Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 27, 1866, Image 3

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EG leavo to assure their old friends and custom- ers, that thov have cot diminished aa/nt of k their eal ia the DRV GOODS TRADE; but arc now, &s ever, prepared with a fall stock to give entire Bfrjr satisfaction. Oar Spring and Summer stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goads, IS SUPERB, AND CONSISTS OF ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE IN DEMAND. We are now receiving and will continue to receive large supplies of imbi msa an, FOR MEN AND BOYS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, £§, Fashionable Jewelry! We have just received a LARGE LOT OF Carpetin InT) GUSS AND HOUSE PP NISHING GOODS OF ALL KINDS —together with Carpenters’ and Farmers’Tools, Call* r>, Wood Ware, Tobacco, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, And r aar other things too numerous to mention. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. E. REMINGTON & SON. May 2 18 peace riiiiCLiimr i'-. • ; • “ ANDREW JOHNSON *** Jist dkciab i* the avab at Ay KVDi Tfl\T THR RKBEt.MOV WO I.OVF.EK KXIMTI, AND THAT THE AJI BICtJt PEOPLE tßti AT PEACE AAI! I. KUBITSHEK & BUO., ISSUE THIS. Their Proclamation -■ itizeus of Thomasville and adjoining eountry. that we are receiving (and will continue to receive), the largest and best assorted STOCKS OF DRY READY MADE CLOTHING, H O IVI EBPPNB, Boots and Shoes. Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Hats, Fancy Articles, Notions, &c., &c., Ever Opened in Thomasville J OUR STOCK HAS BEEN PURCHASED FROM THE LEADIN'! AND CHEAPEST HOUSES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, For the Cash Strictly! Consequently, we are enabled to sell as cheap as any houst in South-Western .Georgia, and we are DETERMINED to do it. We invite all to give us a call. We will take pleasure in exhibiting our stock, and feci assured that we can give satisfaction to all those who may favor us with their parouage. W. invite the Ladies especially to call and examine our rich and splendid assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS NEW AND SPLENDID STYLE OF Spring and Summer Cloaks, Latest Style of Hats and Trimmings, &e., &c., — Our Stock consists In part of Prints, Lawns, Organdies, Fine English Bareges, Gienadines, Black and Fancy Silks, Foreign and Domestic Gingham Mantillas, Lane, Paints, Hoop Skirts. Ladies’ Umbrel las ai.l Parajols, Head Netu, Empress’ Coil Cambries, Cassimetes. Cassinetg, Broad Cloth, Doe Skin. Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, Drilling, Linen. Duck, Bed Ticking. Stripes. Our assortment of White Goods is rich and -ariei Mulls. Bishop Lawus, Muslins, -figured and plain, Brilliants, Dimity. French-Cambricks Spting Lustres. Gents Ready Made Clothing of all descriptions. Boots and Shoe-, a lirge assort ment, including Bovs’, Misses and Children's; al.-o a tine lot of Ladies’Shoes of all grades. Domestic Goods of all descrip :o s, including Spun Y •rc. aiL sue?, Osn’-ibur.-s, V**eheJ and unbleached T I ~ H. - y nil ktn.U Sutinnert .r : nd Cotton . - • - * ‘ • - Bi i rreled . >d P< |r, Mirrors, Wati 1 r l Also. *au mi of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. A splendid assortment of Toil i S*.nps i’er.uuiCj v. Fancy A- teles Ac. Our thanks are tendered the Public for tlieir very liberal patronage heretofore, and vve pledge ourselves to merit a continuance or the same, 4f ru >. z * kubitshbb: bro. FRESH ARRIVAL OF CHOICE Family Groceries. Birr. Floa.r, i.,hrn Batter f\ Fallon Uurket Cwwnn, Cr Oyster*. Mac. Vermicelli, Olive Oil, Prune*, Raisins, Sultana, do., Currants, Citron, Soda Crackers, Boston Crackers, French Mustard, Durham, do. Received and for sale bv JOHN STARK. Feb 21 8-ts PORTER AND ALE—6O dozen ol Ale and Porter, received and for sale bv felt 21 8 ts JOHN STARK. GARDEN MEEDS A fresh and full assortment of Garden Seeds, received and for sale bv feb 21 8-ts JOHN STARK. TO inOKERS !—A fine lot of PIPES, and a large and fine assortment of SMOK ING TOBACCO—some very choice brands— received, and for sale by feb 21 8 ts JOHN STARK. SNTFF! SVl'rr!!- Lorillard’s and Rail Road, Scotch and Maccaboy S-nutfs, in Jars, Bladders or Papers, for sale bv feb 21 8-ts JOHN STARK. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS, McQueen & Mitchell HAVE just received and will continue to re ceive a general of GFROCERIES. With a small stock of mm m sum, Which they propose to eel! to the public on very reasonable terms for the’ cush. June 20 . •25 ts Last Chance! To Get your Photograph or Ferrotype Taken Tills Season! JEFFERS, THE ARTIST, WILL Positively Clove hi* CSnilery for the Srnxon. ou the Eir*t of July. Those wishing Likenesses taken will please make a note of this and govern them selves accordingly—morning preferred. June 20 25-ts COLORED CHURCH. FOR sometime past an effort lias been mak ing, principally among tlie-colored people, to build them a Church in Thomasville. This project lias at last assumed a shape, and the site having been douated to them by S. Alexak ns.R Smith, collector*, have been appointed to raise funds. The Church when built, is to b called the First Colored Baptist Church es Thomasville, and to be used also as a School House. The Collectors lately appointed by the Col ored Conference are, Giles Price and Robert Ponder, who were required to give bond for a faithful report of all funds paid into their hand* for School and Church purposes, and Col. J. L. Seward and A. P, Wright, Esqrs., became their sureties on the bond! This statement is made and requested to be published, for the information of those who may desire to assist in the.advancement of a race, it is our interest and duty to educate and enlighten. GILES PRICE. . ROBERT PONDER, \ Elector*. June 20 lm SEALED proposals will be received until September 1, 1866, for building a Bridge oveF tne Ocklochonee River, on the Albany Stage Road. Said Bridge to be built in the most substantial manner, of selected heart tim bers, and floor to be of two inch thick plank and to be kept up by the builder for five years, and the Bridge warranted against freshets for the same length of time. The Timbers to be inspected by John Hunt, Win. H. Hendry and Robert Love, and built under their supervision. The builder to give bond and good security for performance of contract and warranty of Bridge. Proposals are asked for Cash payment. 2d. For County Bonds, payable in one, two and three year*, with interest payable semi annually, and payable in the common currency of the country when due. Proposals to- be left with Lehbcus Dekle, Clerk Inferior Court. R. H. HARDAWAY, J. I. C HENRY MITCHELL, J. I.C. . ANSEL DEKLE, J. I. C June 20 25-llt IN"otice. ALL persons having claims for Provisions, (Corn and Bacon) furnished to feed sol diers families, for the year 1866, and used after the surrender of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, will hand them in toTjebbeus Dekle, properly au thenticated as to dates and amount. Those failing to hand in their claims by the Ist of September, 1866, will be debarred.” R. H HARDAWAY, J. I. C. HENRY MITCHELL, J I C. ANSEL DEKLE. J. I. C. Jane'SO 25-llt THE BAINBRIDGE ~~ Cjart anil Compass. THE completion of the A. A G. Railroad to Thomasville. together with the general inclination of th public mind in that direction, renders the Bainbridge •* Chart A, Compass ” an excellent advertising medium to the busi ness men of Thomasville. It also commends itself as a family paper, to all who desire to -in troduce into their households a paper devoted to the best interests of society, the Church and the State. Terms-’f Subscription Dollars a year. Advertising rates the same as those of the Southern Enterprise. Agents at Thomasville : —Bevill A Wkagq. J une 20 25-ts SiiEET MUSIC Ro< e I? sl Gnliop. Ti- b'it a Jitti’ EaHH Flower. Cbri*na* Itel!s .inarch.) Mil* ■ r B < I Polka . tlai-len* Prayer. Jlaideiis Thanksgiving, I,a File dr Regimi iit. i rtrhival de ><-nise La docket dti l*atre Nnctiirn At BEVILL A WRAGG’S . 2 ins Notick to debtor* nnd cre ditors.—All persons ind-bted to the er-tate of Thomas Ilyson. late of Thomas Coun ty, deceased, are hereby required to make im mediate payment, ants those having claims against the same will present them in terms of the law. JAS E. DYSON, Jane 20-60d Executor GRAND CLIMAX! i I • T"* Great Fenian Excitement! — mtmm mmn mju;i oj wup HOSTILITIES COMMENCED 111 -New Brunswick I . . . • BUT, still greater Excitement now prevails at the Store of H WOLFF (§ BRO., On account of tlreir tremendous sales of Dry Goods at greatly reduced prices. They have lately received and aro constantly receiving the most overwhelming sup plies of all kinds of Jfantj) anb Staple Urn roote. Such as, Bleached Goods of all descriptions, Prints, Gingham?, Muslins, Lawns, Bareges, Grenadines,. Silks, Silk Mantillas, Lace Points!, Shawls, Hats and Hair Nets ; all kinds of White Goods, Yankee Notions of all descriptions.. • —-Li . ► —<i i iv* il J ill*! t| tLjt £f Piece Goods, such as Linen and Marseilles, Italian Cloths, Drap Dete, Cassi tnsres, Broad Cloths and Doeskins, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Jewelry of all descriptions, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CUTLERY of all kinds, TOBACCO and SEGARS. In conclusion we would say, that we have tremendous heavy stocks es BIIOWN SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS, TOBACCO and SEGARS, especially Tobatce. All of which foregoing described goods have been carefully selected by ©ne of out firm, while in New York, and bought with the CASH, at the Lowest Prices ; and as we are selling all our goods strictly for CASH & CASH ONLY! We can afford to sell the same at a very SMALL ADVANCE. The Ladies are especially invited to call and examine our stock, as wc will be very glad to show our goods to them, should they even not buy any. We would tender our thinks to our patrons for their patronage heretofore, and would assure them, that we will eudeavor to merit the same in future. Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stocks, as we could give them great inducements to buy of us. gtsgTOur Stocli Os Tobacco is unsurpassed in quality and quantity. H. WOLFF & BROTHER. April 2i> 17 Cm LATHROP & COMPANY, AT THE OLD STAND OF HENRY LATHROP & CO* Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS! CARPETING, MATTING, OIL CLOTHS’ LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, cfcC„ ... # . . ■ . D. LATHROP, LftUr D. A L, S.LATtIItOP A to. W. NBVITT, SGVITT, Xi ATHBP & Cos., April 11 15 3m LOOK AND LIVE! DU. D. M. COOPER, M D., having been re quested by the citizens of Thomas, to lo cate in Thomasville, and after conferring with the cheapest physicians in the country, and those withdrawn and excluded members of the Medical Society, I can practice for lower prices than any of them. Ido nottakeithiscourse from any unkind feelings to the Society, or any one of its excluded or withdrawn members", but from a profound sense of duty and interest. My Fees will bens follows: • • • SURGICAL. • Amputation of Hip Joint 00 “ *’ Thigh,...,..; 50 Below the Thigh and all other members of the body in proportion. MIDWIFERY. •Common Labor 50 Delivering Placenta a10ne...; —l2Vi All Extra visits and nursing children, gratis ; Negroes half price ; widows, gratis. All other services rendered to be decided by the patient. Fees due in front one to four rears. Contracts Will be taken for nil supposed incu rable diseases. No cure, no pay. I will extend the usual-courtesy to the soeietu. even to its excluded members: thongh I will have no affiliation or professional intercourse with them, should they fail to comply with mv Fee Bill. *• ■ We have a high and noble profession mid must be sustained. Da. D. M COOPER, M, D. • June 6 32-ts ‘ County Court Thomas County, June Monthly Term, June 13, 1806. HARRISLYONS. E. R. Young, R. M. Hall,’ Satn’l S. Humphries, W. W. Thurman, and S. Alexander Smith, having been regularly drawn and summoned to serve a* Grand Jurors during the present term of the Court and hav ing made default It is therefore < Irdered. That they do each pay a tine of Forty Dollars :—And it Further a; pearing that B wney Harrell Dan ial. Dixon. < treen Wancv Geo. ilarrod. D--iin s Williams, James B, Hine and L. E. Wi were regular! drawn and serve as Petit Jurors they having also made default. I’ .s Ordered 1 hat they do each pay a fine of Twent- Dollars, and that- Execution issue therefor, unless satisfactory legal excuses, un der oath, an# file ■ within tnirtv davs from this date. w. j Young, Judge County Court. A true Extract from Minutes Countv Court. LEBBEUS DEKLE, June 20-80d C. C. C. COMPOUND Fluid Extract Buchu. Prepared by W. P GLOWER At CO , Jan 31 stf Apothecaries Hall NEW o A : 3 NOW OP3JJED AND READY FOR INSPECTION, Hr <f. c.:iiouiKi?r. Hare on hand Double barrel Guns and Rifles, of the best quality, at imported prices by J. C. HODGKINS. . ALSO • . Colts, and Smith & Wesson’s Pistols, at the lowest market prices, by J. €. HODGKINS. ALSO The finest assortment of fishing Bobs and Fishing tackle offered for sab- in auy market by J. C. HODGKINS. •ALL kinds of Cartriges and Caps and intend to keep on band every thing for sale that is generally kept in a first class Gun establishment by J. C. HODGKINS. Guns & Pistols of . every kind Repaired Locks Repaired and keys putfeta tcd to order by J. C. HODGKINS. Thomasville, Ga., . apr 11 8m TAM YAKD. Having h- nght out the tan vak of J. Sc hid Ai Brother, at Thomasville, . .... .*■ .TANNING, the undersigned w-ii ; nrchai 10,000. Founds OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David Harrell’s Provision Store, where they will be paid, for ia Family Groce ries or Cash. The. undersigned will also give a liberal price lor GOOD OAK It A It li, for Tanning. JOSHUA TAYLOR, „ , JAS A BROOKS Feb 7 g 6m BUGGIES! HARNESS! • ■ Saddles! BRIDLES! RED Oak Hames. Calf Skina, Shoo Peg?, Lining Skins, Oak and Hemlock, Sole and Harness Leather. Shoe Findings, of all sorts. Coacli and Carriage TRIMMINGS, SUCH AS, Black Enamelled Leather. Dash Leather, Lin ing Nails, Carriage Knobs, Apron Hooks ami Kings. Saddle Cloths, Whips, BitU and Spurs, Trace Chains. Breast Chains, Sec., kept constantly on hand at low prices, to suit the times. All work warranted that leaves our estab lishment. Call and see Ix-fore purchasing elsewhere No charge for looking around. itIcOhJtSHAX & LITTLfi. April 4 14 ts Ale and Porter JUST received and for sale bv WINN'At CASSEIS. PINK Bit ANDY, No. 1, Bonrboii WHISKEY, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, Madeira Wine, Sherry Wine, Port Wine, ‘ Muscat Wine and Champagne, on hand and for sale by WINN Sc CASSELS. Mich. AI.I.KN’B HAIR Restorer, Phalon’s Hair Invigorator, Cocoaine, Barry’s Tricopberous, Lyon’s Kathairou and Ilvacinthia, for sale bv Winn & casskls. Soup, Soup i MACCARONI and Vermacelli, for sale by ■ WINN Sc CASSELS. FOLK Dozen RATH BRICK, for sale by WINN Sc CASSELS. . April 4 14 ts TOT SHOP! 4 BP. FUDGE has bow opened a # wholesale and retail Shop, oppo site tile Post Ofice, on Jackson Street. He is now prepared to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK, RE PAIRING, &c. ami Roofing done in the best style by Ji. F. FUDGE. Apr 14 15-ts ~pamx ly GROCERIES. r I'IIE undersigned are now offering Kamil? I Wrferi* Cheap for Cash, at the stand of David Harrell. They are also preparing to receive a large lot of GROCERIES Os till Drorriptiaiis at. the same place, which they intend offering to the public upon the most reasonable terms, for Cash or Count ry Produce. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. Fch 7 6-Gin Mini i.lim Wholesale Dealer and Jobber in Fancy, Staple and Domestic Dry Goods |4# t'Mgrm At., Ribbon*’ Rang*. •AVANNAH, A. Invites the attention of his enstomer* to his large and extensive stock constantly on hand, New Goods received by every Steamer. Also jast received, Philadelphia City Made Shoes, ■SKACK AND mi.OKED .HKT* AND MOV* NATS, 14# <'OHgrc* SAVANNAH, Si. 4. April . 3in • LAWRENCE HALIT r|IAKEB the liberty of informing the public A that he is now roceiving and will keep constantly on hand, at his old stand near the Post Office, the following article* : . Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Syrup, I.aid, Coflee, Rice, Salt, Candles, Spice, Pepper, Copperas, Shoes Huts and CANX>I23Ss At,SO!~rwTVDKR, SHOT A CAl**, FINS, NKKDI.ES, TURK AD. BUTTONS, RAISINS, TIN WARE, And many other thing* too numerous to men tion. • may 10 Jia WAGGMAN’S DIARRHEA MIXTURE. An infallible specific for,incipient Cholera. Prepared by ,W. I. CLOWER Sc CO., Hay 16 ‘ Druggist*. ‘ The Undersigned TTT.ILL be at the Court House in Tliomas f ville, to distribute License and collect Internal Revenue, as per assessment of T. K. Hopkins, on Tuesday, loth inst,. • HENRY V. MABBETT, ’ Dep. Collector 4tli Div.’ Ist Diet. On. ” Afay 2 , ‘ . 18-2 t E. EHRLICH whoi.ksaUk bgaler in First Class Family Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors* Preserves, Fancy Groceries, Fruits, &c,, &c., i No. 30. Whitaker St., Savannah, Geergia, j Apr 11 • . 3m | 25 BBLS WHISKEY ~ Bourbon, Rye a-nd Cora for sale at whole- I sale by • . E. REMINGTON & SON. JUST UECI IVEI) A SMALL lot of NI’SIC PAPER, by BEVILL Sc WRAGG. May 23 2t NO T *.L'I“- —I will applv at the August term ot the Cjurt of Ordinary, of Colquitt ; County, for an order to sell the estate of Geo. S F. Hearndon, deceased. , EADY HEARNDON, JigJSfs-40d ‘ Administratrix. ! —jjfco : OISPTY Day* from date application will | O be made to the Court of Ordinary for ; Lonndes County, for leave to sell the Kqjjl Es tate of Matthew Sc Jackson Vickers. MATTHEW VICKERS, Jane2o 60d Adm'r SPOONER’S ‘ctJiJtsi Chills and Fever* • ( Bilious Fever,. Intermittent Fever, i . | Remittent Fever, . Congestive Chills, Anti-Fever A,INI> AGUE > Diarrhea, Dysentery, Periodical Headache, 1 ] • • • j Dumb Ague. ysamacmmommmmcmsnmm^ *Y* iy* #y ck A A A W #A For Sale by all Druggists. Wm. Spooner & Cos., Nashville, Teun* SPOONER'S Immunity against the Fevers and Chills of Spring and Fall, the Dysenteries and Diarrheas of Summer, and the various Bilious complaints attendant upon the entire year, is what the South needs and must have before that favored region will attain the full meed of its great ness. Emigration thither has been and is retarded for the lack of it; and for the same reason, cotton raising has been restricted and interfered with MTI-FEIEI & Mil . In view of these facts Dr* Spooner offers to the people of the South, and to Emigrants going thither, his ANTI FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, which have been demonstrated, repeatedly and repeatedly, to be an unerring and never-failing preventive and cure of ali Bilious com plaints incident to the South and West*- Try but one ex periment; the cost is trifling, the result is beyond any con tingency* It never has filled and never can, while Physiol ogy remains a science. • YILML For Sale by all Druggists.’ Wm. Spooner. U Cos. ■ Nashville, Tenn, of low, marshy, and over flowed regions, or where mi asma prevails, and all • EMIGRANTS TO THE SOUTH AND WEST, should not . be, for a single day, without SPOONER’S anti-fever and AGUE PILLS, in order that when they are attacked with Chills and Fever, Bilious, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, Dumb Ague, Con gestive Chills, Pain in the Back, Periodical Headache, Diarrhea or Dysentery, (to which they are constantly lia ble,) they may promptly and effectually be cured, without the loss of a single day’s labor. Their success is not contingent upon anything; they will never fail to cure effectually and per manently. For sale by all Druggists. For rale ia Thcmaeville by jDr P S. BOWER