Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 25, 1866, Image 4

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Wtiilcaalr Dealers in Dry (Goods, Men’s, Boys’, ladies’ and Children’s {straw Hats and Millinery Hoods of all kinds. 139 Congress Street, savannah, flwirgw. New Furniture Store. M. XEWMARK. } miT'miisT n; Matro*f' nHrtren’ Car rta.&. tvt a% jL* jl zes -i rjn T7\. ‘ „ !’• J a h vorv hAnv l* * IJ t V I ‘ I *ll ’ t t ; * * 1 * * ‘ ts “ 1 nPTxm mpi I \ I I\ I : i 1 “ V vM\ >i 111 II llMir AHEAD! . v -•?*rjre <*f Fine t ... HUM < I J ffc* *nr. ■• ‘•**.• i E - i >oooo cm; ir> UranJb, and 4 1 K on rtran 4l* tariff Mer. i ter. Pints -40 I -JL JFIj • JL j 4 * | Our motto i<a •trictjv CH O. It. PRTRR'i &. PURRT. | Attached to the “ Our House I UM o. Nme,; FAMILY GROCERIES i Two Pounds Can. • • >TrtlT> p *, , Mopp.'l tt nrs fJFORO! 4 1 C'Allnr WHFRKSS T>enni Withering-ton, (innr t d’ ;*> of the person and nronertv of Nancv. Ra ! Sm m 4 ‘ft-rvw .. * *T+% n rnf ir- all lui* wjLliam g Smith OFOROV *—l.nimdM founts W HERE A s 4 hen Jones AdmiuißTratnr of * hanntr h< Dermon m thi* <\>nrt tor Ltd o Hdmanwih all eoneeme.l to he'sL'id * appear a r irv ofti<v within The time rrpsv” an to letter* *feooei not he irranit-d * I invert rnv hand at oflioe, tKja 24th I UTI T T T \r r> *r * niLUAH SMITH. rrnßi;i i—rlift < •■■o . herer%#s Nancy J. AfinriTuatratrix on 4ne ot .tames |\ Atppr rtecea?®etl tiBTT n "’ filed her in Pofirt fnr letter* of . \ ’V’-sorw are herehx* notified life ****** ohPrt’.'V, in Fmt within the hr law ofhe-wTe lerte*s o* if Hum writ hf< ci'T aHfed ? anniicant troder tv othciai FeH 5. ISfit Isaac carltok, • FeH t?l 8 err. Ordinary fiFOROM—Thom,, 4 ouni ■ . C'e ■ “f>DTrf, March 1, t'BS€L WHEREAS Anwt Heklo Adwniiiimir on th# e*T‘i t e #rf jprarr ilia hie dec eared matces ap pheation Hr Tehtiofi for letterw f t hnmiwe from -—AH nemo tie intereeted will Bte thefi* nnieen>ott in raid Court. ntfrerwiee and letters will S* ffTanted in terms of t&e H H TOOKE Mai * IS Orhutrr New Goods!, T —-. • formerlr owned hv Dr. R J Bruce. a large and well selected Flock ot DRY GOODS, iEac\ii- Clothing. 11AH1I1 1 bes eooiw sf rvm lH>hrrli)liOß, ■wnetimii HAT, *vn , ’APA I rw kfn CMM A- HMHMMi ECArdware, T 1 /-\ rp o •. VT JL.. \ V M V J xli ii -I—t_J k —/ ? TmictlHwJT VIR * il? Vr.HV LOW i>>r ('ASH i and PT8 r ! ,,,,<i ofir - StocK hefore nnr- FURNITURE f yT~> THE tinder*ucmed hfi Q opened a Shop in. | in ThotnaFville for the Maun fact are j FITRNTTURE,! I Making and Fumishincr Coffins. &c., HMftnd door from the rrint ; 1 I )f\e (ithce on Jefterson street. j PATENT RIGHT~ | FOR SALE.; I The Patent Rieht of .T. MASSEY'S 1 ~t~*<L !frTFT.VIL*.^y. j COTTON PRESS - l now ottered for Kale. ■ r pi ; (’orton ‘ J rv-<i ws; jv.itpnr. V I inp’ton in IRS 7. and oinr, that, nmt has et. i irryed almost nnnrecedented nopaluntt It i t wpjt known thioii<jhont most of tin* Cott*- * i stHteg and as all contract** with Airents and j Ri ■ 1 • r *• sold tvr sections have expired ? * t p ori ! t/tnal natent nnencnmitered i now offered so: ‘- * and as the conntrv has aimns *• i stored to nrosnerny. and the cultivation c * * ('otron once more become the chief occunatioTi ] i **>*v. mt nerti nei .t •.. .1 a\i r M \ •<- * vmil*l Cotton Pret** will atram asumt * > I over the Cotton prowinir region To anv r*f ‘ . I now thr nror road so fortune The Patent, j I ha* been rendered unable to carrv it on hi f of the war and* nnwillin?that J l nub lie should he deprived of the ad 1 vantages of this Labor Saving, I: NOVO a 1 .. PoRTABfF ('<TTON pRFSS. he Offer.'’ i I it for sale at a verv low price Energy and a small capital) are all that is ne ! i cessarv to realize from the s de of this Press an * Hulenendent fortune To understand its irreir I * Ildailiitiferes over all ot* - v- : 1 model and to know what others think it ‘ rea t i too annexed Certihcate* ot wvll kn -v 1 trentlemen wh * have tried it • | For further rurticula Fapplvtn • L C BRYAN, j Thomasvil le. Geortria } do cenifv that I have nsed Jas Massev’f ’ * Iron herew the two past seasons, and can sav I with nror> tht*f 1 am hit'hlv pleased witV; the same. WM J. HEARD Ido rerfifv that 1 hare one of .1 as Masser’s fro- Screws for Pacbim I'ofton and can rt are a Hfe-time.est;t T ANARUS” ,!. MpCa.VX- S This is to certifv that 1 hare nsed Masser's ’ Iron Se-ew fer two vears in Hacking Cotton ! i and find it convenient and dnrahle. I have ‘ rocked a hale - in tbn**v rnmno**—some ha leg weurhinL r bJfllhs. I find it as simple as the old * wood screw and not liable to tret out of order * Respectful Iv, W r HOLLINGSWORTH. I Macon B June I, 1859 We the nodersicmed 4orertifv that we have t one of Masse vs Iron Screws, and are Wt 1 i nleased with them; and would rsconunend I them to any one who mav want a Screw C. TI LI AT a v JORIAH J EVERETT ALI.KN HAGIN Thnm*, Count r. Ga 1 do herchr certify that I hare one of James * Patent Iron Screws, and it performs ’ well, and lam neased with it It is of the ’ most iHsnnvr kiuu TARQUIL McAUEAY. Thotnaa Cos.. Ga . Juno a. la^J. atw f Rnirri* Tlin, 4 unt I Office of trk Orpivart of said Court f June 9. A. D., 1 Hsi*. v 1 hereby ccrrifv that the above named per sons to wit: Mrs. C. C. Tillman Alien Ha eni inMiiH Mel ann hr William J. Hoard and iaromi McAntav arc woll known to me as Cotton Planters ot this countv. and as per eons ot the hurhett remectahitrir and undoubi ed veracity. Given nnder mv baud anU toe seal ol xaid Court aua> ned ; L . s A V. MeOARDEL, l>ep. l.'lert Court of Ordinary. ThtF ! to eeniir thai I nave naea one ot M"**ey' hcrews at the warenouse ol Messr- Dillard Powell dr Cos., of this citr. and tha* l * regard it as one of tne most easu v ooeraten and ’ durable within bt knowitOtrr With si* stood hands it w canal.w ©t tnnunsr ott Fortv hales of cotton per dav. of an average weisrht of lire hundred and httv is.unas and that of convenient sin W e nave MtcKed 2.50t* hales this aeasou. Yiim- reanocTtn y. JAS. T. GRAY.’ Columbus M—cogoir Cos G Pai * dtf SrPERINTE.VT S OFFICE A A G, U R l)e-etni r2sth i Uda. j X0TI( 1. St s”*F>* 0’ 1 .TTi !'><” T> i, ■ •V. * ■” • ;’ ■■■■ * i nomasviih ! > aniuih in 30 ■. Ijeave 1 homasrilie ewrv Mondav. Wednes 1 day and Kndav.. Arrive at .'•avaunah every I Tnesdnv ‘l'hnrsdav and Saturday, ronnecliuir i with .Meaniers to haitiiuore. .Srw \<ir k• n I other Northern Porta,- RETURNING IdCßvc aSavannnh on Mondav. \\ ednesdav t and Kndav. Arrive at ThomasYille on Thes day. Thnrsda\’ and Sa.Tnrdav. m time to eon nerr with Slaves to Alphtiv* Ga., ami i. | luuwep and Mornicclio ! %* Taiiuhawpp i* londutn and ARwmvPai • rit copv two W££ks ft t )d Blind biij to tins of- RtJtE VIM. RARfiI 4-THH tk COIHVTI jln the Superior Conn Present tin Hoi i Shtthic! B. Hrra-kcu. for the Mortiratfe \ I we of Rutus M. Johnston / imc. Jm, ('atharme V\ itherini 11 appearing to The t >nrr hv the petition of ! . fiftmup; t; Lroi kcu (who files his pet if I tor the use of RuTuk M Jofms: I nied hv the Note and Deed, on liit’ _ | her Proihissorv Note bearin - I ant promise* <l on or before the first dav of Jan- I next after the date a fores , ,* v i Dollars and Nirtetvfive C'ents for value re i U*G : I the lit I secure the payment or Kiui notes, exe< niefi.. . ’ < ; ’ ! • ’ • > y V . i : ’ rown of I homasvi!i- *< . * . 4in it Turt t. i uppearm . : I mains unpaid it is therefore ordered that the ! j I rhe first dav (>f* the next term thereof tbt- I . . . . . ior show cHwe*k) the eontrarv,if anv she i.. < .* ‘ ft I )etendant so • . . oniTv of redemption in and to said ui*'!*ttrai*vd And it. is further ordered that this R; in the Bout heni Knt < month for turtle month*’ vm- •• . or Tier special R>gnt or attornev at law thre months previous to the next term of this Court I Extract from Minutes 1 hormis •si . I.F.HHEI > Di.iv-. ■ Mar T. in i a in. in, rim: \iki. i;fori:i a Thor an rorvTi. | ... v . ... :*. William C.Mitchell l ~U\ t wg, I Alopfxi B Dnforc ) Dtc n<li<innie<l lerm. J IT mMring to.the Court by the petition of i ! VV iliiam ( iMitchfli Hccrmiiiiinn notes and mortgage • >f November \ D-eighteen hundred the Defendant delivered U ■ st,.-’ |H !>. tw I'Wltn, nro| • ’ I wherebv the defendant promised t>v e.n-h of \ mid notes the’ mn of Three Handrei Eiftv Hollars..with interest from date, tor va. ] • | on or before the tirst dav of Jannaiv A. I). I | eighteen hundred and sixty four, and by th I other-said mm by the tirst dav ot Jannat i eighteen hundred and sixty six. and afterwards , I on the dav and year aforesaid, the defendant ‘ ithe better to sernre said notes (with others). I . I teed of Morurage. wherebv said defendai ’ l parcels ~t land situate lying and being in the . . i of Lot number t2bb) two hundred and sixt’ • branch known wt Hammock Branch,and all tbe portion of Lot number (2b.‘i two huu , Hammock Branch and alsotil ’ j Awilla containing •si i tive-acres and one-halt, more or less with all Rnces thereto — And it fnt t ; l appearing that said notes were legal j ferred and delivered to said MV. C Mitchell. * I and that said notes remain nnnaid. it is tfu ! tore ordered that said defendant do pav into j j Court, on or before the tirst day of the next I term of this Coart, the prmnmi interest and dim on said notes, or show amt to the \ I contrary, if anv he can And that on the fai- j ! Inre of the defendant so to do. the equity of ] i redemotion m and to the said mo rt gage and prem i - ses he forever thereafter barred and fore 1 I closed. And it is further ordered that this rale be | I pnhlished once a month for three mentbs in \ | the tSonthcm Enterprise rrpvums to the next , I tetm of this Court, or served on the defendant, ! or his special agent or attorney, at least three t months previous to the next term of tins Coart A. T. MdNTYRK. Petitioner’s Att’y. A trim extract from the minutes of Thomas I Superior Coim, December aria turned term, i 18&>, this March 7 1 N LEBBECS DEKLE. C j- Alar 1-4 ‘ 1S lamfm * Peter Peart t-Jt. | SM tn rnrrrrt mirtakr I Allen Creed A sand tnjvnct i Thomas Adam- I T‘l anneal-ins'to the Court that Allen Creed ! I one of the Defendant’s in the above stated i case has removed and now lives i* the State lof Alabama —lt is therefore Ordered bv the I Court that service of the above stated Hill be i nerfected on BaH Creed bv the nnbl r;in . i the Southern Enter: AUG. H. HaXm.,,l.. Judge s. C S, D Extract from the Minutes Ihomn- > f Court. Febrnarv 24 IS> • LEBBETTS PFKLE. Peb 28 . . C. S. C. T. C. G. > KFtIKRM Ttisms* t sunt- Crmrf at Ordinary, Frf> 24. IBfifi. WHEREAS, Ihe estate of Mclntosh D. i McKinnon is without a legal representative : i *ll nersons interested are tbci-etoie notitied to i file their objections in said Court, otherwise > letters of administration thereon wilt be grata - I ed to thennhlic administrator of the county in 1 terms of the law. H. H TOOKE, j Mar 710 30d | irdinary. RFOKOI *—TtMimn* I mini Otnrrt n* I tm. nr, WMERF.As Frances and Harvey Carter. 1 minors of said County are withont a lex-;.! re t nreeentam-e both as to persons and propewy - i Alt persons having objections are notified to I file them in this Court, otherwise Letters of ! Administration will be granted to the public 1 administrator of said County, on the first < Mond&v la Mav next. H H. TOOKE, Mar 90 H *• Ordtue—- t * DRYGOODS! SOUTHERN PALACE ! DRY GOODS HOUSE! ORFF & WATKINS, j 111 & 113 Consrress Streei SAVAKNAH. GEORGIA, j Goods Received by Every Steamer. Wo import our own or Ihiv them dlrcrirv trom tilt Maniifar-tu; We keep an experieneod Bnver constantlv in the Eastern Markets. ’ * * * . ‘• •. * * • . ‘ ! Indutceraerite. Offered fl .flljfjf W WWilLj Savannah !..••• . . • . mai JOY TO THE WORLD! . • TTT.F,'TVTTIOT !*•'’TI N • _ perry, dat® pre:: EIEIE: ‘ • . •.. x. !, a Itailo lof cvCrv Unutul! ‘ • . • j, lm and. :,!’•!.• • -tri. i ’ • \!1 he I >•;• u'V .It. \l ;• i:. *1 it ♦* >i•*mk a.a ’ * Tlio fiireat Farnilv Medicine of the tsre : EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE f CASE OF SUDDES • TACKS J V DISE • . [KES IN 7* CUR', ■ ■■ ■ ■ . Month Canker. Liver Complain Dispepsia of ln'<ii<resti< *. Cramp- p a ,P ln n.p Siomacli Bo well (lomplaifit Pain Diarrhoea ami Dyi-i* . TAKEN .EXTERNALLYIT CURES • g o ßs an l Old Sores severe Burns a I Sea 1 ot* Braioea an i Sprains Sweliii is Rineworm and Teller, Broken Breasi, Frosied • I'ooiiiache. Paio in the hace. Neuralgia arid Klipumaiism KILLER taken intemally *h aid he arimimstered witii milk or water, an sweetened with siurar if desired, or made inio a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH, j , I ; j . . , jj; | ■ tew i|rut. .--1 snear. eaten w; ’; he morp all active thai snythnie i else For a SORE THROAT, frartrle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and j he re-itef ‘’ immediate and cure po^iiivi ■ RANDELL & CO., fiiuimi hum, u nn ihT. n<i t nrnrr Hare A- Knrnnrd s>t*. SA VANNAH, GA A litre,-, nn 1 well A?ortrd - Constantly on H and. and for sale at Lowest Market Prices, j ‘Hi B Snecial attentirn given to ortiei hv mail accompanied * e. . i Nov 8 6mo fiFOttbi I —CMgaitt *!>- WHEREAS Marti • . nertv of Georgia Ann A. I,in ton, Mary C, ■ ’ I dec’ll—Notice i“ hereto-given m all parties, i to tile their objections in Court, on or before j M ■ . P. ft \\ I NO. Mar :J- .... . 1 1 1 • '• (i IOK H-fihw* t'sßun . , To all whom it mav Concern \\ hi-!,-.. 1 - 1 >rv!■-,- and ■ Nathan Itrvden has applied f< me tor Udmof Ad ministration oti “the-estate of Beniamin Dry den. late, of raid County deceasi Thdsp apf* to citE an<l admonish nil parties interested. whether kindred or eredii ors. to show cause if anv they have, within the rime prescribed by law. why letters should not be granted to raid ap'dicant W itness mv i land tins I • • ruarv ‘ H MORGAN, Feb ‘2l ‘8 3 and ■ < hrdiuary frEOßfil t Ta all wham *t may C mcern IT apneanng to the (J nrt that the estate of and- teol raid * ourrtv n-,- and om a tegai representative. 11l less goon c-iu-<.- is shown to the contrary, letters of admmia trarion nr bonus vim on said estate, will be issue ft to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other tit and proper person, on the tirst Monoav in Mav next. Given under nev hand and official aagnatm t, I this 12th dav of March. 180’ W ILLIAM SMITH, Mar 21 td Ordinary, TWO POVTHS XOTH’L —i wi” ptv to the honorable Court of Ordinary, or I nomas Conntv Georgia on the first Mon dav in June next for an order granting leave to aeii tke Rial Ewule —MI in ii neionging to Wimam Aide mi an deed • u. A.. ALDERMAN M= • . • Aths't I €S i:OK. Ia Berrien founli WHEREAS, F. H. Shenard and William 1 to m< for letters of adminis- 1 trafion on t.l,e estate of Let - And whereas .Mrs A V Moon app— i !• me fm - letters ot administration ife hetnt* non I 1 on the estate of Dr. J. H. Moore, deed. j I These are therefore to cue and admonish all j ■ i office .within- the time nrescriti* W, to I i show cause, ltanv thev liave. why said letters i U itness my ha “! ‘ W. EL CONNELL i Mar 28 3hu Ordinary. i I KRARGM —Berrien Count*. WHEREAS. The foilowme estates in said , ■ ■ G M Ctavt n I® I tiese are therefore to rile and adtnonis t persons interested to show cause, if any they - ’ some ot tier tit and i - ’ ■ - • “ W.-E. CONNEI Mat ■ ‘ . Ordinary • ; fiFiORGI ■%— I timii:i- on r> ■ f'mrt f ■ - (h:tlntnr>t Morth “JO/t. isot i O'S the first Mondav in -Mav next, W. 11. ! . Hancock wui applv so this Oourt for Perma ■ i..■■■■:. • xrttiiintstmttoi t . .lames Hancock. Occeased AH persons hav int r oliiectiottsare not.itied to tile t ’ H. H. TOOKE. Ma 18 < irstii try i CPORf.lA— * olonitt t onne SIXTY eta vs afterdate 1 -wilt npyly to the * Court ot (itilitrirv ot ( olonitt t rinnty. jo; ..... i order to sell all the. Real fjutatc tieioQginc to . { the estate of Larkin A. Dtuuiau, late of Col ; onm County deceased. , .iAXE E. DENMAN, j Mar 28 13 hod Adiu x, . GSmUjlA;—( *lsiri tannn * ours r. i ifrfiiriaru. Si a .<. I >M WHEREAS ’Mi- M HTthH Hh!lC<w4 IUH I appliottiou thirt iJnnri i*h* Ijvtterii* of Aamiu i mt rat ion wit h the wiii *tnnju*d. on the estate ! of Jumps L. Huncock. tfacSi *—All persons tn ■ •--- •• • wiii lake? due HoUee Uiereol. aiul n i thetr ohiPCtionßin Couft.-otherwise lci? ~ i le tfraute*! the HptUleant at the Mhv term ol • ‘ P€ - ! Mar 28-30d D. C- C 0. \’Tlf K—tin the First Monday in May i next, 1 will apply to the Honorable Court ! of i Irdtnarr of 1 nomas County, lor an order ; —-*-*p leave to toll Uie Hauas of Jesse Ward, i Swapaed H. J. \V AR I>, Feb 98 9 V- Adwi-r Un: ?aurii ru (tßirrpr:sc. I L . C . BRY A K EDITOR AHD PROPRIETOR. M BSdIIPTIOY TER.FIS Ttie “Sot T THEK3i ENTERPRISE ’ is publish- , ea weekly at Folk Doeraks per aupuia , i striaiy in advance. ADVERTISING TERMS. advertisements win Deinseriea iorone ; i dollar per sonare oi twelve lines or-le-s 1 i tor each insertion, from ihris rate & dis i couni ot twenty-!Tvx percent will De niaue j i lor aavcriisemem.’ inserted lor three I months or unaer six months, ana nirt per t cent tor twelve mouths or more. AH ad’ 1 i vernsements sent to me otbee must be i marked wun me Dimmer ol insertions, de- | i sired or (he period to be published, and in , ! every instance accompanied wu h i lie amount i i required for payment. Marriages ar.d | I deaths will hereafter be charged for as ad l vern-senienu. bpeciai or editorial nonces ! I witi be published and cnnrired at double the i above rates. Payments must be made in Current tunas. Remittances mav tx i made by Express at our risk All other,. ! i must be at - the risk ot ‘those making • i the same. isuDscrmerg names wilt bedropeu I trom the list at the end ot the term tor j i winch me subscriMion has been paid, un i less renewed. All communications should ; be addressed to Proprietor Southern h i orim. Tri&maxvtiit; >,< luhul ADTERTINE.FI I! \ 1 - All person.’ naviuir occasion -to adver-.j t rise Hegai* naies.- Xoticc. i pel led by lum to comtuv whu i.nv foilowii . : Adminhlrßlorn. I-. xpriuor*. or orru <1 urn • [ AH sales At Land by Administrators, L.\ I ecu tors or Guardians, are required by law ii> tie held on the first Tuesday it . • 1 o’clock in the forenoon, and mree h .me afternoon, at the'Court House’in the foirtitv m wiiun tne proneriv i siiu::!; • ’Nonces m these safes must do given it a public Gazette Forty liays previou toe dav ot sa . ■ . | sain of Pirnal PM|ill ty : ine-sate'ol Persona'! Proper!; must be given at least leu Hays previ- j i HnHMO Id'liinr* uml linlnn. Notices to Jdebrtors and t reditor's ol a . .’ i ouri ol Ordintiri t,•>,<- n. * I Notice that application wilt be made -to ’ ‘ • . ‘ Lauds, must be published weekly fe ! . IWH Milllii V mil hum trillion ahe i.Earainu,ui|i :• Dismission from Admipistrauou, montl . ton MX .'V : < hmlMßinf tloru-i. •s’ for Foreclosure ot Mortgage tie publishrd mnnlhiv tor Four Mon- | - rtl 1(1 l.xll I 111- k O’ • * .it. ’ o', novwr-e or-i-- • # RI LL MM. CEOKPiA-TllOtlAß ( Ol'VTl . S’ ■ !'!■-’ Augustin if. Hansell, Judg- < : ’ Aosepli t tat l i apyiearing to the Court hy Ae Petiti 1 James L. .seward taccompanied bv lm- j I d-d Ji 1■ ■: -_ ( Sovembef IHtin. the. lietendai , ■ McLendon, his two certain Pronussori No - ; lli-.-milL’- llnti TANARUS!: * il.. V ;ilu! \ e;ll Mb.M-fSllid hv in one ot said pronnssrtrv notes, he the sax. j Joseph Clav. by t.iie hrst dav of January, 18t..< | promised upat tothesaid William McLendo , or hearer. Three Thousnud Four Hundred am: j seventv-two Dollars and Thirty-three Ceals j with interest on said notes from Ist of Januai -: i M toi value received, and hv tlie otiii said promissory notes, he the said Josep first dai oi Jaxtuary timh., promis pity thesaid William McLendon or bcaier. to , •sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred au< Seventv-two Doilara and Thirty-three Cents, i tor value received with interest from ti dav ot ,ianuar\ s’ Aim. that afterwards, on the day an aforesaid, the Defendant. Joseph Clay, tin- i better to secure the payment ot said mites, exe i idled aild delivered to ftie sad! \S ,b... Lendon. ins Deed ot Morurane. whereliv the j said Defendant to t.he stiid Wiliiam j McLendon, lots ot Land numbered as follow* (o wit •—No. |3l| three hundred aud ninetee;. in the Thirteenth District, ongiaaily lrwfn now Thomas Countv.containitur Five Hundred j Eleven and a nail acres: also. No. Rfci*i in sait lbsirn t and toimiv. rontUuum.’ Fiv< ilui o • and Xinetv acres, more or less: also, a pan ot i T’hree Hundred and Twenty-six i326i. in same I District and t onwv. oommenciny at. the south- i east corner of said lot ana ruunuur north 2n t eiiains hui; ■ i.iiks lo a comer, thence wesi l atrv three etiains and eleven links to a corner, thence north 4*i chains and 11 links to the ritrlit i of wmv to rne Railroad, tnence aieag the Tight I ot wav in the orprinal lane line, thence < — along the original line to rne corner, thence.) nvei to the begiHuiti? cornet containing fwo i Hundred and Fortv-eight and a quarter acres. 1 vi non- settlement containing t wi iv H deed and Fifty acres. And vonr petitioner sheweth that iiearer ot said notes and deed ol mormatfe. nav- i itur come .into fair, due and legs I tradi . and hv a i ■ reimlai transfer ol said mortgage by tie- said • ’ iionei mi the Him dav of March.- lh’ n bv reference to -tne deed ol mortmiv -now m Court to he shd’ And it further appearing to the’ Raid notes remain nnpaid.'it ir therefore ordered i . - before the firsi da.V ot the next Tenn ot ihi t dnrt the principal, interest and cos! ; said notes.or show cause to the contrary if any h - ‘ And that on failure of Detenflant so to the < mption m aud to said inort entred premises ie forever thereafter, barred and torerios- . , And it is tnrttier ordered, that tins Eu nntdished in t.he fioutnem Enterprise, once a month tor three months, previous to the net:* term of this t onrt. ora or his special atteui. or attorney at law. ti r- • mont ns previous to the next term of tiiis Court. A true extract iroui iVliuuies ‘inomas Supe nor Court. March 3, LEBBEUS DEKLE. Clerk Mar 7 ‘ In laini’m ('ROKLIA —4 ntuigk m>r Court of Ordinary. March I. 1866. WHEREAS. Ansel Dekie. (inardian for and ot tne persona, property and effects of Nervy, Ann and Eddy Dekie minors of said county, manes application hv petition to tins Conn, for Letters ol Dismission trom said Guardian ship:—Alt persons interested will file their ohiections in said Court, otherwise said letteis ■will he granted in terms of the law H. H. TOOK! Mar T 10.3 M Ordinary. ORDINANCI r> IT RIAITVKI> tiv A Council of the 1 otctt of 1 hoffumv . . ■ from and alter the first day of Marel I ’ .tin'’ following License? and iaxessnui i> upon oecapiinaM • ana eonmodi . IWb, liwMfter tpnifiwl; i | On each baieol Cotton stored within it, I • eorporntm ...... I i io be reported and- paid bv the • •. of the V\ arehous i sucn cotton may be-stored witbn amth ox the tone of acnot-.. TH iialtv o'l nve dollars tine : ou each bait On all Retailer? of Munition-. - t t in Quantai>. ana . . ‘ ‘ • On nil Venders of lamer? Tickt iOu nil Express t oidjm i Atren i On three % endue h - On aU goods. aokfat Auction • pe ; Fhe Auctioned to make wej oniß, aud collect ami ita\ ov< r . Marshal; ttudei a peualti - . ’ than live nor more titan twenty-five dot tars for each and every net, • .. i Auctioneers to close their sales o clock, t . M.. tttttit-r a penal tv • less tnan .five dollars Mr non tin vi reach and every uegiei discretion of tht H ; On nil goods sold on eomnnsr ... • Commission Merchant . - of the town nun . ‘ • . . . : <in ail Itinerant i rath M area aud Merchaud i And for each week m - ’ ; • ■ i On-all Mackaten t tki . ■ i Onuii Insurance Company Agei i . ■ * - . Oil ail two norse D ■ • ‘t-r-jti. - ‘ . graphic or like Arusi ’ .. f ‘■ i On all non-resident Lawyers an • oam. oli • . • • . - • i On all Life uses ami Meui . r • • ‘#i aits oyvi r i:..\nn t’ > m all Li very‘lStahie* eat it. pet • ‘ . Stock Drivers of lie ’- - - - - ‘ ‘ . . • . . / < * • - . • * * .•. • ‘ . I indebtednes; ol tbe s . ’ V . . AN ORDINANCE. | HE IT OKUAIM.Ii I It i tn- i.••• ii-- i -nail be taaen out lor one yeai ir i if March, and under one hundred A i annum be payable tu full on the hrsi 1 ‘! end ol 11 taken om wtier thu! ne paid it>r pro rout up to tne suceeeoii * Licenses over ©he hnniln - t-Kti inan uvu liiiiiurri! n-'ii annuativ in advanct ; and ah • ’ . good -and sufficient st iromi'l ini: Hitii: iue. Licenses to sell spirituous .am quarterly in adva ’ , ‘ m'W ■ iiiiit all pers-ms win. -ar- r>- i uns Ordinance t<< takeout Licenses. . so to do wittuu htteei daj • . . in the■ manner.prescribed shall ix hilt uni not less tnan one doits nt ten dollars at tbe discretion ..i me May . :SU i (i's 111 eV• 1 a i />’ < in t.tU Ol Ilf tl<t i ii..’ all Ordinances and parts nances cohtiictimr with this hah me same an I*. MeGLASHAN. Mayor • WM. CLIXE < 1. AN OHDIX.Wx 11E IT IIRDAI ‘ Bit I Council ot the loiriiol i Hoot tin\ the Marshal is ueretiv authorized hiih >-ti <• ered to summon aim call out. whenevet at nis discretion lie mav Hunk it a proper tu alt able bodied male citizens between tne -i_ oi eighteen and fmty-ive years, by poe notices of such call aud time in various pai ‘ . He %t turtJtfr errfitit /ted try ttVC author aiorenatii. Thai sn'cti emit shall oe made n > • davs or less, subject to a penalty ol one dolls tine tor neglect to attend. an Hf it further oran - hat o u the ali -’ aforrsmti. That sucu citizens, so caiiei; shall tie employed in working me street pain nt; bridges. and ooinu all other needii work on the public thorougfares within n corporate limits ol tne town, under tne dir* oi a competent fsuuenntenuem. to oe ape ed bv Council. P. McGLASHa.-- . WM. CLINE i t.l liOiniit ‘ oi. To all tritom 1 1 way Goucer IT appear!ng to the Court that the es\ • ! Christian Lnneborger. late of said Conn’ dec a. is wiinoui a leant represent;! v having applied for letters of aoministratun said estate. Lniess good cause is shown u contrary, letters ol administration will be i sued to the Clerk of the Miperior t oi some otner ht and proper person, on Up , Mondav in May w x Given nnder mv iiand. at office, this aav of March IBt WILLIAM SMITH, Mar 21 I Grain GV)hKLA A—liwsto * “* jo on IT how o may Cower n IT appear in; io the ( onn that Uieesu. Isaac M< Kadden. laie of said Count \. o without a legal representative. iiooue navi! applied for letters of aunimistrution on sa • Unless good cause is showr t contrary, letters t>t aauumsi ration will be sued to the Clerk of the Superior Conn some other nt and proper person, on the Mondav m May next Given nnder mv hand, at office,, on this lx. I day of March, Ibtm. WILLIAM &MIT Mar 21 -td Grams-