Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 11, 1866, Image 3

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■37o* !i PUBLIC! tVE bj to inform ti e puleie of th.s city ▼ V atil vi.'iniTy, ttiat We have just received an entirely new i-tock of Wines & Liquors, such a*, Sc oh V, ; ‘ V "ey B<>n 1 ;i. W’ Vv C ’-.i . and Old Rye, Brandy Cock*;>il, Murett,) Hj'in *’ jr.VraeOld Holland , G 1 S • . • dial Schnapps. Jamah-a Ktm, Cider, ‘ . rty, Port and 1 ’ • • i Ale and London Fwter, Cor dial, Notch u C rdial, Pure Havana Cigars, Fi te C • Also, (tyrten m (he Shell, C n Oyati a, Sardinee as. . Pickled Sdcwn. Avery fine wwifwt “t fruits and Candice. Stewed Oysters Apple Toddy, Warm WhitkeyflMi every ni-J:t. Or. am Cheoee, • - • - - SOete. Enluh Dari v, - - - I-mbt Granite Sugar, - . - - 25 “ Flour, !e\tni.) - - • . - - 10 “ Sardines, per box, - - - • 40 “ Oysters, per Can, -- - -75 “ Candies, per pound, -’ - - 50 “ Cranberries, per quart, - -. • 95 “ Pickled Salmon, - - - - 50 “ Fin ■<: shea Batter, - - * -65 “ Sii'/ar Circuit, 25 ,f M bisky, per gallon, .... $6.00 Whisky, per bottle, - • 1.50 MOSES & YOUNG. Feb 14 T-3m . ,i v .ii e: s riv e: n INSDRAgCE! HOIY.UfIMVII.bC, VI KG I \ I t , Chartered Capital, $1,500,000 ! fIIUIS old. tried, and solvent < >i mv deals i liberally, pays promptiy, and asks pat ronage. S.•• below, to which many others, simih.i t ould be added : ft ic ii mo vt>. Ya , Febmarv 15; ISth,.’ “In the month of December, iS;S, we had cotton ii: :--d which vv. - ius'ir--1 in t’ J,.>..:c. ltivet C >ili; al4 V,n::d its p.,.-t of |, , ■ • IV.:'::_ to one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three rcuts, was promptly paid us soon s proof &c., was forward .1 ana over two inoutus before it was due under tlse poliev. Such promptness n- n's |,..ti . A. Y. STOKES Sc CO. ’ AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. “References r,--;ui Jof app-i .v-. li. BEIIIAttroX & SO.V, Ageutr. 1 Ga, Mar 14 11 ts SJliOßGl.l—Bnricn Covniy.. WHEREAS. F. 11. Shepard and William Tl tart, applies i<> use f I tti rs of ad trai ion on the esjete ol‘ I.< vi ! . S.-a; h. I'ee’il. Ar.d whereas, Mrs. A V.,Mooti epplh j. to lne f r lettei sos nd-i in; -t■; !•>:. . /,-•..* non, on the estate of Dr. ,1.. it, .M oo- dec'd. • Tiles - are ihes-ef ). ,• to and ;,.tn;->: i.-’.f; I! persons i office within the time preserilied by law, to •how canse, il any they have, why raid tetters sh ■ 1.1 no, lie e;-., it.-1. Wi: acs my hand ofli ii.i'lv, Match 5, 1v.i.1 - AV. E. CON N ELL, Alar 23 30d’ Ordinary. ttKOudi \ WHERE \ S. The f.iHow i'iv-e.-t it-’F in said Go. . y are \\i a• ;t it l il representative, namely: Ii f Tvyait. and , ’d M• ■ : Tl ’monish ’ , if any t lia re, hy the Clerk of the Sii so;.-.- < ther lit lindpropetpcnsoii si onld not be ■ • I ■ id ■ ■ tVT ■ oUiciall v, this March 5 iSdfi. W. li. connect,. . Afar 28 3°d Oidiimry. GKOitfillA —TE otnan Cowrity. C'f'nt >f Ordinary, M • ‘rh Sth, IS'-tl. O’ W. II 1 k Wi•! : p !\ <• E (Cos t for P ! .; ii. ■ t l ,. i.? \ . , ; ■ ■ e.-. ii ■ 11 bit to i:.e law, ot.te.-wi.'-c .-... i ;■■".. . - \\ ii.- be granted, -a 11. 11. TOOKE, Mar v. <{ Y. ')Kltl-t t o*quit! {'.unity. SIXTY dil Court of Ordinary of Col iuitt County, tor an op ‘.er toT.-U all tit.- R.-.-ii !. l.ehniging to the est ate of Larkin A.. Deimuta, late of Col onics Countv, deceased. JANE E. DENMAN. ’ Mar 2813 604 Adm’x. (jiK(lHt,'(A—l cjguist Corn! of Ordinary, March 5, IS do. V lIliitEAS Mrs. Martha Dane ck makes application to this Court for Letters of Ada-iu is tidi-'t. \v : h ; ..• will aiis. -\< J, or. t..e •: .of James K. Uancock, dee’d; —All pew ms in Teres tod Avill take dj.e noli- e titereof. and lile their ohjeetions in lV;r. otiiervvise letters will be jrranted i.:e applicant at the May term of Court, PETE 11 (). V\ iNG. Mar : 30d D. C. 0 O. (tlA —Colqtiill <'oiiuly. WHEREAS. Martha Ifnm-oek upplies to me for the Guardianship of the pels;-ns and pro perty of (it ryia, Ann A. Lm: >n, Alary C, Oai idine- M. Na yE. 11a Ba >w and Jas. H. Ilaiieock. minor heirs of James E. Hancock. ilecM;—Notice is hereby riven to all parlies, to tile their objections in Court, on or before t're first Monday in May next, otherwise let ters of Guardianship will be •{ranted to said applicant. Given under m\ lau.d, this the sth •lav of March, 1806 I*. O. WING, Mar V 8 lo’3ttd ... D C C. O. |i KOIS - lA—l oait tv. • To all whom it may Concern : Whet cm, Beniamin Dryden and Nathan Drvlen. has applied to me for letters of Ad ministration on the estate < f 15 njamin Dry den, 1 .te ,-f said Cwatr,decease 1. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or credit ors, to show cause if any they have, within the time prescribed by law. why letters should not lie frrauted to saicl applicant. Witness a y hand this February 5. 1860. 11. MORGAN, Feb 21 8 3 and Ordinary. GEOKGIA —i.oundes Got:nty. To all tcht m. it may C ucerm IT appearing to the C art that the estate of Baiae Boyd, late of said County, deed i- with out a representative. I'uk-ss cause is shown to the eoutrary, letters of :.<lu;inis tration, te kh. on saivl estate, will be issped to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some oilier Jit and proper person, on the brut Monday in May next. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th dav of March. 1866. WILLIAM SMITH. Mar 21 td Ordinary. rinvo HOATIIS NO ru E —lwili ;:p ----.1 ply to the honorable Court of Ordinary, pt Thomas County. Georgia, on the first a dav in June next, for an order L-tuntiupr leave to sell tlie Real Estute and Lt.a-.'s belonging to William Alderman, deed. R. A. ALDERMAN, Mar 28-2 m Adm’x. \fOTIf E. —On the First Monday in May .[A next. I will apply to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Tnoiims County, for an r-tder grautiupr leave to sell tite Lar.-ls of Jesse- ‘A ard, deceased. 11. J. WARD, Feb 28 9 2m Adm’r. ON the First Tfauday in ‘lay next. I will apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Thomas County, for an order granting leave to sell the Real Estate and Lands of William 8. Vann, deceased. DAVID McKIXNON. Mar 7-l<)2m Adm’r. CO tIPOI'M) Fluid Extract Bnrhu. Prepared bv W. P C LOWER .fc CO , Jan 31 stf Apothecaries Hall. B H hi# \:j b Hitß2U •• NX H : . ‘. ■ ■’ . - v - ; ‘ _ ■ - *■ •—— SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE! ORFF & WATKINS, 111 &; 113 Congress Gtrest- - SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Soods Received by Every Steamer. We Import our own Gcotl* or buy-tboni directly from J lie Manufacturers. . / We keep an experienced Ruycr constantly in tlio Eastern Markets. Inducements Offered a MJMM.' Savannah,. Feb’, 1, ICCO. ‘ • mar 7’--Cm • LATH P AND CO. : ’ ■ • ; ‘ AT I [IE OLD STAND OF . • ‘ HENRY LATHiiOP& O , Corner of Congress and Whitaker Stret?, Q AVAATFATT G. A • oA v civ AiAi < , uA. Wholesphe and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DO’ME&TIG Dll Y GOODS, CARPETING, MATTING, OIL CLOTHS’ LACE CURTAINS, vVJLTiCT jLA Zi:S3, cfc O ~. ■ P. J. \TPi!?KF, . Into ’ V>. A-'l-N SS. I.ATJb’ROP A- Go. jr.w. r, •'*■■■ nrEri < r3',i<iTiVßp &•.,. i . : . . , •: ’ • ‘ b® asiL BomagsiaDS; ■■ .. KKCIIANT •’ ■ n -•: ~ ‘g, A .-j ‘• . ’ . • ; . • - • • , ‘ . 4- v -•-- . 1 n.- ‘ t— -- r . ih'orisioifs, fii'ocel'ics, fh'cDtiec, -&i., . 72 EAY ST. SAVANNAH, GA. ■ acs'crciiecs S- D , Andrews A Sons, Tyson & Gordon SnvanuaSi €a. lavanuali Go. apt* 11 . Sm ‘ W. Cauvi;l Jas. E. Mtehs: J. 11ansox Thomas, Jr. Hall, Myers &; Thomas GENERAL COMMISSION M crcn ant hi , No. 3, Comme'-’ce St., Ealtimore. Rcforcnccs : J Hanson Thomas, IV - t Farmers’ and Mer r’ aids’ National Bank,Tison A; Gord.-u. Sav’h Kin ! md. Chase & Cos., Jna. Williams A Son, Wi!!iaia.s, Bee & Cos., N. 5'., Brien vV Car rere. N. Y., C. Morton Stewart, IT. L. Whiiiidge. I>. 11. Gordon. Va., Edward S. Alyc-rs. -1. I’. I’leu- SUiltS eV Soil, Til OS. J. Carson & Cos. Win. H. MacFarlaud, Pre’t Farmers’ Bank.Vn. Mar 1-1 11-Cm J. W.ARBUN & CO., cz tors AND coiiiii hsici) LiSci'eLjitf.?, MO BAY STREET, Savannali. Ga. J. W. RABUN. P. 11. WOOD Jan 1 3m DOOMS, SASH A N D BLIKT23IE3. Every style and size constantly on hand and for sale by E 5 Ij tI R Jc li KTtFORD. ISO Bay St., Savannah, Ga. [s®-” Orders by mail filled promptly and goods forwarded C. 0. D. J.i-i MI 5 -om 1 ’ Phoenix Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. fTIHIS Establishment is now in suceesGnl L operation, and is prepared to make to or der OKI ST \>’ I> GM JIIMiS, and all kinds of Mill Work. We keep constantly on hand, Sugar mills et all sizes. Bark Mil 11 Gin Gearing. Iron Railing Kettles from 10 to 100 gallons. Ovens. Spiders Wash pots, Plows, &c. We make to order nil kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. Our prices tire reasonable give us a call- Country procure taken iu f i lh ‘“* e for *° tk “’“ullifMAS &CC Columbus. Ga- Nov. 92, ts . G-REAT BARGAINS!.! AT f>AT!S & JEFFERS’ ’ jaT IS3 “XTU” mm a mmm 11 Acsl to Ooitlbcrry‘s .MJore. ’ r*vME attention of the public is called to ilie 9 large and varied assortment of Goods of all desciiptionS consigned to us for safe at* \xr JZL JL A'i. U jL A - > A>3 or at private sale, at i!ia:s Cost. Ladies -are particularly invited to call and examine oui line Goods and Prices. It i< onr intention to make this the Cheap Store of Thomasville. £ sales on Wednesdays and Satur days—day and night. J. 11. S. DAVIS, G. A. JEFFERS, Feb 14 7-3m* I HP jQI. 3VI X YLa YstT GROCERIES. f f HE and -tsigned are now offering Ftunily i Grocrrirt Cheap for Cash, at the stand ol David Harrell. They are also preparing to receive a large lot of GROCERIES Os all BosrriiUioin, at tl:e same place, which they intend offering to the public upon the most reasonable terms, for Cash or Country Produce. JOsIIUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 G-ftin TAN YARD. Having bought out, the t.w yard of ,1. Schitf & Brother, at Thomasville, and determined to carry on the business of TANKING, the undersigned purchase 10,000 I 3 ounds OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David Harrell’s Provision Store, where they will be paid for in Family Groce ries or Cash- Tile mid rsigned will also give a liberal price tor (tOOU OAK SJ AIS li, for Tauniiij;. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 t>-6m FOR SALE.—One Portable r ugine and <rist .Hill, 6 horse power. En quire at this office. feb 7 6 ts ‘fresh abrival OF v . >ICE ‘ Tl * u t ’ • • ‘ ■> “* . 4 O rtl .-j -.J.65, B.r. itiifkwhfnt c! :> \ * W * v s; irr, i* ; rS.C't “ k * ‘ ‘ v S Oiiionx. 4 rn::. ucrrio*. Apples ffiup .-’- . It atiinls, r* < - —:-ffi vosix, * linonJs . V „ Kraz it Sut*, s > C'fli iinnt*. <’ol e ‘ , V>. h i . jfo Oisirr,s--)ici(| -.-. SV ® jaMt-rn, ITS nr. carom, 4 eruilrelli, Olive Oil. I’enucs, Raisin 5, 3ultana, So. ■■ Currants, Citron, God a Crackers, Boston Crackers, French Mustard, Durham, do. Be w ived and for sale by JOHN BTA&K. Feb 21 ■ • Btf IJOItTJiR A “V 73 AliK*—dozen of Ale mi l Porter, received and far s le bi tch 21 8 ts JOHN STARK.” p3E 5£57!4 V fresh and full NX a-s >.■ iiieut of Garden Sei Js, received aud for sale by • feb il Btf “ JOHN STARK rpi) IHIOKEBSI-A fine lot of PIPES, JL and HIK IN'* 1 OliA( VO—. ■ie very choice brands— received and fotT sale by feb 21 8 ts JOHN FTARK. styU*•l'!! Lorillgrd’s j -.J p H-r 1 IJoad Scon-'i and Maeeuboy. Snail's, in .tars, Bl iddere or Papers, for Bale by f•’ ‘ JOHN STARK.. ■ STUAR'FS HOTEL Valdosta, a::o fJTic want of a good I: del lia.ving lons | been i'-lt at ihls point, the subscriber be • l to la’ > of this V.tablis&ment formerly known as the Val dosta'hotel, which will be thoroughly re* paired aryl refitted, and opened for tlk* ae coratn illation ofthetrav “ling public i n the first day of January next. Having had some experience in Ibis line o£ business, lie believes himself competent to render his quests comfort aide and to make their stay with him both comfortable and agree** ■able, and no pains will bo spared to effect this object. ‘ //is table will, bo :ttppl>d with t!;e best the market affords and char ges moderate, . C. T. STUART. Attached to this TTotel is an excellent Slab’ 1 where careful and irnsty .hostlers will always be found to care for horses and attend to any thing in -that depart* ment. Jan 4, ts Ann tth fpith* t .... FAH. A. TnfiHASTILLE, GA. rj'Ml'E lar-j i* new i Tote*] near t lie Depot is now 1 open for tho accommodat nos the pft llatviug fitted r.p the House, and made ample arrangements to give satisfaction, the :* ldet -” si.,:.’ and !••>-; respectfully i.uvib s.iJk* p:. ‘-i*;:: 1 c:.■ of the public. ELI FETCH. Feb 28 ‘ . . • 9 *Jin • JEf ‘JL. ( . • iira-mi rsMIE Exeiviee.s of this li.svrntion will 1* • 1 ■ resumed on the I'i ILF *” MONDAY ZA JA \ r U !, Y NEXT. “ . . ; ■ T cl Y ■ e nli fortj wt k . Tuition payable quarterly in advunee, tin-. Jets othefwise.proviued for. Ilates of Tuiti >n i;s f'l! lows • ‘ ■” .E ■ Sing, Writin ,Sj Hit] b :.,'p r Qn irter, . . .. .. . r - A, i:'’ wetic, Grammar*. Geograpy, His- ’ . e., . . _ i . $l*XO Eh her of the preceding, tucreiher with Algebra. Geometry, Plain an 1 Spe cial Trigonometry Natural Philoso-• phv, hemistry or the Ancient < !lae :. tin an I G ... sl6 ) • Arrangements at Iri Iv made for * nupe tent 1 rs l n thelHit si e D •• ‘ It is highly desirable that pupils be present at tlie opening <*f the Session, wHii a view to !>• in • . pel ly cl i sed. Pi 1 *oi ■■ of the Institute are assured that r.o pain will be spared in advaucing-the interests of the pupils. ‘ JOHN E. B VKEK, Jan. 4 3t Principal.” A. J. BRADY, W.?,1. SMITH,’ “E. .T. BIOSES Aldn'a. Lexington. Coliivibits. Brady, Smith & CO., I) bjm . . j i ; :. MERCHANTS, : Savannah, : : r : : Georgia- Will make liberal advanc es on Produce con signed t > us or our friend.--., in New York, Boston,-Philadelphia br LiverpooL i > FAIRBANKS v CO., R. HOE & CO., STEARNS Sc .MARVIN, .and: other “Northern Manufactories. • liefer to all the leading Merchants of the <Yv. .” ’ X-iv. Bdm SAVANNAH, Oct. £7, 1"865- . The nil h r. igned continues to tram-act-the • business of a fiESUR 41, CO-IiHSMJO’i IfIEK- C! SI ANT AM) VA€T"4>ls. . TTaving had many years experience in’ raid business, he will pay t’-e . ra; strict at tention to tlie sale of (Jetton anil other Pro doce, and tp the pnrehase of Supplies, at in lormer years. He will not have any interest in the put chase of Cotton. Liber 1 advances made on Consignments. OSire iVo.Si Bay Strcrt, North side, and immediately E 4 of the range of Buildings owned by Claghorn and Cunningham. Jan 13m A. S. lIARTRIDGE li’SHiNITUME ) SHOP. 1 r§MIE undersigned has opened a Shop in in Thovnasville, for the Maunfactuie and Repairing of FURNITURE, Making and Furnishing Coffins, &c., kc. fgP'Shop second door from the Print ing Ofiice, on Jefferson street. L. J SPITZ. Jan 1 3tn $125 REWARD STOLEN fn*n my plantation, seven miles East of Bain bridge, on Thursday night, tiind of February, one *.rep liny Eloi'C, sixteen hands liiir!i, eight years old, bind fret white, and when mounted, wheezes from dis temper. Also, one rtorrol Jinre, ion- years old, fifteen hands high, with small white star in the face; rather long coat of hair at this time. Also, one Boy iVlnre, fifteen hands high, flanks and legs turning gray..from age. For the first and second of tlie above animals, I will pay a reward of SSO each and for the third S-o reward, for their safe delivery at im plantation. DUNCAN CURRY. Mar 7 10 It RIGHT ‘ ‘• *r ”3 • JC v Fa JuL xj Jlj 0 , The Fa.. fEt Right cj, MASSEY^S FOIiTABIi^ COTTON PEESS! fs lioiv offered for S'.iio. j Cott n Press was patented at V.’aAi- ‘ .JL ingron in 1857,-and since that tiin< haseu- , >st unprecedented popularity. It is , v. H known thiougl at i ost pf the Gotten- States, and as all contracts with Ag<*'.> -. liiiihi*s sold for s-i ciors b\e expired, tli.r eri : s now offered fbi , fain been re- I dtopn sj ty, and-1 i cidtiva aof I i no ie i be cc uion . i■;. ■ ; f’snnri \ llpd Cotton Press will: iti sway ; oyer the Cott . . oi .. • ion. .To son with ill i now the (and to T! en rendered ftnable to carry it on by rtie t til | otild ! depriv< d.of t rad vanli • *•!’ :! gn . ; Labok S>.vi Eco- At., Pori abi k C >. u , lie off h i >r sale at a very low price,. .'■ Ii 1 pit ti nt all tin isne the Ie of this 1 mt-i *ttine. -T< i.nnd tan vantages < er till ol Presses i e its * lei, and to knoi what ( , r-s t ik of it, • read t lie annexed Certiheatos of well known gentlemen wh'i have tried it. . For further pavticuhi siuiplvto L C. BItYAX Thora-sville, Georgia. Id•ci .• j .e u and J M ■ ey's cvv th( two past so . nisi and can with pr .priety, that lam hi ,:.!v j !.-i .1 with the same. ‘ • Vv’.U. if. il iiAlil) i m • Ido feriify tliat ! I Ive ouu of Jas. Jtr icyfs 1 In ing Cotton, and can l^- • • id them in the big’ • • . Hu y” are a life time estate. • J. McC.aNN S. Tins,is to eeitif ytl at-i 1. . usi IMi t \;’s iron :\v for two years jn Packing- Cotton,. and find it convenient'and durable, 1 have* 1 1 ‘ bales ... . ! bird i: as simple a i the old • ;• iut of <u* 1 sr. Eyspectfiih v, ■; W. L’ iOHLING i*W< Macon, Bibb t 0., Jlthe 1, JBo9. We.the uadi rsi .-> decertify thafwe have* >f MaVsey's Iron'Screws, and are well pleased w kb them; - ;:*;d would” reoMsmend tiie.n to any one who may want a Screw. (J. Trt.LM AN. ’ • ‘ J; iSIA HJ. EVERETT. ’ ‘ ALLEN JIAGIN,. • Thomas C'onuty, Ga. • .. . :I do hereby certify that I have one of James M saey’s Patent Iron Sen d'it’ performs* well, and” I;.•. > p. eased wftTr it. It is of the n',o;: lat til g kino. - TARQUIL MeAULAY. Tiiom:i3 Cos., Ga , Jane 9, iSo9. . .• Sitate of St-.-o:-';i;:, ‘i’hozsinx f'anaty. Office*pf te Okdikary or said Cocut, ( June P', A. I)., lap.. • . $ Ihi “.” hat the ah ve i/1 dp:r . sous, to Wit: Mrs- *C. C, 1 : i, n Ha* : in, “Joshua McCann, , Wil iam Heard apd Tarqn i McAnlay, strew i. i now i to. ml as C ■” ni i >l ■ : tiiis. count v, an i a ■ f sons ot the highest respectability and unuo.ubt ed veracity. Givi n u i;ler my hand and, the seal ( I s.iid Coiwi at:i and.. . • rV ~ A V. MeCA RtVEL, *. Dt p.. Clork < .. -i Ordinary. This 1s to ccitify tlmt 1 have” used ‘oner of • M st sy’e Screws at .the w i . of Met rsi Dillard, Powell & C*>., <f. this • ity, and that I i irdit as ute of the most, ensily open,ted and ‘le Si re,vs within iny know!, dge. With .six gi*od hands it is c.ipnble of turning, otf Forty hales of e ten pi rid • <f an average wei'chtof live 1-uadivd ami fifty pounds, nml th it ol co iv t ize. •We have packed bales t id Btason. . • • You . i :. JAS. T. GEAV. Cohn (Id., Ga* .'Feb 7 ‘ ‘ .Ctf* ;• ■ i- a ~*.-. . ■ M 1- 1 l. p •••*•••■ AND . • H AEDT7 AHE • STORE. ONE .DOOR NORTH GALDBERRY’S L T 0 it E. I UST received a large and well selected ,] Stock of Family Groceries, Hardware Cutlery, &c., con isting in part of 200 15 r.cld -Fresh Flour, Rio and Java . Coffee, Nails, Lagging .and Rope,, #reen and Young Ifysoa Teas, Crushed, Clarified and lirowu Sugar, Eugli-h. Dairy and Goshen Cheese, Goshen’ ’ Butter, Soda . and Butter Crackers Buckwheat . Flour, Onions, Potatoes, Tic-kirs, Powder, Shot, arid Caps, Factory Yarns and OsuaburgS • Pepper, Allspice, Cloves, Ginger, Nutmegs, lilucstonc, Indigo, Copper as, Madder, Snuff, Scotch Maccaboy and Bottle, Liverpool and Coast Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Hard and Hollow Ware of all kinds, Pocket and T Me Cutlery Spades Shov els, Foi ks Hooks and Lines of all Sizes, Willow Baskets, Tubs and Buckets. In fact everything usually kept in a first class Provision store, All of which will be soi l low. Constancy receiving fresh supplies. Highest prices paid for Cotton, Wool and Hides. Call I and see 11. B. AINSWORTH. BASDELL ft CO, IIWJMI, HMBi, SeutlnvCMt C oi ii'T Kay & Kaniard SAVANNAH, GA. A large and. well Assorted Stock Constantly on H and. and for sale at Lowest Market Prices. N. 13 —Special attenticn given to orders by mail accompanied With remittance. Nov 8 Omo ! D_ : = w if* Ba Vi/ITT j. Keeps cotatfiud] In &(eie ‘ Zi. ics. ciao sc Salo, i A well selected StMk C And all, they art and s’ u oally kt l j 1 in a” ‘’ “ : t E 6rn •; p • .. .. .. . ■. a.-j , : : | July •’>. 1805. ‘ ts ‘ lAMfedretb’s Carden Seeds. ‘ 4 LARGE lot of Imdiethis FBEBH i A 4>ardca. SceJ, rec iv. and so. sale by- I)r. W. F. DeWII'T, j J . Adj dning £ F..K t & Bro. . j i Feb it ■ 7tf j I).H:BCi;n> ripsrscarefully Ci mp Hind- ! ed by 1 )#*. W. F. DeWi , S i igj* Bubitshek & Bro. feb I 1 7-ts IVO'. Jl’ HATS Aaio.y, Ooeoaine, IV J modes, assorted, Sotodout, Belt Cologne, [ Florida AVater, and all . other Perfumery amt r Fancy Articles kept in a Drug St ri fore Ie bv . . l)r. w. F. DeWITT. 1 Debit ‘. . 7-ts l j•■ . 1 ; L 1. LBPICE, Cl >vei,” Maee, Nntn ■ 1 J\ Pepper ground and whole. Ginger, Oin ■ niimon, for sale by Du. W. F. DeWITT. I Vb 14 . . r ts | - ... : T\B C’jisti r <MI, Epsom Salts, Salt ‘•( t'etre Copperas, .'biiphur. Extract, I ; wood, for talc by “ Di .W. F. DisWlTr* 1 1 ‘ * ‘ it!’ Inferior Cssrt, in ( hanbrrii, Tiiumasvij.i.k, I-\b,27, ’6t>. C J. () IFIT A. • | (J ■ \'I7’iiFUF.AS, Yi'itliam il. Uh-ynolds. t*h-<;ed V v i. ; ; n*ry, IB!ji>, .having refnsi I tntacc j. . sreas. Peter E. Love, J Inferior (’ un of Thomas County, having re- ! . it is hereby Ons ed Th :t” an Klcclion lie he'j I'll Thar..'! .y. Jl.-.n-h l7. l'** .lor a S| ( . -i) nn<l a Justii e of the Infei i r vacancies. P If. MARDAW \Y j. c: ANSEL DFKLK. j. i-c. “11-ENUY MITCHELL, j. i". f. . Attest: “ • “I LKBBEUS DEKLE. c. i. e. . • • \ : ‘ ___ . ’ ‘ i §7!KO3KCrIA—"S'San iun*i Cao;:<y.- . (’ url ’ of Ordtnary, I’el 1806. • I “. V.'. -, T e * tide of Ravi 1 Ward, j dec’d, iq wi-i I l ‘.!• I ‘ ! , : l to file ■ jeefi sip id < : tors • f Adtm'tii itration thoroon will be granted i i the ‘public i liinist of tl County in terms m the law.- • ‘ . * * • 11. 11. TO'OKF, . ‘ ‘. Feb 28-9- . •(>. . ■ ,C 77 O 77 77 3.l —Thtasiu Ctasty. O>m’ of OrJi iary, i .1.7- ‘j. • WHEREAS, Ant *1 Dekl s, Ad iron the.ntatcoi Peter llelcle (iecea 1, i tion 1 iti : • from said estate: —All per jus foteret < “■ tile their olvjectioni in said Conrt,.othen; i e'l said.letters will be gra-ntc-d in terms of tive ‘ law- “ M. 11. TODK'E, . j .; 7 Cl ... . “• pi iilM . tl, L't e? S, 7 1 jA j,ois n".l<*- Conafr** -j WHEREAS, Dennis W4tliermgtt>, Qncr iK o.i of tlie -j ersou and property of Nancy, fit • ch< R . larj", Surri na T ElnuibetU, Moisey & Jusse XYitheringtoii, minors oi -raid County,"having S I h'l • pulies to be di : Giiardianshipir-Therefbfe all p'er notified “I * ipeijr at-m\ bflicc, on the fiii I lav in Ai nl i e :. and si wrt tis ii’ any-they have, vC.'iv said letters of Disiaisi rted.. Given \inder my Tinyil and official ; signature,ibis LNI and iv of F<b-inat v. I ‘’ . “ .Vv-ILLIA.'i C. SMITH, Feb 43 9-0 m ‘ . (’. C-Oid. j <sl ■ !1 4 —t/cii a!( . i jty, . M HERE A’ S, Aiieti Jones',-Adtniui tnrt rdf .Ham Y. Hill.lal O dec • ■ bavin p Mod his petition in this f'ou’4 f r j ti-l-.i* of it ... ‘ll l'.t:i si.’.d ‘i . i. fore 1 1 i.dim nkli nil roncemed, to be and j appear tit mv office-wilhitt the tiifte ‘prescribed ; by law, to show cam-.*, it any they call, ■ siiid fetters should not be granted. . • • . ‘Given trader Hfy hand, ;u < fjicp, t da vof January-, J.-.i 0. ’ . !. •'■•■*. • -WILLIAM. SMITH, • Jan 31-r.ifiin •’ . ’ • Ordiuafv'. •. GEGUGiIA—C’HacIi C'ouitty. To all. wliom i; i av Cot eern:” W::c; Mrs. Prpdenco Smith, appfios'to ; •- for lei .ra pt .*!•’ Ini si r -tl ate of Willium Johr.Son, late of said C< uiit v, dec’d. • Those ere therefore to.'eite suid admonish all and singular, thp kindred and creditoi of i id deceased,to be and appear at my office within] the tnnc'preicribdd'bv law, and show e •it ; | any they have, why letters of. adraiuistrati hi ! I siioufd not be granted to said : ppliquMt, \\ it- I a smy bandit) office, Feb 17, Icjtjti. H. -MORGAN, Feb 8 33d • .Oi inary.’ . (7 E> aSC G A —Clinch Cor.iiij . BY an order ot the Ordinary of saiibfV.ttidy, ’ tp sell the Real Estat : of,. Sr.. lat<-of raid C'-imty, <h- “eased, wi’l I sold bi fore the C nrt House door in staid . jon thofirst Tuesday in'Apiil next, the lot of [Land, Ruml>ersl7, in the 7th District of” said | County. Terms ihaite known on the day of safe. ‘ • JOHN M. CHANCY, ikb 7 G-Cf)d . • Administrator. CJEOKGIA —Colqailt County. . Whereas, Nancy J. Alg<-r, Admiiidstra!: ix"o:r the estate of James IL Alger, deceased, having filed her petition in this Court for letters of Dismission: —All persons are hereby notified to tile their objections in Court, within the ‘• prescribed by law. otherwise -letters of dismission will lie granted the applicant. Given under my official signature. IffiU. 5. 13iit!. ISAAC CARLTON, Feb 21 8-Gtn Ordinary. TjHNI7 I* 17RVUol£7w. Luliin's Extracts. ’ Florida Water, Extract Pond Lily, and I Night Blooming ('evens, 77v10 Balsamum. Tri copherous, Kai!*.-i;ion, India Rubber. Horn and Buffalo-Dies ing and Fine Combs. Children's Long and Ladies’ India Rubber Tuck Combs. ’ * For sale by W. I’. CLOWEIt & CO., J Feb 76 ts ’ Apothecaries Hall. Peter Pearce and vs. ‘ Bill to correct mistake Allen Cree and fz. sand Injunction. Thomas Adams. J I T appearing to the Court that Allen Creed, one of the Defendant’s in the above stated case, lias removed and now lives in the State of Alabama :—-It is therefore Ordered by tlie Court that service of the above stated Bill be perfected on said Creed, by the publication of this order once a month for four months, in the Southern Enterprise AUG. 11. TTANSELL, Jndgc S C. S. D. Extract from the Minutes Thomas Superior Court, February 24. IS o. ’ LEBBEUS DFKLE, Feb 28 , c. S. C. T. C, G. . GfOßfflA—lionndc) Ccnnty. • To all tcltu-ji if may. Con-ir,i . IT appearing to the Court that theestate of Christian Limeliorger, late of said County, dec’d, is without a legal representative, no one j liaving applied for. letters of administration on : said estate. Unless go-,.! cause is shown to the | contrary, letters of administiation will be is i sued to’the Clerk of the Superior .Court, or 1 some other fit and proper person, on the first 1 Monday in May next. Given under my hand, at ofiice, this 12th day of March, 18CG. WILLIAM SMITH, Mar 21 -td Ordinary. j New ■ Goods! • r\HE have, jest’ opened, and l will keep ci • ■i >r. J. l)nii e a ■ * DEI GOODS, j - c Ciotytyg, ja.A £5 i 2IS DIIId s S ?>OI>S ©f ©very Dpscrfptlob, ; BOOT I AND SII DU'S, . • . f • DATS AN C'.U-s, . ‘ €rocbery, China & Glassware, SCardwcire , GrliO CE RIES, . Ax'., & <•., & c., • Which they wiil sell VERY LOYVfor CASI( or ( |*i ducn> ; and examine onr Stock before par • i>. ,i. & .i w. s m pi ‘• Th. , Jan 31 . ETOTICE To Everybody F® *1 e. undersigned'can now say to the Public iha! we ai e ready to ‘ . GRIND CORN,’ have purchased an engine and milt ci sufficient power <> do .good Work, and. •he w.iy you have to > i ove it is t your Corn and! see ifyou <Jo not g t good Meal,ln connects n i iii . ur Mill we will ‘ make Furniture to order, Fash,, . Hip, Dress, Tongue And Groovo ike CoQins. t ■> order with n . ‘ take eon. * t) :u.-iofor Building I • use ‘ • ‘ . ‘ T >R & I EKLE. * Ifehl thankfui to the Public for their-- il patron; • • tue, and 11 •sj ■ • I in ay merit a c.-ntimnliou me, ; 1S A fAH DEK LE, ‘ • E-llf STUIW & PCKIIA.I. Wholesale aqd Retail • DE \LEI 1 . TBBBCII, EEMAN, E V GLIf ‘ ■ GC : Boots & Shoes, ’ HTiLTS cfco.-, :• . ‘ ‘ ... . • “ 6iii ■ . Savannah, oa.’ \ ■ V- i>* : . . - / ‘I ‘ ■ / . ! HAVING a 5. ns.y;rt ‘Stack of F tac id qconouhand, w<s lmvc Bli 31 -.Li - : Old 15 in, XXX, ’ . - I), - ). . do. XX, • - i.SJ “ • Po'. ap. ■x. •. • 1.00. *■; F li Bj ly, Pure, ’ 3.< ) “ i : • y l’nin tv, - ‘ ‘ 3.00 “*--•• ‘ r, Dapov & Cos., -• .. • 3.0 ■’ M'. • Pinet. Cat fill a &..C'o~ . ■ “ 2.00 “ ‘ “ • I . ~• - . 1 i,rj *■ . ’ - . 2.00 ‘ . td l bv. i:i < • 1;. -1 *i: re. - . ‘2V ) . “ C 5 Old tWin'e'. ‘2.00 “ i ;• 111 !SI ■ ,• \V'i;:i', •’ 2.! ) “ Choice Old M ‘ ‘ W . . 2.1 1 : : ! - Jt . ..'I.OO “ C- Ileidsitk’s genuine Champagne, qts. ’ I)t>! ’• •’ do. . A.',.y is. Old! • iWlit y, XXX,-J B.CO per gallon. TV 1 iev, XJ a.90 “ 1 • > . isfeev, • >. “ 0. ■ ■ ‘ ’ •* > CEI ; . ‘ ‘ . . ui; i • Genuii : Imported Havana, do. . ‘ Anderson’s I Lice 1 bucco, 12G cents per • Massey, < ollins dc Co’s Ili-E, on drku ■’ Aiso,.Liond( n and Edinburg Ale nted Pn ter,'fn Pints. SO CENTS* - IG E! ICE!! Aiwa; . . • mcr. I ‘. Our motto is strictly C. ©, D, . • ; * BS £ PI ; : 5 t r.. ■ Alt to ft Oar Ha In iSTo-.’. KTin©, •Where a choice and varied-assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES Arc const.i illv !:cpt. C\f) I OYSTERS, 05 cents ■ Two Ponnds Can, ;.. Call and • Pi ; j (I!Ols6llA—T'ronias t'onnty. Court of.Ordinary . .• i WHEREAS, Prances.and .Harvey Carter, a laid C at a legal n sons. p All - persons having, otiji ctions are notiiii <i to lile them in this Court, otl .- e lait ers ’of Administration will be granted to the public administrator of County, on the first’ ouda'y in May next. . ‘ ‘ li. 11. Tl ■ K 1 -Mari ‘ ‘ . Ordinary’ <U i.C, c: 3 ASides C'mnitv. To ‘all whovi it -may Concern: ’ • i- IT appear' the. Court that the estate of i- iap McFadden: late of said Co.untv, dec'd. is : withuut'a legal representativ'e, no one havii .- i-i-plii <J’ for letters of administratibn on s ,-l s. Unhand • . the ’ contrary,letters <-l administration will be is sued to the Clerk of the Superior Com . oi some other fit and proper person, do u.. Irs Monday iii May next- Given under my hand, at cilice, on tins 12th day of March, 1306. WILLIAM SMITH, Mar 21-td ■ . Ordinary. \Sjlj Persons having demands against the estate of Hiram Gay,’ deceased, la Colquitt County, are hereby requeued t pro sent them in terms of the law, and those in debted to said estate will-please make imme diate payment to lIEXIJY GAY, . ’ Feb gl 8-40d • ■ Adm’r. . EMPIRE HAIR RISIORER, 4 N elegi nt Dressing, ■ ■ • ’. ‘ An infill;i : • rof Color, And a .wonderful Z* ngorato* of the if A Ilf Prepared by • • . . W. P. CLOWEIi & CO., Jan 31 5-ts ■ ‘ Apothecaries Hitt, STO!,KX’ from ly rMidriite in Colquit, CoHnt s', mi Tt ■ ’ 1 small Sorrel Marc, about ten years old. ■a small white spot op the ramp near the spin* and vary dew footed* -Jsigus.of *pe saddle can be seen on her back 4nv information at to bee whereabout* will be thankfully received. .Alar 14 11-'4t? J. T. COX. \T|ilT 81-OOMIAO CEHKIJS JLM The ‘finest’ preparation of the day. For sale'by W. pT CI/OWER &, CO., Jan*3l-stf Apothecaries liall