Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 04, 1866, Image 3

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THE PlIILIC! Y\ r L beg Vo inform the public of this citv ” T and vicinity, that we havejust received an entirely new stock of Wines & Liquors, such as, Scotch Whi*k*y. It- irfcOT, Whisker Cocktai and Old Rve. Brandy Cocktail. Muvett.j H(jj n e-Brandy. Fine Old Holland , . or and Gin Cocktail, Scheidam j s(ie dial Schnapps, Jamaica Rum, Cider, ‘ rry, Port and Ginger Wine, Scotch Aie and London Porter. Wormwood Cor . dial. Noyean Cordial. Pure Havana Cigars. Fine Chewing Tobacco. Also, Oysters in the Shell. Can Oysters, Sardines and Pickled Salmon. Avery fine assortment of Fruits and Candies. Stewed Oysters, Apple Toddy, warm Whiskey Punch, every night. Cream Cheese, *.*.*-. - 3° cts. English Dan v, ’ • - - • - 35 *• Light Granite Sugar, - • • 25 “ Flo r. extra. - * • - . - 10 •* • Sardines, per box, - • - . 40 “ Oysters, per Can. - - . - 75 M Candies, per pound, •. - - 50 *” Cranberries, per quart, • • • - 25 “ Pickled Salmon, - ‘. • 50 * 4 Fine Goshen Butter, - • • . ■ • 65 ** Sugar Biscuit. - - •• • 25 “ hisky, per gallon, • • ■ • - $6.00 Whisky, per bottle,’ - - ‘ 150 MOSES A YOUNG. Feb 14 7 3m J A 11 E S RIVE R INSURANCE COMPANY, IIOWARD9VILLC, VIRGINIA. Chartered Capital, $1,500,000 ! r■ MIIS old. tried, and solvent company deals 1 liberally, pays promptly, and asks pat rouaue. See below, to which many others timilai could be added : Richmond, Ya., February 15, 1860. ‘"ln the month of December. 1865, we had cotton burned which was insured iu the James River Company, and its part ofloss, amounting to one thousand seven hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty-three cents, was promptly paid as soon as proof. Ac., was forwarded, and over two mont'is before it was due under the policy. Such promptness merits patronage. A. Y. STOKES A CO.” AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Inferences required of applicants. E. REMINGTON & MON. Agents. Thoniasville, Ga. Mar 14 11 ts GEORGlA—Kcrricn County. WHEREAS, F. 11. Shepard and William Tygart, applies to me for letters of adminis tration on the estate of Levi T. Smith, deed. And, whereas. Mrs. A V. Moore applies to me f->r letters of administration de boms non, o-u the estate of Dr. J. R. Moore, dee'd. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear in mv office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, it any they nave, why said letters should not be granted. Witness my hand offi cially, March 5, 1566 W. E. CONNELL, Mar 28 30d Ordinary. GEORG lA Rerrirn County. WHEREAS, The following estates in said County are without a legal representative, namely : Estate of Elihn Tvgart, deic'd Estate of G. M. Clayton, dec'd. These are therefore to cite .and admouish all persons interested to show cause, if any they have, why the Clerk of the Superior Court or some other tit and proper person should not be appointed administrator on said estates on the first. Monday in May next Witness mv hand official]v, this March 5 1866. W. E. CONNELL. Mar 28 fif'd Ordinary.. <SEORGIA —Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, March 2 6th, 1866. ON the first Monday in May next. W. IT. H;uaeock will apply to this Court for Perma nent Letters of Administration on the estate of Janies Hancock, deceased. All persons hav ing objections are notified to hie them in terms of the law, otherwise said letters will be granted. 11. 11. TOOKE. Mar 28 30d Ordinary. GEORGIA Colquitt County. SIXTY davs after date 1 will apyly to the Court of Ordinary of Colquitt County, for an order to sell all the Real Estate lielonging to the estate of Larkin A. Denman, late of Col quitt Countv, deceased. JANE E. DENMAN, Mar 28 13 60d Adm’ GEORGIA —Colquitt County. Court of Ordinary, Mnrch 5, 1866. WHEREAS Mxs. Martha Hancock makes application to this Court for Letters of Admin istration, with the will annexed, on the estate of James E. Hancock, dec’d : —All persons in terested will take due notice thereof, and file their objections in Court, otherwise letters will he granted the applicant at the Mav term of Court PETER O. WING, Mar 28 304 D. C- C O. GEORGlA—Colquitt County. WHEREAS. Martha Hancock applies to me for the Guardianship of the peisons and pro perty of Georgia, Ann A. Linton, Mary C, Caroline M. Nancy E. Bazil. Bartow ami Jas. B. Hancock, minor heirs of James E. Hancock, tlec’d :—Notice is hereby given to all parties, to file their objections in Court, on or before tie first Monday in Mav next, otherwise let ters of Guardianship will he granted to said applicant- Given under my hand, this the sth dav of March, 1866. P. O. WING, Mar 28 13 30d D- C C. 0. GEORMA —Clinch County. To all whom it mav Concern : Wheieaa, Benjamin Dry den and Nathan Dry den. has applied to me for Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Benjamin Dry den. late of said County, deceased . These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or credit ors, to show cause if any they have, within the time prescribed bv law, why letters should not he granted to said applicant. Witness my hand this February 5, 1866. H. MORGAN, Feb 01 8-3'M Ordinary. GEORGIA —1.0 ii inles County. To all sc hem it may C ncern: IT appearing to the C urt that the estate of Baioe l*oyd, late of said County, dec'd is with out a legal representative. Unless good cause js shown to the contrary, letters of adminis tration. de bonus non, on said estate, will be issued to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other lit and proper person, on the first Monday in May next. Given under mv hand and official signature, this 12th day of March. 1566. WILLIAM SMITH. Mar 21 td Ordinary. TWO yiO-NTHS NOTICE—I wiif'p” nlv to the honorable Court of Ordinary, ot Thomas Comity. Georgia, on the first Mon day in June next, for an order granting leave to sell the Real Estate and I-ands belonging to William Alderman, deed. R A. ALDERMAN, Mar23-2m Adm’x. T^OTICE. —On the First Monday in May J.l next. I will apply to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Thomas County, for an order granting leave to sell the Lands of Jesse Ward, deceased. H. J. WARD, Feb 28 9 2m Adm'r. ON the First Nonday in Jlay next, I will apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Thomas County, for an order granting leave to sell the Heal Estate and I-ands of William S. Vann, deceased david McKinnon, Mar7-102m Adm’r. CO.tIPOr.AD Fluid Extract Barba. Prepared bv . „ W p CLOWER ACO . Jai 31 3tf Apothsearies Hall DRYGOODS! SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE! ORFF & WATKINS, 111 & 113 Congress Street . SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Goods Received by Every Steamer. Wc Import oar own Goods or buy them directly from tlie Manufacturers. We keep an experienced Buyer constantly in the Eastern Markets. Inducements Ottered a turn mum ij nmm, Savannah, Feb. 1, 1666. mar 7-3 m W. Carvel Hall. Jas. E. Myers. J. Hanson Thomas, Jr. Hall, Myers & Thomas GENERAL COMMISSION Merdiants, No. 3, Commerce St., Baltimore. References s .T Hanson Thomas, Pres’t Farmers’ and Mer chants’ National Bank,Tison A Gordon. Sav’h Kirkland, Chase A Cos., Jno. Williams & Son, Williams, Bee A Cos., N. A'., Brien & Car rere. N. A’., C. Morton Stewart, H. L. Whirridge. D. H. Gordon. A T a., • Edward S. Myers. J. P. Plea sants A Son. Tlios. J. Carson & Cos. Wm. H. MacFarland, Pre't Farmers’ Bank. Va. Mar 14 11-6 m .1. AV. RABUN & CO., Factors AND £olijh)issici) illei'cliQijfs, 140 BAY STREET, Savannah. Ga. J. W. RABUN. P. 11. WOOD Jan 1 3m DOORS, SASH AND BTjINTDS. Every style and size constantly on hand and for sale by HLilll Si BICKFORD, ISO Bay St., Savannah, Ga. LIP Orders by mail filled promptly and goods forwarded C. O. D. Jan 31 5-3m* SOCTHERN COTTON Warehouse, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH. GEO. OFALLON & CO., Factors, Fornarding aul Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to our facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all business en tn our care. Intending to establish per manently a House in Savannah, expect by strie* btiainess principles to merit and re ceive a portion of the trade. Having a commodious Warehouse Co:tcn, we are prepared to buy. or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make advances on same ; picking, re baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the onormous expense incurred in North ern cities by this process. Thev solicit a portion of the business of (he people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFFICE. STODDARDS RANGE Corner of Lay and Lincoln Streets. §125 REWARD STOLEN from my plantation, seven miles East of Baiubridge, on Thursday night, 22nd of February, one Deep Ray Horse, sixteen hands high, eight years old, hind feet white, and when mounted, wheezes from dis temper. Also, one Sorrel Jlare. four years old, fifteen hands high, with small white star in the face ; rather long coat of hair at this time. Also, one Kay .Tlnre. fifteen hands high, flunks and legs turning gray from age. For the lira: and second of the above animals, I will pay a reward of SSO each, and for the third $25 reward, for their safe delivery at my plantation. DUNCAN CURRY. Mar 7 lb-4t Phoenix Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. THIS Establishment is now in successful operation, and is prepared to make to or der GRIST AND *AW HILLS, and all kinds of Mill Work. We keep constantly on hand. Sugar mills of all sizes. Bark Mil 11 Gin Gearing, Iron Railing, Kettles from 10 to 100 gallons. Ovens, Sniders. Wash pots. Plows, Ac. AVe make to order all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. Our prices are reasonable give us a call- Couutrv produce taken in e change for work at market prices. I- lIAIMAN A Ct Columbus. Ga. Nov- 22, ts STOLE!? froip mv residence in Colquit, County, on Tuesday night, the 6th iustantt a small S*rrel tla re, about ten years old, a small white spot on the rump near the spine and verv slow footed. Signs of the saddle can be seen on her back- Any information as to her whereabouts will be thankfullv received Mar 14 11 4t # J. T COX. GREAT BARGAINS!! . • AT OAYIS & JEFFERS’ INT E W AUCTION & UMISSI HE. Next to Goldbrrry'a Slave, fTIHE attention of the public is called to the M large and varied assortment of Goods of all descriptions consigned to us for sale AT AUCTION, or at private sale, at l-.cs* than Cost. Ladies are particularly invited to cuil and examine our fine Goods and Prices. It is our intention to make this the Cheap Sion; of Thomasville. t3EPAuction stiles on Wednesdays and Satur days—dav and night. J. R. S. DAVIS, G. A. JEFFERS, Feb 14 7-3ra* FAMILY GROCERIES. r 1 HE undersigned are now offering Family 1 time eric* Cheap for Cash, at the stand of David Harrell. They are also preparing to receive a large lot of GROCERIES Os nil Dc*cri|>tion*, at the same place, which they intend offering to the public upon the most reasonable terms, for Cash or Country Produce. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 6-Cm TAN YARD. Having bought out, the t.vv v.utn ot J. Sell iff &. Brother, at Thomasville, and determined to carry on the business of TANNING, the undersigned will purchase 10,000 Pounds OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David Harrell's Provision Store, where they will be paid for in Family Groce ries or Cash. The undersigned will also give a liberal price tor €i O O D OAK B A IS K, far Tanning. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 6-6 m DEPOT HOTEL. THOMASVILLE, GA UIMIE large new Hotel near the Depot is now 1 open for the accommodation of the public. Having fitted up the House, and made ample arrangements to give satisfaction, the under signed most respectfully invites the patronage of the public. ■ ELI FUTCH. Feb 28 9-3 m Plctclicr rpHE Exercises of this Institution will he 1 resumed outlie FIRS i MONDAY IS JANUARY NEXT. The Scholastic Year embraces forty weeks. Tuition payable quarterly in advance, un less otherwise provided for. Rates of Tuition as follows • Reading, Writing, Spelling, <Scc., per Quarter, . . . SB.OO Arithmetic, Grammar. Geograpy, His tory, Slc $12.00 Either of the preceding, together with AlgeUra. Geometry. Plain and Spe cial Trigonometry! Natural Philoso phy, bemistry or the Ancient Clas sics, (Latin and Greek.) , . $16.00 Arrangements are already made for compe tent Teachers in the Music Department. It is highly desirable that pupils be present at the opening of the Session, with a view to being properly classed. Patrons of the Institute are assured that no pain will be spared in advancing the interests of the pupils. JOHN E. BAKER, Jan 4 3t Principal. A. J. BRADY, W.M. SMITH, E.J. MOSES Atlanta. Lexington. Columbus. Brady, Smith & CO., COTTON mmm ii Fimii MERCHANTS, Savannah, : : : : : Georgia- Will make liberal advances on Produce con signed to ns or onr friends, in New York, Boston, Philadelphia or Liverpool. Agents for FAIRBANKS & CO., R. HOE & CO., STEARNS dc MARVIN, and other Northern Manufactories. Refer to all the leading Merchants of the City. Nov. 8 3m EMPIRE HAIR RESIORER. AN elegant Dressing, An infallible restorer of Color, And a wonderful Invigorator of tbs HAIR. Prepared bv W. P. CLOWER & CO., Jaa 31 5-ts Apothecaries Hall FRESH ARRIVAL OF CHOICE Family Groceries. Rice. Flour, HucUm hint, do Vi Go-hen Rutler r\> <4 *X f J Cullou Market S? - Ror I. t heese, runs, Aluiouil*. Brazil Nuls, VA'>^V’ (’•counts. Cove . Oy stern, Spiced Oysters. Hao. caroui, Verraieelli. Olive Oil. Prunes, Raisins, Sultana, do., Currants, Citron, Soda Crackers, Boston Crackers, French Mustard, Durham, do. Received and for sale bv JOHN STARK. Feb 21 8 ts PORTER ANO ALB— 6O dozen of Ale and Porter, received and for sale by feb .21 8 ts JOHN STARK. GARDEN WEEDS— a fresh and full assortment of Garden Seeds, received and for sale bv feb 21 8 ts JOHN STARK rro S.tIOKERS! —A fine lot of PIPES, 1 and a large and fiue assortment of SMOK ING TOBACCO —some very choice brands— received and for sale by feb 21 8 ts JOHN STARK. SNC FF ! W N IFF!!— Ijorillard’s and Rail Hoad, Scotch and Maccahoy SnutFs, in Jars, Bladders or Papers, for sale bv feb 21 8-ts JOHN STARK. CITY TAX ORDINANCE. BE IT <1 It l AI \ I S> l>y the Mayor and Council of the Town of Thomasville. That from and after the first day of March, 1866, the following Licenses and Taxes shall be assessed upon occupations and commodities iu said Town, as hereinafter specified, to wit: On each bale of Cotton stored within the corporation $ 25 To be reported and paid by the owner of the Warehouse or store in which such cotton may be stored, within one month of the time of deposit, under a penalty of five dollars line for neglect, i on each bale. On all Retailers of Spirituous Liquors-, iii quantities less than a quart, (each per annum,) 1000 00. On all Venders of Lottery Tickets and Gift Associations, (do ) 50 00 On all Express Company Agencies, (do.) 100 00 On three Vendue Masters, e ich (d0.)... 50 00 On all goods sold at Auction 1 per cent. The Auctioneer to make weekly re-’ turns, and collect and pay over to the Marshal ; under a penalty of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every neglect. Auctioneers to close their sales by 10 o'clock, P. M., under a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty f r each and every neglect, at the discretion of the Mayor. On all goods sold on commission one per cent. Returns to be made by the Commission Merchant to the Marshal of the town monthly, subject to a like penalty as the foregoing. On each Billiard Table and Bowling Aliev ;.150 00 On all Itinerant Traders of Goods, W ares and Merchandize, each, first week .150 00 Arid for each week thereafter 50 00 On all Pedlars each. 150 00 On all Hucksters, Cake and Fruit Stands, on the streets, each, per year 10 Q 0 ■ On all Insurance Company Agents, d0... 25 00 Onall Bank Agencies,do*. 100 00 On all four horse Omnibuses or Hacks, do -. 30 00 On alt two horse Omnibuses, do 20 00 Onall two horse Drays or Wagons, do.. 20 00 On all one horse Di-ays or Wagons, do.. 10 00 Oil all non-resident Daguerrean. I’hoto : graphic or like Artists, do 20 00 On all non resident Lawyers and Physi cians, office in Town... 10 00 On all Circuses and Menageries, per day, ’ each, i.IOO U 0 Oh all shows or Exhibitions for gain, do., dx.... 15 00 On all Livery Stables each, per year 50 00 On all Stock Drivers of Horses or Mules, sold or offered for sale, per day.:.... ‘5 OO On all Hogs, Pigs. Sheep or Goats slaughtered and sold, or offered for . sale iu the Town, per head 20 On all Beeves, do., do., do 50 The marks and brands of all slaughtered stock to be brought with the meat ana shown to tfie Marshal. On all regular Butchers, for the use of ■ Stalls, at the Market House, per year, each 00 On all Dogs, of all grades, owned within the town, per head, 2 00 Ou all Real Estate and Stock in Trade, a Tax sufficient to meet and defray the. indebtedness of the present t otincil to lie assessed on the amount of trade hereafter to he ascertained from the reiurns of the Receiver of the Tax Returns. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid , Tiiat all produce and eatables shall be carried to and sold at the Market House, within the hours of Sand 10 A. M- Be it further ordained, That the charg s for two horse Drays or Wagons, per load shall not exceed 75 C { S . Do do. do. one horse 38 P. McGLASIIAN, Mayor. Attest: \\ M. CLINE, Clerk. Feb 14 7-ts AN ORDINANCE. T I IT OK It A INFO by the Mayor and * * Council of the Town of 2 ‘homasville, That all City Licenses, except for spirituous liquors, shall he taken out tor one year from the first ot March, and under one hundred dollars per annum be payable in full 011 the first of March of each year, or if taken out after that date, to be paid for pro rata up to the succeeding first ot Marcti ; all Licenses over one hundred and less than two hundred dollars to tie paid semi annually in advance; and all Licenses over two hundred dollars to he paid quarterly in ad vance: Provided, That all Licenses which are not paid in full at the time they are issued, shall give good and sufficient security for prompt and full payment, as they may become due. Licenses to sell spirituous liquors to be paid quarterly in advance. Be itjuether ordained by the. authority afore-. said, That all persons who are required by this Ordinance t<> take out Licenses, and fail so to do within fifteen davs of the time and iu the manner prescribed. *sh ill be fined in a sum not less than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars, at the discretion of the Mayor, for each day they tail to take out such License. Be it further ordained by the authority afore said, That all Ordinances and parts of Ordi nance: conflicting with this Oidiuauce be and the same are herebv repealed P* McGLASIIAN. Mayor. Attest, WM CLINE, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED Mayor and Council of the Town of Thomasville, That the Marshal is hereby authorized and empow ered to summon and call out, whenever at his discretion he may think it a proper time, all able bodied male citizens between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, by posting notices of such call and time in various parts of the town. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That such call shall be made for five days or less, subject to a penalty of one dollar fine for neglect to attend, each day. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid. That such citizens, so called out, shall be employed in working the streets, re pairing bridges, and doing all other needful work on the public thorougfares within the corporate limits of the town, under the direction of a competent Superintendent, to be appoint ed by Council. P- McGLASHAN, Mayor. Attest, WM. CLINE, Clerk. FOR §ALE> —One Portable Engine and Grist mill, 6 borne power. En quire At thi* effice fob 7 b-ts PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE. The Patent Eight of J. MASSEY'S COTTON PRESS Is now offered for Sale. THUS Cotton Press was patented at Wash . ington in 1857, and since that time has en joyed almost unprecedented popularity. It is well known thioughout most of the Cotton States, and its all contracts with Agents and Rights sold for sections have expired, the ori ginal patent, unencumbered, is now ottered, for sale ; and as the country has again been re stored to prosperity, and the cultivation of Cotton once more become the chief occupation of the Southern people, Jam ns Massey’s unri valled Cotton Press will again assume its sway over the Cotton growing region. To any per son with a small capital, this Cotton Press is now the surest road to fortune. . The Patentee has been rendered unable to carry it on hv the misfortunes of the war, and unwilling that the public should be deprived of the.superior ad vantages of this great Lahor Saving. Eco nomical, Portable Cotton Press, he otters it for stile at a very, low price. Energy and a small capital are all that is ne cessary to realize from the s de of this Pressan independent fortune. To understand its great advantages over all other Presses, examine its model, and to know what others think of it, read the annexed Certilicates of well known gentlemen who have tried it. . For further particula s apply to L C- BRYAN. Thomasville, Georgia'. Ido certify that-1 have used Jas. Massey's Iron Screw the two past seasons, and can sav with propriety, that I am highly pleased with the same. . WAX. J. HEARD I do certify that 1 have one of Jas. Massey’s Iroit Screws for Packing Cotton, and can re commend them in the highest terms. They are a life time estate.’ J. AIcCaNN. S . This is to certify that I have used Massey’s Iron Screw for two years in Packing Cotton, and find it convenient and durable,’ I’ have packed a bale in thirty minutest-some bales weighing 640 lbs. I find-it as-simple-as the old Wood screw 1 and not liable to get out of order. Respectfully, W. T HOLLINGSWORTH. Macon, Bibb Cos:, June l, 1859.■ We.the undersigned, do certify that We have one of Massey’s Iron Screws, and are well pleased with them; and would recommend them to any one who may want a Screw, . • . . C. C. TILLMAN, JOSIAII J. EVERETT. ALLEN HAGIN, Thomas County, Ga.. I do hereby certify that I have nne of James Massey’s Patent Iron Screws, and it performs well, and lam p.eased with it. It is of the most lasting kina. TARQUIL McAULAY. Thomas Cos., Ga , June 9,.1859. State of Georgia, Thomas County. Office of the Ordinary of said Court, ( June 9, A. I)., 18.19. \ I hereby certify that the. above named per sons, to wit: Mis- C. C. Tillman, Allen ila gin, Joshiui McCann, Sr., William J. Heard and Tarquil McAulay, are well known to uie as Cotton planters of this county, and as per sons of the highest respectability and undonht-- ed-veracity. Given under my hand and the. seal of said Court attached. r _ A. V. McCARDEL, ‘* D-ep. Clerk Court of Ordinary. • This is to certify that I ‘have used one of Massey’s Screws at the warehouse of Messrs.. Dillard, Powell & C0.,0f this city, and that I regard it asone of the most easily operated and durable Sere,vs within inv knowledge. With six good hands it is capable of turning off Forty bales of cotton per day. of an average weight of five hundred and fifty pounds, and that of convenient size. We have pacxed 2,500 hales this season. Yours, respectfully,. JAS. T. GRAY.. Columbus, Aluscogee Cos., Ga- Feb 7 • . 6 ts 3NT H* “W” family mmmi AND HARDWARE STORE, ONE DOOR NORTH GALDBERRY’S STORE. JUST received a large and well selected Stock of Family Groceries, Hardware Cutlery, &c., consisting in part of 200 B r.els Fresh Flour, Rio and Java Coffee, Nails, Bagging and Rope, Black, Green and Voting Hyson Teas, Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugar, English Dairy and Goshen Cheese, Goshen Butter, Soda and Butler Crackers Buckwheat Flour, Onions, Potatoes, Pickles, Powder, Shot, and Caps, Factory Yarns and Osnaburgs Pepper, Allspice, Cloves, Ginger, Nutmegs, Bluestone, Indigo, Copper as, Madder, Snuff, Scotch Maccaboy and Bottle, Liverpool and Coast Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Hard and Hollow Ware of all kinds, Pocket and T ,ble Cutlery Spades Shov els, Forks Hooks and Lines of all Sizes, Willow Baskets, Tubs and Buckets. In fact everything usaally kept in a first class Provision store, AH of which will be sold low. Constan'ly receiving fresh supplies. Highest prices paid for Cotton, Wool and Hides. Call and see H. B. AINSWORTH. RAN DELL A Co',~ mmm mm% Southwest Corner Bay A Barnard Stu. SA VANN AH, GA. A large and well Assorted Stock Constantly on Hand. and for sale at Lowest Market Prices. N. B —Special attention given to orders by mail accompanied with remittance. Nov 8 6mo Dr. W. F. DeWITT Keeps contantly in stoic And. so r Sale, A well selected Slock of mmm. And all other articles usually kept in a DRUG STORE. July 5, 1860. ts LandreliPs Carden Seeds. 4 (LARGE lot of I.nndreth'M FKKftll Onrden Sced. just received and for sale by Dr. W. F. DeWI I TANARUS, Adj lining Store of J. Kubitahek & Bro. Feb 14 ? ts . PKFSC KIPTIOYS carefully compound ed by Dr. W. K. DeWitt, at Store adjoin ing J- Kubitshek & Bro. leb. 14 7-ts ‘ ]YOXS> KATIIAKIOV, Cocoaine. Pp -J mades. assorted, Sozodont, Bell Cologne, Florida Water and all other Perfumery anu Fancy Articles kept in a Drug Store, for sale bv Dr. W. F. DeWITT. Feb 14 7-ts 4 I bSI’IC E, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, A. Pepper ground and whole. Ginger, Cin namon, for sale by Dr. W. F. Dt WITT. Feb 14 7 ts C\l I*ink, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts, Salt t pet re. Copperas, Sulphur, Extract Log- Wood, for sale by Du. W. F. Dr. WIT |\ Feb 14 7tf Inferior Court, in CliunihnN, / Thomasville. Feb. 27, ’66. \ GEORGIA—Thomas County. VITIiEBEAS, \\ itliant 11. Reynolds, elected “ * to the office of SberifF on the 4th of Jan uary. 1866, having refused to accept said office: And, whereas, Peter E. Love, Justice of the Inferior Court of Thomas County, having re signed his commission and office. It is hereby Ordered That an Election be held on Thursday, March 27.1866, for a Sheriff and a Justice of the Inferior Court, to fill said vacancies. ’ , R. II HARDAWAY, J. 1. c. . ANSEL DEKLE. j. 1. c. HENRY MITCHELL, j.-i. c. Attest: LEBBEUS DEKLE. c. 1: c. ‘ Feb 28 • 94t ISKOHISIA —Thouias County.] Court of Ordinary, February 22, 1860. . WHEREAS, The estate of David Ward, dee’d, is without a legal representative : —All persons interested are therefore notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise Let ters of Administration thereon will be granted and issued to the public administiator of the • County in terms of the law. H. 11. TOOKE, Feb 28 9.30d ‘ Ordinary. GEOISGI A —Thoma. County. Court of Ordinary, March 1, 1866. WHEREAS, Ansel Dekle, Administrator on the estate of l’eter Dekle. deceased, makes ap plication by petition for Letters of Dismission from-said estate : —All persons interested will file their objections in said Court, otherwise said letters will be’granted in terms of the law- 11. 11. TOOK E, Mar 7 10-3t)d • Ordinary. (TORO lA —Thomas County. • Court of Ordinary, March, I, 1866. WHEREAS, Ansel Dekle, Guardian for and of the persons, property and effects of Nervy, Ann and Eddy Dekle, minors of said county,, makes application by petition to this Court, for Letters of Dismission from, said Guardian ship:—All persons interested will file their objections in said Court, otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of the law H. H. TOOKE, Mar 7 10-30d • ’ Ordinary. GEORGIA—Thomas County’ Court of Ordinary , Feb. 24, 1866. WHEREAS, Tlte’ estate’ of’ Mclntosh -D.. McKinnon is without a legal representative- All persons interested are therefoie notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise letters of administration thereon will be grant ed to the public administrator of the county in terms of the law. 11. 11. TOOKE, • Alar 7 19 30d . . Ordinary. (jiEOHGl.4—Thomas County. On the first Monday in March next, I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said County for an order grantingleave io sell the lands and real estate of George Folsom • deed. ‘ • J J L’VA’RITT, • Jan 10-60d- Adm’r. GEOKGIA l.oitnilcs County.. WHEREAS, Dennis Witheringfon.’ Guar-’ dian of the person and property of Nancy, IJa chel, Mary, Surrena, Elizabeth,Moisey diJusse Witherington, minors ol said County, having fully discharged his trust.applies to lie dismiss ed from his Guardianship:-r-Therefore all per sons concerned are hereby notified and required to appear at my office, on the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if anv they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be granted. Given Under my hand and official signature, this 22d dty of February, 186 <: . william g. Smith, Feb 28 9-6 m C. C- Ord. GIIOIUJA —I.owndes County. WHEREAS, Allen Jones. Administrator of William Y. Hill, late of said Comity, deceased, having filed Ids petition in this Court lor Let ters of Dismission from said estate a—This is therefore t > admonish all concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given uuder my hand, at office, this 24th day of January, 1866. WILLIAM SMITH, Jan 31-mGm Ordinary. GEORGIA Clinch County, To all whom it may Concern: Whereas, Airs. Prudence Smith, applies to me for letters ol administration on the estate of William Johnson, late of said County, dec'd. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause it any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted to said applicant. Wit ness mv hand in office, Feb 17, 1866. 11. MORGAN, Feb 21 8 30d Ordinary. GEORGIA —Clinch County. BY an order ot the Ordinary of said County, to sell the Real Estate of Jeremiah Chancy, Sr., late of said County, deceased, will he sold before the Court House door in said county, on the first Tuesday in April next, the lot of Land, number 517, in the 7tl) District of said County. Terms mane known on the day of sale. JOHN AI. CHANCY, Feb 7 6-60d Administrator. GEORGIA- Colquitt County. Whereas, Nancy J. Alger, Administratrix on the estate of James R. Alger, deceased, having filed her petition in this Court for letters of DismissionAll persons are’ hereby notified to file their objections in Court, within the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant Given under my official signature. Fell. 5, 1866. . ISAAC CARLTON, Fob 21 8-6 m . . Ordinary. Fine PERFUHEtI, Lubin's Extracts, Florida Water, Extract Pond Lily, and Night Blooming Cereus, Zylo Bulsamum, Tri copherous, Kate-: ion, India Rubber. Hern and Buffalo Dressing and Fine Combs, Children’s Long und Ladies’ India Rubber Tuck Combs. For sale by W. P. CLOWEIi i-CO, Feh 7 6 ts Apothecaries Hall. CONC’ENTBATEO LEV, Copperas, Madder. Indigo. Mustard, Tea, Sweet Oil, Cream Tartar, Soda, Saltpetre, for sale whole sale and retail by I W. P. CLOWER &. CO., Feb 7 6tf Apothecaries Hall New . Goods! rjIHK• undersigned have just opened, and. ‘ I will keep constantly on hand, at the store formerly owned by l>r.’ R. J. Bruc'c, a largo and well selected stock 0} DRY GOODS, gait'll-(Loimoq, LADIES’ DRESS FOODS of every Description, BOOTS AND NIIOKS. HATS ANI> CAPS, Crockery, Chin a & Glassware, IXarclwm*c, GROCERIES, Ac., &!c., Ac.,'’ Which they will sell VERY LOW for CASH or Country Produce. I EPCail and examine our Stock before pur chasing elsewhere. D. J. & J. W. SHEFFIELD. Thomasville, Jan 31 £ 3m’ MEW GOODS. Y\f E T,n: UNDERSIGNED HAVE ju I 7 received a large assortment of Ilf ill MlliiU BIS WHICH WK WILL. SKI.I. VERY LOW J Our stock consists of the latest styles of LADIES DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, LADIES CLOAK. !S S H AW L S , A FINE LOT OF LADIES HATS, Ready Made Clothing, SHOES®, DOMESTIC FOODS’ Such as Georgia tiiade T3T • Cs~y OSNABURGS AND JEANS. \\ liich we arc able'er at • immunmru Belore buying elsewhere you will do well’ ta call and examine Our stock. • I- K GBITS 11EK & BRO. Oct 25'3m0 IKT O TIC HU To Everybody We the undersigned can now say to the Public that we are ready to GRIND CORN, as we have purchased an engine and mill •of sufficient power to do good Work, and <he way you have to prove it is to bring your Corn a.nd see if you do not get good ‘ Meal.ln connection with-our Mill we will make Furniture to order, .bash, Blinds, Doors, Piip, Dress,’ Tongue and Groove Plank, make Coffins to order with neat ness and despatch, we will also take con., tracts for Buildin.g houses. TAYLOR & DEKLE. I feel •thankful to the Public for their liboral patronage extended to me hereto* fore, and hope 1 may merit a continuation of the same. ISAIAH DEKLE. EIISTEIN & ECIN4I/ Wholesale and Itelati DEALERS IN FRENCH, LEHMAN, E N’GLISH DRY GOODS, Boots & Shoes, IXiYTS cfcc., 151 €.\(,STREET, Cm SAVANNAH, GA. SSO riE waud, STOLEN from the plantation of Dr. J. Ii Steele, near Maj. J. J. Everett’s, on the morning of the 31st alt., about daybreak, ii large .tlonsr Etlorcil tlim Alulr, about ten years old, with a small wart on her right nostril, also a little delect of the hoof of the t ight fore foot, resembling ring hoof, which at times lames her a little—travels finely in a walk, with her head inclining downwards. Anyone tak : ng her up, or giving any infor mation of her whereabouts, that will result iu ‘ her recovery, will be paid the above reward. JAMES HORN. Feb 7 6-ts . \ljlj Persons having demands against the estate of Ilirain Gay, deceased, late of Colquitt County, are hereby requested to pre sent them in terms of the law, and those in- ■ debted to said estate will please make imme diate pay ment lo HENR Y GAY Feb 21 8 40d Adm’r. . Peter Pearce i • vs. I BUI to correct mistake Allen Creed &. s and Injunction. Thomas Adams, j IT appearing to the Court that Allen Creed, . one of the Defendant’s in the above stated case, has removed and now lives in the State of Alabama It is therefore Ordered bv the Court that service of the above stated Bill be peifected on said Creed, by the publication of this order once a month for four months, in the Southern Enterprise AUG. IL IIANSELL, Judge S C. S. D. Extract from the Minutes Thomas Superior Court, February 24. 18nt>. LEBBEES DFKLE Feb 28 . C. S. C. T. C. G. < I'.OltCilA —I/Otindm County, To all ichom it may Contern: IT appearing to the Court that the estate of Christian Limeborger, late of said County, dec’d, is without a legal representative, no one having applied for letters of administration on said estate. Unless good canse-is shown to.the contrary, letters of administiation will be is sued to.the Clerk of the Superior Court, or . some other lit and proper person, on the first, . Monday in May next. Given under my hand, at office, this 12th> day of’ March, 18l>6. WILLIAM SMITH, Mar 21-td • . Ordinary.’ GEOBClA—Loiiudos County. To all ichovi it may Concern: • IT anpear ng to the Court that the estate of Isaac MoFadden. late of said County, dec’d, is without a legal representative, no one having applied for letters of administration on said estate. Unless good cause is shown tp tho’ contrary, letters of administration will he is sued to” the Clerk of the Supgripr Court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in May next. Given under my hand, at office, on this I2th . day of March, 1866. J WILLIAM SMITH, Mar 21-td Ordinarv ‘