Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 21, 1866, Image 4

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s W.vVVAH <'■ ‘ !*Y, The nr -\f ■.cried continues to tratwact the kni ness *f * OntHtl. tIBR. (H %'’ T. A\n ¥At TOR Having find many years experience in *a;.! ■ - less, he w. . p.iy the -. r if lention to the sale of Oft ‘her Pro w He will n t bareanv interest in the pu> chase of OMH& Liber 1 advance* made on • Consign’ie:if*. Offli-f Bm Mrer*. North - •-is. i• - ‘ ‘r f-• f then nee of Htuiiiiug* <>w<ie<i by < i£ a aud Caianiu.ii. am Jan \ 3m A ft IIARTUI1” I'l"A \ I 1’ i U K rillll. tin ier-:gned Ins opened a Shop it. 1 in Thomisviil#, for the Maunfactu’e and Repairing of FURNITURE, M iking and Furnishing Coffins, &c., &e. . •6f“-''l , op second door from the Print lllC Viuvt/f . r nr ■ ■ l. j gpn /. • Jan 1 __ Hi III” T ¥ VVINO fitted up and opened out NILOO\, fit the Store of T. J Me Bata, we are prepared to offer to the i Public every aing that can be found in a j First Class Saloon. BRANDTES, WHISKEY, GIN. ALE. Cli AMPAIGNE WINE, MUSCAT WINE, MALAGA WINE, PORT WINE. CLARET WINE, RHINE WINE • • AND EVERT VARIETY OF L I Q IT O K S, Either by the Pottle or Drink--Plain or FINE H4VNKA CIGARS of different brands. Anderson's and otlis Fine Cut Tobacco, And eveiything to suit the taste ot the most fastidious, can l>c had at I THE ‘O m HOUSE, 9 As cheap as anywhere in the South. We , shall always keep on hand a LARGE AND WELL Selected stoclL, And would incite the Public to give us j call, before purchasing el- where. PETERS & PERRY. ■ . Oct S. 1803 • • 14 3no GODEY’B LADY'S BOOK FOR 18 6. The fashion magazine OF THE WORLD LITERATURE. FINE AKT> .V FASH . IONS. The most magnificent Steel Engrav ; ing* DO.UBLE-FABHIOX PLATES W 1 Engravings *sn every subject th it can , interest L.ulit— t’i .In’ R. m tig “N. • ii Embroidery Articles for the Toilet, for the : Purler, t • lt<m.;.,ir. • -Ki . Ev. >. •thing Hi fact to make a complete Lady's Mooli j The l.a<tie* I'avoritr tor :{ti Year*. No Magazine has been able to compare with it. None attempt it. GODEY* S RECEIPTS ■ for every department of a household. Three alone are worth the price of the Hook. ‘MODEL COTTAGES no other Maga line gives them), with diagrams. DRAWING LESSoXS FOR THE • YOUNG. Another specialty with i.odev. . ORIGINAL MUSIC, wortl S3OO tyeai •Ot hoi Magazines pnbtisl old worn oat music ; j but the subscribers to Godey get- it before the nins c store*. HARDENING FOR LADIES.. Ano ther peculiarity with Godey. Fashions ‘fro i.; Missrs A T.’ Stewart & Cos., fff New \ .ok. ‘(•<• :■■! l-.onatre tnereiiants,ap pear in Godey, the only Magazine that has them •Ladas’ Bonnets W .v< u >iv >f • • in a vear than any othet Magazine lit f; it. the Lady ‘• Book enablesevery la lv to be her own boutiet maker. VIAKfON HARI.AND, Anth res* of •• Ah ‘"Hi Idfn Po'h.” ■ ■ ]/ . writes for Godev each month, and for no other Magazine Anew novel bv her will be pub - ed in lStio. We have also retained all our old and favorite contributors. mm Ininu ms. (From which thae can oe m Deoimtso .) The following are'the terms of the Lady’s 80. k f- >r 1866: One copy. one year, - • • $3.00 Two copies, one vear, - - 5.50 Three copies, on.\ ear, • 750 For copies, one year, . - - - 10.00 . Five copies, one year, and ai> extra to the person getting up the club, niak . ing six copies. A-- 14.00 Eight copies one year, anil an extra copy to the person getting ip the club, mak ing nine copies, - - - 21.00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to ti c person getting up the club, making twelve copies, 27 50 ; 111 ntiditiotis to, in! s at elc.h rates. (iodey - Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one year on receipt of $1 5 We have no club with any other magazine or n-wspaper. The money must all be sent at one time for any o> the clubs. Canada subserbers fnnst send. 24 cents, addi- . tional for etc su'-mibe! . Address, I. A. RODEY. -V E. Corner Sixt'i n>, r Chestnut S's . Jan 31 PHILADELPHIA. 4* I 4>R4i I A—Thonina County. 1 • . ’ - WHEKEA>. The f tlb-wing est-tes in said county, are withetnt a legal representative, to wn ; • Estate o’ James Williams,deceased. Estate of \\ in 1., Hearing. deceased. , Estate <1 Simpsui ltag'ins. iWras-d. Estate . ; John 1* Rcvills. deceits- and. Estate ot Floyd 11. bgviils deceased. All tarsous interested are notified that if no application is made bv them for letters of ad ministration thereon, s. estates will be turned over to the public administration of said coun tv in terms of the law. „ _ H. 11. TOOKE. Feb < 6-30d Ordinary. G 1 ORRI4 —I hnitin* ( ntiiiir, Court of Ord r y January 27 th. |jfi M HERL \v Wo Singh • v Qmd of and for the persons proper'v and effect? ot the minor heirs of T* tb Smith, deceased, makes application hv Petition for Letters of I>i mission fmm aid tniM:—lf ro objection is tiled in said Court, said lett- rs will be granted otj the first llondav in April next. | in terms of the law H 11 TOOKE, 1 Etb 64W Ordiaarr 2NT ID XV FAMILY GROCERY AND HARDWARE STORE. ONE DOOR SOUTH GALDBERKI> * &TOKE. I VST received a large and well selecte ot Family Groceries, Hardwar Cutlery, ,Nc . con-tsting in part of .’'H) H r.els Fresh Flour. ltio and Jav.. K and Rape, Blsck. Green and Young Hyson It IS, C OS M and Brown Sugar, English Dairy and noshen Cheese, Goshen Butter, Soda and Butter ’ Crackers Buckwheat . Flour. Onions, Potatoes, Tickles, Powder. Shot, and Caps, Factory Yarns and Osnaburgs Pepper. At| v. ‘ I vcs. Ginger, . i Nutmegs, Bluosione, Indigo, Copper- ! a-, ‘l i ider. Snuff, Scotch Maecaboy and 1 Bottle. Liverpool and Coast Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Hard and Hollow Ware of &U kinds. Pocket and T ble Cutlery Spades Shov els. Forks Hooks all Sizes, Willow Baskets, Tub* and Buckets. In fact everything nsaally kept in a first class Provision store,, ; AH of which will'be sold low. Constanly receiving fresh -upplies. Highest prices : paid for Cotton, Wool and Hides. Call | and see 11. B. AINSWORTH. STUARTS HOTEL VALDOSTA, GEO fTlhe want of a good hotel having long j I been felt at this point, the subscriber has been induced to take charge of this e-t iblishment formerly known as the Val dosta hotel, which will be thoroughly re paired and refined, and opened for tin ac commodation of the traveling public ( n the first day of January next. Having, had some experience in t his line of business, | he believes himself competent to render I his guests comfortable and to mak • their stay with him both comfortable and tgrees able, and no pains will be spared to etlect this object, //is table will be supplied with the best the market afford-: and char ges moderate. C. T. STUART. Attached to this Hotel is an excellent : Stable where careful and trusty hostlers will always he found to care for horses and attend to any thing in that depart* ment. Jan 4, ts SOl'TtlKß’ C OTTON Warehouse,! , ORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., j ’ SAVANNAH. GKO. . OTALLON & CO., Factors, - Foi’wsir<!itig and Comnilssion ; I i 5. riESRECtFCLLY invite attention .to ur ticilities f-or the purchase o.r | i:;- .vetuent ol Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all en tn iur care. Intending to establish per ; tiianentfy a Hon- * in Savannah, expect b.y - ric I ‘ tin ess prii ciples : > merit and re* j ceive a poitimi of the trade. 5 Having a c.umnodious Warehouse : Cos ten,.*reare prepared to buy, or receive lon c; n-ignment to •our friends in New V rk or Europe, and will make .advances 1 - •; . ing, .re bating nr mending i all Cotton before shifping. thereby saving • the onormous expense incurred in North ern cities b\ this process. Thev solicit a portion of the husines of the people of Georgia and of adjoining j States. OFFICE. STODDARDS RANGE Comer of Hay and Lincoln Streets. it ii f ; \isi. (tntRCI X— TllOn.Bt OIA TY. In t!ie Superior Court. Present, tire Honora ble Augustin 11. liansell, Judge of said Court. JamesL Mortgage, See. r \ Dec. adioimied Term, 1865. Joseph Clay. J J IT appearing to the Court by the Petition of .lames L. Seward, (accompanied by “the Notes and Deed of Mortgage.) that on the tenth day ot November, is*'.-. rlit* Defendant, Joseph Clay, made and delivered to William McLendon, bis two certain Promise ot Notes, hearing date the day and year aforesaid, where- 1 hv in one of said promissory notes, he the said Joseph ( lay. by the first day of January, 1865, promised to pay to the said William McLendon nr bearer. Three Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-two Dollars and Thirty-three Cents, with interest on said notes from Ist of Jaiuflu v. 1865. for value received, and by the other of said promissory notes, he the said Joseph Clay, 1• v the first day of January, 1866, promised to pay the said William McLendon or beaier, .he . Mim of Threi Thousand Four Hundred and S. ventv-two Dollars and Thirty-three Cents, for value received, with interest from the first day ot January, 1863. And. that afterwards, on the day and year aforesaid, rue Defendant, Joseph Clay, the better to secure the payment of said notes, exe cuted and delivered to the said William Mc -1 London, his Deed of Mortgage, wherebv the said Defendant mortgaged to the said William Mcljcmlon. lots of Laud numbered as follows, to wit:—No. 1 311*) three hundred and nineteen, in the Thirteenth District, originally Irwin, now Thomas Conutv, containing Five Hundred Eleven and a half acres also. No. i'J-5) in said District and Comity. containing Five Hundred and Nmetv acres, more or less : also, a part of Three Hundred and Twenty six (3-6), in same District and County, commencing at the south : ea>r corner of said’ lot and running north 26, chains and links to a corner, thence west’ liftv three chains and eleven links to a corner, thence north 40chains and 41 links to.the right of way to the Railroad, thence along the right of wav to the original lane line, thence south ’ along the original line to tire e >mer, thence over to the beginning comer, containing Two Hundred and Forty eight and a quarter acres. The’whole sen lenient containing Twelve Hun dred and Fifty acres. • And your petitioner sheweth that tie is the bearer of said notes and deed of mortgage, hav ing come into the possession ol the same by a fair, due and legal course of trade, and by a regultu transfer of said mortgage by the s.iid William McLendon, executed to your peti tioner on the i7th day of March. 18ii., as will be seen by reference to the deed of mortgage now in Court to be shown. And it further appearing to the Court that said notes remain unpaid, it is therefl(reordered that said Defendant do pay into Court, o or betore the first day of the next Term of this Court, the principal, interest and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary if auv he can. And that <>n failure of Defendant so to do, .the equity of redemption in and to said mort gaged premises be forever thereafter. Imrred and fiWedosed And it is further ordered that this Rule he published in the Sou'hern Enterprise, oocu mouth for three months, previous to the next term of this Court, or served on the Defendant or his special agent, or attorney at law three [months previous m the next terra of this Court. A true extract from Minutes Thomas Suite nor Court. March 3. 186*1 LEBBECS DFKLF. Clerk MnrT lft lamJra NE W ST( It E AND INT 3ES W C3r 0C33 3! ! — —- \\TE ARE NOW PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE THE JBLIC WITH A WELL ▼ y selected assortment of DRY GOODS & GROM, HAKD WARE, CROCKERY ANI CUTLERY U hich we offer for sale at our store next door to Messrs J. N. McKitinon & To., consisting of Si_ks, Delanes, Poplins Mannoes, Lust es, Moliare*. Cambrics, Calicoes, Ginsrhams- Kiboons, Waterfalls, Head Nets, Hoops, BalmaraSs, Vandikes, Casmeres, Jeans, Linens, floods. Shirts, Be ts, Hose, Laces, Tare, Hair Pins, Scarfs, Veils, Cellars, Cravats. BOOTS AA i ) SIT OES Combs, Knives A. ’Forks, Port Monies, Spoons, Pocket Books, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Su'spende s. Pens Paper, Inks, Pencils, Envelops, Blankets, Ladies, Gents and Childrens HATS, Caps and Hosery. Bleachep and Unbleached 11OMES P U N S Soda, Spic Pepper, . Mustard, Clovo Saleratus, Ca dies, Matches, Olive‘"Ml, Starch, Soaps, Tea, Coffee, Operas, Nutmegs, Mace, Solace. Savory, H millet, Diadem. And other Brands of Smoking And Chewing Tobacco in mi Ol the Latest Fashions, A full assortment of Castor Oil, Linseed Oil, British Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Jacobs Cordial, Godfreys Cordial, Batemans Drops, Paregoric, Pain Killer. Hot Dro s. Laudanum, &c-, &e. A Splendid Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDKEN’S CLOAKS WVich'we ofler CHEAP FOR CASH.’ . Cottoiij Corn, HideN, Tallow, W ax, &(., taken i Exchange. fcsT Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere & THOUAS. Oct-1 l-6ra . . A. T.JCUNN INGHAM. D. G. PURSE R. J. LARCOMBE. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO. FACTORS FORWARDING AND COMMISSION JVC erebants, Xo. 4 . Stoddard's Lower Range, Ray Street, Savannah. G a. i r_ 1 j c We are making as liberal advances as any Southern House, on f'otiou shipprd through is* to Stew Vo s’ (i or l.i verjtool. YVe are sole Agents for the State of Georgia, for the sale of Wilder & Cos s celebrated SALAMANDER safes. Also. Agents for Mapes’ PHOSPHATE Or’ LIME, the best Fertilizer manufactured. Nov 8 ■ ‘ 6-3 m L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO.,’ Gr 3Z3 KT 23 JR. 31, SHIPPING, COMMISSION K FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 148 BAY STHFIIT, Opposite tlic Alnrkct, SAVANNAH, A. • i. i ‘aViKr-” ■■ • X Part cular attention given to procuring and to tic Purchase and Stile of HARD FINE TIMBIR and LUMBER, Cotton. Wool. Hides, Tallow, &.c„ &c. Nov 8 6m New Furniture Store. M. NEWMARK, 34 Broughton . _ Morrell's Old STANX>, * &IT’ Keeps constantly on hand a good supply of Parlor. Cha über and HOT FIIITBi, tm Mat(rr*i*iOi. Children’* Car riages, &c. Mattresses renovated and Furniture re paired at the shortest possible time All ot ders promptly attended to and carefully pack ed. NlttHT Rl,oolfltr rFRKI'I _ The finest preparation of the day. For sale by W P. CLOWER A CP , J*ti 31 sf Apoh*eori Hall SUPER INTENT'S OFFICE A Sc G. R. R. December2sth, 18ti5. NOTICE. Sortest and most pleasant route to Savannah, via Waltbonrville, Riceboro’, and Sunbcrrv. Through ,I'ruin Thomasville to Sav annah in 30 hours. Via Rail Road 165 Miles. Statre 22 Miles. Nteani Boat 8.1 Miles* Leave Thomasville every Monday. Wednes day and Fridav, Arrive at /Savannah every Tuesday. Thursday and .Saturday, rminpriinK with Nteaniers to Baltimore, New _York hikl other Northern Ports, * RETURN! VO. Leave .Savannah on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrive at Thomasville on Tues d iV. Thursday aud .Saturday, in time to con nect with Ntages to Albany, Ga., and Talla hassee mid Montieeilo, Fla. G .1 FULTON. .Sop't A A- G RR. Tallahassee Floridian and Alhhny Pat riot copy two weeks and send hill to this of ftes fan ttf INIVI WITH HM HU® J. SCHIFF & BROTHER, | „ A vr. NOW RR \DV yn .XSPKCT^, AND ARE CONSTANTLY EECEIV.NO H additional supplies f the latest st> Staple mul FanfJ 33 JErIL <3r C3 X3 9 SUCH AS Trench Merinos, oil Wool! T p ,,r p- * ..lTaii'd Uw'* liulmoral and cs , B.ylcs o Print -. and t>n?s {..• Knit Nub, Santas I 01 the latest Broadway style. READY MADE blAiiiUNb. Ml wool Casimeres, Doe Skins. Satncts. nn>l Kentucky Jeans, Ludiesand Gents ESoots l3.ccisi- A great variety 7 of NOTIONS, Cotton and Wool Cards, Marahov and Scotch Snuff lv the bottle or pound. A large lot of FitENVIJ CALF SKJXS. u<i LEA Til Ell of mu-nun tanning Many other articles kept .usually in a Dry Goods store. Conte and give them a call, they will take great pleasure in snowing goods, and you will be convinced that they will sell their goods I As Low as the lowest ! I Country merchants will find it to their advantage to examine their stoc k and prices. Nov 22 ts COMING, Imi COMING. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A FUEL STOOK-OF ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY Dll 1 GOO DS ! mi mm m'ih Ladies Cloaks. Shawls and Hats of t::e latest styles. .FSRNISHinO- Goods. OF dLL DBSCii!PTIOXS. ..TATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CUTLERY AND CROCKERY, OF THE FINEST AND MOST APPROVED FINISH. NTotions of tail kinds. In fact everything else usually kept in a Dry Goods House. A splendid stock of COLD WATCHES, with many 7 other things too numerous to mention. All of which we offer to sell a* heap as possible for CASH is CASH only Please call and examine our stock as we make no charges for showing our Good Oct-25 6ui H. WOLFF & BROTHER. JOY TO THE WORLD ! THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIR KILLER ! TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has Relieved more Tain, and caused more Real Joy than any other one thing that can be named! Is a Haiti) for every Wound! Oui first Physicians use it, and recommend its use; the Apothecary finds it first among the Medicines called lor, and the Wolilesale Druggist consideis it a leading article of is trade. Ail the Dealer- in Medicine speak alike iu its tavoi ; and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fuily and permanently established, and it is The Great Family Medicine of the Age! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDEN AT TACKS IN DISEASE TAKEN INTERNA/LY IT CURES Sore Throat. Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.. Weak Stomach. General Debility. .Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker. Liver Complain , Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Dowell Complaint. Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diairlioea and Dystery. 7VI KEN EXTERNALL YIT CURES Felon- Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns ad Scalds. Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling ol the Joints, Ringworm ar.d Tett?r, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilolains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia atul Rheumatism. PAIN KILLER taken internally sh uld be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, it desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH aud BRONCHITIS, A few drops of sugar, eaten, will be more affective that anything °l?e For a SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and I the relief is immediate and cure positive, qj; (Entcrpr 5C^ L. C. BRYAN, editor am* provb.i tob. g l Kil l ION TBBMS. The “SocTHERR Enterprise” is publish’ ed weekly at Four Dollars per annum strict!} is advance. \I)YKP ,, ’ , sING terms# Advkrtisbments will be inserted lor one iollar per square of twelve lines or le count! T*Tt-rivi percent mI be nrJc lor advertisements inserted lor thr,e months or under six months, and FI ”J P** •eni for twelve months or moie. All.ia venisemeiits sent to the must be narked with the number of ii.sef. ions le <li cd or ihe period to be published, ove.vinstance accompanied wit h t he nmoun required tor payment. Marriages uni ~‘•1.8 will hereafter be charged tor sd M i - Special or editorial uotitea PUbhJhe.’ nm. charged h. dettble the d,ove rates. sna.’.ces may he ucm rent tuuds. Kem : A ,j ol here •* , , it.ust be a. the nsk of those n K ue same. Subscril ers names will bedt oped rom the list at the end of the tern, lor a Inch the subscription has been paid, vin es.- renewed. All communications should >e addressed to Proprietor Southern Lnler- l.r.U VI. A UVERTIHE MIOTM. All persons having occasion to advert use Legal Sates. Notices, etc., are com peded by law to comply with the following rules: AduiinitrnMi'i>, ICxrrnton, or (iunr> 4ianuj All sales o: Land by Administrators, Ex ecutors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the limit's of ten o'clock iu the forenoon, and three in tlie afternoon, at the Court llou-e in the County in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales mu-t be given in a public Gazette Forty Days previous to tae clay ot sale. Nate of Personal Property : Notices of the sale of Personal Property must be given at least Ten Days previ ous to the day of sale. Estate Debtor* sticl C'rrtliforn : Notices to Debtors and Creditors of an • taie must be pu lished Forty Days. Court oi Ordinary Leave to Well: Notice that application will be made to the Court ot Urdiuary for leave to sell Lands, must be published weekly lor Two Months. A .(min i*l ration aml L iniriliamhlii i Citations for Letters of Administration must be published Thirty Days : lor Dismission from Administration, month ly for Six Months. ■foreclosure of Vgnrtgstgc : Rules lor Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published uiouthly for Four Months. I‘lh|:il;S iMiiin i,st Paper* : Notices tor establishiug Lost Papers must bo published lor the lull term of Three Months. tTser?” Publications will always be con tinued according to the above rules, un less otherwise ordered. Hi LL .MSI. CEORfiIA-Til© Vi AN ( Ot XTV. In the Superior Court. Present, the Honora ble Augustin 11. Hansel 1 , Judge of said Court. Samuel I! Hroekett, for the ‘j Mortgage, (See. use oi Itufus M Johnston I December ad vs. !’ journed Term, Catharine Witherington. I 18ti5. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of Samuel 1> Hroekett. (who files his petition tortile use of Rufus M Johnston), accompa nied by the Note and Mortgage Deed, on the eighteenth day of August. A. I). 1H.51. the De lendant made and delivered to the Plaintiff her Promissory Note, bearing date the d.iv and year above written, whereby the defend ant promised, on or he tyre the first day of Jan uary next, after the date aforesaid, to pay the Plaintiff or bearer, One Hundred and Fourteen Dollars and Ninety live Cents, for value re ceived. and that afterwards on the day and year aforesaid, the Defendant, the better to secure the payment ot said notes, executed and delivered to the Plaintiff one deed of mortgage, whereby the said Defendant mortgaged to the Plaintiff Lot of land number unknown, but ueii g tlie place whereon Benjamin and Catha rine Witherington resided in the year 1858, in the Town of Thotnasville, Georgia, containing one acre mole or less. And it further appearing that said note re in das unpaid, it is therefore ordered that the said defendant flo pay into Court, oil or before ■ite lirst day of the next term thereof, the ’principal, interests and costs due on said note, or show cause to the contrary, if any she cast, and on failure of th Defendant so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises he forever thereafter barfed ai-ti fore closed. And it is further ordered that this Rule bo published in the Southern Enterprise once a month for three months, “revious to the next term of this Court, or served on the defendant, or her special agent, or attorney at law, three months previous to tlie next term of this Court Extract from Minutes Thomas Superior Couit, March J, 186(i. • LEBBEUS DEKLE, Mar T lu lanidm ©I©R © i A TELEGRAPH, PUBLISH Kl> AT Macon, - Georgia. DAILY AND WEEKLY. JAS.It. g.\EE & NAM’I# ItOVKI.V, Ktlilors. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Daily edition, per annum sl2 CO Weekly edition, pei annum 4 00 Subscriptions received for the Daily lor less than a year at the same rate. The new proprietors of the TELEGRAPH ate resolved to spare no labor, or expense, to make it the leading paper of the State if not of the South. In addition to its regular corps of Editors—who are men of much experience, and well and favorably known in the South — we have employed able correspondents at most of the lea- ing points of interest —such as W ash ington. New York, Paris Liverpo 1. Ac J.r tin g Feature. — The leading feature in the TELEGRAPH will be its devotion to tho rights, interests and feelings of Georgia and her stricken sister States •. we would lift them up from the valley t humiliation, exhort them to a forgetfulness oi the past,except its glories, and nerve tlieir arms for the arduous struggles of the future. Commercial Department. —The Commercial department of the TELEGRAPH will receive special attention. Daily reports will be given of ail the leading markets ol the I'nion together with a full weekly review of the local market. while, on the arrival of every steamer. Euro pean political and commercial accounts will he given. In this respect we hope to otter such advantages as wit! make the Telegraph an in dispensable visitor to the counting tooiu of ev ery merchant and tradesman. Education, Agriculture and the Mechanic I Arts will lie fostered as the true sources of all I National and individual prosperity. • Th 9 Weekly Telegraph The Proprietors take a special pride in pre senting their WEEKLY EDITION to the public It contains eight paces of Column *. almost exclusively of reading mat ter, in each number, and in point of typography and general appearance is without a rival at the South. Specimen numbers sent by mail to all applicants. Address all communications on business to W. A, • RED At Cos., Feb 14-7 Proprietors, Macon, Go,