Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 27, 1866, Image 4

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joxxmt css- a. co., Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Men’s, Boys’, Ladies’ and Children’s Straw Hats and Millinery Goods of all kinds, 130 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia. SHOES LEATHER DEPOT 152 CONGRESS STREET, MAVANNAII. rpIIE attention of Merchants and Planters M in Thomas and adioiuiii-r Conutic'i ’- in* vited to our large Stock of BOOTS, SHOES LEATHER AND WHICH ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST CAS I l PR I C KS. Our stock embraces every thine- d-sirable, from the coarsest to the finest g uiauulac t nred. OUR LEATHERS. DOLE. C'Af.F-SKIW, Kll*. SIAIi jVE!4, MOBOit'O, At ~ •* full. We keep constantly large h'ts of NAILS. PEGS. THREAD, WAX. &e., &<*.,_ with SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS, in great variety. lit COXtiKESM ST KflT. CL4RK & UIBSCII. S. M. OJLDTXG. Wholesale and Kftail Dr alp if in HATS AND CAPS, MILLINERY, Straw Goods. &c., 133 CongKH St., SAVAXHA3I. GA. April 11 3m . PALMER & DSPPISH. Wholesale ani Rcta l Deal rs in ■ 3E-X YY. IUL I> “W ZE7S. EJ, < 1 Tl.lCltV. FILES EDGE TOOLS*, AfiBIC I LTI R VI. L>II‘I.KAIENTS. Powder, Shot. Fap aud I,tad. 148 C OXGKESS.fjM ST. JULIES STS. h. a. Palm nit. . Savannah. Ga- J. 11. DEFTfSII. i - 18. / SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos! GEOCEES A N I) Commission M ere Ji ants. SAVANNAH, GA. We would be nappy to pce'our former natrons and friends, also, the public gene rally. at our store at the-head of the Bay. opposite Jefferson Street, Savannah, Gcor~ • ‘ We -would be hapyy to receive from Planters, Cotton or any other produce, an l sell on the most, favorable terms, and fill their orders at the lowest market prices and return to them the sales'of property. D. T. SCRANTON, Os the late firm of Scranton & Johnson, WM. 11. SMITH- Os the late firm of Rabun & Smith. J. L. LARGE. Os Savannah, Georgia. SAVANNAH CHEAP DRY GOODS 1.118186 with I. K. 11 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods nnth biwsj DRESS GOODS. TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. April 18 3m M. FERST & CO,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS. SEGARS .FAX'V GROCERIES. C ANDIES. Ar„ Ac. UjPAlso on hand, a larye stock of TO- B.U'CO% No. 130 CONGRESS STREET, House in New York, Svi VOnnoli ■3OO Cnnnl Sired. $° a ‘ alln ' ln A’A. April 18 6m OLD BOURBON WHISKEY 81.00. ]x v Bottle, at the OUR HOUSE. Old Bourbon Whisker S3 TO per Gallon, at the ‘ OUR HOUSE. Genuine Havana CIGARS at the OUR HOUSE. ICE constantly kept at the OUR HOUSE. Edinburg and Falkirk ALE at the OUR HOUSE. ALE constantly on Draught at the “OUR HOUSE. April 18 l,*_tt GEORGIA —Colquitt County. Court of Ordinary. May Term. 1 Sen. WHEREAS, Linton Carh n, Adminis-rat r with the will annexed, on the estate of Gen eral 11. Hancock, deceased, has applied in pro per form to be dismissed from hi# administra tion Ail persons interested will take due no tice thereof, and tile their objections in Court, otherwise letters of d:srni#?ion will be granted the applicant at the December term of this Court. ISAAC CARLTON. June b-40d Ordinary, Two month# from date application will be made to Loundt Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the real estate “f Solomon News n late of Lounde# Count v deceased THOMAS B GRIFFIN Admr. All persons having Yr.iandr against the es tate of Solomon News dnlv proven, and those indebted to said estate will please make immediate ravmont to THOMAS B GKIFFTN \d r C. H. WILLCOX, Superintendent T. H. WILLINGHAM, WHOLESALE C3r X’ Q O €3 37 S, I 13 Congress A 57 St, J alien S(a..j SAVANNAH, GA., Keep constantly on hand, and receiving per every Steamer, all kinds of SEGA US, TOB ACCO. Ac , Ac. Prompt attention given to Orders accom* | panied with remittance. apr 11 12m DAVID BAILEY, MEPi CHANT TAILOR, NO, 13 WHITAKER STKBET, Between Bryan and Bay Streets. \ IS now receiving his Spring and Summer . Stock, comprising fine French Cloths and Cassimeres; also, line Fancy French Cassi; ; meres and Coatings, Drap E’te, Flannels, White and Brown Linen Duck, Marseilles, Ac., which he will i. uke up at the shortest notice and in the most fashionable style. ’ j -..:- Remember No. 12 Whitaker Street. April 18 16-ts Southern House. HOLCOMBE a GO., [Titos. Holcombe, established 1836.] 181 BAY STREET, OLD STAND. Fir ILL KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand a T v full stock of Gs iR O C ERIE S, WI\ES IXI9 LIQUORS, To Sell ;it wholesale, tit a small advance on New York prices. Titos. Hoi.combe. Fuei>. M. Hull. April I 14-3 m JOSE Q. FELIPE Desires to call the attention of GiIfIIMMTRYEIIIS To Iris admirable and cheap stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC I • „ Smoking and Virginia chewing TOBACCO&c .At Wholesale and Retail, . A. ronce’ s Old Stand, corner of Bryan and Whitaker streets Savannah Ga. April Gin SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. Keep constantly on hand, Choice old ) BRANDIES, WHISKIES, * WINES, GIN, &c., And every variety of Q-roceries —Also, — j HAY, CORN, OATS and BRAND, j Strictly at wholesale to the Trade, and wc , flatter ourselves that we can make it to i the interest of Dealers to patronize us. At the head of Bay street opposite Jeffer \ son street. j _ Apr 11 6m ’ E. P. DEYO’S IS’gi.RXXXj-S- ‘ (GROCERY STORE, No. 133 Ki-oughtosi Sirrft, OW on hand and receiving by every JL \ steamer from New *ork, a fine as j sortment of CHOICE FASHI.V GROCERIES, Frrh Fruits anil Vegetables, Cnnnetl Meats, Spiers. Dried Fruit#, NVT.t. lI VIMVfS, < A\DIE, OEIVE OIE, SARDINES, PICKLES, C hoice Wines and Liquors, ! And every article kept in a First Class Grocery Store. All of which will be sold ! at the Lowest Cash Prices. Country- oilers accompanied with remittances, will be promptly attended to. B. J. LESTER Superintendent. ; rr 11 8m GHOKfil-V—liOiiiidcs C'ouaaty. Whereas Hugh Mclntyre Administrator of : Daniel Mclntyre having filed his petition ; in this Court for letters of dismission from his ; administration. This is therefore to admonish all concerned ; to show cause if any they can why said letters I should not he granted at a regular term of this ; Conn, after the expiration of six months. 1 Given under my l and and official signature this loth dav of May 1866. WILLIAM .SMITH ordy. GEORGIA—T lions a* Counfy. Agreeably to an orderof the Hon. Court of Ordinary of said County, I will sell before the Court House Door in Thomasville said County, within the Legal hours of rale on V-Tl lU ', d j y i:l J . ul - V uext , the hints of .To#.ah Hurst deceased, on the Albany Road twelve miles neutli west of Thomasville. lerrna made known on day of sale Stephen Hurst! •n j ■ „ „ Administrator - ’ 40 days notice. H. lI.TOQKE, Oidinarv GEORGIA—Tbomna County. Agreable to an Order of the Hon. Court of Ordinary of said County. I will sell before the Court House door in Thomasville said County within the Legal hours of side on the firn Tuesday in July uext the land of Wrn. S. Vann deceased—Terms Cash. daniel McKinnon. Administrator H 11. TOOKE Ordinnrv. KTOTICE To Everybody %) We the undersigned can now say to the Public that we are ready to GRIND CORN, as we have purchased an engine and mill of sufficient” power to do good Work, and the way you have to prove it is to bring your Corn and see if you do not get good Meal.ln connection with our Mill we will make Furniture to order, Bash, Blinds, Doors, Rip, Dress, Tongue and Groove Blank, make Co.ffins to order with neat ness and despatch, we will also take con. tracts for Building houses. TAYLOR & DEIvLE. I feel thankful to the Public for their ■liboral patronage extended to me hereto-, fore, and hope I may merit a continuation of the same. ISAIAH DEKLE. jjjflU ||j|jj| AHEAD! I TAAMNG a Large Stock of Fine Li. 1 q tiers on hand, we have IS EitICE I) the I*ricc, as follows : Old Bourbon, XXX, - $2.00 per Bottle. Do. do. XX, - - 1.50 “■ Do. do. X, - 1.00 “ “ French Brandy, Pure, - 3,00 “ “ Hennessey Brandy, - 3.00 “ •“ Otard, Dapoy &. Cos., - - 3.00 “ “ Pinet. Castilfoa & Cos.. - C’.OO” “ “ Cognac Brandy, -•- 1.75 “• “ Holland Gin, Pure, - - 2.09 “ . “ Old Swan Gin, Pure, - - 2.00 “ “ Choice Old I’ort Wine, - 2.00 “ “ Choice Old Sherry Wine, 2.00 l *’ “ ■ Choice Old Madeira Wine, 2.00 “• “ Claret “ St. Julien Medoe,” 1.00 “ “. C. Heidsiek’s genuine Champagne, $3.00 qts. Do. do. do. 1.7.5 pts. Old Bourbon Wbiskev, XXX, $6.00 per gttlfon. Old Bourbon Whiskey, XX, 5.90 “, “ Old Bourbon Whiskey, X, 4.00 *• . Old Bourhon, (by the barrel,) 3.60 “ “ 30.000 CIGARS of Choice Brands, and Genuine Imported Havana, do. Anderson’s Solace Tobacco, 12V cents pet paper. Massey, Collins*& Co’s ALE, on draught. Also, London and Edinburg Ale anil For* ,<l r, in Pints, 50 CENTS. ICE! I C pi! 1 Always on hand during the summer. Our motto is strictly C. O. I*. PETERS & PERRY. Attached to the “ Our House ” is No* 3XTi:xiLO ? J Where a choice and varied assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES Are constantly kept. C |Q OYSTERS) °-" 1 cents Two Pounds Can. rSPCaII and examine l’rices. THOMAS SHERIFF’S SALES. ViriKij be sold before the Court House V? door, in tlie Town of Thomasville, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual hours, the following property, to wit: Twenty-eight (28) acres'of land, more or less, iirthe town of Thomasville, being a part of lot number (54) in the 13th District of said County, and known as the place whereon Kindred Braswell resided at the time of his death. Also, four hundred and fifty [4s(l] acres of land more or less, known as the lot of Ivin dred Braswell, adjoining Alexander Smith’s plantation, being a part of lot number eiglity six [B6] in the 13th District of said County. * Levied on as property belonging to the estate of said Kindred Bras Well, under one Fi Fa, issued from Thomas Superior Court, De cember term, 1864, and sold to perfect titles. GABRIEL WILSON. May 30-30d Sheriff. Sale of Lands By AdininistralsTx. GEORGIA—Thomas Connty. AGREE ABI-iE to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary, will bo sold before the Court House door, in said County, within the legal hours of sale, ou tlie first Tuesday in Au gust next, a portion of the lands of William Alderman, deceased :—Fractions on the Geor gia and Florida line, west half of lot No. 90, and the east half of No. 91, in the 23rd Dis trict of Thomas County. Terms of sale Cash. li. A. ALDERMAN, June 1 l-40d Admiu’x. ‘NOTICE All Administrators, Executors Guardians and Trustees Liable underthe Law to make Annual Returns to this Court are Notified and required to make and tile the .same in Court on or before the first day of July next. On failure so to do they will be dealt with as the Law directs. 11. IT. TOOKE, 4-t • Ordinary; G EO RGlA—(Tiiicli County. WHEREAS, Nancy Dryden, applies tome for Letters of Guardianship of the estate and minor heirs of Benjamin Dryden, late of said County, dec’d : —Unless good cause is shown, said letters will lie granted at the regular term of this Court for July. Given under my hand and official signature, this May 30th, 1866. 11. MORGAN, May 30-3Od Ordinary VOTlCF.—Agreeable to an order of the 1.1 Honorable the C iirt of Ordinary of Thom as County, I will sell before the Court House door in Thomasville, said Connty, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Ju ly next, at public sale, all the notes, accounts and evidences of debt, considered doubtful or insolvent belonging to the estate of William S. Vann, deceased. Terms of sale cash. DANIEL MCKINON, May 30-30d Admr. G E ORGIA —Thomas Conn ty. Court of Ordinary, May 30, 1866. WHEREAS, A. I’. Wright makes application to said Courtfor letters of administration on the estate of Chasles B. Andrews, of the State of Connecticut, deceased : —All persons interested are therefore notified to file their objections in said Court, otherwise said letters will be grant ed and issued to said applicant at a regular term of said Court, on the first Monday in July next. June6-30d 11. 11. TCIOKE, Ord. GEORGIA —Thomas Comity. Court of Oidinary, May 30, 1866. WHEREAS, The estate of John Futch.dec., is without a legal representative :—All persons interested, are therefore notified to file their ob jections in Court, otherwise letters of admin istration on said estate will be granted and is sued to the public administrator of said County on the first Monday in July next. June6-30d 11. H. TOOKE. Ord HAVE TUMBLED! ; a IT there never was a Greater Tumble in the Prices of M all kinds of Goods, as you can see by Visiting tiro Store of J. SCHIFF BRO., WHO. HAVE NOW A FULL STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods, SUCII AS; Oarages, Organdies, Robes', Prints, Jaconets, Swiss Siaii-> sooks, Brilliants, Embroidered Bands and |Edgings, Infant's Robes asid Failles’ Face Collars & Sleeves, Silk Mantillas, Face Point, Straw Hats, AND NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES. We have also a fine assortniont Os . • . . •• SUMMER CASSIMEREAND READY MADE CLOTHING. LADIES* AND DENTS €ll OHt *; BODTS, HATS, TRUNKS, WINDOW SHADES, LOOKING GLASSES, . ‘ . UMBRELLAS: MU PABASOLEv- B. • . A GOOD STOCK. OF- ‘ JEWELRY AND .WATCH'F ALU OF. WHICH WE Offer AT . . ‘ •. ‘ The Lowest S Come and See for yourself before going elsewhere ’ N. E,—Just received a good lot of CHOICE FLOUR aiid FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds. April 18 10 ts georgjTr7 arledge, CS-©:o.<?3:r , st!L BDMIISTO HSMAIS®, AND DEALER IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, &c, &c. 72 CAY ST.. SAVANNAH, GA. • REFERENCES: ■■ ‘ • . S. W. ANDREWS A SONS, Savannah, Ga., TISON & GORDON, Savannah, Ga. ‘ April 11 15 Um TEBEAIJ rPHILLIFST At the Whitaker Street Shoe Store, North-Tast Corner of Brcuglitou Street Lane, Savannah, Ga; . v ©_ ‘ i >n ii •At; WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE FINEST | . PHIXiAOEJIjPHIIA Boots, Shoes (y ii niters I OElmiiaiiv'; :'KA BOYS WOOL AND STRAW HATS, Trunks and ‘Valises, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. L. C. TEBEAU. . . W. S. PHILLIPS: April 18 • 3 ra JOY TO THE WORLD ! 1.•,.. .T • . • ‘ THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! TO TIIE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has Relieved more Pain, and caused more Real Joy than any other one thing that can be named! • Is a balm for every Wound! Our first Physicians use it, and recommend its use ; the Apothecary find* it first among the Medicines called for, and the Wohlesale Druggist considers it a leading aiticle of :is trade. Allihe Dealers in Medicine speak alike in its favor ; and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and it is Tito Groat Family 31edieine of the Age! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDEN AT TACKS IN DISEASE. TAKEN INTERNATLY IT CURES Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Rowell Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dystery. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns and Scalds. Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the .Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. FAIN KILLER taken internally Bhould be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup witli molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops of sugar, eaten, will be more affective than anythnig else. For a SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer 1 nnd the relief is immediate and ettre positive. FURNITURE J|f mw. | 1 C "~~~ * -i FIT HE undersigned has Shop in | in Thomasville, for Hie Manufacture ! and Repairing of ‘ . FURNITURE, Making and Furnishing Coffins, kc.,■ kc. second door from the Print ing Office, on Jefferson street.. L. J SPITZ. Jan t .... . 3m-. Adaiinisfrafoi-'tf Sale. \XT 11-L he sold before the Conrt House door, T* . in tin* town of Valdosta, pu.the first Tuesday i-u August next. One Hundred ‘Acres, of Land, in the south West ‘corkier of lot No. 62, in 11th District of, Lonndes Geunty.well improved, belonging to the (.-Mate o/ W. N. Peacoek, Into of saw County, deceased, gold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. A. M. PEACOCK, June 2ff-40d . • Adm’x. Adfuinisfralor's Sule. j VlTlLLbe sold'before the Court House door, Tv. in Lonndes ConntVj on the first Tuesday in August next, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: ‘ Lot number Seventy-one, in the Fifteenth Disti'ni of formerly Irwin, now Lonndes Coun ty, well improved, fiditaiuing Four Hundred and Ninety Acre?, Icjss th? ’'blow s dower. • Also, one Town Lot i'y-Valdosta. Sold as the property of Archibald MC.lntyrJ, late of Lonndes Countv, dec'd. Terms on the day. ISAAC JESSUP, ‘ June ffO-GCd A'dm’r.. (Hltf Hltl.t—t’olijnitl CoKMly. • Court of Ordinary , June -I///, 1860. • WHEREAH, Jeremiah AY. and William ‘D. Hancock', minors'of Jeremiah T. Hancock, •of said. County, are now without a legal repre sentative, !>oih as to person and property All porsonS Interested will take due notice thereof a'nd. file their objections in Court, otherwise the 1 1 . hi the Snj mr.l ‘vm.-i. or some other lit • . . • •••■ : li be; ; p nuii-d Guardian. •. hi ‘.- . ■ (-'• iart-. I- . lAG (“AHI,TON, June 20-30d • • ‘ \Or^Snary. j (s'KOHfil.t Colquill Comity. Court, of Ordinary, June 4th, 18G6.’ . II HE UK AS , The estate of Jeremiah T. Hancock, is now without a legal representa tive All persons interested are ‘hereby noti liv I i” file tlieii objections in Court, otherwise the Clerk of the Superior Court* or some other fit nmi-propi-r person Wilt be appointed admin i&tyatoE t iion*<>l1 H at the August term of this i Court. • ISAAC .CARLTON, June 2h-30d . * . Ordinary.- ; (il'lQßtiilA li*UUt< *• V©MUt}. Courtof Ordinary,,June Term, 1866. • j 11 HEREASj David Copeland applies for Letters of (fuardianshiji of the persona and property.of tlfe minpivehildren o4’ Win. night-, late oi said County, dfeevasedThis is-there fore toadmonim all. concerned, to lje and. ap- I near at. my officcj within the time prescribed by ;• lu.v, to show cause if any they can, wiiy said j letters should not be granted” Given under my hand, at office, this Bth day of June, 1866. WILLIAM’SMITHS . . June 20-30.d • . Ordinary, I (lEORKIA—Cliurli- Count;-. rjVWO Months after date application will lie a made to the Honorable Ordinary of raid County, for leave to sell Lots, of Land Nos (401) four hundred and-one, (381} three hun dred and eighty one, and (3vj| three hundred . and eiglity-two, in the 7th District of Clinch County, the property of the estate-of Duncan Henderson, deceased, for the purpose of divi sion amongst the distributees of said estate. ANDERSON J. HENDERSON. May 0-1 11-gm Adrn’i* • (HlOKßlA—lieniidcs County. TWO months after date application will he made to the Court Os Ordinary, of Lowndes County, for leave to sell the wild lands be longing to’the Estate of M. M. Brinson late of . said County, deceased. ’ R. V. LANE, . May 3(l-’60d Admr. • __ ... -■■■.'.■ ■ ■ ... J <T!ir thnttvriisf. EC. BRYAN. T . KDITOH DB PROPRIETOR. .ftCBSCKIPTION TERRS. ■. ■ The Southern Enterprise is published weekly at Four Dollars per annum,-strictly rx. advance. . . ; Advertisements Will be inserted for One* Dollar per square of ‘melee lines or less for cacb insertion. From this rate a discount of ■Twenty-Jive per cent, will be made for adver tiftfmi%ts -insert,,-l for three months or under si.t months, and, Pifly p(r cent- for /were months or more. ‘ All Advertisements sent to the office must be. marked with the number of insertions desired or the period to be publuhcd, and in every ■instance accompanied with the amount re quired for payment. • Marriages ‘and Deaths will hereafter he • charged fir as advertisements. Special or editorial notices will be published ■ and charged at-doiible. Ike abdee rates. Payments must be made in current funds. Remittances may be made by Express -at our risk. ~A.ll others must be. at the risk of those: making the same. Subscribers names util be dropped from the . list at the end of the term for which, the sub scription has been paid, unless renewed All communications should be addressed to tlie “Proprietor Southern Enterprise Thomasville, Georgia.” “ ,0 li*GAli ADVEKTIKEVIENTm.’ All persons having occasion to advertise Legal Sales, Notices, etc., are compelled by law to comply with the following rales Administrators, Executors , or Guardians .- All sales of Land by. Administrators, Execu tors or Guardians, are required by law to be ! held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the 1 ours of ten o’clock in the forenoon, and three in thmaftemoon, at the Court. House in v hii the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Sol, of Per Dial Property .-—Notices of the sale of personal property must he given at least ten days previjus to the dav of sale: • Estate Debtors and Creditors :—Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Court of Ordinary Leave to Sell :—Notice that, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary lor leave to sell Lands, must be pub lished weekly lor two months. Administrators and (1 nardianship —Cita tions for Letters of Administration must be ! published thirty days; for Dismission from j Administration, monthly for six months. Foreclosure of Mortgage :—Rules for Fore closure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months Establishing Lost Papers: —Notices estab, lishing Lost Papers must be published for the full term of three months. will always be cctnfinned according to thp above rales. (mlcsS otherwise ordered. GKOHGIA —I'iiniHH, County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County .- THE undersigned, your Petitioner,.Admin istrator on the lolloTving estates, to wit: Estate of Dixon F. Pearce, Murdock Mc- Kinnon, Floyd H. Re veils, John H. fievells, J. 11. M. Gardner, ( . W. Branch, Jno. A. Lane, Mary'Atkinson and Jonathan G Miller, and as administrator with the will annexed of the Estates of Daniel Stringer and Kinchen Ward, if -., aged, skeweth, that a portion of the same • consists of lands, and that it is necessary to sell said lands for the purpose of paying the debts; of. deceased, and for distribution among the distributee* and, legatees thereof.. He there fore prays-for an order of Court , granting leave te sell the same, ami as in duty bound willever pray, etc.’ . M. C. SMITH, Adui’r. GEORGJ A —Thomas County. ■ ’ ■ Court of Ordinary, June 11 Ik, IB6G-. .CITIN’ hearing the foregoing Pefition, it in- Ordered• by the Court, that said petitfoff tliii* order be published in the Southern Enter prise, once every two weeks for sixty days H. H. TOOK®, June !3-02w60d Ordinary. GEOItRtA: —TtioMjas t'ornil;. , To the bonoraUt th( Ct nrt of Ordinary of said County. . ■ ■ . Tlie undersigned yonr petitioner, shewetW that the estate of Sheldon deceased, in his “hands as administrator, consists ia part of Lands and that, it is necessary £or the purpose of a division among (he di* tributees thereof to selj the same. Peti tioner therefore makes this his application for an order granting him leave to sell the Lands of said deceased, and as in duty . boiind will ever pray. J. I. PARKER,’ Adni>, | €k-OtUifA— Ykonin* 4'mhhiv ■ Court of Ordinary May Iblh, 1866. Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said Petition and this order be published in the Sontb ern Enterprise once every two weeks sow two months. : ■ ic if. TorK v ; JfaV 30 GPd . ‘M-dfmuV (}!itIUGIA t ‘iniHii* C. .i To the Honorable Court of Ordinary fsa Con nty: .. - • .-.*■*• j The. undersigned, Petitioner, AdmiiiM •tmtoron tCe estate'of C. 11. Young,deceased r sheWeth that he has fully discharged his duties a.-such ; —lie therefore petitions and prays for an order of said Court discharging him from’ • said trust, and as in duty hound will ever prav. etc. E. R. YOUNG, Adn#r- GEORGIA —Thomas County, ■ . • - Court of Ordinary, June Ist, 1.8G6. I'p<m hearing the foregoing Petition, it i* or- • do red hythe Court, that said petition and thi* order be published in the Southern Enterprh* onee-a week for six months. 11. 11. TfHIKE. June 6 6m • Ordinary. CIEOKRt t—Tltwinns ('•nHlr. Tv th< Ibinin-ald- Coui'i of Ordinary of tatd . Coy/nfy .- ■ ‘I lIEJ’i-tiiion of W. G. Lewis, Administra tor on the .estate of Vi m. ,J. Evans, deceased, sli’evveth, that said estate in his hands, consists in part of lands, and that it is necessary to sell the same for the purpose of distribution, and to pay the debts ot deceased lli- therefore peti tion* and. prays tor an order et Court, granting leave to sell said lauds, uihl as in duty bound . will ever pray, etc. \\ . G. LEWIS, Adui’r. (l EOR (11A — Thom as Con nt y. Coml of Ordinary, June loth, 1866. UPON hearing tlie foregoing Petition, It I Ordered by the Court, that said Petition an and Order, be published, in the Southern Enter prise once every two weeks for two months ‘ . II 11. TOOKE, June 20 GOd ■ ‘ Ordinary. <JE<lK<JlA—Thms>> C'esmlp.’ 1.0 the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said- County \ -.. THE undersigned, vour Petitioner, admin istrator on the estate of Edward Bryan dec’d., siicwct'li, that’ he has fully discharged his du ties as such, and now makes this his apidira fioii for a Dismission and discharge from said trust, and prays that the citation issue in terms •ot tin- law, and as-in dutv bound will ever* pray, etc. . M, J, J. 11RVAN, Adna’r, .- GE ORGlA—Thomas County. Con it of Ordinary ,./ nc .6th , 1866.. 1 PON hearing the foregoing petition, it is ordered by the Court, that said Petition and this Order, be published in the Southern Enter* prise.once a week for six months. 11. H. TOOKE, June 2b-6m Ordinary. GEOIHJIA-—TbiHa < unntf. . To the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of . said County. 1 HE undersigned, your Petitioner, shewetb that the estate of M. C. Grace, deceased, in his hands, as Administrator thereon, consist in ; part of Lands, and that it. is necessary to sell the same for the purpose of distribution among tlie distributees thereof, petitioner therefor© prays the order of said Court granting leave to sell said lands, aiid as in doty hound will ever pray, Ac. . L. M. - GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, May 2oth, 1866. . Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it i ordered, by the Conrt that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enter prise, every two weeks for two months. H. 11. TOOKE, May 30-6fld ■ Ordinary, <JEOl<l<JEA—Tbemas Ceuiity. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said ■ County: TJIE Petition of —-—t-administrator on the Estate of C. 11. Young* deceased, shewetli tliat said deceased, died possessed of Lands, and that it i? necessary to sell the same for the purpose of distribution among the.distributees of said therefore plays for an order granting him leave to sell the same, and as in duty bound will ever pray,etc.- - •E. R. YOUNG, Adm’F, GEORGIA—Thomas County. Courtof Ordinary, June Ist, 1866. . Upon bearing the foregoing Petition, it is or dered by the Court, that'said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise, once every two-weeks for two'moiftnrf - - * H H. TOOKE; a: June G GOd . Ordinary. <■ l-.ORGIA Eonnlc Count)'. IS HEIIEAS, Dennis SVitherington, Guar dian of the person and property of Nancy. Ra chel, Maty, Surrenu, Elizabeth, Molsev A Jasse VYithe rington, minors of said County, having fully discharged his trust,applies to be dismiss ed from bis Guardianship: —Therefore all per sons concerned are hereby notified and reauired to appear at my office, on the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Dismission should not bo granted. Given under mv band and official signature, this 22d day of February, 1866, william g. Smith, Feb 28 9-6 m C. C, Ord. <J EOR<JIA —Lowndes County. WHEREAS, Allen Jones, Administrator of A\ 1 1 ham I • HiiJ, late of said County, deceased having filed his petition in this Court for Let ters of Dismission from said estate This is therefore to admonish all concerned, to be and appear at my oitice within the time prescribed hv Jfw, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should nob be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 24th day of January, 1860. . o. 7 WItfHAM SMITH, •Jan 31-mfyn Ordinary