Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 04, 1866, Image 4

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STUARTS HOTEL YAIPOtTA, GEO 1’ been felt at this point, the subscriber has l>een induced to take charge of this \ establishment formerly known as the Yal. j ** hotel, which viß be thoroughly re i e#od .ti nos the traveling public cn the of January next Ha ring gome ex, .. in this line of business, he believes himself competent to render stay with him both comf and no pains will be spare and to. effect - bject. Z/is table will be supplied with the best the igarket affords and char, ge? moderate, C. T. STUART ‘this Hotel is an excellent Stable-where careful aud trusty hostlers will arrays be found 4o care for horses and attend to any thing in that depart ment.’ . Jan 4, ts SAVANNAH, Oct 27, 1865- The :ir. • icoe < to tru:,.-a t t!.o business of a .i >i r: vi. fiini'‘>‘td> tfiR fBAXT FACTOR Having !iad many years experience in ness, he will pay the same’ strict at tention to t!>e sale of Cotton and other Pro •luce. and to the ptochaM of Snppfiea, as fat former year*. He will not have any interest in the pur (’ >:;-ig:,aients. Office No. fhJ Ray Street, N rt - de. and immediately East of the range Cunningham. . Jan4-3m • A-.S BLASTKIDGE FURNITURE J|g 5 I mHi I • ami Repairing of * ; FURNITURE, md Furnishing Coffins, tgte., &e. fwy° >hop second door from the Print ing 1 >:T:ce, on Jefferson street.’ • L. J SPiTZ ’ Jan 1 . 3m HAVING fitted up and opened our S ALOON, at the Store of T. J. Me Gain, we are prepared to offer to the Public everytning that can be found in a First Class Saloon. BRANDIES. WHISKEY, GIN. ALE, CHAMPAIGNE WINE, MUSCAT WINE, MALAGA WINE, PORT WINE. CLARET WINE. RHINE WINE AND EVERY VARIETY OF LIQUORS, Eh her 1 the B : e or Drink— Ham or Mixed. FINE HAVNNA CIGARS of different brands. Anderson’s and oths ers Fine Cut Tobacco. And everything to suit the taste of the most fastidious, can be had at THE ‘OUrt HOUSE, 9 cheap as anywhere in the South. We shall always keep on hand a LARGE AND WELL Selected stools., And would invite the Tublic to give us call, before purchasing elsewhere. PETERS & PERRY. Oct 3, 1865. 14 3m RI LL NISI. OEOKGI A —THOU AS (OIATV. In the Superior Court. Present, the Honora ble Aligns!in H. linns,ll, Judge .of said Court. James L. Seward Mortgage, Ac. Jos, pTciay. i Dof ’ **" S * 5 * Term - IS65 ’ I T appearing to the Court by the Petition of . James L. Seward, iaccompanied by the Notes and Deed of Mortgage.) that on the tenth dav of November, 18652, the Defendant, Joseph Clay, made and delivered to William McLendon, his two certain Promissory Notes, bearing date the day and year aforesaid", where by in one of said promissory notes, he the said Joseph Clay, by the first dav of January, 1865, promised to pay to the said W illiam McLendon or bearer. Three Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-two Dollars and Thirty-three Cents, with interest on said notes from Ist of January, 1865, for value received, and by the other of said promissory notes, he the said[Joseph Clay, bv the first day of January, 1866, promised to pay the said William McLendon or bearer, .he sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-two Dollars and Thirty-three Cents, for value received, with interest from the first day ot January, 1363. And. that afterwards, on the day and year aforesaid, the Defendant, Joseph Clay,” the better to secure the payment of said notes, exe cuted and delivered to the said William Mc- Lendon, his Deed of Mortgage, wherebv the said Defendant mortgaged to the said William McLendon, lots of Land numbered as follows, to wit No. (31b i three hundred and nineteen, in the Thirteenth District, originaily Irwin, notv Thomas County, containing Five Hundred Eleven and a half acres : also. No. 325; in said D.strict and Couuty, containing Five Hundred and Ninety acres, more or less : also, a part of Thre< Hundred and Twenty-six i326. in same D;s::ict and County,commencing at the south east corner of said lot and running north 26 chains and 9 links to a corner, thence west fifty-three chains and eleven links to a corner, thence north 40 chains and 41 links to the right of way u t;a Railroad, thence along the right of way to the original lane line, thence south along “the original line to the corner, thence over to the beginning comer, containing Two Hundred ami Forty-eight and a quarter acres. The whole settlement containing Twelve Hun dred and Fifty acres. And your petitioner sheweth that he is the bearer of said notes and deed of mortgage, hav ing come into the possession of the same by & fair, due and legal course of trade, and b"v a regular transfer of said mortgage by the said W iliiam McLendon, executed to your peti tioner on the ITtli day of March. 1363, as will be seen by reference to the deed of mortgage now in Court to be shown. And it further appearing to the Court that said notes remain unpaid, it is therefore ordered that said Defendant do pay into Court, on or before The first day of the next Term of this Court, the principal, interest and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary if any be can. And that on failure of Defendant so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mort gaged premise- be forever thereafter, barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that this Rule be published in the Southern Enterprise, once a month for three months, prevkut- to the next term of this Court, or served onthe Defendant or hi- special agent, or attorney at law, three months previous to the next term of this Court. A true extract from Minutes Thomas Sup.? rior Court, March 3,136 b. LEBBEUS DEKLE. Clerk Mar 7 10 I anijni NEW STORE I AND TVT E W Gr O OES!2 ARI N “ PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE THE PUBLIC WITO A WELL M selected assortment of • DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Hardware, Crockery and Cutlery , Which we offer for sale at our store next door to Messrs. J. N. McKinnon & Cos., consisting of Silks, Delanes, Poplins Marinoes, Lustres, Mohares. Cambrics, Calicoes, Ginghams- Ribbons, Waterfalls. Head Nets, Hoops, Balmarals, Vandikes, Casmeres, . Jeans, Linens, Hoods, Shirts, Kerseys, Buttons, Thread* Needles, Hooks and Eyes, Gloves, Belts, Hose, Laces, Tape, Hair Pins, Scarfs, Veils, Collars, Cravats. BOOTS VNT D SHOES Combs, Knives & Forks, Port Monies, Spoons, Pocket Books, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Suspenders, Pens Paper, Inks, Pencils, Envelops, Blankets, Ladies, Gents and Childrens HATS, Caps and Hosery, Bleachep and Unbleached HO M ES PUNS, Soda, Spice Pepper, Mustard, Clove Saleratus, . Cai dies, Matches, Olive on, Starch, Soaps, Tea, • . Coffee, Coperas, Nutmegs, Mace, Solace, Savory, Emulet, Diadem. And other Brands of Smoking And Chewing Tobacco 'siiif mm (oimmm Os the Latest Fashions, A Full assortment of Castor Oil, Linseed Oil, British Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Jacobs Cordial, Godfreys Cordial, Batemans Drops, Paregoric, Pain Killer, Hot Drops. Laudanum, &c., &c. A Splendid Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOAKS, Which we ofler CHEAr FOR CASH. Cotton, Corn. Tildes. Tallow, Wax, &c., taken in Uxetiange. SST Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. JENKINS & THOMAS. Oet-11-6m A. T.'CUNNINGHAM. D. G.JPURSE. R. J. LARCOMBE. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO. FACTORS FORWARDING AND COMMISSION JVE erclaants, \o. 4. Stoddard's Lower Range. Hay .Street, Savannah, Ga. 9 j *. We are making as liberal advances as any Southern House,on*o ol,o,, ‘•hipped through ii* to IVew York or Lirrrpool. We are sole Agent* for the State of Georgia, for the sale of Wilder & Co’s celebrated SALAMANDER SAFES. ‘ Also. Agents for Manes’ PHOSPHATE OF LIME, the best Fertilizer manufactured. Nov 8 6-3 m L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO., GENERAL SHIPPING. COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 14S BAY STREET, Opposite the Market, SAVANNAH, GA. Particular attention given to procuring FREIGHTS, an <* t° the Purchase and Sale of HARD PI NE .TIMBER and LUMBER, Cotton. Wool. Hides, Tallow. &c., &€. Nov 8 6m New Furniture Store. M. NEWMARK, 34 Broughton Morrell's Old Ujjbff 4 staivd, dr <£^r Keeps constantly on hand a good supply of Parlor. Chamber and KITCBES FURNITURE, CHAIRS, Mattresses, Children's Car riages, &e. rr Mattresses renovated and Furniture re paired at the shortest possible time. All ei ders promptly attended to and carefully pack ed. ’>nj Nir.HT m.oomiMJ ckkfi*. The finest preparation of the dav. For sale by W P. ( LOWER A CO., Jnn 31 stf Apothecaries Hall. SCrERIXTEN T S OFFICE A. A G. R R. December 25th, 1865. NOTICE. Sortest and most pleasant route to Savannah, via WaltbowrvSle, Ricel>oro’, and Snnberry. Through [from Thomasville to Sav annah in 30 honrs. Via Rail Road 165 Miles. Stace 22 Miles, Steam Boat 85 Miles. Leave Thomasville every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Arrive at JNavannah every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting with Steamers to Baltimore, New .York and other Northern Ports, RETURNING. Leave Savannah on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrive at Thomasville on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, in time to con nect with .Stages to Albany, Ga., and Talla hassee and Montioello, Fla. G J FELTON, Nnp't AMI RK %* Tallahassee Floridian and Albany Pat riot copy two weeks and send bill to this of jaa. tu Mill 11ITII HIGH PUB I J.SCHIFF& BROTHER, R ave now ready for inspection am* are constantly receiving additional supplies • T the latest styles of • • Staple and Eanry DRY GOODS, SUCH AS French Marinos, all. Wool Delanes, Granitas. Poplins. Alpneoas, anb the Lat est St}-les of Print-, White Goods, Hosiery, and Love's Balmoral and Honp Skirts Head Nets, Ladies’ and Gents Hats, Knit Woolen Goods such as Breakfast Shawls, Nubes, Son tags and Hoods. I . • ■ ‘ Os the latest Breadway style. READY MADE CLOTHING, All wool Casimere? Do. Skins. Satnets, and Kentucky Jeans.-Ladies and Gents Boots and. Slices A great variety of NOTIONS, ‘ Cotton and Wool Cards, Macaboy and Scotch Stmff by the bottle or potad. A large lot of FRENCH CALF SKIXS, and EE A TIIER. of pur own tanning,. Many other articles kept nsnally in a Dry Goods store. Come and give them a call, they will take great pleasure in showing goods, and yon will bts convinced that they will sell their goods As Low as the Lowest! Conntrv merchants will-find it to their advantage to examine their stock and prices. r JX Nov &ts ; j COMING, “STILL COMING. —iT \ . 1 WE ARE NOW RECEIVING-A FULL STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY D R Y G O ODS! IMl¥ ‘ 11. SillHi, Ladies Cloaks, Shawls and Hats OF THE LATEST STYLES. OOITLEVIIPI FURNISHING Goods, OF ALE DESCRIPTIONS; HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CUTLERY AND CROCKERY, ■ OF THE FINEST AND. MOST APPROVED FINISH. INTotio>iass of .jail Kinds. • . In fact everything else-usually kept in a Dry ‘Goods House. A splendid stock of GOLD WATCHES, with many other things too numerous to mention. All of which we offer to sell as heap as possible for’ CASH CASH only Please call and our stock as. we mt;ke no charges for showing our Good Oct-25 6m H.'WOLFF & BROTHER. JOY TO THE WORLD! THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, ‘ Has Relieved more Tain, and caused more Real Joy than any other one thing that can be named! ■ .. Is a Balm for overj Wound! Our first Physicians use it, and recommend its use: the Apothecary finds it first among the Medicines called for, and the Wohlesale Druggist considers it a leading article of lis trade. All the Dealer? in Medicine speak alike ‘ in its favor ; and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit anl Virtue is fully and permanently established, . and it is Tlio Great Family Medicine of the Age! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE. IN CASE OF SUDDEN AT* TACKS IN DISEASE. TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CURES Sore Throat. Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.. Weak Stomach, General Debility. Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dispepsia or Indigestion. Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowell COtoplaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dvetery, TA KEN ENTER NALL YIT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns acd Scalds, Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. TAIN KILT ER taken internally should be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops of sugar, eaten, will be more affective than anythnig else. For a MORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and ( j ( e relief is immediate and cure positive. (Tlk jroatbcru OrutaprisL L. C. BEYAN, EDITOR A>l> PROPRIETOR. SI B SCRIP TIP N ‘ITEMS. The c ‘BoTTTHTSRN Enterpuk’’ispublish ed weekly at Fon Hollaks per annum strictly in advance. ADVERTISING terms. Adveui is! ‘ii NTS win be inserted for one dollar per square of twelve lines or less for.each insertion. From this rate a dis count of Twenty-five percent will be made for advertisements inserted for three months or under six months, and fifty per cent for twelve months or more. All ad vertisements . sent to the office must be marked with the number of insertions de sired or the period to be published, and in eve ry in stance accompanied with the amount required for payment. Marriage- and cleat h s will hereafter be charged for as ad vertisements. Special or editorial notices will he published and charged at double the above rates. Payments must be made in current’ funds, Remittances may be made by Express at our risk All others must be at the risk of 1 (hose making the same. Subscribers names will bedroped from the list at the end of the term for which the subscription has been paid, un less renewed. All communications should be addressed to Proprietor Southern Enter prise, Whomatville Georgia. LEGAL ADVERTISESIEIVTS. All persons having occasion to adver tise Legal Sales. Notices, etc-., are com pelled by law to comply with the following rules: A<lmiiii-f rotor*, Exerntom, or Gnar •linns: All sales of Land by Administrators, Ex ecutors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ‘ten o’clock in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the County in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public Gazette Forty Hays previous to tne day of sale. Sale of Pernnl Property : Notices of the sale of Personal Property must be given at least Ten Hays prevf ous to the day of sale. Estate Drlilors and Creditor* : Notices to Hebtors and Creditors of an es • tate must be published Forty Hays. Court ot Ordinary Leave to Sell : Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lands, must be published weekly for . Two Months. . A (lminiKtrntion ami Gnardianvliip : Citations for Letters of Administration must be published Thirty Hays ; for Dismission from Administration, month ly for Six Months. . • Foreclosure of Mortgage : Eules ior Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for Four Months. Estoblisliiii” Lost Paper, : Notices for establishing Lost Papers must b published for the full term of Three ’ Months. Publications will always be con tinued according to the above rules, un less otherwise ordered. • RULE YIM.A GEORGIA—TIfOTI V* COUNTY. In the Superior Court.. Present the Honora ble August hi H. Hanseft, Judg< - Court. . • • Brocket! .for the > Mortgage, use o* Kittns M Johnston December ad . vs. j joumed Term', Catliarine Witherington. J 1805. I 1 appearing to the Court by.the petition oi for the use of Rufus M. Johnston accompa ni"i! by the Note and Mortgage Deedfontht! eighteenth day of August. A. D.-1861, the D< fendant tpade and delivt n and to th< F . uml year above written, whereby the defend ant promised, on or before the first day* of Jan. nary next, after the dt Plaintiff or bearer, One Hundred and Fourteen Dollars an.d Ninety five Cents, for value re ceivod, and that afterwards on- the day and year aforesaid, the Defendant, the better t< secure the payment of said notes,executed delivered to the Plaintiff one. deed of mart g whereby tie said I )< fendant mortgaged to the Plaintiff Lot of land number unknown, but being the place whereon Benjamin and C rim- Wither!nylon resided in the year 1858. in the Town ot Thontasville. Georgia, coutainiliL one acre more or less. And it further appearing that said note re mains unpaid, it is therefore ordered that the said defendant do pay into Court, on or before the first day *of the next term thereof, the principal, interests and costs due on said note, or show cause to the*contrary, if any sic- can, and on failure of the Defendant so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barred ai.d fore closed.. And it is further ordered that this Rule be published in the Southern Enterprise once a ■south for three months, previous to the next term'of this Court, or served <in the defendant, or h< :• .-peciul acent, or attorney tit law. tlnvi inonths previous to the next term of this Court. Extract from Minutes Thomas Superior Court, March 3, 18 LEBBEUS DEKLE, Mar 7 . 10-lam3m • KI LC NISI; fiFORfiIA-TIIM4N COUWTir. In the Superior Court—December adjourned Term, 1865. William C. Mitchell ) Mortgage, &c. Alonzo RDatae. 5 DeC ad j° nrned Te ™’ IT appearing to the Court by the petition of William C. Mitchell, accompanied by the notes and mortgage deed, that on the fifteenth dav of November A. I>. eighteen hundred and sixtv two, the Defendant delivered to one C. W. Stegall, his two certain promissory notes, hearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the defendant promised by each of said notes, the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars, with interest from date, for va lue received, by the first of said sum of money on or before the firrt i*jr of Jarman A. X>. eighteen hundred and sixty four, and by the other said sum by the first day of January eighteen hundred and sixty six, and afterwards on the day and year aforesaid, the defendant, the better to secure said notes (with others), executed and delivered to said Stegall, his Deed of Mortgage, whereby said defendant mortgaged to said Stegall, all those tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying, and being in the 1 13) thirteenth district of originally Irwin, now Thomas County, and known as the south part of Lot number (268) two hundred and sixn - eight, lying on the west side of the run of the branch, known as Hammock Branch,and also all the portion of Lot number (265) two hun dred and sixty-live, lying on the west side “l said Hammock Branch, and also all that por tion of Lot number (233) two hundred and thirty nine, lying on the east side of the river Anri Ila. containing six hundred and eighty fivc acres and ohe halt, more or less, with all the appurtenances thereto:—And it further appearing that said notes were legally trans ferred and delivered to said IN'. C. Nfitehell, and that said notes remain unpaid, it i there fore ordered that said defendant do pay into Court, on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, the principal’, interest, and costs, due on said notes, or show eauso to the contrary, if any he can. And that on the fai lure of the defendant so to do, the enuitv of redemption in and to the said mortgage*!promi ses. be forever thereafter barred And fore Closed. And it is further ordered, that this rule he published once a month for three months in the Southern Enterprise, previous to the next teim of this Court, or served on the defendant, or his special agent or attorney, at least three months previous to the next term oTthis Court . A. T McINTYRE, Del if loner's Att’y. A true extract from the minutes of Thomas Superior Court, Decomber adjourned term, 1305, this March 7,186 b. LfcBBEUB PEKLE, Clerk Mar 14 .11 lamfm GODEY’S LADY'S LOOK FOR 1866. THE FASHION MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS a b a>- 10N>. Tin most maguifioent Steel Eiun. ing. DOV BL 1 -FASHION PLATES ‘Mood Engravings on everv subject that can interest Ladie> Crochet Knittihir Netting Embroidery, Articles tor the Toiler. for the Parlor, the Boudoir, and the Kin-hen Everv thing in fact to make a c mplete Lady's Book. The l.adics’ Favorite for ttti Year*. No Magazine has been able to compare with it. MM attempt it. GODETS RECEIPTS for every department of a household. These, alone are worth the price, of the Book. MODEL COTTAGES (no other Maga zine gives them), with (tiacrams. D'UA WISG J.ESSt )\S POP TUP YOUNG. Anotl ORIGINAL M! t>IC, worth (3.00a year Ml and worn Hilt mile nmsic stores GAR DPS I Si, FOR LADIES. An tber peculiarity with Godey. 1 Messrs A. i St . wart A ( ■ of New A oik, the millionaire merchants, an - pear in Godey, the only Magazine that has them- Ladies Bonnets. We vivo more of them in a year than any other Magazine. In fact, the . Lady’s Book enables every lady to he her own . ’ bonnet maker. sißim iitßuvn Authoress of *• Atone,” “ Hidden Pott,: “ ,1 loss f'/it'.’ *• A w. out ‘■ M } K writ, - for Godey each mouth, and for no other Magazine. A hew'novel by her will be pub lished in 186(5. We have also retained all our old and favorite contributors. TERMS OF . ‘ MR LAfiV’S Ml FOB IE. (I row trhichthere can be no Th ro, The following are the terms of the Lady’s Bookfor.lß66:—- One copy, one year, , *3OO Two copies, one vear, - - . ’o.otk Three copies, onear, ■ , * . Four copies, one year, - - . lOhti Five copies, Otll year, and an extra to the • ■ ‘ting np the club, mak hag six copiei ‘ . .. j >ai and an extra copy • to theperson getting ip the club, mak- . • teg nine copies, 21.00 1 -one year, and an extra * to tne person getting np the club, making twelve copies, additions to dubs at club rates - Godcy’s Toady’s Boob and Artht - Magazine will be sent eacl <*n receipt of 84.50. AA e have no club with any Other magazine or newspaper. The money must all be sent at one • ■ Canada subscribers mart sand 24 cents add tional for each snbscriber*’ Address, 1,. A. GOKEt. • N. E. Conor Sixth an Jan 31 ■ PHILADELPHIA. - - &SOR&IA ‘ . .’ TELEGRAPH, • ri BLJSHED A.T Maron. - . - Georgia. DAILY AND WEEKLY. XAS.K.RRBE9 A KiAtl’L BOYKIX. Editors. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION •* Daily edition, per annum £t Weekly edition, per annum .*.. 4 00 Subscription* n . • forth* Dailyfor hess ’ *• . • The new proprietors of the TELEGRAPH aie resolved to spare no-labor, or’ expense, - • make it the lkadinO paper of the State, if not of thoSonth. In odditioi I > its Tegular cotb* id Editors—who are men of-much ex] ■ • and well and favorably knowu in the Sot we have employed abl correspondents at 1 of the leading point sos interest —s ingtom New 1 orl . Paris, Livi ri a Leading Feature. —The leading* featui the TELEGRAPH wiHbe it- devotii rights, interests and- feelings of Georgia and her stricken sister States : we wool.l lit; th• up fro® the .valley of humiliat ion, ex hoi ttl . to a forgetfulness of the past, except its glories,. ■ 08 • • • nmerciat D( parlment —The Commercial department of tin TELEGRAPH-WiJ n.. Daily reports will be givei of all the leading markets of the Union fogethi ; with a full week ly review of the local marl while, on the arrival of every steamer- Em petit 1 pnliti.-al ti'ti'l commerciiti aceounts will I” jgiven. In this reject we hope to offer each advantages as will make the Telegraph an in -1 counting ro< im of ev - •bate and- • n. • . • Education, Agriculture and” the Mechanic’ Arts will'be fostered us the true sources of all- National and individual prosperity. The Weekly Telegraph The Proprietors take a special pride in pre senting their WEEKLY EDITION to the public. ■ It contains eight pa^ Columns, almost exclusively of reading mat ter, in each number, and in point oftypogr and general appearance is without a rival at the South. Specimen numbers sent‘by mail to all applicant s . . ‘ Address all communications on busint sc ( . W. A, REED A Cos.. Feb 14-7 Proprietors, Macon, <; • A PA PIIK lOK Til ■ PIOPI.I. CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOTTII-WESTERN BAPTIST, A I Paper—.a Literary Paper— Commercial Paper—an Agricultural Paper—a Child's- Paper—a Baptist Paper—a Family Paper—a Newt Paper—and a Live Paper. Now in its 45th year. has men from the at and is younger than ever, and will continue to grow younger as it grows older, and. while it increases in vivacity and vigor, will at the same time he circumspect, thoughtful, philo sophic and Christ in it. 7'/., Index Speak*for iteelj — tin- kt for g And tho appearance of the sheet, ftp well as the character of its contents, advertises itself, I*rire, ISJ.OO a a ear. One ond Tiro Dollar Subscriptions received. Address, J J TOON, ■ Publisher and Proprietor, ’ Franklin Printing House. - Atlanta, Gn. XtT. i H. Tl-CKFR, D. D,, : : : EftTTOH - ; v I>. I)., Editor Ala •Di ] POSTMItIPT. The Publisher having delivered himself as above, the Editor begs lean to say. that he ‘ makes no promises hut this—that alf profitless debates shall he exelnded, and that his object shall be to entertain . and instruct the reader, and improve his heart. I / And now the Publisher steps in again, and sa\ s Reader, if you like the programme, ’ try us for six months or a year. mar 21 Two Agricultural Papers for Two Dollars and Fifty Cents! The Sottihern Cultivator l> REDMOND A WM. N WHITE. | En l t otts Established in 1843! VOEEME 24 COMMENCES JAN V 1866 Monthly, at $2 00 per annum. Six Copies for $lO, in Advance. Bj special arrangement with the “A/ory-. land former,’’ another excellent at $1.50, hot it pays - will be sent one .year for $3.00 —six of each for sl6—lo of each for s2s giving each sub scriber in this case, both papers for $2 50 1 • Address ny\; \ wii Mar 21 . ‘