Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 30, 1866, Image 4

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Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Men’s, Boys’, Ladies’ and Children’s Straw Hals and Millinery Coods of all kinds, 139 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia. S H O £3 LEATHER DEPOT 152 CONGRESS STREET, NATA\>.4II. 0.4. THE attention ot Merchant* and Planters in Thomas ami adioiuing Counties, is in cited to our lartrc Stock ot BOOTS, SHOES LEATHER AND FINDINGS, WHICH ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Oar stock embrace* every thing desirable, , from the -coarsest to the fiue.-t floods uuuniXac turad. OCR LEATHERS. i •OI F. CAI.r-*I4l'V. KIP. W4B *KW. tIOKOCt O, Arc., ia full. We keep constantlv large lots of NAILS. a pegs thread. Wax. a-.., Ar.. with .SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS, in great variety. Hi CUMiKEM STKELT. C l. IKK A 111 ICSC II . Arril IS - dm S. M . COLI HMR • Wholesale anil llrtnil Dralrr in Hats and caps, Ml LLIN£ ft Y, Straw Goods. Ac., I 3.1 f onyrraa Ml., .4 VA > > AH, CS A. April 11 3m PALMER & DEPPISH, Wholesale. an l Retail Deal rs iri CI'TIiERV, FII.FH, EDGE TOO!/**, ARBId I.TI K 11, I H PI. ELUENT*, Powder, St hot, f'nps mid l.rnil. 148 CONGRESS ,j- 67 ST. JULIES STS. Ya'KS} Sav annah, Ga. \pril IS 3n> j SCRANTON. SMITH & Go.! GROCERS ! AN D j Commission Merchants,j SAVANNAH, GA We would he happy to nee our former patrons and friend*, also, the public gene rally. v our store at the head of the Bay, •>: p .site Jefferson Street, Savannah, Geor- I‘\ Wo would be hapyy to receive from Planters, Cotton or any other produce, nnd sell on the most favorable terms, and fill their orders at the lowest market prices sui return to them the gates of property. D. T. SCRANTON, Os the late firm of Scranton & Johnson. IVM. H. SMITH- Os the late firm of Rabun A Smith. j. L. LARGE. Os Savannah. Georgia. SAVANNAH CHEAP DRY GOODS! STORE. 1.1111 with fi. I II. ; WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods m\n } miiw, DRESS GOODS. TRUNKS. VALISES, Ao. t., s Savannah, Go., April IS 3m | M.FEIST * C 077 wholesale dealers in WINKS, LIQUORS. | •EGAK4 FANCY RKOCERIES, CANDIES, Ac., Ac.. j r\l**v on hand, a largo stock of TO. 4CC’S. No. 150 CONGRESS STREET, 1 Ror in Nftv York, / Sovronnoß fla 2v canai savannah,ua. April IS 6m ROBERT BALFORE. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE Family Groceries. 131 BROCGIITON STREET, (One door West of Barnard,) •ATANNAH, i . (GEORGIA. April IS Sm OIJ* BOURBON WHISKEY fl.fto. Bottle, at the OUR HOUSE. Old Bcnrbon Whiskey $3 50 per Or Hon at tie OUR HOUSE. Oenniee Hsvaaa CIGARS at the OUR HOUSE. ICE eorstigffy ieet a; the OUE HOUSE. Hamburg and Falkirk ALE at the OUR HOUSE. ALL on Draught at the OUR HOUSE April U 16-ts (•KORIiIA —Thomas Couuty. Agreeable te an order of the honorable Court •f Ordinaiy of sai Chanty. I will sell before the Cour House door of said Count v. at Thoniatville. within the legal hours of Kile, on tb* hr*t Tuesday in June next the Real Estate *iid Lands of Thomas H&rvin, deoeased- Terms of sal# cash H. COFKLAND. Adm’r. j April It I* 4** C. H. WILLCOX, Superintendent T. H WILLINGHAM, WHOLESALE Grocers, A43 Consmi A 37 St. J alien 51a.,1 SAVANNAH. GA.. Keep constantly on hand, and receiving per everv Steamer, all kinds of iIBDOWIV SUGARS. TOBACCO. Ac, Ac. Prompt attention given to Order* accom- i panied with remittance. apr 11 12m DAVID BA ILLY. MERCHANT^ JNO. I'J W HITAKER | Between Bryan and Bay Streets. I S now receiving his Spring and Summer j I Stock, comprising line French Cloths and Ciiswmeree; also, line Fancy French Cassi-. 1 meres and Coating*. Drap E'te, Flannels, | White and Brown Linen Duck, Marseilles. Ac., which he will make up at the shortest notice and in the most fashionable style. £ No. 12 Whitaker Street. fSE April 18 16-ts. Southern Houso. HOLCOMBE & CO., [Thos. Holcombe, established 1836.] 181 BAY STREET, OLD STAND. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand a ▼ full stock of GROCERIES, WIM'S 4Y> l,l({IORS To sell at wholesale, at a email advance on ‘ New York prices. Titos. Holcombs. Fred. M. Hull. April 4 1-4-'Jtn • * I JOSE Q. FELIPE Desires to call the attcutioh of COSSOISEDRS & CQINTH Y DEALERS To his admirable and cheap stock of J FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC i . SEGARS Smoking and Virginia chewing TOBACCO&c At Wholesale and Retail', A. Ponce’ 8 Old Stand, corner of Bryan and Whitaker streets Savannah Ga. • April otn SCRANTON, SMITH & Cos. Keep constantly on hand, Choice o!(l j [ BRANDIES, ! WHISKIES, j WINES, j GIN, 4c., | And every variety of Groceries j i * ‘ Also,— IIAY, CORN, OATS and BRAND, Strictly at wholesale to the Trade, and w | (latter ourselves that we can make it to . the interest of Dealers to patronize us. At the head of Bay street opposite Jeffer son street. ; Apr 11 6m E. P. DEYO’S FAMILY !GROCERY STORE,! No. 13.1 lirnughtAD (Street. | yO' v on hand and receiving by every j 1 V steamer from New York, a fine as- ; sortment of I CHOICE FAMILY GROCER IE A, Freh Fruit* and Vegetables, Canned Jlent*. Spice*. Dried Fruit*, j NI TS, RAIMI >*, CANDIES. OLIVE OIL. SARDINES. PICKLES, Choice W iuea nnd Liqnon, And every article kepi in a First Glass ‘ Grocery Store. All of which will be sold i at the Lowest Cash Prices. tetf” Country orders accompanied with ; remittances, will be promptly attended to. • B. J. LESTER Superintendent. *P r 11 3m i j GEORGIA—Thomas County. To the Honorable Court, of Ordinary. TIIE undersigned. administrator on the es- ! tuteof Jesse \\ urd. deceased, sheweth i is necessary to sell the Lands belonging to j said deceased, for the purpore of distnlmtion ! among the distributees thereof. Petitioner therefore prays for an ‘Tier of said Court, granting him leave to sell the same, and os in duty bound will ever pra\. &.e. 11. J. WARD, Adm’r. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Ctnrt of Ordinary. April 16/a, 1866. t PON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is i oraered hv the Court that said Petition and this order be published in the Thomasville Bn terprise every wo weeks for two months. . H. H.TOOKE. April 18-40 J Ordinary. GEORGlA—Berrien County. WHEREAS. Liuuey Paulk applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of ‘ Mieajab Pauik, dec and : —1 neseare therefore to * cite and admonish all and singular the kindred I and creditors, to be and appear m niv office ‘ within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A’it ness my liano officially, ’ April 2ist. 1866. i W. E. CONNELL, II jw P-341 ( lr diNry STUART’S HOTEL VALDOSTA, GEO The want of a good hotel having long been felt at this point, the subseriber has been induced to take charge of this establishment formerly known ns the Val dosta hotel, which will be thoroughly re paired and refitted, and opened for the nc | commodation of the traveling public cn the , first day of January next. Having had some experience in this line of business, j he believes himself competent to render i bis guests comfortable and to make their ; stay with him both comfortable and igree* able, and no pains will be spared to effect j this object, //is table will be supplied , with the best the market affords and char., gesmoderate, C. T. STUART. Attached to this Hotel is an excellent Stable where careful nnd trusty hostlers will always be found to care for horses and attend to any thing in that depart ment. Jan 4 ts SPOONER’S CURE Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Intermittent Fever, Remittent Fever, Congestive Chills, ; j Anti-Fever AND AGUE Diarrhea, •• • ! Dysentery, I Periodical Headache, Dumb Ague. f ■ i srmm \wm\tz IVI iy> PI .j j y j For Sale by all Druggists. Wm. Spooner & Cos., j . • . Nashville, Term. JLV O T X CE To Everybody; Wo the undersigned can now say to the | Public that wc are ready to | GRIND CORN. as we linve purchased an engine and mill of sufficient power to do good Work, and ihe way you have to prove it is to bring your Corn and see if you do not get good Meal.ln connection with our Mill we will : make Furniture to order, Snsh, Blinds, Doors, Rip, Dress. Tongue and Groove ! Plank, make Coffins to order with neat , ness and despatch, we will also take eon . i tracts for Building houses. TAYLOR & DEKI.E. j I feel thankful to the Public for their liberal patronage extended to me hereto fore. and hope I may merit a continuation of the same. ‘ ISAIAH DEKLE. Ofk Sh. fjfjjsj AHEAD! HAY ING a Largo (Dock of Fine Fi. qnors on hand, we have BEDTCED the Price, as follows : Old Bourbon. XXX, $2.00 por Bottlo. Do. do. XX. - • 1.50 “ “ Do. do. X. - 1.00 “ “ French Brandy, Pur®,- - 3.00 u Hennessey Brandy, - 3.00 “ *• Otard, Ibipov & Cos., - - 3.00 “ “ Pinet, Castilfoa Ac Cos.. 2.00 “ “ Cognac Brandy. - 1.75 “ “ Holland Gin. Pure, - - 2.00 “ “ Old Swan Gin, Pure, - - 2.00 “ Choice Old Port Wine. - 2.00 “ •* Choice Old ShertT Wine, 2.05 *• “ Choice Old Yladeir.-i Wine, 2.00 -• •* Claret “ St. Jnlien Medoc,” 1.00 “ *• j C. Heidsiek s genuine Champagne, 83.00 qts. Do. do. do. 1.75 pt*. Old Bourbon Whiskey, XXX, s6.ooper umllrm I Old Bourbon Whiskey, XX. 5.00 •• Old Bourbon Whiskey, X. 4.00 “ •• 1 Old Bonrhon. (by the barrel,) 3.60 *• “ JO.OOO dfJAHMof Choice Baands. and Gennino Imported Havana, du. Anderson's Solaco Tobacco, 12'j cents per paper. Ma**ev, Collins A Co's ,\Ll'., on draintht. Also, loindon and Kdinbarg Ale an! Eor *cr. in Pints, 30 CKNTM. IC E! T c E!! Always on hand during the summer Our motto is strictly C. O. D. PETERS & PERRY. Attached to the *• Our Hous<’ “ is ]Vo. INTine, Where a choice and varied assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES Are constantly kept. OYSTERS, Go rents Two Pounds Cm. S4T , ’'* , i an* sTum-a” DRYGOODS! ! SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE! OAFF & WATKINS, 111 & 113 Congress Street SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. ♦ Goods Received by Every Steamer. We lmport~our own (Pods or buy ltiein directly from tbe .13 an u fact ur c rs. We keep an experienced Buyer constantly in the Eastern Markets. Inducements Offered to Mini fflmftt nmm, Savannah, Feb. 1, 1066. • • mar 7-3 m TEBEAD & PHILLIPS, At the Whitaker Street Shoe Store, Sorlti-East Corner or Ri uglilon Street Lane, Savannah, Ga. * YVILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE FINEST ■ iF’xa: iXr^ki>EiXa3PX3:x^ Boots, Shoes tY Gaiters MNTLeiEli , t AHD SOYS WOOL AND STRAW HATS, ■Trunks and “Valises, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. L. U. TEBEAU. W. S. PHILLIPS] : A P ril l * 3m LATHROP & COMPANY, AT THE OLD STAND OF HENRY LATHROP & CO, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. W holssale and Retail Dealers in r 0 a E ! G \ AN B DOMESTIC DR Y GOODS! CARPETING. MATTING, OIL CLOTHS’ LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, cU?C I>. LATRKVr, I.nto . ft K.N.LATHROP4 (•. .1. W. XEVITT, “ IVKVITT, L ITHBbP A. C., April 11 15 am JOY TO THE WORLD! . | • THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! ) TO TIIE SUFFERING HUM ANITY OF THIS AGE, j Has Rilicvci more Tain, and caused more Ileal Joy than any other one thing that, can be named ! Ist a Halm for every Mound! Our first Physicians use it, and recommend its use ; the Apothecary find* it firet among the Medicines called for, and the Wohlenale Druggist considers it a leading article of ;is trade. Ail the Dealers in Medicine speak alike in its favor ; and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, i and it is f The. Groat Family .tlcdlclno of the Vse ! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE. IN CASK OF SUDDEN ’AT • TACKS IN DISEASE - I— TAKES INTER SALLY IT CURES Sore Thr®nt. Sadden Colds, Coughs, etc.. Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing : £>tc Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowell Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dystery. i TAKES EXTERNALLY IT CURES Felons, Boil-* and Old Sores, severe Burns a'd Scalds. Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints. Ringworm nnd Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. ‘’AIN KILLER taken internally should be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH an 1 BRONCHITIS, a tew drops of sugar, eaten, will be more affective than anything e ’*°- 1 r h SORE THROAT, gargle the threat with a mixture of IVn KP'er and tre i •* !* imns'diate iu<] cure positive. FUKNITUHE SI iIE J rgAIIE undersigned has opened a Shop in in Thomasville, for tlie Maunfacture and Repairing of FURNITURE, Making and Furnishing Coffins, Ac.. 4c. jgt-Jf’Shop second door from the Print ing Office, on Je'fferson street. ’ L. J SPITZ. Jan l ’ i 3m I Forty Days Notice to Debtors and Creditors. (> EORGIA Thorn a.s County. ALL persons indebted to .Tames A. McLen- ‘ don, deceased, will make payment to the un delsigued, and ntl those liaviiut elaims iutainst him, are notified to present them in form and within the time prescribed hv law. .M. J. McLENDON, April 25 40d Adtn’.x, j V WHEREAS, John < R iherts applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of Ishatn Roberts, late of said County, deceased * This is therefore to admonish all persons eon cemed or interested, to be and appear at tny office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can. why letters of ad ministration should not he issued to the appli- | cant (liven under inv hand at office this J.lrd ! (lay of March, 1860. ’ T. B CLAYTON, April 25 30d Ordinary. (IKOIttTSA —Rcholi County. WHERE’S. Elizabeth Corbett applies for Letters of Administration oil the estate of Geo. \\ . Corbett, late of said County, deceased:— This is theiefore to admonish all person con cerned or interested, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can. why letters of administration should not he issued to the up J plicant- Given under my hand at office, this j 23rd dav of .March, 1866.* ’ T. fi. CLAYTON, April 25-ts ‘ Ordinary. GEOIIRIA-Ffliol* County, M IIEREAS, A- Miller, applies to the Cottrt of Ordimu-y of said County, for Letters of Guardianship f(.rtlie property, person and et feet sos John thine, minor heirof Hubert Ihine deceased:—All persons ate notified to file their objection* in said Court, otherwise stii f letters will be granted in terms of the law, tie's 23rd day of March, 1866, T. 11. CLAYTON. April 25-30d ■ ‘ Ordinary. CJKOlUilA—iGbtfls County. IIEREAS, R. J. Levar. applies to the I Court of Ordinary of said Cotmty, tor Letters of Guardianship, for the persons, property and effects of Mary, James. Sarah, Leffcate Fleteh I cr minor heirs o John W. Fletcher deceased : All persons are notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise said letters will be [ granted in terms of the law, this 23rd day of. March, 1866. T. fi. CLAYTON April 25 Bfld ♦S I!<> BIG H HERE \S. Thos. J. Roberts, applies to the Court of < trdinarv of sad County, for Let ters of (Guardianship of the person, property anil effects of the minor heir of Joint E. Itob efts, deceased : —All persons are notified to tile tiieir objections in mid Court, otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of the law. tliiß March 23rd, ISC6. , T- B. CLAYTON, April 25.30d Ordinary. (Lb: §ont[m‘u (fntcrpr'sr. L. C. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. dCBSCKIPTIOV TERTIS. o The SouTiiEov Enterpiiise /> published weekly at Four Dollars per annum, strictly IN ADVANCE. ——o AnvinTiSEMKXTS r 7/ be inserted for Ons. Dollar per square of velre lines or less for each insertion. From this rate a discount of Twenty-f re per cen . mill be made for adver tisements inserted for three months or under six months, and Fifty per cent- for ticc re months or more. All Advertisements sent to the office n nst he j marked with the number of insertions desired j or the period to be published, and in every instance accompanied with the amount re quired for payment. Mar no yes and Deaths null hereafter be j charged for as advertisements. Special or editorial notices will be published and charged at double the above rat s. Payments must be made in current funds. Remittances may be made by Express ‘at our risk. All others must be at the risk of those making the same. Subscribers names will be dropped from the list at the end of the term far which the sub scription has been paid, unless renewed A l communications should be addressed to the “ pKofHiETon Southern Enterprise Thomasville, Georgia.’’ I.EGAI, ADVERTISETIEMS. | All persons having occasion to advertise Legal Sales, Notices, etc., are compelled by law to comply with the following rules : Administrators, Executors, or Guardians t All sales of Land by Administrators. Execu tors or Guardians, are required hv law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the 1 ours of ten o’clock in the forenoon, and I three in the afternoon, at the Court House in | which the property is sitnatc. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. i Sale of Personal Property :—Notices of the sale of personal property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. ) Estate Debtors and Creditors :—Notice to 1 Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be published forty days. | Court of Ordinary lsave to Sell :—Notice i that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Hinds, must be puh i fished weekly for two months. Administrators and Guardianship :—Citn , tions for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days; for Dismission from ’ Administration, monthly for six mouths. Foreclosure of Mortgage :—Rules for Fore closure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four month*. Establishing Lost Papers Notices estab lishing Lost Paper* must be published for the full term of three months ’ ft* 1 Publications will always be continued according to the above rules, unless otherwise ordered. OFDRRIA —I/onmin County. W IIEREAS, It appearing to this Conn that the estate ot Henry W. Touchstone, late of wild County, deceased, is without a legal re presentative :—Unless good cause is shown to the oontrary. Letters of Administration will be granted anil issued to the Clerk of the Bupe rior Court or noinc other tit and proper person, on the first Monday in Jane next. Given un (b-r iny hand and official signature, this 24th j dav of April, 1563. WILLIAM HM-ITi l, MhyffJWd * ‘ SPOONER'S Immunity against the Fever* and Chills of Spring and Fall, the Dysenteries and Diarrheas of Summer, and the various Bilious complaints attendant upon the entire year, is what the South needs and must have before that favored region will attain the full meed of its great ness. Emigration thither has . been and is retarded for the lack of it; and for the same reason, cotton raising has been restricted and interfered with AliTI-FEM & ASM # In view of these facts Dr. Spooner offers to the people j of the South, and to Emigrants j going thither, his ANT I-* FEVER AN D AGUE PI LL S, which have been demonstrated, repeatedly and repeatedly, to be an unerring and never-fading preventive and cure of all Bilious com plaints incident to the South | and West. Try but one ex periment; the cost is trifling, the result is beyond any con-’ tingency. It never has failed and never can, while Physiol ; °gy remains a science. mvf w m ir A Is For Sale by all Druggists. Wm. Spooned Cos. . Nashville, Te an. of low, marshy, and over i flowed regions, or where mi-- asma prevails, and all emigrants to the south AND WEST, | \ should not be, for a single day, without SPOONER’S ANTI-FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, in order that when they are attacked with Chills and Fever, Bilious, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, Dumb Ague, Con gestive Chills, Pain in the Back, Periodical Headache, Diarrhea or Dysentery, (to which they arc constantly lia ble,) they may promptly and. effectually be cured, without the loss of a single day’s labor. Their success is not contingent upon anything; they will never fail to cure effectually and per manently. For sale by all Druggists. For siile in Thonnusville bv Dr.P. S. HOW El*. - OEOKOlA— Loundra County. AN IIEREAS. Dennis Witberington. Guar dian of tbe person and property of Nancy, k cbel, Manr. Surrena, Elizabeth. Moisey A:.lnmm AN itherington, minora of said County, having fullv discharged his trust, applies to lie dismiss ed from hi* Guardianship • —Therefore all per sons concerned are hereby notified and required to appear at my office, on the first -Monday in April next, and show cause, if any. they hay*, why said letters of Dismission should not b<* granted. Given under mv hand and official’ signature, this 22d dav of February. 1865. william g. Smith, Feb OS 9-fim C. C- Ord. GErtmilA-l oirndc. County. WHEREAS, Allen Jones, Administrator of William Y. Hill, late of said County, deceased, having filed his petition in this Court tor Le; tera of Dismission from said estate This is therefore to admonish all concerned, to be and appear at inv office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they eun. why said letters should not be grant* and. Given under my hand, at office, this 24tli day of January, 18Gd. WILLIAM SMITH. Jnn 31-mfim Ordinary. TtWO IHONTIIS NOTICE—I will ap ply to tbe honorable Court of Ordinary, ot Thomas Comity, Georgia, on the first Mon dav in June next, for an order granting leay* to sell the Real Estate and Lunds belonging to William Alderman, dee’d R A. ALDERMAN. Mar 2S-2rn Adm’x. QEOBGIA —Colquiif fomntf. SIXTY <iavs after date 1 will apyly to tb I Court of Ordinary of Colquitt County, for mi order to sell nil the Real Estate belonging to the estate of I>arki A. Dtnmuu, late of Col quitt County, deceased. JANE E. DENMAN. Mar 28 IJ-60d Adm'x. TWO Months from dntr, applica tion will bo made to Loundes Court of Or dinarv, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Archibald Mclntyre, late of said Countv. dat’d ISAAC JLSSfT. Iktr Om Ad*‘r.