Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 09, 1866, Image 4

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Wholesale Dealers in Dry Gooils, Men’s, Boys’, Ladies’ ami Children’s Straw Hats and Milliners Goods of all kinds, 139 Congress Street , Savannah , Georgia. St H O E LEATHER DEPOT 152 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. THE attention of Merchants and Plaaters in Thomas and adjoining Counties, is in vited to our large Stock of BOOTS, SHOES LEATHER AND EI isr G i isr gs, WHICH ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST. CAS II PRICES. Our stock embraces every thine desirable, from the coarsest to the tinest goods manufac tured. • OUR LEATHERS, flOf/E. CAIiF-MKIN, KIP. HAR NESS, MOROCCO, Arc., is full. We keen constantly large lots of NAILS, PEGS, THREAD, WAX, Ac., Ac., with SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS, in great variety J 33 CONtiRESS STREET. CL ill Ik & 111 USC II April 18 • 3m S. M. GOLDING, Wholesale mid Retail Denier in HATS AND CAPS, MILLINERY, Straw Goods. &c., 153 Congress t„ SAVANNAH, OA. April 11 3m PALMER & DEPPISHJ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in H Allls EL -LJ, CTTEERV. FITES, EDOE TOOLS,, IMPLEMENTS,. Powder, Shot. C’nps nnd I.end. 14S CONGRESS 67 ST JULIEN STS. “it terrS:} Savannah. 6a. April 18 3m SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. GROCERS AN D Commission Me rc li ants, SAVANNAH, GA We would bo liappy to see our former patrons and friends, also, the public gene rally, at our store at the head of the Bay, opposite Jefferson Street, Savannah, Geor gia. We would be hapyy to receive from Planters, Cotton or any other produce, and sell on the most favorable terms, and fill their orders at the lowest market prices and return to them the sales of property. D. T. SCRANTON, Os the late firm of ‘Scranton & Johnson. WM. 11, SMITH* t Os the late firm of Ilabun & Smith. J. L. LARGE. • Os Savannah, Georgia. SAVANNAHCHEAP DRY GOODS STOME3. B.lßZli with | K. MI. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods mi-toiiUM, DRESS GOODS. TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac*. congress st.J Savannah, Ga., Ar>*H 13 ■ 3m M. FERST & C 0.7 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SXIGAUS, FANC Y GROCERIES, CANDIES, Ac., Ac., on hand, a large stock of TO. BACCO'S. No. 150 CONGRESS STREET, l Savannah, Ga. April IS 6m ROBERT BALFORE, B holcsalc and Retail Dealer in Family Groceries, 151 BROCGIITON STREET, (One door West of Barnard,) SAVANNAH, t GEORGIA. April 18 2m OLD BOURBOX WHISKEY Sl.oo , er Bottle, at the OUR HOUSE Old Bourbon Whiskev $3.30 per Gallon at the ’ Ol’k HOUSE. Genuine Havana CIGARS at the OUR HOUSE. ICE constantly kept at the * OUR HOUSE. Edinburg and Falkirk ALE at the OUR HOUSE. ALE constantly on Draught at the , Q OUR HOUSE. April 18 16-ts 6*ORGIA —Thomas County; Agreeable t an order of the honorable Court of Ordir.aiv of gain County, I will sell before the Court House door of said Countv, at Tkomasville, within the legal hours of sale’ on the first Tuesday in June next the Reid Estate and Lands of Thomas Harvin, deceased- Terms of sale cash. R COPELAND, Adm'r. April 18 16.40,1 C. H. WILLCOX, Superintendent T. H. WILLINGHAM, WHOLESALE Grocers, I 13 Congress & 51 St. .Inlien Sts.,; SAVANNAH, OA., i Keep constantly on hand, and receiving : per every Steamer, all kinds of wsim SEOARS, TOBACCO. Ac.. Ac Prompt attention given to Orders accom panied with remittance. apr 11 1-m DAVID MILE*: MERCHANT TAILOR, JNO. li WHITAKER STRH*T. Bthcecn Bryan and Bay Streets. 1"S now receiving his Spring and Summer _ Stock, comprising tine French Cloths and Cassimeres; also, tine Fancy French Cassij meres an<l ’Coatings, Drap E te, Flannels, White and Brown Linen Dnck, Marseilles, Ac., which he will make up at the shortest list ice and in the most fashionable style. Remember No. 12 Whitaker April 18 16-ts Southern House. HOLCOMBE & CO,, [Thos. Holcombe, established 1836.] 181 BAY STREET, OLD STAND. \T7TLL KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand a T T full stock of GROCERIES, WIXIS AND LIQUORS, To sell at wholesale, at a small advance on New York prices. Twos. Holcombe. Fred. M. IIrL.L. April 4 14-3 m New Furniture Store. M.NEWMARK, 34 Broughton doors west of L Whitaker, at rr ‘ ‘ V-'V] di - - *•* Z Morrell's Old ‘Jifc STAND, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Keeps constantly on hand a good supply of Parlor. Chamber and KITCHEN FISITIIII, MS, .llatfrcsMes, (liildrcn's Car riages, &C. Jlattresses renovated and Furniture re paired at the shortest possible time. All ei ders promptly attended to and carefully pack ed. 6m Forty Days Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA —Thomas County. ALL persons indebted to James A. McLen don, deceased, will make payment to the un dersigned. and till those having claims against him. are notified to present them in form and within the time prescribed by law. m. j. McLendon, • April 25 dOd • • Adm’x. GEORGIY—Echo!* Count}'/ W HEREAS, John C-- Roberts applies for Letters of Administration on the estate, of Ishain Roberts, late of said County, deceased This is therefore to admonish all persons con-’ cerned or interested, to lie and appear at ray office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why letters of ad ministration should issued to the appli-’ cant- Given under mv hand at office this 23rd day of March, 1866. •’ T. B. CLAYTON, April 25-30d • • Ordinary. • GEORGIY—EcIioIs County. WHEREAS, Elizabeth Corbett applies for Letters of Administration on, the estate of Geo. W. Corbett, late of s;iid County, deceased .- This is therefore to admonish all persons con cerned or interested, to he and anpear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, to show canse. if any they can, why letters of .administration should not be issued to the ap plicant. Given under my hand at office, this 23rd day of March, 1866.’ ‘ • T. B. CLAYTON, April 25-ts Ordinary.. GEORGIY—EcIioIs County. WHEREAS, a. Miller,’ applies to the Court of Ordinary of said County, for Letters of Guardianship for the property, person and ef fects of John I’rine. minor heirof Eob'srt Prine, deceased: —All persons are notified to file their objections in said Courf, otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of tiie law. this 23rd day of March, 1866. T. B. CLAYTON, April 25-30d .Ordinary. ■ —t . GEORGIY— EcIioIn County. WHEREAS, R. ,T. I.evar. applies to the Court of Ordinary of said County, for Letters of Guardianship, for the persons, property and effects of Mary, James. Sarah, Leffeute Fletch er. minor heir's o! John W. Fletcher, deceased: All persons are notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of the law, this 23rd day of March, 1866. T. B. CLAYTON, April 25 80d Ordinary- GEORGIY—EchoIi County. WHEREAS. Thos. J. Roberts, applies to the Court of Ordinary of said County, for Let ters of Guardianship’ of the person, property and effects of the minor heir of John L. Rob erts, deceased:—All persons are notified to tile their objections in said Court, otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of the law, this March 23rd, 1866. T. B- CLAYT'ON, „ April 25-30d Ordinary. GEORGIY—Thomas County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary. THE undersigned, administrator on the es tate of Jesse Ward, deceased, sheweth that it is necessary to sell the Lands belonging to said deceased, for the purpose of distribution among the distributees thereof. Petitioner therefore prays for an order of said Court, granting him leave to sell the same, and as in duty bound will ever pra’ . &c. 11. J WARD, Adm’r. GEORGIY —Thomas Comity. Court of Ordinary, April 1 6th, 1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered bv the Court that’ said Petition and this order he published in the Thomasville En terprise every two weeks for two months. II II TOOKE, April 18-40d Ordinary. STUART'S HOTEL VALDOSTA, GEO The want of a good hotel having long been felt at this point, the subscriber has been induced to take charge of this establishment formerly known as the VaP dosta hotel, which will be thoroughly re paired and refitted, and opened for the ac commodation of the traveling public on the first day of January next. Having had some experience in this line of business, he believes himself competent to render his guests comfortable and to make their stay with him both comfortable and igree able, and no pains will be spared to effect this object. ll is table will be supplied with the best the market affords and char ges moderate, C. T. STUART.- Attached to this Hotel is an excellent Stable where careful and trusty hostlers, will always be found to care for horses and attend to any thing in that depart* ment. Jan 4, t-f SPOONER’S CUKE Mstil bM) loti) Mtiistil 11-tl l-t Chills and Fever, ‘• ; Bilions Fever, ‘ Intermittent Fever, Remittent Fever, Congestive. Chills, Anti-Fever AND . AQUE I Diarrhea, v ‘ ’ Dysentery, • J Periodical Headache, Dumb Ague. T&TT T O Q-'a A A JL X JL-? JL.9 a For Sale by all Druggists. Wm. Spooner & Cos., Nashville, Tenn. NOTICE To Everybody We the undersigned can now say to the Public that wc are ready to GRIND CORN, as wc have purchased an engine and mill of -sufficient power to do good Work, and the way yotf have to prove it is to bring your Corn and see if you do not■ jget good- Meal.ln connection with our Mill we-will make Furniture to order, Sash, Blinds-, Doors, Rip, Dress, Tongue and Groove Plank, make Coffins to order tvith neat ness .and despatch, we will also take con tracts for Building houses. TAYLOR & DEKLE. I feel thankful to the Public for their liboral patronage extended to me hereto* fore, and hope I may merit a confirmation of the same. ISAIAH DEKLE. AHEAD J HAVING a Ent-gc SiorU of Cine Ei qiior* on hand, we have REDUCE D tlc I*rice, as follows : Old Bourbon. XXX, - $2.00 per Bottle. Do. do. XX, - - 1.50 “ Do. do. X, - 1.00 “ “ French Brandy, Pure, - 3.00 “ “ Hennessey Brandy, - 3.00 “ Otard, Dapoy & Cos., - - 3.00 “ • “ Piuet. Castilloa & Cos.. ■ - 2.00 “ “ Cognac Brandy, - - 1.75 “ 4 ‘ Holland Gin, Pure, - . - 2.09 “ “ Old Swan Gin. Pure, - - 2.00 “ Choice Old Port Wine. - 2.00 “ “ Choice Old Sherry Wine, 2.00 *• “ Choice Old Madeira Wine, 2.00 “ “ Claret “ St. Julien Medoc,” 1.00 “ C. Ileidsick’s genniue Champagne, $3.00 qts. Do. do. do. 1.75 pts. Old Bourbon Whiskey, XXX, $6.00 per gallon. Old Bourbon Whiskey, XX, 5.90 “ “ Old Bourbon Whiskey, X, 4.00 “ •* ! Old Bourhon. (by the barrel,) 3.60 “ “ 30.000 CIG"Y RS of Choice Brands, and Genuine Imported Havana, do. Anderson's Solace Tobacco, cents per paper. Massey, Collins & Go's YEE, on draught. Also, London and Edinburg Ale ami Por ! t c r, in Pints, 50 CENTS. ICE! I C E!! Always on hand during the summer. Our motto is strictly C. O. D. PETERS & PERRY. Attached to the “ Our House ” is JNiTo. KTine, Where a choice and varied.assortment flf FAMILY GROCERIES Are constantly kept. i CA© OYSTERS, 6-5 cents , i Two Pounds Can. riF Call and examine Prices DRYGOODS! SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE! ORFF & WATKINS, 111 & 113 Congress Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Goods Received by Every Steamer. We Bin port our owii Cicods or luy tlaein directly from flac Itlainit'aeturers. We keep an experienced’ Buyer constantly in the Eastern Markets.: Tucliiceirients Offered. ’ A mini mmm : nr nmm. Savannah, Feb. 1, IG6G. _ ‘ . . ‘mar 7-3 m • TBBBATJ & PHILLIPS. At the Whitaker Street Shoe Store, • ; North-East. C orner of Ri euphlon SJrccl Eane, Savannah, Ga. •’ ‘ - - i \ r - ’ ’ WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE FINEST . Hoots, Shoes <y Gaiters OEMTLCHKN’B. AMO BOYS WOOL AND STRAW HATS, Tranks and Valises, •AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ’ ‘ ./• . L. C. TEBEAU. . • ; W. S PHILLIPS. April 18 , . _ • g . LATHROP- & COMPANY, AT THE OLD STAND OF HENRY LATHKOP & CO* t oi wcr of Congress and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. t 1 • > —— * . • • ‘ . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in F OItEX.O3SF A VI! t: OMESTIE Dll Y GOO I) s ! CARPETING, MATTING. OIL CLOTHS’ LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, tfcC., B>. FATIYRMP, l.ntc 0. &E, S. LATIIROP so. J. W. KEVITT, IVKmT.LiTBBOP&Co., Aprii 11 • ‘ ■’ 15 • 3m JOY TO THE WORLD ! THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has Relieved more Pain, and caused more Real Joy than any other one tiling that can be named! Is a llalm for every W ound ! Our first Physicians use it, and recommend its use ; the Apothecary finds it first among the Medicines called for, and the Wohlesale Druggist considers it a leading article of is trade. All the Dealers in Medicine speak alike in its favor : and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and it is The Great Family Medicine or the Age! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDEN ‘AT TACKS IN DISEASE TAKEN INTERN AT L Y IT CUR ES Sore Throat. Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.. Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp aud Pain in the Stomach, Bowell Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dystery, TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES # Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns a~d Scalds. Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. PAIN KILLER taken internally should be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, ?f desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops of sugar, eateir, will be more affective than anythnig else. For a SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and! the relief is immediate and cure positive. New Goods! rTIITE undeisigned have just opened, and J. will keep constantly on hand, at the store formerly owned by Dr. U. J. Bruce, a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, 6ioii|U)g, LADIES’ OK ESS GOODS of every Description, ROOTS ANU.SHOES, IIATS AND CAPS, f rockery, China & Glassware, Hardware, GROCERIES, &c., &c., (fee., Which they will sell VERY LOW for CA-SII or Country Produce. and examine our Stock before pur chasing elsewhere. D. J. .& J. W. SHEFFIELD. Tliomasviile, Jan 31 5 3m ; FURNITURE J|l sffia | rjXIIE undersigned has opened a Shop in |- in Thomasville, for. the Manufacture and Repairing of FURNITURE, ■Making and Furnishing Coffins, Ac., &c. s3?“Sho'p second door from the Print ing Office, on Jefferson street. L. J SPITZ. . Jan 1 3m SUT ERI NT ENT'S OFFICE A. & G. T>. I!. December 25th, 1865.. NOTICE. Sortest and most pleasant route to Savannah, via W althourville, Riceboro’, and Sunberry. ■ Through jfrom ’ ■ ■ Thomasville to Sav- . ; ■ . anmtli in ■3O . ■ • hours. 4 ‘ • \ia Rail -Road 165 Miles. Stacc 22 Mitesi .Steam’Boat 85 Miles. Leave 7hotnasyille every Monday, Wednes .day and Friday, Arrive at .Savannah every 1 uesday,-Thursday and .Saturday, connecting with .Steamers to Baltimore, New York and other Northern Ports; ‘ . RETURNING. ‘ , Leave .Savannah on Monday, Wednesdhy .and Friday. Arrive at Thomasville on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, in time to con nect with Stages - so Albany, Ga., and Talla hassee and Montieello, Fla. ’ . GJ. FULTON', Sup*tA & GRR. *** Tallahassee- Floridian and Albany Pat.- riot copy t\yo weeks uad send bill to tjiis-of fice- . ‘ jun, 4tf Cl )t Sov.ffuru enterprise* O 0 . I . L. 0. BRYAN. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ‘SUBSCRIPTION .TERTIS. • o • The Southern Enterprise is published ■ ice/sly at .Four Dollars per cumum. m strictly IN ADVANCE. “. • . Advertisements will hr inserted for One Dollar per squari of twelve lines or less for .each insertion. From this rate a discount of Twentp-Jive per cent, will be made for adver tisements inserted for three months or under six months,'and Fifty per cent- for tweve months or more. All Advertisements sent to the office must be marked with the number of insertions desired or the period to be published , ‘and, in every instance accompanied with the amount re quired for payment. Marriages and Deaths •will hereafter be charged for as advertisements. Special or editorial notices will be published and. charged at double the above rates. ■ Payments must be made in current fiiuds. Remttt'anccs may be by Express at- our risk. All others-must be at the risk of those ’ making the same. Subscribers-names will be dropped from the. list at the end of the term for Which the sub ■ script ion has been paid, unless renewed All communications should be addressed to the “Proprietor Southern E-nterpjiise, Thomasville, Georgia.” o —= — I.EGAI. ADVERTISEMENTS. All persons having occasion to advertise Legal Sales, Notices’, etc., are compelled by law to comply with the following rules : Administrators, Executors , or Guardians : All sales of Land by Administrators, Execu tors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the tours of ten o’clock in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the dayof sale. Sale of Personal Property :—Notices of the sale of personal property must be given at least . ten days previous to the day of sale. Estate Debtors and Creditors :—Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Court of Ordinary Leave to Sell: —Notice that application will be made so the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lands, must be pub lished weekly for two months. Administrators and Guardianship :—Cita tions for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days; for Dismission from Administration, monthly for six months. Foreclosure of Mortgage .—Rules for Fore closure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months. Establishing Lost Papers .-—Notices estab lishing Lost Papers must be published for the full term of three months. £*l*7 utilisations will always he continued according to the above rules, unless otherwise ordered. GTORGlA—l.oumlca County. M HEREAS, It appearing to this Conrt that the estate of Henry W. Touchstone, late of said County, deceased, is without a legal re presentative : —Unless good cause is shown to the contrary, Letters of Administration will be granted and issued to the Clerk of the Supe l-ior Court or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in June next. Given un der uiv hand and official signature, this 24th day of’April, 1866. WILLIAM SMITH, May 2-30d Ordinary. SPOONER'S Immunity against the Fevers and Chills of Spring and Fall, . the Dysenteries and Diarrheas of Summer, and the various. Bilious corhplai.nts attendant upon the entire year, is what the South needs and must have • before that favored region will attain the full meed of its great ness. Emigration thither has been and is retarded for the lack of it; and for the. same reason, cotton raisihg has been restricted and interfered with . SIMM k a&I In view of- these facts Dr. Spooner offers’ to the people of the. South, and to Emigrants’ going thither,- his. ANT I- • FEVER AN D AG U E PILLS, which, have been demonstrated, repeatedly and repeatedly, to be an unerring and never-failing preventive . and cure of all Bilious com plaints incident to the South and West. Try. but. .one ex periment; the cost is trifling, the result, is.beyond any con tingency. It never has . tailed and. never can, while Physiol oo;y remains a science. . • . tliSSy For. Sale by alb Druggists, . Wm. Spooner &c Cos. Nashville, Tenn. ■ sera of low, marshy,, and over flowed regions,; or where mi asma prevails, and alt EMIGRANTS TO THE SOUTH ATJD WEST, should not be, for a single day, without SPOONER’S ANTI-FEVER. AND AGUE PILLS, in order that when, they , are’ attacked with Chills and Fever, Bilious, Intermittent or. Remittent Fevers, Dumb Ague, Con-, gestive Chills, Pain .in the Back, Periodical .Headache, Diarrhea or Dysentery, (to which they are constantly lia blej) they may promptly and effectually be cured, without the loss of a single day’s- labor. • Their success is not contingent upon anything; they will never fail to cure effectually and per- - manently. 4 . For .sale by all Druggists.. . For sale in ThUfnasville bv • Dr. P. S. “BOVVER - - • lit E OKtiil A—Loiiimlcm C'ou 11 Ij. WHEREAS, Derlnis Witherington. Guar dian of the.person and property of Nancy, Ra- ’ chel, Mary, Surrcna, Elizabeth, Moisey Jasse. Witherington, minors of said County,-having fail v discharged his trust, applies to be dismiss-’ .ed from his Guardianship:—Therefore all per sons concerned are hereby notified and reouired to appear at my office, on the first Monday in. •April next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be granted. Given under mv hand and official signature-, this 22d day of February. 1866.’ william <i. Smith, . Feh2B 9-6 m C. C-Ord. 14 K O KGl.l—liOwmicM County. WHEREAS, Allen Jones, Administrator of VV illiam Y. Hill, late of said County, deceased,- having filed his this Court for Let ters of Dismission from said estate: —This is therefore to admonish all concerned, to lie and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, ut office, this 24th day of January, 1866. WILLIAM SMITH, Jail 31-m6m Ordinary. riHVO MONTHN NOTICE—I will ap- J. ply to the honorable Court of Ordinary, of Thomas County, Georgia, on the first Mon day in June next, for an order granting leave to sell the Kqal Estate and Lands belonging to William Alderman, dec’d. It. A. ALDERMAN, Mar2B-2m Adm’x. GEORGIA —Colquitt County. SIXTY days after date 1 will apylv to the Court of Ordinary of Colquitt County, for an order to sell all the Real Estate belonging to the estate of Larkin A. Denman, late of Col quitt County, deceased. JANE E. DENMAN, Mar 28 13-60d Adrn’x. R LOOMING. CERE US. The finest preparation of the day. sale by W. P. CLOWER & CO., Jan 31-stf Apothecaries Hall.