Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 11, 1866, Image 4

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JOJfcHIIEW O. BCAJC]BEE*.” CO., WholeMle Dealers in Dry <.oo<ls, >len‘s. Boys’, Lathes’ and Children’s Straw Hats and Millinery Hoods of all kinds, 139 €Mfref Street, Savannah, Georgia, New Furniture Store. M. NEWMARK, Parlor. Chamber and ii niiinn ch\ibs. *tfatli < It illt< t> *< < ai> fce. • :M r. wtv. rated amt Furniture re ... ■ \ .j . • tirii CITY TAX ORDINANCE. 1)1 I <*.! i 1111 it t To* n j Tlumainnlte, Tbt ■! •. • ••, • Ut i mm tndTaXe*shall be assessed . ■ - ‘ !• ~.f M, !!■ t!.,. 1 ‘.'■••• ■ ■ I '!’ |’ 1 “<• r” ‘ ‘• ’ . ! , MI ‘. ,1 ‘ .. ! ■ ‘ . - J. . • ‘ . ; I r > ‘i 11 k I'; >;• M ’ I ’ ■ . . ■ e ti 1,.. . ■ iViii tw.-iu SC- . : - t. . . i ...... .-*,• ■ ■ . ! \ f, -.. r ■ • - v. i!•’ 1 s 1. ‘ : PM., n ra | . L live do Hors nor more. than . ‘ ’• • ■ . >| . \ , • ■■ -l"i t i.t ii,'. Mu • < • •11 ■ ■ ’ !• ii :'i - ion r>:i© - . i • M • t ■ I'-. M of the r wn tn'mthly. ItbjMt ton like I 1 I • ••• : 1 |’. :>:i I !in„* ’ Alley . , 13010 i • Itinerant Traders of Go •!-. u . ~ and \i < hand <••. each, Hi • 150 00 \n| forenih weekthereafter.. ........ 50 00 . i ■ . ■ . | | •’ i pstn; Agent do.:. •00 l r I | .... i, I ) J!;,, ! • do ... .v. 30 00 On all two home Omnibuses, do ....... 20 00 t>n all tw • horse Dravs or Wagons, do.. 20 O 0 I) • 1 or Wagon* do:. I•> ) On Jill non re-oilent Itni'iierrcHii Photo gr i hit or II!... vrt tot do feO .00 ■ 1 i ; i Pi . ; pr,office In Town.; 10 twt <!;ifl 4 in'l ■ uni M ■ _ i-rios per da V, each ..MOW •> • •I’ : ~ \ • I:’ ! ‘ ‘ill h > • ill |>„... ‘.. i - :. 00 t ’ II Livery St ibh s each, per 00 i> i ‘ln ■ I*- ■■! 11. ” i tinier, sold or offered for sale, per day. .... •’> (M) On II 11 , P She) G i or ’ offered for Town. . ~ 90 (In nil Peeves, do., do ,do 00 I ■ :t :-t In in-N ,and iill rl.Hlohtorfd foi-l'toh I - 1'.. . m 1. i xviththe moat ana shown i” the Marshal l'. i• 1i # “'• r ! *■ it. )i, i* < f,>r th,” i’so of S'idl*, at the Market 11<%i-■ •, per venr. .i.t, sow tv • i'l 1... . .-t ill i.thl.-s, ..wm >1 within ti:. low n, J- 1 I I ‘,’oo (tit ft i Stock In Trodl, ■ i T. \ snUieient to n ■ •-l and define the indt 1 tied in -of the present t onncil to -,| ~t | tho ani'Hint .and trade ■ v ■('•..l- to he ascertained from the r. jiri ..I t l\<<v>rv, r• t the Tax Return.- Ur it ■.[- • - • M - ll.n the I • Md 5 tnd 10 A. M. ■ . not exceed •. .75 el 11 ’ I*. McGL \ 11 \\, M vor. v . • W.M CI.INI’, Clerk. • : AN ORDINANCE Bf IT OltlMlX’ lt sh. Voi/.o O ! ‘ ■ ■ ■ ■ r I Tkoi ■ r*et? That nil C ■ Licen • except for ■ttrttnoas honors, shall he taken ont for one venr from the lirst of Mitreli. and nnder nne hiindred dollars |ter iii ‘o he payable in full on the lirsl ot March .• . . >• ■ • Ot • k. Io•! ; f'< ! that dale, to h. !’ i • •np to the succeeding Brat • ‘ M • > i I OV, I oin lintnl - 1 atn| 10-s than two hntidred dollars to he paid semi • -o II ‘lx 111 :1• ix ne. Lie. n-, . o V ert\Vo nundrtMi to *’ j'aiu quurterly iti h<l V.'Pit •’ l’ . . i l l'Hf nil I/CCIIM’S which HIP V' H ) > n full ut tin,** tIK v nre issued, p' 1 ’ ? • i :rvi •• ‘.t security tr • I full )*•> i . they flMftf due Licenses to sell spieitamts lioWra to be paid tjnarterlv in advance. I. Ihi t all |* rs n,s who are renmtvd hv Ho. Ordmnneeto take ont Licenses, and fail > to do within fifteen day* of the time and in the manner prcscHhinl *hil| he lined in a sum t’ “t lesa than one dollar, nor more than ton and dlara at the di. ration of the Mavor. for . a< h day they fail to take out swh License. *-d, C at all Ordinance* and parts of Ordi nance eontlictinjr with this Ordinance he Htnl tlif* n*init‘ *irr* hi'mhv ul V M.V;| vsiIAX. Mavor Mt< 1 WM CI.INM, Clerk. an rnmim ni: it <*Rn\m:i) , y,, ■/•- • ‘ / That iSe Marshal is hereby amhorired andempow • ■! ‘as oe non and call out. whenever at lit* discretion he may think it a proper time, all I'hle iHMhcd male citir,-ns h.Awcn the „,. P , • f eiirbteen and torty fixe vesrs. Iw ,s>stinsf n i. e. of such call and time in various parts Br ft farther ordritnr-1 b * the oathorily nfrc"rtH, That such ettll shall he made for five days or |es. eithfect to a penaltrnf one dollar tine tor nctrlcot t„ attend, each day. Hr tt further oritfuarti bn the oHtkorif* .trforfimj, Thai sneh e t lisen so culled ont shall tie employed in working the street* r. pairing hndx’es. and doing nil ether needful work on the ptiolic thorongfsres.within the .s.rporate limits of the toxvn, •ind.-rlhedirvction competent Supettetend. . t i., ap,,.,,,,, ed bv ('minx il. P M.-IH XSt'fAN >! ;vo- Attcst, wti i link nrk NEW STORE AND nxr E W GOODS ! ft |R] NOW PREPARED TO kOOOIiMOIiATS TBK PCTM*IC WITII A WILL eelected assortment of • • DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, ... Bardmare, Crockery end Cutlery, . ••• Whieli wc off. r for nle m oat -r to Nnsn .1 N. McKinn n ft. j i 0., consisting of ... Si ks, Delnnos, Poplins Marinom, LaatiM, . lloharM. Cambrics, Calicr'os, . Ginshams- • Ribbons, Waterfalls, Hoad Nets, Roops, Balmarals, Vandikes, Casmernj, Jeans, Linens, . Hoods, Shirts, Kerseys, Buttons, Thread, Nee les, Hooks and Eyes, Gloven, Bet., Hose, Laces, - • Tate, flair Pins, . Scarfs, Veils, Collars, ‘Cravat*. I*. () (ITS A X I > 811 OE S • nabs, Knives h. Fork-. Port Monies, Spoons, ‘ ’ • Pocket “ Books, . Umbrellas, I- Pocket Knives, Suspendc s, • • Pens Paper, Inks, Pencils,. Envelops, . . Blankets, Ladies, Gents and Childrens HATS, Caps And • • liosery, Bleeohep and Unbleached SI O M E S F UN 8, Soda, Spic-’ - Peppr, ... . Mustard, Clove Saleratus, Cat dies, Matches, Olive n il, fbfarch, Soaps, Tea, Coffee, Coperas, • •’ Nutmesrs, Mace, _ Solace, Savory, ‘ ‘ Emulet, Diadem. And other Brands of . Smoking And . . Chewing Tobacco. . mar: mw mtsim:-, l (he Lsilctf I'asliioitM. A fall assortment of . Castor Oil, Linseed Oil,. British Oil, Spirits of Turpentine,. Jacobs Cordial, . Godfi’eys Cordial, Batemans Drops, Pai'egoric, Pain Killer, Hot Drors. Laudanum, &c , A,c. A Splendid Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, Which wc oficr CHEAP FOR CASH. • ( ollon, (dm,Hides. Talloiy, Wax, At.,taken in t'xrhange. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, -y^a IE\KI\S & TIKMHS. o. t h c,m . . • A. T. CUNNINGHAM. *D: G. PURSE • K. J. LAKCOMBE. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO. FACTORS FORWARDING AND COMMISSION Vo. I. SloddartlN Loner Ranee, Hay Sheet, Savannah. La. i 1 ~ . ‘ * * We re timking p lilmral Advances ns any Soothern Hon* <>n t'oimn *hipi>-i ihroiiii Ms to \cw Toil, or l.irrrpool. \\ cnn ••<>!. \ for the State of Oeorgia, for the sale of Wilder & Co’s celebrated > SAL \ M SAFES. A- i, \_Mit* tor Mape- PHOSPII \ l'K f) y LIME, the best Fertilizer manufactured. N" vS 6 :im JOY TO THE WORLD ! THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! To THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF Tills .\GF, Has Relieved more Pain, ami caused more Real Joy than any other one thing that can be named ! Is a Halm for every Wound ! Our first Physicians use it, and recommend its use ; the Apothecnry finds it first among the Medicines called for, and the Wohlesale Druggist considers it a leading article of is trade. AH the Dealer- in Medicine speak alike iu its favor; and its reputation ns a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and ii is The Lroal Family Medicine of flic Igo ! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDFN AT. TACKS IN DISEASE, TA KEX INTERNA ‘ J, T IT CURES Sore Throat, Sudden Onld*. Cough*, etc.. Weak Stomach, General Debility. Nnring Sore Month, t’anker. Liver Complain - , Dispepsia or Indigestion. Cramp nitd I’itn in tbe S:omneh, Howell Complaint. Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dystory, TA KEN E.V TER NALLY IT CUR ES felon-, Boil* ami Oil Sores, severe Burns a <1 SctM*. Cut*, Bruise* and Strain®, Sivei iug ol ihe Joints. Ringworm and TeU ’r. Broken Breast, Frosted feel and.Chilblains, Toothache. Pain in Ihe Face, Neuralgia ami Rheumatism. 1 UN KILLER taken internally shrnld be administered with milk ot wafer, nnd etrtld with -ugar.if desired, or made im* a syrti p with fmda*r*. For a t - t*PGH j an-l BRONt II IT IS. a few drop* ~f ug-ir. cats n. will he more affective tliar, anythnig For a FOR I FHROAT, gargle the tiiront with a mix'uie of pain Killer and $ lief is immediate and ptrt poaiti*e. COMING, STILL COMING. ; • . .... WB ARE NOW WEOEIVINO A FULL STOCK OF ALL KINI OI ; STAPLE AND FANCY DRA G 0 O DS! Bill'. ‘mM; WSfTSSm^ Ladies Cloaks, Shawls and Hats . • ‘ • . OFT ’E LATEST STYLES. .". ‘ ‘ RENYLCIHM’S FURHISHIN©. Gobels, . OFitL DESCRIPTIONS. . V A A TS..CAPS'.’ VA )OTS & SHOES, CUTi,E:tY AND CROCKERY, OP THE FINEST AND MOST APPROVED PINISB. “ Notions of .Etll k.inds. Jn faet everything else'usually kepi in a Dry floods llouso. A splendid ‘siogk. of GOLD WATCHES, with.many otlrtr things too numerous to -niention. All ef-nbioh we offerto sell a.* cheap as [."s'-ible for • • ’ ’ . . . - • \CJSH : is eMHtmhf Please call and examine oar ■ sleek as wo make ,ho charges for showing <jh- Goo. • Oct 2d 6m U. WOLFF & BROTHER. L. J GUILMARTIN A CO., O E IST E H iv l_. NIIIPPHL, I O>nilKSl(>\ K FORWtum) MfiKCBAMTS, Ktv NTKCKT, Opposite the llarkrl. U A \ V\fl. t;.|. Pert euiar attention y/ren to procuring FREIGHTS on<itqtke Purchase. <nd hmkoj : HARD PINE TIMBER LUMBER, Collon, Wool,. Ilitlrs, Talioxv, Ac., Ac. Nov 8 • .. Gnt 11l ii MSI. r.FOßc;it-Tiio!HAM romv. In the Saperior G'onit*c December adjourned Term, 18t>.. Will,inn C. llitcheH ) ■ Mortgage> fcc . ■ Alonso 8.-Dutore. $ I> " r “denied Term. I 'l ap,cnriiiL r t” flic Court liy the petition <i| William ( . Mitchell, accompanied by tin mites and mortgage deed, that oil the, titteeiith day of No vent I m : A. D eighteen hundred and sixty two, the Defendant delivered to one C. Stegall. his two certain’ promissory notes hearing date the day and year aforesaid whereby the defendant promised by e.ich ol said notes, the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars, with interest from dale, for va lue received, by the first of said sum of money on or before the liist day of January A. 1). eighteen hundred and sixty four, and by the other said sum by the first day of January eighteen hundred and sixty six, and afterwards . on the day and year aforesaid, the defendant, the better to secure said notes (with others), executed and delivered to said Stegall. Ins Deed of Mortgage, whereliv said defendant mortgaged to said Stegall, all those tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying, and being in the’ I lit) thirteenth district ol originally Irwin. uow Thomas Comity, and known ns the south part ot Lot nunibei -by) two hundred and sixty eight, lying on the west side of the run of the biancli known as Hammock Branch,and also all the portion of Lot number (gtij) two hun dred and sixty live, lying on the west side of said Hammock Branch, and also all that.'por tion of Lot number (gd'.i) two hundred and thirty nine, lying on the east .side of the river Aucitia containing six luiudri and and eighty live acres and one hull, more or less, with all ttie appurtenances thereto:—And ii further i appearing that said notes were legally trails i lerred and delivered to said W. ('. Mitchell, and that said notes remain unpaid, it is there fore oidcrcd that said defendant do pay into Court. on or before the first dtv of the next term of this Court, the principal, interest and costs due ou said notes, or show cause to the t contrary, if any he can.’ And that on the Un it ure ot the defendant so to do. the equity of redemption in anil tothe said mortgaged premi ses, he forever theieatter burred and tore I closed. j And it is further ordered, that this rule be published once a month for three months in the Southern enterprise, previous to the next tel in ot this Court, or served on the defendant, or his special agent or attorney, at least three months previous to the next term ot this Court. A T McINTYKK. lVtitinner'a Att v. A true extract from the minutes of Thomas Superior Court, December adjourned term, iso.,, tliis March 7 l*t>t>. LFHIU I S DEKLL, Clerk. Mur 14 U lanittn ItFOlSitl i riio.on- Cnnntt f’ri’t’-fof Chdinniy. Feb. 94. IStid. ft IIKIIKax. The estate of Melntosh TV M> K muort is without n legal* representative : All persons interested are therefoie notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise letters of administration thereon will he grant ed to the public administrator of the county fit terms of the law H. H. TOOKK, Mar 7 In ftOd Ordinarv. biittKGi i-Tltomiio CoiMMf. tin the first Monday in Mlfclt next, 1 will apply so the Court oT Ordinary of said County for in order granting leave to sell the Infvts and real estate of Oeorjre Folsom de?d. ‘ ‘ FVCIUTT. j it S Adn v S.UPERINTENTS.OFFICE A. St, G. R R. • December 25th 1865.’ NOTICE; . ; Sortesl and most pleasant route to Havannab, via : VValthotjrville, Riceboro’, and Snnberry. .< hroogii fauna Thomaeville to Sav . annalr in ‘3O hours. Via Rail Road 185 Miles’ Stage 82 Miles. ■ ■ Steam Boat'Bs Aiilea. Leave Thotnasville every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Arrive at Savannah every luesday, ritursdav and .Saturday, connecting With N’teamereto Baltimore, NAw fork and ot her Northern Forte, KHTntMW,. Leave Savannah on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrive at Tliniriasyille on Tues day, I hursdav and Saturday, in time to con nect with Stage* to Albany, Ga., and Talk haaeee ana Monticello, Fla.” 6 ■>. FULTON. .Sep t A & O RR. .***.Tallahassee Floridian and Albany l’ai riot-copy two weeks :i id send hill to tl'is ot ■ ■ ja’ii.. dll RB ILE NriH. nFOliftl t TIJO tl.tM COB'S'TV. Li the Superior Court. Present, the Honora hie August in 11. Hansel 1 , Judge of said Court. sauna-I 1> Rrockett, for the Hortg ge, Jke. use of Rufus M Johnston i December ad vs. j journed Term, Catharine Witherington. J JBOS. II appealing to the Court by tlte petition of Haul tie 1 II Brockett, (who files hw petition for the nse ol Rufus M Johnston i, accotnptt Hied by tlie Note and Mortgage iteed, oil the eighteent h day of August. A D. 1861, the De tenilam made and delivered to the Plaintiff her Promissory Note, hearing dale the day and year above written, whereby the defend ant promised, on or before the first day of Jan uai y neat after the date aforesaid, to pay the 1 laimitt or hearer. One Hundred and Fourteen -1 lot litre and Ninety five Cents, for value re eeived. and that afterwards on the day and year aforesaid, the Defendant, the Inert er to seen re the pay meat- ot said notes, executed and d‘ iiveredto ttie l’laint ill one dead of mortgage, J', hereby the said Defendant mortgaged to the laintili Lot of land number unknown, but heii g the place whereon Beniamin and Catha rine t\ itherington resided in the year IH.AN. in the I own ol I homasville Oeorgia, containing one Here mote or less And it further appearing that said note re mains unpaid, it is therefore ordered that the said defendant do pay into Court, oil or before the tirt day of the next term thereof, the principal, interests and eostß due oil said note, or show cause to the contrary, if anv she can. Hud on failure of tit Defendant so to do. the equity of redemption in end to said mortgaged premise* he forever thereafter barred at and fore closed- And it is further ordered that this Rale he put'li shed in the Sent hem Fnterprise 00.-e a month for three months. -revions to the next term of this UVmrt. or served on the defendant. o> her special aveMt, or attorney at law, three months previous to the next term of this Conrt Extract from Minutes Thomas .Superior Cotit t. March 3.16 t; t EBKfcC* ftElfl : Mar* P Inmi-n Che JoatfMii (tntcrsr sc.,- . U w * . . L. C. BRYAN, HUT O K ,\>l PROPRIETOR. SUBS( RIPTION TERMS. . V . Tlte ■•Sot Tiii.ux bsTxnpßiss** is publish td weekly at Fuue Dou.ais per annum -tricti\ IS AOVAXCK. • ADVER 1 THING 1 ERMS. ADViiTtjtistxiß wilt he inserted foi totlar par square nf -twelve lines or le. s for each insertion.. From this tale a .di.- ; count (i - . TWxsyT-! ivx per cent will be ma.-U tor advertlssments inserted for three months pr under six months, and tiFTT pet cent lor t welve mo . : . - • vertisements sent to-the other must'be marked wiih the number ol insertions de sired “i the period lobe published, at - : in syeryinstauce accompanied wit h t be amount requin d* f< r pay meat. . Mat ria ■ ‘. hereaftei beebarged for as ad veil isi-rneni s Special or edilorial untie*'.- | .will be pttblished and charged at double t lie ab vc -rates. Payments mast be .made in cm rent ‘funds. - Hemiflances may be made by Express at oar rmk All others nui.-t be at -the nsk of those’ making ihe some. Subscri t ra names will bedroped from itj•■ list at the end of the term lor ‘which tbe subscription has been paid, un less renewed .All communications should. ddre-jsed to Proprietor Southern L prise, Thomati ilh (It LRtlXi; A*Vi:BTHIESi:\ts. ■All persoivt having occasion Jo adver tise ■ Legal Sales, Notices, etc., are com pelled by comply with the following rules : A<tMiahtrstmi Ex'rralan, air (i’lijii-- (iiaiis: All sales o Land by Administrators,* Ex ecutors or Guardians, are required T.y . law to be held on the first .Tuesday, in. •the month, bet.weno’ the hours ii ten • o’clock in the forenoon,.and three is the afiornoon, at the Court House in the County in which the property is situate. Notices of these-sales nui-t be given in .a public Gazette Forty Days previous to . toe day of sale. Slate Os Personal Property s Notices of the sale - of Personal Property must be given at - least Ten Days previs oG- to.the day of sale. . ’ ■Bttatc IlrblAi H am! ‘Creditor. : Notices t” Debtors and Creditors of an'jee tale must'be pu lisbed Forty. Days... ('mil l ol Urdiuai'T l.ea*- to i Notice that application will be. made to tho. Court ot Ordinary for leave - *to'se.ll ‘Lands, must be publishod weekly .lor Two Months. • • Xdiirini-lralion nnd S;unr*!nn/hi|* - : Citations for Letter.* ot Aduiini-iraiioii must be - publisiied. Thirty Days ;• for Dismission tr< m Administration, month - ■’ ly for .Six -Mouths'. - l'’orr*'lo*iirc'Of VSo'i tgagr i Rules - lor “Fort-closure ol Mortgage roust . be published monthly for Four .Month's RaSabli-liing t..i I’aiHT. ; Notices for establishing Lost Papers-roust le- published tor .ti.i full term of-T ree Months. “ ‘ ‘ • Publications will” always lm con tinued according to i4t< above rules,* un less ni herdise ordet ed. * . • KIt.IMM. 6CBMI % Tii:> m oi >t4 . • .In the Superior Court. ‘Present, Hie Honora ble Augustin li. 11 an r* jl.- Jndg- ot .-.mi’ . Court. . .’ James I.- Seward J ~ , . ‘ ■ r . Mortgage, &e Joseph Clay S c ’ *djoarued Term, 1865 IT appearing to tin- Court by the Petition of J antes L. Seward, (iccompanied by the Notes and Deed ol Mortgage t that cm the tenth day of November, 1862, tl e Defet Joseph'Clay, made mid'delivered -to William’ McLendon, his two certain Promise >ry Notes, (tearing date t in- day and j ear-aforesaid, where-. by in one ol said promissory notes,.he t in- said Jofeeph (.lay. by tin- mst day of January, 1865, .promised to the said William McLendon or hettrer. Three Thousand Font Hundred and Seventy Two Dollars and Thirty-three Cents with interest on said notes from’ Ist of January.- 1865 for valtae received, and by the’ other of ‘said promissory note's, In- the said Joseph Clay, lv the first day of January,, 1866, promised to pay the said William McLendon or beater, the. .-um -I Three Thousand Four Hundred and x veuty -two Dollars and Ttafity-three Cents', for value received, with interest from tin- first day ol Janaary, 1863. And. that afterwards, on the day and year aforesaid, the 1 •cfe.ndant, Joseph Clay, the l tetter to secure tin- payment of said notes, ex* cuti'd and delivered to the said William Mc- Lendon, his Deed of Mortgage, whereby the said Defendant mortgaged to the said \\ illitim McLendon, lots of Land numbered its follows, to wit-: —No. dll'.’ three hundred and nineteen, in the Thirteenth District, originally Irwin. ’ now Thomas C< nntv, containing Five Hundred Eleven and it half acres; also, So. I U-'o) in said District and ( loonty. containing Five Hui ■ ami Ninety acres, mote or less : also a part of Three Hundred aad Twenty six (3~f>), in same I >i.-t i ict and <'mint v. coinmeueing at the-soutn.- east corner ol said lot.and running north 2n chains and 9 links to a corner, thence west fifty three chains and eleven links to a corner, thence north 40 chains and -II linker to the right < t way to the Railroad, thence along tlie right of.way to the original kne line, thence south along the original line to the corner, thence over to the beginning corner, containing Two. Huiidn ‘i and Forty -eight ami a quai ler >u res ‘l ii whole'settlement coiitaiuiiig i'welve Hun dred end Fifty acres. And your petitioner sheweth that he'is the* hearer ot said notes and deed of mortgage.ha v- ; ing come into the possession of the same by-a fair, due and legal course < t trade, and by a regulai transfer of said mortgage by tlie said William’ McLendon, executed to your peti tioner on the l7tli day of March, 180 . its will lie seen by reference to the deed of mortgage now in ( onrt to be shown.- And it further appearing to the Court that said notes remain is therefore ordered that said Defendant do! > Court, o oi before the first day of the next Term of this Court, the principal, interest and costs due on said notes, or show cause to tlie contrary if any he can. And that on failure of Defendant’ so to do. the equity of redemption ill and to said mort gaged premises he. forever thereafter, barred and foreclosed. And it is farther Ordered, that this Rule he. published in the Southern Enterprise, mire a month for three months, previous to the next term of this Court, or served on the Defendant or his special agent, or attorney at law. three months previous to the next term of this (nrt. A true extract from Minutes Thomas Stipe riot Court March 3 1 866 LI HR I T'S DFKLK. Clerk Mnl 10 i ■ < 10X4-1% Tliemn (Vnnu , of OrMfittry, WHERE V V Anse| Dekle. iJuardian for and ot fl-e p >n~ propert ’ and effect® •'< V. vv. Inn and Eddy Pekle. minor* of said oonntv. makes application hv petition to this U'onrt. for |.otters of Dismission from said llntirdian \ in said Court, otherwise said tetters will be KTtttlfed in terms of the law II H TOOKE, >^ nr -|o Ordfnsvv GODEY’B LADY’S BOOK FOK 1886. THE FASHION MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD • LITERATURE. KIKE AMTS Jr FASTI IOXB. The moot magnificent Bteel Enfcrav; ng*. DOC BL E-FASH 1< >NP LVIE S • Wood Engravings oil every r-ii(> j•. t that can intern• It - t •• • • K• tting Net Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet,'for lit* Parlor, the Bondoir, and tin Kitchen. Ei thing in fact to make a. <•< mplete Lad} a Book • The l.adie*’ Faforilr lor {*• learn. N U gat e -has been able to compare with ; Neon- attempt it. ’ OODEY'S RECEIPTS 4 rttnent of a household. Theta’ a! , :ue weitli t.t• ••] ild “i tl 1 Book MODEL COTTAGES’ i tber jfc sine gives them), with diagrams. 1 1 R t WING. .I.ESS </AN FO £* 7' Hl. * YOUNG. Another specialty with Godey.. <>/,’ l<j / \ A •/.’ Af US TO, mirth $3.66 a rear; Othei Magazines publish old worn oiit. music., hot thenoseribersto Godey get it before tbv storci GARDENING-FOR LADIES. At - I b.-; ji • - 11 1:; :it v it • IJnde\ 1-. • • l- f i.i Messrs. A. T. StewaFt A: I •of New 1 oik. tbe millionaire ‘merchants,*a] • pear in Godey, the only. Magazine that baa them- ‘ . .Ladies’ Bonnets We gi Te nort ad them in a rear than am othei “Magazine.’ In t:.< t,tb I ,:.i! \ s Book enables every la ly to be her ova in ‘I. ui i maker.• • • I * yiAKIOX ■IIKI Alli. H Pad • “ Mont “ A ‘Mrs a..’ -and* M. ■’ ■. 4 writes for Godey each month, and for no Magazine. .Anew novel pnb lndied in 1866 \A e have also retained all pur ! old and favorite contributors. • TERMS OF IBBITIUBY S Ml FIS IE. fFro* the* e can >t no DevfUtto/.) The following are the terms of the Lad} ’a’ Book foi 1866: •. . ‘ . • • 1 One copy, one year,'• >'.* - |3.IKf I Two copies, one • vear, . **--*. 5.50 Three copses, ontreear, . / 7-30’ Four copies, one year, - •- 10.00’ “Five copies-, one Year,nod an extra to • the person getting aptbo eTnb,- niak ! - inir six copies. • . . • - . 14.Q0 Eight copies one-year, and an extra copy . to tlie person getting iptUeetab, mak-. • . ing nine copies, - • 21.00 Eleven copies, one Year, sad an extra • copy to thp perrtso getting’ up the chib, snaking twelve copies, . ■ . . YU additions to oldtbs at elah.nites, . IV Godey’s Lady ‘.- Hook had. Arthur'a Home Magazine will lx- pent, each one year i on receipt of $4.30. • We have tj” club with ary other magazine | of newspaper.’ -■ |. Tin■ moneumutl all l-natel< ni ft at | ayyof"the clubs. .•. . Canada snbserhers n.rrt send 24 routs addi- . tional for each subscriber’ • . .Address, S ‘A. tiopt:sF. • . IV E. Corner t>,-jr/h and Sit • Jan 31 • ...’ PH ILADELFHJA. ” v '©k@ IFF i A TELEGRAPH, • . . . I t UJ.ISHKn ‘AT . .’ Racoa, * - iiifof'sitA, • DAILY AX D WEEKLY. ‘ JßE* A s.vlii OOYM.K. ;’ ‘ TEEMS OF. SUBSCRIPTION 4 : •’ I Daily edition pier nnim .l ‘..,.,|12 60 Weekly edition, per im’imr.. 4 00 Subscriptions received- forth* Daiiy sot l than a year at the same rate • , . The new proprietors < f tl e TELEGR AI’II me resolved to’spare eo labor, or expense,to } make it the i kwimi paper of the State’ if not 1 of the South, ltraddition to. if a regular t rtw j ot Editor*—who are menof Hindi -expelieuce, ! aud well and favorably the -South—- I -we have emptov ed slbl** cofrespoftdeiusat aKiat I of the lea ing points of-intereaf —such as AY aal • ington New York, I’iirw; Liverpavl, Ac . ‘ Leifdit.g Feature .—The leading feature in the TKI.KtIE A PII will he tk rights, interests and feelings of Georgia and her'striekeß sister States; w.e would lifttbem \ up'from the valley ot.humiliation, exhort them. 1 t” a-forget fulness < rt.the ; past es eept its gloi :. - ■j and ue; \ i- their arms for the ardivat struggles .of the t'ntare. •. • . . . < i in in. rcial Department’.-. —The Commercial department of the TE 1 .T.t *IfA PH will receive • special attention. • Daily reports will be givt tv : of all the leading mat kets of Uniou togethi x I with a full weekly review of the local market . while, on the arrival of every .steamer, Knro pean political and eonmn icial a< ( “irnt's will In given: In this respect we hope to oth > sm h advantages as will make the Telegraph an in dispensable visitor to tire counting-room of.ev ery merchant rad tradesman. KdiicHtinji, Agrii-ultuw and tlie M>ehuni Arts will lie fostered as tbe true sources ol all National aud iudividaal prosperity. •• The Weekly Telegi aph i ‘ The Proprietor* take a special- pride in pre seating their WEEKLY EDITiON'to the 1 public. It ‘contains *• g l .pose* - ’ l-.i Column*, almost exclusively of reading mat ; ter, in each number, and in point oftypogntphy i and general appearance I.- withoat a cival at. j flie Soutl: Specimen numbers by mail t, j all’ ui>plicants. • . . • A*ddress all communications on business tQ . H. A, I IILI) A O.. Fc.h II? . • Proprietors, Macon, Ga. A |>ArKB FttS THE PIA I'l.l , ! LiIKISTIiY IH)C\ * AM)* ‘ * . sorra-jrccriM iuptist^ A Religions Paper—a Literary Pa peri —n Commercial Paper —an Agricultural Paper—a Child's Paper—a Il;i(it i. I*aper—a Family Paper —a Newt Paper—and a Live Paper Now in its ‘43th year; has risen from the ashes, and is younger than ever, and will continue ti grow younger as ii grows okk r. and while it incTcata s iu -vivacity and vigor, will at the same time be etrcunispect, tnonghtful, philo’ Sophie and Ciirittinn. Tht hn /■ Speck* for iteelj- — think* for itet ■ Aud the appearance of the sheet, as well a$ the sharacier of its conh nt.s adv< rtist s . I*ric', *>.5.00 n Vror. O • end Two Dollar Snktcription* received. . Address, ■ .1. .F TOON. Publisher and’ Proprietor, ■ Franklin 1 Tinting Home. . Atlanu*, Ga lire ii ii Tuck*a,D.D Bnrroa lin s I>.. Editor Ala. Dcp’t FPBTkCaIPT. Ib. Publisher having delivered himself as above, the Editor beige leave to say, that he makes no promises bnt this— that nil profitless debates shall be excluded, and that his object .shall be to entertain and insfritet the reader, at and imp""',’ his heart {-S'’ And nowrite Publisher steps in again, . jys: Reader, like the programme, try ns for six months or a year. mar 21 /frtMUTK %tki* i.f.v. Copperas, \ Madder. Indigo. Mustard. Tea. Sweet Oil (’ream Tartar, Soda, Saltpetre, tor sale whole sale and-retail by ■ w, p n.mvFK a ro„ 1 N s4s Apothecartes Mull