Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 06, 1866, Image 3

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EMPIRES ID m DOi HAVE TUMBLED! l'T there never was a Greater Tumble In the Prices of alt kinds of Goods, as you can see by Visiting; fIR tlio Store of J. SCHIFF $ BRO., WHO HAVE NOW A FULL STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods, SUCH AS. Harare*, Organdies. Robes, Prints. Jaconets. Swiss \an> sooks, Brilliants, Embroidered Bands and Edgings, Infant's Robes and Ladies’ Lace Collars \ Sleeves, Silk Mantilla*, Eace Point, Straw flats, AND NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES. We have also a fine assortment of f. ■’ r* •. * > . . * SUMMER CASSIMERE AND READY MADE CLOTHING. LADIES’ AND DINTS SHOES & BOOTS, HATS, THUNKS, WINDOW SHADES, LOOKING GLASSES, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. A GOOD STOCK OF JEWELRY AND WATCHES, ALL OF WHICii WE OFFER AT Tlie Lowest Price! Come and See for yourself before going elsewhere! N. B.—Just received a good lot of CHOICE FLOUR and FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds. Anri* 18 16 • ‘ ts ANDREW JOHNSON HAS JI'ST DEC'EAR'iD THE WAR AT A* EM)| THAT THE RF.BRU.ION NO LONGER EXISTS, AND THAT THE ATI RICAN PEOPLE IKE AT PEACE AGAIN! I. KUBITSHEK & BRO., ISSUE THIS, Their P reclamation To the eitize*i9 of Thomasville and adjoining country, that we are receiving (and will continue to teceive), the largest and best assorted STOCKS OF DRY HEADY M Vi'! t iA/i iiINU, H O M ESPUNS, Boots and Shoes. Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Hats, Fancy Article® Notions. &c„ &c., Ever Oppiit'd in Th.omasville! OUR STOCK HAS BEEN PURCHASED FROM THE LEADIN’ l AND CHEAPEST HOUSES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, For the Cash Strictly! Consequently, we are enabled to sell as cheap as any house in South-western Georgia, and we are DETERMINED to do it. We invite all to give us a call. We will take pleasure in exhibiting our stock, and feel assured that we can give satisfaction to all those who may favor us with thair paronage. We invite the Ladies especially to call and examine our rich and splendid assortment of LADIES DRESS COOOS NEW AND SPLENDID STYLE OF Spring and Summer Cloaks. Latest Style of Hats and Trimmings. &c., &c. ? &c. ■ Our Stock consists iu part of Prints, Lawns, Organdies, Fine English Bareges, Gienadines, Black and Fancy Silks. Foreign and Domestic Gingham Mantillas. Lace. Paints, Hoop Skirts, Ladies’ Umbrel las and Parasols. Head Netts, Empress Coil Cambrics, Cassimeres. Cassinets, Brord Cloth, Doe Skin. Kentucky Jeans. Cottonades. Drilling, Linen. Duck, Bed Ticsing. Stripes. Our assortment of W hire Goods is rich and varied. Mulls, Bishop Lawns. Muslins, figured and plain, Brilliants, Dimity, French Cambricks, Spring Lustres. Gents Ready Made Clothing of all descriptions, Boots and Shoes, a large assort ment, including Boys’, Misses and Children's; also a fine lot of Ladies’ Shoes of all grades. Domestic Goods of all descriptions, including Spun Yarns, all sizes, Osnaburgs, blanched and unbleached Homespuns. Hosiery of all kinds. Stationery, &c Wool and Cotton Cards, Trunks. Va ises, Matting, Oil Cloth, Umbrellas, Coffee. Pepper Spice, Flour, Soda, ollins’ Axes. Trace Chains, Hoes, Colt’s Pistols, Double Barreled Shot Guns, r able and Pocket Cutlery, Mirrors, Tin Ware, Cups and Saucers, Phchers, Plates, Glass Tumblers. Goblets. Ac. Also, a fine lot of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. A splendid assortment of Toilet Soaps. Perfumery, Fancy Articles. &c. Our tbanks are tendered tbe Public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, and we pledge ourselves to merit a continuance of tbe same. Zm tb BRO. FRESH ARRIVAL OF CHOICE Family Groceries. Rice, EI• ■r. Buckwheat, do Goohru Kutlrr i 1 jA- Eultou Market Kg- 1 Onion*. ♦ ran berries. Apple* VValnutv Pf. 1 * ‘! . ‘uiMJffftj tlitiouiN. JL• v>w< Brn 2i I Nul. / Cocouuta. Core Orrter*, Spiced Oyaler*. Tine. caroui. Vermicelli, Olire Oil, Prunes, Raisius, Sultana, do.. Currants, Citron, Soda Crackers, Boston Crackers, French Mustard, Durham, do. Received and for sale bv JOHN STARK. Feb 21 8-ts PKTER AND ALE—GO dozen ot Ale and Porter, received and for stile by feb 21 8-ts JOHN STARK. GARDEN SEEDS—A fresh and full assortment of Garden Seeds, received and for sale bv feb 21 8-ts JOHN STARK. trio SMOKERS !—A fine lot of PIPES. 1 and a lartre and fine assortment of SM( >K -ING TOBACCO —some very choice brands — received and for sale by feb 21 8 ts JOHN STARK. S.VI FP! SN*J EE !! T.orillard’s and Rad Road, Scotch and Maccabov Snuffs, in Jars, Bladders or Papers, for sale bv feb 2l 8-ts JOHN STARK. JACOB LANGSDORF & COMPANY, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, AND IMPORTERS OF Fine Havana and Domestic & E (i . I R S ! Chewing and Smoking TObacco, No 171 Bay Street : : ? : . : . : •; • S AVASTSSTAIL @A ap 18-3 m HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA NO. 230 NORTH SECOND STREET. GRJiAD .CLIMAX! ’ .* T o . ’ <• \ Great Fenian Excitement! >, * )) MwißsjwHi ii mm HOSTILITIES COMMENCED In ISTew Brunswick ’• BUT, still greater Excitement now prevails at the Store of H. WOLFF BRO., On account of their tremendous sales of Dry Goods at greatly reduced prices. They have lately received and are constantly receiving the most overwhelming sup plies of all kinds of • Jfanci) Httir staple prn Such as, Bleached Goods of all descriptions, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Lawns, Bareges, Grenadines, Silks, Silk Mantillas, Lace Points, Shawls, Hats aud Ilair Nets; all kinds of White Goods, Yankee Nolions of all descriptions. Miff Mil ®®s®TO Piece Goods, such as Linen and Marseilles, Italian Cloths, Drap Dete, Cassi meres, Broad Cloths and Doeskins, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes Jewelry of all descriptions. CROCKERY & GL 4SSWARE, CUTLERY of all kinds, TOBACCO and SEGARS. In conclusion we would say, that we have tremendous heavy stocks of BROWN SHIRKINGS and SHEETINGS, TOBACCO and SEGARS, especially Tobacco. All of which foregoing described goods have been carefully selected by one of our firm, while in New York, and bought with the CASH, at the Lowest Prices; and as we are selling all our goods strictly for CASH & CASH ONLY! We can afiord to sell the same at a very SMALL ADVANCE, TllC Ladies ate especially invited to call and examine our stock, as we will be very glad to show our goods to them, should they even not buy any. We would tender our thinks to our patrons for their patronage heretofore, and would assure them, that we will endeavor to merit the same in future. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stocks as we could give them great inducements to buy of us. StaT'Our stock of Tobacco is unsurpassed in quality and quantity. H. WOLFF & BROTHER. April 25 17 6m GEORGE H. ARLEDGE, General iMSSEfOI MBEHAW, AND DEALER IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, &c., &c. 72 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. REFERENCES .• S. W. ANDREWS & SONS, Savannah, Ga., TISON & GORDON, Savannah, Ga. April 11 . 15 a m Miss McINTIRE HAS returned to Thomasville with anew and full assortment of MILLK\EK¥ iiOODS. The Ladies are invited to call and see her at the residence of Rev. J. M. Gray. Orders for work promptly filled. April 4 14-3 t B UGGIE S! HARNESS! Saddles! BRIDLES! RED Oak Ilames. Calf Skins, Shoe Pegs, Lining Skins, Oak and Hemlock, Sole and Harness Leather. Shoe Findings, of all sorts. Coaeli and Carriage TRIMMINGS, SUCH AS, Black Enamelled Leather. Dash Leather, Lin ing Nails, Carriage Knobs, Apron Hooks and Kings. Saddle Cloths. Whips. Hitts and Spurs, Trace Chains. Breast Chains, &c., kept constantly on hand at low prices, to suit the times. All work warranted that leaves our estab lishment. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. No charge for looking around. fIcGLASHAN & LITTLE. April 4 14-ts wmmmi MrsM. E. KIMBROUGH begs leave to announce to the ladies of Thomasville and vicinity that she is now prepared to make and trim dresses. She will be in receipt of all the new styles and fashions, month* ly, and feels confident that she can give satisfaction. Also tailoring done at short notice. Ladies will call at the Bryan old resi dence. apr 11 3m JAMES RIVER INSURANCE COMPAKTT, HOWARDS VI LEE, VIRGINIA. Chartered Capital, $1,500,000 ! IVIIIS old. tried, aud solvent company deals . liberally, pays promptly, and asks pat ronage. See below, to which many others similar could be added : Richmond, Va., February 15, 1860. ‘‘ln the month of December, 1565, we had c otton burned which was insured in the Janies River Company, and its part of loss, amounting to one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, was promptly paid as soon as proof, Ac., was forwarded, and over two months before it was due under the poliev. Such promptness merits patronage. A. V. STOKES & CO.” AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. References required of applicants. E. REMINGTON & SON, Agents. Thomasville, Ga. Mar 14 11 ts Ale and Porter JUST received and for sgle by WINN &. CASSEL S. FINE BRANDY, No. 1, Rourbon WHISKEY, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, Madeira Wine, Sherry Wine, Fort Wine, Muscat Wine and Champagne, on hand and for sale l>y WINN CASSELS. MRS. ALLENS HAIR Restorer, Pbalon’s Hair Invig<prator, Cocoa ine, Barry's Tricopherous, Lyop's Kathairon and Hyacinthia, for sale bv WINN &. CASSELS. Soupj Soup ! MACCARONI and Vermacelli. for sale by WINN & CASSELS. I;oi'R Dozen RATH RRICK, for 1 sale by ‘ WINN & CASSELS. April 4 14-ts • NEW SSTA3LISHMSMY NOW OPENED AND HEADY FOR INSPECTION, By J. C.!IIODUKL\S. Have on hand Double battel Guns and Rifles, of ibebest qualify, at, imported prices by J. C. HODGKINS. ALSO Colts, and Smith & Wesson’s Pistols, at ilie lowest market prices, by J. C, HODGKINS. ALSO The finest assortment of fishing Bobs and Fishing tackle offered for sale in any market by J. C. HODGKINS. ALL kinds of Cartriges and Caps and intend to keep on hand every thing for sale that is genet ally kept in a first class Gun establishment by J. C. HODGKINS. GIIIIS & Pistols of every kind Repaired Locks Repaired and keys pat ten ted to order by J. C. HODGKINS. Thomasville, Ga., apr 11 8m DEPOT HOTEL. THOIKABTILLG, OA. rjnHE large new Hotel near the Depot is now JL open for the accommodation of the public. Having fitted up the House, and made ample arrangements to give satisfaction, the under signed most respectfully invites the patronage of the public. * ELI FUTCH. Feb 28 9-3 m TAN YARD. Having bought out the tan yard of J. Schiff &. Brother, at Thomasville. and determined to carry on the business of TANNING, the undersigned wdl purchase 10,000 Pounds OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David Harrell's Provision Store, where they will be paid for iu Family Groce ries or Cash- The undersigned will also give a liberal price for ROOD OAK BARK, for Tanning. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 6-6 m LEYETT & HAWORTH, IMPORTERS AND JOBBER*. MILLINERY, STRAW GOODS AND TRIMMED HATS. 11* BRYAN *TREET, Savannah, : : : : : Georgia. April 18 1m To Debtors andCreditors. ALL persons indebted to Jesse Ward, late of Thomas Conntv. deceased, are notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all those having claims against him, will present them in formand within the time prescribed’ by law. ‘M- 9 40d H. J WARD. Adm r BOOK STORE. THE undersigned have opened a stock of KOOKS. HITBIC, STATIONERY AND FANCY ROODS, next door to W I*. Clowkk A. Co's Drug Store, on Main Street, and will always keep on hand a select assortment of HOVELS, SCHOOL BOOKS, PERIODICALS, &C. Subscriptions received for all the Newspa pers and Magazines of the day, and orders re ceived for THEOI.OKIC AT., CLASSICAL. .TIEDICAI., LEGAL, And other Works. BEVILL & WRAGG. _May 9 19_tf_ NEW MUSIC Sonirboilf'ii Darling (Ballad) Coming Home from the Old Camp Ground. Heantiful Dream By Stephen G. Foster. Oh! Rest The Innocent Darliug Sing Birdie Ming Oh! Snr not Woman*) I.ove i Bought AT BEVILL& WRAGO S. MILL ROCKS FOR SALE A pair of large and excellent mill rocks sui table for water or steam mill can be purchased bv application at this office, may 80th ts MUSIC! . W. T. PARSONS, PROFESSOR OF Piano Forte, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Is now prepared to give Lessons to the Ladies and gentlemen of Thomasville. Orders or communications iriay he left at the Store of Messrs. Winn fc Cassels. mar 21-3 m ICE WATER AND OTHER REFRESHMENTS, To be had at ALL HOURS, At Closes &, Voting's. April IS ts TIN SHOP! BF. FUDGE lias now opened a # wholesale and retail Shop, oppo site the Post Ofice, on Jackson Street. He is now prepared to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK, RE PAIRING, &c.J U@“Guttering and Roofing done in the best style by D. F. FUDGE. Apr 14 35-Ls FAMILY GEOOEEIES. r l H E undersigned are now offering !■’amity 1 Groceries Cheap for Cash, at the stand of David Harrell. are also preparing- to receive a large GROCERIES Os nil DcNrripCioiiM, at the same place, which they intend offering to the public upon the most reasonable terms, for Cash or Country Produce. JOSHUA TAYLOR. JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 6-6 tn FINK PKRFCJIKM, Lubins Extracts, Florida Water, Extract Pond Lily, and Night Blooming Cereus, Zylo Balsamttm, Tri copherous, Kathaiion, India Rubber. Horn and Buffalo Dressing and Fine Combs, Children’s Long and Ladies’ India Rubber Tack Combs. For “sale by W. P. CLOWER <fc CO., Feb 7 6 if Apothecaries Hall. ON the Fii>l ITlomlnv in ITlnv next, I will apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Thomas County, for an order granting leave to Bell the Real Estate and Lands of William S. Vann, deceased. DAVID McKINNON. Mar 7-102 m Adm’r. .AS I AM Exceedingly anxious lo administer on mv own estate, all those indebted to me will please come forward and settle immedi ately. Those holding claims against me. will present them immediately for payment, or forever thereafter hold their peace ap 18-2 t R. J. BRUCE. CO.TI POUND Fluid Extinct Buchn. Prepared by W. P. C LOWER <!k CO , Jan 31 -stf Apothecaries Hall. Af.lj PERSON* having claims or de mands against the estate of John Carter, late 61 Eoundes County, deceased, will present them duly proven and those indebted to said estate will please make payment forth wit n to MATTHEW M. CARTER, > . , . AARON CARTER, f Adm rs. May 2 18-40d GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary , April 21 at, 1866. WHEREAS, the persons, property and ef fects of Edward R, William A, and James L. Pringle, minors of said County, are without a legal representative:—All persons interested, are therefore notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise Letters of Guardianship therefor, will be granted and issued in terms of the requirements of the law. H. 11. TOOKE, May 2-30d Ordinary. GEORGIA —Thomas County. To the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said County. THE undersigned, your Petitioner, sbeweth that the estate of M. C. Grace, deceased, in his hands, as Administrator thereon, consist in part of Lands, and that it is necessary to sell the same for the purpose of distribution among the distributees thereof, petitioner therefore prays the order of said Court granting leave to sell said lands, and as in dutv bound will ever pray, &.c. L. M. SL'TTON, Adm'r. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary , May Qsth, 1866. Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered, by the Coart that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enter prise, every two weeks for two months. 11. 11. TOOKE, May 30 60d Ordinary. II AND Dr.W.F. DeWITT It repsronstaail ly in Stoic Axx dL for Sale, A well nelectrtl Stock of And nil other articles usually kept in a DRUG STORE. July 5,|1565. ts I.nnilrt'lirs (.ariloii Seeds. .4 LARGE lot of l.nmlretlGa FKKNII A a nlcn Sc'ccU, just received and for sale by l)u. W. F. DkWIIT, Adjoininy: Store of J. Kubitsliek &. Bro. Feb 14 ‘ 7tf Pit FM'IS I*T IO.N M careiul I v coin pound ed by Dr. \V. F. DeWitt, at Store adjoin ins; J. lvubitsbek & llro. feb 14 7-ts I’ VO.\S> KATII AKIOX, Cocoaine, Po J nmdes, assorted, Sozodont, Bell Cologne, Florida Water, and all other Perfumery ana Fancy Articles kept in a Drug Store, for sale by Dr. W. F. Dr.WITT. Feb 14 .• 7 ts A *< MlI CK , Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, x \ Pepper, ground and whole. Ginger, Cin namon, for sale by Dr. W. F. DjeWITT. Feb 14 7 ts QUININK, Castor Oil, Eppom Salts, Salt petre. Copperas, Sulphur, Extract Log wood, for sale by . Du. W. F. DkWITT- Feb 14 7 ts mm i uuuif Wholesale Dealer and Jobber in Fancy, Staple and Domestic Dry Goods 146 Congee** Mt. f Gibbon*’ Itaugc, SAVANNAH, A. Invites tlie attention of bis customers to his large ami extensive stock constantly on hand, New Goods received by every Steamer. Also just received, Philadelphia City Made Shoes, BI.ACK AND COLORED .TIEN’S AND BOV’Si IIATM, 146 C'ongrc** Ml., SAVANNAH, OA- Apr 11 3rn LAWRENCE HALT.' 7 rpAKES the .liberty of informing the public A that he is now receiving and will keep constantly on hand, at his old stand near the Post Ollice, the following articles : ISacon, Flour, Sugar, Sj nip, Laid, Fofifec, Rice, Salt, Candies, Spice, Pepper. Copperas, Shoes Hats and tO-ZkJXTIOXIEJS. ALSOi-POWDEK, SHOT & CAPS, PINS, NEEDLES, THREAD, BUTTONS, ICAIMINM, TIN WARE, And many other things too numerous to men tion. . may 16-3 m WAGtGrMAN’S “ DIARRHEA MIXTURE. An infallible specific for incipient Cholera. •Prepared by W. I*. GLOWER & CO., May 16. Druggists. The Undersigned \V7TLL be at the Court House in Thomas* ts ville, to distribute License and collect Internal Revenue, as per assessment of T. H. •Hopkins, on Tuesday, 15th inst. IIF.NKY F. MABBETT, • Dep. Collector 4th Div. Ist Dist. Ga. A/ay 2 18-2 t E. EHRLICH, WII OI.ENAEE DE ALER IN First Class Family Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Ixiquors. Preserves, Fancy Groceries, Fruits, &c., &c No. 30 Whitaker St., Savannah, Georgia, April • 3m liK IttnlA liOlllltlCM Coillll}'. Whereas Hugh Mclntyre Administrator of Daniel Mclntyre having filed bis petition in this Court for letters of dismission from his administration. This is therefore to admonish all concerned to show cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted at a regular term of this Court, after the expiration of six months. Given under niv hand and official signature this 15th day of M:i v 1866. WILLIAM SMITH ordv. CJ BORGIA —Loiiiklcm County. WHEREAS, Matthew Vickers applies for Letters of Administration on the estates of Matthew Vickers and Jackson Vickers, late of said County, deed Unless good cause is shown to the contrary, Getters of Administra tion will be granted and issued to said Matthew Vickers, on the first Monday in June next. Given under my ha mi. and official signature, this 24th of April, 18^* WILLIAM SMITH, May 2-30d Ordinary. tjiliiOßGlA—'Z'homsiM < oi>iity. Agreeably to anorderof the lion. Court of Ordinary of said County, I will sell before the Court House Door in Tlioiuasville said County, within the Legal hours of cale on the first Tuesday in July next, the lands of Josiah Hurst deceased, on the Albany Itoad twelve giiles north west of Tlioiuasville. Terms made known on day of sale. Stephen Hurst. Administrator 40 days notice. H. 11. TOQKE, Oidinary GKORCiM—Tliomas County. Agreable to an Order of the Hon. Court of Ordinary of said County. 1 will sell before the Court House door in Thotnasville said County, within the Legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July next the land of Win. S. Vann deceased—Terms Cash. DANIEL McKINNON. Administrator. II. IT. TOQKE Ordinary. Two months from date application will he made to Loundes Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the real estate of Solomon Newsom late of Loundes County deceased. THOMAS 11 GRIFFIN Admr. All persons having demands against the es tate of Solomon Newsom will present them duly proven, and those indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to THOMAS B. GRIFFIN, Adm r. GEOKGIJ —Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, April 28 th, 18fi6. WHEREAS, The estate of James Hancock, deceased, is now without a legal representa tie : —All persons interested are notified to file their objections in this Court, otherwise letters of Administration, dehorns non, on said estate, will be granted to the public adminis trator of said County, on the first Monday in June next. H H TOOKE, May 2 30d Ordinary^