAB Ig 33 wU jl jl ’Jam Is isoiv offered for Satie. THXS Cotton P was ted at V. B. ington jt> 1857, and since that time has en fented popularity.. ! ii ; it i tof the Cot States, and as all ooutraets v. itli Ag< nt and Rights sold for sections, have. expi red, the ori ’ cunjbered.k i w < fft n.q for sale; and as the country has again been re stori and to prosperity, an 1 the cultivation of • ol the Southern people, James Massey’s unri valled Cot ton RiAss will again.assuine its swii/ over the Cot - - ion. To auy per son with a small capital, this Cotton Press is now the surest road to fortune. The -Patentee has been r< uderod unable lo carry it on hv the mistortune.-.ot the war, and unwiHingthat the P ul, li< sliouhl-h-.-di-priv'i-d of tiie supeiTor ad vantag-s of tins gival La no it Saving. Eco ■ ; NOMI< u.i'aim.i: Cot-Ton Press,-hei it tor sale tit a very low price. Energy and a small capital :lre till that is ne ces-ary to realize In mi the s .le of this I’ressan independent toriune. To understand its great advantages over all other Presses, examine its monel, and to ktiov,;. wliat others think of it, read the annexed. Certificates of well known gentlemen who nave triedit For forth :r particuln s apply to • L C BRYAN Thonr: ville, Georgia. 1 do certify that 1 have used Jas. Massey’s Iron Screw the two past seasons, and can sav with propriety, that 1 ain highly pleased with the same. WM. j. HEARD I do certify that 1 have one of Jas. Massey's Iron Screws for Packing Cotton, and can re commend them in the highest terras/- Tbev are a life-time estate. J. McGaNN S. Tins is to certify that I have nre'd Massey’s lrou Screw for two years in Hacking Cotton, and find it convenient aud durable, I have packed a hale in thirty nmuites—some hales weighing filfl lbs. I find it as simple as rile old wood screw quit not liable to.get-out of order, ft , uli v, W. :T. .HOLLINGSWORTH. Macon, Bibb Cos., June 1,1852. ■ We. the undersigned, <To certify tliatwe have one of Massey’s Iron Screws,, and are well pleased with them.; anti would recommend them to any one who mav want a Screw. ’ C. C. TILLM \ N, JO SI AH J. EVERETT. ALLEN II AGIN, Thomas County, Ga. I do hereby certify that I have one of James P ‘ - it Iron ‘ rews,and it performs well, and lam p.eased with it. It is of the most lasting kina. TARQUIL McAULAY. Thomas Cos., Ga , June 9, 1859. •state of Gcorsia, Thoiuas foniilj. Office of the Ordinary of said Court, l . June 9, A. D., 1859. • \ I Ivereby certify that the above named per sons, to wit: Mi-S. C. C. Tillman, Allen-Jla gin, Joshua -McCann, Sr., M illiani J. Heard aud larquH McAnlay. are well known to me as Cotton planters of this county, and as per sons of the highest respectability and undoubt ed veracity. Given under my hand and the seal ol said Court attached. •r L 8 i . A. V. McCAROLL. L ‘ Dep. Clerk Court of Ordinary. This is to certify that I -have used one of Massey’s Screws at the warehouse of Messrs. Dillard. Powell & C0.,0f this city, and that. I regard it as one of l lie most easily operated and durable Sore .vs within my knmvltdge. With six good Viands it is capable of turning off Forty hales of cotton per day. of an average weight of five hundred and fifty pounds, and that of convenient- size. We ‘have panted 2,500 bales lids seasou. Yours, respectfuWy, JAS. T. GRAY. Columbus, Muscogee Cos., Ga- Feb 7 6tf ~~ FRESH j JEFFERS & SON ■ m ; H AVE jnst received a latge assortment of I'iaia and Fancy Groceries, FROVISIO I\TS, Wood stntl Tia Ware, which they offer for sale at very low prices, at their new (Store, next door to Goldberry s. Feb M ,7-2 t RAXDELL & CO, | mmn mmh Moullnresl Corner liar 2v Rnrnnril Nls. SAVANNAH, GA. A large and well Assorted Stock Constantly o n II an and. and for sale at Lowest. Market Prices. N. B —Special attention given to ordets by mail accompanied with remittance. Nov 8 Omo / COUPOITB Fluid Extract Buchu. Prepared by \y. P. CLOWER &. CO . Jan 31 srf Apothecarie* Hall. Dr.W.F.DeWITT Keeps constantly in stoic f And. for Sole, A well selected Slock of MOTES, ’ • • • a-.m. ail, other wticltfl moatty kept In * DRUG STORE. I J 5, • ts ILamli-etli's fi;mlen Seeils* ■ \ LARGE lot of Lamlrelh’s FRGMII (farden .Seed*. just rci ived and for Dr. W. F. DkWIIT, A>lj Maine Store ot T. Kill lisliek <V Bro. ’ Feb 11 . • 7 H I)I(1:s(K1PTIO>S carefully compound- L ed b> Dr. W. K. DfeYVitt. at Sioiv adjoin ing J. Kubitsbek 15 1 v>. . teb 14 7-ts | VO As* KATMABBON, Coeoaiue, Po ■ 4 ■ -- •’ t A udrei iVi Itnfibi’v ami Fancy Articles kept in a Drue Store for sale by. . Dr. W. F. DjcWITT. . F eb J 4 • 7-ts i 1. LSPICB, Cloves, Ma • Nutmegs. Pepper, ground and whole Ginger Cxn • hanion, for sale by ln. ,\V. F DsWITT Feb 1! . . ‘ ‘ ■ 7tf • • 4 * a i.\ ?•:. Castor OH. Epsom Sells, Salt V petre. Conpei 1 ur, Extract. Log- Du. YY..F. l>i 1 1 i” JVhn • • • 7-ts Inferior t oml, in ( hnnibrn, ) ThOMASVILT.E, Fell. , ’66. • \ GEORGIA—Thomas (bounty. U THERE AX, William 11. Revnolds, elected to the oiiice of Shcritf on the 4th of Jan nary. 1866, having refused to accept said o An.!, whereas, IV-ter K. Love, Justice of the Interior ( ourt ol Thomas County,.having re ed his comn ission andplfice,’ It is hereby Ordered That an Election he e.ld on Thursday. March 27.-181)6,for a Sheriff anil a Justice of the Inferior Court, to fill said vacancies. R. H. HARDAWAY ,i. i. c . ANSEL DEKEE. j. i. c. HENRY MITCHELL, j. i. p. Attest-: ’ LEBBKUN BEKLE. c. i. c. Feb J 8 €* I*. 0 t A —Tfaoin&n £’<axi nsy.l Cou'rt of Ordinary, February 22, 1866. WHEREAS, The .e-tar. of I >avid W. dec’d, is without a leg! I repr< s nt itive :—.All persons iniercsicd are i,!i. n.ifieil to file tl'eir objections iu raid (’ourt, otherwise Let ters.of Administration thereon will be granted aud issued to the public administrator of the County in terms of the law. ’ ’ H.H.TOOKE, ! ‘■’ -Id Ordinary. SiOßttSA—Tinouaaw fhinpi, . t ’ ■ y, March f, 18 \\ III.REAS Ansi! Deklo, Administrator on the estate of Peter Dekle deceased, makes ap • plication by petiti a for Letters of Dismission from said estate: —Ail persons interested will file their .objections in said Court, otherwise said letters will be granted in terras of the law- - H.H.TOOKE, Mar 7 10- Gd . Ordinary. 4” 22 O 564* BA— Thomas Comity. Court of Ordinary, March 1, 1866. M ,! S EREAS, Ansel Dekle, Guardian for and of the perai i, pi rty and effects Ol Nervy, Ann and Eddy Dekle, minors of said county, makes application by petitiqn to tins Court’ ■for Letters of ‘Dismission from said Guardian-. ship All persons interested will file their objections in said Court; otherwise said letteis .will be granted in terms of the law 11. H. TOOKE, Mar 7 10-30(1 py. €* 12056 CSSA—Thaiuat Coti>tty- Court of Ordinaly, Feb. 21, 1866. WHEREAS. The estate of Mclntosh D. McKinnon is without a legal representative: persons interested are thereto!e notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise letters of admiqistration thereon will he grant ed to the public administrator of the county in terms of the law. If. 11. TOOKE ’ Mar 7 M • Ordinary. <iEIOitG3 I—Thotnas Couitly. On tlie first Monday in Mnrtsli next, I v. ill apply to the Court of Ordinary of said County for an order granting leave to sell tne lands and real estate of George Folsom deed. J J -EW-CTtTTT, Jan I CFG Oil Adm’r. (IGOKOlA—liOiiiidri County. IV II ERE AS, Dennis YVitheriiigton. Guar dian of the person and property of Nancy, lta chel. Marv, Surrena, Elizabeth.’ Moisey & Jasso Y\ itherington. minors of said County, having fully discharged his trust, applies f<> lie dismiss ed from his Guardianship:—Therefore all per sons concerned are hereby notified and required to appear at my office, on the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if anv they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official lature, this 22d diy of Febraai v .’ l- i,;. william G. SM FI It, ■ Feb 28 9-Gnv C. C- Ord. 12 EOISCJI A —l.owiide* County. J\ HEREAS, .Allen Jones. Administrator (if ‘.V illiatn Y. Hill, late of said Comity, deceased, 1 saving filed his petition iu this Court for Let ters of Disipission from s.aid estate: —This i* therefore t i admonish all concerned, to he and appear at my oiiice within the time prescribed by J;i\v, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 24t-h day of January, 186(i. WILLIAM SMITH, Jan 31 mfim ’ ■ Ordinary. fclS2Stl6S3 3.4—f liuch County, _ To all whom it may Concern : Whereas, Mrs. Prudence Smith, applies to me for letters ot administration on the estate of William Johnson, late of said County, dec'd. These are tlierefou: to cite and admonish all tyid singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my oiiice within tlie time prescribed by law, and show cause it any they have, why letters of administration should not he granted to said applicant. Wit ness uiv hand iu office, Feb 17, 1866. H. MORGAN, Feb 21 8 30d Ordinary. GEORGIA —C linch Conuly. BY an order ot Ihe Ordinary of said County, to sell the Real Estate of Jeremiah Chancy, Sr., late of said County, deceased, will he sold before the Court House door in said county, on the first Tuesday in April next, the lot of Land, lumber 517, in the 7lh District ot said Count V Terms mane known on the day of sale. JOHN M. CHANCY, Feb 7 6-60d Administrator. GEORGlA—Colquitt County. . Whereas, Nancy J. Alger, Administratrix on the estate of James R. Alger, deceased, having filed her petition ini his Court for letteis of Dismission: —All persons are hereby notified to file their objections in Court, within, the time prescribed hv law. otherwise letters of dismission will be grantedthe applicant. Given under mv official signature. Fell. 5, 1866. ISAAC CARLTON, Feb 21 8-6 m Ordinary. FI ‘ PEI6FC.TIErt, Lubin's Extracts, Florida Water, Extract Pond Lily and Night Blooming Cereus, Zylo Balsa mu in, Tfi copherous, Kuth lion. India Rubber. Horn and Buffalo Dressing and Fine Combs, Children's Long and Ladies’ India Rubber Tuck Combs. For sale by W. P. GLOWER <fc CO, Feb 7 6 if Apothecaries Hall. 0 \ Ihe Firt .Tlomlay in April next, I will apply to the Honorable Court ot Ordinary of Thomas Comity, for an order granting leave to sell the lands and real estate of Josiah Huist, deceased. STEPHEN HURST. Feb 7 6 New Goods! , RATHE underpinned have just opened, and f 1 will keep constantly on hand, at the stone i fovmerlv owned by Dr. K. J. Bruce, a largo and well stock ol DRY GOODS, ij c qi) ij -fi Si) e £iGi) i t) cj, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS 4’ every Description, BOOTSAMII.SHOES, HATS AMD CAPS, Crockery, Cliiim A Glassuare, IXardwaro, ‘groceries, J Ac.; Arc., Ac., Which-thev will sell YtllV LOW for CA t>lf or Country Produce. I V Call and examine our Stock before pur chasing elsewhere. D: J. & J, W. SHEFFIELD: ■ Thomaeville, Jan 31 sJin NKW GOODS. | ITT'E THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ju 7 y received a-large assortment of , Ilf ill FlSfilllE GDIS VIIIK’H AVI’ AVI I, I, MI2 I, I, VERY LO W ! • ‘Our stock consists of the latest styles of LADIES DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ■ ■ LADIES C3 j£Ls • • AND . S IT A w L S , A FINE LOT OF LADIES HATS; Ready Made Clotliing, Mfi, ®O®SCS ■ AND S3 JES. o^3^, BOBiEjSTIO GOODS Such as Georgia pjade JiCjUlSOy OSNABURBS AND JEANS, \V liieli we are able lo offer at mum % nun, Before buying elsewhere you will do well ta call and examine our stock. 1- KUIJITSHEK & BRO. Oct 253m0 o> x o jlu To Everybody We the undersigned can now say to the Public that we are ready to GRIND CORN, as we have purchased an engine and mill ol sufficient power to do good Work, and he way you have to prove it is to brjng your Torn and see if you do not get good Meal.ln connection with our Mill we will iimke Furniture to- order, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Rip, Dress, Tongue and Groove Plank, make Coffins to order with neat ness and despatch, we will also take con. ti acts lor Building houses. TAYLOR & DEKLE. I feel thankful to the Public for their liboral patronage extended to me tore, and hope 1 may merit a conlinuatiou of the same. ISAIAH DEKLE. ¥ ,\'TER.\ ili Tax \o | —All persons requiring License Tor the pursuit of any business or profes sion, under the Excise Laws of flie United States, are hereby informed that I am ready to receive applieaiions for (lie .same. Ail persons failing te apply within a reasonas ble time after the pub icalion of this notice, will subject themselves to the penalty of the law. Blanks will be‘furnished at any time at my oiiice in Thomasville. My Division 2oth, is composed of Brooks and Thomas. T. S. HOPKINS, Ass’t Assessor, 25th Div., Ist Dist. Jan 24 j,tf EIXSTEinr & ECKN A,\.- Wholesale and Etdail DEALERS IN FRENCH, ERMAN, E ‘ V GLISJI DRY GOODS, I3oots & Shoes, I.TI lOMiRKSS STREET, Cm SAVANNAH, GA. SSO STOLEN from the plantation of Dr. J. R Steele, near M*, J. J. Everett’s, on the morning of the 31st nit., about daybreak, a. large. .Vloiimc ColoiTd tlan- Jliilv, about ten years old, with a small wart on her right nostril, also a little defect of the hoof of the l ight fore foot, resembling ring hoof, which at times lames her a li th —travels finely in a walk, with her head inclining downwards. Any one taking her up, <>r giving any infer nation of her whereabouts, that will result in her recovery, will he paid the above reward- JAMES HORN. Feb 7 • 6-ts \i- 1< I’foons having demands againskthe estate of Hiram Gay, deceased, late of Colquitt County, are hereby requested to pre sent’ them in terms of the law, and those in debted to'said estate will please make imme diate pay merit i.,j . HENRY GAY ■ Feb 21 8-40d . . Adm’r, • Peter Pearce j “ ~ 7 v *- I Bill to correct mistake Allen Creed f a*nd Injunction . Thomas Adams. J IT appearing to tiie Court that Allen Creed, -one of the Defendant’s in the above stated case, has removed and now lives in the .State of Alabama :—lt is therefore Ordered bv the Cpurt that service of the above stated Bill be perfected on said Creed, by the publication of this order once a month for four months, in the Southern Enterprise. AUG. If. HANSELL, Judge S. C. S. D. Extract from 1 lie Minutes Thomas Superior Court, February 24. 1866. LEBBEUS DEKLE, Feb 28 C. S. C. T. C. G. Person* having demands against the estate of James M. Norman, deceased, late of Colquitt County, are hereby notified to present them in terms of the law, and those indebted to said estate will please make pay ment to JEREMIAH B. NORMAN, Jan 31 5-40d Adm'r. Concentrate® ley, Copperas. Madder, lndiiro. Mustard, Tea, Sweet Oil. Cream Tartar, Soda, Saltpetre, for sale whole sale and retail by YV. P. CLOYY’ER <fc CO., Feb 7 6-ts Apothecaries Hall,