Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 13, 1866, Image 4

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JO2HZDJ C. rgA¥TinTi. CO., A-- * ‘*•’ *** A •■ ‘* ** v jr ~ vis 1 * , •’* f i 1 Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, 31en’s, Boys’, Ladies’ and Children’s Straw Ilats and Millinery Goods t . %m> 4 ’ * •, . . of all kinds, 130 Congress Street , Savannah, Georgia. shoe: LEATHER DEPOT 152 CONGRESS STREET, MVAmU. A. THE attention of M -reliant- at. i Plante r t ouutice. is in vited to our large Mock of BCH ns. SHOES LEATHER AND FTNDTXGS. WHICH ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST C As J L PRK EK. i tor toek embraces. every tl. from the coarsest to the finest goods manufac tured. . . or;: leathers. . ROLE, C AhF.RKIV KII*. HAB* AT■:*.*. nOKOCCO, Ac., ri- fan. We keep constant I v large lota of NAILS, PEGS THREAD, WAX, ft ft SHOEMAKEKb TOOL> u great variety. 153 COACHES* STREET. CLftlK fc IBIgCH April 18 ’ ->i~ S. M. COL M hoJralr an.i Retail I* “.iff in HATS AND CAP rr - ,■ y x -y i-j •, \ A j tJu JUi jLl\ ti XI | Straw Goods. &( ~ 1..1 ( oiisrcst SI., SAI V WAIJ, CA. April ll -3m PALMER & DEPPISH. II (iTi.i in. i'l l., i s. i jh.:: tool. AfiRK IJ. fIRU. I MPI.E.IIE ATS. Powder. Slio*, t aps and S.ead. 148 CONGRESS $ 67.5 T. J.VLIEN StS Savannali. 6a- April 18 . ‘ ’ .. \ •2m SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. GIiOCEES AN’ D . • Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GA W.’ weal lb® h ip, to I • patrons arid frien is, also, the mu lie e vally, at ruir store at the head of the Bay; opposite Jefferson Street, Savannah, Geor gia, • We wool 1 t. 1 h apyy Planters, Cation hr any other produce, an •ell oa the nu si farorable ti*rm.t nn-l fill their orders at the lowest, nfhrket prices an 1 return to thetn ta ‘ ■ prr-iert:. . D. .T. SCRANTON, Os the late firm of Scranton & Johnson. WM.H. SMITH 4 . Os the late firm of Y. ijbun .v Smith. ‘ J. L. LARGE. Os Savannah, Georgia. SAVANNAH CHEAP DRY GOODS STO jFC. E 2. IVRffift wßfa IllUl WHOLES iLE DE ILER • FOREIGN AND ‘ Dry Goods , mils, sum,- PR ESS GOODS. TRUNKS. VALISES, &.e. roMtRRNM wt., ( Savannah, Ga. April.lß . 3m M. FERST & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, ftKfi.lUN. FAtfV.GKOCERIES, rinwn a<.. a. .. on liand. a targe -stock of TO. BtftOS. !>o. iso co\gri:ns strlkt, iti-a-SF t N Nf.W Y . , > Qnmnnnl, l~* , NO ( ..< \ *• April’ 18 fim ROBERT BALFORE. bolrsnlr nnd Hriail Oralrr in CHOICE Family Groceries, 131 KKOI If IITO\ STREET. . (One door W tst of Barnard,), CtCORGIA. April 18 2m OLD BOER BON WHISKEY fl no, p,. Bottle, at tiie OUR HOUSE. Old Bourbon Whiskev $3 50 per Gallon at *h<* . OCR HOUSE. Genuine Havana CIGARS at the OCR HOUSE. ICE constantly kept at the OUR nOUSE. Edinburg and Falkirk ALE at the OUR HOUSE. ALE constantly on Draught at the OCR HOUSE. April IS lt>-tf RftiOKl.lA—l hnntu* I ounti , A srreeable te an order of the honorable C art of Ordinary of saia County. I will sell before the Court Hon*e door of said Countv at Thotmsvdie, within the leiral Jiom> of- tl,, on the first Tuesday in June next the Real Estate and Lands of Ttiomas Harvin. de<‘eased Terms of sale cash II COPELAND. Adm’r. April 18 lfi-40d C. 11. WILLCOX. Superintendent T. H. WILLINGHAM, WHOLESALE Q-rocers, 113 1 on-rr*. A 37 Sit. J alien >!■>.,j MVAV.MII. fIUL, . ’ Keep constantly on hand aft 1 receiving ! per every Steamer, all kinds of . r ; - -r; vi vj •rfi. 7 l Jli U l hm 1 ‘ J ” -Jj NEGABB, TOBACCO. Ax., Ac Prompt attention given to Orders accom panied with remittance. apr 11 12m I BAVID BAILEY, I T r Mil ft tt A ATf ifi I iviL n ui (.AiV I =Ai7a^.ZIL.OS=S., >O. 12 AVIIITAKER MTRRET, j • ’ ircm By an ant.J Bmj Streets. IS now receiving Iris ‘Sprint’ nnd‘Summer JL ’ Stock, comprising fine French Clothe and ■ •- ; also, tin,- Fancy French Caei ---.1 a’ings, I>m 1 ■ i Wl.- and Brown Linen Dnck, Must ] &.r., which he will make np at the ehortCbt ’ notiee and in the most fn=t ablest ■ py Remember No. 12 Whitaker Stre’:-*...^ . April 18 ‘ ■ U •: i Southern Hoiisg. ! holcombTTco., I ‘. ■ [Tbo* Holm nbe, wtablished 1836.] I 181 EAY STREET, OLD STAND. :• TIL,L KEEP CONSTANTLY on ha: j V T full stock of j GROCERIES, WISPS AND LIQCORS, To sell at wholesale, at a small advance or. New York prices.. - ri - Hr- I . ‘ .113 m •—, ;—• JOSE Q. FELIPE ■ . res to call tbe attention of jiiiissmmrais • To liis admirable and cheap slock, of . rOLLIGN AND DGLIESTIC • I ‘ ‘ SE A •?=£ ’ Smoking and. Virginia chewing TOBAOGO&c At IVliolcsale and Ptetail, A. Poncc’ s . Old Stand-, cornet* of Eryan and Whitaker street? Savannah Ga. April 2m SCRANTON, SMITH & Cos. • Keep constantly on hand, Choice old EILANDIES, • • . whiskies; I WINES, ri ‘ ■ GIN.&c.; j- And. every variety of G*rooeries Also,— ‘ IIAY, COHN, OATS- and BRAND, • ietiyit wholesale u, the Trade, and we slitter ourselves.that we can make it to •t!ie interest of Dealers to patronise os. At the head of Bay street opposite Jeffer . son street.. Apr 1-1 6m 7 E. P. DEYO’S GROCERY STORE. / Ao. IS.! ISrcnghton Street. ‘^ri T "OlY on ‘hand and receiving by every LA steamer lrom New York,’ a fine as sortment of • choice: FAim.Y groci-ries, Freh Fruit* nnd Vegwtablrn. ('mined Vlent*. Spire*. Dried I ruitu, V T. RAISINS, C A.VOIRS. O LITE (sll.. SAUDI VI'S,, Choice (Vine* and Liquor*. And every article kept in a First Class Grocery Store. AH of which will be sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. r-V Country orders accompanied with remittances, will beprooiptly attended to B. J. LESTER Superintendent ! apr 11 3m j ‘ ‘ 1 rA OUGI l-Thflina< ('•nitty. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary. THE undersigned, administrator on the es tate of Jesse V\ urd. deceased, fibeweth that it is neceteaty to sell the Lands belonging to said deceased, for the piu t*ie of distribution among the distributees thereof. Petitioner therefore prays for an order of Raid Court, granting him leave to sell the same, and as in duty bound will ever pra'. Ac. 11. J. \\ ARD, Adm’r. t.COTtCIIA—Thomaa County. T^r* 43 / Ordinary. Apr.l lii/h 18.16. i * j “faring the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said Petition and this order be pahtished in the Thotuasville En terprise every two weeks for two months . H. H.TtMtKE. -JYL nl i S _ 40d t IrUmarv. (GEORGlA—Rerrien County. WHEREAS. Linn. v Paulk applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Micajah Paulk, deed —Titeseare titer, ton, i,, cite anti adm.niish all and singular the kindred and creditors, to la- and aftpear in gv oUi e within tlie time pic*, riled by |g W , a. snow came if any t hey have, why said lettets sinmld not te granted. ‘A itness my hand •iiicddjy April -Ist, 18>d. W E. CONN Cl, L, j May 9-30d Ordiaarv STUART’S HOTEL VALDOSTA, GEO i/ilhe want of a good hotel having long been felt at this point, the subscriber : has been induced to take charge of this j establishment formerly known as the Yal f dosta hotel, which will be thoroughly re paired and refitted, and opened for the ac commodation of the traveling public on the first day of January next. Having had some experience in this line of business, he believes himself competent to render his guests comfortable and to make their stay with him both comfortable and tgree able, and no pains will be spared to effect this object, //is table will be supplied with the best the market affords and clnr. gesmoderate. C. T. BTUABT. Attached to this Hotel is an excellent Stable where, careful and trusty hostlers will always be found to care for horses and attend to any thing in that depart .ment: Jan 4. ts r . CURE Chills and Fever, ‘ • Bilious Fever, • Intermittent Fever, Remittent Fever, •. [ Congestive Chilis, Anti-Fever AND ACHE Diarrhea, : Dysentery, ’ Periodical Headache, Dumb Ague. . . R •ATT *Y* rl} f x For Sale by all Druggists.-’ Wm. Spooner & Cos. > Nashville,’ Tenn. M——M MMMMBMBMBMBWUMMMBMP BTO a? O Jt4 • ■ To Everybody ..We (he undersigned can now say to (he Public that W© are ready to GRIND CORN, mw have, purchased an engine and mill • ifficient j ower t.g do good . have (oprove it -j-: to- jring. your Corn and see if you do not'get goo I. mcctionwitii our Mill w • -will • . . Door-,. Rip, pres-, Tongue anil G oove I’lnnl;. make Coffins to order with neat ness and despatch,- we; will u.lso take • con , it acts for Building houses. TAYLOR ft DEKLE. • I feel, thankful to the Public for their liberal patronage extended to me hereto*, tore, and hope 1 may merit a c ntinuation of the same. ‘ ISAIAH DEKLE. • jfflrtt itLi AHEAD! j HA\ TNG a Larir Stork of Fine f.i- j in or* on hand, we have ItEDI l'i: l!t- Iricr, as follows : Old Bourbon, XXX, - SIOO per Bottle, i l>o. do. XX, - - 1.50 “ “ Do. do. X. - 1.00 “ “ French Brandy. Pnre, * 3.00 “ “ ileanesri y Brandv, - 3.00 “ “ Otard; Dhpov A Cos., - - 3.00 “ Pitiet. Castilloa A Cos.. - . 2.00 “ Comae Brandy, - - 1.70 “ Holland Gin, Pure, - - 2.0) “ . “ Old hwan Gin. Pnre, - • 200 “ “ Choice Old Port Wine. - 2.00 “ * Choice Old Sherrv Wine, 2.00 “ Choice Old Madeira Wine, 2.00 “ “ Claret “St Julien Medoe.” 1.00 “ <• C. Heidsick's genuine Champagne, $3 00 qts. Do. do. do. “ 1.75 pta. Did Ikmrbftn hiArv-, XXX, su. 00 ner gallon. Oil Bourbon Whiskey, XX, 5.00 “ “ 11 jOH Bonrbon Whiskey, X, 4.00 “ •* ;Oi l Bonrhon. (by the” barrel.) 3.1R0 “ “ ■Jo one ('Kt il’s ot Choice Brand- and Genuine Imported Havana, do. Anderson s Solace Tobacco, 12cents per paper. Massey, Collins A Co’s A 1.1’.. on draught. Also. Loudon and Edinburg Ale nn<l i‘or *'r. in Pints. 50 CENT*. I C IF! J C 111!! Always on hand during the summer. Our motto is strictly C. ). |. I'KTErs a Perry. Attached to the ‘ Our House ” is KTo. IVTino, Where a rh'dre and vw>-i<d *ofKtrtdb-n* of FAMILY GROCEBIES Vopt CJ*jOYS TER $ v fi: * Two t T nijn4q CJii, *,l? f'sll and *-'■"<if Pr?-et ukT SOODS! SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE! OBIT & WATKINS, . 111 & 113 Congress Street... .........SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Goods Received by Every Steamer. . We Import our outi or buy them directly from tlie • Manufacturers. We keep an experienced Buyer constantly in the Eastern Markets. • * . . liAciuLceiiTeiits Qfler*ecl mn jmm m nmi ■ Savannah, Feb. 1, 1666. ‘ - . „■ , q ‘ . ■ • .nidr i —ojh jYSSte PHILLIPS, the WluUker Street Shoe Store. \ertli-Last t omeP of liisufrhfon Street Lasse, savannah, Ga. . • Will keep'constantly on hand the -finest •’ ‘ • .. 3E3EI. *•; Boots, Shoes <|* Gaiters ••• oiwteEN’s anb non ‘• v j WOOL AND STRAW HATS, .Trmks and “Valises, ’ ’ •AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • -L t mEAU” ‘ ‘ . .. w a PHILLIPS.. April 18 • .. ; • • 3m - “• ‘ UTEROP & COMPANY* AT TiE OLD STAND OF HENIIY LATHiIOP & CO, € oriicr oi Congress and Hiilteitcr Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Wholesale and ftetail Dolors in FOREIGN’ A AM; BOMBS M G DRY GOODS! CARPETING, MATTING. OIL CLOTIIS* HACK CURTAINS. •wxxsrxjo-vv ehc.. y . j J. LATIinoP, Law I. a E, B.l,ATftltOF o. j J". -VEVIT J , ■ “ KEVm.XilMltorACo., | A P rilU ‘ . 15 • • • 3m JOY TO THE WORLD ! THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER J 1 TO TOE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, • | Has Relieved more Pain, and caused more Real Joy than any other one thing that can be named! Is a It a Jut for every Wound! Oui fit st Physicians use it, and recommend its use; the Apothecary finds it first among the Medicines called tor, and the Wohlesale Druggist considers it a leading article oi is trade. A 1 the Dealer* in Medicine speak alike - . in its lavor; and its reputation us a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanent ,y established, and it is Tlio Great Family Medicine of the Age ! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE. IN CASE OF SUDDEN AT* TACKS IN DISEASE TAKEN INTERNA JLY TT CURES Sore Throat. Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.. Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complainr. Dispopsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Rowell Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea nud Dystory, TA KEN ENTER NALL 1’ IT CURES Felons, Roils and Old Sore*, severe Burns ad Soalds. Cuts, Bruises and Sprains. Swelling Os the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. BAIN KILLER taken internally should be administered wilb milk nr water itnd sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses, for a COUGH nd BRONCHITIS, a tew drops of sugar, eaten, will be mure eUfaeUvo then nv bnl e.oo |. or H SORE lIIRO \T, gargle the throat with a mixture of U4n Killer and ♦he relief is immediate and cure positive. j immm mmmmm. te | FOiMTIHE J|g IIDE J rpili. undersigned Ims opened a Shop in in Thomnsville, lor the Mauufactut e j and Repairing of j FURNITURE, i Making and Furnishing Coffins, kc.< &c, Jgf Shop second door from the Print ing Office, on Jefferson street. ‘ i. J Spitz. Jan 1 3m I Forty Days Notice to Debtors and Creditors. (11'. O RGI A— DhMi Oft mhAy ALL persons indebted to Jam* b A. McLetl don. del-eased, will mukt payment to tin* uu signed, aflW id! those having. Hat me against him,sre notified to present them in form an.: within the tinif pre'scTitii- i ti\ Law. . . M. J. McLENDOX, April -~i )- r ld • ■ ■ ■ Arm x. 4* Ks s.V—ErhoL ( oonty. WmkBEAS, John C. Robert--applies. -for Lettew of Administration < :i the estate of ir'ia.o Ho rs-. late of eae.l County, deceased This is therefore to admonish a-!l persons con corned. pr interested, to be and appear at inv oSce, within -the time prescribed by law, to i eaaw if any they can, wl y letters if a > ministration shouldnot be issued to trie appli cent • Given nnder-vy hand at pffic this vdi > •day of March, 1866. ‘ T. B CLAYTON, •'’ . < (iF.OROf i— FchfllN ( oncti . WHERE Eliza bet) 1 rt • ee Lett! 11- <>i \ luiimad t state Os t • , V ■ CerbetC; late of said c • • certjed or interested to l<e w hi . ‘f’T. “T’ ‘ r.. H ’ll - ii .*r ~ j .Give* 23rd da . T. B. CLAYTON, : April 25-ts ‘ ‘ . ’ (Ordinary. I’ CEOBfilA—ErltsN C ouiaty. W ►rdinaxy of said Comity,- for Letters of or the pi - ■ . • era . noth U'.t'O’ ■ 1 •,* . tie: ■ ■’ s : : i ■i- ■ ■ letters will 1•• granted in terms oi tl • It ■th s . . ‘ T. B. CLAYTON, Af ii • Qcdimtvy —KchoSis I ounff. WHEREAS, R. J Levar, applies to the .< oviri of i udinarv of paid Cdntuv, lor letters of Guardianship. inr the persons, property and efteHs of Maiy. James. **llll ..Leffe ■*> Fletch er minor hairso John W, FI tier. deoeast and . A.i! persons sis notiird to file their objectii in said CooPt, otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of the law, this 23rd day of March. 186(5: T. B CLAYTON April 25 SOd . ’ • GEORGIA —Eriioto t'oum;. W HEREAS. rims- ,T. Roberts, applies, to the < ourt of Ordinary of said-County, for Let teTs < C Guardianship of the person, property • minor heir of John L I erts.’ deceased All p. i'sons are notified to fil their objection* in said .Coart. otherwise said -tetters will be granted in terms of the law, this March 23rd, ld€*o. • _ , t- p. Clayton, April :;.i 30d ■ Ordinary. ftt 5 citfhtru (Eulttprisf. ~ L. C. BRYAN, ERITOB A!V PRI)PRIETR, SIBSCdIPVIOI Tl<n.VSf. -: ‘ ‘ • The Sor-THF.VN Eite-iprisk is jmMwirrf meetly at. h OUR DotLAas per ctnnnu. strict/:. IN ADVANCE. - . nsEWENTs trill be inserted for Oa* ■ • t ion .From thin raft and discount of >, v,/ fop ttrf ■- its inserted for lift*. smslli or under s.v month*, and Fifty per cent, for lice >•■ more. ■ A/1.i11.-, rtssements sent to the often must marked tetth lt>.- nnmtn rof insertions J* r n ‘' tfe period to't-t pubiisketi ssd ~i evert) metanee. accompanied. >rUL the asinsmf re ■e • iPi }"> 110.1 1.. Marriages ‘and Deaths v-iU hereafter be charged for m rtrfmrfirrwrafi .Special or editorial notsees task be jrsiftitrd . charged at double the above reu s. Payments must nr -made in current funds: Remittances may be ‘made by Express at our rink ■ah others must be at the risk of those / the same. Subscribers names mill be dropped from the Urn at the dad of the ter.n. fur tchtrh the sub scription hag been paid, unless true,red .A. aommnnicatwns shoo , undressed in ti “ Pbopwixtor Hsctbiu Emzsra ■ ThoMASVILI.I., GtORGIA.” o • LEGAL ADYEnTIEtitEyT. All Miaous having occasion-to advertise Legal bales. Notices, etc., are. compelled by law to comply with the following rules: ■ Administrators. Executors, or Guardians: All sales of Land by Adniinistrators. L> ■ Tor- oi* Guardians, are fequisail ,hv law to be held on the lirstTuesda v in the month, between the 1 ours of ten o'clock in tnc forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property is situate Notices of these sales must be given iu a public gazette -forty days previous to the day of sale. Sale, of personal Property Notices-of the sale of personal property most be given at least ten days previous to the day oi sue EstaU Debtors an 1 and tors :—Nrrtinr to •Debtors and Creditors ol an .estate .miiat be published forty days. ‘ Court of Ordinary Eettvcto Sett t —Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for.leave to sc-d Fsands, most he pub lished weekly for two months. Ad mini. ‘ t.irsrand Guardianship ;—Cita tions i-.r Lt- iers < f Adiiiinistration must lie published thirty days;'for Dismission from Administration, monthly for six months. Foreclosure of Mortgage .—Rules for Fore closure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months ... Establishing Last Papers: —Notices eslnb -1 Milting Ix>st I‘aperu must bo published for the full term oj three months. iT’l’iihlicatioiift will always he continued according to the above rules, unless otherwise orclor<‘l t- t nttt.l a 1 ,oun<le I'siinli . MTIKRKAR It appearing to this Cbbfrt that the pslnte ot lleinv \Y. T'onebst-'Ue late of ■aid r-uintv, deeeMsed, is without, a legal re- J presentaltve t'nlena good eauae i-j shown to j the 4'onti'aiy . Lotte is ot Adoiifitstration will be granted phd isoneil to the CJeik ot tlie fSupe I Hbf t -ant or otbOr Si and jtft'pev person ‘ on the tt™ Monday in Jnne next. Given un- i d°r mv hand and official signature, this 24th f JV4 Ir.H.IBO H ,j May 2 Oddlnarr SPOONER’S Immunity against the Fevers and Chills of Spring and Fall, the Dysenteries and Diarrheas ot Summer, and the various Bilious complaints attendant upon the entire year, is what the South needs and must have before that favored region will attain the full meed of its great ness, Emigration thither has been and is retarded for the ; lack of it; and for the same reason, cotton raising has been restricted and interfered with M-FSffi 6 ME j In view-of these facts Dr. Spooner offers to the ‘people j of .the South, and to Emigrants ; going’ thither, his ANTI FEVER AND AGUE PILLS,’ which. have been demonstrated, repeatedly and : repeatedly, to be an unerring and. never-failing ‘ preventive and cure of all Bilious com** j plaints incident to the South and West.. Irv but one ex !. periment; the cost is trifling, the result is bevond any con tingency. It never.has failed and never can, while. Physio logy remains a science. For Sale by all Druggists. Wm. Sfooner. & Cos. Nashville, Tenm oi low, marshy, and. over j fiowed regions,, or. where mi asma prevails, and all EMIGRAIYTO TO THE SOUTH AITS W*ST, ! 9hou*d not be, for a single day, v/ithout SPOONER’S I ANTI-FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, in order that when, they arc attacked with Chilis and Fever, Bilious, ‘ Intermittent or Remittent’ Fe vers. Dumb Ague, ’ Con gestive Chills, Pain the Back, Periodical Headache, Diarrhea or Dysentery,, (to which they ire constantly lia^ V # ble,) they may promptly and effectually be cured, without the loss of a single day’s labor. Th eir success is not contingent upon anything; they will never fail to cure effectually and per manently. For sale by all Druggists. For sale iu Thomatwille bv GEOltGlA—Lannilra Countr. WHEREAS, Dennis Witherinsrton. Guar dian of the person and property of Naney. Ra chel.Mary, Sunena. Elizabeth!Moisey A Jesse. W itberinirfon. itmiore of Kaiil Countv, having l fllv diechariTMl hie trust.applies to be dismiss ed from his Guardianship - —Therefore sill per son* concerued are herein notified and requiredi to appear at my offiee, on the first Monday in Lnext. and ahow t anse if anv they have, why said letters of IHsmission should not be jerranted. Given rnirler mv. band and official ■glHlwe,tiri 22d and 5 of February. 186*;. WILLIAM G SMITH, Fel> 28 9-6 m .. . C. C. Ord. liowmh'i C ounty. WHEREAS Allei .1 “lies Administrator of William Y. Rill.late of said Coautv .deceased, having filed his.petition in this ( ourt for Let nt • ft m said < state —This is e : ..;.d:n‘ I neerned, to heand appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to'WOW mm if any they can, why Sili i letter* shouni not !■■■ ifrantl and. ‘ Given inider my hand, at office, tins 24th • day of January, 1866 WILLIAM SMITH, Jan 31-m6m Ordinary. rpWO MONTIIH NOTICE—I will ap 1. plv to the honorable Court of Ordinary, of Thomas Connty, Georgia, on the tiwt Mon day in June next, for an order urautuur leave to sell the Beal Estate and Lands belonging to YVilliaiti Alderman, dec'd. li. A ALDEKMAN. Marl' Adm’x. GEOIIGI l—Eolquill Cmbl];, SIXTY d.ivs lifter date 1 will apyly to the Court of Ordinary of ('ohinitt Comity, for an onh'r to mill all the Real Estate belonging to ♦tie estate ot Larkin A. Denmiut, late of Col quitt Countv. deceased JANE E- DENMAN. Mar 28 13 603 Adpi’x. O Monihti from dole, nyplico. I ti*n rrlfO ti* made'tm Imnndes GArt of Or dinal \ j tor ileave to si'll the Real .Estate of A#hfl%UNfetJutyr#. la*o of said County, dec’d ISAAC JLSStiP, Mar 21 -2n \ Adai’t-