Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 11, 1866, Image 4

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JOHW C- : TMF CO • * Wholesale Dealers in Dry 600d% 31eii ? s ? Boys ? ? and Children's Straw llats and 31illiner\ Goods of all kinds. 139 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia. SHOES LEATHER DEPOT! • 152 CONGRESS STREET, SAVA>\.IH, CA. THE atlei, Merchants and Planters in Thomas and Comities >■ Stoc kol • • BOOTS, SHOES LEATHER AND . FINDINGS, 1 WHII B ABE OF! ERED AT THE. . LOW! ST i AS H PR J C •* S. ’ . ‘■ E goods’ turvd ‘. . OCR LEATHERS, • fIOI.F. ( II.r.NKiV KIP. IJiR. > | s'*. MOROCCO, &c.. i* full s?an r 1 *ge lota of KAILS. . ■ tiUOl makkl:-* : . IMCONtfICM ITRRVT. CLARK & HBRSCH. April 18- . ’ .Rp- i PALMER & DEPPISH, VThol ‘il ‘Tn l Jleiil D >1 r* in - XX jX !EX X> V X. XX 3U, l i i.CRV. riLRAtMS TOOLS, ■! ARItICILTI RVL PIPi EtllMtC lowdbe** shot.. mid Lead. ONGREdS a67 .- .. JULIES BTS. ii a. T'uMrr;.) Savannah. Ga. i J. il. DEPPISH. j . | SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. GEOCEES AND Commission Merchants. SAVANNAH, GA YY'c would be happy to see our former uul friends, also, the public, gene- . rally, at. our,store at the bead of the Day. P- • . V, c would be ha pry to. receive from Cot t o r prt sell on the m st favorable terms, and fill \ their orders at the 1 and return to them she sales of property. D. TANARUS: SCRANTON, .Os the lr.te firm oi Scranton A .Johnson. Wl*. 11. SMITH*. Os the late firm of Rabun & Smith. J. L. LARGE Os Savannah, Georgia. ~SAVANNAH CHEAP DRY GOODS STORS. mi* 11 m WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods Hint,.if Jfit; DRESS GOODS. TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac>. concskesx. ST.,I Scvannih, (7a. April IS ■ 3m Mi F ERST & GO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SECiAR*. F i>( V GROCFRIES. CANMBA Ar„ Ac. - i on hand, a hr,_ s: ek of TO* BACCO'S. No. 150 CONGRESS STREET. Horsr i\ Xe'.v York.) ft., 360 cmiai t. i oay anna h. Ira. ■ TIN SHOP! BF. FUDGE has now opened a • wholesale and retail Shop, oppo ■ He is now < repared to do.all kinds of TIN AND S:IEET IRON WORK RE PAIRING, tea. ■ D *r Guttering and Hoofing done in the : ■ D. i. FUDGE. Apr 14 1-5-ly GFORGIA-*Colqiiiti Comity. .Court’ WHEREAS. Linton Carlton. Administrator ■with the will annexed, on the estate’ of i. eru, H Harp, In,. .: - ;a ~rop er fixui to t', dismissed ftiitii his adminiatm tion All persons interested will tak, and tice thereof, and tile their objections in Court ot'ierw -y 1 ttef- ,■ and- , w.i •.,* - the applicant at the .December term of thft Co , nn ~o ISAAC CARLTON, June t)-40d Ordinary, Two months from date application will be made to Loondes Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the real estate of; > unoa Newsom late of Loondes C nntv Jece ‘1 THOMAS B GRIFFIN Admr. OF GEORGIA Thoa^T. O C ounty.—Two :. - cation will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said County. for leave to sell all the Lauds Wang ’ - - *E. R. Young, b*e of •atdConnty, deceased. D s braNpox. W, J. YOUNG, Jane ‘27-dm Executors. GE O lit. IA Whereas Huirh Mclntyre Administrator of Dan.el Mclntyre having filed his petition in this Court lor letters of dismissiou from his admin; -• ratiop. This i* therefore to admonish all concerned to show cause if any they can whv said letters should not be in-anted at “a regular'term of this Conn, after the expirat on of six months. . .under my Land and official siimature uu loui day of M . v 1866. AY ILLIAM SMITH ordv NTOTICE To Everybody •*/ %} i. We the ut l ean now say to the ;-Public that- we are ready to . GRIND CORN, OS w'e have purchased an engine and mill . sufficient power to do good Work, and ‘he way you hare to prove it is to bring m ana see if you do not get good Meal.ln connection with our Mill we will i'Bake Furniture to order, cash. Blinds, !’ ms, Lip. Dress, Tong Plank, make-Coffins to order with neat . spat ;ii. we will also take .con* tiacts for Building houses. . TAYLOR & DEKLE. Tft 1 thankful to the Public for their ral patronage extended to me hereto** re, .and hope I may merit a- con tinu? tion J-of the same. Is A1 All DL KLL. I _ LAWRENCE HALL ~ ‘T'LVKES the liberty of informing the public 1 that he is .now receiving and will keep fustantly on hand, at his old stand the Post Office, the following articles ; Bacon. Flour. Sugar, Syrup, Lard, UoFee, Rice, Salt, Candles, Spice. Pepper, Copperas. Shoes Hals and CANTDIES. AIAO.:~POB OER, SHOTA CAPS, PI>S. IVEt:I.FS, THREAD. BUTTONS, RAISfNS, TINT WARE, And many other things too numerous to men tion. may 16 3m 37* A. M I ju Y GROCERIES. - lIE nudet irtied are now offerinir Family . 1 ■<; inciTic* Cheap for Cash, at tbe stand I of David Harrell. They, are also preparing to receive a large lot of • GROCERIES Os all SJeseri jit ions, at the same place, ‘which they intend offering . it. ‘most reasonable terms lor Cash or Country Produce. JOSHUA TAYLOR. ’ - - ; JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb? 6-6 m C, H. WILLCOX, Superinteuftcn t T. H WILLINGHAM, WHOLESALE . C3r-r ooo3r&, 143 Congress A. 57 Si. Jnlien Sts., SAVAAH, GA„ Keep con-rmtly on. band, and receiving per every Steamer, all kinds of ■ rl TQ TANARUS) V (p. . Er Ad. Lt Jail evil Sl) 0 \ SEGARS, TOBACCO, Ac., Are Prompt attention given to Orders accom panied with remittance. apr 111 2m DAVID BAILKY, ALEE CHANT taixjOu, NO. 14 M IIITAKEB NTRBET, j Bitn-ceu Bryan and Bay Streets. TS now receiving his Spring. and Summer >tock, comprising fine French Cloths and ■ v ree also, trie Fancy French Cassi* J men-s and Coatings. Drap ’E te. Flannels. ■ White, and Brown Linen Duck. Marseilles, i 4c., which he will make up at the shortest n •; ce and it* the most fashionable style. I >? Remember No. 12 Whitaker Street.. j April .IS _ •• ;1 JOSE Q. FELIPE Desires to call tbe attention of • . ! • To Lis admirable and cheap stock .of FOKEIGN AND DOMESTIC b . v ■ - i S-Un Cs- A 3E^t Smoking aad Virginia cheving. • TOBACCO&c _ I At Who Bs . and Detail. A. Toncc'- j . # OW .Stand, corner of and -W hi taker streets Savannah Ga. April 3m SCRANTON, SMITH A Cos. Keep constantly on hand, Choice old BRANDIES, WHISKIES, WINES, GIN, &c., And every variety of —Also,— hay, CORN, OATS and BRAND, Strictly at wholesale to the Trade, and we bitter ourselves that we can make it to the interest of Dealers to patronize us. At the head of Bay street opposite Jeffer son street. | A P r 11 6m E. EHRLICH. WHOLESALE DEALER i\ First Class Family Groceries, Provisions. Wines. Liquors. Preserves. Fancy Groceries, Fruits, kc.. kc., No. 30 Whitaker St., Savannah, Georgia. Apr ll 3m Sale of Lancis Ry Administratrix. GEORGIA —Thomas County. ■AGREEABLE to an orderof the Honorable ! Court of Ordinary, will be sold before the I Court House door* in said County, within the ; legal hoars of sale.-on the first Tttesdav in Au tru-: next, a portion of the lands of William Alderman, d*.*•■••.i--d —Fractioo- on the Gear and Florida line, west half of lot No. 96, arid tin- east half of No. 91. in the 23rd Dis •t tie: of Thomas Countv. Terms of sale Cash.’ R.’ A. ALDERMAN. Jnne 14-40d Admin’x. G EORG 1A Thomas Countyi Court of Ordinary, May 30, 1566. WHEREAS. A. P. Wright makes application to said Court for letters of administration on the estate of Charles.B Andrews.'of the State of Connecticut, deceased :—AIL persons interested are tin rtf-re notified to til. their object intis iu said Court, otherwise said letters will be grant ed and is-tted to said applicant at a regul.i r term of said C’ .art. on the tirt Monday in .1 jilv next 11. H. TOI >KE, Ord. GEORGIA —Tlioiiiatt County. Court of Oidinary. May 30, 1866. WHEREAS. The estate, of Jobs .Fateh, dec., is without a legal representative: —All persons interested, are therefore notified to file tneir ob jections .in Court, otherwise letters of admin istration on said estate will he granted and is sued to the public administrator of said County oiithefirst Monday in Julvne-xt. June 6-30d H.'II. TOOKE, Ord. G FORGI.4 —Thomas Comity. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of paid . . County. ‘ THE Petition of Pleasant Hutchison, -Ad ministrator on the estate of John W. Davis, deceased, sheweth, that’ there are lands in bis hands, the property of said estate, and that if is necessary to self the same tor distribution of said estate and to pay the debts thereof. lie therefore petitions and prays for an order granting leave to sell said lands, and as in dutv bound will ever prav, etc. PLEASANT HUTCHISON, Administrator, GEOBGIA Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, June 22, 1866. | UPON hearing the'foregoing .Petition it is ordered by the-Court that said petition and order be published in the Southern Enterprise once everv two weeks for two months. II 11. TOOIvE, July 4-2 m . Ordinary. GFORGI A—Tlioinan Comity. Court of Ordinary, June 3253, 1801), WH ERE AS, L- M. Sntto tion to this Court for Letters of Administration, on the e tat-e of S. B. Grace,- deceased.:—.ill pers ons interested are therefore notified to tile their objections in -Court, otherwise sa : d let ter- will be granted in terms of the reriuire menfs of the law. ’ 11. H. TOOKE,’ . ‘ Jnly 1 dn.l ■ ‘ , Ordinary. GFORGlA—Tkoinan {'onuiy. Tp the .Honorable .Court of Ord i nary of said c THE Petition of Nancy Roddenberi-y,. Ad ministratrix on the estate of Henry Rodden berry, deceased, sheweth, that the're are in her Imnds lands, the property of said estate, and . that it is necessary to sell the lands for Distri bution and to pay.the debts of -deceased:—He therefore petitions and .prays for am order granting leave to sell said lands,'and as in duty I bound will ever pray, etc. • ‘ • ■ ‘. • nanGyeoddenberry, ‘ Administratrix.. ■ GEOTtGJA— Thomas County, Court of Ordinary, June 22, 1866, URON-henring tin-foregoing Petition, it is ordered by tlie Court that said petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise once every two weeks for two nr-nttis. ’ ’ IL 11. TOOKE, . July 4-2nt Ordinary. fJEOßLl.i—Tlioma* C'omily. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County. THE Petition of Daniel Mclntosh, adminis trator on the estate ot John A. Mclntosh, Sr., I deceased, sheweth, that said estate consists in part of Lands, and that it is neCessarv to sell the same for distribution : Petitioner therefore ■prays lor an order of Court granting leave to sell said lands, and as in duty bound will ever prav, etc. D. McINTOSH, Adm’r. • GEORGIA—Thomas County. ■ .Court-of Ordinary, July 2, 1860. • UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it'is ordered by the Court that said Petition and this order be published in tin- Southern Enter prise once every two weeks for two months. H. H. TOOKE, July 4 40d Ordinary. GFORGIA —Tiionins County. • To the Ordinary of said County. . THE Petition of James E Dyson, Executor of the estate of Thomas Dyson, late of said County, deceased, sheweth, that it is import ant to the interest of said estate that the same ! be Wound up and-distributed at as early a day as-possible, and he therefore prays .your honor to give notice of this ins application to sell the real property belonging t.. said estate; and that if no objection is filed, that .your honor will grant to him the order as praved for. • ALEXANDER & LOVE. .Att ys for Executor, Cj EOR GIA — Th nmas County.. Court of Ordinary , July 2, 1866. I PON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Coart that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise oace everyotwo weeks for two monl . ‘ H. 11. TOOKE, July 4-PM Ordinary. GE O ISC? I A—Colq uilt Counly. Court of Ordinary. 28, 1866. WHEREAS, The estate of D. J. Norwood deceased, is without a legal representative:— All persons interested are therefere notified to file their objections in. said Conrt. otherwise letters of administration will be granted there on as tin- low directs. ISAAC CARLTON, July 4-'3od • Ordinary. GEORGlA—Colquitt Comity. WHEREAS, Nancy J. Alger, Administra trix on the estate of James R. Alger, dee’d , having filed her petition in this Court for Let ters of Dismission :—All persons are hereby notified to tile theirobjeetoona in Court within the time prescribed by law; otherwise Letters of Dismission will be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and signature, February sth, 1866. . ISAAC CARLTON, Feb 21 -8-6 m Ordinary. GEORGIA—CIinch Comity. j To all whom it may Concern .- YY IIEREAS. Juniper Griffis applies to me : for Letters of Guardianship for the minor heirs j of Charles Griffis, late of said County, dec’d : j This is therefore to cite and admonish till eon ! cerned, to be and appear at my office within | the time prescribed by law. to’ show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be i gtanted. Giveu under my hand, at office, this i Julv 2,1566. ■’ 11. MORGAN, July 4-30d Ordinary. GEORGIA—CIinch County. To all whom it may Concern : YY HEREAS. David O't/uin. administrator | of N. J. Higgs, Robert fiitrgs and YVilliam Burkba.ter. late of said County, deceased, hav ; ins tiled bis Petition in this Court for Letters of Dismission :—This is therefore to admonish i all concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show j cause if any they have, why said letters should not be irranted Given under bit hand at 1 office, this Julv 2.1866. II MORGAN, July 4-6 m Ordinarv- EMUS III) hill.mill’ r HAVE TUMBLED! af T there never was a Greater Tumble In tlie Prices'of all kinds of tiocds, as you can see by tlie Store of J. SCI HIT is BRO., ‘+J j WHO HAVE NOW A FULL STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods, • SUCH ASi * ‘ Burages.Organdies, Robes, Prints, Jaconets, Swiss \aii sooks, Brilliants, Embroidered Bands anrilEdglnrgsr, Infant's Bobes and Eadies’l,ace C ollars & Sleeves, Silk Mantillas, Eace Point, Straw lints, i . ‘ AN Li NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES. • ’ We have also a fine assortment of * . SUMMER CASSIMERE AND READY MADE. CLOTHING,. I LADIES* AMD DENTS SILOES & BOOTS, . HATS, TRUNKS, WINDOW SHADES, LOOKING GLASSES, U SLLAS AM PARASOLS. . . . . .A GOOD- STOCK .OF • • JEWELRY AND WATCHES, ,| . ALL OF WHICii WE OFFER AT “1711.0 Lowest JP:r:LO©! . ¥ * * , -,. Coine.and See for yourself before going elsewhere.! If. B.—Just received a good lot of CHOICE FLOUR and ‘FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds. . ‘ April IS * ‘ . * 16 tf'. GEORGE HARLEDGE, €3rO:O.3:s~S?JL ®©BHni2n©a wssm&sto, AND DEALER IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, PRODUCE. &c„ &c. 72 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. REFERENCES r . • ‘ . S.-W. ANDREWS & SONS, Savannah, Ga., TISON & GORDON, Savannah, Ga. . April 11 15 ‘ •8m ‘ TBBEAU & PHILLIPS, At the Whitaker Street Shoe Store, IVortli-Fast Corner of Broughton Street Lane, Savannah, Ga. 1 r • o c WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE FINEST PHILADELPHIA Bools, Shoes (y Gaiters ■ ©■EKTEEKfR' 5 § AID SOYS wool. AND STRAW HATS, Tranks and Valises* AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. L. C, TEBEAU. • • W.'S. PHILLIPS. April 18 3m JOY TO THE WORLD ! ’ THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ FAIN KILLER ! TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has Relieved more Fain, and caused more Real. Joy than any’ other one thing that ‘* can be named ! Is a Balm for every JVouml ! Our first Physicians use it, and recommend its use; the Apothecary finds rt first among the Medicines called for, and the Woblesale Druggist considers it a leading article of :is trade. AU the Dealers in Medicine speak alike in its favor ; and its reputation as a Medicine of Great M'erit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and. it is The Great Family Medicine of the Age! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE. IN CASE OF SUDDEN ‘AT’ TACKS IN DISEASE TAKEN INTERNA JL Y IT CURES Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.. Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complain - . Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowell Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dystery. TAKEN EXTERN ALL YIT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns and Scalds, Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. TAIN KILLER taken internally should be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a.few drops of sugar, eaten, will -he more affective than anythni"- j else. For a SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Tain Killer and the relief is immediate and cure positive. mniTiKi: | & IHiE J rj'MIE undersigned has opened a Shop in in Thomasville, fen - the Maunlacturfc and Repairing of . . FURNITURE. Making and Furnishing Coffins, .'ie., &c. fgTShop second door from the Print ing Office, on Jefferson street. . • . L. J SPITZ. Jtwi 1 ‘ . -3m AtlTtiinisfriifoi'e Sale. VV’’ lI.L t'c > >lil before tin- Court House door, M in the town of Valdosta, on tin- tir.-t Tuesday in August next. One Hundred Acres . of Land, in the sooth west corner of lot No. 62, in l)th District of LoOndes County, well improved, belonging to tin- estate’of WN. Peacot f. late of said County, deceased. Sold for the benefitrof the heirs and creditors A. M. PEACOCK. June 2(Mod‘ • • Adni’x.’ IdprialitWrtvr’fl Sale, A A7TLL be sold beffire the Court Hons©door, tt ifi Loandes County, on. the ruesday in August next, within tne usual hours of-sale, the following j roptfrty, to wit: Lot number Seventy-one, in the Fifteenth , District of formerly Irwin, jtow Lonndes Coun ty, well improved,” containing Po.ur Hundred • and Ninety Acres, less the w idow’s dow'< r. Also, one Town Lot in Valdosta Sld as the property of Archibald Mclnfvri, late, of Lonndes County, piec’d.’ Terms oh ;he day.” . . ISAAC JESSUP, •Jnn< 20 fil'd ■ . CIItORUtA—( olqnilt County.* ■ . Court of 1 Medina ry June WHEREAS, Jeremiah W. and William D. -Hatrcock, minors ol Jefemiah T. Hapcoek, ofsgid County, are now without a legal repre sentative, both as to person and property j—All persons interested will take due notice thereof and.file their objections in Court, otherwise the Clerk of the Superior C; urt. or some other - fit and proper poison, will la-appointed Guardian at the August term of this Court. • ISAAC CARLTON, ’June-20-300 Ordinary. (JH—Colquitt County. Court of Ordinary, June 4th, 1866. WHEREAS, The estate of Jeremiah T Hancock, ; s now without a legal repres tive: —Al! persons interested are Hereby noiti fied to tile tneir objections in Court, otherwise the Clerk of the Superior Court, or.some other fit and proper person will la- appointed admjn ijßtrator thereon, at the August-term of this Court. . . • ISAAC CARLTON, June2o-30d • Ordinary. OEhRGIA Court of Ordinary, J ,186 WHEREAS, David Copeland applies for Letters of Guardianship’ ol tb< persons and property of the minor children of Win. Knight, late of.said County, deceased: —This is ti.ere fore to-admonish all concerned, to I . - pear at piy office, Within the time prescribed by la A - , to show cause if any they can. why said letters should not’be granted’ Given under my -hand, at office, thi. Bth dnv of June 1866. WILLIAM SMITH, .- Jnu< • ‘. Ordinary. t! EOlHiiA—Clinch County. rrtWt) Months after date application, will be i made to the Honorable Ordin-m of said inty, for leave to.sell Lots of Land Nos • (401 four hundred and one, (381. three liun dredand eighty one, and (382) three hundred and eighty-two, in the 7th District of { ‘County, the pro-pertv of thi st 1 of Hnncan Henderson, deceased, for the purpose of divi sion amongst tin- distributees of said estate. ’ ANDERSON J. HENDERSON, May 9-13-2 in • Adm’r. LomalcN Coiint}. TWO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, of Lowndes County, for leave to sell the wild lands be longing to the Estate of M. M. Briupon late .of said County, deceased. • R.Y. LANE May 3(L6Od ... . Admr. - ‘ flit Scufljtnt (hnttrprisf. L. C. BRYAN;? CDITOU A\n PROI'RIETOtt. NIB>CRIPTIO\ TEK.VIS. •o— ’ • The. Southern Enterprise is p Ushed u-i i sly at 1- our Dollars pt ,• annum, strictly• %M ADVANCE, Advertisements will in’ inserted for Ore* 1 lolu u per squa . each insertion. From thin rate a discount of Twenty-Jive per cen . will bt n tisemestis inserted for three month* or uruler si.r month*.- outl Fif'y per coil, ./or /;/;<■ r> month* or more.’ “ ■ AH Advertisements sent to the ojjici n ust. I ‘ marked with tin numbt rof insertic lest . instance accompanied with the amount re quired for payment. . . Marriages or-! ]> ■ charged for as advertisements. ■ ‘ or editorial notices will be published and charged at double, the at,ore rates. Pay mi nts n isl l R, Pittances mat/ be mao, b , Expiei • a risk. All others must in at the Hs of. making, ‘hr son,,. Subscribers names will hr dropped from the list at.the end of the term fortrhrch the sub scription la,* been pat ■ . . wed AH communications shot Id be addressed lo th, “Proprietor Southeri E Thomasvixle, Georgia.’’ o LECAL ADVERTISEMENrs. All persons having'occasion to advertise Legal Sales, Notices, etc., are compelled by law to comply with the following rules : •” - Administrators, Executors, or Guardians All sales of Land .by Administrate i-S; Execu tors or Guardians, at)■ required bv latv to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the 1 ours of ten o’clock in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the’ Court House in which the property is situate. Notices of these stiles must be given in a public -gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Sale of Personal Property .-—Notices of the sale of personal property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Estate Debtors and Creditors : —Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Court of Ordinary Leave to Sell.- Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lauds, must be pub iisheci weekly for two months. Administrators and Guardianship .- C'ita tions for Letters of Administration must be puh.tslied thirty days; for Dismission from Administration, monthly for six months. Foreclosure of Mortgage .—Rules for Fore closure of Mortgage must be published monthly lor four months. Establishing Lost Papers :—Notices estab lishing Lost Papers must be published for the full term of three months. will always be continued according to the above rules, unless otherwise ordered ; EOROI A—Thomas Cnnuly. To the Honorable Court oj Ordinary of said County : Til F. undersigned, y 1 -tier. Admin-’ istrator on the following estates, t-> wit : L.'tate <d Dixon 1- Pearce, Murdock Me-. Kinnon, Fiend 11. Revells, John H. Revells, J 11. M Gardner, C. W. Branch, Jno. A. Lane, Mat v Atkinson and Jonathan G. Miller* and a- administrator with the will annexed of the Estates oi Daniel Stringer ami Kincben Ward, deceased, sheweth, that a portion of the same consists of lands, and that it is Doccsearyto sell sai t lands for the purpose of paying the debts of deceased, and for distribution among the. distributees and legatees thereof He there tore prays for an order of Court, granting leave to sell tin same, and as ii duty hound will ever pray,etc. M e SMITH. Adm’r. GEORGIA — Thomas-Coant y.. . .. Court of < > .1 .11 ti, 1861 I'l't N heat ing the foregoing Petition, it is Ordered bv the Court, that sard petition ami this order be published in the Southern Enter prise, once every two weeks forsixty days . Ull TOOKE, ‘ . June 13-02w66d ‘ - - Ordinary CtEORdlA —T iioin.-Is 4‘oian'fy To till h morablt tfu Court if Ordinary of said • Court ty. ; ’ - The undersigned yotrr petitioner, shewetb that the estate Of.She! Jon'Swift, deceased, in his hands as administrator, consists in par; of Lands and that it is necessary fur tjie.putpose >f a division among the dis tributees theretif- to sgll the i-arne. 3‘cti. tioqer therefore makes this his application for an order granting hitn leave to sell.the- Lands of said deceased, anil'as in duty bouaji tvili ever prnv. • - • ” -’’•’ J, I. PARKER, ’ • • ‘ * Adrti’r. . 4W4>R<iAA Tliamun (oHiitt. - Court'pf Ordinary Jfay 25fi f 1866. . • • l poin bearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that “said Petition and tbis order be published in the- .South ern Enterprise crnce every, two Vccks- for two months^ ’ . • ■ • • . . H-B. TOGKE, -'*■ i . ■ . Ordinasy. (-'i.Oßg JA Tholnns foiiHtt In the Honorable Court ol Gvdtssaryrcf-sssik County 1 he undersigned, .yonr Petitioner, Adoiinis-’ trator on the estate of C. H. Young, deceased, sbewethsliat he has fully discharged hisdutiea tt*such:—He.therefore petitions’ and ) rays for an order of said- Court discharging him from .-::id tru.-t. and a--in duty Ixuuld will ever pray. L R, YODNG, Adm'r. Gj. ORGIA— Thomas County, Court of Ordinary, Jane Ist. 1866. I pun hearing .the foregoing Petition, it is or dered .by the ‘Court, that said petition and this order be pubji.-lu- i in the Southern Enterprise once a Week for six mouths H. BTTOOKEa i ..June 6 ftn; Ordinary GRORCIIA—I tioiMns. < wan!?. To'tke Honor ablt (hair/ of Ordinary of said County: THE Petition of AV. G. Lewis, Administra tor on.-tht- esta Win. J. Evans, deceased, sheweth. that said estate in his hands, consist* in pa of lands, and that it is neceseaiy -to sell : - ‘ Same for the purpose of distribution, and to pay the debts of deceased: —-He therefore peti tions and pr .y- 1 >r an order of Court, grant ing leave to s< 11 said lands, gn-.i asin dutv bound will ever pray, etc. • .• AV. (i. LEWIS, Adm’r. ‘GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court ,/■ Ordinary j June 15th, 1866. UPON hearing 1 t I regoing Petition, It is Ordered by the < oijrt.that said Petition and .Order, be published in the Southern . prise once, every two weeks tot two months. H- H. TOOKE, . June 20 60d . Ordinary. (iEORCJIA—Thoina’ foiiftly. To !!(■■ Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County: - ’ • . IHh nn-lcrsigncd, your Petitioner, admin istrator op the estate of Edward Bryan dec’d. sheweth, that he has folly discharged - his du ties as such, and now i rthishu applica tion lor a Dismission and discharge from said •trust and prays that the citation issue in tt ran ol the law, - and as in iluty bound will ev& ‘pray, etc. • . . M. J. J. ‘BRYAN - . Adm'r. .’ GEORGIA-^Thomas County • . • C >urt of Ordinary f Junt Sth, 1866. T PON -hearing the foregoing petitiat, It is ordered by the Court', that said Petition and this Order, be published in tl ■ “S utl eni Enter prise once a week for six months. H. H. TOOKE, June ?t-6m - Ordinary. tt idIRRI 4 Tlioiwn- ( osuty. To the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of . said County. . . THE undersigned; your Petitioner,diewetb that the estate of M. .C. Graee, deceased, in his iiumis as Administrator thereon, consist in ‘ part of Lands,, and that iris necessary to sell th’e same - for tne'purpose of distribution among Btributees thereof, petitioner therefore : e ordi i of said Court granting leave to i: said-lands .’ ei rr pray, dte. . h M. Sl'T’l-oN, A’dm'r.’ GEORGIA —Thomas County. C Oi Unary, May 25 th\ 1866.- Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered, by the- Court -that said Petition and this order be published ill tjic Soutbern £htter- every two weeks fontwo months. • . H. il. TOOKE. • May 3ft 6d . . •_ • Ordinary, (<EO Rfi lA —Tiiotiui- County. To tki Honorable Court of Orditfary of said County ‘ • ‘ • THK Petition'of administrator on the Lstat* <d II A oung, dec-easod, sheweth that si 1 deceased died possess! lof Lauds, and that it is necessary to sell the same for the purpose of distribution among-the distributees of said erefore prays for an ordeagranting him leave to sell the aame,ahd as in duty bound win ever pray, etc. ’ E. S. YOI'NG. Adm’s, GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of-Ordinary, June Ist,-1866. ■ -Upon hearing the foregoing Petition. it is or dered by-the Coart, that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterpriee, once every two weeks-for two months .H H. TOOKE. M • . Ordinary. ■!:*> :<- I A—A, on ii des Comity. \\ IIEUEAS, Dennis Witherington. Guar dian of the person and property of Nancy. Ra chel. Mary., Elizabeth. Moisey AJasse Witherington, minors of said County, having fully discharged his trust,applies to be dismiss ed from his Guardianship.- —Therefore all per sona concerned are hereby notified and required to appear at my office, on the.first Monday iit April next, and ahow cause, if any they have, why said letters of Dismission shoultf not be granted. Given under mv hand and official signature, this 22d dsv oi Februarv. 1866. WILLIAM G. SMITH, ‘ . Feb 28 9-6 m • C. C- Ord. REOICBIA —I.owMdes County. • WHEREAS, Allen Jones, Administrator of William Y r . Hill, late of said County, deceased, having filed his petition in this Court for Let ters of Dismission from said estate :• —This is therefore to admonish al! concerned, to be and appear at tny office within the time prescribed hy law, to show cause ii any they .can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office v this 21th day of January, 1866. WILLIAM SMITH. Jan 31 -m'6m Ordinarv